Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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First Will Be for Governor of Vari-j
oni Statei.
r '"is rri n n n nr n
V ill
t a mm
rhoala, Ut Stne-k and 1 Press Will
Mate Their Ds and A V-r-Ben
Will rat on th Plnlah.
Ins TinrkN.
rverl flays of the. National Corn eposl
lion were announced Wednesday, And Ak-Sar-Ben,
South Omaha and Council Bluffs
re to have p:lal days. .
The opposition opens December 9, and
thla will be Governor's day. No less than
Jialf a docen governors- mill be In Omaha
on that date. Inrludlnsr Cummins of Iowa,
Sheldon of Nebraska, Horh of 'Kansas,
Urooka of Wyoming, Johnson of Minne
sota, Crawford of South Dakota, with a
possibility of Buclitel of Colorado, Haskell
of Oklahoma and Henley of Indiana. Many
of tlia governor wiy peak In the exposi
tion at the audltorlun).
"Hrhoinl day" Will be the second of 'the
exposition when hundreds of school child
ren from all rrt of the state will be In
Omaha altendtnr 'he meetings of the Ne
braska Boys' AgrirAilture society and the
Nebraska Olrls" Domestic Science associa
tion. School children of Omaha," Council
Bluffs and South Omaha will alao attend
the exposition on IhU day and' special fea
ture! have been arranged for the enter
tainment of the school children.
In special trains from Lincoln, Ames. Ia.;
Brookings. B. I).; Lawrence. Kan., and St.
Pan. Minn., the students from agricultural
colleges will come to Omarm Friday,
December . which is to be "College and
High School day."
The live stock Interests are to have their
Inning on the lourth day of the show, when
the Live Stock exchanges of Houth Omaha,
Bloux Cty. Chicago, and Kansas City will
be represented and visit the exposition.
. . ... Merea. rroejram Sunday.
Not even Sunday. December 1J. will be
without a special fat,ure, lectures and a
sacred concert will be given that day to
entertain tlwse who wish to go to the
buildings on that day.
Monday morning will open as the special
dity of Council Bluffs and South Omaha.
Omaha having reigned a special day that
Ak-Sar-Beti might visit the corn show
later. -
"(iraln Dealers and Railroads day" will
be given Tuesday, December 15, snd on
this day the visitors from the grain ex
changes of (he , country will come to
Omaha. These exchanges are deeply In
terested In the National Corn exposition.
Chicago. Kansas C!ty. St. Paul. Duluth.
Ft Worth. 8t. Louis. Peoria and Milwaukee
will be among the grain markets which will
have special representatives in the fields
of prlxo corn at the corn show.
Implement dealera will be In session In
Omaha Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday
of the second week of the Corn show, but
Wednesday and Thursday will be special
days for thelii. No one class of business
men have done more to make the Na
tional Corn- Exposition the success it prom
ises to be than the implement dealers, who
ii,. manufacturers have contributed
a large share of the special and regular
premiums. Th-y will be given all the rope
possible while In the city and very specia:
features have been arranged for their en
tertainment. Country and Frees. .
Prtri.iv will be the special day of the
Federal Country Life commission and the
press. Members of tha country life com
mission have promised to visit Omaha
,i,.rin the exoosltton. They win do pan
queted and given an opportunity to meet
farmers from all sections ot mo .uu....j..
as well aa editors of the agricultural, coun
try and city press. The editors of agri
cultural papers will be special guests at a
tinmher of Interesting meetings.
Knights of Ak-8ar-Ben will bring the
exposition to a fitting floss Saturday night.
December 19. 1" ceremonial myie, cuuiu.
chanting in company with the band music
the Ak-Sar-Ben "owed to com:
A song for the plant of my own native land,
in,.. .. Vat urn and Freedom reside;
By plenty still crowned and by peace ever
p.. .Am ffMn eorn of her ptide!
In climes of the east hss the olive been
Ami the grape been the theme of her lays
But for thee shall a harp of the backwoodi
be strung. . , ,
Though bright, ever beautiful maixe.
