Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XXXVIII Xo. 10(5.
Miss May Melser of Kennebec, S. D.,
Gits Big- Prize at Dallas.
Condition of Voice Makes it Necessary
to Cancel Several Sates.
Chairman Hitchcock at Work on New
Sleuman Will Lie at Hastings, Miss
Hart at Regar, Mo.
Little Girl Pick Envelope front Bin
Pile and the Larky Names Are
Annannced at One by
Those In Charge,
Jury Simply Finds That Sleuman
Killed Himself and the GirL
Tnesdar, October 20, IftOS.
1908 -OcR)BERd- 1908
m:V jmX 7ZZ, ffi
- 12 3
45 6 Z 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 1Z
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 2Z 28 29 30 31
w M
i r
! J
Jl ted.
Great Crowds Grtst Republican
didate in Newark,
Jnlf Tuft Ktnrrli to Be Able to !
Kff) All Hla IH Knif
ments Except One !
KfW YORK. Ort. 19. That Judge Taffs
volco la In auoh bad condition that he will
have to cancel many of tils dates for speak
ing wan Indicated by Chairman Hitchcock
on lila return today from a morning's vlall
with Air. Taft at Newark, N. J. TUIs fneana
a rearrangement of Mr. Taffs Itinerary,
Lilt It will not affect his dates In New
York. He will bt In this city as arrange
niinl. Tho rearrangement will cut all of
Mr. Taffs day speeches and one of his
night speeches. The latter In the speech
which had been planned for Chicago next
. Saturday night.
It l sluo expected that most of Mr. Taft's
dales In West Virginia will be cancelled.
Mr. Hitchcock la at work now on the West
Virginia situation so far as Mr. Taft la
concerned. The datea of Mr. Taft's speeches
In Connecticut also may bo cancelled.
Dr. Richardson, the throat specialist, who
Is traveling with Mr. Taft, la of the opinion
that his voice has been affected chiefly by
bis outdoor speaking. By abandoning the
dav speeches, which were to have been out
of doors. It is believed that Mr. Taft will
be able to meet all of his engagements
with the exception of Chicago. Dr. Ilfcrh
nrdson said that he never saw the candidate
looking better, and that Mr. Taft Is more
hopeful of the result than he has been at
any time since the campaign began. He
will rest In Ohio Wednesday.
Chairman Hitchcock bellevea from notifi
cation be haa received that there la a fight
ing chance In Missouri for the republican
national ticket. Mr. Hitchcock expect a to
go to Chicago within the next five days.
General O. O. Howard of Vermont, came
to hexdquarter today to volunteer to take
the stump for Taft and Sherman. He was
assigned to the campaign In Ohio from
October W to October 27 and In Indiana
' from October 2S to October 31.
Gl Crowd at Newark.
NEWARK, . J.. Oct . William If.
Taft and party arrived here early today
' on the f l-t stage of a day of campaigning
i-sthl.T" will "Ambrac 'riuee states. A big
crowd gave Mr. Taft an enthusiastic greet
ing on arrival. The reception committee,
which met Mr. Taft at the train, was
beaded by former Governor Franklin
Murphy. Among the other guests were
Senator Kean. former United States Attor
riey General John W. Griggs and Chair
man Hitchcock of the republican national
committee. After breakfast he received
callers, amorg then) Governor Fort. Sena
tor Colby and several members of congress
from New Jersey. He waa then driven to
Blaney's theater, where he addressed a
large gathering.
The theater wa filled and many were
unable to gain admittance and had been
turned away before Mr. Taft begun hla
address with a brief review of the record
of the republican party, saying that he
referred to these accomplishments, lrjrlud
liiB the progress of the Philippines, Cuba,
Porto Rico and the Panama canal, and
the control of corporatlona, to show that
the republican party !s the party that doea
things. He followed with a discussion of
corporation control, comparing what had
be mi done by President Roosevelt, with
- Mr. Bryan's proposition to "destroy every
Cestrsl of Corporations. '
Mr. Bryan's plan, said Mr. Taft, would
result not only in destroying the trusts,
but w.uld destroy Independent competi
tion. On the other hand, the republican
plan to control the corporations would bo
effective In stamping out evils, but at the
same time would permit and encourage
corporate as well as Individual enterprise.
