THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 2.". 1005. i Women's 75c Quality 42-Inch New UNION SUITS I WAIST NETS Fine and heavy ribbed, plain 1 Neat, new designs, rings, solid and fleecy p 5 dots and squares, Jftf"h 20c Women's Fast Black Hosiery 25c Grade Wool Face Eiderdown Flannels t j Women's $2.00 Crocheted Shawls 42-inch Unbleached Pepperill women s, xvien s, uins ry f r ana uoys j Lined Gloves nd A Pillow Casing i 6c I J lain and iieeey 1 1 inner. Made of Finest Zephyrs, main floor, at At a yard ribbed at per pair iOc lined, at D fP worth UP to ' 1 L ruuens uffH sv per suit. ..... n. n in u. diL i iiiiu Y all sizes, at pi 4 .'ill siyrw sit iii-iLlV V 69c 1 n i $ 4 Regular 15c Quality Velvet Flannels Extra special, yard 10c Cotton 5c I Diaper Cloth 2ic $5 a Yd. Bearskin 54 inches wide, black and all colors, on sale in Dress Goods Depart ment, at a yard $169 Special in base ment . . Women's 75 Cent OUTING FLANNEL Night Gowns , Muslin Un- y derwear De- H partment . . Women's 35c Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Corset Covers and Drawers Muslin lnrlrwer Department. Gre n n tt . o atest oarg 2 Yd, Wide UNBLEACHED and UNFINISHED Table Damask 6c Would be 25c yard if finished yard And Insertions, white and ecru, uii to 4 indies lip wide. voi 111 15e a yard, at van! . . . pa t 5 ci sun Sal. EVER HELD IN OMAHA In Millinery Dept. Long and Beautiful AIGRETTES i mark anl all the n ( LmU shades, actually U worth up to iTfefl Be f $LoO, cad,, nt w E Children's $2.50 new 17c I Boys' and Girls' Fleece Lined . Underwear Pants and 1 Drawers, all Women's Winter Weight Underwear Soft and fleecy vests and pants all 1 m tchat'...,..OC Infants' 25c Quality, Part Wool Vests, snk trimmed, at Women's and Men's Handkerchiefs All sizes many styles fancy borders, each . These Extra Specials Monday Will Be the Most Wonderful Ever Offered, Brandeis' Reputation for Bargain-Giving Is Almost World-Wide It is so well known that Brandeis always buys for cash, no matter how fine the stock or how high the quality, that the very best bargains in America are offered first to us. We learned that many eastern manufacturers and jobbers needed ready cash badly, and we dispatched several of our own buyers in haste to eastern markets where they paid cash for the choicest lots the overloaded market could offer. The goods are here now and the price reductions are tremendous. Every bargain here will save you money. This Sale Will Demonstrate to Omaha the Wonderful Power of Brandeis Cash Astrachan Coats vm saie in i loak f r Department. 'LC at, each Children's KNIT HOODS I Light and dark colors, on zr sale in base ment, at, each C RAND TOIE DS THE IStAftQAIft TORE $1.50 Dress Goods at 49c This includes strictly all wool Scotch, French and German cloths all yard and a half f fV wide, in black and all the new colors, iMt xf i 6 r on sale on front bargain square, yd.. urn .in n mil iuf. v"; -. i jtii.i .,,.., iwwi,iR i. w Vtl 15c 3c $2.00 Dress Gsods at 69c Yd. This includes over five hundred ft E H over live liundred pieces all imported Broadcloth, Zibeline, Panama, (lieviot. E lncludinjr black, blue, brown, etc. M 4Tx t on sale on front bargain square at, Hr ifdf V yard riT iThlilii-H 3c 19c Quality Arnold TT 1 n xicuiey H Striped and 35c Quality Infants' Outing Dresses Up to 3 years, 1 children '3 It j C dept., at Men's 35 Cent All Wool Socks Medium and A heavy weight, at pair 12ic Nurse Stripe Sl Fancy Gingham Extra special at per yard Wall Paper A big lot of our papers with 9 and 18-lcch borders to match, roll tC BUnka and gilts, tapestries and two-tones la this great sale. An Instance. 6c, 8c, 10c and 16c papers, at 2c, 3c, 3ic,and5c Rubber Gocdi in Drug Dept. Extraordinary Special Sale Women's Sample Shoes at $2.29 Pr. Hundreds of pairs women's sample shoes In vlrl kid, gun metal, patent colt, tan Russia calf and brown vlct ktd--lace and button- all new, up-to-date styles and splendid, ser viceable shoes, at, pair IP Great Sale of Silks $1.00 and $1.25 SILK at 49c a YARD. Just received an enormous lot of high grade silks messalines, fancy Louisienes, fancy taf fetas, plain taffetas, in all i shades and Scotch plaids ll w 41 worth $1.00 and $1 .25 a yard, yf Jf j at, yard Great Bargains in Plaid Silks Monday We have a splendid assortment of over 200 pieces fine French and Scotch plaids that are worth $1.00 and $1.23 a yard all go Monday at, CQrt yard )ZrC A Bargain in Lining Taffeta In a