Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1908, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
CURTIS ON T11E STAN miARY of tue bee
".- , i
Bryan Prosperity
Indicted New York Banker Placti
Blame on Morse.
Sayi He Told Promoter Hit Practice
Would Break Bank.
Next Say Morn Drew Check in Favor
of Copper King.
ttvmM to Present Defendant
Mght of Fre Agent In Con
slue t ot Bank Appar
. ently Falls.
NCW YfrtK, Oct. 2S The apparent de
termination of Alfred II. Curtis to exon
rrate himself of all blame concerning the
banking' transactions for which he and
Charles If. Morse are undergoing trlil In
the district court here became more do
fined today when under the prompting; of
bla attorney Mr. Curtis produced a letter
written by him under date of June 13, 1907,
and addressed to Morse, In -which he pro
tested vigorously against the continuance
of practices Inaugurated by the latter,
which In Curtis' opinion constituted a
grave menace to the stability of the Bank
of North America. The incident of the
cve.rdraft ot J 2! 0,000 by Morse was made
the subject Of searching: questions by wit
ness' own attorney. Mr. Curtis related the
coming of T. Augustus Helnso to him for
loan of 1126,000 and his refusal to grant
the accommodation. Morse remonstrated
with Iilm, saying: "Unless we let them
have th money they must go to the wall."
Curtla stood firm, however, and retorted:
"They cannot have a cent of the bank's
money! If they must fall they must fall."
!ro to Reieas of Helnse.
But to his amazement, he testified, a per
sonal check of Charles W. Morse for
1126,000, drawn to the order of Helnae. came
through the next day. The check had been
honored, although at the time, the witness
tu'il, Morse had a balance to his credit of
jnlv JS.lf.
"1 went to Mr Morse," the witness said,
"mill to'd him ha must protect the draft
mill at once wipe out hla indebtedness.
Morfe st ence sent out and got two boxes
f securities snd turned over their contents
to me. T told him that the securities were
Insufficient and he offered to give me an
order for fl.000,000 of steamship bonds
which he had on deposit in London. I ac
cepted and on being given the order cabled
to London to have the securities held sub
Jet t to tha Bank of North America's order."
The Witness was then turned over to the
attorneya for Morse for what proved to be
cross-examination. Despite the efforts of
Morse's attorneys to present Curtis In the
light of a free agent who at all times waa
rot utiBef the fonfrol at Morso 1ho witness
persisted In maintnlnlng his contention that
lis was only tie instrument of another's
will and purpose.
Adjournment was taken until tomorrow,
when Mr. Curtis will be further questioned.
Moataomejry Attain C'onrlrted.
PITTSBURG. Oct. 28. William Montgom
ery, cnshler of the Allegheny bank until
the discovery of a shortage In Its funds of
over $ I 250.000 early last summer, necessl
tiitej closing the Institution, was today for
the second time this week found guilty of
embezzlement and abstraction of funds, his
I oculatlons In tha two caaea amounting to
Jtr.8.0i0. As In the first case Montgomery
offered no testimony in defense. The Jury
was out less than two hours.
Montgomery waa also Jointly Indicted
with Addison A. Altaffer, discount clerk,
ths Utter being accused of aiding the cash
ier tn abstracting the bsnk's funds and
hearing of thle case will probably begin
next week. Every effort has been made to
learn from Montgomery what became of
tha money abstracted, but the cashier has
steadfastly refused to Involve others and
It la generally believed that It la to prevent
tha possibility of these being dragged Into
tha case that no defense was offered.
Moldler Who Ran Atuuck, KIIIIbk
Four Men, Given Benefit of
Mht Penalty.
MANILA, Oct. M. Private Mike Beeclinin
of the 'First cavalry, who ran amuck at
Camp Btotensburg last May and killed four
of his cumradea, was sentenced to life Im
prisonment today by tha trial court before
which he appeared. The court took the
v1w that the crime waa unpremeditated
and the result of a sudden fit of anger.'
