14 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1008. Want - ads A4tfrtlnnti far the ul rtliBM will a taken aatll 1 as. far Caak mast aeeemaaar ill ardere far aat a4a an4 Ba ai,rrt1.,nit will Iw aeeeated far leas taan lO ceaa far flrat laeertloa. flatee apply laitllhft Tfca Dally ar Bandar Bra. A I war a eeaat elx wcrli (a lla.. Ceasblaatleas af laltlala ar aiaara raaat aa oa. war. CAM! RATES FOR WAST ADS. ItEOlXAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertlea, per liar, lO ceate. Twe ar mare roaeeratlTe laarrtlaaa, per Una, 4 rrili. Each laaertlea snade aa add dare, 10 rrata per liar. ft-BO eer Una aar saeathi eieeatlaa; tkat riRJfllURU ROOM AT)9, will aei Oaa laarrtlaa, 4 -rrata per liar tatee ar elx eonseeatlve laarr tlaaa, :i rrata. prr llaa aaek laarrtloai arvra ar mora eoaeecetlre laarrtlaa, rrata ocr llaa aacb laarrtloai 60 rente prr llaa prr aaaatk. Want ada far Tka Baa mar e Irft t aar af the fellawlagi drag; eteree la rar. "earaea dregglst" ker all braark afleti tar Tka Baa aad rear ad will ka laaerted Jaat aa preasatlr aad aa tka same ratra aa at tka aaal. ama la Tka Baa SaUdla. ryeatreatk aad Faraaaa atreetai Albach, W. C, 40tn and Farnam. Beraftek. . A.. 140J 8. 16th St Wecht Pharmacy. 72v B. 16th Ht. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nco. llemls Psrk Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, Mii Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. K.. 6th and Pierce bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 3212 Military Ave. f.ont. J B.. Slat Ave. and Fanum SU Cilssey Pharmacy. 24h and Lake Sta. Cermak, Eniil. IJOi t . Ulh Ht. Khlers, P. H.. 2803 Leavenworth St. Staler dt Arnoldl, tit N. 26th St. fieytag, John J , 114 N. 24th Bt. f.orence Dru Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. Oleenough, O. A , 1024 8. 10th Bt. Gnenough. . A., 7024 8. 10th St. Hayden, Wlillam C, 1S20 Farnam Hanscum Paik Pharmacy. 1401 8. 29th flt. Hoist, John, 624 N. ltith Bt. Hurf. A. 1. i!f.'4 Leavenworth 6L Kin. K. 8.. Farnam St. Kountae Place Pharmacy. 2604 N. 24th Bt Patrick Drug Co., W)l N. 24lh Bt 1 athrop, CI, uric. E.. 1324 N. 24th 8t. Peyton, L, E., -4th and Leavenworth Sts. 8ratcH IruK Co.. 24th Bt. and Amu Ave. Schaefnr'i Cut Price Drug- Co.. lth ami Chicnio St. Schaefer. August. ?031 N. lh St. Schmidt, J. H. 24th and Cuming Bta. Storm Pharmacy, ioth and Martha Bta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Walton Pharmacy, rotn and Orace Sta. worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta. MAHHIAGK LICENSES. ' Tli following marriage license has been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. P.eml Uogard, Omaha 32 Sc.-ul.na P. Jacques, Umalia 22 Henry Buchman, Omaha 39 Belle Ratt, Omaha 24 .Vutihew B. Young. Ottuinwa, la 26 Higgle Planum. Oitumwa, la 24 Jim Krlx. Omaha 27 e'.efanio Kledusova. Omahn 18 BIRTHS A.M DEATHS. Births Abraham F rer, 1724 South Thir teenth, boy; rred Arndt, Benson, girl; Al lied p. (turns, 3o24 Ames avenue, boy William Ward, U4 North Twenty-slxtn. boy; Homer K. Race, M Webster, klrl-Fi-d BnoemukiT, t.vdar, girl. Urath Mm. I auii-nne cairoll, St. to si pit s lioKplial, tio. ANNOUNCEMENTS MOHA.NL B clasBea m tkaucliig Opp. Bur . Jiil liiialur, I'uhm tor aUulca luea. and Fri., k p. ro. ; aocial every Wod., pn- valu lentous. Cull or 'lei. Doug. iimI; special teiuis to pupils tiuni the colleges. (U 74 UcLH THK C1TV GAKHAGB CO., office 4ih ail J Leavenworth til a. 'lei. Loug.aa liSi. a-2u SIGN PALNTINUa. H. Cole. 1303 Doug las. (l)-2a LADIES shirt waist boxes, skirt boxes and baby boxes made to order; odd pieces of furniture made and repaired; pianos polished and ref unshed; the only placu you can have your own original designs made. All work guaranteed. Tel. lnd U 2023. (D-267 Nov. s AUTOMOBILES CEND fcr our list uf second-hand auto mobiles. LtltlvjitT. IMS fcarnam (J) 264 THREE l-ton commercial automobiles; prices. (Win. &0 and ll.AiO. Apply W. b. Balduif. ls2 Farnam bt. (ZiM IXR BALE Automobile. A 1907 hl.'h-class tlfty-hoisepower runabout, list price $4.io0.oo. A dargaln. VMIi traue for real tslate. Address L-'Sl, 1 ee. (2) MoK i ACTOMOBlLE8-t)n 22-horse power, cynnuer. lisii tiambler, mouel i2, a pas senger, fiist-class condition; will trade for eastern or western land If close to good town; pay dltference. If any. Ad dress Box 4', a, Tekamah, Neb. 12) M431 26x ON account of moving to California In a few weeks, hoth of my automobiles are for ssle cheap. One a runabout and one a three-passenger car, botn about as good as new. tome and see for yourseu, or . write to J. F. SleniS. 1721 Quincy 8t., Co lumbus. Neb. (2) M30.' 21) FOR SALE Two-cylinder Bulck 6-passen-ger automobile. Equipped With top, speed meter, glass front, extra Inner tuoes. inuu chains, etc. Outfit cost l,7u); iyo7 model. Looks like new. only run one season and half. $W0 cash. Goo. F. Ahbott, 1o4 Karnam St. (2 M414 2o FOR HALE. AUTOMOBILES. 