Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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    Tin: omaha daily uky:-. sati'iida v. (vtohkk 21. iocs.
Saturday, October 24th, 2 P. M.
On .Villi Ave. and .".."illi St., just west of Windsor Place school.
MAHTHA and go throe blocks west. See the Bis Sign.
PRICES $400 to $.V0, on EASY TERMS. One-fifth cash and
balance in six equal semi-annual payments. Perfect title and AB
STRACTS. Every lot has citv water, permanent stone walks and all
streets and lots to good permanent grade.
TIIIS IS THE FINEST ADDITION that has been platted in
Omaha, and over NINETY lots already sold before entirely done
with the platting.
See it tomorrow or Sunday.
D. V. SHOLES CO., Sole Agents
110 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones : Bell, Doug. 49 ; Ind., A-2049
' (18) 411-23
Piles Cured Free
All persona unable to pay will be treated
absolutely free of any charge on Baiur
day of each week by
624 Bee Bldg., Omuha, Neb. 'Phone Doug
la 1424. Cut thla out and bring with you.
18 74
TOITNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women'a Christian association rooms, 1518
Farnam St.. where they will be directed
to suitable boarding placet or- otherwise
assisted. (18) 26S
Institute gives Swedish medical movement
treatment. Rhumtlc, stomach, kidney,
nervous and female diseases especially
yield to the well-known actm lf o remedy.
Id floor Pax ton 11 lk. Tel. Doug. iV).
(18) 32 NT
MASSAflE Electric, vibratory, 120 8.
WilOOiVUL J6,h Room 3,j fourth
floor old Boston store.
(18J741 031
PR. WERTZ. dentist. 6th floor Paxton Blk.
REED ABSTRACT CO., Est 1K; prompt
service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St.
(1S 3U8
ISO! Fa mam.
Tel. Douglas 7K.
PAYNE INV. CO... first floor N. T. Life.
(!) 32J
E. CO.. 477 Branded Bldg
(19) S27
Of these cottage homea some of the few
deslrabl homea now available on easy
rental terme.
Newly remodeled 6-room cottage, partly
modern, full lot, valuable location, near
28th and Dodge; a snap at $2,300; your
own terms; Immediate possession.
A neat 5-room cottage In best condition,
full lot, close to car. good location; near
26th and Sprag-ue. for only $1,S00; small
cash payment; balance same as rent.
New 6-room modern cottage, full lot, fine,
sightly location, In north part of city,
one block from car; offered at $2,160 for
quick sale; very easy terms.
432 Ramge Bldg. ltith and Harney.
(19) 4D1 23
Cheap Lots
We can offer two very choice lots near
tho West Farnam car line, one of the
finest locations in this city to build
houses to rent or sell. Owner will cut
price if sold quick.
219 Board of Trade. (19) 4i 2Sx
A good rlx-room modern house near
Sherman Ave. car line. Practically new;
strictly modern and in fine neighborhood;
can sell this on terms to suit purchaser,
t rooms; strictly modern; south front;
one block from car; good lot; permanent
walks; this is a bargain at $a,00o. Terms.
7-ronm modern house; east front on
paved street. Ma block to Farnam car line:
In th best residence section of the city;
will sell this on reasonable terms. Price,
Shimer & Chase
li Farnam St. Doug. 3867. Ind. A36U
(19 M440 24
We have authority to sell a good 8-room
house, only 4 years old, with gas, bath,
hot and cold water, good cellar, laundry
sink, with hot and cold water connec
tions; toilet In basement, 4 bed rooms on
second floor beside bath room, one bed
room on first floor, large kitchen, maple
floor; big dining room; easi-front lot, 63
X1J0; fine shade, fruit, shrubbery, chicken
house, cement walks all for $3,900, tub
led to about $140 In paving taxes, pay
able annually. There Is a building and
loan mortgags on the property for $1,W0;
the balance, $1.4 is to be cash. The Im
provements are worth fl.OO; the lot 1s
worth $in; total. I3.5u0 for $2.""0. Imme
diate possession.
ne, Bostwick & Co.
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
l!9i-3l 23
N eastern owner has two Louses In liars
com Place rented for $70 a month; every
thing -.Twdera; paved street; east front;
will sell at a batk-a!::; en block north of
lianscoui Park.
Room t Ksw Torn Ufa Building.
(j M-43
r irv PHorKit i Y for bai.b
First Add.
One of the Jiest lots In West Farnam dis
trict on SMh Ave... Just north of Dodge St.
B edal price Kr a quick sale. See us about
It at OIK'B.
901 Braiuiels Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2359. A3362.
(19) M 422 27
New Modern Houses
With Hot Water Heat
One 7-room houso for $3,660.
One 7-room house for 3.9W.
One, 7-room house for $4,60o.
One 8-room houae for 5,oiw.
One 8-room house for $j,5).
