TTTK OMAHA DATTY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER CURRENT COUNCIL IS MIS OR MEIHTIOW. r-svts, drur. 6tockrt sells csrpets. BEE WANT ADS PAT. Ed Rogers. Tony Fsunt beer. !! Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 87. Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tel. 333. Bom. to Mr. and Mra. E. I Hartqulst, a on. Safety raaor. complete, for 1V Petersen & Schoenlng Co. FINK FFRVH AT HERMAN BROS. W PEARL, STREET. C. C. Haynes. funeral director and rm bnlmer. 301 Broadway. Ruga made from old carpets. Council Bluffa Ru- Factory. Tel. 61. We Know we have the beat flour. Eaco la the name. Bartell A Miller. 'Phone C53. Genuine hand-made art craft Jewelry and metal novelties. C. E. Alexander, J J Broadway. Four-room house, newly painted and papered; gss. toilet and cellar. 617 6th Ave. J. R. Davidson. J. C Lannlng and Mabel Perry, both of Defiance, la., were married In thla city yesterday afternoon by Justice Oreene. Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet thla evening at 7 o'clock: In stated communica tion, following which there will be work In the second degree. Rev. F. A. Cruie, pastor of the First Bap tlat church, went to Iowa Falls yesterday to attend the Baptist state convention, which lasts until Friday. Tha County ' Supervisors held an ad journed session yesterday afternoon, at which a number of bridge matters were disposed of. Today the supervisors go to Missouri Valley to meet with the super visors of Harrison county as a Joint drain age board. Louis Yelenrk and Mary Marstlk. both of South Omaha, were, married In this city yesterday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Henry DeLong. Clifford Anderson, the lad who suffered a fracture of the skull as the result of be ing run down by a runaway horse Satur day evening, was reported aa not doing so well at Mercy hospital yesterday and It Is possible that an operation will hava to be performed. The watch carrier who regularly has his watch overhauled and O. K.'d by an expert wmchwork.-r every yeitr pays less for re pairs In the run, retains the confidences of the watch ami gains by prolonging Its life. All this becomes doubly true with the limn who patronizes 1effert's, 409 Broad wiy. Council Bluffs. James II. Oliver caused the arrest yester day afternoon of Ed Ullday on u charge aif larceny from the person. Oliver, who is a rnllrcad machinist, and a party of com panlidis. the police aay, were "rushing the inn'' In a sequestered nook on the banks of Indian creek, when (Jilday Is alleged to have relieved Oliver of his roll containing 142 In curtency. Complaints were made to the police yesterday by officials of the Burlington and Great WVrtern rallroada of boya "flipping" moving trains. Both roads have placed special officers to stop this practice and arrest the youthful offenders If possible. Omnlal'i's will be filed In the Juvenile court, the police say. against any boys caught Jumping trains. Oeorge Suit, aged 5ft yeara. died yester day morning at the home of hla sister, Mrs. H. W. Payne, 2310 West Broadway, from heart trouble, after an Illness of two weeks. Deceased, who was single and had been a resident of Pottawattamie county for forty years, Is survived by his father, Henry Suit, aged 14 years, two brothers and the sister at whose home he died. Dr. W. P Hombach of this city waa op erated on at the Wise Memorial hospital In Omaha for appendicitis and double her nia. He Is reported to have come through the operation well and that the prospects for his speedy recovery are good. Dr. F. W. Houghton will take charge of Dr. Hom bach'a practice until he has sufficiently recovered to rasume hla professional work. The two Japanese women arrested by ths county authorities late Saturday night In the rooms over the Boyd liquor house on South Main street were discharged In Jus tice Cooper's court yesterday. They were charged with the Illicit sale of liquor, but the evidence to substantiate the accusation lacking. The women, however. Assist ant County Ros stated, will not be per mitted to corduct a resort ut the place and will bo anei-ted If they attempt to. Mrs. H. W. Voss, 211 Scott street, reported to the police yesterday that a burglar en tered her homo Sunday night while the family was asleep and stole from a cup board In the kitchen a pocketbook contain ing about So In silver. The empty pocket- book was found yesterday morning In tho yard of a neighbor. The burglar also ran sacked the other rooms In his evident arch for monev. Entrance was effected by removing a screen from a dining room window. Samuel C. Sorenson, proprleter of the t'hieaso hotel at 135 Bouth Main street, died yesterday morning from consumption after a year's Illness, aged 39 years. He is survived by his wife, two sons and one daughter. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the borne and burial will be 1n Walnut Hill cemetery, where the services will be con ducted by the Danish Brotherhood, of which deceased was a member. Rev. H. A. Relchenbach, pastor of the Danish Baptist church, will conduct the services at the house. Snperlor Court Jurors. Tha following Juiors were drawn yester day for the November term of the superior court, which opens Monday, November 2: E. T. Waterman, E. A. Archer, L. C. Ankle, J. U. Toller. Fred Carty. Council Bluffs; James R. Felton. Neola; Alonia Knight, Tork; P. N. Splttier. Haxel Dell; Mike Doyle, Mladcn; Allen Fehr, Garner; Her man Bench, E. Q. Kllndt, Lewis; C. B. Haiker. Ruckford; Al. Prultt, Crescent; J. H. Turner, Washington. Marrtaste Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterda y to the following: Name and Residence Fred Scheffler. Bentley. Ia Sophia Kesaler. Neola, Ia Toula Yelenek, South Omaha Mary Marstlk, South Omaha Bartel Nelson, Council Bluffs M. C. Chrtstensen. Council Bluffs J. C. lnnlng. Defiance, Ia Mabel Perry. Defiance, la. John Walsh. Ashland. Neb Mae Weaver, Ashland, Neb Age ...26 ...21 .22 ...20 ...f ...47 , ...18 ...21 ...18 NO MORE STOMACH Vat vAiir f.vrtrit tnnAt unfit Ant far' WjS J w eo V w w V ww " W M V Va of Indigestion or upiet stomach. Take your sour stomach or maybe you call it Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gaitrltt or Catarrh of Stomach; It doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmacist and aafc him to open a sO-cent case of Pape'a Dlapepsln and let you eat one 22-graln Triangula and see If within five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your trouble ia Food Fermentation food souring: the Digestive organs become weak, there, la lack of gaatrtc Juice; yeur food la only half digested, and you become affeoted with loss of appetite, pressure and full ness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heart burn, griping in bowels, tenderness in the A. A. CLARK d CO. LOAt MOHEY Oil HOUSEHOLD FURNITURB. AXD Ainr coArm security at oNa-HAn? xbm ricAi bates. Twenty T esar stf skats imsfal irnsgmaM. OOIUTCB liAQf AND SROAPWAT. OVXLR AMERICA KZRtESS. N teosMtln with tha Ana lrt - - - rlu t n. 'm-aw ... At NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS ELEMENTS AGAINST RALLY Severe Rain Keepi Many Away from the Hawley Meeting. DELIVERS A STRONG ADDRESS Does ynt Aaaall Candidates, bat An alyses the Democratic Conten tion In a Most Convinc ing Manner. The elements were against the republi cans Monday and the heavy rain In the earlier part of tha evening waa responsible for Congressman W, C. Hawley of Salem, Ore., being greeted by a somewhat slim audience. Those who braved the rain, how ever, were amply rewarded aa Congress man Hawley delivered a atrong address. At the close of the meeting Congressman Hawley left for Chicago enroute to TJr bana, O., where ha is scheduled to speak tomorrow evening. General Grenvllle M. Dodge, who had been Invited to preside ,waa unabla to be present on account of his health, and Mr. Hawley waa Introduced by Attorney D. E. Stuart. No Harsh Words for Bryan. Congressman Hawley In his address cov ered generally the question! Involved In the present campaign. It was noticeable that from start to finish he refrained from say ing a harsh word of the demooratlo candi date for president, for whom ha said he had considerable admiration as a citizen, but not as presidential timber. During the course of his speech Mr. Hawley used a great number of Illustrations to emphasize his point and his address throughout was thoroughly Interesting. In opening he said he would briefly re view the three questions which he stated Mr. Bryan was attempting to make Issues of In this campaign. They were, he said, "let tha people rule," "the guaranty of bank deposits" and "the publication of campaign contributions," These, however, the speaker declared, were not the real matters at Issue. The real matter at Issue were the regula tion of corporations, the tariff, the cur rency, labor and Injunctions and the regula tion of railroad rates. Regarding Mr. Bryan'a cry "let the peo ple rule" Congressman Hawley said: "The only method we have In this country by which the people may rule Is to give to every voter the uninterrupted right to caat hla vote for the persons and policies that he approves of and have that Vote counted. in every republican state every voter whom the constitution grants the privilege of suf frage exercise this right to vote as he wishes and in the states which are demo cratic alonu is this privilege denied." As an uiusirauon tne speaker referred to the southern states, where he said over 120 representatlvea In congress were elected by lens votes than those of Massachusii Connecticut and Rhode Island, with not to vAceea iweniy-nve representatives. Speaking on the democratic plan for guar anty of bank deposits, Mr. Hawley said: "The business of a bank is to receive the surplus money of a community on deposit and loan such deposits upon approved se curity to the customers of the bank. The depositor Is secured by the carefulness by wnicn the loans are made and