THK OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24. 190. 13 I CKALS AND PRODUCE MARKET Cables Have a Tendency to Came a Lower Opening. ROWD INCLINED TO LONG SIDE ..-: Freer r and Thli Adttim rrleee r..n Close af the liar efera . Araentlna Weatfeer la arm. OMAHA. Oct. U. lfA m hiiil a ti nuwrn jr to cause low.T . ..!--. inn crowd was inclined to ,.! During tiie first trading and a as i -uj, i i tic briskly which advanced prices fom ; merday'g does. lurmer wuincr In Argentina caused amor feeling later and value sagg'J uwer. Heavy ralna In Ih southwest also 1 r me a factor. Wheat started firm and advanced on - mil Wnylng on yesterday's break and In-HNi-cl export aalea. taster feeling de fioU later on reports of warmer Argen tina weather and raina In the south le irmtwr wheat opened at K?o and. closed t We. Corn continued weak and values slumped unJer heavy selling on all bulges, with very little support from the bull factors. Cash irn allowed no bettar strength and farmers are offering that naw crop freely us it la picked. December corn opened at ii',c and closed at 6Vc. Primary wheat receipts wera t.077,000 bu. and shipments wera M7.ono bu. against re ceipts last year of 1.0"3,000 bu. and ship ments of iM.0 bu. Corn receipts were 233,000 bu. and ship ments were 101, mo bu.. against receipts last rsr of W7.0U0 bu. and shipments of 488.0A) bu. Clearance were 17.000 bu. of corn, 178 bu. of outs and wheat and flour equal to 8S1,- (HO bu. Liverpool closed "VSld lower on wheat and unchanged to Hd higher on corn. Seaboard reported K0,uy0 bu. of wheat 1 ikn for export. Ivornl range of options: !l oH: No." i fi-.Tthrrn. Ii.0ii1 "fV. No. I r-orthern, STcfclM '0. HRAN In b ilk. 117 BOfilS '. KIXCR (jnirt; first patents, t 26A ?o: second paints, ts.rtrrts Js ; first clears, ti W W4.SSI). second clearn, I2J3.;U SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Ar'.U-les.l Open. 1 I!lgh. law. Close. Yes'y. V heat-l T I i I Iec... ftt OT H 93 1 MTi May... ? sr-a 1 I 7' Wl Pec.l.. Mi MVl May... 674 iT 67 67H 74 Oiiis I I Pec... 4fi'i( 4WC... V4 4SH May... 7 474, 47'al 47V4I 47 M5W YORK I.KMHAL MARKET quotations f the Day aa Varlaae Commodities, NRW YORK. Oct. -FI.OUR -Receipts, .) bbls.; exports. bbls. Market was dull, but steady; Minnesota intents, $5.36 6-7; winter straights. 14 S0fi4 : Minnesota bakers. HZHMfc: ulntrr ntintt ti ; winter xtraa. 3 51i3.J : winter low gradea, 3 4iJ8.9U. Rye flour, steady ; to ?oo.1. U 2MM Ruckwheat flour, easy at .i3 to per KIO lbs., spot and to arrive. CORNMKAL Quiet; fine white and yel lnwi ro"r!,e. H 6.Wirl.70; kiln dried l1.7ofll.7i. IUE Pull; No. 2 western. Si Vic t- o. b. New York. BARi.EY-Qulet; malting, filfl'So, c. I. York" o; feedln-. lc. c. 1. f. New ,?ATRr,l,P,' ZW0 bu.; exports. iv'S.. 5!rV ! ,poi rule'1 N"- ! l.M1.f4, "levator; No. J red. I1.0R4. f. O. ?'..t; No- 1 northern puluth. 11.12. f. o. b. afloU; No. hard winter. f. n. b. arioet. Owing to better Argentine weather and prospective bearish weekly sta tistics on Monday wheat was wak and L'!"' t- closing Kc b-rlow laat eVfJ?. Member. H.nR 1-K01.1O closed May' IWMil.los, closed H.09. CORN -, Receipts, 1.075 bu.; spot ruled fsy! No- 2- 774c, nominal, elevator, and jv nominal, f. o. b. afloat to arrive, tptlona easy, with wheat, closlna Wc net lower. Pecember. 73Vu7lo. closed 7r.c: May, 71 lie OAT8 Receipts, steady; mixed, y, natural white, 2d Clipped white, 32 to 40 pounds, rtai-nrm; spring bran. 138,900 bu.: spot ruled to 32 pounds, &24c; to 31 pounds, 6vB63c; 123.26; mld- S5c ; good to to cholea. 7c; Pa- 107 crop, Osaaha I hard. B14c: No. i hard. hard, 89QVlc; No. 3 spring, No. I. M4c: No. 2 r, 64c; No. 1 white, Camlt Prleea. WUEAT-No. !-'a:iJ4c; No. 4 CORN No. 2, yellow, 6c; No. iATB No. 4 Tl44Vc: No. 1 ... M44p; standard. 45c. IIYK-No. 2, attc; No. I. 8c Carlat Racatatta. WheaL Corn. Oats. .... 84 IS 74 ....10 .... 4J I 4 ....17 fflHc; 3 yelloi mixed, white. 44c; 44c; No. 3 yellow. No. 4 white, Mcaxo ..... Minneapolis Omaha ..... Imluth (MKtliU (,RA1M AND PROVISIONS l eataeea of ta TralaaT aal Clasla rrlcea eat Board of Trade. t'HICAOO. Oct. SS.-Weakness of the V:tiropen grain marketa had a depresalng effect today on the local market, final quo tations showing net losses Of 4 to tT4C t:rn was firm, oats steady and provisions easy. With the exception of a brief period early In the day, the wheat market waa Inclined to be weak, and at the close prlca were almost at the bottom. Influenced by de c!:nea at European grain centers, the mar-sri-t opened easy, with prices 4-4c to H4c below yesterday's close. Within the first ten minutes, however, prices had been run up about half a cent on active buying by commission houses and pk traders, which was baaed on a portion of a dispatch from Argentina regarding the amount of damage to the growing wheat crop by the recent' frosts. According to first versions of this dispatch, the damage waa estimated at a limit 40 per cant of lha total crop. Later, when it became known that the 40 per cent leferred onky to one district and the dainuge to the entire crop was no more than had been previously entlmated. a great muny of the early buyers turned sellers, which caused a quick decline. During the re inumder of the day the market continued weak and before the decline wa checked prices had dropped approximately one cent troin the high point of the day. Wet weather in the aouthwest Inspired some Bell ing throughout the entire session. Rains were HKuln general In the winter wheat belt west of the Mississippi river and snow was reported In Nbrasaa and western Iowa, but the precipitation east of the Mississippi river was atlll a negative quantity. Re ceipts of wheat In the southwest showed some falling off, but the movement in the northwest was still liberal. Exporters tlHlmed an absence of export buslnesa hera or at the seuboard. but the actual clear nnea of former sales were liberal, being SM.uuO bu. Total exports for the week, as