Exhibit of tales Paelfle at Exposi
tion Will Be Elaborate.
A building constructed of green Indian
corn and green sugar corn panels will bo
tha home of the Cnion Pacific exhibit at
the National Corn exposition. Fibre plant
will bo used and cocuanuts and parrots
from the West coast of Mexico will be part
of the decorations. The Cnion Pacific has
an elaborate exhibit well under way and
will show products from Oregon, Idaho,
California and the west coast of Mexico.
George L. McDonaugh. colonisation agen
of the passenger department, baa been
spending 'all his time of late In collecting
a most attractive exhibit. The rayeite
Boise Water Users' association haa pre
pared local and governmental exhibit
and a rnoUng picture exhibit will be ahown
of all the d-v'alle of the Immense reclama
tlou work WTlch the government la carry
Ins on In tht west. In aome instances the
various chambers of commerce have pre
pared h axhlblts which the Union Pa
clfio Will allow..
Bought from an Eastern Manufacturer, His Entire
Stock of Highest Grade Silk Brocade Corsets
$5 Corsets
! wit
a, skVi jjj
Those are the most elegant
corsets ever soltl anywhere
near so low as $1.08. Whites,
light blues and light pinks,
with four and six hose sup
porters many are beauti
fully lace trimmed some
are the new hipless extra
long lengths thousands
have wondered at the bar
gains in the window.
These corsets
. are actually
' worth $5 each,
your choice,
Thursday . . .
A 98 $
jj I fiddles' Home Journal Pattern. lOr and IfttO I
A Host and simplest for. Iinme dressmaking. M
'J I
Big Basement Millinery Sale
6 Women's Fall Hats at $1.00
y Great new showing of silk body y
I velvc
obodr la Too Old
to learn fhiit ti sure w.iy to cure a cough
or cold is Uli Vr. King i New Discovery
KV; and 1100. Tor sale by Beaton Drug Co,
Crateaalal ( Masons.
C1KCINNATI. O.. Oct. Hundreds o
members of the grand lodge of Masons of
Ohio are n the city for the iestivmea at
teii.Hn tha celebration of the centennial 01
the order, w I itch began today. A parade
which ie 'said will surpass In number of
Vartictpanta the one or tne ivnignt
emplais. last week will take place tht
"We Recommend
hats, satin hats, felt and velvet
hats in all kinds of trim
mings medium and
large shapes hats ac
tually worth up to $5
will go at
Children's Sash Hats
Wide plaid silk sashes trim these
fur felt hats,'new "Cheyenne"
and other shapes; also misses'
hats with gilt buttons and tas
sel all colors, worth
$3.00, at
Stunning Fall Hats With Ostrich Plumes
Exquisitely trimmed with two large ostrich plumes
also ribbons and buckles whites,$l $1150 $1 P
blacks and all colors, at IV" U
38 of Our Highest Priced Suits $
Get Reductions of M.50 to $10 Each U
S39.50 and $45 Models GcZZ )
all at one price now HpOtl
These suits are the most exclusive styles j
we have shown, only one of a kind. The j
materials are finest imported broadcloths
and novelty weaves in the new shades, jj
catawba, olive, hunters' green, bur-
gandy, taupe, sajiphire, navy, brown, red, ii
etc. Everything about these suits, the
design, the trimming, the rich materials, i
the tailoring, is of a high grade char- t
acter. AN e ,are re-adjusting tlie suit
stock since the buyer's' JJ
return from New York.
You now buy $39.50
and $45.00 suits most
ly $45.00 ones for
A New Arrival in Outer Garments
Broadcloth Coats
Peerless Display of Garment Styles
Loiik. snug-flttlne earments with a stunning new Empire back. There's '
an inlaid satin collar and large lapel, inch wide aatin folds and large
satin buttons. The smartest coat of the season,
and today is the most popular coat on Broad
way. It's Just in and sure to be a great favor
ite in Omaha, at 1
1 J
A worth up to IS. 00, at . .
