Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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1 1
Biggest Raincoat Values
In All This Town
$25 Men's and Women's $ ST)50
Cravcnottos AL s
These raincoat bargains we now offer will be doubly
convincing why you should buy your raincoats here.
Because we manufacture all the goods we sell, and sell
all the goods we manufacture at wholesale prices, enables us
to make such offers, and
YOUR MONEY. .. , ;
Men's High Grade Cravenettes and Raincoats
$20.00 values
$25.00 values
for . .
Women's Silk Coats
$20.00 Cravenettes
$25.00 Cravenettei
for .
$30 Cravenettes
Goodyear Raincoat Co.,
Fhones I) 8287. Ind. A 2046. Hotel Loyal Building.
Have Soot rrlat IV
Diamonds, Idholm, Jeweler.
Budolph r. wonoda. Fualio Accountant.
ln Bourke for Quality cigars, 31 S. 16th
Klnefcart, photographer, 18th & Farnam.
Dr. J. J. rostar, dentist, Continental Blk.
Bowman, 117 N. 1, Douglas shoe, $2 60.
Klectrloal Wiring aad Basalts Burseas
Oranden oorapany, 1611 Howard atreaL
JBoltabla 1.11 Police sight drafta at
maturity. H. 1. Neely. manager, Omaha.
$6,000 Omaha Soma Telephone Bonds
mid 60 per cent stock at Si. Wire Conn
Bros., 1W First. Portland. Ore.
Keep Teat Money aad Valuables In a
tare oepoeit boa in the American Bale De
posit vault In the Bee building, which U
absolutely burglar and fireproof. Boxes
lent for only ft a year, or $1 for three
Xyrio Theater for Oh arch The Second
Church of Christ, Sciential, has secured the
l.yrlc theater for aervlces this full and win
ter and will hold Its first service Wednes
day night. Regular meetings of the con
gregation will lollow on Sundays and
Wednesday. Mrs. Flejder has been tem
porarily appointed first reader and Mrs.
Karnes second.
To Develop Fruit land To develop
fruit lund the Northwestern Fruit company
has boin organised with Omaha capital
barking It. The capital stock Is I1U0.0OX
K. M. O'Brien Is president, Joseph Weld
inan vice president. F. C. Beat secretary
am treasurer and R. CI. Nott, J. fcJ. Mar
shall and W. C. Paynter the remaining
members of the board of directors.
Tire at Omaha Woodworking riant
Damage to the extent of $1,500 was done
by a blase at the plant of the Omaha
Woodworking company at 4 o'clock Tues
day morning. The fire started In a shed
at the rear of the mill which Is located
at hC9 8outh Eighteenth street. The flames
pread to the kiln and engine room and
destroyed the former, but the machinery in
the latter room was saved.
Former Justice of Peace Beleaaed Be
cause of the absence of a witness for the
tale the case against Kd Doyle, charged
with breaking Into the store of Jacob
Milder was postponed until Monday after
noon in criminal court. Doyle Is charged
with being an accomplice of Dick Taylor,
who has never been found. Former Justice
of the Peace Moose was arrested under the
belief he was Taylor, but he was released
after establishing his Innocence.
Camp TorSy Moves Due to In
creasing membership. Camp Lee Forby
Post, No. 1, I'nlted Spanish War Veterans,
has moved Us quarters to Fraternity hall,
Eighteenth and Harney streets, where more
commodious quarters were secured. For the
same reason the Ladles' auxiliary has
moved to the same hall. The veterans of
the late war are contemplating organising
a regular military company so as to keep
up the old military drill they had ten
years ago. This will be done If they can
Induce the governmont to furnish rifles.
Save Ills Mo-- Life.
"My S-year-old boy was badly con
stipated, had a high fever and was In an
awful condition. I gave him two doses of
Foley's Orlno Laxative and the next morn
ing the fever was gone and ha was en
tirely well. Foley's Orlno Laxative saved
Ms life." A. Wolkush, Caslmer, Wis. Bold
by all druggists.
