M 'J,:w,''JJi"-'ff'rT'"T""'-'''i1 pr nPfl' ' 'V ""v ' pv JPMwMh . till ili, fl!" Will i"iV'i I "- . i'oi.immiv'v? iJJi To the Man with the Good Clothes Habit F doing a thing better than the other fellow does it, is worth while Then it's worth your while to wear Kuppenheimer Clothes. There's a lot of satisfaction in wearing them not a satisfaction that wears off with the newness but a continual joy-in-your-choice"" through a long season of service. They're proper as to style and proper in those other things that proclaim the apparel that proclaims the gentleman. A complete display of the Fall and Winter models is now ready for your inspection at THE BERG CLOTHING CO., 15th and Douglas, Omaha. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER BOSTON NEW YORK