Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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The Car
for Ladies
tknt infvonMnun
drive with cerfecl safetr
elejfant in all its appoint-
mtnti ' assy to operate
dflHghtlWy eomfortabta,
Qaecn Victoria
W oar aartlaalarf adapted rVlaHIi
u HiiaurtoBe ami aimiilit fw 1
f driving In tha parlra an thbmilaarde
rr canine:, wwptiirrtr. reception.
tha matinea, and tha thmiaand and ona
requirement of tha aodetr woman.
Has Wrt oeerleaa' eapairtfr Siotor
' awl wrrollar that will NOT I
Numerous Smart Functions Incidental
to Women'! Convention.
ra or
ft B) iMnwItonJ, safe and absolutely
eWn. aaraiirrlna' ths of Lktt tint
dainty or aMwraM rwn without
dan of Mary. Oirr twtt piumrnw
Inatda Drive Coup la) rntomaanira'
Ma arkh Quean Victoria bad osr tha
earn ohmna.
Allow U To
a Qnara TWoiia Modal In ro anna
aftarannB. and ahnw ym bow simple,
enarmMit, kixtiitnuBi triia anotur
nnnai n. ana i mmi R la rnntmiiadt
Oor aaaxMiatrator la a ycmr aarrira.
'an antra appalnMia a
or mau.
"tr an B
1840 Farnani Street,
Omiha, Hall.
Folapawns Dong-las' t96U
Select Gifts Now
Ouf stock of
suitable Jewelry
for glft Wed
ding. Birthday,
Christmas:, etc.
Is now at the
height of coa
pleterMec. Yoi fan) make
Jftuf selections
now from the
choicest th 1 n g s
the season brings
Byis later
mean picking
from depVeted
and broken lines.
Unvarying eare
and faste la the
selectkra of oor
stock makes "It
come from Ed
holia'a" enhance
the attract rve&ess
of yotir gift.
Albert Edholm
16tk amf Harney
La Vallien
Benuflful pfecea
of wokavanhla,
at w 1 1 Al
m o n d a. a a p.
phlfes, peartd
4 semt - ar'
clous stones,
J 10.00 to jr,T50.
Shirt Waist
In popular coral,
tourquola, La
pis Lazuli, etc,
ia.OO to (20.00.
Gold Match
An a s tnxrC
ot exclusive and
luxation p a t
tern. plain or
set tilh d'a
monds and sup
plilres, J15.00 to
Gold Cigar
retu Gates
Every correct
design, rangmtr
in p. ice f r 1 r.
!0.) In JKO.Oo.
1R aaa o.iafn jar
Cheat a of Silver. New, elaborate
and complete. Price range gradad
by number of pieces you may wlh.
Selection can be made to suit fv
desired want.
An elegant Rift for the Fall Brld-.
An economical plan In boring Jew
elry la to o to a store wham there
la abanlutely no ttueation ahout ijumI
Ity. When you buy here you don't
pay an more than you wotilJ at ap
indifferent atort. but you're certain
alioi't the noallty. Tlial'a more
portaht In clioMlnu diamonds. Jewelry,
watrliea arl ailverware than almost
any other urtu le of mm diamine.
C. B. Brown Co.
16th fend Fmam
TiMp rHata BM Will rrereila
(kr l'rnrim to Be Given t'nder
Ik Direction of Mra.
A. O. BttwnsdWk
Even t p.
VTliat man kr.owa better than the- ohap
yiw've wed
What lint looka beat on your dainty head?
Sat which you wear, the. blua one or the
Dapenda orttimea upon, asm other fellow.
What wwtinn has more chance to learn
your atylo
Than she, your wife? Yet nearly all the
You wear he tlea she happens to detest
And II because aome girl llkei tlioae the
beatt The Observer.
The Boetwl (vlnUr.
MONDAY Meetlnar of Mundliy BHdg club
at the home of Mra A. O. Bfeson; meet
Inff of new dnnrlnn cluh of youni married
people at the Noma of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Poorly; Lieutenant and Mrs. W. N.
