TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SYEDXESOAY. OlTOHKK 2?. flfos. a V P? l f!i ! 4 J ( -i JMstingrtisned clothes for dis t injjruishcd taen d iScovered ones and others they're always custom-tailored.. Could you im gine ont of our "distinguished iiizen" m a 'dozen-lot" suit? It takes, a good custom-tailor to study you, help you to select the right pattern and style to flatter jour figure, to apply all the tricks f the trade In bring ing but good points and hiding any defects. . It's not V bit too early to order your fall clothes now. By coming today on'll get the Choice of my best show ing, more lareful tailoring and prompt delivery.;- (t'H hold the garment if you say so. , Good clothes aa low as 125.00. ;, , . DifcslicrIMor 3. 1515 TAmjna St.OmAixA. kS aI2tlu5t. Lincoln Us Introduce You Mr. Man About-To-Shlver-lu-That Light-Suit, to a right-weight, rlght-ruada. right-styled MscCar-thy-WUson Suit. You'll be long and fast friends we siafltire you. Suits and Overcoats to order. $25 to $50 Perfect Kit Guaranteed. MacCarthy-Wilson ; Tailoring Co. S04-3O4 South lth Street, Wear SoatHweet Corner lata and Taniam. tAVTJSO Custer Brown bread It goea farthti beoaus. It Is better One order will conrlnce veu of lta superior mr. Its For tale at all grocer. I'.'P. SlfamBakla) 'A I SMART SHOES ji I . E'VK Phoes for the dapper I 1lff Young Dressers the I fl WW Young College Men, who I H i i always want the limit in I H '-a fl""1 style. N H a WX ABK TH1 ATTXW-11 m v tiow or toujto mtsi H I ., I TO OU T All. SHOES. I fj The -choice leathers, the chic toe J fg shape, the swing of tha laat. the out I II of the Holes, the aliape of the heel and y all the little details that belong to fl shorrnsklng. are here In all their H ieiJne30 M)0 to as.00 - Ury SHOE CO. 1 xb exona 1 8th and Douglas Street. PUB M ntUTOi taitBF P The Twentieth Century Farmer Paper that Prvdaree Nrsalls for ) Advertisers TALK OF COMMISSION PLAN Lincoln Business Men Talk over thej Project at a Banquet. POLLARDS PROSPECTS BRIGHT (Mr Atlerney feirard Want Another Assistant to Handle Police tonrt HmlnrM, bat Coanell la cliaed to Ralk. it'inn a Staff Correspondent.! LI.'tLN. Oct. . 27. (Special.) Lincoln la mill h Impleaded with the proposition of having a city government by commission and tonight an enthusiastic meeting ot business men m held at the IJncnln ho tel to discuss the matter. Several delegations have been to les Molnea and other places and brought bark report favorable to the commission plan. A member of the Des Moines commission government aa the gurst of honor at the dinner at the Lincoln hotel tonight and told of the sstisfactory working of the plan there. Lincoln own its own electric light and water plants and It la argued by the busi ness men that It would be better for tlie city and the taxpayers If the commission plan were adopted. rollard's I'roMpecta Bright. Reports lielng received at the headquar ters of Congressman Pollard Indicate that he will surpass hit majority of 2.8TO next Tuesday. Congressman Rollard atandtalxth In the agricultural committee In congress and thit being strictly an agricultural dis trict he will get a tremendous vote. Sec retary Wilson arid Congressman Routt, chairman of the committee on agriculture, both have been in the district and have nttcstod to the worth of Mr. Pollard In congress. Tito First district congreasman Is also on the sub-commtttee which gets up the appropriation Mil and aa a member of such committee he Is of great benefit to the district. City Attorney Wants Help. City Attorney Stewsrt is anxious for the city council to give him another assistant whose sola duties will be to look after the police court business. It was expected the matter would be decided by the council last night, but It wasn't. In fact, the prop osition Is being generously opposed. The city attorney lias the same number of assistants as the county attorney, and yet Mr. Tyrrell Is not asking for help. The county attorney spends mure than five days In tlin courts lo one spent by the city at torney In his city court business. It has been figured that the police court business could be dona on an avemgn In one hour a day. The county attorney not only looks aiter all the business of bis office, but