Turning to the tariff, Mr. Taft said re
vision was certain. It would result In the
majority of cases In reductions, but that
the iiujRiire of protection might be equal
and some schedules would doubtless be
raised. He unled Mr. Bryan's assertion
that the republican rarty would not give
arj honest revision.
The unanimous sentiment In faror of
tariff revision manifested In the Chicago
convention. Mr. Taft declared, was ample
evidence both that revision waa to be had
nd that the revision would be made hon
estly and In good faith.
K eater t lea el Coaadeare.
Mr. Taft concluded his speech by discuss
ing the recent panic, which, he said, had
come about through too rapid expansion
of business The evil effects of the de
gression already are disappearing, said he,
and all that Is needed to bring about nor
mal conditions again is a restoration of
J i die Taft reviewed Mr. Bryan's political
ryanei4ue panaceas."
In this connection Mr. Taft paid his
respects to the democratic proposition for
government guaranty of bank deposits.
This plan, he said, would work out to the
entire benefit of the dishonest or Inferior
banker, who would be placed on an equal
ity with sound banks and honest methods.
Kaalaeera tout mead Tail.
TRENTON. N. J., Oct. 19.-Jud,f Taft
waa personally given hearty commenda
tion by a delegation representing railroad
employes, which boarded his special train
ody. Acting aa spokesman. Benjamhi E.
Crispin of the Order of Railroad Con
ductors, told Judge Taft that the railway
men of the east would almost unanimously
support him at the polls.
"We- believe you were right In your In
junction record, and the principles then
laid down have since been made a part of
the constitution of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers aa welt aa In the
constitutions of the other big railway ser
vice organisations. We are unalterably
opposed to Dots' personal views regard-
(Continued oa Second P )
OR N EBIIASKA Partly cloudy and
r Tuesday.
t IOWA Rain and colder Tuesday.
Teraturc at Omaha yesterday:
. Hour. ueg.
V I I ft a. m M
" " .1 Jttf .1 "' m H
YT ? a. m 5fl
V' J a. m 60
7-r7 9 a. m 4
vffituC7is " m
'JxF$?o&1 11 ' "l -S
'Wi 1 1 D- m-
VJ ?!feiy 2 p- m 74
sJi&fer 5 R S
rtfVrj 6 p. m 74
Z 6 p. m . . . SH
- " P- m S4
- - u. m M
1 9 p. m 51
Judge Taft yesterday spoke In New Jer
sey, Delaware and Maryland, ending the
day's trip with a largely attended meet
ing at Baltimore. Fag 1
W. J. Bryan continued his campaigning
yesterday In Illinois, speaking at a num
ber of cities. 'age 1
South Dakota republicans are planning
to hold many meetings this week, rage a
Judge W. F. Norrls addressed a meeting
of his former fellow townamenatPonca,
Neb., In which he told of Judge Taffs
Philippine policy. Fas; a
Good rain visits Kansas and dose much
good to winter sown crops. Fag 1
The battleships Maine and Alabama
have returned from the voyage around
the 'world. Fag X
Three trolley cars met In collision In
Kansas City because of the failure of
airbrakes to work on a hill. Many prom
inent persons were Injured. Fag a
A Santa Fe train ran Into a stock spe
cial near Braddock, Kan. Fag 9
A Souyi Dakota woman drew the first
claim In the Rosebud land drawing at
Dallas yesterday. Fag X
President Roosevelt signs a contract to
become associate editor of the Cutlook
on hla return from Africa. Fag X
Women and children of Falls City were
made ill by eating Ice cream and one
c 11 Id nearly died us a result. Fag 3
The Japanese nation, from the school
child to the man of highest rank. Joined
In giving a most enthusiastic ovation
to Admiral Sperry and hla officers on
tliel rarrlval. Fag X
Coroner's inquest over the bodies of
Eva Hart and Sewell Sleuruan held Mon
day afternoon and will of the broker la
filed In county court. Fag X
General Humphrey and A. J. Dupont
spend day in Omaha as guesta of Frank
Campbell enroute to the west for a hunt.
Fag S
Alfred Darlow, for years advertising
manager of the Vnlon Pacific Railroad
company and distinguished llterateur,
dies -early Monda ymornlng and men in
all lines of business pay hearty tributes.
