Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    unday Bee
brtfe Par
Best & West
Pompelan Massage Cream
On sale Monday BOo Jars for 89o
76c Jars for 49c 11.00 Jar 6So
Pear's L'nscented Soap, cnko ISO
Pond's Antiseptic Liquid Dentifrice for.... BOo
Palm. Olive Toilet Soap 10a
Colrste'e La France Perfume, ounce 40e
Murray and Lannian's Florida Water 630
Colgate's Iiental Cream 9o
Pond's Extract Talcum BOO
Attomobile Gloves
Holiday lines are coming In) Sftaay ara al
ready anticipating future seeds.
Linen Initial Handkerchiefs loo, ISO, 36o
Linen Embroidered 85o, 860, BOo 76o, 91-00
Linen Hemstitched loo, 15o, 860, S80 and BOo
Linen Amarlcan H'd'k'fs BOo, 76c, 91, 81.60
Linen hand embroidered, convent Hand
kerchiefs . . BOo, 7 Bo, 9I.OO. 91-88, 91-60
Men's Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, at
each lio, 15a, 8 60, BBo and BOo
Men's Linen Initial H'd'k'fs lBo, SBo and BOo
Limoges China Plates
XV A OBliT AXB 1,000 very fine China Din
ner and Servlca Plates. In twenty-five different
decorations from HarUana, Peuyat, Ahrenfeldt,
and other world famous makers. Positively the
We are featuring tnrtsy many styles of
niovca nultnhlc for motoring:, driving and
walking Lined or unllned gauntlet and
strap fastener.
They come from prominent makers and
are conceded to be heat quality made, either
by domestic or foreign makers.
Every rtes'rsMe color shown today, at
highest grade plates made In shapes and decor
Automobile Supplies New and complete
department. Auto nppllancea of every do
M'tiption at rut priced.
ations and actual value. 20.00
to $31 00 a dor.en. Monday any
sj.uo, 94.00, svuo, i mj ana 90.00.
style and in doxen lots only.
The Omaha
The very cream of the best styles from the famous looms of America and Europe spread out for your edification and approval and priced as you only find them at Bennett's.
135 PI ECUS checked and ilald Suit
ings. 52-Inch tailored und plaid Suit
fancy broadcloths; evury jrd poni
tlvc'.y worth $ 1.25 and $1.50,
newest and most popular
goods of the year, at, yard
Weaves and Novelty Suitings, very
newest Imported fabrics in late
shadings. Peacock, taupe, new blues,
etc. Fabrics 60-lnthea
wide, exquisite effects,
at, yard
lish mannish tailor suitings, -66 Inches
wide. Great ra. je of colors in the
broadcloth, sora have the corded
effects; greatest assort
ment of popular gray
cloths in town
sive designs, Imported direct from
world's foremost mills; an assem
blage of fabric fashions unexcelled;
new laupes, greens,
wisteria blues and
and brown shadings, yd.,
NOVELTY SUITINGS, Including hard
finished worsteds. In wonderful var
iety of striking stylet that will make
effective, snappy suits, also fv q
62-ln. broadcloths In every llgt
new shade, low priced, at. .
64-INCH PANAMAS, telf colored nov
elty suitings, broken check effects
with hair line stripes In contrasting
colors; most durable mater
ials and good $1.26 value,
Monday on sale, yard . .
Table Linens are always bast bought at Bennett's. Qnailty lin
ens that endure are the only kluus ws sell. Koto tua Monday
offerings 1
,70-lnch Bleached Table Pamask, very sightly patterns, heavy, ser
viceable cloth, usual 6c quality, at 500
70-Inch Creum Table Damask soft finish, best (!5c quality, Mon
day, at 48o
Bleached WapUns, all linen, 20-ln., worth II. .19, Monday, doz. $1.13
Cream Damask Vapklns, 22-ln., mostly spot pattern for hotel or
restaurant use, worth $1.85. at dozen w $1.95
Bed Spreads, good size and weight, made' to retail at 11.25, Mon
day, each 690
B&ttenberff XVace Centers and Scarfs, square or round centers, Cl
inches, Scarfs 1 Sx64-lnches, all 9 1 . 1 5 values, at S80
T J 1 X-l ! T 3 Tl e e , Preliminary
juatesi ioncepuuns Ljaces ana inmmmgs
The opening up of the world's choicest garnitures for women's dress marks an interesting epoch in this store's onward march. In
establishing this as the style tenter of Omaha. Come out Monday. We cordially invite you to the showing that Is so lavishly pre
pared. Every lover of the beautiful will enjoy the feast. Dressmakers will find many suggestions in the line.