still finds time to do a big law business on the side. Some have suggested that If the city attorney would devote Just a little less time to his own law business he would have no difficulty In loolAng after the city business, or If he prefers not to do that, he could, under the ruling of the supreme court, resign his offlre. As long aa the oounty attorney geta along with one an tistant It la believed the city attorney will be forced to do the same. The city at torney receives $l,00 a year and his as sistant ;m. The work csn he done In rjollco court 1n one hour a day. Ontlook Good in Boone. ALBION, Neb., Oct. r. Sperlal-A great republican ully was held at the opera house here last ntght. which was addressed by Norris Brown and Mr. Bressler. candi date for state senator. Congressman Boyd was to have been here, but went home fem St. Kdward ill. There was a crowded house to listen to the discourse ot Senator Brown and the republicans" feel that he did a lot of good here far their cause. The conditions here look as If Taft would poll about the same vote that Ro.seveJt did four years ago and the bets are easy that Ttift will carry Nebraska. l ii ion Pacific Brakenian Hart. BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. 27. (Speclsl Tel egram ) Orover Craig, a brakenian on the I'nlon Pacific, was severely cut about the head at Cortland while switching in the yards there. He was brought to Beatrice this evening and placed In a hopltal. Itr pnbllcan Club at Svotla. SCOTIA, Neb., Oct. :7.-(8pelo;.) Sf otU hat a strong Republican club, full of en thusiasm for stat' ard national tickets Many senslbls men of other parties, having wholesome fear of Bryan and hie pollelea, have united with the republicans and le- Fur Coats For Men and Women We nuke a large line of the serviceable kinds buih lot warmth and wear yet with the style and hang about them that mark eray LANPHER FUR COAT Lanphar Coatt for Meet ia over 100 styles, of all tha desirable and stand ard furs, $12 to $450 The Leading Dealer. Sell Lanphar Fun If You Cannot Buy Them Fiom Your Dealer, Write ui Direct NOTE; Wba jm boy Luvha Fis jm sat I) MM.ueMu. worked iaioe. eood a si csa b. and. LANPHER SKINNER & CO. far Maaufactursrs ST. PAIL it MINNESOT rM'BaJUBl aV- ' ' iae"' m n j Vi? LANSlitq TUB COAT : rlp.rrfl for Taft and continued goad timet. Good speakerg will h secured and a final arand rally will cine tha campaign at this place Saturday night. MWRT TIFXE OK nil.ROn OI.U namer ew r arch a sera Will Eitend Line to Omaha. , BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special Tel rgram. Smith Brothers of this city today confirmed the report ser.t out from Topcka, Kan., that they had sold the Kansas, Southern ft Oulf railroad, running from Blaine to Westmoreland, Kan., a distance of ten miles to W. C. Ross, J. A. Detcher and a syndicate of capitalists at Crilcsxo. It Is reported the road will be extended to Wichita and Mai.battan, Knn., and thenco northwest to OmaHa. Bepabllean Meeting at Leigh. LEIGH. Neb.. Oct. 27. (Special. Wilder the auspices of thf. Taft club of Rtanton precinct bl? republican meeting will be pulled off here next Thursday evening, October ?!. The principal orators of the evening will be Congressman John F. Boyd, P. F-nverson -Taylor, a rising young attor ney of Taylor, and Judge W. V. Warner of Omaha. The Ijoigh Concert band has been engaged to furnish music for the oc casion and the rally Is being looked for wsrd to with much enthusiasm. The Taft club at this place Is constantly growing In memliersl tp. Foal Piny Saspeeted. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Oct. I". i Spe cial.) I 'oroner C. N. Ksrstens has besun holding an inquest over the body of Flltt King, whose dead body was found up in the Missouri Pacific track In the southern part of the city on last Thursday morning. It 1s thought h met with foul play and his .body was placed upon the track to divert suspicion. A host of wltneses have been called and It will tnka several days to hear the case and arrive at a yerdict. Scaffold Falls with Workmen. BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. (Special Tel egram.) Abe Horner had bla ankle broken nxA was badly bruised about the body caused by a scaffold giving away at the (Ireen block. Horner fell nearly twenty feet. Four other men who went down with him escaped Injury. Degree for .Nebraska Men. MADISON, Wis., Oct. 27.