1 Woman's Tailored ' Chil
li a'klrts new fall for a
r style a In a regu- day
J lar way these skirts
n might sell up to
Specials for Thursday
In Our Basement Cloak Department
Women's Long Winter Cloaks plain or mixed cloths half lined,
velvet and braid trimmings. Cloaks that are actually fffrno
lldren's Cloaks
chool or every
wear and for
dress one great lot
in 'casement worth
up to five
dollars, will
go at
Women's Sateen and
Moreen petticoats
regular prices $1.00
and $1.25
special, at
Silk Waists $3.95
A special . lot at a very special
price, all silk taffetas in plain and
plaid tailored styles, a fine as
sortment of colors, all good styles,
too, that are well worth fflJO QC
$5.00 and $6.50, for. . . iflW.i7W
Silk Petticoats $4.95
Taffeta silk of a serviceable, rust
ling kind, in black, and all popu
lar colors, attractive flounces in
various styles, every garment a
d.'VT.e: $495
Thursday's Hosiery Sales
Hosiery Day brings its usual quota of bargains. We mention Just four
here and every one is exceptional value:
Women's Imported Mark Cotton
Hose, with double soles and high
spliced heels, best 2 5c
Hosiery made, at ....
Children's Fleeced Hose, good,
sturdy, warm stockings, in all
sizes, double knee, us
ually 17c, at pair. . . .
in all
Women's Imported Black Lisle
Hose, with double soles and high
spliced heels, regular
35c line, pair .......
Boys' "No Mend" Stockings, a
heavy ribbed stocking, with linen
knee, a 25c line that .
gives great service . ,
id nigh T
.25c L
Ings, a
h linen
Specials ia Cloak Dept. Second Floor
Long Winter Cloaks "Women's long broadcloth and nov
elty cloth cloaks. They have the latest fall features
a splendid variety very specially priced Thurs- fl f 98
day at 40
Women's Tailored Suits at $15.00 Smartly tailored long
coat suits-p-with the new button trimmed skirts 1 C
would cost $25.00 elsewhere, at.'
"Fashionseal" Suits for Women The most elegant and
practical of all suits, no other $25 suit made C
can compare with the "Fashionseal." Price is. .P J
Special Sale of Silk Petticoats Made of the finest quality
taffeta many with all silk drops all desirable colors,
many blacks and extra sizes, $50 $ $98
These are the very best blankets that we know
of. We have a large range of these goods in white,
gray, tan and fancy plaids in various $
sizes we sell them all at $o.00 pair. J hey
usually sell at a much higher price
f( Thursday is Chocolate Da.y
in "Sweetlarid" Eut
Our popular Club House brand regular price
40c Chocolate Day price, pound
Fruits ana Vegetables
Bananas, pnr-dozen lOo and ISO
Cooklna- Apples, peck. . . . BOo and flSo
Jonathan Appl.a, doz.n..lSo and 80o
Cooking Pears peck Bfto
ornngfti, per dozen, up from 40o
Unions, dozen lOo, SOo and 85o
California Orapes, pound 10o
Three, pounds for 35o
Celery, per head So
Per dozen BOo
Vegetables of every dlscrlptlon and
always lowest prices.
1,000 lbs. sliced Halibut, lb 18He
1.000 lbs. Dressed Buffalo, lb 8 Ho
Dressed Perch, lb 8Vtc
Finnan Haddle, fresh smoked, lb., 15o
White Fish, fresh smoked, lb loo
Holland Herring, Imported, per peck,
Including 40 stamps 7So
Family Kake Fish, 10-lb. pall. Includ
ing 30 stamps, for 7So
We have a vry full line of fresh,
smoked and salt fish.