ported by Hradetreets. were eual to . l.H.oto bu. Cash wheat here waa easy and offerings were liberal. ' ITImary receipts were l.u77,(M bu., compared with l.WXl.OOO bu. the corresponding (lay a year ago. Minneapolis, Puluth and Chicago reported r.'i-eluia of 31 cars, against U7i cars last week and Ml cars a year ago. Corn was firm all day. despite the slump In wheat. The close was firm, with prices a shade to 4c higher, pecember closed at (U'.4iHc and May at 24'0-,Hc. Ucal re ceipts were Wi cars, with 11 of contract grade. " Oats were easy early lit the day. but rulllcd In eympathy with the nrmness or corn. The market closed steady, with Ue- i ct'iiiber at 474c and May at 494c. Local re ceipts were 179 cars. Trade In provisions was dull. At the close ! p. lies were ic higher to 1'" lower. Ksllmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 7 cars; corn. 71 cars; oata. 144 cars; hogs 13,tu head. . , ,, 'Hie K-ai'.liig futures rarged Bi follows. dungs, 123.00; city. 123.80. MAY-Hteady; shipping, ..'JPPS f"1': state, common ' crop, Uiic; i07 crop, iJL. c(,f. 108 crop, DC 11c; 1WIC. HIPES-Essy; Central America, 19Vic LEATHER Quiet; acid, 23429o. PROVISIONS-Mef. steady, family, ll.7Rr 18S0; mess. llS.ontmtO; beef hwms $79 .0! 81.00; packet, llS.OOfi 15 50: city extra Ir.dla mess. $24 RofWROn. Cut meats, steady; pickled .-iii-, sio.uix(nn.M); pickled hams. JU.80W liuu. ira, easy; western, n 8rh9.K; re- rinei, easy; continent, $10.30; South lc. $11.25: conioound. 7 quiet; family, 12n.on4rW.gO; 22.00; mess, $16.00. TALLOW-yulet; city 6c; country (pkgs. free), RICE Dull; domestic. 6c: Japan, nominal. 1'OULTRY-Allve, quiet; spring chickens, jj-c; iowis. 13'c; turkeys. 14?.. Dressed easy; western spring chickens, lTlrtc; iowis, iroiic; spring turkeys, lOWlOc. Bl:TTER Steady ; creamery specials, CHEESE Quiet: state, full cream, tohi-r, fancy, small, 124c; large. 12c. BOG 8 Firm; atate. Pennsylvania nearby fancy selected, white, 3p40c. Amer-Pork, hort clears, $20.v0 (12 no per 6U4C. , fair to extra, pkg.). 27c Oc- and WEATHER 1ST THE GHAI.f BELT Fair suad Warmer for Satarday Is the Oailook. OMAHA. Oct. 23. 1908. The western area of high pressuro has extended eastward over the upper Missis sippi valley and Lake region and south over the southern Rocky Mountain slopj causing a very decided drop In tempera turo from the mountains east to the Mis. aiaalppl river. Rains continue of the high pressure, and are morning in ti middle Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys and Oklahoma. The eastern area of high pressure Is moving off the upper Atlantic coaat. A depression has appeared on the aouth Atlantic and ralna are general In the east Gulf and south Atlantic states, and are extending north up the coast. Temperatures are higher east of the Mississippi river. They are rising rapidly In the northwest and the weather will be warmer In this vlclnltv Saturday, with continued far tonight anil Saturday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years. 1908. 1907. 1907. 1905. MlrTlmum temperature .. $7 44 4! M Precipitation 00 . 00 . 84 . 21 Normal temperature for today, 61 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 2.28 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 7.05 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, 4.04 Inches. . L. A. WELSH. Local Forcaster. Cross Current in MoYementi Values Unsettle Market. of reserve, shows: Available cash bilsners, $li.OM.147: gold coin ami bullion. $l.-:M.Ml; gold certificates, $37.9f.7 PROFESSIONALS CONTROL LEADERS Declines Are Met Tilth Supporting Orders a ad F.aeh nise ftrlage Selling; Orders to Take ProSta. REPORT OF THK t I.F.ARIMJ IIOt'SE Traasaclloas of the Associated Hanks for the Week. NEW YORK. Oct. 23 RisdstreeCs bank clearings report for the week ending Oc tober 22 shows an aggregate of $2.7-1.119.,X, a aaninst $2 last week and SO. 137. 847.000 In the corresponding week last year. The following Is a list of the cities: NEW YORK, Oct. 23. There were many cross currents in the movement of stock quotations today, but none of them was very w4du. The tone was unsettled and confused In consequence. The dominant Influonee In oVternilnli g the altitude of the professional traders town d the market was the action of the handful of prominent stocks which have been the leaders of the market throughout the sumrrer. In these It was rather ebvajua that the price move ment war restrained by encountering orders oppoied to the movement before It had run far. An advance In the price attracted selling pressure, while ny recession brought In buying orders sufficient to cherk the decline. The selling developed each time at about the price where dealings yesterdaj left off. Such a suggests a feeding out of stcck to take profits, with careful sup tort asserted when the selling makes any Impression on the price. It was partlou larly notable In the two Harrlman Faclfics, et. Paul, the two Hill railroads and Read ing. It was the cause of the final decline and weak closing. At the same time there was some positive strength shown at other points which served as a sustaining force againat the current of the profit-taking. The copper Industrials were a prominent Instance. This group. Including the mining and smelting stocks, war helped bv the rews from the coppi r metal market. Prices were advanced agnlr- at tho New York Metal exchange and It was reported that sowiethlng like excitement was beginning to be shown In the buying by consumers of copper. In American Sugar nleo there was the effect of trade deve!opment, grades of refined sunsr having risen In the qui tailons. Cnlted States Steel, while mov ing moderately, touched tfie high price of the year at 4t4. on September S, the day before the list quarterly dividend was de ducted, the stock touched the same quota tion. The quarterly report of the carpora tlon Is to be published next Tuesday and the speculation Is Inclined to assume a favorable