Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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35c Taffcfa Ribbons, 12k
All silk taffeta ribbons, extra
wide, full line of colors
worth up to 35c a yard; on
sale at 12lC
35c Fauci Veilings, J2Jc
Cleaning up our stock of high
grade fancy and plain mesh
veilings, all colors, regular
25c and 35c values, 12ltC
50c Light Hair Rolls, 25c
This is the popular wire roll
with combs attached, that
sell regularly at 50c; special
Saturday at 25c
New Neckwear and Rucblngs
A 6well line of the popular
wideruching and fancy neck
wear just received and will
be placed on sale Saturday.
All (he Remaining
Lots Brosgbt Ftrward
ttth omatta. daily vBEE: fjatt'kday. octobfTv 24. ipos.
h I , east . -
'I " .TOSS .
Ladies and
Children's Underwear
ImAic' Woo V'srion RaJtn Heavy
jnaijty, rr7 or white, to fl.fiO
rallies, Saturday f 1.50
LsuUes' Ibeary tlmced UbJoo Halt
White, grey or cream, 11.00
value, Baturday fOs
LUrV Union Bnlts Medium
weight, ankle length, long
alee-re. Tain to 91.(0, choice,
t 75?
UdW Veate and Pant HeTy
weight, ralnes to $1.00. torn lots.
-IB 25 3D" -Dd 50
jCtiiklmi's talon SuJta Heavy
quality, 76c value, at 60s
Children Union KmlU, In medium
weight, at 25 e
Children's VraU and Pants, heavy
weight, all bIib.
2Se quality 10 SOc quality lf
Regular SOc gnrmentft 26
Ladles' Outing 11 aim el Ookdi
. Regular $2.50 value, at $1.50
I radios' Outing Flannel Oown
Regular $1.60 values, at. .08
Ladles' Jersey Knit Skirts Regu
lar 60c values, at 39
Iadien Outing Flannel Skirts
Regular $1 values. .30"50
frwcalc Values up to
WUfOCld $3.53 to Close
25c, 50c, 75c and 98c
A grand final clearance
Saturday of all corsets in
stock that were in the least
damaged by water. Probably
the last opportunity you will
have to buy standard goods
at such gift prices.
Our corset ''stock is again
complete, replenished with
all the leading makes, in
very latest models, prices
ranging up from, . .$1.00
Ladles' I'nion Suits, Vents and
Pant Fine fleeced and wool
garments, odd lots, worth to
1 -50. t 50
Ladies' Flat Wool Vests and
Pants All sizes, scarlet or nat-.
ural grey, great snap, at gar
ment S1.00
Ladles' Gowns, Chemise and Skirt
Worth to $2.50, on sale. 59
Ladies9 Gloves
Values you'll find it impossible to
duplicate elsewhere.
$3.50 Long Kid Gloves, in blacks or
tans, magnificent bargains at, per
pair $1.93
Ladies Short Kid Gloves All sizes
and colors, made to sell at $1.0C
and $1.50, choice. . .75c and 39c
Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves
, and Mittens, great variety, at 25c
Misses' and Children's Golf Gloves
and Mittens and Hoys' heavy lined
Mittens, 25c values 10c
Women's and Children's Sweaters,
the most complete line shown in
All the damaged garments will be
closed Saturday at wonderful bar
gain prices.
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' fancy embroidered,
lace and gauze lisle, hose,
double sole, high spliced
heel, garter top, values to
69c, at, pair, 15c and 23c
Ladies' embroidered, allover
lace and plain silk lisle hose,
regular values 75c to $1.00,
at, pair 50c
Children's hose, fine, medium
or heavy ribbed, with tri
ple knee, double sole and
high spliced heel, values to
39c, at, pair, 5c. 10c, 15c
Complete new line of Pony
hose for children.
