I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1009. 10 Want - ads Utfrllwafitt far tha wont od rnlaanaa will ho takoa omtll 19 . fa the evening odltloa antll a. far tho mnralic and Iniar e-dltloaa. Cash wast rfta)if all ordera far Will ade til aa advertleeate-at will fc accepted far laaa lata lO real far rat Insertion. notes apply cither Tka Dally or ar Be. Alwaya aaaat sis words to a llaa. tUaalMt af Initials ar nomhere 'at aa aaa wart. CIT 41 Rt rOR W1HT A OB. RKOIT.AR. CLASSIFICATION Oat Insertion, par llaa, 1 aaata. Tw ar mar ooaaocotlva Insertions, par Ua ) eeata. ataxia laeortloa aaaala aa odd days, lO eeata par llaa. 1 to per lino par month aacoptln that riR.MSBEDilOOM AOS. acftafulcl hy cash. Iha rata will hat Oaa Insertion, 4 raata per Una I fhraa ar els eonrocatlvo loser flaaa, 3 raata par llaa each Insertlonl 'a ar as or conseentlvo Insertions, it caata per llaa each Insertion BO ' " per llaa per month. Vaat a4a far Tha Bee may a left at tar af tha followlaaT dm e teres re all hraaeh asTiccs far Tha Bea aaa er a4 will he lurnia Jaat aa rromptlp aal aa the eamo ratea at ha aula a fllre la Tha Bea Batldlng, evontoenta aaa Parana aireelal A! bach, W. l. 40tTi and ramun. Boranek, 8. A.. 14(8 . Jth 8t. ctrt Pharmacy. B. lth St. Benson I'lurmtiy, Benson. Neo. 'ml Park Pharmacy, 3M and Cuming. flake's f'harmtL)', ifcjti Sherman Ave. ( onghlln. C. H., 6th and Fierce bts. llft'in Hill Pharmacy, 17.IJ Military Ave. t onte, J. H., list Av. and Fa nam SU tiissey pharmacy. 24li and l.aka Sta. frmik, fcmil. 1.046 B. iitli BU ' Killers, P. II.. lar.: Leavenworth St. i'laier ac Ari.oldi, 213 N. Xth St. l-Yer-tag, John J , 9.4 N. 24th Hi. ! orrnce Drug Co.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake 811. Gieenough. O. A . 1025 8. lilh St. '.'-eeiioi,F,h. U. A., :02 8. l)th St. ilsjdcn. William C, 2)M Farnani fit. Itaiiecom Park Pharmacy, 14UI B. 2tn 8t. Ifolst, John. VJA N. Nth Bt Huff. A. L., 224 Urn von worth BL Kin. R. .. ISM Fartiam "t. Kountza Place Pharmacy, 3804 N. 24th BL Patrick Drug Co., 1601 N. 24lh St. LathrovCT.arlee E.. 1324 N. 34th Ht. PeytonTL. E., 24fh and Leavenworth Sts. Saratoga I'rt'S Co., 2tth St. and Amu Ave. S'-haefer'e Cut Price Drug Co., llh and t hfrero Bts. Boha-fer, Aujriist. 2081 N. lth St. Schmidt. J. H. 34tJi and Cuming St. Ktorm Pharmacy, 18th and Martha Bts. mnut Hill Pharmacy . 40th and Cuming St. Walton Pharroacv, JWri end Oraoe Sta. T oith. O. 40th and Hamilton Bt. DEATH AKO rtNGRAL KOTICEs. ammnmmtrnmammamm H A VWOOD Anna, CKtobT 25. is X, g(l M yrr. S month and 11 days, at R'. Haul. Ket., beloved mother of llar. P. Haywood. Funeral aervlcea from Prailry - Unr ranre'g chapel. Nineteenth and Cuming treetd, 'V'elneeHay, October 'J-. 1il. Ht VI rn. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. NRIflON-Blraufl, October 26. lit"?, agtfd l yea re. Funeral from reld-nrei. IS North Nlr.e teentn atreet, Vertneaday, p. m. Inter ment, proepect Hill cemetery. Frlendi In- x iled. I.UDGE AOT11.ES. M:iubei of State lodge No. ID. I. O. O. F.. are requreted to meet at 180S N. lth Ae. Wednesday, October 28. at 2 o'clock t'i attend the funeral of Etro. Samuel Nelson. U ,V. CHUM, N. G. i M. COFFIN, Pec. MARniAGK MCKNSES. The following marriage llcentea have been laaued: Name and Tteaidence. Age. fleorge I'rsedeeki, Omalia 32 Annie Solttya, Omaha 19 Jimn I.. Flnnerty, Des Molnea, la 2JI Ijiuia Zweirel, Omaba 23 Jamea E. Myers, Omaha 25 Kmlly F. Tlrak, Omaha 23 Carae W. Qraves. Omaha ft) Liivie Bauman, Omaba 26 Peter Maw' art. Omaha 37 Hoa Pacol, Omaha 16 BIRTHS AMD DEATH S. Bli'thseorge Wilbur. 615 South Thir teenth, girl; C. N. Hunscti, 4'Hu North Twenty-eighth avenue, boy; IVter hoop man, Jr., 24 TB South Eighteenth, girl; Harry M. Iner, 'M6 Miami, girl; Verne Miller. 2712 Centr.il boulevard, girl; Henry J. l.lndmter. S439 i:ihaon avenue, girl; lane Jackson, Heward, boy; Marun (rood, West Dodge, boy; James II. lirone. 2717 Charles, boy; Louis Cohn, 1141 North Kight etnth. girl. ealha Oertrude Dotan, 1411 Smith Fifth, ; W. H. Lep Ome, St. Joseph a hospital, 4ti: Mrs. Kathertne Moran, St. Joseph a hoiplial, 76. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOfUND'l classes la dancing Op p. Bur wood theater; lessons (or adutis 'rues, and Frt.. s p. m.; social every Wed., pri vate lessona. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041; spatial tarma to pupils from the colleges. OJ 74 Ocul THB C1TT OARBAQB1 CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth ttta. lei. LKiuglas 1SS7. tl Jb2 SIGN PA1M1NU-8 H. Cola. 1302 Doug la. (l)-iaei LADIES shirt waist boxes, skirt boxes and baby boaea made to order; odd pieces of furniture made and repaired; planoa pollahed and reflnisbed; the only place you can have your owa original designs made. All work guaranteed. XeL tea a zk. u a7 jser. BOYLE BU8INBB8 COLLEGE. iler any time for courses In stenography typewriting, bookkeeping. English. Night snd day sessions. Catalogues free. 11. H. Hoyles, President, Omaha, Neb. U1-M57S ADULT family cf three, owning home In beat residence district, desires use of a piano for Its storage; will take particular tare of It and gite beat of leferemes. Address- J 7V7. care Bee. 0 (444 :S MASSAGE If you want a aclvntlfln massage treat ment come to , 230-2S4 Paxton Blk.. nervous diseases and rheumatism a specialty. Tel Doug. lisj. 1 )-MM Nov. 7 AUTOMOBILES 8END for eur list of second-hand auio mobtlea.. LtRiOHT. lUs Fhroam. tW-4 J--OR 8ALE-Automobile. A 1(07 hlgh-tiasa rifty-hoistipoaer ruuabout. Hat piice t.7eiO. A bargain. Will .rade for real estate. Address L-TS1. Bee. Uj-Miusi i UN account of moving to California in a few we a a. both of my automobllea are for ale cheap. One a runabout and one a three-passenger car, both about as good as sea. Come and see for yourself, or write la J. F. Siecns, 1721 yulncy fci . Cu lumbus. Neb. (2 M37 FOR SALE. AUTOMOBILES. 