showing as to earnings and un filled orders on hand. Reports of Intended purchases of equipment bv railroad com panies are In favor of the steel stocks also. An advance In traction shares was at tributed to the result of the election In Cleveland agairjit the 3-cent fare fran chlse, as an Indication cf the drift of public sentiment on the question of restrictions on public utilities corporations. The general news events of the day had little reflection In the stock market. For eign markets showed some revived un easiness over the reported hitch In the negotiations for a settlement between Turkey and Bulgaria. London sold some stocks In this market and there was an early upward movement In the exchange rate. The promise of a amall gain In rash by the banks as a result of tho week's currency movement was a corroliratlor of laat week's evidence that the present interior requirement for currency had been appeased. '1 here was a slight discount on New York exchange at Chicago todav. how. in advance ever, which Is the first time this week. The falling this money market remains In a tranquil state. Announcement mat hearings will be begun next month In the government suit to annul the merger of the railroads under Harrlman control served as a reminder of such a suit, which loomed large at one time In the speculative view, but which has long been lrst sight of. The week's exports showed a heavy move, ment of grain. what with flour. 1U27.926 bu.. ag against 4.45S.027 last week, while there was a Jump In corn exports to 181,417 bu. from 62,a3 last week. laVriUm ",',."lmi Total ,alpp' rar value, $3,074 noo. Lnlted States 2s registered de cl ned 4 per cent on cull. Following were the soles and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: . , . 8ln. Hl(h. Low St. I.oals Oeaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23. WHEAT Weak : track. No. 2 red, cash, $1.0?il.34: No. 2 hard, 98C&11.0O4; December, 9c; May, $1,024. CORN Steady: track, No. 2 cash, 649c, new; No. 3 white. Tie. old; December, 604 fl04c; May, 14ipliic. OATS Bteady : track. No. ! cash. 46; No. 3 white, 4Wrtl604c; December, 46c; May. 44c RYB Nominal; 734V. FIX3CR Steady; red winter patents. $1.S &4.S0; extra fancy and straight, $4; clear, $3.50. SKFIV-Tlmothv $2.2fa3.t6. CORNMKAL $3 0. BRAN Higher; sacked, cast track, 99c $1.50. w HAY-Steady; timothy, $8.&gl3.50; prairie, $8.rX?i10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-$l.00. BA!OINO-c. """P T W I N F 7c. PROVIS'ONS- Pork. lower; jobbing $14 St Lard, lower; prime steam, $n.;5''.,. ,y salt meats (boxed), unchanged; extra shi rts, Slo.W ; clear ribs. $10.60; short clear, $10.fi24. Bacon (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, $11.50; clear ribs. $11.50; short clears. $11.!24. POI LTRY Dull; chickens. 74c; springs. 10c: turkeys, 12c; ducks, 74c; goese, 4c Bl'TTKR Quiet: creamery. 21C27V.C. KGUS Higher; 21e, case count. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls i.ono 9t-i Wheat, bu 69.000 Corn, bu 3t.i0 l'oooo Oats, bu , 82,0ti0 rti.uoa Articles J Open. 1 High. Low. I Close. Yea'y I IV heat Pec. May July Coi n 1VC Mjy May t lata lec. May July Pork- Oot i 1 O-Vs: 1 34,1 024H I 74 'V I I &4I us: 63 IS24iS C7fi3 24tl 4 n f4 l'.l 4 1 i4 7 243-jVaS 1T tv2't( 1'W 4J"I - ill 14744! 474; 474 !V4 44 I 44i A 4ti I I 18 40 Jan. I IS 40 Mav I U 30 ard- I La Nov. Jan. May Kibe Oct, Jan. Mav M t 274 9 30 8 SS S 30 8 36 13 4& 15 4241 13 40 IS 274 474 44 44 16 324; 15 K4 I 9 SI 9 274 30 S 424, 8 25 I 8 36 I 9 SO 9 174 20 $ 35 8 15 8 23 13 45 15 36 Is & 80 9 io 9 16 $ 8 20 8 30 474 44 46 13 45 16 40 16 324 S 9 274 9 324 Kansas City (irala and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Oot. i?. WHKATl'n. 1 changed to 4c higher, leccmber, 924; I Mav. W4c; July. 914c Cath: No. 2 hard, , fWc-'all 01 ; No. hard, f24f9'4c; No. J red. jSl.ol: No 3 red. Mci(itl.01. 1 CORN lc higher; December. B'c; Mav. 74c; July, 674c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 3Uf 7c; No. Z mixed. S.'fni6c; No. 2 white, 613 tf7o; No. 3 white, .nc. OATB exchanged : No. No. t mixed, 464u47c. R F ft -Tec. HAY Bteady: choice timothy, choice prairie. $i.25i.50. UI "ITER Firm: creamery, extra parking stock. 174c. KOi8 lc higher; fresh extras. 2c: cur rent receipts. 22c. .... . . . , Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bushels 8S 40000 Corn, bushels 4.000 i:'ot Oats, bushels 13,000 lllooo Quotations at Kansas City aa reported by Logan Bryan. 112 Board of Trade: Artlcles.l white, 454tc; $9 50 10.00; !74c; , West I IVcember pe-ember May I Open. I High. Low. Close. I 8 25 8 36 No. ?. Cash quotations were aa follows: Fl.orR-Markct steady; winter palents, $r04.86; winter straights. $4.2tj4 i; winter clears, $3.64iH.t; spring patents. $ 2foa.fc0; spring straights. $4uu45; buKeis i.'Kl 3 if WHKAT No. I spring. tl.0il.03; No. i sprtna. 96ci4)l M; N- red. IM4tW4H0. CORN No. $, 704a71c; No. 2 yellow. 7sc. o.V'tS-No. :i. 44c; No. 3 white. 454U-i-- HYK-No. !. lie. . BARI.EY-CtKHl feellng. S.'HffSS: tlr to ehoiee malting. 6o?j ji c. fKKPH --Flax. No. 1 north weatern. $1.25. Prime t im thy, $'.Io Clover, contract grade, $ no FKOVIBIONS Short ribs, sides (loos.-). $v0f4ii. 0. M"rs H,rk. per bbl.,'$ I.S tTli fcV Lard. l r IV lt . ti.n i9.624. fihort clear sl.tes (boxed 1. I 5"9 76. Following wtrv Hie r.-.elpts and shipments of fiour and grain: Receipt. Shipments Flour, bbls Jtt.108 o.4) Whtat. bu Worn) iH.a Crn. bu HB.5i 8l.l0) t. bu 1. Ii6.0o0 Kye. bu ) 1.000 Harlev. bu 9.a 34, irj the Produce exchange (o-lay the but ter market wa steady; vrean.ei ies, iuffibc; dairies, ls.ia-. Kggs. steady; at mark. ess Included. lS-lc; firsts. !4c; prune fl'sts, 25c. Cieese. steady. 1244 U4c. ...;w'1.'a41 94 ...i974g4'7S'oAi t I ...! W.i 67 9Vi 64 664 ...I 574 574.KV574f(S! 924 914 5 674 Ualath Gralst Market. PIMjCTH. O't- 23. WHEAT No. 1 north ern. tl.oS4; No. 3 northern, $1 IW-em-er. $1,114; May. 1 Or.-r. $;':; November. $l.uJ. OATS ta.'