Men's and Boys' Neckwear -All
Styles, values to 60c, choice -
at 10 nJ 25
Men's Shirt Griffon, Elgin, Re
gent and other well known
brands, newest fall and winter
patterns, all styles, values up to
$2.60, in 3 lots 25 50 60
Men's Underwear
and Furnishings
Men's Phlrts or Drawers, heavy
, fleeced garments, in all slies, 60e
and 7 60 values, at 25
Men's Hhlrt or Drawers, extra
. quality, fleeced garments, regu
lar $1.00 value, on sale, Satur
day .....50
Men's Wool Underwear, natural
grey, tans or fancies, values up
to $2.00, all st, one price. GO
Men's VnderweAr, worth $2.60,
at ...-08
Men's Combination Suits, heavy
sllk fleeced merino or all wool,
well known brands, values to $5,
on sale In 5 lots, at OO 08
81.50 $1.08 and ... .$2.50
Men's and Hoys' Sweaters Fin
quality garments, roll collar or
coat style, $1.60 values. .50
Men's Coat Sweaters All wool,
with large pearl buttons, regu
lar $3.60 values, on sale SI. 08
Men's Blue Flannel Overshlrts
Worth to $2, at 50 and 08
Men's All Wool Hose, heavy qual
ity, worth up to 60c,
t 12H and 25
Attend the Hour Sales
In Our Hlgli tirade Linen Department Saturday
From 10 till 11 A. M. 300 dozens high grade towels,
extra large sirs, hemmed and fringed, worth 16c, for
this hour, each 5
From 2 till P. M. 260 doxena extra high grade
towels, also 20x18, hemstitched and hemmed, never
, aold less than 19c, for this hour, each 7
From 8 till 9 P. M. 600 bed sheets, aire 81x90, 3-lnch
' hem, heavy and durable, 69c values, for this hour,
each i 45
In Domestic Room for Ml Day
10 cases. 6,000 yards of fine fleeced Walstlng, made
. by the Arnold Mills absolutely fast colors fine,
heavy cloth; sells at 12 He See it in the window.
Compare It with others and see difference In prices;
oar price, only f4H
39-Inch Muslin Remnants 3H
10c Romping Ginghams 5
IPC Flannelettes 10
15o Flannelettes .....7
12 He Flannelettes 5
32-inch Indigo Blue Prints 7
89c Mercerised Damask 25
35c Mercerised Damask e 10
See other specials.
Extra Specials In Wool DreSS Goods
From 2 to S P. M. 1 case of 62-lnch, strictly all wool
serge, regular $1.25. goods, only one pattern to cus-
tomer, at, yard 48
, From 8 to O P. M. 1 case of fine Bearsklnsj all colors,
regular prlc $8.00 yard, one pattern to customer,
at, yard $1.47tt
Bargains in Crock
ery for Saturday
Japanese Blue Cago Salad Bowls,
1 qt..2rc 2 qt..35c 8 qt..50
1 qt. English Tea Pots, ea.25
Blue Cuspldores, each
Six White Cups and Saucers
sot 25
Decorated Wash Bowls, each yO
Decorated Pltchera, each 30
Specials in our Gas Department.
1 Uus Stand, complete with burner,
Ureen Shade; mantle, and 6ft.
of tubing, for this sale.. $1.95
Lindsay Junior Burner, complete
nlih shade; mantel -70
Wclsbach Burner, complete with
Opal tilobe and beat mantle 65
luviTteil Burner, complete . .(JO
3 Inverted Mantlwi, for 25
3 WelBbach Mantles, for. . . .25
Several Manufacturer's Slocks of
for the First Time Saturday. Values
$25.00 Tailor Suits $12.50300 hand
some suits in scores of attractive new
designs for selection, plain colors or
fancy mixtures, coats in 36 to 42-inch
lengths, as shown in window; marvel
ous bargains at our sale price each,
only $12.50
Don't fail to see our special display of
Crown Jewel Suits Peerless values
at our price; hundreds for selection,
choice $25.00
Net Tailored Waists In colors and
white, long Bleeves, all the rage,
matchless assortment and values at
Saturday prices, $2.08, $3.98,
$5.00 and : $5.98
Children's Curley Bear Skin Coats
Sizes 1 to 6 years, regular $4.00 values
' at $1.98
Children's Bear Skin Leggings, all col
ors, Saturday 69c
Women's Garments Shown
You'll Not Find Approached at the Price
$10.00 Kersey Coats at $6.95 Come
52-ins. long, in handsome black Ker
seys, with good linings and trimmings
the greatest snap ever at. .$0.95
The Nobbiest Line of Coats shown in
Omaha this season at Saturday's
special sale price $10.00
Directoire Coats 100 new ones just
received; don't fail to see these hand
some garments before you buy, we
show them at $12.50, $15.00.