Xiaco Robes In white, ecru und black. Moss Bilk X,aoea Colored Trimming.
Tucked and Plain its Fringes la narrow and extremely wide
Gold and Silver Tracts,
Slack -iu vl ajaues, Miack and Sliver Xaces,
Bilk Ornaments,
Bilk Drops,
Bats for sleeves and yokes.
Tenlse Bands, 200 new patterns In white and ecru and cream Lace Volae Torchon Laces, fancy edtfes and Insertions, all 10c goods, at 90
Hands, worth to 50c a yard, at yard iav,o 18-lnch Flouncing, Embroidery, showy 35c goods, at yard lBo
Flonncings, 27-Inch Embroidery Flounolngs, all new Fall patterns. Dress Trimmings, black, Jet and spangled 1 ft to S-lncliea wide, valuei
worth to $1.25, Monday at, yard to $2.00, at yard loo
Magnificent Fall Silks
$2 and $2.50
Dlreetolro Satins, the favorite of the whole silk family, soft,
clingy, Just as the new vogue In gowns demands. It's a yard
wide and glistens and shimmers.
Comes in new peacock, mixtures,
browns and blues, at yard
MessaUnea, a wonderful range of colors In IB and 27-lnch widths,
positively the most worthy silks on sale anywhere. fh
You'll find them more moderately priced here OJC
tli an in any other place we know of, 91.26, 88c, 8c, and
Skinner's Guaranteed Satin Zdnlng, a-enulne goods bearing the
trademark, same as omer scores sen ior i i-
$1.60, black, grey, tan, white, at yard.
Hundreds of
New Tailored Suits
Direct From New York
$35 and $49 Suits $25
No let up to the suit selling. Busy, busy, busy. Not a dull hour
in the department. Some of the best suit news of the entire
season is given you today. Our suit buyer, now in New York,
has rushed out nn immense purchase of the swellest suits made
in New York city to retai' at $35.00 and $40.00. Through an
extraordinary trade happening he secured these suits at a frac
tion of their worth. The materials are in very fine worsteds
with graceful flare skirts and stunning 36-inch
coats, in new and effective models never
shown before in Omaha. Positively best
v $35.00 or $40.00 suit values, Monday.
attention to our display of charming parly frocRs.' Magnificent , Princess,
Empire and Dlrectoire conceptions, all one-piece models of ribbons and lace,
Messallnes, Dlrectoire Satins, Albatross, etc., In dark and evening shades.
And glorified with delicate laces wonderfully wrought wjth rare good taste
reflecting-every authentic style of the season; see great display In the
$25, $35, $30 upward to $100
Allover Lace Net Waists profusely trimmed, J"Q C
special Monday, at
a wuistcua
The elasticity of
Forest Mills' Un
derwear means tne
greatest degree of
comfort. The gar
ment yields In
stantly to every
movement of the
body and
will keep
lis shape
until worn
out. Ev
ery Bai
ment hand
Cotton and
wool vests
and pants,
BOo and
Silk and cot
ton and
silk and
wool vesta
and rant,
91.35, 91-BO
ana 01.00,
wool 3pB&2,'
Union Suits
SI. $1.50, $2, $3 to $6
ForeBt Mills' Underwear Is the outcome
of many years of the beat thought of
trained women designers, who . have
studied and mastered the requirements
of their sex.
