Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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1 1
PEE Harrison ft Morton S Wednesday a-ls.
v( The Best Yet--
V ew 8-rooni modern cottage, full lot, fin
igntiy locution, in. north
part o
for Imri
one block from oar, offered
sale t liloo, small cm, i
nci iiuns. mm
payment, nal-
Two g.xid i-rmim cottage. rty water, 33
ft. lota to eac-h, wl situated. In b K
part of eky, M, mile, cnnv. nent to car,
Il.loo each, small amount down, balance
$10 per month.
Neat 6-room cottage, newly remodeled,
partly modern, full lot, valuable location,
near 2Hh and arnam. only U.jon, and on
remai terms; can give Immediate
i session.
Russell & McIotrick co.,
-loth and Harney.
8EB Harron A Morton Weilnndiy ad.
, Uill-Ji
FULL corner kit, Hon, aBth. and Cass, If taken
boob. Addreas B., Pacific express
" ' (l)-.9 21 x
BIX rhnle lota for vale on eaiy terms.Aor
dres H . care Bee. (l-246 2ox
8KB Harrison & Morton'a Wednesday ads.
' (19) 2X8
AN aaterti owner baa two houses In Ham
com Place rented for a month; every
nodern; paved atreet; east front;
will aell at a, bargialn; on block north of
Hanacom Park.
Room 1. New Tork Ufa Building.
I48T your property with Chrla Boyer. S2d
and Cumins te. tl9) .
SEH Harrlaon ft Morton'a Wednesday ads.
(1 fr; 2HH 20
Denver-Ureeley dlatrtot. under Irrigation;
I augar beet, alfalfa, general farming and
rJ"i low P'lc. aay payment.
National Investment Co., bS2 Uraudel
, Bldg.v Omaha. Tel. Douglas Ml,
' t)-rr
FOR BALK Flno Lake Shore Resort Farm,
114 (teres. Mile Lake Shore. Near Arnold a
park and Okobojl station, 2V miles from
Spirit Lake, la,, and on the proposed In
terurbaa electrio railway from Sioux City
and De Moines. Qood Investment for
fraction of hotels or cottages. Price tiS
per acre. L. A. Iiemenway, owner, Bplrlt
..Lake, la. () Mtsno
Farm and Gardes Lands,
OFFERED FOR RENT 10 acres, smell
house and barn, good well and mill, near
4th and Center Bts. ; splendid garden or
dairy location.
, 5) -M&9 24
money to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room 1. New York Life Bide.
ISOO to JuO.OOO at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, out JTIrsl Nat. Bank Bids.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith A Co., U20 Farnaro. St.
' (20)-3
WANTED City loan.
Petera Trust Co.
Paxton Block.
$100 TO 110.000 mad promptly. F. D. Weal,
Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (23) 8U
Private money; $600 to $a.000; low rate.
i (22) xsa
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
PRIVATE) money to loan. J.
tl Brandela Bldg.
H. Sherwood,
WANTED TO buy for cash, small lot,
suitable for t. Louis flat; must be close
In and cb.ep; state slxe. price and loca
tion la letter; Address P 679. care Bee.
(23) 87$ 20X
WANTWDTo borrow $1,000 to $2,000 for
two year at 7 per cent. Absolute secur
ity. Addrtns C-7b8, care Bee.
HIGHEST prices for Id-hand furniture, car
pta clothe and etiixi. Tel. Douglas toil.
RIGHT price paid for Id-hand Xwrtilture,
rarpata, atovea, clothing, shoea. Ti. Red
640L ; ta-L.
BACHELOR her for 1 or 4 months wants
strictly flrst-claae accommodations;
bachelor apartment or room with private
bath .preferred or the next best thing:
breakfast desired. Dlililigham, Luyal
JftotaL (30368 21x
EXPERIENCED stenographer; excellent
reference. U, Omaha Bee, Council Bluff,
Iowa. i27)-M23
WE have In stock (do delay) repairs for
vary make of furnace, aioam or hot water
heals.-, water fronts.
1206-0$ Douglas Bt.
Telephone: Bell, Douglas Mu; Ind.. A-2t
RAILROAD CtAMPAN i-bpaciai Meet
ing. Omaha, Neb., October 7, isksJ. A spe
cial mueung of the stockholders of The
South Croatia and Western Railroad Com
pany will be held at the oltice of the
Company In Omaha, Neb., on r'nday. De
cember 18, 1308. at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the
purpose of aulhorUing and providing for
the sale of the railroad of The South Omaha
i and Western Kullroad Company, with ut
franchiaes and appurtenances, lis real es
tate and personal property, to Union Pa
cific Katlruud Company, the conviderailou
for such sale to be the cancellation of
the bonds and satisfaction of the mort
gage of said The South Omaha and Western
Railroad Company, and the assumption of
all Its other Indebtedness by the said
Union Pacltic Railroad Company; and for
the purpose of transacting ail such oilier
business as ipay legally come before the
meiuig. For tne purposes of the meet i tig
the books tor the transfer of stock wlii
t closed at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday,
December 7. and will be reopned at
10 o'clock a. in- on Saturday, December
19. 1SUJ. T. M ORR. Secretary. OkdtoDls
will be received by School Dtalnct No.