. Mlaoeaoolla Oral Market. MINNEAPOLIS Oct- 23. WH PAT-Pe-r-niber, $i 0im014: May. $1 04. C-asu; f(9. x Eard, $1.C; Nc. X noribern. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 23.-Bl'TTKR-Steady. fair demand: extra western cream ery, 2c; extra nearby prints. 80c. EtlUS Fair, good demand: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free rases, 2Kc at mark; Pennsylvania and other current re ceipts. In returnable cases, 27c at mark; western firsts, free cases. 2So at mark; western current receipts, free cases. 2oij27e at mara. CH EES E Quiet, firmer: New York full creams, choice, 134c; fair to good, 124 13c. Am. ('. v Am. c. r. prd Am. Cotton Oil. Am. II. A L. pf Am. Ice Securities Am. Unuid oil Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. t A R Am. g. A R. pfd Am. Kussr Refining Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison Atrhleon pfd Atlantic Coaat Lin.... Baltimore A lbto Bat. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific , Central Leathar Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey., Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A N. W C, M. A 8t. P C. C. C. A Bt. L , Colorado P. A 1 Colorado A 80 Colo. A go. 1st pfd Colo. A 80. Hd pfd Consolidated lias Corn Products Delaware A Kudaos Denver A Rio Grande.. D. A R. O. pfd Dimmers' Securities ... Erie Erie lat pfd Krle id pfd Oeneral Glectrie Ureat Hon hern pfd Ot. Northern Or ctfa.. Illinois Central Interborough Met IBt. Met. pfd International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd International Pump .... Ioa Central 4 Kanaaa I'll; 80 K. C. So. pfd Louisville A N Minn A 81. L M . St. F A 8. 8. M... Mlraouri Pacific M , K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National Lead New Vork Central N. V . O. A W Norfolk A W ... North American Norhern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People'a Oaa P.. C. r. A St. L Preaaed Steel car Pullman Palace Car ... Rallsav Steel Spring .. Reading Repubile Steel Republlo Steel pfd...... Rock lalaod Co Rock Island Cu. pfd.... St. L A . P ?d pfd.. St. Louie s W ..: S. L. 8. W pfd S'.ui.i-8hcr?leld S. A I.. Souther Pacific So. Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper , Texas A Pacific T. , St. L. W T.. St. L. A W. pfd.... Vnlon Pacific I'nlon Pacific, pfd I'. 8. Rubber I-. 8 Rubber 1t pld... V. Steel C g. Steel pfd t'lah Copper Va.-Caroltoa Chemli-al Va -Csro. them, pfd.., Wahaati Wabaeh pfd Weatlnghouae Electric Weatern t nlon W A L. E Wisconaln Central Su,) 2.6n 10) 1.000 I'M SO 4 41 H 12 Wh 23 TO. 40 m 'l Mlt M4 1,10) &04 494 81,900 ! 1.100 100 13.1 MTti .ton t.VOO tKO l,6t HitOO 1,100 600 "'ioo $.700 7rt) S0.JI10 HV) H."J S 1 1,5' 10 j 1 too , 1 Ml WH IS ioi" 74 is:1 1U! M 424 74 ht 145ii 1 rt 13214 44 "H H4 ' ,...v 4t"4 1741, 54 20" )i 1424 M M4 42 s (4 14J4 M0 1474 1474 600 17,!() W) IM M0 6,eo !) . l.M 300 i.SM '"m l, Jul) l too S') . t.700 I.IM 1.304 'tjinO w :o) tNt tl 17,4 300 M U n 444 H 148 1S34 4 140 10-i 304 614 Va 14 21 61H 64 3l4 "4 " l' 41 4 741, 5V, 144 4 12 IH4 1.600 34 100 . tl.K) . l.i0 . ') . 7.K) 40 r . l.i") 6t) . I7.o0 7'0 6- 800 . 4i0 2'" 20 !loioii '.no 3 . TJ .Mft . 4 I'M . i.7 1. ia 100 . 3. .. 1.4O0 3D 133', tfik i4 47 4 311 14 ', ll 14 114 tl 64 44 31 lToi, ft 34 ions 4W DOS 44 MS ins US 37S 1 04 M '4 4 44 ML, 141 1324 4 13S l4 24 61 S 4 ii 211 14 lu 664 30S "is" 1004 41 74S 4 142!, 30 124 MS ' MS 'ris 1324 32 7S i4 44 24 1 49 M 1S 11SS 21 S 63 S 444 24 ,s i4 SH J3 v ' 4:4 1I'S 4 32S ms K4 M so &', OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Very Light Ran of Cattle, with Trade Generally Dull. LITTLE CHANGE IN H0G MABKET CITIES. 30 24 Total sales tor the day. sl&.ta) aharee. Close. T4 41 ion, 34 l K" 4 44 105 Wi 104 S .31 S 4S- ?1 ft 174 , H 44 174 n M III! t KI4 14:-S 5? s 42S (MS 51 H'4 11 17 23 .1 -S SO', 434 1S4 144 isjs 139 10 iS 2is 24 31 S 1 4 l'J 5S4 1.4 s us l'S s 71S s Hi'a 2r. 12V ' ; 334 lt3 7 '-S :4 '4 It 44 MS 1 44 l'K4 lis 114 6X14 44 : J.s 67 1.H u IS 101) 47S liS 43 4?S 1114 its s ns N York Chicasro Boston I'MlHriVlphla Ft. Ixmis flttshurg Pan Franrlsco Kanssa City Haltimorp t'lnt-lnnatl Minneapolis Nfw Orleans Clsvpland Prtrolt Orosba Louisville I. os Anai-lns Milwaukee Reattlp flt. Paul Buffalo Denver InrtlansrKills Fort Worth Providence Portland, Ore Albany Richmond Washing-ton, D. C. ... flpoksne. Wash Halt Lake City Columbus , fit. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Taonma Ravannah , Toledo. O Nashville Rochester Hartford 1 res Moines , Peoria Norfolk , Nfw Haven flrnnd Rspldg Hirmlnaham Bvracuse 8'oux Cltv Prrlnarf'eld, Mass. .. F.vansvtlle Portland, Me Da v ton Little Rock AusTtista. Oa Oakland, Cal Worcester' Mobile Knnxvllle Jacksonville, Fla. ... Chattanooga Charleston. 8. C. ... Lincoln. Neb Wilmington, Del. ... Wichita Wllkesbarre Wheeling-. W. Va. .. Fall River Davenport Kalamasoo, Mich. .. Topeka Helena Springfield. Ill Toungstown, Fort Wayne New Bedford Erie, Pa Cedar Kaptda, la. ... Macon Akron Lexington Rockford, 111 Kargo, N. D Ijowell Blnghamton Chester, Pa Rioux Falls. 8. D... South Bend. Ind. ... Bloomlngton, III. Canton, O Qulncy. Ill Springfield. O Decatur. Ill Mansfield. O Fremont, Neb Jacksonville, 111. ... Oklahoma Houston Galveston Columbus, 8. C Sacramento Jackson, Miss Clearings. I Inc. Doc. I I ll.1B.727.ll 17.0 222.M7.WOi 4 J 1 19.tsa' I'-'.O lls4.(WSj 21. fti.t'W.OOOl 9.8 4J0JS.HH); 24.0 3S.49HX")' 11.8 43.o:9 oo 6.1 24.144.000: W5.4 24.102.OfO' I 52.4 28. 37.000! 21.1 1H.12SIHOI 20.7 ls.202.UX1 1.1.9 n.77Vivvi g.g l,048,0O01 8.8 lO.Ki'S.flOOl 19.4 10.O22.0iW 10. S 116)flO0' u. 9,372 0001 21.7 10.14H 000' IS. 7 7.9vtooo 15.0 1 '0 000l s. 7.12SO.-OI S..4 14.SS7.onoi 441.3' 12 110IW 4n 7.10.0001 M. sMUOTOI 14 Sttsnmi 15 5 .40110001 10 7 (Wl fiooi 1.9 t.Osgonoi 1H.B 4.rwori is.; 4 ftM ojioi ( s nSnoftOI 17 27'nof 10. n 4 790.000! 19. 140001 24 9 ' .S iMonni 17. am" 000; jo 8.4nono( e.9 8.S72.0OTM 4.2 2 9X7.0001 11.7 1S0jV 19.8 2.W!3 0f 17.2 2.314.0001 7.0 J2M0f0i 10.7 1.IW4 0II01 24.0 2.100 0O01 12.5 2.7,3.oon 20.0 1.9'!2.000l 21.0 2.070 l 0.0 1.740 000! 