1,000 Blankets from New York Auction Held by
Wilmerding, Morris & Mitchell at Bennett's
This Great Purchase - Biggest Bargain in Yearson sale Monday
A blanket sale of such magnitude and so sweeping in character that it takes rank as the
most important bargain event of the decade. Through our New York connections, we pur
chased these blankets at lowest prices known to the trade in many years. Prices will be
nothincr short of revolutionary. Every family with a blanket
need is directly concerned, for it touches the question of
spending your money in a way to make it bring almost
double its usual return. Let nothing detain you from com
ing Monday. Wool blankets, cotton blankets, all kinds for
Very fine white WOOLNAP Blanket, full size, as fine and soft as
wool; silk binding, actual $2.50 values, pair $1.59
WOOLNAP Blankets In white and gray, solf .and fluffy, best 3'0"
blankets made, silk edges, sale price 7D
Gray and tan, all wool blankets;
large, havy; $10.00 quaUty, sale
price $5.50
All wool plaid blankets, In pink,
blue and red; large $6.5(1 quality,
sale price, for $3.98
$1.39 gray and tan cotton blan
kets, shell stitch edge, sale
price 79
$1.60 extra heavy, gray mottled
blankets, very large, pair. -95
Large 10-4 cotton 75c blankets,
for 55?
Gray 10-4 cotton blankets, super
ior quality, at, pair 43
Big GroceryjSj
Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack 91.50 75 stamps
Dennett's Oolden Coffee, lb. 880 30 stamps
Teas, assorted, pound 480 40 stamps
Bennett's Capitol Jinking
Powder, pound 84c 2 stamps
Allen's Brown Bread Flour,
package 15o 10 stamps
J. M. Karly June Peas, three cans for 85o
Swansdown Codfish, 3 pkgs. S5o 10 stamps
Purs Fruit and Sugar Jama, per glass 18Ha
Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, I
packages for ...85o 20 stamps
Plus Borax Starch, 2Mi lb. pkg. ISO 10 stamps
Burnham's Clam Bouillon, for 18V0
Wiggle Stick Bluing, 6 for . ...85o 10 stamps
Wiggle Stick Waxer, (for 85o 10 stamps
-Wonder Wax for laundry, 850 10 stamps
Premier Molasses, quart 80o 14 atamps
Whole Pickling Spice, pound 85o 10 stamps
' Advona Jama, t cans, 'assorted BOo 10 stamps
A. B. C. Catsup, bottle 93o 10 stamps
Hartley's Marmalade, jar . ...80o 10 stamps
Chicken Feed, per pound 3o
Oyster Shells for Chickens, pound lo
"American Beauty" Corsets
The Season's Best Modes
A premier exhibit
of American Beauty
New Fall Models,
(.'he Corset that
uiessmakuia and
Lustomuis, almost
Without exception,
agree are the beat
brought out this
Tliey tell u they
allow of the beat
Uttiugs for the sea
ton's exacting gowns
affording the wear
er an ease and com
fort with an Individ
ual grace that la
simply marvelous.
We are allowing
these extraordinary
corsets in all
up - to - the - minute
style effects. For
select and exclusive
designs, unequalled ty, and every
thing that rocs to
make a perf.ct cor
set, you need not
American Btauty. There
Come In and see tlicm.
loOK b. . ... tllrj
in non
Kxpert fitters ever at your service.