Under tha Spanish law, therefore, the couit
bait that the circumstances In the caas
did not warrant the infliction of tho death
Beecham will probably appeal from this
sentence, although the supreme court, to
which hla appeal must he directed, has the
power to substitute the death penalty.
M. W. Par Use of Washington, D. C,
la Chosen Sovereign Grand
NEW TORK. Oft. 28,-Closlng Its annual
meeting tha supreme couix-il of the Ancient
And Accepted Scottish Rite for the I'nIUd
ttatrl of A met tea today elected officers as
Sovereign grand commander. M. W. Bay
Has. Washington. I. C; lieutenant grand
commissioner, Calvin W. Edwards, Alhany.
N. Y. ; grand minister of slate. George N.
Glbion. Washington, P. C. : grand secre
tary general, tlarcui W. Morton. Provi
dence, R. . grajid keeper of archives.
Walter Seymour. Newark. N. J.; grand
p-Sfcter of ceremonies. Bsrnuel G. Eberlv,
rushlngton. I). C. ; grand marshal general,
mrj A. Gltdden. Iover. N. H.; grand
dardbearer. W. 12. Blxby, Haverhill,
las.; grand captain of the guard, Peter
O. Anderson. Brooklyn. N. Y.
eil Magnate Indicates Ho la Ready
to Stand Trial on Indict-
AUSTIN. Tea.. Oct. 2S.Henry Clay
Plere is coming back to Texas to answer
tha Indictment returned against him In this
county churglug hi in with false swearing.
Ocvernor Campbell was today advised by
V Judge Barclay of 8t. Louis, who repre
serxed tha slats at the hearing of Pir;,
that tha tt. Loulaan will leave for Tea,
and be bare November 4 to atand trial.
Tha case will be called before Judge Cal
houn of tha fifty-third district court, but
It Is be laved that an effort will be made
to get change of venue.
radar October lift, 1DO.
GOOBeRd 1908
v nz. Ufa 7m fpj Mr
a ,-r- 2 3
46 Z 8 9 10
11 12 Id 14 15 16 1Z
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 2Z 28298031
VIOINITY-Falr Thursday.
FOR NEKRAHK A Fair Thursday.
FOR lOWA-FuIr Thursday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. teg
6 a. m 3
6 a. m 37
7 a. m 37
8 a. m
i a. m 41
10 a. m 46
11 a. in 61
Vi m 67
1 p. m S3
2 p. m 1
3 p. m K2
4 p. m 62
6 p. in f
p. m 49
7 p. m 4J
8 p. m 41
9 p. m 41
Official figures show that Bryan ha3
not been a vote getter for his party In
Nebranka, but every time ho has been a
candidate he has run behind others on the
same ticket. aga I
The republicans of South Dakota are
confident they will win in the coming
election. Faga 1
Judge Taft spent a busy day making
speeches In New York City, winding up
with a big meeting in Madison Squara
garden. Page 1
President Roosevelt gave out a letter
yesterday In which Samuel B. Donnelly
upholds the president's position with re
spect to Judge Taft and labor. Fage a
The editor of the New York Herald
made public a letter yesterday In which
President Roosevelt speaks highly of the
attitude of Judge Taft on public ques
tlona. Para 9
A band of Yaqul Indians was caught tn
ambush yesterday and a number slaugh
tered. Pag 1
Negotiations are under way for the set
tlement of a suit by Count Bonl for the
disposition of his children. Page 1
Bulgaria shows pronounced peace ten
dencies and dismisses the troops who
have been called for purposes of war.
Paga a
Private Beecham was given a life sen
tence for running amuck in the Philip
pines. Paga 1
Ball has been furnished for a Russian
patriot held on a charge of fomenting the
revolution. Paga 8
The anniversary of the establishment of
the diocese of Boston la being celebrated
by prelates of the Catholic church.
