THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBEH 24. lm V 4 tal V REGISTER SOW OR LOSE VOTE Saturday it Lait Day for Voter to Qualify Thw Tear. FIFTEEN THOUSAND MUST GET 15 Tha nil Fall t Reclatrr TkU Tlate Will Pall t Vete aa the Third Dar - emker. ATT7KDAY XTXMVKQ KeglstreUoa day; a meetings. Color Bepnsllcaa Kally, Waehlagtom Hall W. AUlson Iwnii; of ladlaaapolla wUl ! principal speaker. A.. W. Jefferis, candidate (or eoagTeea, wUl t)M apeak. Woman larlted. BUKDAT. OOTOBZB IS Bennington, Qrothnsea XaUt Speakers, A. W. Jefferis, T. A. KolUatar, W. T. Wap- j pick and etkira. TJBDAT, aOTIMBia 1 National Mali, Thirteenth and WUIiam Straatai Itallaa meeting-; speakers, Frof. Sotttraadi, S. O. Mag-gl and ethers. Between li.000 and 15.000 voters In the I city of Omaha have not registered. This la tht way Frank Dewey, deputy county clerk, and Harry Prlmeau, one of the as sistants In the r'.iy clerk's office, figure It, taking aa their basis the number at votes oast In other elections. Saturday la the lust day of registration and If all are regis tered nearly aa many must register on thla last day as registered on both the pre ceding days. To be able to vole on November 3. a voter must reglater. In I'M) over .000 votes were cast In Iougius county, the preponderance natur ally having been cast In this city. The lOO election waa not a presidential elec tion, therefore It Is figured that not near all tha legal voters cast their ballots at that time. In addition to thla, the popula tion has Increased and a number of young men have become of legal age. In the city election In the spring of 1906. 1S.0OO votea were cast for mayor. Lesa than lo.ono voters have registered. The registration bootbs, fifty-four In number, will open at ( o'clock Saturday morning and remain open until In the tvening. Three Judges and clerka .will be jn hand at very booth. To help out In congested precincts, tha republican and , democratic committees will provide extra I men to keep up the two extra books and the list which the law requires to be pro vided and posted In the windows of the polling places. Five books have to be kept and when three men have to do all of It they fall behind In the work. The regularly appointed registration Judges and clerks will attend to the regis tering of the voters, the city legil depart ment stating that It will be perfectly law ful for others to do the eatra work. While the judges cannot be compelled to keep the polling places open after O'clock. they can register all who are In the room at that hour. Thla waa refused by judges In some of the placea the last time, who believed that It would not be legal to reg later a voter after t o'clock. "Not only should a man reglater so aa to exercise hla right of ctllsenshtp and vote," aald Deputy Clerk Dewey, "but he should reglater ao aa to ahow the city's population. Any number of men from the east figure the population of a city by the number of votea cast. Purchasers of bonds ask me the population of Omaha. I say 150.009. Then they ask how many votes w cast at the laat election. I tell them ,. Then they multiply thla by five and find that we have but 100,000 people." A, republican rally has been arranged for Saturday night at Washington hall fur the inlored voters of Omaha and their friends. W. Allison Bweeney, the noted colored oratur and editor of the Freeman of In dianapolis, will be the principal spesker. The women are especially Invited to be present. A. W. Jofferla and other candi dates will also address the meeting. OMAHA. Oct. 12. To the Editor of The lite: I notice that you have had much to say In your political columns about Frank Hansom and Ed Howell, democratic candl tlutes for tho state set ate. You have re- LYDIA. E. PINKHAC.TS VEGETABLE COMPOUND 121 peatedly exp-wd their recoids in the legis lature, showing that they engineered for th rallre-ads the pessge cf a measure which prevented tsxation of railroad ter minals and then you nmkc implied critic Ism of the World-Herald and democratic leaders for defending such men and having them upon the democratic legislative ticket. I agree with your criticism of these men and their political records, but I take ex ception to your Implied criticism of the party organ and some of ths party leaders, upon whom you seek to fix the responsi bility tor these men's nominations. 