Special Monday But',fnl and substantially constructed three-piece Parlor
Suites, consisting of chair, rocker and divan, lo finest mahogany y-J 1C
finish, upholstered In genuine leather, actual 937.60 value for
amass beds a very
solid quarter-sawed oak, and gen
uine leather aeats unequalled Bar
gain at 98.88
large, well
selected line of new and handsome
designs, special display, at ..932-60
MOrTDAT'S OK SAT 1UO BALE Kvery rug guaranteed to be absolutely per
fect in every particular and newest Fall pattern. Full alas 8x18 feet coom
rugs, prloed as below i
r'ool and Velvet Hugs, 89.T5 115.00 Axmlnster Hugs, for 918.88
Liasels Rugs, for ....911-98 I S3U. 00 Body Brussels Hugs, for 934.98
lvet Hugs, for 918.98 I $40.00 Wilton Bugs, for 987.98
i 12.75 Woo
15.00 Brus
22.&0 Velv
Stoves and
Orsataat Tarlety of Stoves, Heaters and
Ranges, In town, Peninsular Stoves, If
yon please, give mors heat and use lass
fusl than any other stoves madsi
Peninsular Electric Range $36.60 regularly,
Monday for 833.00
No 400 Base Burner, extra large, 44.00
stove for 940.00
Heaters, all styles, up from 93.60
Universal Food Choppers 94e up 40 stamps
Waffle Irons, best made . .980 40 stamps
Yellow Label Stove Polish 15o 10 stamps
6-6-4 Stove Pipe Enamel . .85o 10 stamps
12 gal. Garbage Cans, special, at 980
16 gal. Garbage Cans, special, at ,...91-86
Oil Cloth Binding, package lOo 10 stamps
Mrs. Pott's had Irons, worth 11.10, for 7 So
A highly satisfactory Furniture Polish,
brlKhtens up old furniture and makes It
look like new. Sample bottle nil,
Large size bottles 80o
Small slxe bottles 86o
20 Green Stamps with each.
200 single room lots of paper, odds and ends of
all kinds of paper for any room In the house,
and worth 10c to 40c a roll. Monday we offer"
complete side wall, border und ceiling paper
as follows:
For room 8x10 feet 480
J-'or room 9x12 feet 66o
Vnr room 12x12 feet 64o
For room 12x16 feet 7flo
Oak, -Pine and Cherry Finish Moulding So foot
Cold Weather Is Just
Around the Corner.
Lay in Your Win
ter Supply of .. . .
Realizing you may feel reluctant In purchas
ing a quantity of coal with which you may
not be familiar, we will deliver to any ad-
ureas sample saoks Oapltol Hut for 3oo
'eopie wno nave used Caoltol Nut Cnal will
tell you that no soft coal at any price sur-
People who
passes It. If you do not think, aftar naln
the sample sack, that It Is not the equal of
any 8 00 coal, we will refund the too paid.
Oapltol Coal, Lump or Nut, "The L Cft
best that burns, ton , 0,J
For range use Capitol Nut. For range or
heater use Capitol Lump. Oet our prices on
Peculiar Matrimonial Advertisement
in Foreign. Paper..
ttaare) Beaattes, A ner lea a Heiresses,
Toftlktr wl(k Servants Crowd
Paces la Effort to Kb
aaara Mea.
LONDON. Oct. 10 (Special.) As a con-
duping of a German weman ry Oscar 1
l erger, a aham noble n an w ho ot ta ned h r
savings under of maritage, ih
London police are lnves:lgat ng tne wry
exlei.alvo matrimonial agency business
which Is done In this c'tv. One con. era
rersntly boasied th .t tt had bet n tl a mean
of arranging no less titan 16.(00 marriages In
forty years, whereupon Its bUatst com
petitor lmmsdiately rushed into print Willi
the statement that It brought about on an
average at least l.HXI marrluirs a tear.
. Tlis majorliy of tlnae alliances are
'oioi glt atwut through the p bile, tl ns i -
.J by t a various agencl a ont:iin ng al
luring advertls. inenis for the n atrlni-Hi'-' Inclined. AmerUan lie n s en. popula
actresses, titled ladles, wdons. rlrls ill
In their teens and servants all, fl. urutlv, .
speaking, rub ahou.deis In three amaxin.
publications. As high as $1 -.'aU i t me i
tlonvd as the dwry of one particularly
anxious canJI 'ate for ma rl in nl I b Is,
while eounlleas of the fair sex claim all
tba virtue ao4 a majorliy of the charms
and rea'ly make one's mouth water In the
reading of their advertisements.
Matrimonial A vert tsementa.
It Is generally supposed that American
women with fortunes in the.r own right
and ml I onulre fatl.eis have a superfluity
of suit us, but such does not to be
the case, as In i ne of the mammon al i u )
ilcatluiis we fiiut a woman of th.t litsciip
tion advertising month In and month ou.
In the following teims:
To Kng! sh Cen.l men: An American
lady wl.n about ii7.Ua per annum, wants
lo nee. En.llsh gentleman l.e onglng 10 a
dn t-i I urn faiiil.y. Money Is iu ob e.t Si
i ng us he i an ntro u e her to several t pi., idve. Users la al oul
ne i f the wealthiest men in tne I'nlied
Stales and will give t.iX.u u for an Bnal sh
lu me for his daughter wi.en maiiled.
Ano her. who uoea not seem to Le as fine
a f nai.ciul prlxe, sxts forth her oesires like
American lady, 41, own hie me $100) per
itrnuiu, wan i to mair. a gen 1 man b ut
.nn a-e or yon.-er. A. uney no ulJ.1 If
.uumit li' tji.