Paga 1
Many night riders are In prison as a
result of confessions made by some who
have boen captured.' ... . . Page 8
Governor Sheldon quotes some figures
puncturing the democratic storiea about
Increases of land assessment in Johnson
county. Page 3
Omaha bankers are glad now they did
not put $300,000 in the Kgg-O-See plant
which failed In Chicago recently. Paga S
City Attorney Burnham says he never
saw the report held by Councilman Mc
Oovern showing private corporations are
using city property. Paga 3
Plans of Postofflce department forcing
railroads to accept ahort line baals of
pay for carrying the malls will mean a
loss of 11.000,000 to the roads. Paga 10
Mrs. Arthur Guiou. leader in society
and wife of a prominent lumber dealer,
files suit for divorce. Paga a
Live stock markets. Paga 7
Grain markets. Paga 7
Stocks and bonds. Paga 7
CHKHHl t RO...
' Hailed.
...K. P. Cecelle.
...New Amsterdam.
.. Mtureitntt.
,K. W. dr Grove
, President Great...
. Leke Michigan..
. Romanic
. Prlealand
High Officials of tborch of East At
tend Ceremonies at Great
BOSTON. Oct. 28. With moat of the
hlgheat officials of the Roman Catholic
church prelacy present, the Impressive
ceremonials of a aolemn pontifical mass,
of which Most Rev. LMomede Falconlo,
papa) delegate to Washington, was the
celebrant, the five days' observance of the
centennial anniversary of the founding of
the diocese of Boston was begun In the
cathedral of the Holy Cross today. Arch
bishop William H. O'Connell of the Boston
diocese. In his office of preacher, offered
"thanksgiving for the blessings God has
granted us during these first 100 years of
Boston's existence as a diocese."
Besides the church dignitaries there were
also present Governor Guild. Mayor George
A. Hlbbard and other represenlativea of
the state and city governments, and the
Among the well krxwn prelates present
at today's services were Archbishops 'Far
ley of New York. Qulgley of Chicago and
Keane of Iubuque, la.; Bishops Beacn
of Springfield, Henneaay of Wichita; O'Con
nell of the Catholic university st Wash
ington, Allen of Mobile, Pltimaurtce of
Krle, Pa.; McFaul if Trenton, N. J ;
O'Connor of Newark. N. J ; Chatard of
Indianapolis, lnd. ; Northorp of Charleaton,
8. C, and Burke of St. Joseph, Mo.
Aw lork Girl I alqae Among; Her
Sex In This Line of
"So far aa I know 1 am tha only woman
Civil engineer actively engaged in outdoor
construction work. There are other girls
who sit in offices and calculate Unlons
and dally with the modulus of elasticity,
but they do not climb girders or ride on the
steam shovel."
The claim of Miss Lillian B. Muiley of
New York City to uniqueness in this re
spect Is not denied by local engineers of
tha mala sex. Miss Manley spent Tusduy
la Omaha,, staying at the Rome to break
by a day'a rest the ordeal of a trip from
New York to Sn Francisco. 61 u goes t
California to supervise the construction of
an lnlerurban railroad.
Force Prudent Man in Partnership
with Plunger.
Borrower and Depositor In Instltu
tlon Will Foot the Bill I oeer
talntr of Risk Fatal to
Good Bnslness. 9
CHICAGO. Oct. 28.-(Specla1.) Theodore
Burton, member of the monetary commis
sion of the I'nlted States and chairman of
the commission on rivers and harbors of
the national house, speaking of the "Fal
lacies of Guarantee Banking," declares the
first . and perhaps the foremost objection
to be urged against Mr. Bryan's proposi
tion to guarantee the deposits In the na
tional banks Is that It Is wrong In prin
ciple. ll says to the man who is prudent, skill
ful and honest In his "banking business and
methods: "We will force you. In the most
important feature of banking, to become a
partner with many others whom you do
not know and who are widely scattered."
It Imposes a regulation on bankers which
would be absolutely fatal to success In
any and every other line of business. It
would Ignore and obliterate the difference
between those who are worthy to be suc
cessful, those who are to be trusted and
those who are not entirely to be trusted
and not fully worthy to succeed.