Ballalagr Permits.
M. B. Lewis A Bra., 2617 Burdette street,
fram dwelling, K.&uO; M. B. Lewis A Hro.,
261S Grant street, repairs to frsme dwell
ing $6.0u0: N. F. Thompson, Fifty-second
and Marcy streets, frame dwelling. Il.OcO;
Philip McDormot. Forty-ninth and Psclflo
streets, frame cottage, ll.WXt; George Bul
lard. Fourth avenue and Bancroft street,
frame dwelling, $1,500: Fred. Schlateau. 1730
Ontartj itreet, addition to frame dwelling,
l .ttUit. ."I
Commendation or condemnation of your
goods may depend upon the character of
your printed matter
A. tlUat lasers ssntsa. Iff. Ills Howard UroaS. Omaka
$30.00 value
for ,
' $n.50
and Cravenettes
$20.00 Silk Coats
$25.00 Silk Coats
$30.00 Silk Coats
Commercial Club Will Tell of Lower
Hotel and Beitaurant Eatei.
Many Meetings Are Turned Away
Becaase of Avarice of Hotel
Men, bat Omaha la Not
"Come to Omaha where hotel bills will
be reasonable and many first-class restau
rants sell a feast for a song."
The convention committee of the Com
merotal club Is to advertise Omaha be
cause the price of meals has been slowly
descending until It Is cheaper to eat at
the restaurants than to pay board and
a oook at home.
When cities insist that conventions meet
"In their midst," the great question Is:
"Will the hotel and restaurant keepers rob
In most cities the keepers of eating
houses prepare to reap a harvest when a
crowd is coming to town.' They remove
the "club breakfasts" from the menu cards
and almost everything which looks familiar
to visitors is quickly removed until the
convention has come and gone.
Omaha restaurant and hotel men have
never carried sandbags for .visitors, but
complaint has been received when con
ventions contemplated coming to Omaha
that living la too high in the city and some
delegates cannot get a square meal for 15
or 36 cents.
But the opening of a few new restaurants
has caused the old ones to take notice and
they have put the prices down to a point
below that in "college towns." where liv
ing Is said to be the cheapest.
As a result the Commercial elub will lose
no time In making the fact known that at
last the most saving delegate will be glad
to come to Omaha where a full meal at a
high-class restaurant can be secured for
less money than "steak an' " can be bought
tor at the restaurants In small towns.
Take old plantation vegetable soup. No
one ever sold the dish for less than 20
cents, and It is worth all of 16 cents, be
cause It contains a lot of beef stock and
almost a peck of assorted vegetables. It
now sells at first-class restaurants for 10
cents. Coney Island clam chowder haa
gone from 20 and IS cents to 10 cents, while
a dish known as "hot chicken sandwich,"
which consists of a piece of chicken,
dumpling, bread and butter, mashed po ta
llies and rolls thrown In, costs IS cents.
And It is just as filling as a chicken pot
pie church supper.
"Coffee, rolls, breakfast food, butter," 16
cents; that don't look much like a Chicago
price or the usual rate charged on dining
cars, but the portions and the quality la
the same as that served in the restaurants
of o(her cities.
"We are not going to overlook this op
portunity." said Commissioner J. M. Guild
of the Commercial club, "and visitors need
not fear they will be fleeced by our hotel
keepers and restaurants during the Na
tional Corn exposition and the conventions
scheduled to meer In Omaha.
During the corn show one restaurant
keeper Is to serve a meal entirely of corn
dishes. It will cost about S5 cents, and
though the drinks of corn will be served
near, they will not be Included In the
"corn meal." Here Is the oom meal menu:
Soup of Corn.
Corn Tlmbale. Corn Souffle.
Salad of Corn.
Com Pudding. Corn Bread.
By using the various denartments of The
Bee Want Ad Pages you get tne bent re
sults St the least expense.
Glad to Get Brewery Money, but Sorry
Mayor Let it Out.
Five Thoasana Brewers Will (ilft
Bryan Is Nothing Compared to
What Rockefeller la
Handing Over.