America, hi w ever, is not the only coun
try with an excess ot unmarried worn n,
us we find one from the country of K n'
Alfonso advertising thus:
tp.nls.i lady. : tall, splendid fU-uie and
v i. leiuuful. well knonn In theatric!
orkl, w slu-s to mtet a
. U-.t-Vi a year, view malilmony. Age no
i Je. t.
- France is in line with a member ot its
obtiliy In the following:
A French lady, SB. golden hair, splen.l d
in 1 xl n. daik eyes, be ght ft. in.,
eilil junt under 12 stone, not at all too
tail, bavlui,' a magnificent figure; irre
ears ago refused to mairy a well known
Jitftlsli iiobleiuaii. desires matrlniony.
Pbatoaraiiki a Xereaaity.
Evidently the French lady regrets her
refusal. A countrywoman of hers desires
matrimony with an English or French gen
tleman of nieajia tquai U lur own, wUvh
Is over 60,000 per year. In no case, she
says, will any letters be answeicd unless a
phctograph Is enclosed.
That the popular Idols of the stage should
be driven to advertisement for husbands
does not agree with the general Impression,
but such, nevertheless. Is the fact. One
advertisement reads:
Lady, tall and dark, been on the stage
for five years, good figure and very
musical, age .'4, Would like to meet a gen
tleman, must be tall and fair, private in
come. Country life preferred.
Another runs:
Actress under 30 years of age, exception
ally pretty and good figure, tall, fair and
good dresser, has played leudlng purlx bot i
In' London and provinces und quite recently
returned to town from an e.ghieen months'
tour, where sue has been playing Willi
great succebs. Lutiy by blrt'.i and eduea
tion, wishes to marry a gentleman abou;
The very evident modesty of the appil-
I cant who advertises In the following terms
will commend Itself to all:
Titled lady with huge private Income and
a town an J country house, considered tu
be the most beautiful woman in Europe,
desires to correspond with a gent eman
with private Income.
Yet another, refusing to pass Judgment
on herself, drags her friends to her help.
Young lady with luxuriant tiers a
mit.iii n hair and the prettiest violet eyes,
with a vet way teo tier frt nu
say), deelrra to ronespond with an Eiik
iish genileman who must be refined, kind
and af lee Uonate. no bad hablts( and mus.
be fond of home.
Those who are well acquainted with tn
English nobility will regard the chances o
the young lady who advertises for i
"titled gentleman not over 4i years of age.
good looking and Intelligent, with a normal
amount of brains," as very nearly hope
leas, but seeing that she Is the third daugh
ter of a tilled Lady wilb U6,0uv per an
num and expects to Inherit at least half
of her mother's Income, she is hardly ask
ing for more than her due.
Who can help sympathizing with and per
haps shedding a silent tear for the lad)
who strikes this plaintive note:
Lonely lady, never having the oppor
tunity of meeting anyone, feels she U
wasting her life away when she knows she
could make Someone happy In this weary
Kstranaesl Daaabter of Klaa
ttold Will Visit Walter
PKVSSE-L8. Oct. 10. (Special.) Accord
ing to a aeml-au hnr tailve report Princess
Clemen'lne, King Leoiold s f ivo.l e i amh
ter, tusp te r elr present-day entrangenient,
ulll shortly proceed to Eng'and to pay a
vlsdt to Walter Wlnans. the tn!!llona'r
A merit Hn sportsman and c hamplnn rifle
al.ot. The print ess Wt him w hile the -were
both staying at Spa and the former
1 wan e greatly Interest' el In Wlnan'a mug
' Ifltent string of show horses. The pro
jected visit Is the result of an Invitation
xtendrxl by the American to his royal
Mend to pay a visit to Surienden Park,
i English home.
Prtncets Clenuntine Is decidedly the most
Intel esttrg ot the Belgian riyal princesses.
The poor of this city have reason to know
t r and hold her in great esteem for the
massumliig acts of generosity which mark
r unostentatious visits among them. 8li.
k a very long t me to recover from the
tragic death of her first rous.n. Prince
Kaudouln, to whom she was deeply at
tached. Popular rumor says she would
have mar. red him had he lived. Many
yaaxs later aha formed a strong attach
ment for Prince Victor Napoleon, but was
prevented from becoming his wife for two
reasons. Her father would not sanction
her union with a pretender whose avowed
aim was to upset the government of a
neighboring and friendly state; and, furth
etmore, the princess discovered that the
prince was already a father and that com
plications of a delicate nature were likely
to arise. So she went back, sad at heart,
to her poor, her water color painting, her
flowers and her lonely castle at Laeken.