1 141 model F. k paaa Buuk car, good as new, been run S months, fully equipped; also Oabiiel horn and extra set of tires, .oar. I12s7; price, UsVO. I model C. lavf Jackeon. i paas. touring car. quipped with new ael ef tirea; car ia In No, 1 condition; will guarantee both of tneae rata, coat price. (1 'Ji0; now. t?o. HARLAN A V TO GARAGE. Harlan. Ia tli-Miiit W B OIVR tacbnicej . Instruction on all ais: special drtvuig lessona fur ladiea the feature of our s.iiool; wri'H for pir ti.ulara. irrraha School of tutnmiV.ir atgiaring. iis Lca enw orth St. Tl. fced eJ i-taV) AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) THRKR l-ten commercial autemoMlee; prices. 1A0. ftut and 1.HX Apply W. 8. Halduff. 13 Farnam St. ( BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR 8At.Fi OH TRADE Fine Jersey row for good single buvgy and harness. For Infoimatlon telephone 1407. (,:! A Dt'I.T family df three, ownlr.g home In best reld-nie district, desires nse of a piano for Its storsge; will take particular care of It and give bst of references. Ad.lrex J 7'i7 care Bee. (3 44 28x A 10 INVBPTMKNT Renting for SUO Per Month. A Ti-bsrrel flouring mill, up to date In every respect, doing an extensive business. Will exchange for western land, income property, live stock or merchandise. Will e-ll at a bargain for cash. Price, IIO.uiO. Make us an offer, this must go st once. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Omaha. Neb. 3i-M7WJ BUSINESS CHANCES ON account of moving to California In a few weeks, I desire to sell my already greatly advertised mall order business, cheap. For full Information write J. F. Bleiiis, 1,21 Qulnty St., Columbus. Neb. (41 MSfi 29 BANK FOR SALK-Loeated in northern t 'allfornla: a good business In good con dition. In a good town of about. 1.50ft pop ulation; will require about 110,000. Ad dress, giving references. Bank, care First National Bank, Oakland, California. (4)-M2 21 DRUO atore for sale everywhere, tiniest, N. T. L. Bldg. 4)-2M FOR SAT-K Onlv stock of hardware end Implements, and building, in good east ern Nebraska town of 400: bet rt of state; would give terms on part if de sired: this is good hanc for some one. Address C. W. Crabbs, Fremont, Neb. (4) 36 28 x ADULT famllv of three, owning home In b,t rei.1eme district, dceires use of a. plnno for Its storage; will take particular tare of It and give best of references. Address J 707. care Bee. (1l-44 x FIRST-CLASS meat market for sale in Omaha. Address J 759, care Bee. (4)-S63 2Rx TO GKT In or out ef business call on GANGESTAD. Room 403 Bee Bldg. (4-J57 WF, HAVH ADD FT) TO OCR RF.AL KS TATK B1-S1NKSS A BUSINKSS DK PARTMKNT and all buslnes listed with us exclusively will have our promptent attention. We hsve a number of Inquiries now for all kinds of business chances by outside par ties who wish to move to Omaha. HATTNOS HTITDKN Bt SlNFS DEPT. 230 Bo. 17th Street. Tel. D-W6. 4-S4 29 DO YOU want to buv or rent, a hotel, or a. f;ood meat market, or a largo or small ilacksmlth and wagon business? Let me know what you have to sell or trade, or what vou want to buy, 1 have It. A. Warner, Harvard. Neb. (4) M77S 2!x CAPITAL P'URNISHKD. Industrial. manufacturing. mining, oil, gss and railway stock and bond issues soli direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Graham & Co.. selling brokers, .Montreal, Canada. (41 MT71 2Sx WANTED Information regarding ratrnt which would be- nioney-maKer; only In ventor who wishes to sell direct to man ufacturer need answer. Give price and brief description. L. Darbyshlre, Box 1t12, Rochester. X. T. 4) M769 2XX BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. DR. ROT. R. 3. 160 Farnam at. Doug. M97. UVl-247 Carpet CleaalngT. A K. JETT, cleaner and layer. Ind. B 3U9S, (6)-J1668 NU trmcit Blocks. IF 'VOU object to me aaineness see our line We hove the most up-to-date atyleg in length, heisht and facea. Always a large stock of well seasoned blocks on 1 and. Oldest plant in Omaha. Oms.ha Concrete Stone Co.. '-8th Ave. and Sahler and Belt Line. 'Phonies: Webster S)6, Webeter 4:31, Independent B-3U18. (6 402 Nv23 Creasaerlca. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. )-a DreeeBiBklng. IN FAMILIES. Mlsa Sturay. Tel. Doug. McDowell Dreasmaking school. ltbJ Farnam (.o)bU DRl'iSSM AKINO and alterationa; Woman's Exchange, 1822 Farnam, Tel. D. Mil. tij "47 riarlata. HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam ('2M L. HENDERSON, 16! Farnam. TaU D. 12 J. H. BATH. ISIS Harney. Tel. Doug. 30oa ' (5) M722 FlaascUl. TO tOA N-L O W RATE, In earns to suit. 810 Bee BIJ. 