1 19i8 model F, 6 pass Hulik car, good as new, been run 3 months, fully equipped' also Gabriel horn and extia set of tires! cost $1,27; price, $0. 1 model C, 19ui Jackson, 5 pass, touring car equipped w.tli new net of tires; car Is In No. 1 condition; will guarantee bith, of these cars, cost price, 1 2.X1; now $W HARLAN Al TO GARAGE, Harlan, la. . , (2l M4 BARTER AND EXCHANGE $:0-ACRE IMPROVED FA RM $15 an acre; 7 miles in rthe.ist of S.lvei Ciee; isi acres under cultivation, bulai.ee huv and pas ture land; s.oiy ana Hal, luu:e; all other necessary buildings; moitgage l.'.Sno 4 years lo run, ani merchandise for equity of $S,to0. Thus. P. Matthews, Gllt ner. Neb. (3)-3l 23x FOR EXCHANGE-720 acres. ( miles from town, a acres under cultivation. liO acres pasiure. y meadow, nearl. all tl. table, small house. 2 barns, splendid ranch or farm; rice only $.10 per aire, will take Horn $12,oio to 118. fto in good inerchsn.liSB clear rental property, low. or Illinois Isnd. Kuhmlt offers to THE ALLEN COl'NTY INVESTMENT CO. Longlon, Kansas. O) MH4 24 . ItU ACRF.R-126 an acre; about 15 acres under cultivation, all can be; lays pretty; 10 miles northwest of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.; part nit plowed Is got d hay and pasture land: ui trees on west line; mortgage $1,100, 6 years; want mer chandise of equity of $2,900. Thos. P. Matthews, Olltner, Neb. (Jl-SAI 2:;x 4rt ACRK8 IN HOLT COUNTY tlJ.SO an acre; 40 acres 4 miles from Duttn; lays line; good stream of running water. This land Is raw pislrle, but good quality; inortgags $2,010, runs 4 vears; want mer chandise tor equity of 84.0JO. Price $11.50 per acre. Thos. P. Matthews, Giltner, Neb. (3)-421 WANTED to trade, half Interest In patent horseshoeing stand for 4-passenger auto mobile: must be In good shape. Writs C. F. Uoulhworth. Boone. Nel. $) M2$e 27s FOR SALE Or exchange, 1)4 aree choice Irrigated land In Iatrsmle Valley, Wo. ; m nillr station V. V. railroad. $ per aire; II aO equity for hardware, balance long time. Write Box 422, 8hen m.l.vili. If U)-MAD:t BUSINESS CHANCES Buy"Central"Now The Central Mobile Car-Sign Company, a corpo- -ration, offers 270 shares of its capital stock for sale as follows : ' . ' t $ 5.00 a month for 10 months buys 4 nhares, par value, $ 100.00 $10.00 a month for 10 months buys 8 shares, par value, $ '200.00 $50.00 a month for 10 months buys 40 shares, par value, $1,000.00 This is just 50 cents on the dollar, or $12.50 for each $25.00 share. All stock is common or voting stock. All stock is, when issued, fully paid and non assessable. This Company , controls the rights to operate, exclusively, the Khar as Patent Moving Car-Sign in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri and Arkansas. This Company now owns long time leases on the following street railway and interurban systems: Alton, Jacksonville & Peoria, 111; Merrill, Wiscon sin; Eureka Springs, Ark.; , Walnut Ridge & Hoxio, Ark., Interurban; K. C. & Olathe Interurban, Kansas City, Mo.; Blue Valley Interurban Railway, Kansas , City, Mo. Stock is being sold to equip cars with the "moving' signs" and make each car earn, as an advertising proposition just four times what it is now earning. Every $50.00 invested equips one car. . Attractive illustrated literature on application. ORDER STOCK DIRECT OF US OR THROUGH ' ANY RELIABLE BROKERAGE FIRM. Car-Sign Headquarters, 21-22 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Theo. Kharas, Manager for D. H. Weyer, Sole Owner Kharas Car-Sign Patents. BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOH SALE OR TRADE Fine Jersey cow for good single buxgy and harness. For information telephone IW7. (3) ST FOK TftADE A 20-horse power Maxwell doctor's automobile, nearly new, tn ex change for past due mortaage. equity or wentern land. Address Y 203, care Bee. (31-M432 23 FOR BALE Or will trade, general stock merchandise for farm. Andrew Miller, Frankfort, Ind. (3)-M433 24x TRADES! TRADES! Farms, town property, mdse., everything. Stringer & Child. Paxton Blk., Omaha. (3)-M24S Nov 6 BUSINESS CHANCES WELL PAYING saloon fur sale In city of 12.000; a snap. Address. Y-131. cars Omana Bee. I4j MJDeJa DRUG stores for sale everywhere, fullest. N. Y. L. Bldg. (4).j8 ON account of moving to California In a few weeks, I desire to sell my already greatly ad.ertised mall order business, cheap. For full Information write J. t . Kleins) 1721 Qulm y St., Columu)":vN-29 BANK FOR SALE Located In northern California; a good business In good con dition, In a good town of about 1.5u0 pop ulation; will require about $40,000. Ad dress, giving references. Bank, care First National Bank, Oakland, California. (4) IVIiWs Jo FOR the holidays our new raffle system Is a quick seller and repeater appeals to all retailers on slKht fine man placed 30 cards In a day; $:75 will start you with stock, order blanks, cards, etc. A complete outfit and put you In business at once; outfit will net you $400 a month. Exclusive terrltcry. Hulbert System. 