-Speeial Tele gram.) The University of Wisconsin has granted the following degreeg to Nebraska graduate students: Master of art. Leon E. Aylsworth, Lincoln, and Thomas Goodrich, Table Rock, Aebraeka Vesi JNotes. PA PILLION Married, In Papllllon, today, by Rev. Braden of Itellevue. Mr. Frank, E. Colwell and Mrs. J. I). Patterson. PKRU-R. L. Metcalfe, author ot the sute reading circle book "Of Such is the Kingdom," spoke In Peru this evening. EDGAR A democratic meeting vn held in the opera house last evening. Hon. W, H. Thompson was the principal speaker. PERC- Prof. E. L. Rousa will be In Lin coln next Saturday in session with the com mittee on arlthmetlo for normal training In high schools. OSCEOLA Rev. John W. Morgan, at the parsonage of tha Presbyterian church, married Samuel J. Caldwell and Miss Minnie M. Clubaer. LEIGH L. C. Walling and James Mi Monies were elected delegates to the grand council of Red Men lodges and have gone to Lincoln to attend the convention. LEIGH . H. Wurdemsn and Henry 1 1 i 1 If n have gone to Chicago to attend a reunion of Germban soldiers who lielonged to the same regiment over in Germany, fg? LEIGH The second number of the High school lecture course will be given her on October 31, when Thomas Mc Clary will lecture here for the second time. BEATRICE The marriage of E. W. Reel and Miss Cora Collett. both of this city, were married yestxrday at the United Brethren partor.age, Rev. J. R. Mouer of ficiating. BEATRICE Frit a I.iedtke. an employe of - the Ixunpster factory, had h's right hand so badly crushed yesterday by getting the member caught in the gearing of a ma chine that two fingers were amputated. NEBRASKA CITY-E. B. Toms, the Bap tist minister who was airetHed at Larned, Kan., whs a resident of this city for sev eral years and did his first ministerial work here. He is charged with bigamy. NEBRASKA CITY The case of the slate against George W. Leidlgh. charged with assaulting Henry Huckins of the Lincoln liciald, which was eet for trial yesterday. has been continued until Friday. Novem ber 13. PERI' An addition 26x10 feet la being planned for t lie Masonic building of this place. Senator E. B. Good is planning to build an addition of like dimensions to his bank building. The Chat lain, block Is al most ready fyr occupancy. BEATRICE C. O. Wlieedon addressed a large and enthusiastic audience at Wy mote last evening on the national and state issues or the campaign, rle wag fol lowed by Lloyd Crocker. J. McColl and other republican county candidates. PERU Mr. C. B. Moore, president of the senior class, scored a nit the otner day in a political speech by speaking of the demo cratic party aa a "model" party and then giving Webster's definition of model, I. e., a "small" representation of the real thing. PERU Manager Lowe of the Peru can ning factory la working his forca extra hours to dispose of the large pear crop of tun vicinity, tin is crating t lie cannwt peara In boxes manufactured by the Peru box factory, thereby making an extra say ing. BEATRICE James W. Shelly, a resident of Gsge county since 161'. died Sundav st his home one mile west of Holrnesville of cancer. He was a native of Kng'and an.', was 8 years of age. A widow and eight jiildreu. five sons and three daughters, survive him. OSCEOLA Mre. Elizabeth Hnsner, who had lived here many years and was the oldest pioneer widow, died lsst Friday. Her funeral was held Sunday from the home of her son, Fted Hoener. and was con ducted by Rev. F. H. Schulta. the German .Methodist Episcopal church pastor. NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. George Harth of Lorton was using a gasoline Iron with which to Iron her clothes yesterday and the same exploded and she wss seriously, if not fatally burned. It was with great effort that the fire was extinguished in her clothing and the home saved. BEATRICE Word wss received here . terday announcing the marringe of William Parker, formerly of this citv, and Miss Mable Bailey of Pryor Creek. Okl.. which occurred at the bride's home In thst city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Parker arrived