R. 617 N. Y. Lifo. Tel. D 1294.
(19) 3S2 24
LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 224
and Cuming 8ts. (19) V
Denver Oreeley district, under irrigation!
augar beets, alfalfa, general farming ana
fruit raising; low price, easy payments.
National Investment Co., 6K2 Brandel.
Bldg.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6691.
Beautiful 40 Acres
Thirty minutes' ride from Benson car line.
2H acres 1n fruit 260 apple trees, 60 pear
trees, strawberries, currants, raspberries,
etc. Good 8-room house, brlcked-up cel
lar under whole house, good barn. Im
provements cost over $3,0u0, but must be
sold at once. Price reduced to $6,6U0, and
a bargain.
P. D. VV HAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam.
(20) 395 25
t.500 acres In Cheyenne couity, Nebraska,
only $7.50 an acre. v
(200 408 23x
$4.00 PER ACRE
10 sections Lincoln County. Nebraska
grazing land, $4 per acre; over 1 mile of
water iront; 14 miles north of Hershey
station on IT. p. R. R. No improvements.
If Interested In a stock ranch, write for
436 Board of Trade Bldg.,
Omaha Neb.
0)-M43S 23
Farm and Garden Lands.
OFFERED FOR KENT 10 acres, small
house and barn, good well and mill, near
4Sth and Center dts. ; spiendld garden or
dairy location.
HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life.
nb) MSJiS 24
FOR RENT 200-acre farm, Knox county.
Neb.; Rood soil; fair improvements. II.
C. ttaird, bOfi Cass St., Omaha, Neb.
(21) M368 i24T
money to loan on
Omaha iiusiuesa Property.
Room 1, .New Kor 1-lfe Bldg.
t'00 to tAw.iKXi at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, M first Nat. Bank Bids.
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
tJii) -$7
Paxton Block.
Private money; (Juv to $S,0uO; low rate.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam 8mlth t Co., U?0 Farnam St.
IliX) TO $10,0u0 made promptly. F. D. WeaJ,
Wead Bldg.. lbth and Farnam. (22) 3ii
MONEY TO LOAN-Payno Investment Co.
PRIVATE mnnev to loan. J.
61 Brandeis Bldg
H. Sherwood,
(Continued. )
LOANS of 5"0ito JT. -0 on Omaha resi
dence properly.
J001 N. Y. Life Bldg. t2JJ-330
I WANT to buy hous- and I t In Hanscom
Park or West Farnam illsiriet; must have
9 or 10 rooms; pioperiy inunt be first-class
and very cheap: give Jowest cash price
11 lit, Omaha Bee. 123) 313 2Sx
HIGHEST prices for 2d -hand furniture, car
pets, clothes and snotra. tel. Dotalus L
() ei
RIGHT prices paid for M-lisnd furniture,
caipeis, stoves, clotlilcg, suuea Tui. Red
.!. (3-M
WANTED To purchase cheap a roll top
office desk and chair in good condition.
AUdiess K 7W, care The Bee.
(') 3S3 21
WE nav in stock .no delay) repairs for
evi-ry make of mrna.e. sieaui or hot water
beater. a:er fronts.
.0-0 Doug la) St.
Well, Douglas v; lad , A--T
KXl'ERIF.NCKD stenographer; excellent
references. U, Omaha Bee, Council HlnfA,
lows :')-m ; m
Just 1 Acre
Nebraska Corn
W.ll Buy One of Our
Corn is High
Buggies Low
That's Why "
You can get your se
lection from the best
made vehicles in the city
at lower prices than you
ever will again.
We are the lowest on
rubber tires, the lowest
on automobile tires, the
lowest in automobile re
pairing. "WE'RE PROMPT."
We set wagon tires for
18tii and Harney
MENT. Th following proposed amendment to
the constitution ot the State of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth In foil, la sub
mitted to the electors of tne Stat of Ml
braska, to be voted upon at the general
lection to be held Tuesday, NQTsmbsr 3rd,
A. D- 1908.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose an
Amendment to Section 9, Article 8, of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska.
Be It Besolved and Enacted by tha feegia
latore of th Btata of Nebraska!
Section 1. (Amendment.) That at the
general election for state and legislative
oft leers to be held on the Tuesday succeed
ing the first Monday In November, 1008, the
following provision be proposed and sub
mitted to the electors of the state as an
amendment to Sectlor 9, Arltcle , of the
Constitution of the State of Nebrasca: ,
Section 9. (Educational Funds, Investment-)
All funds belonging to the slate
for educational purposes, the interest and
Income whereof only are to be used, ehall
be deemed trust funds held by tha state,
and the stste shall supply all losses thereof
that may in any manner accrue, so that
the same shall remain forever Inviolate
and undiminished; and shall not be Invested
or loaned except on tjnited States or state
securities, or registered school district bonds
of this state, and such other securities as
:he legislature may from time to time
direct. And such funds, with the interest
and income thereof, are hereby solemnly
uleda-ed for the purpose for which they are
granted and set apart, and shall not bo
transieireu iu any umcr luiia lur oilier
uectioa S. (Ballots : Adoption.) That
at said election in the year IKvlj, on the
ballot of each elector voting thereat, there
shall be pointed or written tlie words: "For
proposed amenumenc iu me lonsututlon
with reference to the investment of the
permanent school fund." and "Against said
1 - .l.n. In !. . -
pi UpU&CU iih;imii. . w ...a -UiiBWl III tun
with to the Investment of the
permanent school fund." And .f a majority
of all voters at said election shall be for
such amendment the same Khali bu dueuied
to be adopteu.
