THE OMAHA DAILY TIKE: SATURDAY. OCTOBKI1 24. 190S. mA Am.) 1 $9&Sl?s& ll I 5T FARWAM ST. Si I Two Saturday Specials I 25.00 BEAUTIFUL TAILORED SUITS at $15.00 and $25.00 Owing to our tremendous business this fall in $l!f.00, $33.00 and $40.00 Suits we have accumulated a varied assortment of these suits in broken sizes and hav ing immense stocks of new goods due this week we decided to cut prices in order to effect a rapid clearance. $35.00 and $40.00 suits at $25.00. In this lot are surely some great bargains. Hardly any of these suits have been in stock thirty days, for they are the season's choicest models, all correctly cut m fine all wool nia-Ji terialrt. Suits that have regularly sold at $35.00 and $40.00; on sale Saturday at $25.00 SUITS, Special at $15.00 Everyone knows the quality of an "Elite" suit at $25.00. Many of these mod els some of them formerly retailing even $ p A A at $27.50 will be found in this collection. I J 1911 Your choice of them Saturday at J. V V V New Empire Coat Models A great assortment of new coats now in and many arriv ing daily, in all the correct shapes, in fine broadcloths, coverts, Kerseys, cheviots and mixtures. Extra special ::..":r.e.d515-s17.50-$19.50-J25-J29.50 Fine Furs At Special Prices We have the most varied assortment of ready-to-wear fine furs shown in Omaha and our prices are uniformly the lowest. Silk Petticoats at S4.05 There are five different 6tyles to choose from, all of them made of high class rustling taffeta silk, in black and col ors. You will at once recognize that they are $ good $7.00 values and that they are extra ordinary values at our special price of 4.95 KITES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mri. A. I. Root Entertains Bridge Party for Visiting Women. MUSICALE AT HAPPY HOLLOW Towns Women- Organise Sewing So ciety to Meet Alternate Wednes day at Home of Mem ber for Work. Mm. A. I. Rout waa hostess at a de lightful hrMge party Friday afternoon at her home, Thirtieth avenue and Paclflo street, complimentary to several out of town guer.a. The houre waa trimmed with quantities of yellow chrysanthemums and asparagus fern. The gu.sts of honor were Miss Emma Lorcnzen, who hua recently returned from Berlin; Mrs. Herbert Bell of Sault Ste. Murk-, guest of Mrs. J. H. Bhary; Miss Tomlliison. guest of Mrs. Bogue, and Mrs. Love Kelly of Sioux City, guest of Mrs. Frank Turney. The guest list Included Mrs. II. B. Bell, Mrs. J. II. Sliary,- Mis. Love Kelly, Mrs. Frank Tjrney, Miss Tomlinson, Mrs. Bogue, Miss Emma Loienzen, Mrs. Leo Grotte, Mrs. Fred Krug, Mrs. William Wlgman, Mrs. Herbert Bcselin, Mrs. James Hcman, Mrs. Paul Wernher, Mrs. Mlsoner, Mrs. Samuel Frank. Mrs. Waller Moise, Mrs. Charles rtvhull Mn Vjirl fctllm Mr. Harrv Knot. J Mrs. George Wooley, Mrs. Orson Stiles, The New Shoe Store Shoe Martieti: Opens Tomorrow Not open as we would like to be, but open so that we can assure you of good service. We should have been open in September, but the carpenters well you know how it is without go ing into detnilsf Saturday will be our first open day and we earn estly invite and urge you to visit the new "Shoe Market" that we may show you the finest, newest anil most complete up-to-date stock of women's, misses', children's, boys' and youth's shoes in our city the right shoes at the right prices: $2.00 to $4.00 Kight near Harney on west Sixteenth, next to The Owl Drug Store. 322 South 16th Street. IS YOUR NOSE YOUR MISFORTUNE "IN DOMKSTIC. Hl'SINKSS, SOCIAL OK I'ltOFKS HIONAL IilFK, IMI'KOVKl) I'KItSONAI, AI'I'KAH ANCK HAS UKCO.ME A MODEHX HAY MCC'KSSITY." A nose the most prominent feature of the face. NO CUTTING 110 BANDAGES NO LOST TIME How often we (all to appreciate our own facial defects and yet In stantly notice them In others. - Every man and every woman owes It to himself or herself to look as well as possible. Harmony of features Is as essential to good looks as Is harmony of notes to a chord of music, and often this harmony Is ruined by an ugly Boss or feature sometimes the defect being very slight. A conspicuous or Irregular nose, Up or ear Is to the face like a mis placed not In a chord of music. Consultation Is free either personally or by letter. DR. CLEMENT CO. S3 W. Fifth St- 209 8. 