21 Qulncy St., Chicago. (41-M37S 16x TO GET In or out or business call on GANG EST AD, Room 403 Bea Bldg. (4) 267 BEST stand In the best county seat town In eastern Nebraska; new, modern; corner mom on same side of street and between depot and court house; also next door to post 'fit e; gooa opening ior general mi chanalse, drug store, ilothlng or shoes. H. 1'. Rankin. Hartlngton, Neb. (4) M421 26x FIRST-CLASS meat market for aals in Omaha. Address J 769, cuje Bee. (4 355 28x BUSINESS DIRECTORY thlropodlat. LR. ROY, R. 2. Ifio Far-lam st Doug. $197. l6 267 Carpet Cleaning. A. K. JETT, cleaner and l4'er IncLBaWtk. ieiuent Blocks. IF OV object 1o the sameness see our line Wt have the must up-to-date styles In iength. helgnt una taces. Alwas a laige slock ol well seasoned blocks on ( and. O.d.a plant In Oiiiana. Omaha Concrete Sume Co., .Htu Ae. and Sahler and Belt Line. ,Ph.is: vVenster 8-8, Webster 4.l. Independent B-'18- (j)-02 Nv23 Creamer lea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (S) S3 UrtHissklBg. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 2571. l-3 McDowell Dree-maklng school. 1623 Farnara (o In families Mlssts Weidler. Webster 4655. 0 J iMdll v DRES8MAK1NG and alterations; Woman's Exchange, a-i rarnam, mi. u 15) 147 Dentlsta. BAILEY sV MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. MU. X (31 2b0 Florists. HESS BWOBODA. ICS Farnara U HENDERSON. 151 Farnam. Tel. D. LO. t5 2 J. H. BATH. 1J Harney. TL Doug. SOu. ID-'MlJI Money TO L O A N L O wV RATE. In sums to suit. 110 Bee BWg. 'Phone IougUa $vU4w UNION iOAN COMPANY. (5)-W MONEY to loaa on real estate at low rates. W. U. Melkis. Kamge Bldg. ( slMi UeteU. TUB aCUUTJZ, European, Uth and Hara y l)-2 BUSINESS CHANCES (4) M437 14 BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Slarlaa; aad Storing;. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St.. warehouse 1:207-8 Izard St. t) 269 Maalo aad'LBBgasgei. FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of banjo, man dolin and guitar, 606 Barker Blk. (5) 418 n Osteopathy, JOHNSON INS.. 41s N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6) 270 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. 60S N. Y. L. Bldg. (6)-271 PrlBtlngr. BEFORE placing your 1808 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve. printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. 5)-Zi3 JAY SMITH, printer and stationer: I have the goods. 1 can do your work rlgnu Room 12, Wead-Baldrige Bldg., 2oth and Farnam 8ts. Ind. 'Phone A-3t31. (6)-36S 025x EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and fl'.st lass work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., 312 S. 18th St. Tela. Doug. 6562, lrd. A-2T32. (5)-M808 N2 Rig Maaafactnrers. RUGS mads from old carpets. Council Bluffs Rug factory, tel. 616. (6)-M406 Sates, Shatters, Et OMAHA Safe and Iron Works, makes a specialty of fin escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th Bt. (6J-M808 N2 aortband Reporter and Notary. P. J. SUTCLIFFE, depositions, 628 Bee. Tel. Douglas 1806. . io) 275 Shea Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst clsss work. 16181i Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (5)-276 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St, Tel. Douglas 7567. (6)-?77 Water Filters. , Missouri water filters Htber, 1310 Howard. '5)-2T8 HELP WANTED FEMALE Paclory and Trade. EXPERIENCED Tailors and Presser. Will psy highest wages. Apply at once. Orkln Bros. 1610 Douglas St. (7) M-157 24 DR. WERTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Bik. ' (7) M Ilaaaekeepera aad Domestics. WANTED Girl to work at paper factory; white or colored. 2208 Cuming. A. Conn. (7) 326 24 WANTED-Competent girl for general , housework in family cl three. 1229 S. 2th 6t. (7-ua WANTED Girl for general housewfirk; thrte In family. 113 N. 4oth St. Tel. Hii ney cM. (7) Mi2l 2i WANTED Girl for general housework; $4 per wook; no washing. 'Phone Webster 1404. (7-M21&,24 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. B. E. Fields, Fremont, Neb. (7) M2o 24 WANTED Girl for general homework. Mrs. E. Rosewater. lol The New Hamil tou 24lh and Farnam. (7 M1 WANTED Young or middle aged lady who is desirous of a good home to keep house for young married couple. Call at !3o9 8. 27th St 7)-M37 25 GIRL for general housework: family of three; references. Tel. Harney .078. 42H Harney. (7) M386 ft WANTED Young girl to assist In general work; no washing or cooking. Inquire at 1124 8. 