Approved Auni a. inn,
1. Geo. C. Junkin, Secretcry of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State o' Nebraska
Is a tnv and correct copy or me original
enrolloc and engrossed bill, as passed by
tho Thirtieth session of the legislature of
the State ot reorasita. as appears from
bald original bill on tilt in this olfice, and
that said proposed amendment is submitted
to the qualified voters of tlie State of N
biaska for their adoption or rejection at tht
general election to be held on Tuesday, in
trd day of November, A. D.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed the Li i tut Seul of the
Slate of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this
loth day of July. In the year of our Lord
One Thousand Nine Hundred and EifcMil.
and of tne Independence of the United
States the One HunJred and Thirty-third,
and of till State tlie Forty-second.
(Seal.) Secretary of State.
MENT. Tne following proposed amendment to
tlie constitution of the btate of MeDraska,
as b.rsina:tr est lortii In fall. Is sub
mitted to the eleotors of the State of Me
Braska, io be votsd upon at tarn geiisral
election to be held Tuesday, Moveniber 3r4,
A, S. 1908.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sectiorn
two ti), f"ur t,i, live u, six io) aim
tlilrtutn tl.:.. of Ailicle olx i, of the
Constitution cf tlie Slate ot Nebraska,
relating to Judicial Powers.
Be It . solved by the I.egialatuia of the
State of urakai
fceclion 1. Ameitument proposed. That
Setlioti two l.) of Artlclfa eix IHJ, of tlie
Constitution of tne State of Nebraska, bit
amended lo read as follows:
Section 2. (Supreme court; Juugesi
Jurisdiction.) Thu supreme --rt snail
consist of tcven (.) ju.ioi and a majority
cf ull eh ctvd and qualified judges shall bu
neccasury lo cuiisiiluie a quorum or pro
nounco a UccUiuii. The bupreme Court
sliall lue Jurisdiction in all t.ates lelaliug
lo the KVUiue, civil tat in wlncli the
slate is a party, inuiitjamus. quo warranu,
habeas luipux, und uch aupellate juris
diction as may bo provided by Uw.
becllou I. ( proposed ) That
Becllou tour H of Artie, o ic lo, ol ilia
Const llution of the btjts . Ni.brabka, bo
amended to irail us lollons:
Section 4. (junui court, Jadrfts,
election, tsrin, resiuvaue.) the jUus oi
the ouprctr.t kv. .:.u:: te iitcua oy n.a
electors of tl.e elatf al Lute; and tntir
lei ni of offtc.-. eacipl ak .:ti ii llei pro
vided, l s'i be y.ara. And said Supreme
Court juilK'H biiail, uiuii.t' tueir term of
oluce, icla to piaiu wiicie lac court
Is holden.
tecuiyi 1 (Aiteniinin propctcd.) That
tsetAioii live ii 'd Aiiici MX t.i of loe oi Lie Btatc . t .'Nebiaiti Le
amciidt d lo lead as follows:
bcction . (Bupretn court, ludges,
election, tcriu; emit jastlcx.j Thai at
li.e general eUctini lo be Ir'.J ju t.:e siaii
of Nebraska in lie Jiar ): j. ki.u i-uca c
years thereaft -r.'i iial: be clt cu j
l3) Judges of the tji.pieine I uurl. who .u i.
hoid their office for the. piriud of six year.-;
tiial al the genera: election lu le lieM in
Hie stale df Nebra:a in tne year ti.J
each six years ihciafler. line niirll l
eltcled thiec (U) Juuges of tne fcuencm.
Court, vno sliall hold tlieir office fur i..
period cf six v an, and at the general eiec
llou to be I ia in th slate of Nauiaaka
tb ytar Ull, and each gix eaig Uiireaiter.