Fag 5
Mayor Jim starts out to raise 15,000
from Omaha brewers to help along the
mad campaign of W. J. Bryan and
money will be acceptable. Fag S
Live stock markets. Fag 1
drain market. Fag 7
. Stocks and bonds. Fag 7
Port. Arrlvtd. Stilts.
CjfBENSTOWN.. Cjrmrlc Csmptnis.
UVERPOOl, MoDgollta.
Depositors of Farmers aad Drover
Bank Make Appeal for
swifter Aetloa.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. - President
Rocsevelt today, after hearing a committee
of the depositors of the Farmera and
Drovers National bank at Waynesburg.
Pa., Instructed United States District At
torney Dur.kl of Pittsburg to lake up
within a week ttie prosecution of the case
of the depositor against Cashier J. B. F.
Relnhart, charged with abatracting 1.300,0w
from the bar.k's funda over two years ago.
The. depositors told the president that they
feared the prosecution would be allowed
to rest until Indictments (trowing out of
the conviction of the cashier would be out
lawed by the statute of limitations.
PlTTSDl'Rd. Oct. 19 -The trial of J. B.
F. Rlnehart, former caahler of the Farmers
and Drovers National bank of Waynes
burg. Pa., which failed some time ago for
liOoo.OOO, was fixed for January 4. 1W, by
United States Judge Young today.
Falls City Women aad Children Snf.
fer aa Result of Eat
in if It.
FA 1.1.8 CITT. Neb.. Oct. It. (Special.)
Mrs. Harry Pence entertained the member
of the Young Married Iadlea" Kensington
club and their children at her home Friday
afternoon. Among the refreshments was
a quantity of Ice cream, bought from a
local dealer, which was freely fed to the
children. At midnight, one by one, all the
babies and most of the parents were taken
sick with every symptom of ptomaine poi
soning. All the doctor In the city were kept busy
the rest of the night. In one fajnlly, that
of B. Slmonton, seven of the ten members
were very 111. Little Eugene Pence was so
sick that for a time grave doubts were en
tertained as to hla recovery, but later he
waa pronounced out of danger.
Anatrlan Torpedo Boat Arreata Brit
ish Steamer l.aden with
, Bappllr.
BERLIN, Oct. 1. "An Austrian torpc-do
boat" rabies the Buda Pest correspondent
of the Tageblatt. "has arrested a British
steamer near Cattaro on. the bay of Antl
varl, laden with arms and ammunition des
tined for Montenegro."
T'.ie Vienna correspondent of the Tage
blatt telegraphs as follows:
"It Is reported here from Anilvart that
a crowd of Montenegrins threatened the
Austrian consulate. A guard for the, pro
tection of tli conaul was sent ashore from
Austrian warships, two cruisers and tor
pedo boat. The guard had a desultory
skirmish with the mob which lasted several
DALLAS, S. D., Oct. 19-Tbe first name
drawn In the opening of Tripp county waa
May A. Melser of Kennebec, 8. D.
Few of the 33.(00 persons who registered
at tliis place were present when the draw
ing of the Tripp county Roaebud land
began this morning In the big tent. The
drawing began shortly after 10 o'clock.
The nineteen large Iron cans were opened
and the contents spread out on the front
of ths platform.
Ex-Congressman Cale of Fairbanks,
Alaska, made a short address. He was
the second delegate from the territory and
camo here to the opening from Alaska in
the interests of his sons, whi desire la
draw a claim.
After the preliminary arrangement of
emptying tho Iron cans which contained the
applications of the 114,769 persons who had
registered, the drawing began. Judg
James W. Witten made the announcement
of Jthe first name drawn.
The winner of the first number In the
Tripp county opening was Miss May A.
Melser of Kennebec, S. D. She Is 32 years
old and Uvea with her parents on a, farm
about four miles from town. Her applica
tion waa mailed from Presho, 8. D. Her
affidavit was sworn to before T. . D. Mo
Lain, a notary at Presho. Kennebec, S. D.,
Is a new town of 800 Inhabitants and Is
thirty miles west of Chamberlain.