$20.00 and ...$25.00
Entire Manufacturer's Stock of Wo
men's Silk Underskirts Made of
Simond's best taffeta, in all colors,
made to sell at $6.50, on sale Saturday
at, choice $2.95
Children's Coats $5.00 values, all
newest styles and materials, sizes 1 to
. 14 years, on sale, choice. . . ... .$2.98
Big Sale of Dress and Walking
Skirts Saturday.
Extra Specials for Saturday
In Our Famous Domestic Room
From 8:30 to 9 A. M. One case of genuine
Fruit of the Loom, 10 yards to a customer,
at, yard G'ic
Front 9:30 to 10 A. M. One case of genuine
Amoskeag apron check, all colors, 6 yard
limit, at, yard '. . ..3C
From 2:30 to 3 P. M. One case of $1.50 cot
ton blankets, extra large and .heavy, 2 pairs
to a customer at, pair. 69c
From 8 to 8:30 P. M. One case of strictly all
wool blankets, large and heavy, regular price
$5.00 per pair, only two pairs to a customer,
at, pair $1.95'
From 8:30 to 9 P. M. One case of Amoskeag
Outing Flannel, the finest made, regular
price 12y2c, 10 yard limit, at, yard 5c
Cbildrtn't Limn
Initial Htndktrchltts
The greatest bargain of the year, a child's
pure linen handkerchief, with hand embroid
ered initial, 15c linen handkerchief, extra
fine quaMty, hemstitched; special at.. 70
25c Fancy Embroidered Handkerchief 12 C
LADIES' BELTS A complete new line on
! sale Saturday, greatly undcrpriced at, each,"
oaJy 10c, 19c, 25c and 49c
Chocolate Peanut
Clusters at, lb.
Chocolate Dipped
Peanuts at, lb
Chocolate Cream
Drops at, lb
Peanut Brittle,
home made, lb
Cream Caramels, as
sorted flavors, lb. . .
, Cream Dates,
per lb
Wc I Marvelous Values Modernish Millinery Saturday
H Choke of Satin llaU, Felt Hats
and fttreet Hats email and
large shapes, also flats, values
up to $2.60, on sale Saturday,
t $1.00
19c I
iOc I
$3.00 Trimmed Hats, Saturday OS
$3.00 Trimmed Hats, Saturday 91.08
tt.OO Trimmed nats, Saturday $2.05
$7.50 Trimmed Hats, Saturday $3.05
$10.00 Trinied Hats, Saturday $5.00
The greatest lot of MiUlnery Bargains we have ever offered. Come early.
Fancy Feathers In black and
colors, an Immense line for
selection, many of them worth
regularly from $1.00 to $1.60,
on sale Saturday, at choice,
only 39, and 10
Buy Books Saturday
Try Hayden's first, then
try elsewhere to duplicate our
offer'8. You'll find it im
possible. 25o Novels Saturday. .... 5c
$1.50 Copyright Fiction 98c
$1.00 Copyright Fiction 43c
25 Discount from our regu
lar low prices on all sets of
standard Fiction, Poetry,
Alger & Henty Books 17ltc
10c Ink Tablets at 5e
Carter's Ink, a bottle, 3V4c
Stove Department
Oak Stoves, fully nickeled', double steel sheets, air-tight drafts, l1
nre pots ...-'.''v:;-v;::;:
Utner aeaiers gi'i iui mm
Four-hole Cast Cook Ktove, largo oven, at . .
Other dealers gnt $16.00 for this.
I'ollphed Steel Stove Pipe, Joint .
Other dealers get 4 0c for th.s.
1M1U Stove Zinc
Other dealers get 8jC 'or tn,B-
:;x26 Wood Lined Stove Zinc
Other dealers get $1.26 for this.
Grocery prices that speak for themselves, highest quality, lowest prices, freshest ooods
- - - - - i ' '" "i" , vr-i u'Miic, i -j i r rrs nei. a rrnri "urn ni Paran na . .