2th St. (7)-M341 24 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, three in family; good wages. Tel. Harney 2603. 8. 40th St. (7-M135 21 WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook: no washing or Iron ing. Mrs. Ben Cotton, 4004 Harney 8t. Tel. Harney 62. (7) 357 . WANTED A good eook. Ilk) Park Ave. Tel. Hartley 866. (7 156 24 Bf laeellaaeoaa. WANTED !$ sewing women. Apply Dress goods dept. Hayden Bros. (7) 3i4 24 COMPETENT girl wanted. 143 No. Jlst Ave; references required. (7) 350 24 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. Trying to get Competent help without using "BEE want ads" is like swimming a river with a bridge close by. - -- -- -'- HELP WANTED MALE OPPORTUNITY Wolf & Company, Philadelphia. Ta.. well known largest publisher, importers and i manufacturers In Amfrloa of Art and Im ported Calendars, Leather Ooods and Ad vertising; specialties. Exclusive copyrighted suhjt'cls. embracing loading artists of the world. Most llbersl contract ever offered to experienced calendar salesmen with es ttihllAhed trade, or salesmen of known or proven ability. Only thos who can show record and ability to earn $3,100 to $5,000 per year. Representative wanted for Nebraska and thu Lakotas. Could use two bright ladles in good territory. Call on O. L Black, I-oynl Hotel, room No. 30, IMMEDI ATELY. (-37 24 AGENTS wanted for the most complete oil gas burner In the world; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fins gas; it fits any cook stove or range; nothing like IU One-third cheaper than coal or wood. TUB ECONOMT BURNER CO., Dept. S. to and oio N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. 00 MJ41 Nov. 6 WANTED Young man to drive through country and sell farmers ar. article of big value at a row pries; permanent po sition and good .Income. Address A X), . care Bee. (8) M10J IXJOK here, doea yourMncoms aatlsfy you? Sand 25c for our wonderful book of money niiiking discoveries. The Connor Supply Company, Washington, D. C. (8) M420 6x WANTED First-class salesman to canvass the drug trade, also wholesale and retail 11Uor concerns, with a quick-selling spe cialty. Kindly furnish references with application. Address John P. Sheehan & Co.. L tlca. N. Y. (8 MU2 24 WANTED Traveling man by local firm: experlenca not necessary; position per manent. Address W 222. Bee. (8-M104 WANTED Experienced rug and carpet talesmen. Carpet Dept., Hayden Bros. (8-324 23 Bora. OFFICE boy, aged 18. Apply at office. .Nebraska Clothing Co. WHISK zt Clerical aad Oalee. CLERK, familiar with electrto wiring, $80. Bank clerk,' must be good penman, $40-$). Three stenographers, $4O-$S0-$S6. fctenographer and bookkeeper, bank, $40-$80. Germar. speaking general merchandise clerk, $30. fipe. laity sulesman, straight salary. Call or write fcr a complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), Suite 721 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 403 23 DRUG clerk's position. Kulest, N. Y. Life Bldg. jm CREDIT man for wholesale house, $KX)-$125. Expert penman for bank, $65. Bookkerpr, muot be German, $75. Stenogi aplier (Implements) $45. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 073-75-77 Brandels Bldg. (9) 401 23 . Factory aad Tradee. EXPERIENCED Tailors and Presser. Will pay highest wages. Apply at once. Orkln Bros. 1510 Douglas tit.. (9) M-156 24 WANTED Two tailors; steady work: good wages. Appiy 2021 N. 24th St. (8) 1 IF YOU want a pleasant and profitable po sition, enroll In our class of automobile engineering. Write for Information to Omaha School of Automobile Engineering. 2418 Ieavenworth St. () M224 24 WANTED Plasterers and bricklayers. V.lckham Bros., 18 Scott St., Council Bluffs. (9)-M317 27x WANTED First-class broom maker at once. Omaha Broom Factory, 16th and Pacific St. (9) 327 23x . WANTED Men to learn barler trade, few weeks completes; 60 chairs constsntly busy; careful Instructors; tools given; diplomas granted; wages Saturdays; posi tions waiting; wonderful demand for graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. (9)-M417 29x PUSHERS for a good seller and money maker. 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-M338 24x Mlacella WANTED, FOR U. S. ARMY-Able-bodled. unmaiT.ed men between ages of 18 and at, citizens of United States, of good char scter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas fits., Omaha, Neb. (-M$ BOYLES COLLEGE. Enter any time for courses tn stenogra phy, typewriting, telegraphy, bookkeeping, English. Night or day sessions as prefer red. Chance to work tor board. Catalogues free. H. B. Boyles. President, Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. for telegraphers.. (9) M313 RAILWAY mall clerk, postofflce clerks, carriers wanted; examinations here No vember Is; preparation, free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 126, Rochester, N. Y. 9)-M975 Nix FREE employment dept. Business Men's Asr.n: no fee Call 626 N. Y. Life Bidg. (9)-2S3 WANTED Man to dig cesspool. Call 412 Bee Bldg., Saturday morning. I. L. Thomas. (9) 392 2)x HELP WANTED M A I K OR rEMALIi. MEN and WOMEN are earning $?5 week selling my newly patented articles needed by every wnmnn; rapid sellers; no s heme A. M. Young. 