Maakell. dinner party at Rort Omaha;
Mia Anna M;irs!i. parry f.n- M:a Dutcher.
Tl'ICSDAY Alumnae meeting and liinchemi
at the Sncret Heart aeademy. Parlt I'lace;
ltinchenns at Hiippy Hollow cluh, given
by Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock for Book Re
view cluu. and bv Mrsi Kli:beih Colfax
and Mrs. W. Iu. Svlhy for K.iuml Dxeii
club; Mra. Earl Klpiinger. luncheon for
Miss Rouhe; L.. P. C. club, Mra. Ko
enawelir. W rJ'.DAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waller,
dwrn-e at their home for Miss Marlon
HaJler; Miss Kathryn Mci.'lnnahmt-, brldRe
party Jor Mlas Josephine Koclie of Den
ver and Mlsa Aleta lUu liner of Portlnnd,
Ore.; meetiiiB of Wednesday RrhlKe eluh
at home of Mrs. Dnrence Y. 3mitn; Iong-Lut-her
weddlnK", Mrs. Wayne H-mpliiii,
new club; Alternate Card club, lira. C. V.
ThCKSIDAY Pinner and mueieale at
Itappy Hollow clul)-, NehraHlci Churcli
club, reception and dinner ;it t'.e Com
mercial ulub; Mrs. E. K. Khnberly. lun
cheon at Happy Hollow cluh-, luncheon
day at Happv liollfw dub.
FItlDA MeetlnK of JXinlor P.rlde club
at the home of Mrs. Karl Klpllm;r;
meetinn of the Friday- rrldtre club; Mrs.
A k loot, brldn party; Skii Soucl clul).
Miss Kejclna Anitreson; Yellow itose club,
Mrs. Kdquiat; 11. O. L. club.
8ATI RDA (Jmikron club dance nt Cham
bers' hall'; dinner tmd dnnee at Happy
1 Hollow dun; Mr. and Mrs, R. 1- Carter,
dinner at Happy Hollow.
, rncldental. to the convention of the Ne
braska Fderntton of Women's Clubs held
in the city hint week wait a round ot
smart social! affairs complimentary to some
of the vteillPg; delejate Largest of all
ifhese wa the banquet tendeacd th dele
gates by the Omaha Woman's club Thurs
, day evenlnit at the Rome hotel at which
i nearly fl woitier we-e present. Thursdiiy
, affernoon '( Riven over to social affairs,
a me I which w.ia th informal reception
by the Society lf Fine Arts, Riven that
thar vieltiritt women, nilsht meet Mrs. Joan
Slierwood; of Chlcag-n, and the opening ot
th Ltnlrwnr irt gallery and home through
the courtesy of Mrs. Llrjlnger and Mra.
Hauler. The reception to the visiting-
PamslH'ers of the American Revolution at
the nome of Mrs. Anna Metcalf Tuesday,
afternoon was another chnrmtna; affair of
tho week. And bes1d-8 these larger affairs
tliera was a round: ot luncheons and dinner
at tho Omaha club and in the homes at
which Mrs; Sherwood and other out-of-towa
women were fursts of honor.
The musicals to be given at Happy Hol-To-v
Thursday evening under the direction
ot Mr.. A. J. iklwarda will be a feature of
the week and promises one more big oc
casion for tho club before the eeaaon closes
formally Hallowu'en night. The auecess cf
lavt year' program, which was also given
un'fer Mrs. JEdwardu direction adds Inter
est fo the program to Which some of the
Venning' musicians of ilie city will coo
rrlb'ute. A tablte d'hote dinner will be
wrved preceding the program. Tho Tues
day night table d'hote dinner and dance at
Happy Hollow la discontinued this week,
which promUea to n ake tne Thursday even
liiff privileges the more appreciated while
the season last. Contributing; to the pro-
grant will be Mlsa Lorenzen and Mlas
rr.!flpe J;in.m, vocalists, and Miss Loutss
bluittuck, violinist, who h;ve recently
studied abroad; Mr. Fred LUis, vocal t,
and Cwrinix; Paulson, pUinUte.
sen at the game of high five. Prises were
won by Mrs. ft. Smith and Mrs. T. Melcher.