10 bHrs bft brands laundry Uonp... 26c Irgw buttle WorceBter Sau- or Tommo Rutbagas White or red Onions ta 57.' xh.7. ? - a . L V'rr
S pkcksgei. I'p-to-Data Wanning Powder, Catsup for . . . 8i,o s h.lMMnt ' "'-i III''9.?1! '? baskets In ci
rrfiilar retail nrloa 1 0 narhax' i BnwrDTwn a w.m " f A-, ' " uu j njr mrm very rin for (.'anrln or
I.JT.Z: -V..u:-1 V. ' " ' t.;. .r .. - irran teiery to Ina:
n.v m v.MHrn iwt ivu DuiiBr nan aia l lavflni si anorner 't
Jello. per package
Fruit Puddln
, . .alo
a, per pkg bo
48-lb. aack beat high grade Patent Flour
for II
Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg. (Ho
iix. ur pkg
Puhepp'a Coouanut. per pound...
The beat domestic Macaroni, pkg
(Ml or Mustard 8anllneg, per can
ZeHt Breakfaat Food, pkg.,
w heat Merries, per pkg
ptr pound. For H.Ih apeclal eale we
will Bell A No. 1 Hutterlne, equal to
lota of butter sold for double the price.
for this eale. per pound lGc
Fanojr rtwtet Potatoes, tier peck loo
Fresh Bplnach, per peck 10u
Wax or tireen Beans, per lb So
8 bunches fretih Radishes Sc
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per qt.T'10
Choice No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb... tic
Fancy Country Creamery nutter. lb..!5o
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lh....lto
Extia fancy, larg.i. Juicy Lmons, reg
ular retail price everywhere 20c to !5c
doxen; our price for this Bale. riox. .10o
e liavu consignetl to us 400 crates of
per basket welahlna from a i, i
Pounds oa.
Per crate of six baskets si, l0
. , -tX XVABTB.
Pint Mason Jara, with caps and covers
per doaen aso
Quart Mason Jara. with cap and covers,
per doien 400
One-half gallon Mason Jars, wl'th cap
and rovers, per doxen ..50c
I TVI A m r Lincoln wholesale
lIOTldaiy Sale. Watch Sund
Lincoln wholesale Stock on
ay Papers
Don t
Forget " " y LUtSJy U1C?U U to
Sbw. It
Will Pay Yon to Read
Every Word of This
25c Star Tin Dinner Palls. Saturday.
5c Square Dinner Palls, with cofwe
can tuiil cup if,
41)0 Japanned Coal lioda, 17 tnch..lto
tuo etra large best eiiamelnd
Chambers U3e
70c worth seven 10c rolls Toilet
Paper 4ae
10 rolls Jewel Toilet Paper, small
rolls u4o
2Rc covered Steamers, each ....... lOo
35o Steamers, each 16o
160 etira large decorated Bread
Hoxes 3o
6fc large, fancy decorated Bread
Boxes gto
60c fancy decorated Bread Boxes 8o
1S6 siii id coiJ,er best nickel plated
Tea Kettle . 0
$1.40 solid copper best nickel plated
Tea Kettle '..'So
26c Knamelet Vourman Sink Strainer,
t xoe
85o 2-quart copper nickel plated Cof
fee or Tea put-thla la a special
bargain McCord-Hrady stock . ,4to
11 io enameled Tea Kettles, Saturdity
for 48o
tl if. blue and White Bird Cag.-,
Saturday . , .6o
8fcc Willow CloUies Baoketa, Satur-
Choppers, best
wia jMiiasie western w saber. .
ine r,ay a K-tiar-Hen Waxher. worth
T.BU, eacn 4 f f
our cnoice (it 11 dirrerent makes rf
xiu and 112 washing mar-hlnes on
eale Saturday to $0.60
e are cm.iing out about 0 to 75
sllghtlv damaged copper and heavy
tin Doners at your own price.
2-burner ia J'lales, worth 81 50,
only ISo
S-ourner Ha Klates. nickel plated.