Wednesday Evening
Mots hall, gouts Thirteenth street Bo
hemian meeting) speakers, O. X.. Xolar of
Chicago In Bohemlaa language and loeal
Elk City Speakers, A. W. Jsfferls, W.
O. Vre, T. A. Xollister and James Walsh.
Thursday Evening .
Twenty-Seeoad and Cuming Streets
Slghth and ITlnth Ward Bepubllcaa clubs
spsakers, John X,. Kennedy, X. X. Bald
rige and Vslaoa O. Fratt.
Fourteenth and Dodge Streets Colored
Voters' Taft club.
Bex's Ball, South Omaha Follsh meet
ing. Friday Bvsnlng
Bast Omaha Speakers, A. W. Jsfferls,
W. 0. Ure and Bd Ieeder.
Saturday Evening
Xeglstratloa Day Bo meetings.
Sunday, October ta
xational XalL Thirteenth and Willi am
Streets Italian meeting speakers, Frof.
Soturandl, B. O. Mag-ft and others.
South Thirteenth Street Bohemian
While all democrats approve Mayor
Dahlman'a activity In going after the
brewers for Bryan campaign funds, most
democrats are sore on the mayor because
he published his action to the world.
Many of the Jimocrata and Jacks are say
ing real ugly things about the mayor. "Why
couldn't he keep It to himself?" "That's
the way with Jim, he always has to talk
too much." These are some of the senti
ments you will hear around the democratic
headquarters or wherever two or three
democrats are "gathered together."
But Jim says " What's the dlff, If we
get the cash?"
The lariat mayor of Omaha Is one of
those rough end resdy boys who goes after
anything he can lasso and it's been said
that he's good with the rope, and then he
doean's hide his light nor his party's secrets
under a bushel.
But the little measly $5,000 which Jim has
promised to dig out of the Omaha brewers
for the Peerless Leader, Is nothing com
pared to the barrel which the Standard
OH Is said to be pouring Into the home
state of Mr. Bryan. Thus far It Is not a
matter of record that Mr. Bryan, Brother-in-law
Tommy, Mayor Jim or any of the
faithful, haa taken sters to keep this stream
of Rockefeller gold out of Nebraaka. nor
Is it known that anybody has stopped to
ask whether It Is "tainted" or not.
As one of the patriots down at the Jim
headquarters remarked, "Tainted money
will get as many votes as any other kind."
It Is the one subject of conversation
among the well-Informed politicians In Ne
braska that the Standard Oil Is dumping
Its slush fund Into the Bryan campaign as
a means of teaching Roosevelt and his
admlnstrstlon an object lesson, mindful
of that fine of 129,000,000.
The local democratic managers, It Is un
derstood, are formulating their plans now
for the collection of other funds In Omaha
In addition to the 15,000 Mayor Jim has
promised to squeeae out of the brewers.
The general plan Is to make a list of all
the liquor dealers In the city and place
opposite each man's name the exact
amount he will be tackled for,
"And you can write to your folks and
tell 'em that each man will give Just that
figure that stands opposite his John-Hancock,"
confidentially breathed a heeler
close to the fountain.
C. N. McElfresh, vice president of the
Nebraska Taft league, who has been out
In the state In the interests of the Na
tional Republican league, says:
"I am highly gratified at the splendid
condition of the republican party in Ne
braska. I have recently visited a number
of counties. Including Platte, Nance, Boone,
Madison. Antelope, Holt, Pierce and Stan
ton, and find that large and enthusiastic
Taft clubs have been organised and that
they are taking an active Interest In the
campaign. The farmer and business man
are experiencing unprecedented prosperity
and seem to be satisfied under a republican
"Taft sentiment is manifesting Itself more
each day and personally I am clearly con
vinced that conditions warrant the pre
diction of a republican victory in Nebraska
this fall.
"Republican clubs are being rapidly or
ganised under the auspices of the state
league where none now exist."