II until. U. it )
liu-ru shall be elected a Chief Justice of flie
iiuon the adoption of these amendments by
lite electors of the Stale, me Uovernor k
biibII, Ilium dlatety upon lculi.g trie procla
mation declaring said amendments adopted,
i f'l'Oiiil tur t-.jtiut(ee ci the- suprema
Court, two Ki) oi Rllj u suau oe appointed i
to hold tald office u.itil tneir successors
shall he elected at tin genrial election In B
and have qualified; and tlie other two i J,
f.) shail holt, their offic until tnelr sue- 1 . 1
lessors shall be ilccted al the general eiec-
,lu n held in Kill, Mini jaliiled. A
Section 4. (Amendment proposed. That : V
Section six tt.) ef Aitlcle six iti, of the 1 1 i
Constitution of the Stale of Nebtasaa, be ! t
amended to read as lollows: IJ
Sectiua 6. (Chief lusUoe.) Tne Chief &
Justice shall serve as nui li during ail the w
term for which he was elected. He snail I (
presida at all terms of llre-iipremu Court, t
aim 111 hl3 absence ine juute inest-m anaii
select one of their number to preside tempo
rarily. Section S. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section thirteen (13). of Ailicle six (6), of
the Constitution nf .Nebraska, be amended
to read as follows:
Section 13. (Judfe, salaries.) That
Judges of the Supreme Court snail each
receive a salary ot 4,jO.T. and the Judge of
".ho . t'isl rlct Court shall each receive a
salary of t3,0uO per annum, payable quar
terly. Approved April t. 1907.
I, Ueo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of
the State of K"braska. do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Nobraska
is a true and coirect copy of tl original
enrolled and erironsed bill, us passed ay the
Thirtieth session Jt tha legislature of the
State of Nebraska, as auDturs from said,
original bill on file In this office, and that
said propnseu amendment is submitted to
the qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska tor their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tuesday
the 3rd day of November, A. D. HOI.
In testimony whereof I have nereunto set
my hand and alflxed the Great Seal of the
State of Nebraska. Done at Uncoln, this
16th day of July, In tho year of our Loid
One Thousand Nine Hundied and Right,
and of the Independence of the United
botes the One Hundred and Thirty-third,
and of this State the Forty-second.
(Seal.) , Secretary ot State.
ing. umaha. Neb., October 7. lays. A spe
cial - meeting of the stockholders of The
South Omaha and Western Railroad Com
pany will be held at the olfice ot the
Company in Omaha, Neb., on Ftiday, De
cember 18, 19u8, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the
purpose ot authorizing and providing for
the aale of the railroad of The South Umaha
and Western Railroad Company, With its
franchlwes and appurtenances, its real es
tate and personal property, to Union Pa
cific Railroad Company, the consideration
for such sale to be the cancellation of
th bonds and satinfactlon of the mort
gage of said The South Omaha and Western
Railroad Company, and the assumption of
all Its other indebtedness by the said
Union Pacific Railroad Company; and for
the purpose of transacting ail such olher
business as may legally come before the
meeting. For the purposes of the meeting
the books for the transfer of Btock will
be closed at S o'clock p. m. on Monday.
December 7, 1908, and will be reopened at
10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, December
IS). 1908. T M. ORR, Socretary. OsdtoDUl
will be received by School District No.
26, Dodge, Neb., until 2 o'clock p. m., No
vember 8, 1', for furnishing all material
and labor for heating and plumbing the
Hooper school building in Hooper, Neb.,
according to plana and amended specifica
tions now on file at tho office df A. H.
Dyer & Co:, architects, Fremont, Neb., and
at the orrice or John v. lielne ft Son,
Hooper, Neb. Separate bids will be re
ceived for other mAkes of boilers, than
specified, all bids must be accompanied
with a certified check, according- to notice
to contractors Included In said specifica
tions. The board reserves the right to
reject all bids. Address all bids to W. M.
Sanders, Hooper, Neb., plainly marked,
"Bids for Heating and Plumbing." W. M.
Sanders, Secretary. O21dl0t
W. - 8. Curtis,' trust if. to" city of
Omaha, part t1, nw4 19-16-13 S
James Conley and wile to Olle A.
Chandler, block 1, lot Nichol
son's aiiil 1,730
Mattio Klcwit and husband to James
J. Rollly, west 35 feet of e 70 feet
: of north W feet lot 11, block 10, South
Omaha 3,100
James Conley to Wlllium L. GuBte,
lot 4, block 1, Nicholson's add 1.7G0
Edward Cassldy and wife to llonry
C. rimer, lot block 1, Missouri
Avenue park 000
James Conley to F. A. Franslcus, lot
t, block 1, Nicholson's add 1,750
Same to Louise M. Byers, lot 9, block
1, Nicholson's add 1,700
II. J. Rolfs to William C. Hopper,
part lots 6, 7 and 8, block 5, ElKhorn,
In Jones' add 950
Krelltie S. Ontcood to Jacob Katlemarj,
lots 3 and 4, block 52, Omuha 1
Byron Reed company to Carl A.
Curlson, sv lot 10, block 4, Drake's
add 30)
John C. Drexel and wife to John H.
Harte, lot 1, block 100, "Dundee 1
Oecnr Quick to Frank K. McCleary,
lot 10, block 476. Grandvlew 1
George VV. Barnes and wifn to Fred
D. Wead, lot B, Morton's subdlv.. 1,000
Edward J. IPre and wife to Richard
O'Keeffe, lot 18, clock 2. Mt. Doutrhis 300
name to same, lot IS, block 3, Mat
thews' sub(liv 200
C. R. Dillon 'and wifo to William H.
Cole, lot 4. CarlberK's replat 2,400
Owen T. Hanier to Theodore Thomp
son, lot 21, Kensington 2,030
Aaron H. Ivtwcllcr and wifo to Mrs.