22. 1 77.0001 6.8 2.042.000J) 2.7 2.7190001 33. l..00fl 31.4 1.7t4.0riOl 4.0 1.314 0001 9.2 l.B14,0on 11.3 1.630.0001 13.6 1.6 10.000I 2.6i 1.919.0001 8.5 1.242 00111 8.1 1.230.oool 9.6 14.-3.0001 5.8 1.452 0001 8 1.4S9.0il 30.6! 1.372.0001 4.71 1.171.0001 3.91 SJ.OOOI I 10.0 1.216 0001 18.4! 791,0001 i 31.6 M4.0"0I 2.6 693,0001 28.8 8I2IH. 8.S 1.012,000 5.3 6fifl0i)l 15.6 sauiool 16. 867,000) 12.51 624.000; 21.0 606.000 2.8 677 0OOI 0.4 ;o,oooj 22.9 664,000 9.8 448,0001 8.9 4:w,o.:oi 22.1 783.O0O 12.5 411.000 21 .1 437.000 6.8 6ii9,0OO 29.0 4SS.O0O 7.5 :lfi7,00C 20.8 SM.0O0 7.6 373.000 1.8 3H8.000 3.6 247 000 10.2 1.457.O0O 11.2 1,700.UXI! 27.6 21,392 0001 33.7 692 0001 17.7 917.0001 .2 4H0.0OOI Not Included In totals becais 'JOntalB ng other 1 tarns tnan clsarlnaVk 5H York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-PRIME MER CANTILE PAPER-4344 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business. In bankers bills at 64.84000 4.8473 for sixty-day bills, and at $4.M0 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.S44fr4.&44 SILVER Bar, 614c: Mexican dollars. 45c BONDS Government, easier; railroad, firm. MONEY On call, ateady at 144H4 pt"' cent: ruling rate, 14 per cent; closing bid, 14 r cent; offered at. 14 per cent. Time loans), -rcmely dull and easier; sixty days, 241(24 ,'..' cent; ninety das, 34934 per cent; six months, 3414134 percent. Closing quotations on bonus wers as follows: V. 8. ref. 2s, re( 1034 Int. Met. 44s do coupon, V. 8. 1, ref do coupon V. 8. 4i. ret do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a.... do a Alchiaun tea. 4a.. do adj. 4s do cv, 4e do cv. &a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. fial. aV Ohio 4s.... do J4a Hrs. H. T. ct. 4a. t'entral of Oa. 6s. do lat Inc do 1 Inc do U Inc ... 644 ..l'4 L. tc ti. uni. 4s Sits ...l4Man. c. g. 4a J7 ...101 Met. Central 4a 14 ...1T0S do lat Inc Is ...1M Minn. aV Bt. L. 4a.... 784 ... it M . K. T. 4s. 4 ...107 do ta i.) ... S N., R. A. ot M. c 4a wis ... MS'N. V. C. t. ISs ?4 ... 4 K. J. C. t U 12i ...10IS No Paclflo 4a. 102 ... MS Mo ta 7 ... SO. S. L. rfdt. 4a 44 ... si Penn. cr. SSi 1H5... M ... 74 S do con. 4a liH ...10S Readlnt ten. 4e SUH, Hep. ot Cuba ta lt Hardly Kanaak Sheep and 1. a an he Is Bight la Make a Market Prices Sleaal for Day anal Lower for Week. . SOl'TH Receipts were: OffUlal Monday 13.501 Official Tuesday 6.4 OffUlal Wednesday 5.64H Ofricial Thursday Kslimate Friday 1.04 OMAHA. Oct. 23, 190. Cattle. Hogs. 8hiep. e pi, (.? 2 9bi 3.01 2.700 27. 978 17.9.1 26 3 6 16.9.S 1.077 Five ds,ys this week.. 34.247 17,615 88,770 Same days last week 3tP 30.121 81t Same days 2 weeks ago..36.w 39- Same days 3 weeks ago. .31.963 l.7il 102.907 Same days 4 weeka ago. .ai.StW 2o.7l4 122,73 Same days last year. . . .35,186 24.342 86.W5 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last vtoar: 1907 Inc. I'ec. 9WA17 155,56! l,i7.7 1,702.869 llUS .. 832, 850 ..2.0i7.1ki ..1,697,836 Cattle Hogs Sheep 1,697,836 1,702.869 5.032 The followlna table shows the avernge price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. 11907. 11906.11906. 11904. (1903.11902. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. , Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. tct. Oct. Oct. IS... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18.. 19.. 20.., 21.. i3'.'. 1 79 t 68 6 5 6 604 5 414 e 6 204 214, 6 294 6 U4 6 061 I lOi I 261 I 09 I 6 Oil 6 331 6 9X 27 16 11 06 16 6 10 6 09! 191 6 101 08 e I 6 98 I 87 701 Ml I 12 IK 14 16 20 6 16 6 13 5 14 1 17 t 11 6 It n 144 i 48 6 I 021 I 23 4 HO I 02 6 12 tM I 5 141 6 08 6 18 7 06 1 15 t 00 6 91 T06 7 02 4 98 I 83 5 16 6 70 t 14, 16 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was as fol lows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. A St. P 8 .. Missouri pHcifie 1 Pnlon Pacific 2 13 4 C. A N. W east 1 .. 1 C. 6t N. W.. west 2S C, St. P., M. & 0 11.. C, B. 6V Q.. east 1 2 C. B. & y.. west i 6 2 C, R. I. P., eaat 1 .. C. R. I. & P., west 1 Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Great Western 2 Total receipts 39 37 7 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Ifcgs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 147 848 Swift and Company 259 761 I Cudahy Packing Co 665 997 18J Armour Co 33 942 Vansant & Co 21 Lobman & Rothchild...... 25 W. 1. Stephen 1.. 8 Hill & on 38 F. P. Lewis 7 J. B. Root & Co 1 U P. Husi 19 L. Wolf 146 McCreary A Carey. 11 8ani Werthlmer '81 H. P. Hamilton 8 M. Hagerty A Co 40 Sullivan Bros 7 Bmlth H 2 Other buyers 55 3,7i6 Totals 1.373 1,048 8,937 Do You Believe In Insurance One of the best forms of insurance is the placing of your business papers and other valuables in a Safety Deposit Box. We have individual boxes for small articles, and storage vaults for the larger boxes, trunks, etc. 1 Our rates are very moderate and the security is absolute. Invest your surplus funds by taking out a lo Certificate of Deposit; backed by over $12,000,000 of assets. First National Bank ol Omaha Thirteenth and Farn&m Sts. Entrance to Safety Deposit Vaults la on llth Street have shown soma loss, being generally quoted l6c lower than laat week, al though the break In reality took place at tha close of last week. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $6.006.85: fair to good lambs, I4.7se5.0v; feeding lambs, !40u4.l; good to choice light yearlings, 4 154.5o; good to cholca heavy yearlings, 94.001j4.25; feed ing yearlings, $3.7544.15; good to choice wethers, KuKg.!; fair to good wethers. I3.7&tj4.i0; feeding wethers, I3.40ij3.66; good to cholca ewes, IS 6ft8.0; fair to good wes. t3.24j36R; feeding ewes. I2.00i8S.15; culls and bucks. Il.00fci.50. CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Loner Hoars Weak to Lower Sheep Steady to Higher. CHICAGO, Oct. 23 CATTLK Receipts, estimated at about 2,009 head; markut l.Vf Jc. lower on all butcher steers and butcher cattle: steers, 34.40ii7HO; cows. $3 2iBi.Z.y. heifer. 