H. Dodge. .Neh., until $ o'clock p. ni., No
vember . V' l,r furnishing all material
nd labor tJ- lma'iiig and plumbing the
Hooper school building In Hooper. Neb.,
according to plans and amended specifica
tions now on file ' the office tt A. II
Dyer A Co.. architec ts. Fremont, Neb., and
at the I'ffke of John F. Heine A Son,
Hooper. Neb. Separate bids will be re
ceived for other inakea of boilers, than
i..ifiwt all bids muat be acrnmnanied
with a certified check, according to notice
to contractor tnclude.1 in aaiu apecviK.-.
iLna. -Th board reai-rvea the ng-it to
reject all bkVa.' Add roe all bid to VV . M
Handera, Hooper, Neb., p'ainly marked,
"rJids for Heating au4 fluiubiug." W. M
Bandera, Banning. Oadiot
The State National Hank- of Cleve
land, o. to Wliilam ZImmer, lot
17 9. If-nox addition ............ $
Prudential Heal Ktate r..nir any
to Heed Bros.. l"'t 4, Urates
Kvelvn r. Kenton and luistiand
to Heed Ur'i . lot 6, block 2,
Crcighton lijiKlits
Frank I'aio-H'i and wife to 8am
ii c 1 Hliimnxon. one-tlilid lnteret
In noith it t'et. lot 1. block 3J,
South (Jmaha Land company to
Mary itt-n, lot 10, block 24,
Hmitli omtihn
William W. K-yeor mul wife to
ChHiIca I-' I'iihs. lot 1, block 4,
Hawthorne tuMltlon
Otnalia S;if" Iwpo.ilt and Trust
rompnny to Hunting A Ht-y len,
l.,t i t.l.'ik ; lot 1. blok 4,
HustliiKs Hcviicn to Nat McClaln,
lot :u I, lock J. Hillsdale
F.llita Wit:. row to William C. Mr
Knlgiit, lot 7, blooli u, Kllby place
Walter L Selby and wife to Aria
Witldi-natrnm. went Ti feet lot 5,
block 7. ( llrllllante
L. F. t'rnfoot and wife to Ida A.
Lane, lots IS. 14, 15, block 10,
Halcyon Heights
Linlnxer Implement company to
John Pctii4on, lot 12, block 7,
Marsh's addition
lalon Pacific
Overland Limited
ColoraiVo Kxpreas
Atlanllo Express
Oregon Express
Los Anireles Limited.
Faet Mad
Leave. Arrive.
..a 8:50 am a :40 pm
..a I. So pm a i.eo pm
al0:15 am
..a 4:10 ptn u 5:00 pm
..al2.E6 pin a M pm
.a am a 45 pm
China and Japan Mall. .a 4:0 pm a .W pm
INortn r"latte ixiral a i:um a s:w pm
Colo -Chicago Special. ,.al2;10 am a 7;05 am
Beatrice A Stroinsburg
Local bl2.30 pm b 1:40 pm
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 1:45 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:u) pm a 8:10 am
Minn. -St. Paul Expresa.b 7:15 am
Minn. -St. Paul Llm a 6:00 pm a 8:10 am
Chicago A Northwestern
Chlcaao Daylight a 7:25 am all: pm
St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7 46 am al0:ft) pm
Chicago lAicai all:) am a 3:W pm
Bloux City Passenger.. .a 3:60 pm a 110 am
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a (:23 am
St. Paul-Minn. Limited. a 8:M pm a :0 am
Los Angeles Limited. ...a 11:30 pm al2:3S pm
Overland Limited
.al0:uo pm a 8 23 am
Fast Mall
Bloux City Local..
Twin City Limited.
Norfolk-Bonesteel .
Llncoln-Ixing Pine
1 rail wood-Lincoln ,
Hastings-Superior .
Fremont-Albion ....
a 134 pm
...a 3:60 pm a 9: am
...a pm a 8:00 am
...a J;40 am a 5.2o pm
...a 7:40 am al0:3S am
...a 3:00 pm a 1:30 pm
...a 3:0il pm a B'20 pm
...b 3:00 pm b 5:20 pm
...b 6:30 pm b 1:35 pm
Chlcaajo, Milwaukee 4. Bt. Paul
Chi. A Cclo. Bpecll....a 7:75 am all:00 am
Cal. A Ore. Express. ...a 8:0j pm a :25 pm
Overland Limited a fi:S8 pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local b 6:16 pro alLOO am
Bt. Louis Express a 1:30 pm a 9:25 am
St. Louis Local, (from
Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all:16 pm
Stanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6.-00 pm bl0:15 am
Chicago Great Western
St. Paul-Minneapolla 8 30 pm 7:30 am
Bt. Paul-Minneapolis 7:30 am 11:3a pm
Chicago Limited t:(6 pm 8:27 am
Chicago Exprsa 7 So am 11:33 pm
Chicago Express 8:30 pm 3:30 pm
Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all:06 pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Kocky Mountain Ltd.... a 0:i am all: 06 pm
Lies Moines A Kaatern.. 7:00 am a 4:80 pm
Des Moines Passenger.. a i.M pin MM pm
Iowa Local till:!') am b s.oi pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:10 pin a 1.16 pm
Chicago Flyr a 6.10 pm a 1:36 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd...ali:15 pm a 2:50 am
Colo. A Cal. Express... a i:10 pm a 4:20 pm
Okl. A Texas Kxpiess..a 4:40 pin a 1:1$ pin
Lincoln a 6:02 pm a 8:62 am
Mlaaonrl Pacific
K. '. A St. 1.. Express.. a 3:00 am a 6:46 am
K. C. A St. L. Exprss.all:ld pm a 5:50 pm
A California..
Northwest Special ....
Black. Hills
Northwest Express ..
Nebraska points
Nebraska Express ....
Lincoln Fsst Mall ...