in th city today to spend part of their honey, moon. PERU After an address on "Orators and Oratory' by Prof. C. V. Williams last Sat urday evening the Ciceronian Debating club held an Interesting discussion of the ques tion. "Resolved. That (Jovernment Guar anty of Hank Deposits Is Practicable." The nuestlon was s 'firmed bv Mears. Smith. Kuennlng and Swenson. It was negativ.'d by Messrs. Petti1., Adams and Coale. PERU Mr. C. B. Moore, president of the senior class, says thst about Lo of I lie ITU members of tha class will attend the State Teachera' association at Lincoln next week. Never before has an large a number from the senior class attended the associa tion. Mr. Moore lui been invited bv the class of l$og to be the guest of honor at their reunion banquet at ihe association. PERU The recent snow and sleet liss been very hand on Hie Isle fall fruit. Iargn quantities nf fine red apples can be seen scattered about under the tress where they have been caused to fall by the storm, such of these as cannot be utilised by tue owners of the orcharda for other purposes will be told to the vinegar factory, winch Is already overcrowded with work. NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Elisabeth Hon roth, aged U died at the home of her daughter in Oklahoma and ber body wss brought to this city for burial. She was one of the early settlers of this county, and after the death of her husband went to Oklahoma to make her home with her daughter. Bhe is survived by a number of J li own children who attended the funeral tere today. REATRR""K Articles of Incorporation of tha Nebraska Com Products cnmpar.v were filed yesterday with the county clerk. The company is capital sed at ll'.om and tits Incorporator ere H. T. and R. A. Weston end Fulton Jack, all residents of this e'ty. Of the capital stock Sn.ou ia common and , il.i pr-'-rred The company w1H manu , fact ure all kinds ef cereal and other klrsls of food seed products and buy and sell grain. A modern milling plant le now In 1, "HI r. v,v I ' v r w uuil kit the city by the company course of construction In the south part ef CAMPAIGN OUT IN STATE Hastings Holds the Biggest Rally so Par in Fifth District. BIG CROWD COMES FROM M C00K Congressman Pollard Waking Things tp In Ilia nistrlrtmher Portions nf State Show Itepnhllenn Artlvlty. HASTINGS. Neb., Oct. '7. tri erlal Tele gram.) Republican activity In the Fifth district reached a climax tonight In a spon taneous demonstration that eclipsed any former event of the campaign. The mani festation was brought about in a rally for the congressional candidate. Congt etstnan Norris. but it grew to a, general celebration for all the part- ticket. The feature of the demonstration was the pertlcipar.lon of EcO visitors from points west along the Burl ington, most of whom came on a special train that left McCook at ;no ttils morning. The train arrived here at 3:30 In the after noon and unloaded! passengers, all wearing Taft buttons and Nonia ribbons. The delegation was headed by. the McCook band, one ot the finest musical organiza "tions 1n the state. Many persona from the west came on a regular train, arriving here about noon. - An Impromptu parade was formed at the depot following the arrival of the special, with fjlly 500 out-of-town persons In line. Tonight there wat a much longer proces sion, the visitors being augmented by hun dreds of local republicans. There was a plethora of fireworks and red fire and an abundance of music. Tlie rally crowded the opera house to Its limit. President J. N. Clarke of the Taft club presided and Introduced Judge Norrlg with brief form ality. Judge Norris emphasized' the necessity of electing a republican house If republican policies are to be continued and also de clared that with a republican congress there should be a republican president. He waa warmly cheered throughout bis address. The Fifth district congressional commit tee met this afternoon for the considera tion of reports from the various counties. These reports reflected a favorable con dition. The committeemen reported that within the laat two weeks there has been an awakening throughout the district that indicate the re-election of Norris by a large mnpority. They also united In de claring that the Fifth district w-Hl do Its full share in carrying Nehrvrt for Taft, Sheldon and the .republican ticket gener ally. FToni a democratic source a report was circulated this afternoon that the Mc Cook special train waa furnished gratia by the Burlington. Tha falsity of this wss easily proven, for all the rsssengers paid regular fare. Conductors were aboard and collected tickets . and fares in the usual way. M'COOK, Neb., Oct. !7.