Christina Joein. lots 1.1, 14, 15 and
lti. block 4, East Millard 600
Rnlph W. Brockenrldge and wife to
Thomas 11. Matters, lot 3, block 10,
HansroRi Plac 5,000
Antonio Zaiiina and wife to John
Slaby, lots 27 and 2. block 3, Mel:a's
1st add., H' utli Omaha gio
Tukey Land comranv to Michael J.
Lawless, lot 10, block 11. Clifton Hill 14 0
Total amount of transfers.
TURMASTKR. Cheyenne. Wvo., Oct. 21,
! Scalcu proiMisalM in triplicate wili be
iwfiveii ai mm oitico until 9:30 a ni
Friday. November ti, loon, at which time
they will he opened In public, for furnish
ing and rriulpplna- complete, with metal
wwither HtriiiH, to the National or
Chamberlain Metal Weather Stripping six
seta of quarters at Fort D. A. Riniaeli
Wyoming, as follows: One (1) liachelor
Officers' Quarters No. p. one n Field
Officers' Quarters No. 2.S, four (4) sets
Captains' Quarters Nos. l.'ifl. 3 41. 142 and liil.
Any in formal ion desired in regard t the
installation of the metal weathpr atrip.
puiK above mentioned, will be furnished
in application at this office. It desired
that tin- price for each building bf stalod
separatfly. T)ie government reserves tlie
ri(;ht to reject or accept any or all bids
or uny part thereof. Envelopes containing
proposals should be indorsed "Proposals
for Metal Weather Stripping" and ad
dressed to Captain V. K. Hart, llith In
fantry. Acting Quartt-rmaMer r. S. Army,
In c hnrgo of Const ruction, Chevenne Wyo'
0'J4-26-27-2&-NJ-G '
ANNl'AL I'iU'lrfC.
retimery 4th. Tl
dayt, by specially rhar-
t. r1 ffi-amer.
wurtd, Oct. :i. '19.
8 'Antbiu" 4 mos. round the
r O. LUrk. Times, Bid , N T.
11 .') Co. iiaifiu inconiu proper! ,
;:i,ti hardware, Harrison coumy, Iowa.
F.j.i'") "fnoi'ii." propel i , Hamburg, la.
ivi i s and nr. .c. i ieH, .'at miles east,
iiio.'i'o grocery atoik, 4o mil.-?, of iJinutia.
$li.jw Income propt rty, Kansas City,
$ ' i iiicom". JiVVtuj incumbrance. Kansas
(Ty. Mo.
Can rniuce Incumbrance JOOflO If neces
sary. ' J R. ADKIN3,
.Room 4. First Nat. Back E'.dg.,
Council Bluffs, la.
a)-Mlll 23
Advtrtit) in
Best tV. West
eupienie Court, who Khali hold Ms umosjs
lor li.e period of six yeais. l'rovrueil, that , ft
the member of the Supreme l ourt whose jj
term of olfice expires in January, 1:0.4. snail t !
be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court dur- V
Ins that time, until the ah alion of nls
teim of office. And. provided furlner, that 'Ti
I 1 (
$1.00 a Vcek
Fast Ottawa Team to Battle with
Creighton at Vinton Park.
Crippled Condition of the Crelghton
Team Forces l ie of Substitutes
and Pots the Result
In Doubt.
Crelghton rootors are confldont of an
other victory when Ottawa comes to town
Saturday to meet the Crelghton foot ball
team at Vinton street park. Since the de
feat of the strong Grinncll team by Crelgh
ton last Saturday Crelghton stock has
taken a rise and the cry at Crelghton now
Is "Win every game."
Coaches Kenny and Schneider have one
of the best squads ever given western
coaches to handle and they are making a
BDlendld team on the hill. The quantity
I of their material waa shown three weeks
ago when the game with Highland Park
got close and the coaches sent an entire
new back field Into the game and also
used several substitute line men who held
their own aa well as did the regulars, If
not better.
. Jayhawkers Are Speedy.
Saturday morning the upholders of the
"black and orange" of Ottawa university
will arrive In Omaha and put up at the
Murray hotel. From a recent letter of
Coach W. a. Wann sent to the Crelghton
management, It seems Ottuwa haa selected
a fust bunch of middleweight men, Instead
of a heavy slow aggregation to represent
them off the gridiron this year. They will
average 161 pounds, which will make their
average just the same as that of Orlnnell.
The style of play which they adopt the
famous Pennsy formations requires fast
men to execute it perfectly and the show
ing of the Ottawa team up to date seems
to Indicate a mastery of the system.