Lincoln Local
Leave. Arrive.
..a 4:10 pm a 3:60 Dm
..a 4:10 pm a 3:60 pm
.a 4:10 pm a :10 pm
..all:50 pm a t:0B ain
..a 8:46 am a 4:10 pm
..a 9:15 am a 8:10 prq
..b 1:30 p:a alt:ll pm
o :o5 am
a 7:60 pra
Lincoln Local
Schuvler-Plattsmouth ..b 8:10 pm bl0:30 am
Uellevue-PIaltaniouth ..a 8:o0 pin a 8:5 am
..b 9:18 am
b 1:06 pra
Ballevue-Plattsmouth ..c 2:83 pm o 2:40 pm
Denver Limited
.a 4:10 Dm a J m
Ciili:i Special
Chicago Expresa
Ch!cag4 Flyer .
Iowa Local ....
..a 7:25 am all 45 pm
1:80 pm a I f pm
..a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am
..a 9:18 am all :30 am
St. Ixui Express
..a 4:45 pm all:80 am
Kansas City A St. pm a 6 30 am
Kansas Clly & St. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 4:46 pm
Chicago. St.. Panl, Minneapolis
Twin City Passenger ...b 6:30 am b 9:10 pra
Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm al0:50 am
Emerson Local c 8:45 am o 5:55 pm
Emerson Lu'&l b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am
Missouri Pacific
Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bll:2S am
a Dully, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun
day only, d dally except Saturday, e daily.
Low rate; fa.t time; excellent aervlce. Aak
any ticket airent for particulars or writs.
BSa . Clark at. CUnfd, XU,
Ftbrutrr 4tk. . Tl
ln, br specially br-
tr4 Stesmer, 8.
world. Oct. If, 'OS.
"Arblc" 4 mo, rouad lbs
C. Clerk. Times, Bldg.. H T.
Verified List of Michigan Fire Vic
tim, With Fifty Famlllc
BAY CITY. MICH., Oct. 20.-A dispatch
to the Bay City Tribune from a staff cor
respondent at Alpena, says: The verified
known death list resulting from the forest
fires In Prvsciue Isle and Alpena counties
stands tonight at forty-one, with several
people still reported missing and a growing
probability of severe loss of lit In North
Pulaski and Krakow townships Id Presque
Isle county.
At least sixty families were living near
Va shore of Lake Huron In the northern
half of Pulaakl and Krakow townships and
practically nothing haa been heard from
them since the fires.
At Grand lack a farmer and wife and
four children are known to have taken
refugo In a boat and nothing haa been
heard from them since. A. dozen school
children sent home by teachers have not
been heard from.
While big fire are still burning through
out the northern tlor of counties not a
single village or town la now known to be
In danger and only the Hurst branch of
the Detroit A Mackinac railroad la out of
commission. Borne apprehension Is felt for
Grace Harbor, which is loca'ed on the shorn
of Ike Huron northeast of here. No word
ha been received from there aince the fire.
At th lowest estimate there waa 1.900
people homeless and there Is not even an
adequate supply ff water.
KUng to Uj t "K. C."
KANSAS C1TT, M'. (Vt. 20.-John 11.
Kllng. Chicago's star- National league
catcher, may bwome manager of the
Kansas City team of the American associa
tion It is said KUng will take $36,000
worth cf stock In the tun, "If I can get
control of the Kanaa Clly club. I am will
ing to give up my fat Job with Chicago,"
said Kiing today.
Be Want Ada Bring Result.
Cornhuskeri Praised by Chicago Man
aa Ont of Beit
Leo Tie Tra, aca'e Aaalataat,
Think Mlaaeaota Will Give
Chlcaaro a Close Rab
This Fall.
That Nebraska outplayed the Gophers
last Saturday is the almost unanimous
opinion of the 400 rooters who accompanied
the team to Minneapolis and also of the
experts from other universities who were
preRent to get pointers on both teams.
Ieo Pe Tray, for several years star on
the Chicago team and now Stagg's first
assistant, was the Chicago Tribune repre
sentative at the Cornhusker-aopher game,
and he Is not sparing In his praise of the
Nebraska team. He says the Nebraska
aggregation was "One of the strongest
teams I have ever seen on a foot ball
Do Tray said things looked dark for the
Chicago team when It came to meet Min
nesota, and In an Interview to the Chicago
Tribune his praise of the Gopher team must
"go double," for Nebraska played them to
a tie. He said:
'Compared with the Gopher team of last
year I believe the 19o Mlnneaota eleven is
far stronger. In the first place, the team
Is farther advanced. In the second place,
the coachea aeem to have much better ma
terial, and third, and probably most Im
portant of all, is the fact that the eleven
Is not built around just one man, as It
was last year.
"Capron will not be missed much, for tho
coaches have a man who takes his placo
much better In the Gopher style of play.
Plankers la the best full back I have seen
since the time of Berdek. He Is a ferocious
bucker. Is fast and heavy, weighing prob
ably 180 pounds, although he moves about
like a 150 pounder.
"With him Minnesota simply relied on
straight foot ball In Its game against Ne
braska, which, by the way, Is one of the
strongest teams I hava ever seen on a
foot ball field. It was a case of rip
through one tackle and then another.
Flankers Just tore through that Nebraaka
line, which waa a moat powerful aggrega
Aaka to Be Released from Game
with BelleTue College.