Just twenty-five minutes after the cans
wero opened and thoroughly stirred Dema
Rose waa carried to the front of the plat
form by Judge Witten ana told to walk
anywhere she pleased and pick up an en
velope from behinj her back. The little
miss, who Is only 4 years old, waa fright
ened and about ready to cry. She walked
to the middle of the pile of envelopes and
reached down and picked up the, winning
After Thomas W. Gale had finished
speaking, the little girls Dema Rose and
Virginia Wagner, were Introduced by Judge
Witten. They were heartily cheered. They
acted as ushers, for the remainder of the
morning. Little Miss Rose Is the daughter
of C. M. Rose, Mayor of Dallas.
The second and third names drawn were,
Peter Swift, of Ponco, Neb, second, and E.
Hannen, of Meadow Grove, Neb., third.
The opening of the heavy Iron cana was
quickly done. A wire had been enclosed
with solder near the tops of the cans and
this wire was pried loose, allowing the
top to be lifted off. The empty cans were
lifted off the platform at one side. One
man evidently looking for a souvenir took
one of the first can out of the railing.
Judge Witten saw him and and immedi
ately, went ower and Jerked It back from
the man. Some of the application might
have been clinging to the InSlde of rt. The
drawing was fairly and openly conducted
and ' the crowd of two thousand persons
cheered the procedure of the drawing as
It took place.
First Hundred Names.
Following are tho first hundred names
drawn In Tripp county land lottery:
1 May A. Helser, Kennecbeck, S. D.
- Peter Swift, Ponca. Neb.
8 B. Hannon. Meadow Grove, Neb.
4 Otto Schneider. Mitchell, S. D.
5 Jacob Ec-kert, Wichita, Kan.
6Samucl Anderson, Albert City, la R. F.
D. No. 1.
7 Hobart A. Anderson, Mount Vernon,
S. D.
8 H. B. Clark, Glrard. Kan., by M.
Huges, Wler City. Kan.
9 Charles T. Johnson, 723 West Prairie
avenue, Decstur. III.
li-Albert W. Schulz, LeMars. Ia.
11 F.mll F. Landburg, Stromsburg, Neb.
la George Bchrodder, 3510 Cass street,
Omaha, Meb.
lS-John R. Jones, Iake City, Ia.
14 Joseph J. Ncly. Verdlgre, Neb.
15 James Fltxgerald. Blm Creek, Neb.
K l'hll'D Schomburg. Aberdeen. 8. D.
17 William O. Beels, 3461 Larliaor
arenas, Omaha, Heb.
18 John Fllska, South Omaha, Wb.
lf Michael Conway, Dixon, Neb.
30 C. A. Goodman, O'Neill, Neb.
21 Adam Adair. Adair, la.
23 Martin Christiansen, Forest City, la.
23 Frnk N. Andrews, Darlington, Wis.,
R. F. D. No. 4.
24 Burnla L. 6imona, Howard, Kan.
J W. F. Anderson, Melan, Neb.
2tr Joseph J. Rogers, Battle Creek, Ia., by
J. P. Rlnehart. Battlo Creek, Ia.
27 Clarence H. Wattles, West McHcnry,
J. I Captor, Kmmet, Neb.
89 W. K. Orebs, 1519 Georgia arena,
mans, Keb.
ieore N. Wlxeol. Marcus, Ia.
31 Pettis Finch. Sheldon, la.
32 George Hesstorfer, Woonsocket. S. D.
33 William F. Burns, Randolph. Neb.
34 Jens Hanson, Carroll, Neb., R. F.
D. No. t
36 H. M. Hosiner, Cdir Rapids, la.
SA William R. Cain, Randolph, Neb.
S7 William L. Miller. Lancaster, Wis.
35 J. J. Mater, Fremont. Neb., Box 98.
3!-John J. Melvin. Rare. Neb.
40 Anton Robinson, Omaha, Veto.
41 Sara Mullin. 434 Northeast avenue, Oak
Prk. III.
42 Max Cassety, Junction City. Kan., by
Leightnn Hirtsjurn. Junction City, Kan.
4.1 Fred N. Crosby, 1943 Euclid avenue,
Lincoln, Neh.
44 ,Pirt Tokle, Jacobs. Ta.
4j W. A. Craig. Junction City, Kan., by
Ernest J. Bohner. Junction City, Kan.
4Ajohn Foster, Creston. Neb.
478. K. Beghtol, Gothenburg. Neb.
45 Arthur N. Ump, 617 Twenty-sixth
street. Rock Island, 111.