In addition to this It would violate that
cardinal principle of all business opera
tions, that authority must accompany re
sponsibility. This is big consideration
and can hardly be too strongly empha
slsed In this particular connection. The
substantial, honest and 1 conservative
banker would, under Mr. Bryan's scheme.
have no supervision whatever over the
other bankers as to their methods of con
ducting their business, but would at the
same time be compelled to stand as guar
antor for them, for the dishonest, the
reckless and the blundering ones as well
as for all others.
Banker Most Gnarantee Blindly.
And not only Is the solid banker made re
sponsible under this scheme lor any mis
takes or the results of recklessness or dis
honesty on the part of any other bankers,
and not only is he utterly without authority
over them, but he is also powerless to
fortify himself with any definite informa
tion as to how other bankers are conducting
their business; he cannot demand to see
their books or to be Informed of the safety
with which their loans are being made.
Right in thia connection It should be said
that there is nothing so fatal to successful
business as an indefinite and an uncertain
risk. In the life Insurance business the
companies can, by means of dependable
mortuary tables, Judge correctly on the
average length of life of those whom they
In the fire Insurance business there Is
not quite the same degree of certainty or
of uniformity In the amount of damage by
conflagration In other worda, the unde
fined risk In the field of fire insurance la
greater. And this uncertainty eompels
them to charge a considerably higher rate
than they would otherwise have to charge.
Insurance Asnlnat Theft .Unsuccessful
To put it still differently, this uncertainty
costs money; It Is expensive; it must bo
provided for else the business Institutions
assuming such a risk must come to disaster.
Insurance against loss by theft haa also
been tried, but the companies which have
undertaken this class of risks have been
almost uniformly unsuccessful.' In a word.
It haa been ascertained In practical experi
ence that Insurance against theft Is outside
the line of practical and rational assurance.
Now, Insurance against loss by banks Is
far more impracticable and objectionable
than Insurance against thef't, because It In
volves many more elements of uncertainty.
'No man can even remotely approximate
what will be lost by the blundering of well
Intending bankers or by tha dishonesty of
unscrupulous ones.
The variety of mistakes which can be
made by the blundering, careless and ln
capable banker who really intends to be
honest la perhaps only exceeded by the va
riety of ways in which the unscrupulous
banker can manipulate the funda Intrusted
to his care to the disaster of his depositors,
or, under the operation of the plan pro
posed by Mr. Bryan, to the disaster of the
conservative and honest bankera who are
made liable to those depositors.
Borrower and Depositor Foot BUI.
The inevitable result of making all banks
or bankers responsible for the losses of
others over whom they have no control
would be an increase In the rate of inter
est which the banker must charge on loans
and diminished rate of Interest to the de
positor. The conservative banker would
have to say to the borrower;
"A new risk has been Injected into my
business. I must secure myself against It.
And the only way by which I can do thla
la by charging a higher rate of interest to
those whom I accommodate with loans."
And to the man who comes to his bank
with money for depoatt he would have to
Bay: "The new risk Injected Into my busi
ness by this undefined responsibility com
pels me to lower the rate of Interest to
those who deposit with me."
This consideration is especially Important
to the banker with regard to deposits be
cauae In proportion as hla depoalta increaae
hia risk Increases In any system Involving
Insurance of deposits. Naturally and nor
mally the aim and desire of tha banker ia
to increase his depoaits that la tha basic
advantage which will lead to success but
under such a scheme as Mr. Bryan pro
poses he would not only be moved to hesi
tate about getting too large a volume of
deposits In his own bank, but th deposits
In tho banka of his competitors would be
the legitimate cause of the keenest concern
on hts part because of the liability involved.
Sueernlatloa Would Increase.