1 re sent the Imputation, and In answer defy you to point to a single utterance of the World-Herald of either Rrom or Howell or In appeal for votea for them. The fact Is that the World-Herald la not defending these mrn and Mr. Hitchcock la not stulti fying himself by asking a single democrat to vote for them. He has no more use for them politically than you have, and ha knows it would be political suicide for Mm to offer a defense of their records In the legislature or make an appeal for votea for them And, as for tl.e rarJc and file of democrats In Douglas county, I want to assure you, sir, that they do not be lieve In these men and will not support them. I challenge your attention to tho election returna for my vindication. A BRYAN-HITCHCOCK DEMOCRAT. This letter, anonymous except for the algnature which appears above, has been received by The Bee. It confirms a rumor that has been current for aome time to the effect that Mr. Hltchccck had silently refused to embarrass his own candidacy by going to tha aid of Howell and Ran som, the two railroad senatora of 1897, who alapped Omaha and other cities In the face with the anti-terminal taxation law. There are many democrats who talk just as this man writea, but those who are candid about the situation, admit that the necessity of a party organ to refrain from advocating the election of certain leading candidates of Its party menaces tha general result of the election for the democrats. And yet, they ask, why should Mr. Hitchcock hatard his own chances of success by treading on such dangerous ground aa trying te defend two such notorious corporation politicians? Througn an "oversight. as explained by Joe Butler, the Jlmocrats have not only offended the Jackaonlans, but have allerutted the affections and support of the old Una democrats, the war horses of the past. This was done In the appointment of members of the reception committee when Mt. Bryan spoke in Omaha laat Saturday. Young democrats, mostly all Jima, were appointed on the committee to the ex clusion of the Jacks, with the i exception of one man, and also to the exclusion of the fathers of the local democracy. In consequence cf .this "oversight" there Is trouble In the democratic headquarters and Tom Flynn, chairman, is sending out hla cohorts In all direction to try to patch up the differences and explain away the discontent. Three hundred and ninety-three names were placed on the reception committee, but In the long list the Jlmocrats did not find room for the names of Judge Doane, John F. Coad. Euclid Martin, Ed P. Smith, John Powera, Harry P. Deuel, Ed P. Bergman and others prominent in tho councils of the party In the daya before Mayor Jim arose on the democratic horison. The slight Is felt by tha men who have tried to keep the party in the straight and narrow path, and they aro not slow in de nouncing the men who are temporarily in power in the party. Tha aop thrown to the Jacka by the Jima in the appointment of Conatantlne J. Smyth on the committee had no concilia tory effect, for the reason that Conatan tlne J. ta out of the city, haa been since October 7 and will be until November 1. The Jlmocrats knew that Mr. Smyth was not in town when they put his name on the list. C. It. Waldron of Omaha, who haa been out In the state organizing ' republican clubs, has thla to say of the situation: "A trip through a considerable portion of the state has fully convinced me that the predicted landslide In Nebraska for Bryan la but an assertion, unfounded, un supported. A good republican majority Is Inevitable. The state Is too well-to-do, the farmers enjoying too great a measure of prosperity, the laboring men are making too good wagea to trust their fortunes to a new and untried democratic administra tion. "So marked has been this feeling of con tentment that until the last meek or two the business of politics has concerned tht people but little. Political apathy haa pre vailed, but l ow as election draws near they are awakening. Republicans every where are laboring or organizing. "Even democrats predict the re-election of Governor Sheldon. His sterling char acter and many promises fulfilled by deeds done have won for him a place In the hearts of Nebraskana, regardless of poli tics, which no partlcan admonitions can supplant." V 7 No other meduine for Woman1! Ilia In the world haa received such wide-spread and unqualified en dorsement as has I.ydia E. Ilnk ham's Vegetable Compound, made from native root and herbs. No other medicine has such a record of success for woman's dis eases, or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydla . Finkham'i Vegetable Compound. For more than SO years it has been the- standard remedy for feminine ills, Inflammation, Ulceration, and consequent Spinal Weakness. It has relieved more cases of Back ache and Local Weaknesses than any other one remedy. It dissolves and expels tumors in an early stag of development. Irregularities and periodic paina, Weakness of the Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, it. jieaaAcne.uenersi jDUity,quiciiij l' yield to it; also deranged organs, causing pain, dragging sensations r Via s Irtish a 1'iwIa elt ivMim. stances it acts in harmony with the) female, system. It removes that wearing feeling, xtreme lassitude, u don't care "and Lfsf "want to-be left -alone" feeling, 1 1 f xciubility. imtability.nenrousness, I 4T iirziness faintness. sleeplessness. V 1 flatulencv.nielancholy orthe-blues.