Manager Hamblln Is In receipt of a com
munication from Howard M. Sheaf, man
ager of the Grand Island foot ball team,
stating that Grnnd Island desire to break
the date with Bellevue for Saturday, Oc
tober 24. Hla reasons are that unexpected
expenses have been forced upon the man
agement and that to bring the Bolievue
team there would only put the asaociatlon
further In debt. Consequently he desires
that Bellevue accept their proposition to
cancel the game. He also states that gome
gathering of the state Young Women'a
Christian association Is to be held at tne
Grind Island college that day and fears
this would limit the attendance at the
game. While this act Is far different from
the position Peru took last year in pro
testing Browne, It Is still very displeasing
to the Bellevue management. The matter
of expenses 1 generally a dark horse In
small college athletics. And also Bellevue
brought the Grand Island team to Belle
vue last fall at a decided expense, tut
was glad to do so tor the practice.
Manager HanVblln of Bellevue haa replied
that Bellevue needs the practice badly and
desire to play the game as acheduled. It
la rather late for them to break a date and
It leaves thla management In a bad way ao
far aa securing another game for that day
la concerned. The heavy game with Hast
ings follows Immediately after and a fairly
light game Is desired, but above all gome
game must be had.
Deen dlsaoDOlntment has been manifest
In the purple and Gold ranks since the
Highland Park game last Saturday. While
no one expected an easy game, neither was
there any expectation of defeat. It la true
the nark team showed the result of aplen
did coaching since their rugged game In
Omaha, but neverthelesa a much better
showing against them had been expected
by the Bellevue management.
While the terrific smash of the Bellevue
team. waa effective at times and more than
once carried the oval forty to fifty yards
ithotit a break, still there was weakness
clearly apparent In more than one olace,
The offense failed to gain at critical mo
ments. The line seemed sadly weak at
times when to let a man through was
more than costly. The Interference was
slow too slow to be of any value. There
was the real weakness of the situation
tho Interference was positively not effec
tlve. And lastly, there are not a sufficient
number of plays In use by the Purple and
Gold.' The lack of variety may explain the
weakness of the offense at times. At
least, whatever the cause, end runs and
cross buck repeatedly ended in failure.
The line seemed fairly strong on defense
but strangely enough let men sift through
on offenae, often breaking up a play behind
the acrlmmage, or eetore it got tairiy
started. The system of Interference ai
taught by Coach Cronk la a highly or
ganized style that would prove more than
effective If used oy an experienced team,
but so far has not been made perfect by
the Bellevue team. Neither haa the team
a yet gained the speed that It has had In
the rast.
The complete change of style since last
vear ha naturally made the team leaa
effective for a time, though there la time
vet for It to round Into shape. Coach
Cronk has declared his disappointment with
some of the men who played In the High
land Park game and state his Intention of
throwing some more subs Into the lineup.
There are many of the subs who crowd old
men for their positions In fierce style. It
will not be surprising, then, if soma new
men appear in the lineup.
Captain Marvel had a hard proposition
on his hands in the game and all things
considered he did well. He failed to get
the speed that proved so Irresistible last
year, but that was a fault not his alone.
The speed didn't seem to be there to get.
Coach Cronk haa atarted practice on many
new plays to be worked on this week. It
la likely more fakea and open plays, will
be perfected by the next game. Every
energy will be directed this week toward
developing strength where weakness showed
up Saturday.
Queen of the West Defeat S. S. all la
a Brnslng Contest.
YORK, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special )-A hotly
contested match race was pulled off yester
day at Stronisburg between vjueen ot the
West, owned bv Hud Smith, and S. S. All,
owned at Btromshurg and driven by Wil
liam Stantz of IJr.coln. For aeveraf years
the Btromshurg sports have brought 3. 3.
All to York and several times different
York horses have gone to Stronisburg and
attempted to win from that great pacing
stallion. 8. 8. All, but up to yesterday's
event York ne(rpr had a horse that could
outfoot him. Both pacers have made great
winnings In the different circuits In the
west and there has been a great spirit of
rivalry amor.g the backers and lovers of
the respective horses and when they met
here lil week It wad a nretty contest, but
was finally won by S. S. All and yerter
dav s return match was one of the longest
and most hotly conteled pacing races ever
held In the west, uueen of tne West, a
York bred mare, was given a record of
2:15'. and 8- All has a record of 2:1:".
In track had .lust been la d off in a wheat
field ar.d was heavy or there would have
been a great track reccrd made in yeeter
day's races, he flr.t heat was a race from
the start, being neck und neck until just
under the wire. S. S All won by half a
neck In 2:1V In the second heal Bud Smith
trailed and in a whipping f:nlsh wort by
a r.ow. By this time the btromshura crowd
bet the York boys until finally they had
J'lHt 80 cents left. In the third heat 8. S.
All whs driven a hard race, gaining on the
start, und won l v half a length In :A On
the fourth heat Queen of the West sliuwej
vreat xpecd and enduiance and it w is plain,
M the talent that he would win. The pac!
was too fast and S. S. All went In the air
and culd not recover. The fifth and final
heat sent 8. S. AI) for all that was in hint
and spurted for the first half, but after
that yuwn of th West f-irged ahead and
bun the final and -ci.i' g .
Carlisle I Play lornhaskera.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct. 30 An agreement
was entered Into this evening by the man
agers for th Carlisle Indian and Ne
braaka foot ball teania (or a vent-season
game to be played In Uncoln either De
cember 2 or 3. The Carlisle team will cm,
to Lincoln following its gatui wr.h Bt,
Lou s on Thanksgiving day.
Latonla MeetlnaT Opens With Large
Crowd and Sir tiood Races.