'Phone Douglaa 2W4. Money UNION i.OAN COMPANY. (D-164 MONET to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Melkle. Ramge Bide. (6) Uill iafee, Shatlere. Kt OMAHA Safe and Iron Works, makea a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 3. 10th Bt. (6)-M8ue N. Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, lth and Harney Oateopathy. JOHNSON INS, 411 N. T. U Tel. D. 164. l-270 Dr. Kathetyn Ntckolas. tut N. T, L. Bldg. '6) 271 Maslo 4 Laagaages. FRANCIS POTTER, teaclier of banjo, man dolin and guitar. uX Barker Bik. 411 n Msrlag aua Storlagj. EXPRESSMEN S Delivery Co.. office Hi H. liitu SU. warehouse 207-9 liaid St. Kit M ' Prlatlag. - BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't (all to see our Imported line. Lyng s.ad 4V Jorve. printers, loth and CapHol Ave. (6 271 EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and firat class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 112 8. IS'.n 61. Tela. Doug, Ind. A-XS2. l6j-MS0 N2 Mas Maaafactarers. r.UGS mada from old carpets. Council Bluffs Rug factory. Tel. 61 1. (t)-MI-Ji Deatlata. BAII.ET ft MACK. 14 fir. Paxten. D. lOSi (S)-KbO Shorthand Reporter aa4 Notary. F J. 8UTCL1FFE. depositions, t2t Bee. TeL Dviuglaa 19u. '.ii 2ia laea BeaatrlasT. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO First rlssa work. IbiS'i Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 4. ti Ti SHOES repaired right. cslld for and de livered fie. Staunard Shoe Repair Co., !bC4 Farnam St. Tel. lAiuglss 7jr. ilj-27T Water Filters. kllaieuri aatr fillet a Hibrr, 1210 Hwcd i;-::i I Fortune favors tine man who I uses 4BEE want ads." HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aal Tra4ea. IR. WERTZ. dentist, eth floor Paxton B!k. (7-l0 WA XT ED Clerks to learn chiropody at home and make big money. Write for our free particulars. Tells how. Roch ester School of Chiropody, Rochester, N. V. (7 M472 31X Heaarketpers aal Domestics. WANTED Ghi for general housework. Mrs. E. Roeewster. In! The New Hamil ton, 24lh and Farnam. t7 MJM WANTED Kxnerlenred girl for general housework in small family, that could g" home nights. 1129 Pacific. Phone Harney 732. (7t-M1. GIRL for general housework: fsmlly of three: references. Tel. Harney io7. 42i4 Harney. (7)-M38 29 GIRL About 17 years old. to help with housework. J57J Poppleton Ave. t7)-621 it WANTED Girl for general housework. Ifv3 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 143S. tT)-J41x WANTED Girl for general housework: must be good cook; no washing or iron ing. Mrs. Ben Cotton, 4004 Harney SI. Tel. Harney 62. (7) 167 WOMAN for kitchen work; private res taurant; good position urid good pay. L. Arkln, 316 8. 15th St , upstaits (i)-i0 2J WANTED Competent girl for general housework: l.'S a month, no washing or ironing. 4' 04 Harney. Tel. Harney 62. (7)-M7K2 WANTED A girl for general housework. Family of two. l;26 S. 31th St. (7) M781 2tx HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors as! Salrsnaea. WANTED A real genuine saleamun, a man who has ability and who will work for us as hard and conscientiously na he would tor himself to reprenent. us exclusively In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluff. We have a large, well known nnd In every way flrsl-cliiss line of Calendars, Advertising Specialties and Druggl'' Ijnbels ami Boxes nnd our line la so at tractive and varied that each and every business in every town li. the country without regard to sise, can be succcm fully solicited. Our goods re very at tractive, but no more m than our reason able prices and we know from the experi ence of others who have been and are now in our employ that any blight hustling mam who haa good average hIiiI ily and ia willing to work can make with us from 160 to liW) per week. Must, be ready to commence work January 2. Commissions liberal. Our company was organised In 1W2. We are capitalized for !2i,onn. we atatn this simply to show that we are responsible and meant business. If vou do, it will pny you lo write Kales Manager, Merchants Publishing" company, Kalamainn, Mich. Enclose this advertise ment with your application. (?) M76S L'Sx AGENTS wanted for the most complete oil gas burner in the world; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fins gas; it fits ntiy cook stove or range; nothing like it. One-third cheaper than coal or wood. THB ECONOMT BURNER CO.. Dept 8. SUV and m N. X. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (9) M241 Nov. a CIGAR SALESMAN wanted In your local ity; experience unnecessary; 1110 per month and expenses. Write for particu lars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Ixiuis, Mo. (9) M770 2Sx SALESMAN WANTED Experience un necessary. ILOit per month and expenaea. Royal Cigar Co., Chicago, III. (9) M787 30x Clerical aad Ofllce. DRUG clerk a position. Kntest, N. T. Life Bldg. 19)-S1 Factory aa4 Tradea. WANTED Two tailors; steady work; good wages. Apply 2 N. 24th St. (9-i4 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completes; 60 chairs constantly busy; careful Instructors; tools given; diplomas granted; wages Saturdays: posi tions waiting; wonderful demand for graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (9) M417 2!