- II These ai'v indications of Feminine ' dLsordera, which this medicine over 1 ; 1 comes as v eil as slight derangement I i of the Kidnevs of either sex. Vf,..i, H'li.mrK sick and want to tfet well should refuse to accent any substitute for Ijrdi E. Unkhamfr 11 m) . 1 i; S .' , N ' t J,.:-.- , . y , U , CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND DOYS Swell O'coats at Moderate Prices What's Your Preference? Step in and try on any or all of the new styles. We've many fresh ideas toshow you, and weshall take pleasure in doing it. More beau tiful or luxuri bus garments were never offered to the trade come here for your new overcoat and you will miss nothing that is new while our va riety is large and priced very low. We stand first, last and all the time on Records the superiority of material, style and workmanship, and you will appre ciate the excellence of our overcoats more fully after you have worn the coat a few months. CHOICE, WARM COATS $15,18,$20, $22L,$25,$30 Etc. ir 1 - l i j j n . i li rl 1 Breaker We have distanced all competition, and that's no ordinary achievement. We are determined to make it difficult for any one to pick a flaw in our c i o t n l n g stock. A care ful glance will'sho w you what it is possible to do When Woolens Are Carefully Chosen and Tailored. Every little detail and every stitch shows the touch of the master tailor in our garments. Xo hurried work no skimping nothing slighted. This is why our garments fit so perfectly and hold their shape so much longer and better than any other kinds. Name your price from $7.50 to $40.00 and we'll more than meet your expectations at every point. Our Douglas St. QA AA windows with their display of handsome suits at Jl)m7UU show you just how much a little money will buy here. At most stores suits of this character would be considered "grand bargains" at $12.00 and $13.00, but while they last our price will be $9.00 Per Suit PARENTS- Don't let the boy go cold when you can choote from a fine collection of stylish, serviceable over coats, at S2.50 and Upward We make Uniforms of every description BOYS' CLOTHES We mak a careful study of children's rloth-a and are showing a wonderfully strong line of clothes for little men in Knicker bocker pants suits; double breasted and Norfolk styles, for boys from 7 to 16 years, at $3.50 And for little fellows S to 8 yeara old we have the most Ktunnlnu creation of Kusstan, uuater Drown ann sailor Mouse suits imaginable. Kotn linen are composed of cheviot, casslinerea and worsteds. In all the rea son's newest colorings, also the old reliable navy blue aerge. After seeing this great assortment of chlldren'a clothea you will admit they ars the best you ever saw for X3i'Ul iiiirn ore $3.50 SWEATER COATS Boys' Sweater Coats. J1.00, 91.25 and 11.50, in all the different varieties and combinations of col orings. Men's Sweater Coats $1 00 to $5.03 Make the Unfer wear Change Here DO NOT INVITE DISASTER H. H. Baldrifre Stakes Stirring Appeal to Eighth and Ninth Ward Voters. REPUBLICANS ON BIGHT 'SIDE DEMOCRAT. BUT NOT BRYANIC Grand Kaplds Man, Rairbos, (anaot Staad for h Peerle.s Leader. "I am a democrat, but not a Bryan dem ocrat," declared M. Mulclilns of Grand Rapids, one of the best known business men In Michigan and a long-time director of tha National Association of Credit Men. "I admtr Uryan a little and believe hlra fairly sincere, but no buMness man has any confidence In his Judgment. His vagarlta are too numerous and disconcerting. "He has no chance whatever in Michi gan. The Wolverine state will go for Taft by anywhere from 40,OiO to S0,O This Is, humanly speaking, absolutely certain. The only vote In the state which la uncertain la that of aome unemployed, and of these aome have already voted the democratic ticket and others will vote for Taft in the conviction that with the Ohloan'a election they will be much more likely to get work." The announcement here by Mr. Hutchlna comes on the heels of a similar declaration In Chicago by Prank If. Jonea, a leading banker there, and llko tha Michigan man, a former democrat. 'I waa in Denver when Bryaa came In there recently." said A. W. Hunt, a Chl cago traveling man, In the lobby of the Pazton. "There were not i.000 people at the station to meet him, although the hour of his arrival had been well adverttaed. A faithful few accompanied him to the Oaford hotel and there he stood aome time In the lobby. There were not more than fifty men around him. Three different times soma one cried "Hurrah for Bryan," and aa often there waa no response. It waa an absolute frost and almost pathetic In Ita way." Mr. Hunt is a former New Tork City resident and la a personal friend of Theo dore Kooaevelt and belonged yeara age to the same district club aa the f resident. W. Allison Sweeney Delivers ItoualnK Speech to Members of Own Race Before