18th, Cor. DougUa. Horlburt Bid., Karbach Block. M floor. Suite 10. Offloa Boom ad floor, Suite 2 IB. DES MOINES, IA. lTZ OMAHA, NEB. 71P& I Mrs. E. P. Lehman, Mrs. C. H. Lehman, Mrs. Frederick Teal, Mrs. Jerrod, Mrs. J. Crelgh, Mrs. Bolln, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Charles Sweet, Mrs. Ralph Hayward. Mrs. Ertck Johnson, Miss Rosaline Hull, Miss Mie Weaver. Miss Bertha Kruger and Miss Elizabeth Kruger. At Happy Hollow. The muslcale at Happy Hollow Thursday ; evening brought out one of the largest i number of dinner parties this season. ! I'nder the able direction of Mrs. A. G. Kdwarda an Interesting program was given . by the following well-known artists: Miss! Corlnne Paulson, pianist; Miss Emma Lo renzen and Miss Louise Jansen, vocallvts; Miss Louise Shattuck, violinist, and Mr. Fred Kills, vocalist. Among those entertaining at d'nner were Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Evans, who had the members of their family, and Mr. and M s. Howard Brunner, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bur-n-.ester, Jr., Mr. Ralph Segur. With Mr. and Mrs. C H. Walrath at dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Q. Curey, Mr. and Mrs. William I'nslcker, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walrath, Mrs. May AuM, Mis? Jessie Sherwood. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Akin enett:ilned an their guests at dinner Dr. and Mrs. R. B. A. McBrlde and Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake McKltrlck. The dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Breckenrldge Included Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelly, Mrs. Harry Potter, Mr. David Mercer of Washington, D. C, and Mr. Warren Breck enrldge. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Jr., entertained at dinner, their guests being Mr. and Mia. J. B. Langley, Mr. and Mrs. T. I Combs, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Yelser, Miss Anna Keller of Hucyrus. O. Mrs. Henry Van Qleson gave a dinner party, her guests Including Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson, D'r. and Mrs. Henry Le mere, Mrs. Davis, Miss Mildred Merrlam and Mr. Ward Palmer. With Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gunther at ;linner were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Becker, Miss Becker of Peoria, III.; Miss Riale, Miss Jessop, Miss Katherine Becker, Miss Pittlnger. Others having guests at dinner were J. II. Wright, Jr., who had two guests; Dr. J. M. Keys, four; M. D. Cameron, two; A. K. Busk, three; T. E. Stevens, four; Dr. W. O. Henry, two; H. K. Burket, four; E. A. Benson, four; H. E. Buchanan, four; W. F. M.lroy, three; M. N. Do.lg.-, four; W. C. I.yle, four; A. H. Workman, four; Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Somers. six; W. O. Shrlver. 'our; A. O. Edwards, four; Edward Hay den, four; C. R. Sherman, four; M. M. Robertson, five: David Cole, four; M. M. Ralnbolt, four; H. H. Nt-ale. two; H. E. Burnham. two; J. C. Chadwlik, four; E. A. Nordstrom, four, and U. L. Bradlev six. ew Sen-Ins; C'lab. A new sewing club was formed Wednes day afternoon, when a number of young wuineii met at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hemphill. They will meet every romJ Wednesday afternoon and the time w.ll be spent with needle work. The include Miss Grace Conant, Miss Klolse Wood. Miss Kannle Howland. Miss May Murphy. Mlaa Effie Height, Miss Sophie Shirley. Miss Alice Swltzler, Mies Laura Dale. Miss Henrietta Rees. Miss v., Hemphill, Mrs. C. J. Chapman. Mrs. Frank Harwon. Mrs. Ronald Patterson and Mrs Paul Burleigh. Miss Grace Conant wilt entertain the club a week from Wednesday. Hanner-Kmrht. Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock the wed ding of Mr. Frank Joseph Hauner and Miss Fannie Kracht, daughter of Frederick W. Kracht. was solemnised. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John E. Hummon. followed by a supper at the home of the bride. Owing to the recent death of the bride's mother the wedding was very quiet, only the family and Immediate relatives being pretent. After November 15 they will be at horn at 7:'4 North Thirtieth street. Birthday Surprise. A surprise j-arty was given Wednesday evening In honor of Mli Marie blithduy. Those pittrnt were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kieiek, Miss Manuule Kment, Miss Emma Vltodfck, Miss I.lllle KineiU, MU Rose Svaclna, Miss Rose Janecek. Miss Kate Klssane, M!ks Frances Kuncl. Mln Anna t'osplchal. Mr. Joseph Kuucl, Mr. Anto Krecek. Mr. Win Kavan, Mr. Charles