-x ACCOUNT of sickness, I offer at a bar gain, full aet of tools and scholarship In the best barber college In Omaha. Ad dress K. 691, care Bee. (9)-Mb40 2x CARPENTERS wanted at 911 N. 27th Ave. (9) M790 30x M tscellaaeeas. WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMT-Ahle-bodled, nnmarr ed men between agea of 11 and iS, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read1 and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Offlcar, 18th and Douglaa fits.. Omaha, Neb. 00-58! RAILWAY mail clerk, postofrice clerks, carriers wanted; examinations here No vember 18: preparation free. Franklin institute. Dept. 12, Rochester. N. Y. (9i-iI975 Nix FREK employment dnpt. Business Men a Aaa n; no fees. Call 6:5 N. Y. Life Bldg. (-2S3 YOUNG MAN who can take care of deliv eries and wrap bundles. Address M 710, Bee. 9 M774 30 MAKE THREE TO FTVF DOLLARS A DAY by learning to make any else oil IK-rtralla from ordinary photographs. Taught in one lesson bv mall. 321 West HHh, University Place, Neb. i9 M78 !lx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. "OLD HONESTY" 13 horse blankets wear vlike Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. tll M04 PI LOST AND FOUND '$.'5 REWARD for information leading to the recovery or the (. namDerialn bank rec ords stolen from my office Friday even ing. H. I . Miner, Sherur, Tecumseh, Neb. (12)-M632 28x LOST October 2. between Rrandels and Hayden's, on Hit h St., a Florentine Mo saic bell pin. attached to a black moire ribbon bell. Newsboy who was aeen to pick It up. please return to the asslstan' postmaster and receive reward. Il2 Mt!42 LOST English bull pup. a month old; color, white marked, with brindle spots on both sides and aliouldcrs; ears trimmed; weight i pounds: name Jack. Return or 'phone to car barn, 22d and Nicholas tl-') M639 29 1 1'T Collie dog: long hair. ellow and w-Tiite, about pounda: return to Roy da theater, or 2t'2t Harney St.; reward. C W. Porter. (121 M63S LOST A heavy gold diagon stick nln liberal rawsrd. John Woodwoitli. 402 KirMI'll Dlk. (l-')-l 2Sx ilST Bunch of keys, watch opener at tached. Return 2518 Caldwell St. Reward 121-M777 2Sx MEDICAL BEST nerve brace lor men. "Gray'sNert a Food IMIls," 11 a bos. postpaid. Sherman . AlcConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 0'-2 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cielghtou Medical college. 14th and lav. en poll Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement m;: sll treatment sunervisrd bv college profeji I Thone Douglas 11S7. Call anawned day vr night llii;-12 BBS MEDICAL (Continued. j ANT poor girl In nerd of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Hunt for Women at (C4 N. 24th BL, Omaha. Neb. (13)-M. MIA MONEY TO LOAN SALARIES AD CHATTELS. NO PLACE like the Old Reliable LOAN HEADQUAR TERS to borrow money. NO PLACE where you get such low rates and a fair, honest deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade 16th Bt. entrance. (ID 28s MONEY loaned salaried people and others without aecurlty; easy payments. Of flees in 66 principal cities. Tolmati, room el3, New York Lite Bldg. tl4)-M793 OFFERED FOR RENT Uoardlngr and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (la 286 WE do expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. gchmoller 4k Mueller Piano Co.. 13U-1313 Farnam. U6-287 FRONT rooms, en suite or single; also fur nished rooms with table board, convenient to both park lines; modern. 2965 Pacific. (15) M 427 30x DEWEY European Hotel, 12th and Farnam. (16) W WANTED To room nS Board, refined gentleman or man and wife, by refined couple In large strictly modern private residence; nlco rooms and use of piano end library; excellent board. 5 per week k'018 Webster St. tlo 141 CLOSE-IN large south room with board; references required. 114 6. 19th 6L 'Phone Red 4UU2, tli)-26s BOARD and rooms, 1st class board. 2711 Douglaa St. i&l-M378 NovZ2x NICELY furnished room, excellent table board, two gentlemen or married couple. Tel. Red 6171. - t7 M337 28x LARGE, newly furnished, on bathroom floor; excellent homo cooking; 2412 Cass St. Tel Red 7235. (15)-M346 28 FURNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly modern; first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 12-1 Wirt St. (16)-393 BOARD and room private family for gentleman, 2424 Seward 8t. 'Phone Web ster 3978. (15)-M575 31x A YOUNG man of good habits to share a steam heated double room with bnard. 2616 Farnam. U5)-6M 2x KINK warm modern room, furnished or unfurnished, with board. Rest of ref erences. Red 7235. UB) M787 3 TWO front rooms, also front parlor, with middle-aged couple In lovely modern home, meals If deslder, after Nov. 1. B27 S. Wth Ave. Tel. Douglas SS8t (15) 426 30 Famished Rooms. FURNISHED-UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Cost you nothing. P. O. NIEL80N 4 CO.. RENTAL A GTS., 70S N. Y. Life Bldg., Phono Doug. 2204. !