.1)1 ramny scales, weigh "4 pound..
at ..... , go
Lincoln VVhoiesale Stock
Half Wholesale Prlcs
orn Exposition Biggest, but Not Only
Dig x.vent scneaniea.
kalshls tf Phlas Asslfirwrr
A inon a the Affairs tkat Will
Be Held There Tkls
Ths rafters of the Auditorium will re-
scho a variety of nolaca this winter. Ths
beams will reverberate everything from
cackle of bens and crowing of roosters
to the at rains of the orchestras playing
for the street railway men'a and musicians'
big dances, the thunder of roller skaters,
the ritualistic rigmarole of prominent
Pythlans. the rhetorical passages de
claimed by amateur actora for Kounize
Memorial church; all the? and a noise like
an ear of corn or a cold chisel, for beside
th Corn exposition the Nebraska Retail
Hardware Men'a convention will be held In
the great hall.
'Monday eight the floor will be thrown
open to Ih.iee who would roll around on
little wheels. The roller skating period
will he concluded at the end of the week
In order to make ready for the Purs Food
show, which opens November 4 and lasts
ten days. The big Knights of Pythias
conclave will be held November 23, and
the street railway ball two days later. The
following two nights the Kountxe Me-
sn't suffer another moment from
Ll .... ...
11M Stomach distress or indigestion.
- at
KThe question as to how long yuu a
' continue a sufferer from lndtge
1 I tad Stomach trouble Is merely a
i I er of how soon you begin taking Dta-
1 I 'S. your Bioinavn .--... ... . -
V'r, why not help ths slomacn to do
S work, not with drastic drugs, but a
4 t orcemnt of digestive agents, such
I e naturally st work In ths stomach.
'C 1 ,.w . . l. . . . n. . . K a ahnuld .at
.el-epsla after meals, and there will bs
no mors indigestion, no icum
uimD of load la ths etonia-rh. no heart-
ura. lour risings. Gas on Stomach or
Belching of undigested food. Headache.
Dixxiness or Vomiting, and, besides, what
you eat will not ferment and poison your
breath with nauseous odors. All these
symptoms resulting front a sour stomach
and dyspepsia are generally relieved five
minutes after eating one Triangula of la
pepsin. Go to your druggist arl get a 60-cent
case of Pape's lHapepsm now, "and you
will always go to ths table with a hearty
appetite, and what you oat will taste
good, because your stomach and Intestines
will bs clean snd fresh, and you will know
there ars not going to be any mors bad
nights and miserable days for you. They
freshen you and make you feel like life
1 Is worth living;
mortal drama will hoM the boards and on
the ZMh the work of preparation for the
Corn exposition will begin. This opena
December 9 and ruim until the Wth.
The TranHinlssisslppi Poultry show will
have the hall from lecember 2h until Jan
uary 2 and the cnck-a-doddle-do of many
chantlcclcers will help make tright hideous
on the eve of the new year.
Further on In l'.KS will come the musi
cians' ball, for which the date Is February
8, and the Nehraska retail hardware men
will have their convention February 15 to
19. Roller skating will ttll in several in
tervals and more conventions or other at
tractions will be booked.
With the resumption of roller skating It
may be remarked that mental as well as
physical slips are possible and that In ask
ing a girl to join one It will not do to
say, "May I have this skate?"
Ths Pythian event. November 23, will
bring to Omaha no less than 10,000 mem
bers of the order and possibly one-third
as many more. It is to celebrate the for
tieth anniversary of the foundation of the
order west of the Allegtienles, Nebraska
No. 1 having the honor. The celebration
will be an Interstate affair and knights
from all the states from the Mississippi
to the Rockies will be present.
Ths 101, a lodge rank staff of Dayton,
O , will be brought here at an expense of
ft, 600 to confer the degree of knight and
It Is expected that Nebraska and neigh
boring slates will furnish over 6u Candi
dates. There ars lOti men In ths rank staff
and they will bring with them four car
loads of paraphernalia. In ths afternoon
the Uaytonltes will gle the good old
Pythian drama. "Damon and Pythias."
and this will bs open to ths cubhc.
Colored Woman Says Reporter En
tered Her House with Key.
Mrs. Williams of 1 flit Military Ave
nue Tells County Attorney F.veu-Ina-
Mheet SI an Broke
lata Her Home.