Froner. Mr. Joseph Foral, Mr. Pete Petska, Mr. Juhn Zlkmund. Mr. Fred Barta. Taesaar Mstlralr. An interesting event of both the social and musical season will be the afternoon tea and musicals given at the home of Mrs. E. A. Cudahy November 3 at O'clock by the Tuesday Morning Musicals club. Sibyl Bammls of Chicago will give the progTam and be the guest of honor at the iti which w ill follow. Mrs. G. W. 1414-1643 Douglas Street To) 22 Great Stores Throughout the U. S lnW V mm 1414-16-18 Douglas Street OME people opened their eyes last Sunday when they followed up our tip nnd compared the offerings of various furni ture stores. We knew they would and no wonder. Our prices were lower in every instance in many cases 'J.V; lower in some cases a full third under the lowest prices of any other concern. They found every article in the store priced on an equal basis, too. So we urge vou attain to make comparisons. Don't spend a cent for Furniture, Stoves or Hugs until you have our prices on the poods. We'll save you from 25' r to 50r or we won't expect you to spend a dollar with us. s S1afjSlAsAMSsWS 20 DAY Pays for any Stove, Heater or Range in our house. 10c per day, payable weekly or m o n t It 1 y, as you may choose. Large Oak Heaters They arc made with heavy cast ings and guar anteed for dura bility. They are o I handsome proportions and beautifully or namented with nickel trim mings, special. til Extra Large Base 1 Burners ... if KxrPArllnelv elab orate In design and nickel trim ming, has return flues and Is a powerful heater. It's a magnificent Liase Burner, spe cial, at $28-50 Pedestal Extension Tables Fitted with IMrtir;'i runn na- slides, exie. i feet, solid onk. Ynu cannot du plicate this val ue elsewhere . . $11-68 China Closets Made of solid oak, bent end design. adjustable shelves, fx M 7 double etrength i J.I 5 beater at the prlre.. i mm W Massive Sideboards . . a. i . -i Biinvn above. made of quarter sawed oak. well finished. l-arK mirrors, drawer lin.'d for silverware luwea ob k. $28 .80 Remarkable Sale of Couches m 7 7 7, W r - isn nii.a n k. ant at Tactory Cost: positively the greatest sacrifice of thoroughly dependable I'ouche In tne history of this store. I'rlce repre sents lust the actum cosi io v-, Oenolne leather, tlS.60; 49 Oonohts upholstered In Nantuckst I.eathsr, 910.75; 67 MasslTS Couches u pholstered In la ported Yeloura ll J iJ .41 nl l mm "rice repre- $9-75 RU GS RUGS Heavy Brussels Kugn, OxO, the Handsomest Patterns, $7 .75 Wilton Velvet Bugs, 12x9, Al! New Fall Creations, $18 75 ' High rile Velvet ItuK. 9x0, Perfect In Every Detail, $10 Si F'rench Milton Hugs, 12x9, Choicest Design. $3S-2 Guaranteed Quality, 12U liru-HsclH Kug. IVrlcct in Kvciy Detail. io .Mitre Senilis, All Worsted, lteautiful dettigtis and colorings. Hpecial $11-48 CREDIT TO ALL "We invite every family within reach of this paper to open a credit account with us and enjoy our most convenient plan of payment. Large Steel Ranges They are com plete with high shelf, an fchown above, has large, square ovens, elaborate nickel trim mings and extra heavy castings, equal to any 135.00 range on sale in Omaha. Our Trice . . $26-73 Satin Walnut Kitchen Cabinets The handiest article of fur niture you could have In a home. This cab inet is com plete with drawers, bins, bread boards as showi above, on sale at tne special price. ilppj $9 Masts! sfcsltSsilii .68 ,1 Wattles Is chairman of the entertainment committee and will have charge of the tea. It has been decided to sell a limited num ber of rickets and friends of the club mem bers may get these from Mrs. C. M. Wil helm. ProspectlTe Pleasures. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell will entertain at lum heon f-aturday at the Omaha club In honor of Mrs. George Mlxter of Mollne, III., who la visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Kilpatrlrk. Mrs. I'aul Burleigh will give a bridge luncheon next Wednesday In honor of Mrs. Flunk Harwood, one of the recent brides, (orals Club. The Comis club was entertained Thurs day afternoon at luncheon and cards by Mrs. Henry Aubel. Hallowe'en decorations prevailed. A large pumpkin filled with fruit formed the centerpiece for the table and favors to match were at each plate. Tho prizes for high five were won by Mrs. IX E. lAveJoy and Mrs. J. A. Stowell. The guests of the club included Mrs. Stowell, Mrs. J. R. Moore. Mrs. J. P. Webster, Mrs. H. C. Pilgrim