&)- NEWLY furnished rooms; house new and strictly modern, 314 N. 19th St. - . (15)-M43 30 LARGE stenm heated parlor, with piano; modern; walking distance. ZiV, Douglas. (15) 643 2Sx ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. (1)-2S1 FINE, large, front room, with alcove bed room; modern; splendid eaat view; h blocks from high school; private family. Also smaller room. 1 408 N. 22d. (15)-M967 COMFORTABLE room for one gentleman, 12.01) per week. 2702 Farnam St. (15) M531 31x DESIRABLE, large front room, In new, modern house; private family. 2618 De catur. (151 M618 lx DESIRABLE rooms; see them. 218 N. 19th St. (1B)-M612 31 TWO modern room, private family, 324 Park Ave. Harney 2940. (15) M610 31 NICELY-FURNISHED room for rent; modern 2401 Harney St. 05) 635 30 2409 Harney; nicely furnished front room. (15) M631 Nov. x LARGE furnished warm front room, suit able for two; rent reasonable. 633 8. 26th Ave. (16) bS 2 LARGE beautifully furnished room In modern home; Very reasonable; no furnished room sign on house. 191s Cass St. (15)-M771 8 Untarnished Rooms. STEAM HEAT, men only, Frenrer Plk (16 M600 31 Apartments and Flats. 1-6 R flat. Scargo. ViVi N. 14th, South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 7406. (16)-2M 5-ROOM 81 LOUIS FLAT. 1d08 Sherman Ave.; Furauce, Gas. Electrlo Light. Cement Basement. Window Shades, Birch Finish. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St, Ask foi Rental Department. Oo)-1TI FOR KENT In watxsng distance, deairabla -room flat, excellent repair and modern; furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood , end paved streets. 2646 Dodge C Rent. 130. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. Ua)-M80t . HEATED APARTMENT. 4-room. first floor, private trout and hack fiorches, newly decorated, polished floors n Kountxe Place; references reauireil' Phone Webster HIS. J. N. Marsh. 41a Board of Trada Bldg. (15 M617 FOR RENT-9-room modern flat at 621 8 16th St.; !d floot, 145; Al references re quired Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. (li)-MUl NEW 6-room fiats, corner 2W snd Nich olas Sts.; all modern; furnace heat; rent. 125: owner pays water; references re quired. A. C. Busk, 1412 Hawthorne Ave. "Phone Harney 980. (16) 2I NEW 4-rooin brick flat. 2210 Nicholas. 119. PATTERSON. 1623 Farnam. (16)-MiS7 STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS. Six large, handsome rooms, modern, hard wood, sihtirg doors, shades, hooded gas rangt-s. steam heat, hot water, walking disiai.ee. Summer, J3; winter. ISO; well lighted. Siiminer, 127: winter, 34; all outside. Summer. 132; winter. 139; all outside. You can't match fliem. References re quired. BEM1S, Paxton Blk. (15)-M630 31 NICK 6-room flat near 2th and Vinton, gas. sewer, sink, toilet, water, near car cheap, Tel Douglaa 4W9. (161 M775 ' 4-ROOM apartment, modern. 816 go. 22d; 6-room brick, modern, 1616 Maple, 117 (15-M792 THE LAST ONE 5-rovm. strictly modern, Bt. Louis aiart ment, 8. wih St., vacant today, fiiat floor, good decoi aiiona. 011 east sld Park car line, good neighborhood. Will rent for 1-6, ar.d date tent ahead to November 1 If taken at once. PAYNE. BoSTWICIC A CO.. Sole Agent Main Flo'.r N. Y. Life. Boll. Pnonet lis) 6J 17 I OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Hoasekeeptag; Itooma. TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone in house. 2;74 Her ney St. (13)-M7sl THREF1 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, sll modern, second floor: light, heat, tele phone. 1041 park Ave. Tel. Harney SH9J. (16) 448 30 EXCELLENT modern furnished lares) front parlor on firs! floor; 'phone In house. 2674 Harney St. (15) 620 THREB fine basement rooms, range, heat and light furnished. Phone Red 72:ii (I61 M786 3 Famished Honaes. Well furnished, new fi-room all modern house for rent until spring. Iocsted nesi 20th and Vinton Sts., IS minutes from En change Bldg.. Sooth Omaha. Will rent to tight party for 136 HO. Both 'Phones. BEMTS. Paxton Blk. (15)-M21 Nov 7 If oases and Cottages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS & HEYDEN. INS., AGENCY. 220 8. 17th St. 'Phone D. 1606; A-1161. (15) 160 FOR RENT 211 N. 28th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent low to good tenant. Apply at 6i7 N. 19th St. (1SJ-M808 SKV EN-ROOM house, Juat west Hansrom Park. )24. 'Phone Harney 1565. (15J-710 HOUSEHOLD goods, packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen'! Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 891. U5)-2M i-ROOM. modern cottage, N. E. corner 11st and Ohlo-120. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life. (15) M953 l-ROOM modern dwelling. 26S9 Douglas. 136. Fell & Pinkerton Co., 408 Tint Nat'l. Bank Bldg. U5)-M1M TinrTSKS ,n " rf "t tha city. IlWUOLiO Crelgh Song aV Co., Bee Bldg. (l&J 6(4 FOR RENT November 1, brick house. Mil Dewey Ave., T rooms, modern. Moyor Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam 'St. (15)-J03 FOR- RENT 6-room modern cottage, x cept fun.ace, to family of adults. 3508 Pierce St. (16)-793 552 S. 26th Ave., 8 rooms, $30.00. (15)-M62 31 FOR RENT 8 room house, strictly mod ern, new Interior, 130. Call morning or evening. Webster 677, 4248 Btirriette SI. (16) M630 2x 6-ROOM cottage. 2505 Franklin St. (15)-61 HOUSES, flat. Garvin not, 1804 Farnam. (15)-29S 8862 JONES ST., 10-room. all modern. 