38 Howland Bldg., Chicago. (10) M416 25x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloraea aad Vehicles. "OLD HONESTY" $3 horse blankets wear like Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (11) MS04 D2 LOST AND FOUND STOLEN Red National bicycle, from Omaha High schoul; $j reward. Tel. Web. ster 4479. (12I-M368 25x ! LOST One plain open-face gold Wultham WHttli. Monogram on buck W. 1). M Kindly return to desk at Hotel Rome and receive reward. (12) M413 25 LOST Two surgical Instruments, wrapped together. Left on northbound Sherman avenue car Wednesday about noon while car wss somewhere south of 14th and Knrnam Sts. Reward If returned to this office. (12-396 24 MEDICAL BEST nerve brsce for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman 4b MeConiiell Drug Co., Omaha. (U)-3H2 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creightot. Medical college, 14th and Dev. enporl Sts.; special attention paid to con finement casus; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas , 1167. Culls answered day or night. (U)-ia ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women t 124 N. 24th Bt , Omaha. Neb. U MJS LARGE, sunny, well furnished front room with bay window. 117 8. 26th Ave Tel. Douglas 7010- (15) M3St 26g WHEN writing to adTertlsere remember It takca but an extra etroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yea saw tti'i ad In The ee MONEY TO LOAN ALAHIKS A.D CHATTELS. NO PLACE like : Old Reliable lyOA.V HKAPQl'AH TEHS to boriow money. NO PLACE mini you get such low rates and a lair, hcr.eat deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade lblh Hu entranee. (It) ;'Xo MONEY to loan on chattels. Tel. B jnil. (14) M3J0 2ox MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Of flees In 66 principal cities. Tolinan, room 613, New York Lite Bldg OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding aad Hoowa VIENNA hotelf private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 286 WE do expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller at lusller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. tlo) 287 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (16) 388 WANTED To room and uoard. refined gentleman or man and wife, by refinud couple In large strictly mcdern private residence; nice rooms and use of piano and library; excellent board, $5 per week 3018 Webster St. (15)-9I1 CLOSE-IN large south room with board; references required. 114 S. 19th St. Phono Red 40. (16)-286 FRONT rooms, en suite or single; also fur nished rooms with table board, convenient to both park lines; modern. 2965 Pacific. (15-M427 30x BOARD and rooms, 1st clas board. 2ill Douglas St. 115) M378 Nov22x ONE or two nice furnished rooms, with first class board. 3oi6 Pacific St. (16)-M194 24 NICELY furnished room, modern, with team heat: board If desired. 2024 Web ster Bt. Tel. Ind. B 32V2. (15)-M238 24 NICELY furnished room, excellent table board, two gentlemen or married couple. Tel. Red 8171. . (7)-M337 2sx LARGE, newly furnished, on bathroom floor; excellent home cooking; 2412 Cnss St. Tel Red 7236. (15) M346 28 FURNISHED room and board; everything new - and strictly modern; first-ciuss neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 1S23 Wirt St. (16)-S93 Fsralsked Rouraa. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Cost you nothing. P. O. NIELSON 4 CO.. RENTAL AOT3., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 2204. (15)-'.a TWO front rooms, also front parlor, with middle aged couple in lovelv modern home after Nov. 1. 627 8. 26lh Ave. Tel Doug las 3882. (15) M426 30 NEWLY furnished rooms; house new and strictly modern, 316 N. 19th St. (15)-M436 30 NICELY-FURNISHEP room for rent; modorn 2401 Harney St. 05) 635 30 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or , month. The Chatham. 110 8. 13th St. (16)-291 FINE, large, front room, with alcove bed room; modorn; splendid east view; IV, blocks from high school; private family. Also smaller room. 408 N. 22d. (15) M967 LARGE, well furnished front room tn pri vate family; good location; gentlemen preferred. 215 No. 23d. (15) M8t"3 2lx FOR 2 gentlemen, front bed room, adjilns hall and bath, furnace heat, use of piano, library and 'phone. 628 S. 19th St. 'phone Douglas 4236. (15) MU13 TWO furnished rooms In a modern home, with all conveniences. Tel. Douglas 3.01. (16)-M998 24x I FURNISHED rooms, new house, all mod ern; references required. 