anything which will decrease the care exercised by banks in making loans would impair the aecurlty of the depositor for the return of his deposits. Mr. Bryan's plan for the guaranty of bank deposits will encourage speculation and dishonesty In banking. Under such a plan as proposed by Mr. Bryan K would be possible for a group of men to organize a bank, receive deposits from others, make deposits of their own money and then wreck the bank, leaving the government the burden of paying the freight. Mr. Bryan' plan will not protect depositors In state or private banks and moreover the money forming this guaranty fund will be taken from the customers of the banks. The depositors, the borrow ers and the people generally of each local ity will have to pay the losses of their par ticular locality. It will be a tax upon thrift and prudence to pay the losses Incurred by the Imprudent and dlahonest. Touching upon the question of the pub lication of campaign contributions Mr. Hawley aald: Campaign Contributions. "The democratic platform misleads the people by Ignoring the laws already passed upon thla subject so far as It forbids cor porations or officers of corporations con tributing the fund of such corporations in federal elections. In January, 1907, a repub lican congress passed and a republican president signed a law by which such con tribution are forbidden under penalty of fine or Imprisonment or both and this had been the law of the land when the demo cratic platform was written. Why did not the democratic party. Instead of promising to pass such a law, commend the repub lican party for having already enacted a drastic law months before It ever became a campaign Issue In regard to the pub lication of contributions upon which Mr. Bryan la laying great stress the republicans In the house of representatives at Its last session passed a bill providing for the more complete publication of receipts than Mr. Bryan proposes and for the publication be fore election of all expenditures, a thing which Mr. Bryan does not propoae. Every MISERY OR DYSPEPSIA pit of the Ktomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain In limbs, sleeplessness, Delchlng of gas, biliousness, sick head ache, nervousness, dizziness and many other similar smptoms. If your appetite Is fickle, and nothing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your atomach, you ran make up your mind that at ths bot tom of all this there Is but one cause fermentation of undigested food. Prove to yourself, after your next meal, that your stomach is aa good as any; that there Is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how soon you take some Dlapepsln. - : T T T . Ugr. democrat In the house voted against that bill." Speaking on the attitude of the repub licans towards the laboring man and labor organisations Mr. Hawley said: "When Mr. Bryan was a memlwr of the ways and means committee of the house of representatives there were pending then before the house these bills relating to labor and In behalf of which Mr. Bryan made no effort to secure their passage so far aa the records show. A bill for the cre ation of the Department of Commerce and Labor, employers' liability bill, child labor bill, a bill regulating hour of labor, nil of which, with many others favoring labor, have since been made the law by the re publicans. At the same time Mr. Taft In the Phelan contempt case wrote the deci sion afterward universally accepted by the courts, which recognized the right of labor to organize. The speaker also paid his compliments to the democratic platform, which, he con tended was a tissue of misrepresentations. "For Instance," he said, "It demands that wood pulp, print paper, lumber, timber and logs be placed upon the free list, while the last two named have been on the free list for many years. Congressman Smith, I am told, Ras Information from the secre tary of the treasury that this Is correct. Before closing Congressman Hawley paid a high rlbut to Congressman Walter I Smith, who, he said, had fully demon strated his value as a public servant and of whom tha tate of Iowa and the people of the city of Council Bluffs could be Justly proud. THREE DAYS FOR REGIKTH ATIO Board to Be In Session Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Registration for the general election will open Thursday morning and City Clerk Casady was a busy man yesterday gettlrvg the supplies ready for the registrars. Thursday, Frtday and Saturday of this week and Saturday of next week are the registration days for the general election, and every voter who expects to cast his ballot on Tuesday, November 8, will have to register on one of these four days. The old registration will not count, neither will registration for the rpeclal water bond election. Saturday of this week will be the Inst day for registering for the special election to be held Tuesday, October 27. The registrars who are serving for the special election will also serve for the gen eral