83.01ia4.26: bulls. 81,50i4.5tl: calves. i.i3.60ilt.60; stockers and feeders, 2 ri07j4.65. H( KiV Heceipts, estimated ai aooui head; market weak to 5c lower; choice heavy snipping. $58f&6O0; butchers, r..8ixy) 6.C0; light mixed, i.l5S.V40; choice light, f.i.5(65.0; nicking. 3fi.4t.4i 5. HO; pigs, U.5U 4.75; bulk ot shIcs, $5.4k1l5.85. Sri KEF AND IA MBS Receipts, esti mated at about 8.000 head; market steady to 10c. higher; sheep. I4.3a84.75; lambs, 94.50 u.5.l; yearlings, 33 86S4.76. Kansas (l Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 23. CATT1-K Re ceipts, 2.000 head, Including 400 head south erns; market ateady; cows strong; cnoice export and dressed beef steera, fH.2&qr7.30; fair to good. ft.0la ou; western aieers, n jsi t4.90; stockers and feeders. 2.60iic4.76; southern steers, $2.(XfM.26; southern cows, ll.7Mi4.15; native cows, 1. Out 3.76; native heifers. I2.&0to4.60; bulls, 82.zw0j.4u; caives, 3.266.25. HUU8-Keceipts, iu.wv ncsa; iiiarari oh 15c lower; top, l.90; bulk of sales. fb.lOtf 5.80; heavy, o.Wi.90; packers and butch ers. tG.35itG.90; light, 15.10.65; pigs, $3.76 5.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 4.000 head; market for lambs 10c higher; for Sheen steady; lamba, 4.X45.3&; ewes and yearlings, $3.60f&4.10; western sheep, 83.4013' 4.00; stockers and feeders. t3.2TxiH.25. 44 U It. L. St. U k. I. 8. . ts. F. ff. 4a. Thea. A Ohio 4'a .. . liCVi g(. U g. W. c. 4s. Chicago A C, B. at Q n. C R. 1. P. do col. 6s... ilo rfrig. 4a.. crc. a St. L. g. a... 73V, Seaboard A. L. 4s. 4a ... Su. Pacific 4a 4s 72 do lat 4a 75 8a. Railway 6a Teiaa St P. la 41.. T . St. L. A W. 4l. t'oln. Ind. fa 74 Vnlon Piclflc 4l. ( do CT. 4i . SV,t' 9. steel id ta .lHWabaah la . H Weatern Ml 4a... . 87 W. U B. 4a.. . 12 '4 WH. Central 4s ... .! N. Y., N. H. . ai cv. 4a ctfi . Lake Shore 41 131 . i8Vfc Ula 74 74 . 44 . OTVi . 1L, lit torv. ...m-i . . . a ...llf'Va ... J ... 7t, ... 0 H. .'olo. Mid. 4a.. Colo. A So. 4e Del. ei H c. 4a.. Ii. A K. O. 4l Kris p. I. 4a do (en. 4s Hock. Val. 4Hl J a pas 4a do 4Sa do 24 aerlea Bid. OKered. London ( losing Storks. LONDON, Oct. 23 Transactions In Amer ican securities were limited during the early session today. Railroad shares were heavy and generally 4414 lower, while metal shares were steady and a fraction higher. At noon the njarket was dull and prices rulfd (ruu beiow to above yes lerdny'B New Yora closing. LONDON, Oct. 23-Hsr gold, 77sll'd; American eagles, 76a 6'd. London cloning stocks: Conaola. money . .44 11-14 Mo., Kan. Texal..3'.H do arcount 444 New York rentrml. . .I.f4 Ana.'onda S Norfolk Welters.. 74 Atchison 'S do pfd ii da pfd Ontario A Wei tern Baltimore sV Ohio. . .lftuS Penntylvanta Canadian Pa. I fir ...lTtKand Mui'a CATTLE There were only a few cars of cattle reported In this morning and ao far aa could be observed very few wanted. The trado was very slow and dull throughout tha morning, no one being very anxious for supplies of any kind. The fact Is the market yesterday wound up In very bad shape with prices, In the language of the yards, "rotten." It would be a hard mat ter to say Just how much lower cattle did sell yesterday, but It Is safe to say that in extheme cases declines of fully 40c could be noted. While the very choice cattle, of which very few are coming, have not shown much loss, It would be very con servative estimate to place the decline on tha general run Of a fair to pretty good steers at 25c as compared with last week Cows and heifers have declined fully aa much. A good many feeders are still In the hands of speculators and are selling anywhere from 25c to 50c lower than were paid for them at the beginning of the week. It would seam as If any one wanting a cheap bunch of feeders could find pretty nearly anythlny that they might want In the speculative division at the present time. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice cornfed steers, M.(Hi7.00; fair to good corn fed steers, 96. 501 '6. i; common to fair corn fed steers. 4.0ii 50; good to choice range steers, I4.50U5.50; fair to good range steers, M.V"i4.50; common to fair range steers. 63.0'u3.So; good to choice cornfed cows and heifers, I3.6uii4.16; good to choice gTass cows and heifers, I310&3.76: fair to good grass cows and hrifers. t2.6693.10; common to fair grass cows and heifers. !.0Oit(L'.n6: ?:ood to choice stockers and feeders, 14.20 1 4 Ho; fair to good stockers and feeders, 13. doti 4. 130: common to fair Mockers and feeders, $2,501(73.60; stock heifers. -'.itx1.76; veal calves, 32.756.75; bulls, slags, etc., i.(JOS3.00. HOU8 Rocelpte of hoga this morning were very light and pretty much every thing changed hands In very good season. While Dricee were not as good as at the best time yesterday they wera quits a little better than the extreme cloae, making the aeneral market about steady with 5 ester day's average market. A good share of the hogs sold at 35.3t(r76.46 and on up to 10. 60. which was about where the ho landed yesterday. K 14 EEP Receipts of eheeo were very small this morning, onlv aix caia being reported In. which was not enough to make a market. There were, however, a few holdovers In addition to that fresh receipts Hnd aa there waa some lHtfc demand prac tically everything was cleaned up In very good season. mere was noining in me way of good killers to make a top on inu market., Quite a string of wethers sold to feeder buyer at 63.70. The prices paid did not show any material change aa com pared with yesterday, butlv buyera and sell ers quoting It as a steady market. Kor the week tha receipts have been very large, showing a gain not only over last week, but also over the corresponding week of last year. I'nder the Influence of the severe bresk In values at eastern points fat aheep have declined very rapidly, being at the present time 40ii50c lower than at the close of last week, fat iambs also I'gS northern foundry, I16.000"16.75; No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern soft, 16. ,MJ!7 25. 