610 N. 20th St. (15)-M176 24x NEATLY furnished room, private, for gen tlemun, walking distance. U H N 19: h St. (15) 40o 24x Uaf nralshed Rooms. 115 00 Room No. ( In the Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. $10.00-3 rooms at No. 719 So. 27th St. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam Street. (15)-M872 THREE unfurnished rooms, with heal. . Tel. B 2011. (15l M371 25x TWO UNFURNISHED hooms for rent. 2221 Lothrop St. Tel. Ind. B-3418. (l.")-M301 27 Apartments aad Flats. $- R flat. Scargo. ti6 N. 24th. South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramgu Bldg. Red T406. tl6)-2W 6-ROOM 8T- LOUIS FLAT. T 08 Sherman Ave.; Furance, Gus. Else trio Light. Cement Basement, Window Shades, Birch Finish. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. Ask foi Rental Department. (15) -1 76 FOR RENT ln warii-.g dlaance. deslra'ile 0-rooni fist, excellent repair and moderi., furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood and paved streets. 266 Dodge St. Rent, IM. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Faroami Uo-MS03 HEATED APARTMfcNT. 4-room, first floor, private riont and back f torches, rwly decorated, pollxhed floors, n Kountze Place, references required. 'Phone Webster 1119. J. N. Marsh. 4u Board of Tiado Blilg. C5I-M617 STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS. I largs, handsome rooms, iiMcUrn. hard wood, sliding doors, shades, hooded ; range, steam heat, hot water, walking distance Summer, $23; winter, M; well lighted. Rummer, $25; winter $.12; all oiiUlilc. Bummer, $32: winter, $i9; all outside. Tou can't match them. References re quired. BEM1S. Paxton Blk. (15I-.M214 21 I rr n r.i j froora niouern usi ai o. th St.; 2d floot. $45; Al references re quired Cnnrad Young. 1518 Dodge. j (15I-M3I3 '.NEW 6-room fists, corner SV1 snd Nich olas 8ts. ; all modern: furnace l.st; rent. $25; owner pays water: references re quired. A. t. Husk. 3413 llswtliorne Ave. Phone Harney 8S0. (15)-i22 Ileaaekeeplng rtooms TWO excellent modern furnished rooms fr housekeeping. Phone in house. 2574 Har ney Bt. (15)-M74 THPKH rooms, furnished, stesm best. 116 . N f.Id Bt. (15)-M 24x , TWO furnished rojms. modern: will ullow j llh housekeeping. 3320 No. 24th St. Tel. ' Webster 1068. (15)-Ml 70 24 1 gl'ITE "of modern light housekeeping looms, a24 California. (15t-M3.4 29x TWO light basement rooms, furnished. " ... j - ti ana M 27th. V" (15)-M230 24X Haaaea aad Callages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTING 4 0 B. 17th St. HEYDEN. INS., AGENOT. 'Phone D. 16o6; A-3M1. (15) i0 DOUBLE -rvrfim house, quire tt N. "th ei- all modern. In-(16)-MJ79 25 X J OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cot taest'outlaaed. FOR RENT 211 N. 3th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent low to good tenant. Apply at tW? N. lath Bt. . (lo;-M(i FOR UKNT g-ronm modern house; walk ing ilistHtne. Inquire IW.'S Capitol Ave. (lr M430 :'6x 4 rooms. 'H! Clark; owner pays water rent. $15. 8 rooms unA bnth. 3''9 Webster, $23. 8 rooms, modern, 3167 Davenport, $.!.'. 7 rooms, modern, 123 N. 31st Ave., $:).. RING WALT BROS., 3i S. K.lh Si. (15I-M439 25 FOR RENT 2002 California: modern dwell ing. Keys at 610 N. 2th St. (15)-M419 25x 614 8. 19TH ST., brick residence; 3 floo.s; 9 large rooms; two floors can be sub let to small families and get more than lent back. See Jas. Neville, Room 3o2 Neville block. (15)-M428 x 80S N. 39th, 8 rms., all modern, $35. Wi N. 19th, 9 rms., all modern, $.10. 422ii Farnam, 7-r., all modern cottage, $.",0. 2723 S. 9th, 7 rms. and hall, new, mod., $25. 4328 Charles. 9 rms., water, light, $20. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., 11 N. Y. Llfo BUlg. Doug or A 2152. (15)-M436 2 $25.00 g-room all modern hiuse. Just one block from the Harney car. near Crelgh ton college. No. 702 No. 18ih Ave. $2)1.00 6-room modern cottage, except heat, at No. 2I;4 So. ioth Hi. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam Street. (15)-M870 6-ROOM house. 2907 8eward St., $13. 8toro room. 1306 N. 24th. $15. 7 rooms, modern except heat, 2S26 Web ster. $20 and water. 7 rooms, second floor, 1302 N. 24th St., $17; modern except heat. Chris Boyer. 22d end Cuming Sfs. (16)-703 10 ROOMS, modern, walking distance. Bee owner, 3831 N. 22d Su TeL Black 23t. (16)- 25 SEVEN-ROOM house. Just west Hansconj Park. $24. 'Phone Harney 1666. (15 710 HOUSEHOLD goods, packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Exprcssmen'a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. (16)-2 l-ROOM, modern cottage, N. E. corner 31st and Ohlo-$20. Carlherg. 811 N. Y. Life. (15) M9S3 8-ROOM modern dwelling. 