election. These are the places In the several pre clncts where the registrars will be In ses sion Thursday, Friday and Saturday cf this veek and Saturday of next week: First Ward Flret precinct Victor Jen nings' barn, 216 East Broadway; Second precinct, Sheely & Lane s, 217 East Broad way. 8 eond Ward First precinct, city hall: Second precinct, Luchow cigar store, 741 West Broadway. Third Ward First precinct, Anderson Bros., 28 Fourth street; Second precinct, 917 South Main street. Fourth Ward First precinct, county eourt house, farmers' hall; Second precinct, A. W. Oard's drug store, "04 Sixteenth ave nue. Fifth Ward First precinct, county build ing; Second precinct, county building; Third precinct, 8. U. Gray, restaurant, 2301 West Broadway. Sixth Ward First precinct, county build ing: Second precinct, East Omahn, Fifth and Locust streets. Andubon Mffht at Y. M. C. A. It will be Audubon night at the session of tho Young Men's Christian forum this evening and a feature of the program will be a talk by Mrs. E. Irene Rood of Chi cago, founder of the Audubon society on "Peculiar Habits of Some Birds." The program will Include other talks, us follows: "The Crow," Beryl Ouren. "The American Eagle," Louis Cook. "Game Birds." Arch Hutchinson. "The Owl," Harold Brown. "Song Birds," M. W. Raymond. "Birds of Plumage," William Chrlsten sen. Special efforts to arouse religious Inter est among the men of the city are to be made In connection with the work of the Young Men's Christian association thla winter. A "Band of Seventy," which Is the name given to similar organizations subsidiary to Young Men's Christian as sociations elsewhere, is being organized. Twenty-five of the seventy members have ulready been secured by Secretary Harry Curtis, and an organization, It Is expected, will be perfected this evening at a meet ing prior to the session of the forum. During the revivals which are to be con ducted by Evangelist Charles Cullen Smith at the Broadway Methodist church next month, Mr. Smith will address the Young Men's Christian association on four dif ferent Sundays. Congressman Smith's Dates. Congressman Walter I. Smith opened his campaign In the Ninth congressional dis trict with an address at Balrd, Guthrie county, last evening. He will remain in the district until the end of the campaign, winding up with an address at the opera house in this city on the night preceding election. These are his dates for the remainder of the month: Klmhallton, October 20; Shelby. October 21: Mondamln. October ?5: Greenfield. October 23; Vllllsca, October 24; Llllott, October 26; Emerson, October 27; Cumberland, October 2S, afternoon; Atlan tic, October 28. evening: Audubon. Octnher 29; Oakland, October SO; Council Bluffs, November I. No Additional Taxation. The voting of the JtiOO.000 bonds for a new water plunt will not Increase the taxation, but the revenus derived from the plant, which will go Into the general fund, will reduce the taxation every year. Trust your own horse sense and not the paid emissaries of the water company. FIRE FEARED IN CORNFIELDS Much Damage Already Done and Pre cautions MrrrHtrr to Prevent Greater Loss. From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Oct. .-(Spclal.) Fearing lest Iowa cornfields may be swept by dls astroua fires, Attorney John N. Smith of this city today Indicted a letter to Governor Cummins urging him to call the attention of farmers to the recesslty of carefully avoiding the setting out of fires during the unusually dry period. During the last week over 160.000 worth of crops have been de stroyed by fire In this stats. Hhtllrock was thla morning swept by a tire entailing a loss of $150,000. The fire started in the city hall and the fire appa ratus located there was burned, thus crip pling the work of ths firemen. Firemen snd spparatus were rushed to the town from Waterloo on a special train and gained control of ths flames. Ths stats rtfls shoot of ths Iowa National Guard will begin tomorrow at ths new state rangs Just completed a few miles north of this city. Four thousand marksmen from ths state guards will be here for the occa sion. The new range ia said to be one of the most modern In America. It has been arranged at a cost of over J10.000, with ce ment target pits and cement walks st the firing lines. Communication with Dts Moines Is established by telephone and tnterurbtn. IOME FURNITURE CO. SOLID QUARTER OAK PEDESTAL TABLE fi foot, for $12.00 8 foot, for $14.00 BUFFET Like Cut, for ....$12.50 Omaha Price $19.00 N IN THE STATE Governor Sheldon and McBrien Speak Twice in Gage County. PEOPLE COME OUT IN THE RAIN Strong; Address on State Issues by the Gorernor--Cons;ressiiian Jones of WnnhlnKton Delivers Strong; Address at St. Paul. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special Telegram.) Although rain fell here a greater part of the afternoon and evening, a large crowd was present at the Paddock opera house to hear Governor Sheldon and Superinten dent McBrien last evening. H. J. Dobbs presided. He first introduced Superinten dent McBrlnn, who spoke of school mat ters and referred to Hi. van, the false prophet, lie quoted from scripture as to his authority on what constitutes a true prophet, und proceeded to prove that the democratic' leader was a false prophet. Bryan's remedy for hard times was free silver, and he predicted dire results If this measure should , fall. The prediction In regard to the celebration of July 4th, was another bad guess. His prediction that the gold standard pnrty would ultimately de mand closing of free schools has proven false, because more money Is spent for free education now than ever before. Mc Brien explained the free high achool law, a republican measure of which 5,000 farm boys and girls In Gage county have taken advantage of. Governor George L. Sheldon In detail, ex plained tho republican administration of state affairs. The rate of Interest on state money has been raised, the permanent school fund has been Invested to bring greater return than ever before, state In stltutlons have been conducted to keep within the appropriation and avoid the necessity of a deficiency appropriation. As sessments on lands were raised this year by the county assessors and not by the state board as charged. The state board f I Fur Neckwear Is Made In Bewildering Variety THE newest and best styles are always found in Lanpher Furs. No matter what fur you want Sables, Mink, Black Lynx, Squirrel, Fox, or whatever it be, if you get a Lanpher Fur you may be sure it is correct in every respect ifT 33 Years In Hile the Fur Trade LANPHER FURS are sold by the best dealers. If your dealer does not sell them, writ ut direct. LANPHER SKINNER & CO. Fur Manufacturers ST. PALL. . MINN. lu) 24TH AND L STREETS, SOUTH OMAHA SELLS FURNITURE 20 BELOW OMAHA PRICES f NOTE OUR fas ' FULL CAR OF NEW DINING ROOM FURNITURE Just Received. In Golden Oak or Mission AT THIRTY PER CENT BELOW OMAHA PRICES. ( GET OUR PRICES FIRSTJ only equalized the assessments. They raised Gage county to make It uniform with that of surrounding counties, and the Jus tic of It was proven by figures. The rall ros assessment Is a difficult problem, and th governor explained the method of using the cost of rebuilding, net earnings am stocks and bonds all as a basis of determining the value. He showed that the rej bllcans have done more to secure the. gu-.anty of bank deposits than the demo crats have done. The democrats promise much, but the republican cpngreasmen, Norrls and Hlnshaw, and aeveral republi can legislators, have Introduced bills to : make It effective. The Beatrice Military band furnished the music during the evening and at the close of the meeting the governor and Mr. Mc Brien were given a big raccption at the Paddock hotel. Sheldon Makes a Hit. WYMOKE, Neb.. Oct. 20. tSpeelal Tele gram.) Governor George U. Sheldon was greeted by a large and enthusiastic crowd ut opera house yesterday afternoon In spite of the rain. He was suffering from u bad cold and could not make a long speech. He made a very favorable impression on Wy more and aroused much enthusiasm among citizens of all political faiths. In his talk J he told of the work of the repuDiican party In Nebraska, especially In the last two years. He spoke of the reform measures und the beneflcal results and touched other subjects briefly. He praised A. C. Shallen berger as a citizen, but picked his state ments to pieces and denied them. Ho issued a challenge to the democratic nominee ror governor to prove the charges that the present administration has been extrava gant In expending state money. He also staled that Shallenberger's state ment that the present administration Is not entitled to credit for reducing the state debt on account of the special 1 mill levy for the purpose is untrue. He said that the special levy In the last two years has raised $650,000 and that the other 1667,000 1 was secured by careful administration and close economy. Ho made a detailed ex planation of why hind values or assess ments had been raised, giving as his reason for doing so that It Is expected there would be circulars, probably unsigned or fictlc ously signed, circulated In Gage and other counties and that he wanted Wymoreans to know the truth. I'slng Gage county as an example he gave Us former assessed value and the former assessed value of sur rounding counties, showing that Gage did not come up to the average, and It was necessary to raise It to make the values and taxes paid equn.1 with others. The governor said In looking over the senate and house records of the state he had failed to find where a single bill mak ing toward the guaranty of deposits had neen Introduced by a democrat, although he found two bills and been introduced by republicans along that line, stating that only three democrats out of thirty-two In the national congress had voted for a bank guaranty bill, he made the assertion that the republicans have far the best record on the bank provision. A plea was made for a republican legis lature to carry on the work commenced and spoke highly of Hon. Adam McMullen of this city, who is candidate for state sen ator. "No retreat" was given as the slo gan and waa greeted by cheers. State Superintendent McBrien preceded Governor Sheldon with a splendid speech lasting an hour. Mr. McBrien spoke on national and state candidates and showed where Mr. Bryan failed to qualify as a prophet. Democratic Rally at Lincoln. LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct. 20.