-(Sirclal Tele gram.) One hundred and fifty enthusiastic MeCookltes, together with their Teerless band, took the Norris chartered train to Hastings this morning to hesr Congress man Norris speak In the Hastings opera house tonight. This number was augmented along the way between here and Hastings to over 400. SILVER CREEK. Neb.. Oct. 27. (Special Telegram.) In a signed statement put out today Hon. Charles Wooster siys: "I shall not vote for James P. atta, democratic candidate for congress In the Third dis trict, chiefly because during the primary campaign he secured a poll of his district under the false pretense that It wes for Bryan, when as a matter of fact It was for himself, and because he did not Include the coat of that poll In his swern statement of expenses to the secretary at state. I will not vote for a deceiver If I know it." - Pollard at Talraatie. TALMAGE,'Neb Oct. 27. (Speclal.)-Con-gressman Pollard spoke here last evening to a large and appreciative auditnee. The hall waa completely filled and many were compelled to stand. Mr. Pollard said that the charge of the democrats that the republicans have stolen their railroad and trust regulation policies from the democrats Is false because the original act creating the Intertstate Com merce commission wss passed by the re publicans in 1RS7 and the law passed In 1006 waa simply an amendment restoring to the commission the power to fix a reason able rate and enforce It. It was thought that the commission had this power when It was created and the power was exercised for ten years until the supreme court de cided otherwise In 1897. After the problems growing out of the Spanish wsr were set tled and Mr. Roosevelt became president the republicans took the matter up and passed the Hepburn act. which gave the commission full power In fixing rates. The law waa also strengthened In many ways. Passes on interstate roada were abolished and the commission hsa been given power to compel the railroads to keep their books In a tystematio way so that there csn be complete publicity of their affairs. The last session of congress appropriated t.moriO to hire expert occauntants to examine the books of the railroads In order to find out .h.hi. th enmnantea are living UP to the ! law. If there is any relating going on this will expose it and they can be proseeiitea under the anti-trust act of 13)3. Mr. Pol lard said that strong laws are on the stat utes and complete machinery for enforcing them exists and that tlie administration Is doing so In an energetic manner Mr. Pollard pointed out thaf the Sherman anti-trust act wat passed in 1890. He tald that President Cleveland's attorney general Mr. Olney, gave it at hit opinion that this law was unconstitutional and that during the whole administration nothing was done to enforce it. Since the republicans came back into power the law hat been tested In the courts and held valid and that illegal agreements between separate corporations In restraint of trade have been broken up. individual corporations have been consoll- ' dated into one greet corporation and the law Is now gotten around In tins way. i lie law needs amending in many ways and strengthening as was the interstate com merce act. OXFORD. Neb., Oct. 7.