Then there Is another 111 result Ingrained
In thia scheme which haa not been much
exploited and which is, to my mind, really
the worst of all: Insurance of deposits
without regard to the degree of cara exer
cised by those who receive them would
atlmulate the Injudicious opening of enter
prises. The banker Is necessarily a conservative
element in our business life at least ha is
so If hs transacts the banking business
according to, normal regulations. At the
same time It Is known there are tiiose in
that occupation who are themselves In
terested in more cr less speculative en
terprises In that there are many othera who
are eager and ambltloua to obtain higher
rates of Interest than they are entitled to
and hat a proper regard to the element
of security would permit.
In cases where here are land promotion
schemes und mining ventures, where the
risk of disaster Is great, and, . perhapa.
(Continued on Second Fsge J
He Calls
From the Baltimore American.
Republicans Campaigning' Together
in State as One Man.
Vote. Absolutely Certain for Taft
Congressional Candidates of Be
publicans Confident of Secur
ing; Safe Majority.
BIOUJC FALLS, 8. D.'.-'bct. 28.-(Speclal.)
With less than a week remaining until
election, the republicans of South Dakota
are confident of winning a pronounced vic
tory at the polls on Tuesday of next week.
There Is absolutely no doubt that William
Howard Taft'a plurality In the atate will
be well above 15,000 and It may reach as
high as 26,000. Early fn tha campaign the
democrats were confident that Bryan would
carry South Dakota by from 4.000 to 8,000,
but as election has approached their hopes
have dwindled, until now 1t would be an
exceedingly bold democrat who would ven
ture to go upon record with the prediction
that Bryan will carry the state. They prac
tically have conceded the state to Taft.
That Eben W. Martin and Charles H.
Burke, the republican nominees for con
gress, will be elected Is the confident claim
of the republicans. The principal fight of
the democrats is centered on the governor
ship and they are making a desperate ef
fort to elect Andrew EX Lee, their nominee
for thla position.
Mr. Lee twice served as governor, being
elected each time only by a scratch, but
thla was during the hard times of the latter
part of the '90s. Today conditions are
much different and Mr. Lee's appeals do
not strike the responsive chord that they
did during his former campaigns, when
voters were blindly casting about fur re
lief from deplorable conditions following the
last democratic, national administration.
Great Prosperity in Sfute.
Today South Dakota la enjoying such
prosperity as the itate never knew before.
The people generally are contented and
happy and deposits in the state and na
tional banka are constantly piling up and
increasing. These prosperous condition
leave little ground for the democrats to
wage a successful campaign and In well
informed quarters It Is fully believed that
at the election next Tuesday the repub
lican congressional and state tickets will
be elected from top to bottom.
The fight over the office of governor Is
an Interesting one. Andrew B. Lee, It is
admitted, will secure some republican
votes, chiefly those of German-Americans,
who are opposed to Robert S. Vessey, the
republican nominee, because he Is a tern
perate man. On the other hand Mr. Vessey
may receive the votes ot some old line
democrata who are not in full sympathy
with Mr. Lee, who Is a comparatively re
cent recruit to the democratic ranks. On
both occasions when elected governor be
fore Mr. Lee was a populist and had little
use for tho average democrat.
Much dependa, so far as the struggle for
the governorship ia concerned, on how the
Scandinavian vote of the state will be cast,.
At the June primaries the Scandinavian
vote waa almost solidly cast for the insur
gent republican ticket, as that wing of the
party more nearly represented the prin
ciples of Scandinavian voters than any
other party In existence in the state. They
supported Mr. Vessey and by their votes
(Continued on Second Page.)
Where DO You Stand Mr. Shallenberger?
To Ash ton C. Shalleuberger :
In Tecutuseh you promised a couoty-optiou democrat that you
would sign a county-option bill if passed by tha legislature.
In Omaha you have promJaed to veto any county-option bill the
legislature may paaa, or "any bill that looks like county option."
Which promise DO you Intend to ep?