4ST. H. Hutron. Pontlac. 111.
!A J H. Marshall. Arlington, Neb.
81 W. R. R Ialle. Crab Orchard, Neb.
62 John F. O'Brien. Geddes, S. D.
M Merrltt W. Hays .Lucas, 8. D.
64 Earl K. Harris. St. Charlee. S. D.
65 Michael McNumara, Chicago, 111. 5221
May street.
6 ChRrles M. Duff, Wesslngton Springs,
S. D.
67Sewell 8. Chamberlain, Panama, Ia.
By W. J. Ophold.
6 Mike Prokop, Havana, Neb.
69 Frederick J. Groscop. Garnett, Ind.
Mi J H. Winterstein. Freniuot. Neb.
61 N. L. Madison. O'Neill. Neb.
62 William E. Thompnon, Chicago, 111.
i:2 Washington street.
63 Henry Sclilmmolpfennlg, Campbellsport,
64 William H. Glllett. Wheeling, Mo.
R. F. P. No. 1.
85 Theodore Funk, Groten. 8. D.
t4 Harry A. Vols. Lockport. 111.
67 Ollivor F. Styles. Meckllng. 8. D.
65 Frank 8trauch. Barnston. Neb.
69 Frank I. Wlilpp, Springfield. 111.
7-H. J. Schneider, Plckrell. Neb.
71 J. 8. Dillon. St. Joseph. Mo. IH23 Penn
sylvania street.
72 W. J. Cannon, Ulysses. Neb.
73 William Fett, Strubel, Ia-
74 J. P. Kelly. Dubuque, la.
75 Frank SlWner, Bell Rapid. 8. D.
76 Carl A. Haddorff. Irene. S. D.
77 John Young, Bronson. Ia.
' George Stanford, Madison. 8. D.
79 P. E. Clements, Lyons, Neb.
so Frank Melton, Brit ton. 8. D.
61 Victor L. Nelson, Lyons, Neb.
M-F. J. Chatfleld. Columbus. Neb.
W-Ralph L. Butler. Ewlng. Neb.
64 C. F. ButterftWd. Mitchell, 8. D.
sf Albert Lars. Mlneola. Ia
ti Harry B. Jones. Montgomery, Mich. I!r
William T. Shilling.
17 R. B. Podds, Bt. Edward, Neb.
(Continued on 8cond Paga
4)4) HM4)44)
From the Chicago Examiner.
wFirnMRFUMJ men ANinnwi
f f Uli V VsliU al V aJ& 1 9W
All Japan Joins in Wonderful Exhibi
tion of 'Aendsliip.
Admiral Sperry and Offleer Greeted
by Cheering; Thousands All the
Way to Tokio Official
Call Made.
TOKIO, Oct. 19. Monday morning broke
calm Rnd beautiful over Yokohama bay,
the harbor being bathed In brilliant sun
shine which threw Into strong relief the
glistening white sides of the Amerlcau
battleships were they lie at anchor beside
the darker Japanese fleet which shadowed
strongly against tho horlion.
The first item In the reception to the
Americans was the departure of Rear Ad
miral Sperry and the adnfUala and captains
of the fleet for Tokio. They were driven
to the station In carrlagea elaborately
decorated with flowers, where they en
tered a special train at 9 o'clock.
Even the carriages of the train was
especially prepared for this occasion, hav
ing been newly painted and draped with
American flaga and beautiful decorations,
while the Interiors were filled with flow-,
ers. Along the whole eighteen miles to
Toklo. through a country Interspersed with
quaint thatched cottages and native vil
lages, there was a continual ovation to the
Village Children Turn Oat.