Bennett's Big Grocery
Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg 880 and 30 stamps
Teas, assorted, per pound 38o and 40 stamps
Ten Slftlnira. Der nound 150 and 10 stamos
Pure Penner. per can lOo and B stamps C '
Ti BENNETT'S EXOELBIOm n.OUR, per sack $1.70 and 50 stamps
1.5 Dr. Price's HreHkfast Food. 3"packages for B5o and 20 stamps 5
M Gherardellis' Chooolate, can 803 and in stamps 1
A A. B. C. Catsup, per bottle 83o and 10 stamps ,1
W Allen's Brown Bread Flour, per package 18c and 10 stamps i-
li Blue Borax Starch, 2Vi pound pnekage, for 25c and 10 stumps 1
i j Premier Molasses quart can. for 80o and 10 stamps a
V Burnham's Clam Bouillon, 4uc size, for 8S0 I
m Maple Cream, two cakes for lOo and 5 stamps t
Wi Wonder Wax for laundry, 3 ten cent packages for 860 and 10 stamps
f Bennett's Capitol Sweet Wrinkled Peas, 3 cans for 8S0
l Peanut Butter, two Jars for 8O0 and 10 stamps 'A
V Mnuns niiart can for 35o anil 30 stamns 1
Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 3 packages for 85o and 10 stamps
n Beauty Asparagus, per can 830 and 10 stamps
TpJk It wll
Looking Forward
ou may see that there Is a birthday or wedding gift
1 be your pleasure or giving, ami or course you
a correct gift. Better select from our stock an
c piece of Jewelry, silver, cut glass or a cluck.
Ziook for tha nam.
S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler
, i too.
The Beer Yon Like
Cases 2 dozen "5 QA
Large Bottles QOVJ
Cases 3 dozen C2 OA
Small Bottles yOZJ
Aa alhwneof II SOwlIlt mada
upa r.iura u us of tke empty mm.
sad all ot U aniptr bottle Is good
' order.
Orders will be Uktn for Luzus
in leu ika eat lot at tha following-
price: ,. ...
$2.00 per dot. Large Bottles
$1.35 per doz. Small Bottles
Gladstone Bros.
1308.10 Douglas Strt
There are no vacant offices, but:
If you have been looking for such rooms, no doubt
you have found desiraWe space is a rare thing. From
. time to time changes are made by tenants which would
make available just the kind of office rooms which you
it occupied from top to bottom, but for reasons above stated
we keep a waiting list and would be pleased to have you call
and look through the building. By giving us an Idea of your
. requirements would place us in a position to fulfill your wants
along this line at aome future time. Leave your name and
address with
R. W. BAKER, Supt,
Room 105
Illustrations will
give a style to your
printed: matter and
make it more affec
tive. Let us woric
your ideas into cuts.
Barker Block. O mall a. Wan.
High Grade Dur
able School Shoes
for Misses and
Children at
Moderate Prices
Gold Silver and Sickle
Brae Bads, Oas Fixtur.a and Table Ware.
KepUted as Baw.
f All Kinds of Repairing
Jl la Neatly Dona.
Established 1898.
1230 Karaey Street
Telephoaaa Doala CS3S Auto. A-3535.
Peonies, 10 cents and up. Tulips,
Hyanclnths a-cd others.
Stewart's Seed Store
aieiM. tetti st.
Shoe comfort, shoe qual
ity end moderate prices
those within reach of every
one wanting the best In foot
wear. Our Htock this season is re
plete with the newest novel
ties from the world's best
shoe makers.
We have them in kid, pat
ent colt, in cloth or kid tops,
gun metal calf in button or
lace, also In commonsense or
dress tops.
The tjlzes and prices range:
yon cumitEX
Sizes 8 to 11 81.50
Sizes 11 ',4 to 2 $2.00
you voi'xc; womk
Sizes 2 to 6 $2.50
Drexel Shoe Co.