Which promise DO you intend to break? i '
Or will you keep either promise?
it T 1 X.I M I air r V. " Til I WM aVI . W7 W T AST X' M.'llvW. lJ. ua m SB,
Himself the Advance Agent of Good
Bondholders of New York Slep
to Preserve Rights to Cleve
Innd Traction.
CLEVELAND. Oct. 28. A new suit for
receivership and one which it Is expected
will take precedence over all other suits
was filed In the United States circuit court
todny, asking that the court take charge
of all of tho local street railway proerty.
Both the Municipal Traction company, the
operating company, and the Cleveland Ball
way company, the owning company, were
made parties to the suit. A temporary re
straining order also was Issued by Judge
Taylor enjoining the companies from pay
ing out any money or contracting any new
obligations other than paying for lajior and
the actual maintenance of the property.
The suit was filed by the Central Trust
company of New York, trustee for the
bondholders. The company has a mort
gage for S,276.0TO upon the property, which
was given as security for the bonds. Th
a tlon is the result of the lerent referendum
vote, which practically left tho car com
pany without a franchise. It Is stated
that the receiver was asked for so as to
throw the whole situation In the hands of
the court that the creditors, bondholders
and all others may have their Interests
fully protected during the reconstruction,
days now to Mlow, as an aftermath of the
loss of the franchise. The relation of the
franchise left the property In a chaotic con
dition, with contending Interests claiming
rights, possession and ownership. The new
court action, it Is said, will Insure the pub
lic adequate street railway service, while
the affairs of the organisation will be
straightened out. The hearing Is set for
next Monday.
Forty Killed by Pspsgo Indiana Who
Were Armed by Government
for Purpose.
EL VASO, Texas. Oct. 28. News reached
here today from various sources that a battle
between l'apago and Yaqul Indians has
taken place north of Altar, Sonoru, and that
forty Yaquls were killed. According to
reports, the Mexican government armed
tha Tapagos, who lured the Yaquls Into
ambush and slaughtered them. The reports
have not been .officially confirmed.
BISBEE, Ariz.. Oct. 28. Following a skir
mish coiitlipsst nf Ilermoslllo. Mexico, in
which It is reported that Bule. chief of
tho hostile Yaqul Indians, waa killed, thirty-four
Yaqul warrtore came Into Ilermo
slllo and surrendered. Governor Torres of
Sonon arrived from Europe yesterday and
It Is expected that a treaty favorable to
the Yaqula will be signed this week and
permanent peace established.
Public Subscription Sufficient to
Bring- About Heleaae of Tarhl
kovsky from Prison.
8T. PETERSBURG, Oct. 2S.-Nlcholaa
Tschalkovskl, the aged Russian patriot
who has been Imprisoned In this city for
nearly a year, was released this afternoon
at a quarted after 4.
The fund subscribed In England to cover
the bail demanded by the Russian govern
ment for his release waa received here
yesterday and was deposited In the im
perial bank today.
Tachaikovsy was Hken from the prison
at 3:10 and conveyed under escort to the
gendarmerie headquarters. He waa set at
liberty as soon as the necessary formali
ties had been completed.
Has Always Been Behind Others on
His Own Party Ticket.
Jonrnnl-Nrws-Star Combination on
Its Knees to Tom Allen Beg
ging; Him Not to Kn force
Contract for Space.
TFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
' LINCOLN, Oct. 2S. (Special.) Election
returns show that William J. Bryan has
been the most costly experiment the dem
ocratic . and populist parties of Nebraska
ever tried.
The returns show that he has never been
the vote getter that other members of his
party have been. In fact from tho time he
flashed across the political horizon in ISM
the democratic and populist sun has been
In tho year of 1890 there were three po
litical parties In Nebraska of practically
the same strength. The election returns
show that the republicans cast 65.878 votes
for their candidate for governor; tha dem
ocrats cast 71.331 and the populists 70,187.
Mr. Bryan was elected to congress that
year from thla district and at once became
i state figure. Two years later the demo
cratic party, which he aspired to lead, cast
34,943 votes for president; tho populist csst
82,256 and the republican, which two years
before waa the smallest party of the three,
cast 87,213 and carried the state.