and Mrs. D. W. Tlllot son. I.nneheon Partr Mrs. Lester Drishaus, who is one of the bcidts, gave a unique luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her new home on Thirty-fifth avenue. She Invited twelve recent brides and each one brought a sample of her own cooking. The centerpiece for the table waa a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. ThoBO present were Mesdames Homer Bhearer, J. B. Langley, 8. Doherty, J Chapman, C. balrd, U. Kmerson. K. 8ter rlcktr. T. W. Josselyn, H. Nicholson, W. L'nzkker, Charles Botliwell and Lester Drishaus. t'lemntls C'lab. The Clematis club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L). F. Maxfiild and the prires for' the ' game of hltfh five were awarded to Mrs. tiirltsler and Mrs. Goettsche. The next I meeting will be In two weeka at the home ! of Mrs. James Kelly, Van Camp ave- nuu. Coine and Go Gusalp. Lieutenant Colonel und Mrs. Frank F. Kastmiin have taken a bouts at 3047 Pop plctou' avenue. A daimlitt-r was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. lMxon Tuesday. Miss Minor of Lincoln, who was the guest of MUs Marian Hallcr, has returned Iq her home. Mrs. Edwin Morrison of Kansas City Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tukey. ON THE TRAIL OF EDDIE FAY Omaha Officers Are Looking- for the Eminent Klnsc of Postotflce Bobbers. The federal and police authorities are on the lookout for the notorious Eddie Fay, the "king 'of the poslofflce robbers." who has been operating In Wisconsin and north ern Minnesota recently. His last big haul was Monday night, It Is believed, when he blew the safe of the Lake Nebagamon (Wis.) pnstofflce and got away with $1,004) In postoffice funds and stamps. Charles Dennis and Pat Fla herty are supposed to have been asso ciated with him In the Job. The previous big trick turned by this trio was at Su perior, W Is., when they made; a haul of $18,(HK of postofflce funds and stamps by the usual method of safe blowing In W-3. Flahfrty and Dennis are known In Omaha, being associated, It was held, with "Chuck" Prince In the $f,0o0 fur robbery of Shukert's furemporlum In Omaha about ten yeurs ago. Fay has never been known to operate In this immediate locality per sonally, though it Is now thought by the postofflce authorities that lie may lmvo had something to do with the Denver regis tered mall pouch robb. ry of" n year ao. as It bore some of the earmarks of his work. The t.linl llniid removes liver Inaction uml bowl stoppage with Dr. King's New l.ii'e rills, the pain less regulators. 25c. Ft sal. bv lteaton Drug Co. V TEXAS CLUB WOMEN OBJECT Protest Against Working Women Prisoners on fort Worth Bock Pile. The club women of Texas are making an Indignant protest because women pris oners have recently been set at work on tin rock pile at Fort Wurth. They sij that since women are not allowed t have l an equal voice with men In making the : lawn which they are forced to obey or I to act as Jurors they should not receive tho same puiitthment meted out to men for the same crime. They point to the success with which Miss Mary managed women criminals while police matron of Ban Antonio. She set the. women at work at the city hull. They cleaned the floor and windows and also did the laundry work for the city hospi'al. Tha women club bought the necessary materials and he taught them to sew. and to inak gar--merits for themselves, and when they went out from the Jail looking respectable, at least, and many of them showed their gratitude by refraining from repeating the offense for which they had been Ira yiiscm J. XWkS1 Your E Are All Rigli yes Jv if you do belong to "a race of spectacie-wearers so says Woods Hutchinson, M.D., in the November Woman's Home. Companion, and he ought to know. Listen to this: "The modern eye is not degenerate ; it is as good a piece of optical apparatus as anv that walks or swims or flies." Then he goes on and tells in a very practical way just what we can do to assist Nature facts that every pair of eyes should read. Such an article from such an authority commands a high place among the good things in The Great 700th Number of Woman's Home Companion a big jubilee magazine con taining seven great stories by seven famous authors, the royal love story of the Czarina of Russia, and page after pjge of old fashioned Thanksgiving cheer all and more in the November WOMAN'S HOME COMAgION At All News-stands