The next meeting will be In two weeks at
the home of M"rs. C. F. Harries. Thnse pres
ent were: Mesdamea T. Melcher, A. 8am
ueltion, J. Sullivan, II. Itackensen, H. Smith,
F. H-. Phjrnea, M. T. Dennis. C. F. Berne.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Rubra gave a bridge
party (Saturday evening at their home on
Locuat street. The guests ware: Mrs. Bull
of fault Ste. Marie, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Shary, Mr. and Mrs. fceo Omtte, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Wlndhcltn, Mr. and Mrs.
William Winn. M. and Mrs. N. A. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moisa. Mr. Julius Bies.
l.tuer of Milwaukee and Mr. Joseph Baehr
of at; Louis, Ma.
Mr. and Mrsi iB, M. Moraman entertained
at a handsomely appointed dinner Friday
evening at their home. Autumn flowers
were usod In decoration, and those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Wattles, Mr. and
Mrs. Goorae A. Joalyn, Mr. and Mrs. Foot a.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. CI. F. Bidwell,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morsman and Mr. and
Mrs. E. M". Morsman.
A number of Informal theater parties were
given Friday evening at the Boyd, most of
them belmt followed by cafe suppers. Mr.
and Mrs, Edward Creighton gave a small
party for their guest. Miss Mitchell ot Den
ver. In another party were: Miss Curtis,
Mr. snd Mrsi Charles Stewart of Council
Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield and
Mr. Arthur Oulou. Another party Included
Captain and Mrs. R. L. Hamilton and Cap
tain and Mrs. John Hlne. Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wharton
were together.
Miss Sylvia Horever entertained ths I A.
O. FiMdav evening at her home, 1302 North
Forty-fifth street.' Several fancy dances
were Riven by Miss Sj-lvla Hoover. Miss
flretcheii Langdon and the. Mlssew lone and
Addle Fotg. The next meeting of the club
will bo a Hallowe'en party on Friday sven
inr. October 30, at the home of Miss
Amelia Adams. Those present at tho last
meftinsr wers: Misses Gretchen Langdon,
lone Fogg. Mildred1 Warthen, Marie
Warthen, Sylvia Hoover. Addle Fogg,
Amelia Alams, Cleo Warthen, Marie Rich
ardson, Messrs. Jack Sprague, Earl Njct,
VivLin Hoover, Leslie Noel and Mr. und
Mrs. D-. A. Fearce.
( f Guaranteed Black . (Zp O rj fTSP J ? CTP
W ! aaas aa " f
: literiiriiits
i .is. limmmm
mm m xmu mn
i i . i s'.ri -m wi i 7?ir;i s-
ll H'i7i'f vm i' ti t;
iml'w fW
i 'si 111 i' ' 1 '111
Cam and (.a (ioaalp.
Mrs. J. Janowskl has returned from as
extended stay in California
Miss Minnie Thomas has returned from a
fortnight's visit In New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burket have aa their
guest, Mrs. Mays of Stella. Neb.
Mrs. Charlee W. Robblns of Chicago
Is the guest of Mrs. Charles Stanton.
Miss Omega MoNamara will be the guest
for the remainder of the week ot Mlsa Beat
rice. Cole.
Mrs. J. H. Macomber la visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Cuscaden, at Erickaon,
Miss Cratr. of Des Moines arrived last
wtek to be tha guest of Miss Mary Gal-bralth.
Mrs. George A. Abbott of Falls City, Neb..
arrived today and la tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs. George F. Abbott.
Miss Margaret McShane leaves the latter
part of this week for a fortnight's visit
wth friends la Chicago.
Mr. George Bldwelt of Denver spent a few
days last week as the guest of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Bidwell.
Miss Clara Mitchell of Denver la the
guest of Mrs. Edward A. Creighton at
Bensonhurst for a few days.
Captain and Mra. Ball ot Fort Crook
have as theh- guest Captain Ball's mother,
Mrs. Ball of Marquette. Mich.
Mra J. B. Baum underwent a alight
operation Saturday at her home and la re
ported aa progressing favorably.