140; 6-room modern flat. 2614 N. Slat and Ohio, 120; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co . 689 Brandela Bldg. (16)-M590 6-ROOM house. 2907 Seward St., $13. Store room, 1306 N. 24th. 815. T rooms, modem except heat, 2S26 Web ster, 20 and water. T rooms, second floor, 1163 N. 24th St., 117: modern except heat. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. 06) 702 614 S. TH ST.. brick residence; 8 floors: large rooms; two floors can be sub let to small families and get more than rent back. See Jas. Neville, Room 302 Neville block. (16)-M428 rx EIGHT ROOMS, modern, in good neighbor hood, 406 N. 23 d; 135 per month. (15) M611 81x DR. WERTZ. dentist. 6th floor Paxton Blk. (16) 806 HOUSE for rent. 8116 Burt St. (ls)-3 10 ROOMS, modern, walking distance. See owner. 8831 N. 22d St. Tel. Black 2M. (14)-628 FOR RENT. 610 So. 27th 8t., 6 rooms all modern, flat; vacant November 1; 138. S503 No. 28th Ave.. 7 rooms. 117. 2623 REESE ST., 4 rooms. $8.00. Both 'Phones. BEMIS. Paxton Blk. (15)-M306 MAGGARD VAN ft STORAOB CO. TeL D. 1496. Wa guarantee moving planoa. H. H. goods. (15) SS4 8-ROOM house 3233 Evans St., city water, $12.50; fi room house, 312814 Cass, $12.51). J. 11. PARROTTE, 326 Board Trade. (13)-M7J3 31 GOOD HOUSES-LOW RENTS. 4- r.. city water, 2537 S. Sth $8 8-r., city water, 2416 Charles SI0 5- r., city water, 193S 8. ISth $11 6- r., part modern, 840 S. ;3d $16 7- r., city water, barn, 4103 N. 28th Ave. $16 8- r., mod., good, 4J02 Hamilton $18 6'r., part mod., clos, 120 S. 28th Ave... $19 5-r., part mod., close, 2.V2 Pl-rce $17 RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO.. 4S2 Ramge Bldg. 15lh and Harney. (IS) 657 2S THIS MUST BE RENTED l-room. all modern, partly furnished house, fine decorations, fine corner lot. good barn, good neighborhood, for $30, will dale rent ahead to first of month if rented at once. PAYNE, BOSTWK'K A CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor X. Y. Life. Both 'Phonea. 115) 661 27 FLATS. 6-room new, modern, 1111 N. 28d St.. $26. 6- room new, modern, 1806 Emmet, $30. 5-room modern birch finish, 2508 Sherman Ave., $). "-room modern, 2208 N. 21at St.. $3.50. 7- room modern, hot water heat, 609, S. 2itli Ave., $46. 7-room. new, modern, 2710 Jackaon. $46. 7-room new, modern, 6S1 S. 19th St. 7-room rew, modern. 617 8. 19th St. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 17U4 Farnam Bt. 1151-656 27 FOR RENT 8-room corner house, newly papered, 2648 Davenport. $25. Good l-room house. 23Ue N. 21st St., $22.60. Store room, 108 H. 14th St.. $45. JOHN W. ROUBIXS. 180S FARNAM ST. (16 1 M681 29 DUNDEE Fine 8-rootn modern house, newly papered, new opn plumbing; at re duced price to permanent tenant. Phone Harney 8317. 06) 443 FOR KENT To Drlvate family only, that commodious and attractive residence No. ?u2d Dodge St. $76. Alfred C. Kennedy, 2o P1- National Eank Eldg. Telephone Douglas 71 (15)-M9ii6 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., N. T. 1 JMdg. EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat. $007 Pa. clfic. For information 'phone Harney 320. STEAM H BAT 4-r., bath. 120 N-(1M;Mm HOUSES. Insuianca. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. (16. 2ve OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack. move, store H H. goorla. Storehouee. 1120-4 N. 19.h; of fie. 1 Farnam. Tel. Doug. lfc. (!( ai 1. MODERN 7-room bouse, steam heac. 2419 Caldwell. (!5)-410 x 7-ROOM house. $-'3. 627 80. 27th St. I la) lot FOR RENT Nearlv new modern S-room house. , U-Plto. Ave. (m.w jjhTr your vacant bouses with Walter Brtec Compatiy, N. Y. Life Uidflim .T)R RENT 8 nice rooms, newly papered; city water; 1917 Clark t : rent $9. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. (,S,M7T, FOR 'R RENT New -rooin snd reception all, inudeiu huus. Inquiie :7 80 2lst (16) il 2x ti OFFERED FOR RENT lloaeee aad t'ottaaesContlnacd. WANTED Good tenant, who can furnish reference for 7-room modern, hot water heated house. Hanscom Park dtstih. f.ir further pnrtlcul.trs c.ill llnrnev :ill"s li:.i-.M7,'.i 21' x 10-ROOM house, gss. bath, lnnmltv. lur nace, $;!5. 2fo Capltcl Ave. Owner. (I o n6i 2v TO RENT t.i desirable tennsnt. Chrapes house In city. 6"6 Brown llik. (15i-K.fi 2 FLKOANT MODERN HOME. Ho.ii. Walnut Hill corner. R-room, newly decor ated, near car. References required. Cull Tel. Harney 10K2. (15) M7SS OAees. DESK ROOM for tent In an office locstrd on the busy corner of '.'4th and N Sis., South Omsha. ( all st Tee office, S. o. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15) M577 DESK room. F. D. Wead, Wesd Rile. IS1I1 and Farnam. (151 M-'7 31 FRONT OFFICES. Two outside offices, south fun on second floor Conservative RUIg.. ir.it llnrnry St.. oak finish, gas anil electric light, steam heat. Janitor service. Hasting . Hoyden. 1704 Farnam St. Ask for rental d'lpnrt menL d.j ii4 27 Stores. SCARGO BT.OCK. South Omaha, new it N. 24th. Hall. 4S3 Kamge BUig Red 7tk (lai Jll) 111 S. 15th St., steam heat. iKil-Mii-O :;i FOR RENT Large store room in whole sale district. Address O 712. care llee. (I5l M7!'l 3 Warehouses. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT Space In building located Ir. wholesale district, with trackage at rest of building snd electric elevator VI drese W 225, care Bee, (15) 172 OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltare. TWO folding counter stools, ti al.oganv finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Bea office, Omsha. 1 18 113 FOR 8ALB Furniture of all kimls; parliej leaving city. 118 8. 37111 St. Phone Har ney 8136. 1161413 28 FURNITURE SALE 1 heavy oak ofrice table 42x72, carved legs and In first-class condition. 18 chairs suitable for walling room or dining chalra. 1 office desk chair. 1 case for filing or keeping papers. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt., 105 Bee lllilg. (16i-i;il Ostrich Plumes. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop plumes, 17 Inches. $2.46, worth $5. other grades half retail storo prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3516; our agent will cull. 06)-m:ui riaaoo and Other Musical lustrumente PIANO BARGAINS. One Kimball upright, used. $1114. One Stetnway, upright, used, $2o0. One good upright, used, $36. One t4r new upright. $2XN. ROSE 8 ART STORE. 15il Dodge St. (16)-21i ONE excellent upright piano; one caish regiater. one double case gold R. R. watch, one diamond stud and one ladiea' gold watch. 214 Karbach block. 109 S. Inlli St., Phone Douglas 2964. (16) Miila Tl pre writers and Sewing Machines. IP YOU ARE IN- THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS B 210, BEE. 116) J70 TTPE'yVRITERBeforo you buJr nr rnt one examine the L. C. Smith & Bros, writing In sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or phone B. F. Swanson Co., Inc.. dealers, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. (1S)-812 M tscellaneons. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. U6)-3JJ SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 313 , Wire Cable for Sale Wa have three pieces of Inch cable, 150 to 250 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. (16)-276 ICE. ICE MINNESOTA ICE In car lot. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. 16)-M140 INK BARRELS. We have on hand a number of theso bar rels which we will sell at 50c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, Bee Publishing Co. (16J-277 FOR 8ALE Cheap, a stone crusher. Has been used only about sixty days. Ad dress Y 9S, care of The Omaha Bee. (16)-M&06 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills, also fancy pressed brick for sale. Apply R. W. Baker. Supt. l ea Bids. (lb)-9ttl FOR SALE New snd second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world .n cheap bar fixtures; easy paymenls. Brunswick-Ba ke Cullender, 407 a'. 10th .St. (16)81 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman McConnell Drug Cix, 161 h and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (16)-817 8HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best m.xed paint, therman & McConnell Drue Co. I, 4 mm an PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three book for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. S. and A. B. Laccy. rooms 19-3) Pacific Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869. (17)-el6 D. O. BARNELU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 17 819 PERSONAL SATIN skin powder, being bist made. It's best for you. Flesh, while, pink, hmnet. UM- SYKINGES. rubber goods by mall: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myeis Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (liij-i-i JOHN CANE la in town. It will soon bs !me to trim trees, trellises, grapevine. Telephone Douglas 4649 or A-l49 (ll-782 Nl THE SALVATION ARMY aollclts castoft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at iH N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phono Duuflas 4135 and wagon will call. (Ii-7i5 LADIES' perfumed health and beauty l.ath: face bleacher in connection; maid uiKnd- ant. Verdeau, K-9 S. 17th. Room Hsi-M1l5 30x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. 1.-1... k: "ill. 'i-l u'.i... o. (!) 32U HALL'S aafes, new. 2d-hand. 1S18 Fatnain. U8)-X4 f AflVH"'.THMre,-ment,,ld bath. Mm ulflUlNDlllj gn ug N. lilli, 2.1 fl.(-ir. i lit - ADULT family of three, owning hoine in best residence district, desires u" of a piano for Its storage; will take pirticiiiar care of it and give best of reference-,. Address J 7U7. care Bee. ilm-64t J DRS. EGGERS' plivate i-onf uiement home, 210J Farnam St. 'Phone, Doug 6:'). lily. (lli-i!5 Nov24x Uiin 7EREFA. Armenian massage, 62) S. 16th. Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas l)-.M6ll 2x PERSONAL tt nt Uiii-hI Piles Cured Free j All persons up.iole to pay wil be treated ahsoltitrly ri-i or any chaige on tiatur-hi- nf each week by Itt WILLIAM t RK.IGHTON MAXWF.LI 524 Hee HI. In., OtnnliH, Nob. 'I'hona Doufc Us 1 1,4 Cut this out and bring with yno. 18)-74I YOUNG WOMEN coming tn Omaha a strangers nre Invited to visit the Young Women's tinlstlsn asK.iela ! inn rooms. 