Their recent work against the Washburn
team, which Is undoubtedly the rtrongest
team In the Missouri s valley conferenco
and has been for several years the cham
pion team of Kansas, speaks well for their
ability. They depend to a great extent
upon speed and the forward pass and their
assortment of plays must be solved bv the
Crelghton boys In .rapid style If they will
prevent them from . crossing their goal
line." Their ends are very speedy. Benge,
right end, 1b a full blood Cherokee Indiun
and possesses all the proverbial speed of
his tribe. Lutik, the left end, was men
tioned In the choice of the all-state team.
The Coe brothers are fast, aggressive play
ers. Creighton's prospects for Saturday are
not good. Brennan, whose spectacular
work against the tirinnell team caused
such favorable comment, has a very bad
knee and may not be In tlie game Satur
day. Cramer is ready to step Into hla
place and give a good account of himself.
Captain Bob Magirl will not be In the
game, but promises to give Dernea a taste
of hla .strength. Hannifin and Maguire
have sprained fingers and were kept out of
all scrimmages this week. Tlie other
members of the team are In fair condition
The coaches are anxious about the result
Saturday and seem to think that if they
win It vfdl be only by fakes and trick
plays. '
Warren Sheldon of Case school will
reforco and Lieutenant Riky will umpive.
The line-up:
t.iiak L. E iK. E...
Marlin L. 1 I H. T...
rornellna I.. o. R. G...
iiuwcri l.'.,C
Hutching it- i- i L. li . . . .
roe ('-".) U. 'I . L. T. . .
Benge K. E L. E...
ronley q u q. u...
Frlnk K. i l-! 1 II...
r. IV L. H. I K. H...
Alderman F. K. 11...
.... Blo-lurs
Morgan1) i lr
iliu re
iuilrewi I'rotlnsr Wander.
aiUNNia.L, la., Oct. !. (SiM-cial.) Who
Is L. H. Andrews, the announced Yale man,
Iowa, college's peppery, resourceful and
billliur.t coach? A tumor was circulated
that he wan Hiselow. last year's caplain
of the Vale elevtn, but investigation showed
lliat Higelow 1 Lead coach at Vale. None
of tile pictures of Ilio Vale teams for live
years show a man by tlie name of Andrews
and Iiinury surrounds the identity of the
man who has proved himself a wonder In
developing tlie local elevtn. He Is teach
ing tlie team formations new to any font
ball men here and quietly continues hi
work ma-lit after niuht despite the Inqulty
which ho knows Ih being carried on.
ranter for lows,.
IOWA CITY. la.. Oct. OS. formalions to defend Left Kn.l Hy-
land In his place-kicking were practiced
liv the vnrsitv last himit oil Jo'.va tiei.i
i'or twentv. minutes Coach C;itiin In-
strurte.d Hie nn on protecting tli lanky
end in sending tlie bal' over tlie bar from
placemt nt.
Hlnce Hie Ip.lury to Captain Kirk the Iowa
eleven has had no man who could hoot
the bell between ti? jx-mts from drop-kick
or pi-icement. The n eil of a kicker wa.
felt time and time, ajfain In the Missouri
arame. but vl'.h the Hawkeve leader on
the sidelines Quarterback Carh. rry was
iimp lied to rail stra'uht formations.
For fear that Morningside may be much
stronger than anticipated the coaches are
ulavinst a sure game by preparing a kicker
capable of scoring the nect ssary 4 pjirits
win n the team is In striking niKtance una
li e sturdy umux ity eleven ui D.en
able to h ld the Hawkeve offenne.
Iow a will b crippled aaralnst M trnlng
sldo with Kirk and 1'errine out of ti,e
same. Fee who bos been holding down
Kirk's position, ha. water ou Urn khee
Men's Suits and Overcoats
We want to make this Saturday the Banner day of
tlie month, and in order to do it, wo will sell any
of our $12.50 men's finely AlCinr
tailored suits and overcoat iK
for the one iiriee V
Ladies' Beautiful Suits
Fashioned after New York's latest style ideas-
the biggest assortment we ever offered
serges and ehefron
in all the new shades.
actually worth $27.50
for Saturday,
and will probably last 'only a part of the
contest, thus making It necessary to put
In Hargerty, a half back developed within
the past three days.
Tha Iowa team leaves here tonight at
8:30, arriving In Sioux City tomorrow morn
ing. A banquet Will probably be given
the Iowa team by loyal Iowa alumni In
Sioux City. The squad returns Sunday.
Eager is making bio flans
Cornknakers Manager Preparea for
Crowds at Ames Game.
Manager Eager of the Cornhuakers Is
making big preparations for the Nebraska
Ames foot ball game, which will be played
at Diet park November 7. He to forced
to make big preparations, for tho game
will be a big one, and indications already
are for a record-breaking crowd. Omaha
haa not had a foot ball game of the first
class for several years and the local en
thusiasts are elated over the prospects of
seeing two of tha best teams of the west
In action.