U rowing out of a questionable method of
procuring a plcturo supposed to be that of
Eva Hart a salt may be filed in one of
the local courts against an evening paper.
Mrs. Sarah Williams, a colored woman liv
ing a( HJ& Military avenue, charges that a
reporter connected with the paper entered
her home with a skeleton key during her
absence and took a plctuie which was pub
lished by that paper as Eva Hart's. Mrs.
your store Saturday night, fur
refreshments go to
Hansen's Cale
Tou"ll find the others there!
Dinner service begins at S p. in.
Club breakfasts entirely new.
Williams was at first disposed to file a
criminal complaint charging burglary
aguliiKt the repoiter and she consulted Dep
uty County Attorney Maxney Friday morn.
liK. Later she decided to asti for civil
damages Instead of prosecuting criminally
a:i'l slio consulted an attorney.
Neighbors of Mrs. Williams have de
scribed a man whom they saw enter the
house with a key. After the picture was
used it was returned to Mrs. Williams by
mall, but she ts not disposed to be satisfied
with the mere return of the photograph.
Mrs. W'ii.ams was away from home when
the reporter arrived at her house. He was
led there In qa?st for an Eva Hart photo
graph by the fact that Mrs. Williams had
at one time and another done domestic
work for Srllss Hart and had understood she
had one of ths girl's pictures. Mrs. Wil
liams found her house In a confusion when
she returned home, so she told Chief of
Police Donahue, who was the first author.
Ity to whom she confided the matter. She
first said the photo which was stolen and
j jblUln d was not that of Ml.ta Hart.
Frlduy morning Mrs. Williams called at
pnlice headquarters and told Clerk of Police
Court Ma honey of her desire to file a crimi
nal charge against the reporter. Mr. Ma
honey advised her that she would have to
take up that matter with the county court
and she then went to the office of ths
county attorney.
Should Mrs. Williams proceed with the
criminal case It Is said the matter would
come before the grand Jury now In session.
Three Indictments were returned Into
court by the county grand jury Friday
morning. One of them was withheld from
the records because the arrest has not
been made on it yet. The other two were
Henry Hlllcr, charged with forging a
check for $10 and passing It on E. Maurcrs
and the other was against John McClure,
charged with stubbing with latent l-
wound Eug-ene Lloyd.
Protestants from All Over Country
Will Hold Conference In
National In Its scope, another conference
Is to be held In Omaha before Father Time
turns to page Wi. Keginnlng November 11
snd continuing for several days, a general
conference of ministers and lay delegates
from the Bohemian proteatant churches In
different parts of the country is to be held,
the prima object of which will be to pro
mote the proteatant church among Bohem
ians. Prominent ministers and other men
from all parts of the United States are ex
pected to attend and participate,, among
them being Prof, harta of Dubuque Semi
nary and the Kev. Mr. Losso of Pittsburg.
ftralaed by Strata
or scorched by a fire, apply Uucklen's Ar
nica Salve. Cures ptles, too, and the worst
sores. Guaranteed. 2c. For sale by
lieaton Drug Co.
Beautiful largo chrysanthemums, all
home grown and freshly picked, at Bran
dels Saturday, 10c each.
When bad blood is caused from an infection of the circulation by the virus of
Contagious Blood Psnson, it usually shows in the form of ulcerated mouth and throat,
copper-colored splotches on the body, swollen glands in the groin, falling hair, sores
and ulcers, etc. These general symptoms, affecting all parts of the body, show bow
deeply poisoned the blood becomes, and emphasizes the dangerous character of the
trouble. If allowed to remain in the system the disease will finally wreck the health
and break down the strongest constitution. No medicine ran cure Contagious Blood
Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the virus. S. S. S. is the
one real and certain cure ; it goes down to the very Ixutom of the trouble, and by
,-emoving every trace of the poison, and adding rich, healthful qualities to the blood,
ocever cures this powerful disorder. & S. S. is the most reliable of all blood purifiers,
ind its concentrated ingredients of healthful vegetable extracts and juices especially
adapt it to curing this insidious trouble. Write for our home treatment book, which
is a valuable aid in the treatment of the different stages of tha disease, and ask: for
any tusdical advics you wish. No charge for either.