Each village school turned out in force
the children lining the track as the train
sped by, every pupil waving two flags,
American banners, and the emblem of their
native land, and every one cheering con
tinuously. Admiral Sperry bowed his response from
an open window, and his officers waved
their hats, while the ladies of hla party
fluttered flags and handkerchiefs from
every window of the train. The trip was
one long procession through a lane of wav
ing flags. The wonderful Inspiration of the
massed children's voices was evidently a
part of a carefully thought out plan. It
Is the Intention of the reception officiala
to have 1.W0.0OO school children this week,
voice the sentiment of the nation s coming
On reaching Toklo, the train was met
by a committee composed of representa
tives of every department of the govern
ment. Secretary Jay, of the American
embassy, and the entire staff from the le
gation were also on hand to greet the
American Hymn 'In English,
After the exchange of formal, greetings
on the station platform a procession was
formed and then came a great surprise,
when the band struck up the National
Hymn and 10.000 school children massed in
a chorus which packed the entire approach
to the station, sang the words of the hymn
in English. The entire effect of the Amer
ican naval officers walking through the
narrow passage between the walls of chil
dren of Japan singing the national anthem
In English was such as to stir the Inspira
tion and enthusiasm even of the weather
beaten commander of the American fleet,
who, with his officers, bare-headed, passed
After fifteen minutes of continuous sing
ing the band stopped and th leader stepped
ou and 10,000 voices cheered again, giving
the American cheer three times and a tiger.
The American officers were then conducted
to carriages In waiting and the work of
the day was commenced.
The admirals of the fleet were driven to
the Shltsa palace in the Imperial carriage
attended by aids. The twenty-seven cap
tains and commanders were taken to the
Imperial hotel. The streets leading to both
places were literally packed, hundreds deep,
with madly cheering crowds. The effect of
(.Continued oa Second Page.)
444.4tt--M"4--4V444- t t Aliha
Number of Important Conferences to
Be Held Commencing This
NEW YORK, Oct. 18. Thf. annual meet
ing of the great administrative boards of
the Methodist Episcopal church, these
beards consisting of bishops, officials,
ministers and lay members, are to be held
In the three weeks beginning October 21.
The appropriations which are to be made
for the support of the benevolent Interests
of the denomination during 19(9 will aggre
gate more than H.OOO.ono. The group of Im
portant meetings Includes the seinl-annual
meeting of the blshors and two Important
cot.vf ntl ms, one of the Methodist Episcopal
I.a men's Missionary movement and the
other of the Methodist Federation for So
cial Service.
From October 21 to 28 the Woman's Home
Missionary society will hold lis annual
meeting at the Church of the Covenant In
Philadelphia. The bishops will hold their
seml-annuRl meeting at Indianepolis on
October 2S and will then ussigm to each
bishop the annual conferences he is to ad
minister for the next yfar.
From October 29 to November 5, at Cin
cinnati, will be held the annual meeting
of the general executive convention of the
Woman's Foreign Misrlonury society.
On November 4 and 6 the general com
mittee for the Freedman's Aid society will
he held at. Indianapolis. This organization
maintains twenty-five Institutions for tin
education of colored young men an1 young
wrmerj In the south.
The general committee for foreign mis
sions will meet at St. Louis on November
6 to 10 to make appropriations for foreign
missions. The board of foreign missions
disburses about Jl, 360.000 annually. Im
mediately following and intimately related
to (he meeting of the general committee for
general missions the first conference of
the Laymen's Missionary movement of the
Methodist Episcopal church will meet In
St. Louis for two duys to effect a perma
nent organization and to consider methods
and means for Increasing the interest of
Methodist men lm the foreign work of the
On November 13 the general committee
of home m'ssions and church extension will
hold Its annual meeting In Topeka. Kan.
The first convention of the Methcdlst
Federation for Social Service will be held
lrj St. Louis from Tuesday to Thursday,
November 17 to It. The executive commit
tee has decided to make a workeis con
ference for the social workers of the Meth
odist Episcopal church and Methodist
EpUcopal church. South. South churches
will have Joint representation on the pro
Wind and Rain Vlsts State and the
Molstnre Does Much
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Oct. 11 A wind and
rain storm ot unusual severity prevailed
in western Kansas this mornlnfg. Aside
from the blowing down of small frame
buildings and the snapping of a few tele
graph poles, no damage is reported. Tele
graph service was interrupted for several,
hours. The rainfall la the heaviest in
western Kansas for several week and
much good to crops will result. There
were light showers last night in central
and eastern Kansas.
Slgas Contract to Act a Associate
oa the staff of the
NEW YORK, Oct. 11 President Roose
velt has signed a contract with the Out
look to act ss an associate editor after his
retirement from tho presidency In Msrch
next. This is made subject to the existing
contract to write the story of his African
travels for Charles Scrlbners Son. Hla
work in connection with the Ouilook la to
cover political and economic Uplcs,
Preparing Circulars' for Distribution
, on the Eve of Election.