The remarkable showing made by the
Cornhuskers against the strong Minnesota
team puts Nebraska In the front rank, for
did not the coach of the Chicago team say
after the game that Nebraska had one
of the strongest teams he had ever seen
on a gridiron? For several years Ames has
been one of the strongest competitors Ne
braska has .met on the gridiron and the
game Ames played against Minnesota this
year show! that the agricultural college
has a strong team again.
Manager Eager la already receiving
orders for reserved seats for the game,
and he writes that these orders will be
filled in the order In which they are re
ceived and the seats located as nearly as
possible to the place requested.
The rxebrasKa rooters will occupy one
aide of the gridiron and the Ames rooters
the other. Nebraska will bring over l.vuu
students and rooters from Lincoln and the
Amea manager writes that he Is arranging
to have 600 . accompany his team. Each
will have a band and the rooters will
march from the depot to the center of the
city, making a welkin ring all the way up.
The stores have ordered a large number ot
pennants that all may go with real college
spirit ahd throw away dull care for a day
and Join In the sport.
Applications have already been made for
the tallyhoes aa several large parties are
being organized. Seats will be provide
for 4,000 people and the others will have to
stand or go in autos or carriages.
i -i. i . .
Two School Tearua Plar at Diets Park
Pinal preparations are being made, by
the Boosters' club for the game Saturday
at Diets park between the Omaha High
school and Harlan (la.) foot ball squads.
A large mass meeting waa held Friday
afternoon In room 204. Tickets for the
game 'have been on sale during the week
and ' show signs of a big crowd for the
game. Arrangements have been madu to
have enough of tlie new grandstand com
pleted to accommodate: 400 to M persona.
In regard to the game Mr. Horslngton of
Harlan said:
"We have worked up a strong team this
year and expect to give our opponents a
warm game. They beat us last year, but
will have to work hard to do It now."
The Omaha team lias been practicing
with the first Crelghton squad beside lis
regular daily practice on line work and
trick plays. More time has been given
during the last week to defense and line
strength, but constantly review signal
practice and formations. The lineup for
the game Is:
Eerl Hnlriilon....R.H R.I....
r.ul Lewie q.B.q.H
Victor Daiken L...4.I L.H....
Nele B.kgard L.I. L.T...,.
Hoy Peterson B R.O....
Huuell swift '.'.ic
Lrauerd llorelniton.K.K. R . E. .. .
Frank Jolinbon C I., K H
P U 1K B....
Frank Murphy L.E L.....
L.B. L.K....
Olen MiCord L.O. i L.ii. . ..
U. J. I L.O ...
W. Howard
He. lor
Elmer Neleon R.r.iH T....
Waller Antlemon. . . .'ib i Hub
Leonard Kerr bub. sub
Hace Course at Kasf Omaha I Ready
for t'se ott.
The new half-mile, regulation race track
built by local capital in Kunl Omaha Ih
completed and ready for use. Arrange
ments were made for holding a matinee
Saturday afternoon, but tills has been
called off because of the cold weather.
Tho track Ik situated on the lvaxt Omaha
oar line and Is iultu accessible tu the,
people of Omaha.
Horsemen of Omaha have been clamoring
for a loliK tinio for a ruce track where
the gentlemen'H Ro.ui.ster club could hold
matinees and wheie some good rue meets
could bo pulled oft and now they have
the track. The fence enclosing tha track
will not be built until next spring, but
tlie stables are finished and quite, a num
ber of liorst s are now uuartorod there and
work out daily on tlie track.
Urake-Lirlnnell Today,
IOWA CITY, la., Oct. S&-(8peclit.)The
game that will attract tho must Interest in
the state tomorrow is between Drake and
Orlnnell, the old-time rivals at Des Moines.
Hoth elevens have been developed with this
game In view and Coaches Andrews and
Uriffltli have trained their men for tlie
fray on the Drake stadium tomorrow. The
odds favor the Scarlet and Black, for Grif
fith has handed out bear dope from the
Drake camp and the showing of the Blue
and White, has verified his statements up
lo tiaie. , i
Coach Andrews started tho rest cure on
his men tnis week and Uiey will be in the
pink of condition for tomorrows battle.
Flsttsgxn, the Utar rnd, was the most badly
cnpplei! man alter inn I reignton game, as
a bad "charley horse'' had d velopod.
Drake feels it is the crucial gamo of the
year. Three suecesnlve tlefeaia in years
past at the I j arum of lirinuell has stung
tne Drake men to make the effort of their
lives. Many alumni coaches are helping
ijrinitn, total last evening neing tour
ten. .
The ir.arns debated for some time over
offu iuls and at last reports Prall, head, was tlie only man chosen.
Cornell came through the (treat game
with Amea, In which Conch Finger's men
j ,Jwn,t iha slate champions In good shuns.
and criix-ta will he mane to work the men
Into as good condition
for the Orlnnell
game November 21.