-(Spec!al Tele gram.) George Fred Williams of Massa chusetts, talked to a fair sized audience at the auditorium last night. His principal topic being about the publicity of cam paign contributions. He talked of the $o00, 000 campaign fund which had been raised In New York by Thomas F. Byan to defeat the nomination of W. J. Bryan In 1900. This could be prevented he said In the future by publicity. He did not say when Mr. Bryan would make public the expenditure of the 115,000 brought from the same Ryan to Tom Allen, according to Tom Tibbies, to help Mr. Bryan to the senate In 1904. In fact he did not even mention that money wheh had been brought here by Tom Allen to defeat the will of the people. The audi ence waited patiently for the explanation which did not come Dr. P. L. Hall, vice chairman of the national committee pre sided. XOBRII TELLS or TAFT'i WORK Judge la rklllpplars Makes Address at Ponra, Farmer Home. PONCA. Neb., Oct. . (Special.) Judge W, F. Norrls sddressed a large audience in the ppera house Saturday night In tha Interest of the republican administration In the Philippines. "I have two objects," said the Judge, "the first Is to vindicate our course in the Philippines, snd the second, to draw your minds and hearts to Judge Taft, ths re publican candidate for president." Tho Jutye reviewed Mr. Taft's record In SPECIALS FOR v 1 S. I. " .1 ' i. K every place where President Roosevelt had sent him to settle difficulties. "Panama, Cuba, Philippines and also with referenco to the overgrown corporations, the trusts." Judge Noirls made It clear "that no man In the I'nltcd States Is so well fitted for the office of president as Judge Taft." Ho cleared up :he matter of tho so-called "church lands" In the Philippines to the satisfaction of every fair-minded citizen. He left no room for doubt In any man's mind that while Judge Taft Is a Unitarian yet he Is far more of a real, practical Christian than many who pose on their Christianity for public honors. He made it clear tint Instead of the administration introducing imperialism it had for the first time In the history of nations perfotmed a national duty toward the weaker nations. The Judge reviewed the work of estab lishing schools and bulldlns railroads and other Improvements to show thut there was no selfish motive In the rule of those peo ples. The law prohibiting the manufacture and use of opium was contrasted to the methods of England and Franco in such matters. He said: "It is the first time In history that school teachers could take a flag and say to the subject rice that the administration Is according to the law of God." Turning to a picture of Taft fastened to a large, flag at the side of the stage the Judge said: "I'nder that picture ought to be the motto, 'The Philippines for tho Filipinos.' not equal rights for ill, Amer icans, Europeans, etc., but for the Filipinos, for that Is Mr. Taft's position. "It Is the first time In history that the dominant race has helped the weaker race. This Is known In the Philippines as the 'American Idj.' "We are told that we cannot establish self-government In the Philippines, but If thit be true It will be the first time In our history that the American people havo failed to help a weaker race. Never was the flag more glorious than here, with the missionary on one side and the school teacher on the other side. "This Is a new era and our Influence will, Increase till all the weaker races are recognized by all European nations." Judge Norrls compared Mr. Taft with Washington, Webster and Lincoln, and the crlbls of 1908 with Hio crises In which these great men did their work In history. He drew a mental picture of the Inaugura tion of Mr. Taft as governor of the Philip pines and his retirement from the Islands and the banquet given by the Filipinos In his honor, and banners bearing the legends: "Wo Want Taft;" "Give Vi Taft;" "We Must Have Taft." Thin he said: "We want Taft, give us Taft. we must have Taft for our next president." Judge Norrls was for many years a resi dent of Ponca and the citizens have such regard for him that they believe he is right and ha told them the truth. The Judge became very eloquent as he related the facts from his personal knowledge of Mr. Taft and the course pursued by the admin istration during the last nine years, the time of his residence there as a United States Judge. It Is acknowledged to be the best address that has been delivered In this part of the state since the campaign opened. Foley's Honey and Tai cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine In a yellow pack age. Sold by all druggists. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Number of Appointments Announced la the nallrray Mall Service. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 20.-(8pecUl Tele gram.) Fay McClure of Mahaska county, Iowa, has been appointed superintendent of road construction lu connection with the Agricultural department. Peter J. Hogan of Chicago has been ap pointed clerk In the land office at Alliance, Neb. P. C. Lamb of Sulphur, H. A. Kenney of Kimball. W. E. Lee of Lilly. Alexander H. Hansen of Lewis und M. Schopp of Edge mont, S. D., have been appointed railway mall clerks. Joseph Kos has been appointed postmaster at Richmond, Washington county, Iowa, vice W. C. Chapek, resigned. Strange that persons will use worthless flavoring extracts when natural flavors like are to be had. THIS WEEK A' Large line of LEATHER CHAIRS AND ROCKERS at ys Below Omaha Prices. WRIGHT DISCUSSES BRYAN ' Secretary of War Severely Condemn! Nebraskan's Ideas. TWO PLATFORMS ABE COMPARE! Democratic Tariff Tlank Intended to Please Free Traders and Protec tionists Alike Business In terests in Danger. NEW TORK, Cot. 10.-S ldom has W.lllait : J. Bryan been so severely arraigned durlni i the present campaign as he waa here last I night by General Luke E. Wright, secretarj of war, who addressed a large mass meetlni at Xerrace Garden. General Wright, who 'was Introduced ai "A democrat having the honor of holdlni a cabinet position under a republican ad ministration," was greeted with enthusiast!! cheering when he appeared on the platform The speaker entered vigorously into th principal Ishucs of the campaign, condemn ing Mr. Bryan In sharp terms for the lat ter s reference In a recent speech to Presl I dent Roosevelt as "the hired man." General Wright said that such statementi ; "tickled the groundlings, but made thi judicious grieve." He then outlined the powers of the presi dent In an endeavor to show that the presi dent is not a hired man, but "the chief rule! of the people."' lie then made some comparisons of tin materlul points of the platforms of the two great parties In those particular parts in which they are In conflict. Tho omission of the democratic platform to declare for revenue only. Secretary Wright said, was not accidental, but was Intended to present a plank upon which democratic free tru tiers and protectionists alike could stand. The secretary said: I say thi? because it Is a matter of com mon notoriety that there Is a very consid erable, and I may say growing, element in tho democratic party which favors reason able protection to American Industries. We know that there are many thousands who habitually vote the democratic ticket In the eastern states especially, who are for moderate protection, call It by whatever name you please; and we know also that In tho other great suctions of the country, and especially In the Bouth where mining and manufacturing are being developed by leaps and bounds, and where sugar, wool lumber and various other products receive tho benefits of protection, democratic votes are In favor of a continuance of nm f.irm I or other of the protective policy. It must noi re overiooKea that there exlule n strong feeling among the masses of the re publican voters, especially in the central and far western states, all of whom are protectionists, that many of the existing tariff schedules are too high and should be Immediately lowered. Business Interests In Dancer. The real question, the speaker said, waa which of the two candidates can be best relied upon to make an honest revision. He was persuaded, he declared, that If Mr. Bryan's Influence Is controlling and ha can give direction to tariff legislation, the strong probability Is there will be an un settling of all the large Interests of the country, while Mr. Taft, he said, would not Impose upon tho shoulders of that great mass of the American people who are consumers and who chiefly pay the freight, any unconscionable burdens. The secretary ridiculed the feature of ths tariff plank In the democratic platform which proposes to put on the free list ti ust-controlled manufactures, declaring that 11 reminded hlrn of the proposition to cure a case of Indigestion by giving the patient rough on rats. It illustrated, he declared, the superficial manner In which Mr. Bryan proposes to deal with evils which everybody sees, und his readiness to apply a remedy so out of proportion to the evil as to be destructive, or so Inade quate as to be worthless. A Life sentence of suffering with throat and lung trouble la quickly commuted by Dr. King's New Discovery. 30c and $1.00. For sale by BeLton Drug Co. Wanted A good girl for general house work; two in family. Apply to Mrs. J. J. Brown, '3't B. Tth St. Sole agents Radtam Home base burners, Petersen & Sc hoenlng Co.