What promises to be one of the largest
ward meetings of the week Is that to be
held Thursday evening In Wolff's hall at
Twenty-second and Cuming streets. The
Seymour quartet will sing, cigars will be
furnished In quantities and speeches will
be delivered by John L. Kennedy, Nelson
C. Pratt and H. H. Baldrlge.
The Eighth ward recently lost Its west
ern precinct to the Ninth, and the Ninth
warders have been invited to the meeting.
There are many new voters In the two
wards, and they are especially Invited.
The meeting will be held under the auspices
of the Eighth Ward Republican club, k.nd
M. O. Cunningham will preside.
Pioneer la Boost Ins; Kins; of Cereals
Promises to Attend National
"Corn" Murphy, the man who taught the
German and French people how to eat corn
muffins; the Dutch to love mush, saved
hundreds of lives In famishing Russia by
Introducing Indian corn, and Increased the
exports of the I'nlted States from y.OtO.OOO
bushels In l&t to 2,000,000 a few years
later. Is to attend the National Corn expo
silion in Omaha.
Mr. Murphy, known as "Corn" Murphy
abroad and "Corn Cake" Murphy at home,
la really Charles J. Murphy of 2117 Bush
street, San Francisco, and a veteran In the
service of his country, decorated by kings,
knight of the Order of St. Stanislaus. In
Russia; member of the Order of General
Bolivar, la Venesuela; Order de la Mlaei
liordla. tn Belgium, and a Mexican and
civil war veteran.
After being long out of the public eye,
Mr. Murphy has written to E. J. McVann,
secretary of the Omaha Grain exchange
and a personal friend of his, expressing his
willingness to attend the exposition in
Omaha, do whatever he ran to make It a
success and co-operate In every way with
the younger men alio ar striving to pro
duce more and better corn because of the
demand which Mr. Murphy did so much to
create abroad.
The corn exposition management has ex
tended the old fighter for King Corn an in
vitation to attend and he will receive much
attention when he arrives In Omaha.
Mr. Murphy did for American corn at the
Parts exposition what John C. Bennell, now
with the National Corn exposition, did for
Nebraska corn at the Centennial in 1878.
when he went to Philadelphia with an
Our Letter Box
Contributions on tlmelr topics Invited.
Write legibly on un side of the rsper
only, with name Riirl address appended.
I'nused contributions a 111 not be re
turned Letters exceeding . words will
be subject to being cut Jown at the
discretion of the, editor, rnblicutlon of
views of correspondents does not com
mit The Bee to their endorsement.
Rrraa Denned.
OMAHA, Oct. 19. To the Editor of Th.'
Bee: Dear Sir As one who listened to Mr
Bryan Saturday evening last I wss forced
to recall the meaning of one word as glvru
to the world by Dr. William Dwlght Whit
ney, who In his life was the greatest of
philologists. He defines the word as fol
lows: "An unprincipled popular orator or
leader, who endeavors to curry favor with
some portion of the people by psndcring to
their prejudices or wishes, or by playing
on their Ignorance or passions; one who
seeks to obtain political power by pander
ing to the Ignorance or prejudices of the
8outh In commenting on ne same word
says: "A plausible, insignificant word In
the mouth of an expert CemaROjrue is a
dangerous and deceitful weapon." Without
mentioning a name all men recognise the
person described. N. K. VAN II ITS EN.
What Happened to Jones.
OMAHA, Oct. 19. To the Editor of The
Bee: Will you please lend mo a few lines
In your most estimable paper that I may
as much as Is In my power right an Injus
tice to a fellow taxpayer? Returning home
Saturday night on a late car I saw 6ur
good friend Jones waving a small flag and
talking very loudly to a meek looking chap
with him. My natural deduction was that
ha was about "three sheets In." I men
tioned It to my wife when I got home, and
she, of course, passed It on to our neigh
bors, and they to theirs, and so on.
Therefore, I am the one cause of Its being
circulated about town that Jones was
"soused" Saturday night. I now wish to
I find he had only been down to hear
Bryan and was carrying a Bryan flag.