26S9 Douglas, $35. Fell & Plnkerton Co., 408 First Nst'l. Bink Bldg. (16) M134 HOTTSTCS ln a11 rarta of the city IIUUOLjO Crelgh Sone & Co.. Bee B ds. (16) 3 6 FOR RENT November 1, brick house. 2618 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern. Mover Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. (13) 703 4-ROOM apartment, modern, 818 S. 22d: 6-room bilck, modern, 1626 Maple St., 1 7. (15) 795 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, ex cept furr.ace, to family of adults. 2508 Pierce St. (15) 7S3 6-ROOM cottage. 2o05 Franklin St. 415) 61 HOUSES, flats. Garvin ros 1604 Farnam. (15) 29a FOR r.l'.NT To private family only, that commodious nnd attractive residence No. W5 Doage St. $75. Alfred C. Kennedy, V Irsi National Bank Bldg. Telephone 1 ccglas 722. (15)-M66 2563 JONES ST.. 10-room, all modern. $40; 6-room modern flat, 2611 N. 31st and Ohio. $20; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co.. 689 Brandels Bldg. (15) MS) HOUSES-Teters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (15-3vl EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flat. $007 Pa cific. For Information 'phone Harney 32!3. (15) S00 4-rni. cottage, 12th aid Kavan. $12. 5 rms., mod. exctpt heat, 25.fi Blondo, $22.5). 6 rms., nioilerii, 2i22 Charles St.. $2i. 6 mis , water, gas, 1M2 N. 22d. $14. 6-rm. house, 36 '3 Spring St.. $12. 6 rms.. now. mod., 2"16 Grand Ave.. $30. 6 rms., mod., hot water heat, 141S Plnkney, $35. 7 rms.. mod. except heat. barn. 3315 Parkr St., $25. 8 rms , modern, hot water heat, $40. 8 rms, part mod.. SSO Evans St., $2S. 8 rms., mod., ouk finish, 2774 Webster, $40. F1ATS. 5 rms., new, mod., iNOS Emmet, $30. 7 rms.. mod, 22t8 N. 21st. $21 6i. 7 rms., mod., hot water heat, 509 S. 2th Ave. 7 iirs., new, nnd., 2710 Jackson St. 7 rn-s., new, mod.. 63 ' 8. 19th St. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 174 Farnam St. (16) 400 23 STEAM HEAT 4-r., bath. 220 N. X3d. (16I-M159 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlrgwalt. Parker Blk. (16-296 OMAHA Van and St Tags Co.. pack. move, ttore II. 11. goo Is Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th; office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ISoJ (15 297 FOR RENT. 610 So. 27th St.. 6 rooms all modern, flat; vacant November 1; $35. 3502 No. 2nth Ave., 7 looms, $17. Both 'Phones. BEM18. Paxton Blk. (15) M4 MAGGARD VAN FTOR'OB CO. Tel. D 14M. W t guaiuntea moving pianos. H. H. goods. (U)-: DR. WER'I'Z, dentist. 6th floor Psxton Blk. (15) 3'J WHEN writing to advertisers klndjy men tion Tho Hee. 7-ROOM house 24f6 S. lftn St.. hot water htat; $.10. Tel. I'oug. 1969. (15) 328 23x HOUSE for rent. 3115 Burt St. (15) 303 FOR RENT 1515 N. 35th St.; 6-room house, strictly modern and brand new; key at second door north. V. S. FRANK, 321 Nevlile Hik. Tel. Doug. 8600. (15) M345 24 FOR RENT 4 rooms, first floor atartiiunt. ( Iiv waier. gas. to let. 15.3 No. Mil t. f ' M. r.ai'hiiiaiin. 436 I'axion Hik (iul-2IS LIST your vscant bonnes with Walter liner. Comfany, N. Y. Life Il.dg (13 20i yt i RENT 'i-room modern lion; walk ing distance. Inquire 2KJS Capitol Ave. 10 1275 23 7-ROOM house, $.'3. 527 So. 17th St iI5i -359 ' FOR RENT New 6-room und ieepHon I hall, modem house. Inquiie :7'2 So. 21st (151351 28x SEVEN ro water. 717 ms and bath, S. lUtli 8t. $26. Including (15) 3'.9 25x I TKN-RooM house, near C'relgtiton college; j putting In plumbing, fixtures and other modern improvements; to good tenant, $32 50. F. D. Wead, Wead Block, ldth ' and Farnam Sts. (15)-394 25 ALL MODERN 7-room house, steam beat. 2419 I'aluwell. (15)-4I0 Jsx ' UAVEBT RENTALS. 1 7-r., city waier, i,nrn, 4103 N. 2th Ave., $11 8-r., mod., n', 4 Hinilliorj. $25. 6-r., part mod , close. l'o S. iKth Ave., $'9 5- r.. city water. 22us N S7th, $15. 10-r., mod., choice. 2416 Sherman Ave., $if). 6- r., part mod., close, '40 S. 13d. $16. . 6-r., city water, barn, 1136 H. lith. $11. RUSSELL M'KITRICK CO.. toM naiuge rioiR. tuni nu iijiih. Oil p6 23 FOR P.K.NT-6-r'.om cottage. 2210 Burt St. (L)-4"7 26x teres. BCAROO BLOCK, booth Omahs. new. let N. :4th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. n-d 7o U$ '-310 JOFFERED FOR RENT taresCoat la aed. flAftn-ptote st 1 So. JTth Bt. $',2 iyv-Mme at No. 707 Bo. ?7th St. Ijiuv-Kiore at i'9 Knrnam 8t. $-3oi-Store st 200 Knrnam St. N V. IHIOK CO.. 1714 Karnam Street. (lS)-M.HTl LARGE stores to suit tenant will be built between Chicago and Cass Sts., facing Jefferson squat c. Inquire of O. C. Camp bell. af,ent, lMu Chicago St. (15) FOR RENT Corner store room, steam heat; fine location for drugs or any other line. J. T. Gleason. Kort lodne. Ia. (15)-M418 23 Umcee. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located S" ll,r,,pf f -4Ui and N Sis.. South Omsha ( sll at Hee olfice 8. O. branch, 24th and N. new address (15)-M577 FRONT OFFICES. Two outside offices, font', f..,,nt. on second floor ( onsei vat ive 1 " . sz . hi( llatn.v Si , oak finish. Bs ami el... -trie light, stem heat. Janitor s.