Some Thlnna They Kail to Pat In
Their Circular Taf t Gaining;
afrenzth Is Opinion of
' Closest Observers.
(From a Staff Correspoivdenl.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 19. (Special.) The demo
cratic state conimtttee has Klven orders to
the printers fur the publl-.'ut'oiT of a circular
which, In point of deception, equals any
thin ever sent out by Tom Allen, Mr.
Bryan's brother-in-law.
The rlrculur will deal with the assess
ment of lands for the year 1!'8 and It will
attempt to show that the ratio between
lands and railroads in 19" 4 has nut been
maintained by the Ix ard of assessment
of l!i8. The circular will try to create the
Impress'oii that the State Board of assess
ment haa levied tribute on the farmers to
remove the burdens from the railroads.
The circular will be Illustrated by car
toons showing the shifting of the burden
from the railroads to the farmers and otlu'r
cartcna which may appeal to the prejudice
of the unthinking.
The committee has given an order for
100,000 of these circulars, and they will le
held back until next week and then sprung
In every county in the atate throuuguh .the
county chairmen. The state committee
will not take Hie responsibility of putting
out the deceptive matter, but will have
the eam-i signed in each county by "Aantl
Tax league." This will be done to make
It appear that the circular is merely a local
matter arl has to do only with the com
munity In which It Ik distributed.
The circular will claim that the repub
lican Stato Ilo.ird of Assessment placed the
b.urden of taxation upon the farmers and
attempt to prove It by showing that tho
value of rall-oad propeity now Is a less
per cent of the total valuation of the stite
than It was four years ago, while lands
constitute a greater per cent of the total
valuatloin than four years ago.
By this unfair and false representatinna
the democratic state committee will en
deavor to make the farmer believe he is
being, robbed and thereby induce him to
vote the democratic state ticket.
Trth of the Matter.
As a mailer of fjet the lands In Ne-
nraska were assessed In 14, when
new revenue law became operative
until this year, or for four years
l;'i valuation was the valuation upon which
taxes were levied. In consequence the lands
of Nebraska naturally were greatly In
creased tills year.
The State Board of Assessment, however,
did not increase tho aggregate value of the
lands In the Btate. That aggregate value
was placed on the lands by the county
assessors who were elected In the various
counties, some d-moerats and some re
publicans. In some Instances In order to
equalize between the counties, as the law
provides, the flats board Increased the vau,
if lands, while In other counties the lands
were decreased below the figures of the
county assessors.
The democratic deceptive circular, how
ever, will say nothing of that. It will show
that the ratio between lands and railroads
In 194 Is no t,e mm. r:,tj0 )n 19flS Tho
circular will not sav there Is no reason why
there should he the nam ratio between
railroads npd land mv mere than a ritto
of 1 to 1 should be maintained brtween gol,
and silver, or any more than the same
ratio should be maintained between chick
ens and doas or hog and railroads or cat
tie and sewing machine. There In jUst
as much sense In one as the other.
The circular will not ahow that railroads
and lands are two distinct classes of prop
erly and that the law requires each ss-
(Continued on Second Page.)
Contains No Mention of the Name of
Woman He Killed. .
Business Affair of Dead Grain Dealer
Are Wonnd I n, aklsg the
Day Bnsy One In This
"leaman-llart tannest.
That Ira Mart earn to hr dtath from
a roashot wound at th hand of SVewell
aieuman, and thai "swell lliumtn earn
to hi death front a gunshot wound In
fllctd by hi own hand la a hons at
304 Bnrdstt street, city of Omaha,
counts' of Douglas, stst of ITsbraska, oa
th sight of Octobsr 17, 19041, hstwesa th
hoars of 11 and la o'olock.
This Is the verdict of the coroner's Jury
In the Inquest of tfewell Sleuman and
Eva Hart. Th Inquest was held by cor
oner Brewer at the ravls undervaklnf
parlors, 709 South Sixteenth street Mon
day afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock.
The Jury consisted of these men:
Harry Wilkinson, foreman, 2407 Dodge
Oscar Peterson, 718 South Sixteenth
Martin Dunham, 713 South Seventeenth
K. H. Herbert, 140! Douglas street.
Oeorge P. Wlndhelm, 141a Soutli Six
teenth street.