D, II- P. Hamilton was called to Louis
ville, Ky., Tuesday by the Illness of hi
slater and Is expected home Monday.
Mrs. W. P. Peverelt and Miss Florence
Deverell have returned from an extended
visit to San Francisco and Loa Angeles,
Dr. Long, Dr. Flesher and O. W. Hagar
ill arrive Sunday from Oklahoma and will
remain until after the Long-Dutcher wed
Mrs. Will Hayes of Winnipeg, Man., and
Misses Ethel and Gladys McBride of To
ronto, Ont., are the guests of the Misses
Miss Gertrude Moorhead will return tha
first of neat week from Chicago, where
sue lias made a two weeks' visit with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Morse returned
Saturday from Seattle. Wash., where they
have visited their ain, Mr. Robert Moras,
for a month.
Bishop and Mrs. Mlllspaugh left Saturday
for their home In Topeka, Knn.. after visit
ing with Mrs. Millspntigh's sister, Mrs. F.
H. Davis, for tho last week.
Mra Coyne of Chicago, who was here
for the meeting of the State Federation
of Women's clubs, will be the guest of Mrs
F. H. Cole for several weeks.
Miss Helen Edwards of Kansas City will
arrive Saturday and will be the guest of
Miss Calla Dutcher. Mlsa Edwards will be
bridesmaid at the Long-Dutcher wedding.
Extra Sizs
The debutantes and the brides to be are
two of the interesting subjects of conver
sation Just now, especially as they are to
be Central figures in some of the biggest
things scheduled for the winter. Miss
Marlon Haller Is to be first" of the debu
tantes, Mr. and Mrs. Haller having ar
ranged a dancing party for Wednesday
evening of this week at which she will be
fermally Introduced. All of the other
young women will be presented before the
holidays and society is anticipating a gay
Jta sequels to some of the weddings sev
eral Interesting wedding tours are being
..t i AHt. ........ !
... , ., I Mrs- J- - waxier and two children of
. ... I Independence, Cai., are visiting' Mis. H&x
tef's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fearon
R iLber Goods
whtlo some of the other trlj Include vari
ous Interesting (luce over the count, y
from the Atlantic to the Pacllic. !
At Happy llullavr.
Miaa Alice Galea and tlie members of the
Thimble club gave a dinner of twenly-two
covers Saturday evening at Happy Hollow.
They were seated nt the round table, which
had anitiimn decorations.
Pr. and Mrs. A. B. Burners entertained at
dinner Saturday evening the members of
the senior class of the Omaha Medical col
hH. Thutr guests numbered sixteen.
In one of tlie small dinner parlies Satur
day were Pr. and Mrs. W. F. Milroy, Mrs.
C. W. Hay. a of siu lla. Neb., aud Miss
lva.herine Milroy.
The ('inner suests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
I Uuiket kSJluriluy evening were Mr. and
j Mrs. L. Householder, Mrs. Womersley, Miss
! Anna Haskell und Vita Anna Barket. ,
I Oth.r dinner parties Saturday evading
were given by Mr. and Mrs. John R. Web
ster. Who had elfcht h-.;ests; Mr. T. W.
Blackburn, four; Mr. Fred Creigh, two;
Mr. C. 11. Wal'ath, five; Mr. David Cole,
eighteen; Mr. B. N. Tandy, five.
Friday evening there was a golfers' din
ner at the club, which the losers of last
Saturday's golf match gave to the win
ners. Covers Were placed for Sixty.
We rarry In stouk everything In the
ruliber Hue that Is used in im sick or
nursery rohi. A few of ihe necessities
that sruuld be In every home For Mon
day unly, all goods ku.u .uu.e.l.
11.25 -qiiit Hot Water H,.nle 750
(iiaroon color tiuaran.ead ) .i-uuai ( Hot Water Hotile fl.00
( Kaioon color Liuavsnt. e.l. )
1 tl 4-iuart Hot Water llottle Sl.SS
(Maroon eoloi (tuaranlved. I
' ciyrlnge ffl.03
(Maroon color ll.iaraniee.1.