-rvlce. Hastings llcvil. n 17C4 Karnam St. .sk f,,i rental depart ment.. To Let Doctor's Office, 2(1 Floor, Paxton Blk. Corner room. Apply to 6.".5 Tsxton Blk, cr W. Farnam 8111IU1 ft Co., 13M Farnam St. (l:.)-M377 21 Ttarnn. $12.00-At No. 2023 Burt St. $ 7.00 Barn at 3217 Ho 32d St. N. P. Dot K7 E CO., 1714 Farnam Street. (15-M(.T3 IVarrhomri. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT Space In building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of building and electric elevator. A.l dress W 225. care Bee. 15) 172 OFFERED FOR SALE I'lanoe and Other Maalcal Instruments PIANO BARGAINS. One Knnbail Upright, us'd, $104. One Btelnway. upright, used, $200. One g.d upright, ued, l.io. One 450 new upright, 23. ROSE'S ART STORE, loa Dodge St. (16)-21,i ONE excellent upright piano: one cash register, one double case gold R. It. watch, ona diamond stud and one ladles' gold watch. 114 Karbach block, 00 S. lntii St., Phone Douglus 2U64. (16) M6I.1 FOR SALE My new, beautflul piano; will sell cheap account of leaving the city, 401 N. 27th Ave. (16I-M152 21 Furniture. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call lieu office, Omaha. 116) 143 FOR SALB Furniture of all kinds; parlies leaving city. 'Phono Harney 3136. (16) M423 2S FOR SAL13 Furniture complete for s-room house. 256S Spalding St. (16) M 125 26 x Ostrich Flames. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop plumes. 17 Inches, $2.45, worth $5. Other grades half retail store prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3516; our ufe-ent will call. (16)-AI311 T prewrlters and Sewing .Machines. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL lib' TO OUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210, BEE. flG) 70 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine the L. C Smith & Bros, writing In sght machine; write for cata logue. Call or phone It. F. Kwaiiun Co.. Inc.. dealers, lull Farnam, Omaha. U6) 312 Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ot McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb (lb) 313 SEND us your mall orders for iruss; freight paid on $10 lots. Myets-Dllloa Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 313 Wire Cable for Sale We have three pieces of Inch cable, U.0 to 250 feet each, for sale at a rensonah.o price Call on engineer, Ue Bldg., Omaha. ICE ICE MINNESOTA ICE ln car lots. A.' G. Gilbert, Council Blufis, la "Ink barrelsT" We have on hand a number of the.-e bar rels which we will sell at Sue each. They are fine for rain water or ashes Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. LOOK II ERE New "3A" Graflex camera, fitted with Seilcs 2H TcKsar lens. 1. 1st, $124.00. Will sell light. Ad.iiisa Viy, Hee. VOR 8LE Cheap, a stone crusher. Has been 'use.l enly about Mxty days. Ad dress Y tiS. tare uf The Omaha Bee A I OT of ston" for roping, window and door sills, 1i fancv pressed brick for 2.1. Apply R W. laker. Supt. Be. BWft FOR BALF New snd second-hand bllllaij and pool tables. We lead the world n ihtaD tr fixtures; easy Daymen's Krunswlck-Ba ke Collender, 407 fc. loth .Sl (1U)-3I HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. .Sherman & McConnell Drug Ca.. 16th and Dodtfe 8ts., Omaha, Neb (16) 317 11 KR WIN-WILLI A MS CO., best m.xsd i.alnt. enermsn at iti uonnt 11 wrur o. 314 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT -Three bookl tor Inventors mailed on receipt r.f 60 post age. R. S. and A. B. Laity, rooms 2i-3J pacific Bldg.. Washington. U. C. Estab lished lsU. (li)-Si D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, 'Jir"31. PERSONAL A RED. coarsi unrightly hKlN niuJe fair by Hatin '!. iieai. no poWUei. 08)- S 1' HINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut puces. Send for free catalogue. Myeie jilloii Diug Co.. Omaha. JOHN CANE Is In town. It will soon bs lime to trim trees, trellises, grapeviute. Telephone Douglaa 44 or A-$04s (U)-7SJ Ni LADIES' perfumed health and beauty Laths f.e bleacher In coinieclluii; maid attend ant. Verdeau, P S. 17th. Room 1. (W)-M41i 3ox HALL'S sates, r.ew, 2d-hand. liia Farnam. (Id) 3.4. M ACiKRTK! treatment and bath. Mins iiAULUVj Kuiiib, lis N. IslJi, id flour. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. Kli g. 1324 N. i4ih 'lei. Websior t. (lb) 3-0 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Wamg Bldg. .lb)-321 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoft clothing, In fact, anything you do not need We collect, repair ard sell at 11 N. 11th St.. for ensi of collection to tn worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (Ui-Jsi MASSAGE treatment log 8. 17th St., roo.a . Mrs. Jordan , tUj M342 2s