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Congressman Norris' special train enioute from McCook to Hastings, where Mr. Norris is billed to speak, reached this clly at 11:56 today. A large crowd had HAVE YOU TRIED IKIUB&yacili v It It well known to bs The Best Natural Laxative Water FOt COUSTIPATIOn and all disorders of the bovsla and stomach. In full bottUt and ipllt Formerly a a ok; 'SCOFIELD ttOAK&SUiTk The Arrival of Chic Mew Tailored Suits Tlie st'iison's most beautiful style ideas are embodied in these new models. The grace ful new direetoire effects, smart new empire styles, hipless models and the always ixpular tiidit-fittin-j" plain tailored suits. The materials are the finest imported broadcloths, in all the new shades of catawba, navies and blacks. There are also many smart new conceptions in the pretty mixtures and imported mannish suitings. SPECIAL AX $29.75, $35.00, $39.50 The Continued Success of Our $25 Suit Sale No selling event has created one half the intense interest as our sale of $25.00 suits. It really seems to grow greater each day. The best part of this sale is that styles ore the very newest and we are showing more of them each day. You can choose the diree toire, empire and plain tailor tailored of finest materials, in Over 200 New Suits be added for Wednesday selling, SALE PRICE.... BIBB gathered at tlie depot, supposing that Mr. Norris himself waa on the train. A atop of fifteen minutes waa made here, the time being taken up by the MoCook band, which render-d some pleasing selections. Two hundred people wearing badges "Norris for Congress" were on the trsln and en thusiasm for their cmdldate was Intense. Mr. Norris will get a good vote here In Oxford, where ha ia deservedly popular. TJL.TSSES. Neb., Oct. a7.-Speclal.)-The large opera house wns filled to the doors with Butler and Seward county voters to hear Hon. Charles H. Sloan discuss repub lican politics. Hon. H. A. Groff of Sew ard, candidate for state senator, made a brief speech, which showed his straight forward, clear-headed, business-like views ot the political situation He made friends by his speech. Mr. Sloan had spoken here before and thst helped to call together the large crowd which for two houra listened lo the diecusslon of the issues of tha caJtv paign. Bank guaranty received a clear ex position and the republican plert aa opposed to the Oklahoma-Haskell scheme received high favor. Tlie crowd was appreciative throughout and at the close Mr. Sloan wag given a great ovation. EDGAR, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special.) Hon. G. W. Norris spent the day In this city yesterday, He spoke In Nelson Monday evening and had nearly all day to wait here and Improved the time" by talking over the situation with his conHtituents. NATIONAL CURRENCY REFORM Convention In ew York Invites Omaha Commercial Club and It Accents. The Commercial club of Omaha liaa ac cepted an Invitation from the New York Business Men's association to participate in a National Currency Reform convention, should one be called after a preliminary meeting in New York, November 2n. The Commercial club will not participate in the meeting In November, which Is to determine whether tuch a convention should be called, but tlie executive committee has sent word to the New York business men that the Omaha organization will partici pate In tuch a convention should it be called. It Is understood the convention Is to reflect the sentiment of the business In terests of the country rather than the fi nancial interests, and should the convention bo called the needs of currency reform will he discussed from the standpoint of the business men rather than frum that of the bankers. Robert R. Lewis, Asiatic association com niisHioner In China for American business, will be In Omaha November 10. and has been Invited by the Commercial club to speak before Its members on the subject of "Business Conditions In the Far East." W. B. Tagg and G. J. Ingweisen of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange were elected to membership In the Commercial club at the meeting of the executive rom inittee of that organization Tuesday noon. BRYAN MAN MISSES POINT Takes Ret If Hran Win Banks Will (lose Four Months After I ua ug oral Ion. Here is a bet actually made and taken down at the Merchants' hotel: Republican I'll bet that If Bryan Is elected S6 per cent of tlie national banks of the United States will lie closed four mouths to the day after Bryan lakes th oath of office. Democrat I'll take the bet. And tlO was put up by each man. Tlie sflair created much amusement and t he urdent Bryan man hud left the hotel apparently in blissful forgetf ulnees that tlie Fourth of July always comes Just four months to the day after the 4th of March and that, despite Mr. Bryan's hallucina tions during his antl-lmpertalism campaign eight years ago, nrieendence day ia still celebrated as a holiday. Advertise In The Bee, the paper that goes Into the homes of the best people. Murderer Kscapes from Jail. VRF.KA, Cal.. Oct. n.