8T. IXU'IS. Oct. 23.-METAL8-I.ead, dull at $4.07434.10. Ppelter held at $4.67tfc. OMAHA GBMEHAL MARKET. Cos Bt. Lonla Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23. CATTLE Receipts. 2.488 head, Including 180 Texans; market ateady to 16c lower; native shipping and export steers, 84.isi7.2b; aressea rjeei ana butcher steers, Ii.7wh6.10; steers under l.OnO lbs., $3.00j6.2o; stockers and feeders, $3,000 4.0u; cows and heifers, $2.50tli.76; canners, $2.ff2-25; bulls, $2.664l4.00; calves, $4.0007.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.7543.50; cows and heifers, $1.604.25. HOGS Receipts, 1.600 head: market steady; pigs and rights, tS.HOfifi.fjO; pack ers. $5.5f6.7l; butchers and beat heavy, $5.N0St.00. 8HKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market St Andy: native muttons. $4 .25 416.40: lambs. 4.7tV(f (; culls and bucks, $3.26413.75; stockers, $2.503.75. Bt. Joseph Live Stork Market. SOUTH BT. JOSEPH, Oct. 23.-CATTLK( Receipts. 1,500 head. Market steady; steers. $4.00Q'7.00; cows and heifers, fl.MLip 6.75: calves, $3.O0S.6O. HOOS Receipts, 4,500 head. Market slow to 6c lower; top, $6.86; bulk ot sales, Jo. 3" ft S-TO. SHEEP AND UMBB- Receipts, 500 head. Market steady; lamba. $4.505.50. Bonlx City LlT Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. 23.-(SpclaI Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 liead; mar ket weak; beeves. $4.5va7.00; grass cows. $; feeders. $2.75ii4.2o; calves and yearlings. $2.0033.25. HOGS Receipts. 2,200 head: maikct steady to weak; range, $5.156.5"; bulk of sales. $5. 30105.40. Stock tn Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets Pouth Omaha.. Sioux City St. Josepn Kansas City... St. Louis Chicago Totals yesterday : Cattle. .... 1,046 .... E") .... 1.5U1 2 ( .... 2,4(18 .... 2.OH0 Hogs. Sheep 2.70) 2.:oo 4.5v;) 10.0 1.6-0 20.0W) 1.07' "till 4.11m 410 8,00 9,534 41,000 13,977 Llvarpool Grain Market. IJVKRPOOL. Oct. 2!-WHEAT-Spot, dull: No. $ red. western wlnu-r, 7s 74d Futures, quiet; Dec-ember, 7s hd; March, 7s 6d; Msy. -s d. CORN Spot, steady; American m'xed. 7s fd. Futures quiet; December, 6s T'rl; January, 6s 4d. Poorlat Market. PEORIA, Oct. rS-OORN-6tady: No. 3 while. 73c; No. t yellow. 76c. No. 3 yel low, 74c; No. 3. 73c; No. 4.; no grade, SJc- N. 4. new, ; no grade, new. 6ftiio. OATS-Steady; No. J while, 46tM7c; No. 4 white. 46c. WHISK Y-I1.3T. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. l-WEAT-Mar-ket aleady; No. I northern. $luul.07: No. northern. $1.04il.U9; December, jsjc, asked CORN Dull; December, 63,663c. BAHl.KY- Lower ; standard, 4MV-; sam ple, 5Ju4V- You can build up your buslrAse by using The bee Wast Ad coUmas. Boston Storks aaa Donas. BOSTON. Oct. 23. Money, call loan $ per cent; time loans. 3ft 4H per Quot cent; time loans. Hons on stocks and fallows : Atchison sdj. 4s. do 4a Atrhiaon R. R do pfd . .. Boatns Alhanr. Boston a Maine . Muelos Elnalad Fllcnburg pfd N T.. N H aV H I nlon Pacific A 1. Arse. Cheat.. do prd A si- Pneu. Tube... .Arner. Sugar do pfd Aim T T Am. Woolen do pid Pominlos I. at i . Mlaon Elec. Ilia.. Oesersl Elect rta .. Mass. Klectrls .... 29 cent. bonds were as do pfd Maea. Gaa Vnlted Fruit .... Vniled S II do p'4 V. 4 Steel do pfd Bid Asked. ...43 Adventure ... M Allcuea . .. Amalgamated! . ... I"1 Atlantic ...MS tel. a HeWa... ...114 Centennial ...Ill Copper Raags . rials Weat .145 Franklin .!&-, Graubr . Nl isle Roral ... . i Maaa. Mining . . o'fc Ml-hlgaa ICS Vohask .12S Mont. C. AC. .Ulli Old Dominion . . I S Oareola . W Parrot . 1 (jutner .94 Snanr.on .Hi1 Tamarack . sl Triuitr . 14 l nlted Copper . F4 t' S Mining . .12 i r. g. oil . 44 Viah .. l' Viotorla . . 47sa Winona .114 Wolverine .. U .. 11 .440 . . .4 .. 7f4 $ .. I4H ..; .. xv, .. h . . r, fy, :i' H , i . i'.'i . i4 . 17 , I-, . " Trrasnrr itafeaseat. WASHINGTON. Oct. 'JS. Tody a state ment of the treasury tjlsncrs In the gen eral fund, exclusive of Use fi50,coa,0u0 gld I tiuok a Ohio t'bl. Great Weatern hi . Mil. 4 St. P. lie Basra Renter A Rio G... do pfd Erie do lit pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trunk Illlnola t'ontrsl Lou ml lie a Kaih. BiLVER-llar, our cr. MONEY Hfli 44S Reading Southern Railsajr . .147 do pfd , 1.1 Southern Pacific ... . I'nlon Pacific . ,' do pfd . V. S. gtsel . i6? do pfd . ITS, Wahaah . f'S do pfd .144 Spanlah 4a .1)1 Ama). Copper steady at :3 ll-16d 4 . 14 .17i, . .tit . U4 ' . w . 1a Jier per cent. The rate of dltrount In the oien market ror snort mils is lvyins, per cent; tor three months' bills, Zta 1-1 per cent. Metal Ararket. NEW YORK. Oct.. 23-METALS-Th Ixindon tin market wu quiet, with spot p.i 133 los and futurs at 135 os. Ixicully Ihe market waa easy at $if.37V4j.!9 45. Cop per was lower In London, wl.h s iot quoUM at H0 las 3d and lutures at 01 l- 6d Tlie local market was (lrm In spite ot ff reign decllre. wltk prices a shade higher Lake Is quoted at $13.6iijl3.75. rl. ctrolyi ii ut $13.2613.50 and casting at $13.t l i 2 ... I-ad was unchangeil at 13 5s In London but was firmer in the local market at $1.2 4.. Spelter advanced to 19 17 fld Ir, lxndon. Locally the market was firm and higher at $4 8r(fi4 .s. The Irfwdon Iron mar ket advanced to 47s 7d for standard fmindr and 4s 6d for Cleveland warrants. N, change was reported In the hcil market No. 1 northern foundry, $16.5 & 17. 21; No. . dltlan of Trade and Qaotatloaa aa Staple and Fancy Trodace. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered tc retail trade In cartons. 23c; No. 1, tn 60-lb. tuba. 22c; No. 1, tn 30-lb. tube. I3c; No. 2. In 60-lb. tubs. 2V,c; No. 2. In 30-lb. tubs. 21c; No. t, In 1-lb. cartona, 21c; No. 1. In carload lots, 21c; No. 2, In carload lots. lUlVio; country, fancy, tubs, 17c; com mon, 16c. EGGS Fresh candled, 19o per doi. CHLESK rlneat Wisconsin full cream, twins, 14Sc; young Americas, 4 In hoop. 15c; favorite, I In hoop, 16',o; daisies, 20 In hoop, 15Hc; cream brick, full case, 13c; half case, Ur; half dosen bricks, 14c. No quotations on Swiss or llmberger until aftci Oototoer. SUGAR Coarse granulated. 