Forakrr Colored Hepubllran (lab. "The party In power has the opportunity of taking either side of a new questlor which comes up and as the republican party has been In power many years it has taken the right side and thus forced the demo cratic party to take the wrong side nearly always," aald H. H. Baldrige at a rousing Joint "meeting of the Eighth and Nint! Ward Republican cluba itt the hall at Twenty-second and, Cuming streets Thurs day night. "The republican party is the party of construction while the democratic party 1 the party of destruction. The republican party is the party of legislation while th' democratic party Is the party of agltatkn The democratic party haa been wrong or most Issues which have come before th people. It Is Indeed fortunate for tlii LoeiklaaT for S Bananas'. The lawyer was drawing up aid Furrow's will. "I hereby bequeath all my property to my mife," dictated the aun of the soil. "Got that?" "Wa.M answered t!ie Uwyer. "On condition that ane marrlea agin ai'liln a year." The U-gal light aat hack pussled. - not iiyr he asked. ! "H-m aue." v as th -nly. "I want somt 1 tx-Jy I j uk aur.y 1 U:.d." fuck A COMPLETE FOOD Baker's Cocoa C A Highest Awards in -) Europe and America MB Registered U. 8. fat. Office A medical writer says: Baker's pure cocoa acts as a gentle stimulant, invigorat ing and correcting the action of the digestive organs, fur nishing the body with some of the purest elements of nutrition. Walter Baker & Co., Lti Iab.she4 J780. 6GKUEJTU, MAS1 country that the things which W. J. Bryan has espoused have not been put into effect, for dlsanter would have been aure to follow. The calamities from which the country has been saved by 'letting the people rule' and voting down Mr. Bryan are free trade, free silver nnd Imperial ism and government ownership of railroad". "The republican party legislatea for all classes and It is an Improper argument for Mr. Bryan to try to array one class against another In this country. "Mr. Bryan's mind runs along theoretical lines which. If put In practice, would bring calamity upon the people." Mr. Baldrige spoke In behalf of the legis lative ticket and for Mr. Jeffuris. showing that under republican administration the public utility corpc rations were now pay ing one-fifth of the tax of the city whereas In 1W0 they paid but one-fourteenth of .the tax. , Stay with l-arty that Is Right. "Stay with the party which is right and does the most good for the country and do not be led astray by false arguments," said John L. Kennedy, former congress man from this district. "The democratic party has abandoned policy after policy j until today it does not know where It stands." In speaking of tne subject of home rule Mr. Kennedy, who Is a member of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, .-.aid that he waa In favor of home rule and of electing the members of the board 1 iy the vote of the people ai their re sponsibility would be direct and so the people could settle with them for their acts. He said he waa perfectly willing to be legislated out of office by an amend ment to the charter to that effect. Cm the question of bank guaranty Mr. Kennedy said the people of the prosperous west were not willing to have their banks coupled up with the giant Institutions of Wall street engaged In promotion and speculation. He said that It the banks had to stand together In gunranteelng losses they would sIho get together In sh axing profits and would fix the ratea for depositors and borrowers and would have combination Instead of competition. "A. W. Jefferls should be elected so l would not be necessary for Omaha to go to a resident of Kearney or Iincoln to get what it Is entitled to," added Mr. Kennedy. "Thla la too important a dis trict not to be represented and have some thing to say concerning legislation effect ing the western coupry." Who la Colored Man's Friend f "Dn't underestimate the value of your suffrage," said W. Allison Sweeney, editor of the Indianapolis Freeman, in addressing the Foraker (colored) club at Idlewild hall Thursday night. "You don't realise the value of your vote to the man who ta ask ing for It, "The republican party Is all right. It has been right since the time of John Brown and Lincoln. The thinga that fitted n twenty-five years ago don't fit in now. Men die. great leaders may go astray and turn back the Issues that hava made them, but tho principles of the party live forever. I am going to vote the republican ticket and help to elect W. H. Taft .of Ohio, because of tha difference between the two parties. Wo are an Integral factor in thla common wealth and the same argument which might Induce a white man for Bryan cannot in fluence ua "The history of tha country aa it is recorded tells us that one party haa always been against us and the other has alwaya been with us. and that party Is tha republi can party. It Is