-Denny Hazel, who waa to have b'-en sentenced on Thurs day for the murder of Joseph 8ilva. last night effected his escape from the count v Jail, leaving E. 1. Dudley, the Jailor, locked in liis cell. For half an hour Dudley at tempted to make known his plight and in the meantiuiH the convicted murderer was fast making ills way Into the hills. Wh Hat ore Witness Disappears. JERSEY CITY. N. 3 . Oct. ;7.-Before tlie trial of Theodore 8. Whltmore. the Brook -lvn motorm.n who Is accused of the mui dnr of lils wife, Helena, last Christmas, was resumed today a report was circulated thst Frederick W. Elliott of Aubuindsle, Mass., one of tlie stste s Important wit nesses, was missing. i2IiWW 111 15 iO DOTIGIAS ST. wisteria, taupe, green, new blue, also - made styles. All are beautifully all shades will 7! an WORK OF THE WOMEN'S CLUBS National Young Women's Christian Association Visit Omaha. GENEROUS GUT TO SUFFRAGE College President Objects to Intro daclng; Domestic Arts Into Car rie a lam of Institutions for Higher Education. The delegation from the local Young Women's Christian association to tho con vention of the state association held at Grand Island FTiday, Saturday and Sun day returnod last evening. It Is expected that one and possibly another of the na tional secretaries in attendance at the con. vcitlon will visit tho Omaha association Tuesday and a luncheon will be served for them In the association looms by the Board of Directors. The house committee hag announced a bazar to be given November 20 and 21, the proceeds tn go to furnishing the new building. The committee, which Includes representatives from all the churches, hopes to make this one of the big fairs of the winter. Orchard & WUhelm have granted space on their main floor for tie? sale and friends of the association arc contributing the articlea to be sold. National Suffrage Meeting. Speaking of the convention of the Na tional Woman Suffrage association held re cently at Buffalo the Woman's Journal says: The event that spread more Joy among the delegatea than any other oiie thing took place on the afternoon devoted to raising the money for the coming year's work. After Miss Shaw had explained the needs of the association and Mrs. Upton, with her genial end Jovial appeals, had lured the last dollar out of the pv-kets of the state delegations, and we were still short of the mark, Mrs. George Howard Iewis came to the rescue with a. munifi cent rheck for SIO.OOO, which fairly took the convention's breath away and filled every body with rejoicing. Domestic Arts In College. The growing tendency to incorporate do mestic science and arts Into the curriculum of colleges and universities for women seems likely to suffer a temporary backaet or at least to encounter some opposition from members of the faculty of several ed ucational institutions who tielleve that these subjects have no place In Institutions for higher education. They point out that there la not time for them and that their teach ing Is not consistent. Miss Mary Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr, said re cently: I The tendency nowadays Is t throw the entire responsibility on teachers, instead of mothers. -Colleges are not tie places in which to train a girl In every detail of her home duties and to specialize as sociologists suggest. A a no an cements. Under tlie auspices of the Omaha Women's Christian Temperance union the Demurest club will give a musical and lit erary entertainment Thursday evening, Oc tober 9 at Emanuel Baptlat church. Twenty-fourth and Finkney streets. Harold Thorn will speak on "The Court of Lsst Appeals" and E. E. Thoniat on "Reforms of the Day.'' The Presbyterltn women't quarterly union missionary meeting will be held Wednes day. October i8, at the Presbyterian church In Florence. Devotional service will be held at 11 o'clock and luncheon will be served at noon. A program will be given In the afternoon and Miss Glenn, formerly of Jspan, will be the principal speaker. nlastcal Department. The musical department of the