6 50e; fine granulated, 6.7oci cubes, 1 60c; powdertd, 6.50c per lb. BEEP CUT8 Ribs: No. 1, 17ty: No. 2. lie; No. 8. 6V,c. Loin: No. 1. 20c; No. 2. 12c; No. 3, 8Hc. Chuck: No. 1, 6Hc; No. 2. Ic; No. 3, 4c. Round: No. 1, 84c; No. 2. 7c; No. 3. 6c. Male; No. 1, 6a; No. 2. 4V; No. i. 3c. DRESSKD POULTRY-SquaDS, $220 pet dos. V EG ETA B LES Celery , Michigan, per dog., $6a. Beans, new wax and spring, one third bu. basket, $1.0o; navy, per bu., No. 1. 12.70; lima, 'c per lb. Cabbage, 2o per lb. Potatoes, new, per bu., $1.10. Tomatoes, per 4-basket crate, 90c. Watermelons, 2i"j;c. Cantaloupea, California, $2.9Ofr8.0u per orate. Asparagus, per dos., 10c. Cucumbers, per do., 60c. Onions, Bermuda, $1.50 per crate; Texas ybllov, $1.26 per crate. Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., tioc. Lettuce, per dos., 25c. Peppers, southern, $1.00 per crate. FRESH FRUITS Apples. $2.75aS.0o pel bu. box. Iemons, $4.506.00. Oranges. $4 04 tvu.00. Bananas, 4c per lb. Plums, tl.I.i per 4-basket crate. Peaches. California, 7OHfn0e per box; Texas. 4-baaket crate, 66(i70o. Pears, $1.50 per 4-uasket crate. Blackber ries, $4.00 per crate. Raspberries, $4 00 pot crate. Cherries, $1.26. Currants. $2.00 per crate. Gooseberries, $2.00 per crate, LIVE POULT RY Hens, &c; springs. 13Hc; roosters, 6c; ducks, young, Co; old. 7 He; geese, 6c; turkeys, 14c; pigeons, 6oc per dot;. squabs, $2.00 per doxen. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-COTTON-FU-tures opened steady; October, 9.10c; De cember. 8.97c; January, 8. Sic; March, 8.74c; May, 8.6Hc; July, 8A1c. Futures closed easy; October, 9.11c; No vember, 8. 8Mc; Ie; ember, 89", Jaaiuary, 8.77c; February. 8.71c; March, 8.68c; June, H i oc; July. 8.58c. Spot cotton closed quiet; middling up lands, 9.40c; middling gulf, 9.66c; sales, t bales. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.-COTTON-Spot steady. Imw ordinary, 4i nominal; ordinary, 6 (t-lrto, nominal; good ordinary, 7c; low middling, 8-Se; middling, 9c; good middling. 9 &-1 ; middling fair. 9 13-10c; fair, 10 7-Mc, nominal. Receipts, 9,160 bales; stock, 143, M0 bales. ST. LOI 13, Oct. 23. COTTON Higher; middling. l)',c. Sales, 363 bales; receipts, 4, XX bales; shipments, 4,743 bales; stuck, 17,640 bales. Wool Market, BOSTON. Oct. 23. WOOI Tho Commer cial Bulletin of this city, basing Its report upon statistics gathered for the govern ment, will say tomorrow of the wool mar ket: Demand for consumers Is less active and urgent, the natural result of the uc tlvlty of previous weeks. Still there Is a steady business and the sales of the week are estimated at between 6,0u0,0il0 Slid 6,000, 000 lbs. The legitimate situation Is strong and some dealers huve marked up prices. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 83. WOOI. Firm; me dium gradea, combing and clothing, lOi&'ak-; light fine, K'Tilfie; heavy fine, HQ'12c; tub washed, 2o27c. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 5213.55c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4.02'g4.O5c. Molasses Sugar, 3.27'' 33tlc. Rerined, firm; No. 6, 4.)0c; No. 7. 4.75c; No. 8, 4.70c; No. 8. 4.65c; No. 10. 4.5f.c; No. 11. 4.5oc; No. 12, 4.46c; No. 13, 4.4oc; No. 14. 4.35c. Confectioners. 60oc; mould A, 4.55c; cut loaf. S.noc; crushed, S.90c; powdered, 6.30c; granulated, 6.20c; cubes, 6.45e. t'ofTva Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-COFFEK-Ftitures closed steady, net unchanged. Hales were repotted of 28,7.riO bugs, Including October at 5.4j6 5oc, December at 6.1.4it.2oc. March. May rnd August at 5.10c and September at 6.15c. Spot coffee, Irngular; Rlu No. 7, IV; Santo No. 4, Sc. Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, Wtt 12Vc. Kvaporatrd Apples and Dried frnlta. NEW YORK. Oct. 11 .-EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows continued 11 rm lie, with new rop prime quoted at U'Vltr-'it at-l liM iruii .tig to grade. at oV'tf6W-, accord- Foreign Financial. LONDON. Oct. 23.-Money was in fair demand on the market today and dis counts were firmer. With the approach or me settlement and the week-end hual ness on the Sto k exrhdnge wai reduced to a minimum. lpreaaloii developed on political fiors and caused sliglit general recessions from cor.aols to kaffirs. The market cloaed dull. American securities started well, but yielded to realizations in the forenoon. This brought values below parity. The afternoon was idle, the New York advices acre colorless and the mar ket cLvavd dull. Copper shares meakened after early atrrngth. A'n exception was Amslgamated, which was steady. BERLIN. tHL J3 Prices generally on the Bourse today were depressed. Govern ment securities were firm. PARIS, (art. 13. Trading on tha Bourse titiay was dull and prices were weaker, except in the rase of cupper shares. llaak Clearings. OMAHA. Ot 23 -Bank clearings for to day were $2,066.675 89 and for tha corres ponding dale last ytar $1,991,641.47. Red ard isgar dsn His. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-A11 grades of re fined sugar were advanced 10s a hundred pounds today, "O e m el s y 1 v a n i a ii Short Line from Chicago To Indianapolis To Cincinnati To Loulavllle To Columbus I9S Miles 300 Mile 303 Miles 31S Miles Frequent Daily To Mansfield -To Pittsburgh To Philadelphia To New York Through 293 Miles 468 Miles 820 Miles 908 Miles Service "LOOK AT THE 31 A P 1" CHICAGO 0 lu& i i 'rwow- I U&$S KENTUCKY N E W YORK Px E N N . I ""(I L, ZrfrJ Pennsylvania Short Lines PLEASE CALL at Pennsylvania Short Unes Tkket Office, 248 South Clark Street, ChlcafO, or address C. L. Kimball, Assistant Oeaeral Passenger Agent, No. 2 Sherman Street, Chicago. Ask the Agent of Any Connecting Line for a Pennsylvania Map Folder