Iowa will meet the Mornlnaalde team at
flloux City. Many sub. will be used and
no attempt made hv CaiIIii'. battered
eleven to run up large score,
Beautiful Pictures
i'or a aneclal In our Furni
ture Department we offer
a large assortment of very
beautiful and hlalilv col
ored pictures, suitable for
pnrior or den, positively
worm s, at nn
the special price JJJC
Wichita and Topeka May Enttr Weit
ern and White Wingt Go,
ra ftonrke Gea His Lamps on r
llned Check to Boy Out Te
beau and Believes In K
pension Report.
With Wlrhita and Tttpeka added to (lie
Western league end a new management in
Denver, prospects for 1M are giving en
couragement to the magnates and fans of
this circuit. President Ronrke of the
Omaha team admits there seems to be an
excellent chance of getting the two Kansas
cities and In his opinion they will add vast
strength to tho leajrun, making It an elghl
team circuit Instead of six.
Pa Hourko also says he understands that
the report of J. F. Qunthrope of Flalnvlew,
Neb., buying 60 per cent Interest In the
Teddy Bears Is correct. Mr. Ounthorpe
pent a couple of days recently th Omaha
with Pa and Had a certified check of large
proportions with which to do business at
Denver. Since then the Denver papers have
contained the announcement that he has
bought Tebcau' Interest, which was an
even 60 per cent, instead of 51. Instead, thla
exposition has led to some Interesting com-
mem as to the business acumen of White
Wings. Tebeau had always been , given
credit for being the shrewdest man In the
Western league and yot. If this report is
true, he was not shrewU enough to cop 51
per cent of the stock In the Denver team,
a controlling share. But It must be ad
mitted Just the same that Tebeau did the
controlling whether he had the stock Or not.
At any rate, DO per cent Is what Mr.
Ounthorpe Is said to have bought In Den
ver, and he may get hold of another 1 per
cent, so as to give him control.
Mr. Gunthorpe comes Into the business a
new man so far as the fans are aware, and
while Denver 4s tickled to death over the
deal. It la to be noted that its riaibles are
aroused, not so much over Mr. Ounthorpe
of whom It knows nothing, but rather over
tlie fact that It has got rid of Tebeau.
But there a plenty of time for the rest of
the league to do ts shouting. Catn are
id to have nine livei. Tebeau may, own
the whole circuit before the 1909 season
opens you never can tell. If hla tentlcle.
really have been clipped, though, then there
la some 'real ground for hoping- that thaf
much-talked-of eight-club circuit is In
Ight. Tebeau has retarded the progress Of
the league ever since he came Into L and
If he- haa gone, lf hale and hurrah for the
Meanwhile Ducky Holme, la said to be
out for the scalp of Pueblo, w.ti ,
with a paying team In Denver and Wich
ita and Topeka. with such, leader a. Dick
Cooley and Isbell. point, the way to a bet
ter state of thing., no matter whether
that town by another or not. .
National bolf Champion I. - v
Mlaa Ilarlry, Vovlce.
or MImm i.'ui,....i .. . i
Mrs. Cajeb F. K,,v ,i. .(-.,, i
ana Bishop. 3 p and 2 to play! l"u,"
garet C.irtU. 3 upn,i 2 o " , Mof-
Mrs. T H. Polhemua' won fro.,. MM ,
aiirevo, 2 up und 3 lo r,Mv " l'
o"hv .!",v'-"-. .'". M . ..
Ormsby McCsmn,,. 7 ..." '. 'r,Jl. M'
noil u i j pla
Mornlngrslde.fuMa Came.
1-. V '-"-t. --TsSnf.i.LiI
the week Holllster has drilled 1. 1 "f
to meet what he ha ' tn "IV
Iowa offense Th. Morn'm." ,! '
be outweighed both In the line in, i? 1
back flvld by their opponents. "
Haellsigs Has Foot Ball Team.
HA8TINOS, Neb.. Oct, -(SicUI .
fV,r the first time 'la .nutlr
Hastings College has a foot ball team ,i
which the people of this city , pay ins. '
with hard training under Coach HolKte
an ex-Maroon, who has been In charae ,,r
the siuad since the first two weeks M
practice. Team work of an eawellent
quality was displayed In the game witli
Kearney Normal last Saturday, which re
sulted In a victory of 4 to ip In favor of
Hastings. Next Saturday Hasilnas olsva
YYeltyan heta, '
Fall River, Mass.. ( olf club v,r Mi.a
today a matches In tin- third r min. , f.
tica ,y a noclve. was the great i" ,'ru."
of the tournament. urprie
played in the back fielcl 1- , i ' who
also be miaalna . I 'l
.quad will b, minus two of 1 1,7, r nlHr
ftuiae. was Injured In the iam.i i. J- t
Kail, laat Saturday Ind will ' "
play for several weeks Aaui
the heavy right guard' h tT.Z'l
from th sjud because f bl od jk.'J
in his right aim. The MeU.odh.ti - V"
satisfied If they ran hoi 1 ' ,7". , V
i points. Itir n