Woman's club will hold its first meeting of the fail Thursdsy afternoon at S o'clock In the club rooms. A miscellaneous program will be given under the direction of the de partment leader. Miss Blanche Sorcnson. The department will continue Its plan fol lowed laat year of admitting members upon tha payment of fc! for the season. Tills Is a special membership and adniHs its hold ers to no other privileges of the Woman's club. Married Man, la Ireable, A married man who permits any mem ber of the family to take anything except Foley's Honey and Tar for cougiia. colds and lung trouble la guilty ot neglect. Noth ing else is as good fur all pulmontr troubles. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and la la a yellow package. Sold by all drugguv-a. I'olage dee toarnets. Vny strong chicken stock, 'clarified u',i chopped beef, redjeed, thickened very slightly with arrowroot, gsiaianed with FortMEircif' IJf.SC0FlED IXCUl'JCaSllTO. .1...-. calf's head and fresh mushrooms en Juli'ime. and chicken quenelles; add very little sherry. JOHN A. SCHENK IS DEAD Omaha Man rassea Array at Da? ton, O., Afte.r Years of Illacaa. After spells of sickness covering- a period of several years John A. ftchenk, -brother-in-law of the late Count Creighton and one of the executors of his will, died st. Dayton, O., Tuesday. News of hie pre carious condition caused his daughter, Mrs. A. V. Klnsler, Mr. Kinsler and Miss Maty Cotter, who for many years wss Count Ctvlghton's housekeeper, to hasten to Day ton, where .Mr. Schenk went after spend ing a number of weeks In it sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich., hut death had already claimed its victim beforo the party arrived. Mr. ficht-nk had been more oi- less of an Invalid for some time and before going tn Battle Creek he had been In Florida for the winter, and later In Omaha for a while. A Inach Married C'oapte. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 27. -Tha Rev. John Smith. 71 years old, pastor of tho Christian church in Edwardsvllle, Ken., and Mis. Emma Dawson, 66 years old. who lives at Enimett. Kan., secured a marriage license in Kansas City, Kan., yeaterda, and will marry In Edwardsvllle today. The groom's first wife died about a year ago and Is a greatgrandfather. Tha bride Is a grandmother. 52d Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnilt, of Warn, III., have celebrated their S2rl wedding anniversary, and built say they feel as strong and active as they did t w e n t y f h years ago. Mr. Arndt, In a recent Interview said: "I am seventy-six years old. have been married 62 years and have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for many years. It bag done me a great deal of good, and I know if I use it regularly I will prolong ray life many yeara. I take it morning and night. It Is truly a great tonlc-niedlclne. I know It Is a pure malt whiskey and will help old and young." Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; thus all germs at destroyed and the product is a predlgetted, liquid food and is Invaluable In all rases of low fever, such as typhoid, malaria, etc. It Is also Invaluable for over worked men, delicate women and sick ly children. It brings Into action all the vital forces and builds up new tis sues. It strengthens and sustains (be system; l promotoreof health and longevity and keeps in normal, healtby condition body, brain and nerve. It is the greatest family medicine known to science and la used by leading doctors of all schools throughout the world. If weak and run down, take a tea spoonful four times a day in hslf a glass of milk or water. It will ward off disease. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is sold throughout the world by druggists, grocers and dealers, or shipped direct for $1.00 a large bottle. If in need of advice, write Consult ing Physician, Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, UocbcKter, New York, atat lng your case fully. Our dot-tors will send you advic free, to?ether with a handaome illustrated medical booklet containing some of the many thousands of gratifying letters received from men snd women in all walks of life, both old and youne. who have T.ecn cured and benefited by the ue of. Uie world s greatest medlritr - mm 0 1