Then Mr. Bryan Jumped In and Secured
absolute control of the management of his
party. In 16. when he was first nominated
for president by both the populists and the
democrats, he received 115,000 votes and the
republicans cast 103,064 votes. The straight
democratic party cast only 2,8&5 votes.
In that name year the fusion candidate
for governor received 116.415 votes and the
republican candidate 94.723 votes. It re
quired the populist candidate for governor
to pull Mr. Bryan through that year. Gov
ernor Holcomb received 10,000 more votes
than did the leader of hia party, Mr.
' Bryan.
In 1900 when Mr. Bryan was again the
nominee of the populist and democrats for
president, he received in Nebraska 114.013
votes; McKtnley received 121,835 -votes.
f While Bryan lost the state by more than
7,000 votes tha populist candidate for gov
ernor loat It by about 7u0 only. Governor
Poynter received 113,018 and Governor Delt
ricn receives. votes, foynter was a
better' vote getter than Bryan.
Then came the dismal failure of Bryan in
1904, when he was a candidate for the
United States senate. Not a single demo
crat was elected to the stale senate. Not
In that aame year of 1904 the republicans
cast 138.568 votes for president; tha demo
crats cast 61,8.8 and the populists 20,518
Always Brhlnd Parly.
whenever Mr. Bryan was nut running
for president he was rurjiing for IJnlted
States senator. He haa never yet polled
hla party vote in Nebratka in a state or
rational contest. The records show that
notwithstanding all the work of hia polltl
cat organization in his behalf he waa ur.
able to get the vote that other members of
j his party received.
Ihe explanation Is that Mr. Bryan has
not Inspired confidence even in his own
political party. He has been uble to at
tract the crowds, get the applause and stir
up the people, but when It conies to trust
ing him with the affairs of the government
even his own party balks and has always
Under Mr. Bryan's leadership from 1S90
to the present time the star of democracy
haa gradualy gone down, until the memor
able contest of 19u4. wherj he tried for the
senate, Roosevelt carried the state by 67,10
and not a singlo democrat was elected to
the state senate.
of the three rrtes which started out
equal in 1.V9U, when Bryan first became a
stste figure, the pjpullits have disappeared,
slaughtered by their supposed friend; the
democrats have left a rugged remnant of
that gallant band which placed James E.
Boyd Irj the governor's chair. '11) e repub
lican party only has remained true to Its
(Continued on Second Pag )
Judge and GoYernor Speak in Madison
Square Garden.
Multitude Stands in Pouring Rain
, Waiting for Doors to, Open.
United States Senator Henry Cabot
Lod;e Also Speaks.
Jadge Taft Speaks Fourteen Times
and Governor Hughes Fifteen
tilant Tarade Feature of
the Evening.
NEW TORK. Oct. 2S.-Th republics
campaign In New York City reached It.
climax tonight when William H. Taft,
presidential candidate, and Charles E.
Hughes, candidate for governor, spoke from
the same platform at Madison Square Gar
den to an audlenco flint filled the enor
mous amphitheater. Their appearance at
Madison Square Garden came at the end
of a day which from a political atandpolnt
was moet remarkable. During the day Mr.
Taft addressed fourteen meetings and Gov
ernor Hughes spoke fifteen times. Then
tonight while the Madison Square meeting
was in progress a giant parade waa wend
ing Its way In a downpour of rain down
through tho heart of the city.
llo'irs before the doors of the garden
were thrown open long lines of ticket hold
ers hail formed. There Is no other struc
ture in New York which can hold such an
audience as Madison Square Garden, but It
soon became apparent to the police that it
would not have apace enough for the
crowds rathered outside. At T o'clock a
heavy rain set In and It was thought the
throngs would dwindle, but this was a mis
take. The streets for blocks around wero
alive with umbrellas and few persona de
serted. Excellent police regulations pre
vented any unseemly crowding when the
doors were- opened. By 8 o'clock tha police
had to bar all except reserved seat ticket
General Porter Presldrs.