The loud talk was only part of Bryan's
address, which he was repeating from
memory for the benefit of his friend, who
had not heard It Thla friend, who Is a
prohibitionist, tells me there was not the
slightest trace of liquor In his breath.
In view of the above I ask your In
dulgence In helping me set Jones back on
the pedestal of his good reputation.
Precipitation Comes to Nebraska
When It Does a Great Deal
of Good.
The heaviest rain for several weeks fell
Monday evening, the total precipitation be
ing one inch. The rain began about 5 p.
m. and continued until about 9 o'clock.
It was one of those much-needed fall
rains and came Just at the right time to
do an Immense amount of good over the
state. The last rain reported from this
station was on October 6, when a little
over one-third of an inch of rain fell, and
on October 6 there was .01 of an Inch.
The rain of Monday night was 'general
over the state and upper Mississippi and
Missouri valleys. The heaviest rainfalls In
this state were 3.12 Inchea at North Platte,
and 1.64 Inches at Valentine, with .84 of
an Inch at Sioux City. Good rains fell all
through eastern Nebraska, and heavy
snows are reported Tuesday morning in
the western and central portions of the
state, with snows also in the mountain
districts. '
Water Floods the Patients at the
County Hospital, Forcing
Them to Flee.
Patients at the tuberculosis ward at the
county hospital were flooded Monday even
ing during the driving rain and they had
to be moved beds and all from the sleeping
pavilion to the sitting room of the new
The high wind tore loose the fastenings
that hold the canvas roof down and several
times during the storm an attendant had to
reanchor the roof. When the driving rain
came the water beat In around the opun
sides and threatened to drench the beds.
The eight men and one woman In the ward
were moved Into the sitting room, which
has boardtx) walls and roof, and they spent
the night there.
As a result of the experience Superin
tendent Ferrer is of the opinion a shingle
root will have to be placed on the sleeping
pavilion and some provision made for
closing up the aides during storms.
His Gives Wife and Six Children
Nine Dollars for Six
Weeks Snpport.
Because Mike Klonskl of Twenty-seventh
and Martha streets left only to for the
support of his wife and six small children
during the six weeks he was in Chicago re
cently. Judge Crawford sentenced him to
fifteen days In Jail on the charge of falling
to support his family.
Some time ago the family was found living
In un old building that was at one time
used as a barn, but It Is now well pro
vided for by Assistant Probation Officer J.
B. Carver and the other authorities.
The Judge made a lightning calculaticn
when told of the case by the friends of
Klonskl's wife and when he discovered
that the sum left by the man for ids
family's support was equal to about 3
cents a day for each member of the family,
he decided to let Klonskl think It over In
Land Man Defendant In Another
Case for Heat of Law
yer's Fees.
Suit for $760 against Perry A Yeast, ona
of, the defendants In the recent land trials
In federal court, was started In county
court Tuesday by Qurley & Woodrough,
who defended him at the trial. According
to the petition he paid a retainer of 1300
with the agreement he was to pay 1100 a
day for the time the case should be on
trial. Thirteen days were consumed at
the hearing, making the bill, in addition
to the retainer, $1,J. The petition says
he haa paid IVX) and still owes tftiO. Tim
attorneys also claim t-rO for appearing
for him In an Injunction case in federal
court. At the trial Yeast was convicted
and sentenced to pay a fine.
Civic IVIde
Compels a Visit to
Hanson's CeJe
jroT to Tisrr eiu
Very reaslar- r Clefc rcakUtts-Rew
M. Ford of Dubuque Fails to Get Load
tlrnnlns; Pas Action Is I nfalr to Ford,
While Others ny He Did Not
I He t n to the neel
tlratlons. Over the protests of M. Frrd of Dubuque,
the low bidder for the work, the county
board Monday afternoon awarded rontrarts
to K. H. Van Court for the paving of the
.l!ltary road and to Iho Kats-fralg t'on
Ftructlon company for paving the Irlvlng-ton-Benr.lna;ton
road. Both contracts wore
let at S1.5I u lineal foot, which was the
amount of Ford's bid, the lowest sub
mitted on the two roads. Pruning pro
tested against the notion, asserting It was
ut.falr to Ford, hut the, other four members
voted for the report.