Miss Louise Fcaron returned with Mra
Miss Sadie. Lesser of San Jose, Cal., has
arrived to be tiie guest of her aunt. Mrs.
L. Richards, 3411 Burt street Mrs. J. H,
Tisol of Kansas City is also visiting Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brandt Is and Miss
Ruth Biandels are visiting in New York
Mr. Brandeis will return home Wednesday
of next week, but Mr. Brandeis and Miss
Brandeis will remain a short time longer.
Mini Ella P. Vail!, a member of the Na
tional Art society of Chicago, who has been
Visiting at her home In Beatrice, Ntb.
spent last week in Omaha attending the
art lectures and the Women's Federation
Mr. and Mra. Henry J. Abrahams and
daughters have returned from a three
months' trip, two ot which were sp -nt on
the Pacific coast and the last month at
Elkhorn Lode In northwestern Nebraska,
properly owned by Mr. Abraham.
Dr. and Mrs. 8. K. Spaulding, who are
It 00 Ladles' Whirling Spray Myrlrgc fg.(
tl.21 J-gtiurt Fountain Syringe. .. . l.
pleasure Past.
Mrs. Glen Wi.aiton gave an Informal
bridge party Satuiday artenmon at her
home on Harney street, complimentary to
htr mother, Mrs. F. 1. Klrkendsll.
Captain and Mrs. Mart n 1 Crlmmlna of
Fort Croi k gaxe an Informal dinner Friday
tvening In honor of Mies Cratt of Pes
Moines, who is the of Miss Mary
Ualbralth. Tlioe rresent were: Misses
M.iry Uallirnhh. Maiy Cratt, Captuln Wut-
tield. Captain un Pell, Llute'.ant Harvey
It. 10 l-uuart Fountain Hyrtnk fl.lS
(Maroon color ouitraiiteed. 1
11. TS l-uuart Fountain Syringe 91.40 , and Captain and Mrs. Crimnilns.
(Maroon color uuarumeeo..
tOo Sanitary Napkins, par dosen. . . . . .85
PiftceuUi aul K a ream
AUItllJllLl acrlpta novels, poetry,
nwinwiiH hi(ory. genealogy, any-
thins that go to make a aalable book -art
Invited to correrx nd wilu oocarkaa rut.
Tribune uiug, invw iwia.
Miss Ad.l'ne Sherwood entertained at
dinner Friday evening In honor ot Mrs.
Wilcoa. who nil formerly Miss Ada Moon
of Omaha. Mr. Wilcox leave shortly for
California. Covers were placed for: Miss
Minnie Eilberts. Mlsa Hattle Carberry. Mlaa
Marls Phelan, Mrs. Q. A. Wilcox. Mra. T
Keown. Mlsa Jessie Sherwood and Mlsa
Adeline Blur wood.
The Busy Bee Card club waa eatertalnad
Thursday afternoon by Mr. 11. Backcu-
d Suits
THE first thing every woman wishes
is to get the things which please
her. It is easily accomplished here, for
we buy none but dependable merchan
dise, correct in style, pricing it con-
S sistently low, store service then
1. 1! 1' l. 1
v comes into tne nmengnt, ana we
5 take pardonable pride in Having an
unexcelled corps or salespeople.
F9am mi Faicy TaiSore
at $35, $45 and $60
This great showing is now at its height. Selections from the lines of the ab
solutely best makers assembled here in unparalleled assortment. It is certain
that every woman who reads this announcement and has use for a suit at any
of the above mentioned prices can be interested in this showing. The new style
'features in their many variations are abundantly represented, both in plain tail
ored and fancy tailored effects. The wanted materials in the season's approved
shades and patterns receive their best showing in these lines. These suits incor
porate every distinctive feature that discriminating women demand. Truly a
great showing for Monday and best selections can be made then. An early inspec
tion invited.
Showing of New Fall Coats
An immense showing of fall coats in the new long styles. Some come in the
fancy stripes, but most all come in fine broadcloths and kerseys, with extra fine
linings, at 15.00, 18.50, $25.00, 29.50 and 35.00.