A band of VW pieces kept the crowd from
becoming Impatient during the hour or
more that elapsed before General Horace
Portpr. who presided, called the meeting
to order.
When Senator Henry Cabot Lodge ap
peared on the platform the music ' was
drowned out by cheering. Senator Chaun
cey M. Depew, Senator W. Alden Smith
and State Chairman Timothy I Woodruff
were greeted with similar demonstrations.
General Porter waa Introduced at S:OT
o'clock and began by saying, that he had
never attended such an enthusiastic meet
ing. Then he attacked WjUlarn J. Bryatv
suying that hs was suffering from politic p!
and financial delusions.
The chairman took up the Issue of guar
anteeing national bank deposits and sa'd
that Bryan's political economy was like
trying to make tho government smoke S
cent cigars when It took 10 cents worth of
matches to light them.
Presently General Porter prophesied the
election of Mr. Taft. At the meVttlnn of
the candidate's name there wns prolonged
cheering, and when, a. moment later, the
speaker mentioned the nsme of Governor
Hughes there was an outburst that lastrd
more than two minutes. Hundreds of small
American flags were waved. General Por
ter finally made his voice heard? and Intro
duced Senator .Iodge.
Rearhea IV York at Xoon.
Mr. Taft left Troy In n drizzling rain a.n-1
arrived In New York Just before noon. Be
ginning a meeting nt the r ver front, nenr
the battery, he moved north through Man
hattan Island, his program carrying him
to the far end of the Bronx. He will leave
after midnight to resume his work up
state. His plans Included a short breath
ing spell between the afternoon meetlnea
and the night series, which Included tha
meeting tn Madison Square garden.
Judge Taft's voice plainly showed In hla
early speeches today the strain to which
It has been . subjected, and at Bethune
street, where lie spoke for seven minutes,
he was twice Interrupted by fits of cough
ing. He appealed for support for the re
publican ticket to the end that returning
prosperity may continue to return.
"We have had a panic, a period of de
pression." said he, "but It did not reach
west of the Mississippi river, for I have
been there and they did n.;t know about
It. The farmers are prosperous," he said,
"and aH that la required for prosperity to
be general is for those In control of capital
to invest.
"Now, those of you who are In corjtrol
of capital to Invest, or If you have control
of capital, which parly would you prefer
In power to bring you an adequate return
on that capital?
"Would you prefer the rf'T that for ten
years past has shown you tha greatest
prosperity the world has ever seen, or a
party whose leader has been proposing
economic forms for the last twelve years
only to abandon them one after the other?
Who today believes in the free coinage of
silver? Yet that leader for three presl
dentlal campaigns advocated It aa the
panacea for all our Ills."
Judge Taft said the president haa tho
power under the statutes practically to put
the country on a silver basis, and asked
If the man with capital to Invest would
not hesitate before Investing h!g money if
such a candidate were elected.
Ileusous for Injunctions.
In Uiu address st Astor Place Mr. Taft
declared that no man anywhere haa mors
sympathV with the man that labor with
his hands than he. "They say that whan
I waa on the bench I Issued Injunction!
against labor," said he. "You fiever did,
cama from the crowd.
"Yea, I did," shouted Judge Taft.
"Yes, I did. 1 Issued them against any.
one against labor, against business when
the plaintiff showed ha was entitled to
one, and If they had not been Issued soma
one would have been hurt."
This retort was greeted with a tremen.
dous outburst of cheering.
Judge Taft said the most erlous Issue ol
this campaign "Is t lie attack on the rourli
being made by Urjaii and Oompers."
At a meeting in I'n'on Equal- Judge Tafl
denounced the democratic plan of guaran.
teeing bunk deposits.
He waa followed at that meeting by Gov.
ernor Hughes, who paid a warm tribute t
the republican candidate, whom he de
scribed as "the man wf tue har, gad all
tV " "