CINCINATI. O., Oct. ao.-Tho fall meet
ing of the Latonla Jockey lub opened to
day wlih a li. rne attendance and six
races. Colonel Jack Chlnn, it member of
the racing commission, who was supposed
to have reported on the booking conditions
at the track, missed his train and did not
arrive until tonight. This forces a postpone
ment of the commissions until Wednesday.
It was reported at the track today that
the illness of Colonel K. F. Chiy and Milton
Vonrig, two members of the commission,
might stop any commission meeting and
illow Latonla to run through for twenty
four days unmolested. Three favorites won.
Old Honesty captured the feature event In
handy las'on, leading ail the way. "track
fast. Summary:
Flint race, five and ono-half furlongs:
Dr. Holbirg (1"4, Mcliee, 8 to 5, place) won,
Arlnette (1"4, Kennedy, 8 to 6, show) sec
ond, Harriet Rowe (116, llckens. 4 t 1,
show) third. Time: 1:07. Elizabeth Hr
wood, Tennessee Boy. Admonish and Plume
also ran.
Second race, six furlongs: Friend Harry
(106, Heidel, 9 to 20) won, Duffouns (100,
Martin. 4 to 1. place) second. T. M. Green
UU Pickens, 7 to 10) third. Time: 1.14.
Irfaneh and Alice George also ran.
J nira race, six furlengs: Topsy Kotunson
nox, Deverloh, 8 to 1) won. Honest ili.
McCann. 2 to 6. nlnce) second. Marbles
(H9, Kennedy, out) third. Time: 1:134. lrdy
Carol, Vandan and Stoner Hill also ran.
Fourth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Old
Honesty (1I7, MoGee, 4 to 6) won, Martha
(. Kane, 3 to 6, place) second, HatibrMge
103, Treubel. out) third. Time: 1:45. Three
Fifth race, one mile: Severus (108, Ken
nedy. 3 to 1) won. Hostile Hyphen (103,
Glasner, 4 to 6, place) second, Robert
Cooper (10K, Garner, show, 3 to 6) third.
Time: 1:40. Stone Street and Blue Lee
also ran.
Sixth race, mile and one furlong: Arrow-
swift (96. Kennedy, 7 to 1) won, J. F. Mc
Millan (10H. McKee, 8 to 1) second, BelmerJ
(107, Moreland, out) third. Time: 1:63H
Red Gauntlet also ran.
Iowa Pltacka L's Conrage.
IOWA CITY. la.. OcL 20 (Special.)
"Iowa has had Its off game of the season,"
said Assistant Coach Griffith after the
practice last night. "The fellows will work
their hardest to redeem themaelve after
the Missouri defeat." Thla was the cheer
ful view taken by the assistant after run
ning the men through signals and direct
ing the rirst limbering up alter tne return
Sunday from Columbia. .
Coach Mark Catlln took a vacation In
spending the afternoon hunting north of
lowa city, unrfitn naq cnarge ot me
men and devoted a large part of the time
to a good heart to heart lecture which
filled the men with determination to whip
Nebraaka on October SI and to make a
creditable showing at Sioux City next Sat
urday against Morningstde.
Doctors examined the bad shoulder of
Right Knd Perrine and dlacovered that the
bone waa fractured, an Injury which will
keep him out of the lineup until the Ne
braska game at the earliest in all prob
ability. Perrine la playing his first year
on the varsity, though he has been In col
lege three year before this fall. He haa
played star ball, hi long basket ball train
ing playing him In excellent etead in
catching forward passes. His teammate
on the other extremity, Hyland, wa the
star of tho Iowa-Mlssoun game, riyiana
la another crack basket ball player. He is
over six feet tall and Catlln predicts a
brilliant future for him on the gridiron.
Freshman Coach Helnzman brought back
the report from Minneapolis that the Corn
huskers had a game foot bail team and
that Iowa's offense would have to Improve
materially to gain a victory over Ne
First Rennd la th American Derby
I Ran Off.
TJTICA. Neb.. Oct. 20. (Special Tele-
gram.) The American derby coursing
meet opened In this city with a large
attendance. About 176 dogs are here, tak
ing part In the race. The contests were
very sptrltad thle afternoon, all making
good time. ' The following are today'
winners. ...
Sundown, Whispering wind, mis ivoo
lawn. Lady Shadow, Nona Lucille, Stan
ford White. Little Evelyn. Miss Hart-
f rove Morning Star, Black Squaw. Twink
ing Ptar, Centerspot. 5ay Jenter, Hasty
Hannah, Rose Allen. Flartdng Arrow. Kan
sas Lad, Tod Sherman,' Ktltig, Nellie Ba
den, Jack Rider. Lufra Claire.
The all-age stake will :b rnh tomorrow
afternoon In which eeveeity-flve dogs will
be entered. 1 ,
The match game rtlaved on the Associa
tion allevs last nlaht between Jetter's Gold
Tops and Met Brothers resulted In break
ing the tie between the two teams, Met
Rrnthers winning two games. Kn?l had
high single game with 236 and Neale high
total with 644. Tom Reynolds established a
new boxie with 106. Tonight the Triumphs
and the Falstaffs. Wednesday night the
Omaha Field club plays a picked team from
the Omaha Bowling league, acore
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Hartley 14R
Whittemore lf2
Encel ....
683 755 2,329
1st. 2d.
175 1C6
1 19
12 194
192 136
1M 157
8d. Total
Denman ..