Embracing in its scope the new, most ex
clusive stylo ideas in almost unlimited
variety of colors and fabrics. The ex
tremely moderate prices, too, lends un
usual charm to the selections here:
Over 500 New Tailor Suits just received
bv express. Fashion's latest favorites
shown at . .$25.00, $19 90 and $14.90
Crown Jewel Suits, the most talked of,
the best tailor suit values shown in
Omaha at the price; in style, individual
ity, beauty and quality of fabric and fin
ish, fully the equal of any priced else
where at $.'tf.00, shown at .... . .$25.00
$25.00 Tailor Suits at $19.90, in fine chif
fon broadcloths and hard finished ma
terials; navies, browns, greens, and all
newest and most wanted shades, made
to sell at $25.00, choice for. ! . . .$19-90
$22.50 Tailor Suits at $14.90, fine broad
cloths and suitings, 36" to 40-inch coats;
150 suits. in the lot for selection, newest
styles, at , $14-90
Our Coat Stock Is Now Complete More coats shown here than in
all other Omaha houses combined, Kerseys, Broadcloths, Velvets,
etc.. the most charming styles and richest colorings, at
$5-00, $7.50, $10-00, $15-00, $20.00, $25-00, $30-00 up
1 1
A Beautiful Line of Evening and
Reception Gowns.
Xew Dress and Walking Skirts, magni
ficent assortment for selection, at
each $5.00 to $20.00
flO.OO Fall Jacket 95-03, coverts or
broadcloths, strictly tailored, tan or
black, values to $10.00, at ..$5.95
$2.00 Long Kimonos, at 08
91-00 Flannelette Kacques, for . .40
92.50 Ileatherbloom Unrlerkirt,black
or colors, at $1.45
See Our Directorie Gown, special
priced at $25.00
$6.00 Silk 1'iHlcrsklrt $3-08. Come
In all colors and made of Simond's
beet taffeta, the best ever at $3.08
Women's $5.00 Net Waists, In ecru,
cream or white, on sale Thursday
at, each $2.08
Children's Curly Bear Skin Coat, aU
colors, $4.00 values on sale $1.08
See Our Special Showing of Children's
Wool Dresses.
Wednesday's Wonderful Bargain Offerings in Our
Great Water Damane Clearance
The necessity of making room for new goods compels us to close
out the remainder of the stocks in any way damaged by water,
within the next few days. Goods are marked for quick clear
ance at greatest bargain prices ever quoted:
Children's Vests and Pants, worth to
50c garment, on sale, at
Choice 10 and 19
Children's Combination Suits, regular
values to $1.00, In three lots, at
each 25S "39 and 4Q
Ladles' Vests and I'ants, heavy quality,
all sizes, white or grey, worth to
$1.00, at 15, 25 and 39
Ladles' Combination Suits, heavy
fleeced and fine worsted garments,
values to $2.00, at 98S 40S 25
Men's Heavy Winter Underwear, heav)
fleeced or wool garments, values to
$2.50. at . . -25S 30S 69S 08
Men's Combination Suits,' extra heavj
fleeced and wool garments, worth t
$3.00, at $7.50. $1.50. $1.08
Winter Hosiery, Men's, Women's and
Children's,- worth to 15c per pair, on
Bale at, pair 34
Men's, Women's and Children's Hose,
15c and 19c values, at pair . . . . 10J
Sweaters, Men's, Women's and Chil
dren's, values to $3.00. at
each 25S 50 and 98!
An extra Fine lot of Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters will be closed
at wonderful bargain prices Thursday. See Them!
Extra Specials for Thursday
FROM 9:00 TO 9:30 A. M. I FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M.
Genuine Fru. of the Loom, everybody
knows this brand and what It is
worth, 10 yard limit, at yard Q
FROM 10:00 TO 10:30 A. M.
The finest Amoskeag Outing Flannel,
dark or light colors, regular 12V4c
grade, 10 yard limit, at yard . . . .5
12 V4c Flannelettes, at yard . . . - 7
18c Flannelettes, at yard 10
15c Flannelettes, at yard 10
39c Turkey Hed Damask, yard". .25
39c Bleached Damask, at yard . -25
The best Bleached Sheeting for 59c in
America, for 39
10c large Bath Towels, each ....54
Best $1.00 heavy Blue Shirting Flan
nel, strictly all wool, at a yard 50
High Grade Wool
Dress Goods Dept.
FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 A. M.