16 Fsrnnin St., were they will be directed to sintiiblc boarding places or otlierwias assisted. (18) 268 iSS(TF. Electric, vibratory, 126 S, .M.V.Hlh H, Room 3'. fourth iioor oiti nosion vtore. (IS) 741 OS1 DR. WERTZ. dentist f 1 1. r-. . n n:u 1S l.'l OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. tlamge Bldg (18) 821 ai.iensiir, irainirni. I":' t. 17th St.. ronin o. Mrs. Jonlji.. iIm-M:'I2 2x REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS REED AliSTRAi'T CO. Est. 1S36; proinp". service; gel our prices. Kit) Fainam St (19I-3J BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bidg. ll9)-S2. GEORGE & CO.. ItiOl Farnam. Tel. Douglas 7M. (191-32 PAYNE IN V. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. 1 IS) 3Ji I I TV PROPERTY FOR LB. BARGAIN ! 1 1 i:i:i: IS YOI'U CHANCE TO GEl' A 1 HOME UN TERMS THE SAME AS RENT. 2 tn. N. 22d SI . 7 moms, modern exci p' funiHcc, brick. J-'ii. 2iih N. 12d St., 7 ro til", sliictlv niodein, $2.1.0. '-111 N. 22i St., 7 rooms, strictlv modern, .itn. 21120 'X. ll'il St.. 6 rooms, all modern, $2,210. 2"-': N. 21il St., fi rooms, slrieilv niodrrn.i $2.2-. I.p; Grace St., H i otiiir. nil modern, 2 2.is Grace St., t ew T-room sti Icily m-i.ern liuilse. $1'. MM'. 22:ti Gi -iee St., new 7-ronni strictfv modem house, $2. Si 11 1, 1222 iiiinc St., (I rooms, all modern, cor tier, Jl'.M. Terii'H on 2-w. 2"I6. M1. 2i2l and 202? X. I'lM St., 4ns 2.U! ,v 2222 Grace St., JJ50 cah and $.0 per niontli. . 22 Iff 221,0 Grace St., $5'i cash and J.- per tiiiinth. Possession to l given Ait il 1. 1Di l). iinlos ellu rwlHc Hi-rniiKeil for. Sen us tiulck; I r l here tlr.-l Kcrei. , SllltlVER ,v P.iCXAWA. . 1013 New Yelk Life UldK. (KH-AI7&S - FOR SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY Offers elegant 11-room resilience, new sn-1 modern. In West Farnam district; will sll at a sacrifice. , HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Hoard of Trade. (1!D-6J$ 27x LIST your property with Chris Boyer. Kil snd Cuming tits. 11 328 AN eastern owner nas two houses In Hans rom Placo rented for $7t) a month; every thing modern; paviVJ street; cast front; will sell at a bnrg-aln; one block north of Hanacom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Lifo Buildi.ig (19)-M2 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAiCII LAND FUR SAI.K . n 1 , Colorado. FARM And fruit land. Denver Greeley district, under Irrigation; 1 1 v u . m .IfuHu Lrmiu. . .1 fruit raising; low price, easy payments. National Investment Co., 6H2 Brandela Bldg., U mall a. Tel. Douglas 6691. (201-771 WELD COUNTY. COIaORADO. All level land, brat of soil, not1 deep tu finest kind of writer, niapti-d for AL FALFA and SUGAR BEETS. For an In vestment or for faiiiiiiiK purposes un equalled. lrid in this vlciniiy sella at $15 per acre or more. We hsve for sale a few choice iunrters and Imlf sections at 12.b) per acre. Jo.n our next x- urxloti, which leaves next Saturday, Oct. 31. For full particulars HASTINGS & HEYDEN I. AND DEPT., 220 So. 17lli Street. tDi'i 647 29 WHEN writing to advertis-, remember It takes but an extra stroke or lo ot the pen' to mention the fact that you saw iho ad in Tne Bee. strbraska. PUT YOUR SURPLUS MONEY IN CATTLE AND LAND Well organized, profitable ranch 4,'t seres; 6iV cattle, ' hoises; fi miles from K It. town; mul be sold on account si 'ki.ess Nearly all level hay l.md. good improve meiits; small cash payment, balance years at 6 per cent. Will sell land sepa . rately If desl'-eil. Experienced ranchman with cnsli to buy half interest In this prop erty wants partner; references exchanged. We have personally examined tills ranch, it is one of the smoothest, best anil cheap est ranches in Nebraska. .1. 11. DUMONT & SON, It"! Fainam SI., Omaha, Neb. ll'Oi 6i 27 AX EXTRAORDINARY LAM) RARGAIN lbi) Herts one and one-half miles of Mad rid, I'erkln.s county. Neb.; Al acres In corn. 40 acres- in liny. In acres In timber; gooil soil; price, $11 per acre; i cash, balauct ni 6 per i-riii, iiiis land will soon bring $2o per aire. If .m witnl a farm of gooc XetunsliH 1-inii. le-re it, your chance. HASTINGS & HEYDEN LAND DEPT . ti) 648 28 WESTERN NEBRASKA. 1 Why do they all buy my bind? Because I am a fanner and mv Judgment Is good Hml I am resiHinsllile. 1 sell on eas terms. There la no if. I have the best. A. Warner, Harvard, Neb. (20I-M771 ?x REAL ESTATE LOANS FIVE PER CENT money to loan on Omaha Huslness Property. THOMAS BHENNAN. Roum 1. .w Yoik Life Bldg. f MONEY TO BUILD. $rX) l) $2uo,tiOC at current tales. tV. H. TUU.Maii, 5l3 Fust Nat. tiank Bldg. (22) 4 WANTED City loans, l'uleia Trust Co j (22W7 'PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. I UAliVIN liHOs., 1uj FARNAM. t2)-14l PAYNE. BOSTWK'K & CO.. N. Y. Life, I Private m liny; Jo ' V&.OoO; low rate. . I LOWEST RAILS - Be mis. Paxton Block. I i-H 4 WANTED--(ity loans and warrants W. Fariiaui Siniih it Co.. li.l Farnam St. VD 5J ! i' TO $10 000 marie promptly. F. D. Weed. wcaj t.i-Ji... inn anu amain. ( .' ... - , MONEY lO LOAN Puyns Investment Co. -J4 T I PRIVATE money to li.an.J. H. fll'erwo'"1- tie iiiauui is niug , - LOANS of f.Vnt t- $"i.v on Omaha resi dence pioperly. OKEEKE REAL ESTATE CV. 1001 N. Y. l if" Bldg. i'L't-8ii) REAL ESTATE WANTED J WANT to buy house and I t In lUiiaom Parik or WphI kanmi-i Uiairlct. must have 9 or H) rooms, pioperly iuut be flrat-iiaa and itrv cheap: glva Uwesi eMali ptl... 11 .58, Omaua Bta lXj3U Sia 'I