enough for us to look back at the record and see who has alwaya bctu our friend. Through the dark days of our race we have always had our friends, but they have always been In the republican party. Legislation of every kind in every state for our benefit haa been assailed by the voice of the democratic party. Every gate that haa been closed against us has been closed by the democratic party. "What standing would yo have if God, acting through the republican party, had not whipped the democratic party and given you a chance to men?" ! looks noon ix the soi th platte Olrott I'ayne I'leaaed with What He 8 aw on Trip. "The South Tlatte country looks fine for Taft," said Olcolt Payne, repreaentatlve of the national headquarters of the National Ltague of Republican Cluba, who returned to Omaha Thursday night from a trip through the state. "The republicans of j York county are working hard and appesr to have a better organisation than any other county In the state. The farmers In ! that section, who cast the bulk of the vote, feel that conditions have been too prosper ous to Justify them in taking any chances by exper. meriting with Mr. Bryan's theories. The campaign is a quiet one throughout tin farming community, but the farmers realize that to have these times continue it is nec essary to have the eastern factories and large Industrial centers prosperous, and that Bryan's election must necessarily set bark the reviving wave of Industrial ac tivity that Is now succeeding the former panic conditions. "It Is realized that If Mr. Bryan is elected all the large ndustrial enter prises, as well as new building and construction work, will, except for sup. plying the needs in a hand-to-mouth way, wait until they see what Mr. Bryan will do toward reducing the tariff, with the mone tary system and other measures which he advocates affecting our Industrial and com. merelal affairs. "It Is drifting to the farmers of Nebraska that one of the arguments given out by the democrats in the cast Is that the price of pork and beef is too high and that und r a democratic administration foodstuffs of all kinds will be cheaper. If this argument is given out as a reason why orle should vote the democratic ticket in New York City, it is a very strong reason why a farmer should not vote the democratic tlckel. "There Is a strung disposition among the rural communities to watcli the working of the Oklahoma bank law for a year or two and to let that state do the experimentlnd and perfecting of that theory before risking it here. They say their banks came through the panic of last year without a failure and there seems to be no reason to rush this question. If it works out well and U found to be of advantage It will be easy to obtain the legislation from the stato legislature. The farmer today ia getting more conservative and ia willing to let aomeone else experiment with such Impor tant matters of banking, and, furthermore, there is a growing feeling that it would he wiser if any guaranty should be adapted that the hanks of Nebraska alone should be Included and not have to take chances j on being affected by the failure of soma of the enormous Wall street Instltutlona." R6HARD & WILHELM qiq.l6IS South leth Street SATURDAY SPECIALS For several years we have been featuring specials for Saturday only. Thousands have profited in the past l.y these great bargains. "We continue our practice of offering several items of Home Furnishings at ummial prices for Saturday selling only. The great number of items sold in this end of the week day sale proves the ipularity of our Saturday Specials. SPECIAL IN THE BASEMENT Sure Gut Can Opener Cutters are made of tempered steel. This Is without a douut the best and most practical ran opener made. Can be used on either round or square tins. Sells regularly for XOc. Saturday i special IwC PARLOR THuLE (Like Cut) A new design, square top, square edge and square legs. Top is 24x24, solid oak golden flush. Sells at $2.25. Saturday only. Drapery Section each 1.35 WALL POCKET In golden oak or mahogany finish, size 12 inches deep, 17 Inches wide, sell for 6t2 each. Special Saturday 29 BKICA-imAC Odd pieces, Jap anese Cups and Saucers, Vases, PUturs Kramps finfllA QKoli Steins. Tobacco jais, tejl at from 75c to 11.00 each. Your choice Saturday, special, each 39 1 ffy Pillow Top Tapestry Square?. Sells up to $4.50 per yard. each Remnants of all grades and colorj. 2 4-Inch squares. Special. Saturday. 10 300 INGRAIN SAMPLES-(In Casement) 300 Ingrain samples used by our traveling men to show goods on the road. Some are slightly soiled, regular price of these good 50c to He. All at one price, Saturday, each 10 SUIT CASE SPECIAL In Trunk Dep't. This beautiful full leather suit case, linen lined with heavy straps all around, very heavy steel frame, reg ular price of this case $s.00; special for Saturday only, at, each . . . , 5.95