Large Assortment of High-Class Furs
If you are at all interested in the selection of a fur coat, stole, neck piece or
muff, we know it will be to your advantage to give us a call and be shown our
line of furs. You will find our prices the lowest in Omaha.
s. .! a win iimisibii
and upward; that are correct.
The woman of fashion will find it decidedly to
her advantage to see the garments shown here.
and moderate prices appeal to the women that know.
Suite 40-A
Alterations personally supervised. No charge.
Telephone Douglas 2505.
(Continued on Third Page.)
308-10 SOUTH 15th STREET
Is now prepared for quick
service, with entire new
Crew. Guarantee quick and
polite attention. : : :
Miss Sorenson
548 Ramge Building.
'Phones: A-2687, H. 2687.
But we give you the best and most up-to-date
hat in the city for les money than you can
get elsewhere. New patterns in every week.
r-V?M '''." ft i'-V
Bend us money order or cash. We will
promptly send you postpaid Hits beaut liul
rich Ostrich Plume, 14-Inch, tl 00; lu-inch.
tl 60. Full of life, luster and highly
curled In any color. Tha greatest bar
gain ever offered. I!uy from us and save
retailers' profit. We guarantee goods aa
represented or money refunded.
in" Broadway, Dept. K-, w York City.
Asaertoa'a For moat TUm Banters
4T to S60 Braaoala Bldf, Osoana,
Sea our pictures at the Cameraphone
Theater, Douglas and 14th Sts., Nebraska's
beat picture show.
Talking, Animated Pictures.
Served from 5 to 8 p. m. Sunday, October 18th SI. 00 Per Plate
Blue Points
Consomme Julienne or
Mock Turtle au Madera
Filet of Sole Moruay
Crab Meat New berg en Crouatade
Medallion of Turkey. Montebello or
Filet Mlgnon of Beaf Chasseur
i'eus Paysanne
Spring Lamb, Mint Buuee
Combination Halad
Parfaft Victoria or
Glace Tuttl Frulttl
Demi Tasse
Cleaning and Dyeing
Prico List
Plain Waists
Kllk Waists
Plain Skirts
Plaited Kklrts
Fkirt and Prop....
ackets (shortl ...
length, lined ..
lenstli. unllned
$ .50
1.00 '
8 00
a. oo
B 50
Drr or I Claaaing,
(Steam Claaa! Dyeing
Pants '.
I'lstera (heavy)
inr ana ana
I Preaalng iPreaalna;
7. $i.6o a.eo
.78 1.85
.60 .75
.60 1 OO
1.50 S RO
. . I 8 .00 I 3 00
Cafe Loyal
From 0 to 8 80 o'Clock
$1.00 Per Plate
Hotel Loyal
"At the Stan of the Red Arrow'
Effa Ellis
Ulusfratsd Music School
203-4-5 Old Brandeis' Building.
Theoretrica! Department
Effa Ellis
Piano Department
Eloise Wood
Voice Department
Lena Ellsworth Dale
Violin Department
Frances Bradshaw
Claas and private leaaona In all depart
meiit. Orchestra and Eneemble Work.
Telephone Douglas 701.
All work guuranteed first-class in ev
ery respect. 'Phone for a wwnon to come
for your work. "
The Pantorium
"Oood Cleancra and Sycrs."
1513 Jones St. Both 'Phones
PUat-Claaa Work at M odd At Frio.
TaL Baraay M3.
Have your fall and winter ult made at
our placa. Though n( w In Omaha. In the
hurt period of tune Vke have deiiioiiatratwl
our uperlorlty In rvery l-tall over other,
to the many who already have tried us
Ask a lady who ha had a suit at our
place and hrar what he says. Our per
feclncx in fit. tyle and workmauahiy 1
without comparison in Omaha.
and Furrier
1508-10 HOWARD ST.
11:30 A. M. TO 8 P. M.
fcl.iutr Itw PoliataV Hun.LJI.. rtM'ltstklpal
i'i vw v,.) as luauiUMiui va ivv as
TahieD'Hote Dinner
IShe Calumet
1411-13 Douglas Streak