The majority Justified their action on tlie
ground that Mr. Ford already has con
tracts for as much road as he can finish
thla fall and If he was given more he would
be unable to do the work until next spring.
It was n'.so charged he has not been living
up to the specifications on the work he
has already done.
At the original bidding Van Court bid
tl'65 on the Military road and the ftats
Cralg company 11. &5 on the Irvlngton-Ben-nlngton
road. Both of thorn, however, of
fered to coma down to Ford's figures of
11.54 and to have the work completed by
January 1. Both roads will be paved for
a mile and a half with macadam twelve
feet wide with tarvla.
Unjust to Ford.
Bruning, tn explalnli his vote against
the report, declared Ford had submitted
the lowest bid in good faith and saved the
county considerable money In giving a
lower figure than the local contractors had
"It la unjust to Ford," he said, "to give
the bid to contractors who bid higher than
he did, even If they do the work at his
figures. We should reject all bids and ask
for new ones."
Riggs, in voting for the report, declared
the county was not damaged, as the work
would be done at the least figures sub
mitted in the bids.
"The situation shows that Ford cannot
expect to finish the work this fall and he
could hardly expect us to give him any
more work than he has now,
Conynlssloner Tralnor. In voting for the
report, charged that Ford was not living
up to the spocificutlons ss he had put
smaller stone In the baso of the pave
ment than the specifications called for. He
quoted the county engineer as saying It
seemed Impossible to get him to follow the
specifications. Ure and Kennard also voted
for the report.
Sublets Part of Work.
Ford now has contracts for paving four
miles on Dodge street and two miles on
the Benson road. At his request he was
allowed to sublet part of the work to E. B.
Bids for grading the south part of the
court house square to street level In prepa
ration for the foundations of the new court
house were called for by the board under
a motion made by L're. The bids will be
opened November 16.
The board rejected all the bids for new
work at the Detention home because the
bids all called for more money than the
board had a right to expend and some of
the bids did not follow the specifications.
The board will call for new bids on each
building separately and at the coming elec
tion will ask authority to expend 112.CO!)
more on the work. The voters granted au
thority last spring to expend $:1S,000, but
after buying a site and a building only
I9.0W) was left to make needed repairs und
new work and this the board contends is
not sufficient.
Dr. H. R. Ahrens, son of Senator Ahrens
of Otoe county, has located in Omaha and
opened an office. Dr. Ahrens expects to
make Omaha his permanent home.
Rev. R. J. Wilbur, son of J. K. Wilbur of
Omaha, who Joined the Catholic priesthood
last spring, has gone to Rome to enter the
American college there. He hat expected
to come to Omaha for a short visit, but
found the time too short before the opening
of the college year.
Valuable Receipt When Afflicted With
Rheumatiam or Backache, Also
Splendid Tonic
At the first sign of rheumatic pains or
backache, or a feeling of being generally
run down and weakened, the following
simple prescription should be used:
"One ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla;
one ounce Toris Compound; half pint high
grade whiskey. Mix them and shake well.
Take a tablespoonful before each meal and
at bed time. The bottle must be well shaken
each time."
Any good prescription pharmacy can sup
ply these Ingredients snd it will be found
Inexpensive considering Its wonderful merit.
This treatment will eradicate the acid
poisons from the blood and build up the
system to its normal healthfulness. The
splendid effects will become manifest after
the first few doses, but It should be con
tinued for at least a month, or until the
person has fully regained health. The worst
cases of rheumatism are bound to yield to
this treatment.
On the Sloek Between
5th Ave. &B' way
Offers select accomodations to dis
criminating people.
affords every facility for the com
fort of guests.
Situated in the very heart of the
city. In a very quiet neighborhood, con
venient to all surface. Subway and ele
vated railway lines, and in the midst
of the shopping and theatre district.