large range of shades a silk that is worth 75c a TCI yard special Monday at, yard mZr C Ribbon Sale K Baby Ribbon 10-yard spools, all colors, extra special bargain Monday spool All Silk Ribbons Thousands of yards, No. 7 width all colors; extra special, yard Wide All Silk Ribbon No. 100 black and all colors an extraordinary bargain Monday, at, yard 9c 2ic 10c Special Sale Drugs 25c Dr. Gravea' tooth powder 25c Rubifoam, for $1.50 Oriental Cream 12c 19c $(09 J5c Colgate's tooth powder 26c Denta Bleach, for $1.25 Hand Mirrors. special 15c I5c 98c IC"1 fcl ... m ..ll.l ,,;lgtr.... ., ....Hyd . ..,lll.lll-.,ll.1,lll.. I ,. I ,1 I I. 1 1 mil i M,Mi,.i . . -if .....i... ,..t,..y.,,..'..J 4 i - - - - 1- Special Rug Sale 0x12 Host Seamlews Brussels Rugs Beautiful line of floral and oriental pat terns a rogulaii $22.50 value, Monday, at . '$ Room Size Brussels Rug A full line of patterns to select from sells every where else at CsvQR $16, special price Monday English Wilton Rugs 9x12, absolutely seamless rugs, in those rich soft oriental and light Persian designs it is a regular $55.00 rug we sell at pJf Best Quality Axminster Rugs All styles, all col ors regular $30.00 value Monday, $'1198 special 15c Extra Heavy Fleece Back Wrapper Cloth At a T J j JzC I Hand-Tufted Silkoline and Sateen. Crib Comforters 1 29c I Boys' and Girls' 25c Worsted Hose Fine and f 1 cl Men's & Women's Crash Toweling BATH SLIP PERS, at, 'Jrt a pair. The Genuine TURKISH SLIP PERS Red, brown and 1l ' black, pr. . $1.50 Sateen and Moire PETTICOATS, Special, at 69c 7V2C Unbleached CANTON FLANNEL, at, a 'Zl yard J2 In Cut Flower Department ROSES, 40c All colors, wona 750 to SI. 00 dossil, at. Full Standard COMFORTER PRINTS, at, per yard. 2C Women's $3.00 DRESS SKIRTS, In base ment . . . 98c 10-O2T." Natural Bleached COTTON BATTING, roll Sc 5 690 ft SO riulh l.inrd Hot Water Hut- V tl fr 7o 5i 11. UX Fountain trin, for S9c if 1 5j Kuuntmu SvrinKf. jpeciKl. fs for aao L "ilc Fountain SyrinK. for . . . 4o S 9 WV . IIUII, Kill (? IlilT, JUI f.Vf 1 00 Water liottle for 111 JEWELRY Women's 50c quality carved Hair Barettes special at AiJC Women's beautifully carved Back Combs, worth PA $1.00. at DISC LaVallieres Necklaces, worth as hi-h as f 59 $ 50 $rj.00. at. . Lt'tL Bargains ii Lace CurteLins $150 1 Unen c!uny curtains C t va rH 1 rtn it A nt Kl a W H U D IVil a U W M ( V net. pair 1 wo-tone curtains very j m pair, $2.98 and Brussels curtains, worth up to $4.60 they go at, pair Tapestry portieres with 0-in. bor ders, in all the new shades cf tan, red and green qa worth to $7.50, pair f4; $293 Muslin curtains with C inch rufile o yards long, pair Linen velour. Bilk, damask and du plex portieres, at $"-50,trt g $Q and u0-imh couch covers extra heavy worth up to $3.00. at i6L $98 Best oil oraque window shades ;!x" complete, each Women's $10 Black and Colored Cloaks In Cloak De partment, at Women's $10.00 Cravenettes In our Cloak CJfyOfi Depart- 4) Q rnent, at Women's $4 Quality Lace and Net Waists In Basement, Cloak De partment Boys' $1.50 Quality I Corduroy Pants Is Second floor, cay m it BOOKS at IOc w . . ? . i WWrVTW Wt. old store. jer pair . Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in OVERCOATS and 11 1 , $12.50, at Overcoats and Suits worth $10 and9fl Men's Overcoats and 8uits, worth $15.00 and $18.00, at ... $9:. 0 1,000 Standard Work.- special for Monday in 15 Cent Arnold Flannelettes aUT $98 L" fV - S . I 1 Boys' Suits 245 A great assortment of Boys' Knick erbocker Pants Suits E to $5.00, at Boys' and Children's Overcoats ages 3 to 15 years Cg In all new styles at . . . 39c fleecy ribbed, pr Men's $1 and $1.25 Negligee Shirts And work shirts, at Women's $2.00 Genuine Heatherbloom Petticoats At, each Yard Wide, Fine Light and Dark Percale yard Cotton ChaJlies 89c 5c For Comforters 7 cent grade "ir -2C Children's and Misses 7. I 11 1 lit in, n 50 Cent Quality Men's Fleeced Lined Under- Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Fancy Vests Full line of new Fall Hats, worth $50 and $'J.nS, at each 25 Cent Quality Fine Cheviot ; j Shirtings Clfe' At per yard . .Jj g V Big Special Sale Art Glass Domes 1 For dining rooms, etc., reg ular prices range from oi rt r.n a - r.,-. . kite , .j.o3 10 !)i.j.uw, at, 151 f 257o DISCOUNT. Xl i Book Dept., at !0c In Mill lengths, In new patterns at 69c ll...,...,.,. ..JI..I .HI .pp.. BRrlWDEIsi mm ft R u 1 nu cam z.o wear' at a yard. . . In basement4 T'.-iifti pes IS f