Cochrane .,
... 844
The Omaha Bowling league No. 2
formed last night at th Association alleys
and the following oiricers were elected
G. R. Evans. President: Charles EL Booth
vice president; H. F. Wllley, secretary and
treasurer, 'mere were present represent
lives from eight teams, each team to be
maae up oi Hair men. ine organisation
was perfected And the meeting adjourned
until next riiHrs.iay nignt.
Last night on the Metropolitan alley the
Postofflce team donated three games to the
Chabot Shoe company team. Uncle Sam's
men think the weather had something to
do with their bowling. "Battling" Nelson
had no trouble In carrying away all honor
with 636 total for hla team and Stapenhorst
was awarded honors in full for the Poet
office team with 400 total pins. Tonight
the Omaha Bicycle company and Kelley A
neyaen. ocore:
1st. d. 8d. Total
Sutton 153
Nelson 1T4
Slawson ltiO
Foley 169
Seaman 142
Totals 798 788 777
1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Brown 142 1H 134 391
Laugh 154 13i 116 40$
MCKae 141 m 168
Coffey ICi 1I 149
Stapenhorst 14 133 149
Totals 776 613 70S 2,'4
Last night on the Metropolitan basement
alley s in tne Metropolitan league the Bese
Un a Mixers look two games out of three
from the Hotel Loyal Jeaelers. The tem
In the Metropolitan league are making a
Detter snowing every weeg ana will soon
snow tne upstairs league a merry tini
Captain Gustafson of the Hotel Loyal
Jewelers took high honora for h'a team Loth
In single and total pins, 203 for single and
610 total. Jasper waa hlnh man lor ihe
Mixer with 4M total and says he can do
Detter jet. ecore:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total
jasper 171 . I. 166 4M
W. S hnelder 151 1.T0 170 461
D. Schneider 174 1(6 140 40
Totals i'M 434 4.8 1 855
lt. 2.1. ,. Total.
Jerpe 1U2 141 1J9 3H6
1-of 134 lol 178 4;3
Clustafson IbZ aa 1J4 510
tun 4;i
To Die on the McaftTold
1 painless, compared with the weak, lame
back kidney trouble cantos. Electric Bit
ters is the remedy. 5oc. For uie by
13. r ton Drug Co.
Anserlcan Dlra ef Cholera.
MANILA, Oct. 2o. Lewis Connor, a mem
ber of the fire department of this city,
died today of oholera. This Is the first
American death reported in some time.
The average of new cases reported has fal
len to two dally.
By using the various departments of Tii
B Want Ad lages yoa get th beat re-
Two Men Killed and About Twenty
Injured Near Cheyenne.
Six Death Dne to Accident Resell
ing from First Teach of Winter
-Clondbnrst Near Lamar
Stops Traffic.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. :0.-One of the
worst storms In years Is now raging over
the Laramie plains between this section and
Rawlins. The storm Is accompanied with
enow and a most terrific wind. All trams
due at Chyenne are alx hours late, and It
is reported that several trains are blockaded
between Laramie and Rawlins, unable to
proceed owing to the Intensity of the wind
and drifting snow.
CHEYENNE, Neb., Oct. 19.-(Spec1al. Tel
egramsTwo laborer were killed about
thirty mllea west of here on the Vnlon
Pacific at 6:30 Monday night when a ca
boose on the work train was blown from
the track and down a thirty-foot embank
ment. The worktrain was returning to Bu
ford, where ;t wj to lay up for the night,
and as It reached the big fill Just east of
Sherman tho wind twisted the caboose from
the rear of the train and hurled It down
the thirty-foot embankment, killing two
laborers and Injuring nearly all the othera
more or less. Thirty men were In the ca
boose when It went over" the embankment.
Roadmaster Corliss wa seriously Injured.
Traveling Auditor Sumption of the union
Pacific waa also In the caboose, but es
caped with alight Injury. The wind waa
said to be unprecedented and had been
blowing a gale for twenty-four hours.
As soon aa the accident was reported to
Cheyenne a relief trln with three doctors
waa sent to the scene of the wreck and
everything possible done to relieve the suf
fering of the Injured.
The killed:
The Injured:
William Bedford, section foreman.
sprained ankle.
John Androa. laborer, both hands and
arms burned.
Nick Johnson, scalp wound.
Andos Tarta, laborer, cut on head.
Kurata, Jap laborer.
George Andros, laborer, bruised on Jaw.
Nick Tartls.
Andros Andropolls.
George Parvus.
Nick Triases.
George Tortls.
J. B. Hull, brakeman. back sprained.
bruised In abdomen.
A. O. Bumntlon. traveling auditor, shoul
der and both ankles slightly sprained.
Brakeman Robinson, contusion of shoul
William Corliss, roadmaster. contusion of
left thlsrh.
Heavy Snow at Alliance.
ALLIANCE, Neb.. Oct. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) The rain that has prevailed con
tinuously over thla section for the previous
twenty-four hours, turned laat evening to
heavy, wet snow which at midnight,
driven by a strong wind and accompanied
by falling temperature, has changed to a
most severe blizzard, completely Interrupt
ing all telegraphic and telephone communi
cation to the west and promises a heavy
loss to stock and other Interests If It con
tinues unabated throughout the night.
Six Killed In Colorado.
DENVER, Oct. 20. Six accidental deaths
are treaceable to the snowatorma which
prevailed In Colorado Saturday night and
Sunday. Besides seven persons sustained
serious Injuries In railroad collisions and
by coming In contact with live wires. The
JOSEPH HENRY, killed by wire In Den
J. J. M CLOSKEY, killed by wire at
MRS. LIZZIE WINSLOW. killed by wire
In her home In Fort Collins.