Rooms With Bath $2 and Up.
Special rates by the month or season.
Restaurant a Ja Carte.
Formerly of
Vw Haven House New Hven, ronn
'niw.Tinnl. KtcmiTloH.
itut staassvotcai ss Sl benis Bottl.
-"iiV . . ' rr--iifa
.'.' .oemisest
k& ''JZ (SBjongNta
yZt . 'IVS-a 2 Tork bo if III for
. T t-Z the eieellence ef lit
Trf ."Srvlfe eiililnul itpnit
egal" Shoes
For Men and Women
Xo other shoos nt anywhere
near the "I'ecnl" price nre so
horoiitfhly w made, com fort -flhlo,
perfect fitting, stylish and
generally satisfactory as "Iicg
als." In fact, few shoes at any
price possess nil of the merits
of "the hoe that proves."
That's why " Regal' ' wear
ers are satisfied that's why
you'll never know what all
n round shoe satisfaction is un
til you wear "Regal."
See our line of Fall and "Win
ter models and let us try on
your style and size.
Quarter sizes will insure your
getting a correct fit. "Regal"
$3.50 (Si $4
Omaha's LeadlnQ Clothiers
Fall Announcement '08
We are now displaying a
meat eomplete line ef Xorel-n
novelties (or fall and winter
Tons early Inspection la In
vited, an it will afford an op-
fortnaltr of choosing- from a
arse number of osoluslve
We import in single salt
lengths, and a suit cannot be
An order ylaoed now may be
delivered at your convenience.
Hotel jRoctiester
Open Audust 12, 1908
L. Completely Appointed, Up-to-Date
i. MW.1 I 3 !
hi II
HaMl IttinUr, C-r. W. Mil 4 rlnMatS in.
0 iIUI IS, lUUk,
the convenience of all salesmen. It is centrally located) a short block from the
Court House on Main St., a few steps from the two leading theatres, across the
street from the largest department store.
Hotel Rochester is one of the chain of first class hotels under the shie
management of Geo. VV. Sweeney; this chain includes the Hotel Victoria, N. Y.,
Marlborough Hotel, N. Y. and Hotel Lafayette, WufUlo. Kvery traveling man
and tourist knows Mr. Sweeney and will feel at home at the Hotel Rochester.
Mr. William Horstuunn, the manager, has been for yean associated with
the Hotel Victoria, N. Y., and has had a thorough training In li'i;li c!ais hotels.
The rates of the Hotel Rochester are most reasonable considering the many
comforts and luxuries it affords its patrons. Rooms with bath, J1.50 per day
and upward.
The restaurant, will excel that of any hotel between New York snd i-nicagoi
while the prices will be moderate. The Hotel's own Motor Cars will meet
all trains.
tpiclally a galf shoa.
But the perfect foot-power
and balanca necessary to
true strokes ia that foo4
game are as essential in or
dinary daily activities.
These qualities are at their
bast in the CROSSETT Shoa.
$4 and 5$
North Abing ton, Mara.
Such a Headache
And the cause? Overtaxing the eyes.
The brain sympathizes with the op
tic nerves. Properly fitted spectacles,
and not pills and powders, are the
remedy required. Let us test your
vision and provide the glasses which
will give you permanent relief from
cerebral pains. Bear In mind that our
examinations are free. Eye troubles
grow steadily worse by neglect.
II. J. Penfold & Co.
1408 Farnnm Street. Omaha
317 South 15th St.
Established 1887.
Newest, Most Magnificent,
Rochester has long been in need of
s hrst cuti modern hotel, and the
owners of Hotel Rochester have not
pared any money in providing the
traveling public with every comfort
snd luxury that ran he procured at the
beat hoteli In New York City and at
moderate prices.
Hotel Rochester is contracted of
absolute fireproof material throughout
so that it la impossible to burn. It
has 300 rooms; each and every room
haa s private bath. There are entra
large, well lighted sample rooms for