She is a lover of opera and may often be
seen at the Brussels Opera house. 8 he Is
considered an able critic of music.
Princess Louise, the king's oldest daugh
ter, has Just made her. peace with her Iron
willed parent and Is now spending most of
her time In Leopold's luxurious villa at
Alx la Chapelie. The estrangement be
tween the two was of long standing, dating
buck to the princess' unfortunate marrtiga.
&he has been constantly harassed of late
by her many creditors and was only able
to return to her native country by agree. ng
to Leopold's stipulation that he be permit
ted to regulate her expenditures hereafter.
Mn from Whose llenaek Thirteen
Peasii of Metal a ad Glass
Were Taken.
'The Human Junk Bhop." John Fasel,
from whose stomach thirteen pounds 'of
hardware and glass were removed by sur
geons In the German hospital five year?
ago, bit his widowed mother and Dr. Mary
Crawford, ambulance surgeon of the Will
iamsburg hospital. Fasel waa In the throes
j of a violent epileptic fit.
I Fasel Is a tailor. When not In the throes
of epilepsy, ha is no stronger than ordinary
men. His strength seems to treble, how
aver, when he 1 emerging from an epi
leptic attack, and those who know him
have learned to keep away from him at
such times, t'ntll five years ago Fasel
was one of the wonders of dime museums,
because seemingly ha could eat anything.
Nails, tacks, screws, glass, brass chains,
keys In fact, anything small enough to
pass down his throat was swallowed by
him with Impunity. Burgeons who saw his
performance marveled that he did not die.
Thar cams a day of reckoning for Fasel,
however. He became 111 in the fall of 1903.
He was swallowing a chain in the rear
room of a Brooklyn saloon. About him
were many men, who applauded as link
after link of ths chain passed down his
gullet. Suddenly he turned pals snd col
lapsed. When an ambulance surgeon ar
rived from the German hospital he found
Fasel convulsed with agony. The chain
eater waa hurried to the hospitkl. His suf
ferings Increased, and It waa decided that
the only thing that would savs his life was
to open his stomach and remove the Junk
that had accumulated there.
No operation In recent years attracted
more attention In the surgical world. When
the surgeons finished their work and took
account of the stock they discovered that
the nails, tacks, chains and other things
removed weighed li pounds. The Incisions
were closed, and for several weeks It was
a question whether Fasel would recover
He had such a strong constitution, how
ever, that hs pulled through.
Fasel grieved that his dsys of giving
amusement to the public had ended. He
ceased exhibitions and devoted himself
to tailoring. What ha had passed through
before left Its Impress, however, upon
him. and frequently he was stricken w)th
epileptic fits. Those fits have become
worse with the laps of time, and hs
never knows when ha will be seised with
Her. T. F. StaasTer Haslsraa.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Oct. 10. (Special.)
After serving ten years as pastor of the
Q race Reformed church, Rev. T. P. Stauf
fer has handed In his resignation. Hs will
leave this evening for Omaha, whera ha
will take a long needed rest before assum
ing duties elsewhere. From a small con
gregation when he commenced his pas
torate the Reformed church Is now ona of
ths largest In the city.
Times are prosperous In Nebraska. An
other good crop has been raised and all
farm products are high. With naw corn
selling at sixty cents a bushel The Mid
west Life Is expecting a good business
the rest of the year, and next year too,
for that matter. Life Insurance Is sow
considered one of the necessities of Ufa,
so much so that the question "Did ths
deceased carry any life Insurance?" has
given way to "How much Ufa Insuranoa
did ha leaver All prudent and careful
men Insure their lives whether rich or
poor, whether In business for themselves
or as employes df othsrs. Life Insurance
money has saved many an aetata from
Tha Midwest Life A Nebraska com
pany. Issues all the regular forma of poll
cles st a low premium rate. Horns offlca
1007 O street, Lincoln. Omaha agency,
111 Board of Trade Building