AUGUST G ARSON, frozen to death In
snow near Longmont.
LEONARD F. BAKER, scalded to death
In wreck caused by collision on Rock Island
railroad near Carlton.
HENRY JOHN, killed by a collision be
tween handcar and motor car on Union
Pacific railroad in Denver yards.
Cloodbnrat Near Lamar.
LAMAR, Colo., Oct. 20. A cloudburst
struck this city yesterday registering a fall
of nearly four inches of rain. The Ar
kansas river, already a torrent, la rising
rapidly and the large bridge over this
stream Is momentarily In danger of boing
swept away. The approaches are already
waahed out and the water Is surging half
a mile out of It banks on either side of
the river.
All of the Irrigating systems north of the
river are flooding valuable frm lands.
Most of the crops, however, are past dan.
ger, and the loss will not be very great.
All communication with the outside world
was cut off until late this morning. All
Dasseneer trains from the east, with 600
passengers, are anxiously awaiting orders
to proceed. Those from the west have not
been heard from.
Damage at Lincoln.
LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 20. (Lincoln for
acarcely three mlnutea early last evening
experienced the novelty of an October tor
nado, which did considerable damage In
the area of lesa than a dozen square blocks
The heaviest loss was sustained by the Lin
coin Electric Light company when fifteen
of the largest poles, carrying the heavy
feed wires, were snapped off at the ground
atrlnging the wirea along the right of way
of the Burlington ralroad blocking traffic
In the yarda for an hour. The city la In
darkness tonight so far aa lights from that
source is concerned. A freight car on a
bridge was picked up by the twisting wind
and blown Into Salt Creek. Other damage
was done In the Burlington yarda. There
were no casualties.
SUTHERLAND, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special
Telegram.) Nearly five Inches of rain fell
last night and today. The lowlands are
flooded. Now that the protracted drouth
la broken much winter wheat will be
Tornado In Kansas.
SHARON SPRINGS, Kan.. Oct. 20.-Two
separata tornadoes struck Sharon Springs
today and completely demolished three
residences and Injured a dozen people. It
Is thought that one will die. The tornadoes
were about 2i0 feet wide and traveled north.
High Wind In Hall.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Oct. 20.-(Spe-clal.)
A severe rain and wind storm vis
ited this section yesterday afternoon, the
wind carrying a heavy precipitation before
It at the rate of about fifty miles an hour.
In the vicinity of Doniphan, twelve miles
south of this oity, some smaller buildings
were damaged. The storm rame up in al
most the twinkling of an cyt and passed
over In a few minutes.
Probability That Troabl la Balkan
Will lie ttettled by Direct
LONDON. Oct. 31. Tlte latent phase cf
the Balkan difficulty points to the possi
bility of the meat serious Issues being sei-
tied by direct negotiation before the pro-1
posed International congress meets, leaving'
to the congress the work merely of ratify-I
lng and legalizing the arrangement already
Confirmation Is had from Vienna of the
statement that negotiations have been
opened between Turkey and Austria con
cerning Bcjsma and Herzegovina. Willi fair
prospect of success, while Constantinople
dispatchrs arc mote hopeful that Tin key
and Bulgaria will rivieh an uiul. r t:in.liii
on the oinntal lailnKid and trib
ute questions. The Rutgariiin c'mrsj
d'affalrs today Informed Su, Urcy.
the British foreign secretary, that his gov
ernment officially authorized h.m to give
most positive assurances tlutt lUngarla
would take every possible stop to avoid
war with Turkey.
Tribal Mnrrlaae HecoanUe.l as I rnl
and He Is I 11 gnlnst n
lllunniy (.barer.
(From a Staff toi respondent.) I
WASHINGTON, Oct. . (Special Tel.- !
gram.) Tho arrest in New Yoik of H. nry
Stall. llnff lto.-tr. lilt Itnlin ..I the Slt.uv Iril.
of South Dakota and a graduate of Carlisle I
Indian school, has not et been officially j
rait...! in tl. a 1 1 .... 1 1. ... ..f ii... i,,.n,... I,,,-....,,
but there Is nn ubutidanco of law to hold
hlni uioii the charge lodged against hl:n,
namely, bigamy.
It appears that Henry Standing ltcar last
May married Miss Hazel M. Moran of St.
Louis, a graduate of Smith college at
Northampton, Mask At the time of his a warming shed find large enough to af
marriage to Miss Moran Standing Bear had ford amusement to any number of young
squaw at Pine Rl.lge and three children,
This Indiscretion In taking unto himself a one time. ...
white wife In addition to a spouse of his Mr. Redman hna beoii workitiHi slyly on
own race caused the New York a.ithoiitlcs , his proposition for soma time, Hit be
to place him in the Tombs prison pending n,..Ves that now he l far enough along
an Investigation of his matrimonial affa r. .
Henry Standing Bcur la reported to have ;
seld regarding the first marriage: "It was ,
no marriage, because It was made only ac
cording to Indian customs." He did not
apparently know that the states wherein
the greatest number of Indians reside have
taken cognizance of Just such taxes as this
and have legalised such a ceremony as w as
performed when Henry Standing Hear and
his Indian wife were Joined In wedlock.
In nearly every state, Including South
Dakota, In which Indians are located, their
tribal marriage laws have been legalized.
It makes no difference whether these cere
monies are performed before ministers at
the missions or the bride is bought with
skins and ponies. There Is a law upon the
statute booka of the United States which
touchea upon this subject. The general j
allotment law or in7 lakes cognizance of
these Indian marriuges performed accord
ing to Indian tribal customs und in the
course of time when allotments were to be
made this government recognized these
marriages aa legal and so dealt with the
offspring of such unions.