The finest $1.00 ' Sicilian Mohair put
on the market, fine luster. 52-lnches
wide, black only, one pattern limit,
at a yard . 37H
FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 A. M.
Strictly all Wool Panama 6604, regu
lar price is $1.00 a yard. 52-inches
wide, ono pattern to a customer, at
P ard 37s
$1.50 fine, heavy felted Blankets,
gray, beautiful border, 2 pair limit,
at per pair . 8G&
FROM 3:00 TO 3:30 P. M.
Pure all wool Blankets, no cottony. J
mixed, reg. price $5.75, fine plaids.
2 pair limit, at per pair . . . .$2.30
10c extra large Towels, each ..3it
Remnants of 75c Wool Dress Goods,
at a yard 25
Remnants of $1.25 Wool Dress Goods.
at a yard 39
Remnants of $2.50 Wool Dress Goods,
at a yard 5y
Amoskeag Apron Checks, genuine
article, all colors and sixes, at per
yard 34
Hour Sales in Our High
Grade Linen Department
FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 A. M.
75c Hemmed Bedspreads,, large size,
heavy Marbeilles pattern. $1.60 val
ues, this sale, each Qj)
FROM 2:00 TO 3:00 P. M.
10 pieces high grade Table Linen, war.
ranted pure flax, both bleached and
silver bleached, 75c quality, this
sale, at per yard 3ft
SKIRTS MADE TO MEASURE, from any material at 50c yard
up, in our nign grade Dress Goods Department. All work and
perfect fit guaranteed, at $3.50 $3.25 3.00 $2.50 $2.00
liuy l-iour now wime you nav- the oppor
tunity, flour U I'ounJ to go IJk'her again
48-lb. Hacktt bent High Pateiff Flour $1.85
in l.ara IMamoiul C, 'lieat 'em All, Laundry
Soap, for 85o
2-ll. package bti O. K. Klalng Pancake
Klour. for S,o
Tlx, beat domestic Macaroni, pkg S'tO
1-11). con. aaaorlml .Suupa, for
6-lb. choice Japan Hire for 850
The bet Hand Picked Navy Beans, -r
fiound So
ie bet Pearl Tapioca, or Sago. lb. S'o
luc pkga iu-io-uaie Manning rowder, 3
packages lor
Fancy Full ( ream Cheese, per pound Ik
Lemons, Umong, fcomous
Large Juicy Lemons, regular -iftr. .
per don. for this sale, dozen d ?5
Fancy Sweet Potato,.. '1': ' 10c
lb. 6o
The Twentieth Century Farmer
' Liv AtfrMBltsral Paper.
Oil or MuHtard Sardines, per can .
The bent Soda or Oyster Crackers,
The beat Crisp 1'retzels. per pound
Wheat lierrlea, per package
California Prunes, per pound
Fancy ( Leaned ( urrants. per pound.. S0
Fancy Mulr Peachea. pound B'O
Fancy Muscatel lialalna. per pound . 8'iO
Fancy Cooking Figs, per pound TSo I
The beul Cider Inegar. per gallon . .860
The beat Mixed Pickling Spices, per lb. 800
Fancy lalry Uutter. per pound tlo
Fancy Creamery Mutter, per pound ..860
Fancy No. 1 Uutterlne, per pound . ...lie
urn 1 -
uunnin rresn Jtadlslies i
Fancy Wax or Green Bnin"''.'
Fresh Meets. Carrots. rVrtrPw H 6"
liutabagaa. red or White TurnP.
.,iii". ' . Onlpna. lb. aa
beads Krl, i'. .'.r' P"Uno l0O
3 heads Hothouse Le'ttuca ?
Hubbard Sciuasli, each '
All other vegetables 'in pVoporVlon" ' ' 9
The balance of car of Fancy Illinois K.i
.! wlr.V L' C'"ta out W'ednesday
P'..rer doV..nn Jr"' C"P" mn4 c-
gperrtdoxen"n '!V! '
Vt Gallon Mason jars', with 'capa'and t- -
ers. per doxen too
f r.