Max Becht, 1448 South Seventeenth
Morh Progress Is Mad.
Yesterday was a busy day for officials
and relatives to whom fell the lot of look
ing after the bodies and affair of Sewell
Sleuman and Eva, Hart. Tho coroners
Jury held an Inquest, returning the verdict
atated above, the body of Shicmau was
taken by hla brother, George, to Hastings
for burial, and that of Miss Hart by her
brother, Byron Hsrt, to Regar, Mo.; tho
business affairs of Sleuman were wound
up, his office closed and his will filed for
probate In county court. The relatives
took the bodies to the respective burial
places last evening on the first trains pos
sible after the coroner'a Inquest.
Only a small number of persons was
present at the Inquest, which started
promptly at the hour set. Byron Hart,
the brother of the young woman, took the
witness' chair after the Jurors had taken
their places. In answer to a question, Mr.
HarL who Is k boo'tke.-'pvr t'or tho Omaha
Printing Company, stated that hi slater
had known Sleuman for about two years.
Did Not Us In Denth Room.
Young Hart, according to hh testimony,
met the special police officer, Harry
Timer, at tho door of the Hart residence,
the officer having been at the house when
Hart arrived there. The two men entered
the house together, but Hart says he did
not go Into the room where the bodies
were four.d.
In hla description of th Interior of he
house, the young man told practically what
has already been related of that part of
the case. The greater part of his testi
mony was In answer to questions put
by attorney James H. Adams, who Is rep
resenting Sleuman's brother, George, and
the other heirs. He took particular pains
to ascertain the extent of the damage
done to the house furnishings and clothes
by Sleuman in hi deatructlve frensy, dur
ing which, according to Byron Hart, h had
thrown the picture onto the floor and
trampled on them, thrown a vase down
the cellar staira, cut big slit in the leather
upholstery of the lounge In one of the
rooms, and slashed the carpet with a
butcher knife.
J. P. Comatock, Sleuman's local manager,
testified that he was a telegraph operator
by profession, and that he had been In
the employ of Sleuman for ome time.
lenman Aeted Uaeaar.
"I saw my employer alive Saturday
afternoon for the last time and he did not
act then as he had acted before, appearing
uneasy. We were out to lunch together
Saturday, and then returned to business.
I next heard from him over th tele
phone, when he called me 1st Saturday
night. At first I thought he said that
something awful had happened, but now
I think he said that something awful wa
going to happen. He told me to 'phone
his brother at Hastings, and then I hung
up tho receiver.
"Calling up the operator at central, I
learned the number from which Sleuman
had 'phoned-l think It was Webster 6570
and I tried to get It but failed. 1 am not
sure whether I put in a call for Georgs
Sleuman at Hastings, or 'phoned the pollc
station nd told them what Sleuman had
told me abojt something awful going to
happen. I nude both calls."
Mr. Comstock waa asked If Sleuman had
ever talked of Miss Hart to him. and said
that he had never heard hla employer men
tlon the woman.
The note which Sewell Sleuman; had writ
ten on one of his business letter heads, ask
ing that if anything happened hla broths
George be notified, wa read by Coronsff
Brewer and identified by Mr. Comstock a
being In the handwriting of hi employer.
Hleuiunn's Mental Btata.
One of the most Important bits of testi
mony elicited at th Inquest wa Mr. Com
atock statement concerning the apparent
mental condition of Sleuman before his
"Had he ever spoken to you of going to
the great beyond?" asked Coroner Brewer,
quoting a phrase from Sleuman' own note.
"No," replied Mr. Comatock. "he never
Then In reply to queries by Coroner
Brewer and Attorney Adams, tie witness
testified that Sleuman had not been paying
much attention to his business lately, and
seemed nervous and unnatural of late and
had made a number of mistake In figuring
up margins on stock and In other work
connected with his business.
Harry Timer, the police officer who bd
been dispatched to the Hart home on th
emergency motorcycle aa aoon as the pollc
tatlon wa notified of the tragedy, stated
that the authorities first heard fiom Mr.
Cumstock about 11:30 o'clock Saturday
night, and that after receiving hla Instruc.
tlona from Captain Dunn, he made th
run to the Hart residence at 4340 Burden
street, and arrived there at 11:41 o'clock.
"There was light Insld and I rang Us)