It would appear that Henry Standing
Bear, son of George Standing Bear, who
gave General Crook and his troopers the
fight of their lives, stands an excellent
chance of being sent to Sing Sing upon the
charge of bigamy.
Date Probably In December, but Plnce
Has Not Been Decided
The discussion of plans for the annual
meeting and banquet occupied most of the
time of the meeting of the Nebraska ond
Iowa Hotel Clerks' association, held last
night at the Paxton.
Invitations from different places have
been received, among them Lincoln and
Council Bluffs, but it was decided to wait
until the next meeting before deciding upon
either the location or the date of the annual
event, although It Is thought that It will
be held some time early in December.
Both Nebraska and Iowa were repre
sented at the meeting. Several South Da
kota hotelmen also hold membership in the
association and will be present at the an
nual meeting, though none were In the city
last night. ..
We have been the means of restoring
thousands of afflicted sufferers to health.
Thousands of dollars spent In researches,
years of close study, reinforced by an Im
mense practice, enable us to give you the
beat methods of treating and curing all
special diseases of men. We are not
obliged to experiment. We know exactly
what we can do and promise nothing
more. If you need special medical atten
tion,' we . are ready to. demonstrate our
superior skill In the treatment and cure
of the class of ailments that contltute
our specialty.
Ws treat men only and cur promptly,
safely and thoroughly and at th lowest
XABXS and all Special Diseases aad their
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 7 th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Many accidents in getting off the car
would be avoided if ladies would carry
their hand-bags, umbrellas, etc. in their
right hand, leaving the left hand free to
grasp the handraiL Try it and see how
much better it really is.
Assist us in preventing accidents.
Omaha (Si Council
Bluffs Street Railway Co,
110,000,000 BUSHELS
1 9 08 CROP !
guarantee. N money n) be
et CHoroform. Eiher or ether
TO CAY l.r Pre Deek en
DR. E. R. TARRY, 224
Troject of "Uncle". JoV Redman
Backed by Park Board.
m w.tchmn. nd her
Mi (canards and Conveniences
lie Provided
liinnit Folk.
"Three cheers for l iuic Joe,"
This probably w HI be- offered and 1 lv. n
11 W 111 by S,,Veri,l hl,,ulr!'
aml "i1'1"' boys and girls
are not so small, when the weather
id '
freeze ice thick enough to hear the Weight
of Bkutcrs. This Is been 110 "Uncle Joe"
Redman haa finally shaped affairs whereby
n safe skating link will be made at Cut
off lake. In the new Levi Carter park.
'e" lighted and guarded, equipped with
people who may wish to go skating at any
iu promise all skaters that they van en- '
joy the exhlllruting exercise this 'Winter
without fear of molestation bv Ice cut
ters or of danger from lev holes.
While Mr. Redman is father of the
scheme, tile Hoard of Park Commission
ers is back of It and will build the shed
for shelter. The board will ulao provide
the attendant, who will put up markers at
any points of danger, snouUl air holes
form, and ho will also keep the light In
order. One hundred old ' gasoline , lamps
can be had of the city, and when the Ice
freeses these will be placed around the
rink, the park board ro furnish the gaso
line. In addition to these gasoline lamps
It Is possible that the city may order
three electric arc lights placed At the
rink. Over 500 skaters of the north part
of town have signed ' petition for three arc
lights and given the same ,t Councilman
The skating rink will be at Ihe south end
of the west horseshoe, of. the lake, at Fout
teenth and Locust streets. On aecount of
sulphur springs, weeds have ttieVcr grown
In this part of the lake, and there wilt bo
between forty and fifty acres of dear,
smooth Ice at this point. .
"While the board has not acted upon
this skating proposition, I think there Is
practically no doubt but that It will be
approved," said Park Commissioner Wat
son. "The public parks are for ihe young
people Just as much as for the oldei1 ones
and there Is no exercise any better than
skating when danger has been removed
or guarded againHt. It will be the pur
pose of tho park board to make skating on
the lake absolutely safe."
A Jeweler's Experience.
C. R. Klugcr. The Jeweler, P) Virginia
avenue, IndiaunpollH, Ind., writes: "I wa
so weak from kidney trouble that I could
hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles
of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my com
plexion, cured my backache and the Irregu
ularlties disappeared,, and I can now at
tend to business every day, und recommend
Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as
It cured mo after the doctors nd other
remedies had failed.
By using the various departments cf Th
Bee Want Ad pages you get the best re
salts at Ihe least expchsel """ " '
i vjv.;
t? t 7 Tr1 Consultation and
1 I V LLi Hj r faamiaauon,
Oftiit Hourst S n. U, to S
p. zn. nndaya, 10 to 1 only, .
If yea cannot call, writ.
.jn...ciswesJl I
The Heart of the Kprlng Wheat licit. .
150,000 ACllKS.
We want Immediate correspondence with
Land Companies having Energetic Agencies
or those who can organize guch, to retail
our landi and form Colocleg. Unusually
liberal terma to active concerns. No lia
bility. Write us. .
353 Northern Bank liuilding, .
WlNNiriXi. CAVIDA. '
KHIFaL All Rectal Diseases treated op
I Dnofi a
fMMlOt tor an
Laid till urd. A mud trermnt. Without
seneral ana&jthatjc. Examination FRtr L V' .
HecUl D iimm writ - ben M
Deo Holding, Omaha, Nr
b . I