THE OMAHA, SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 11. IPGS. 8 tre Si lie Wm Ever Osjtercfl secfii mese Grand special sales Monday at Brandeis. You can't afford to miss any one of them 1 w Dress and Waist Nets 39c-69c Extra Special 42-inch vulo fine round Mesh and Filet Nets in dainty dots, block nnd figures, 42-inch dotted Silk Nets, in white, cream, ecru, black and colors, also 18-inch Crochet, Venise and Oriental Allover Laces, white, cream and ecru, worth up to $1.25 yard, at per yard 3Sc-69 A Special Sale Monday in Women's SUITS and CLOAKS New lots just received from our New York buyer go on sale for the first time Monday at far less than regular prices. $25 Long Coats at $15 The finest winter cloaks ever offered at such a bargain all made of selected broadcloth satin lined Directoire styles all new and very stun- C C ning regular $25 cloaks, at ..vpJ $15 Broadcloth Cloaks $6,98 (Jood quality black broadcloth splendid tailoring in every garment and you would .call it' a good bargain at $15 extra special sale Monday. . " mwm S Sik Mtz-A L: 3 V L i tl JZt j BIG SALE OF HEAVY UNDERWEAR noQononoQonononononoQOQonoanoaonononononononoQonnnoi a o a o D o D o a o Sao iooj a Women's Winter Underwear Very fine Egyptian cotton cream and pure white, also part wool vests, pants and some union suits, at 19c, 35c and 69c Boys' and Girls' Union Suits Munsing fine ribbed and heavy fleeced duofold, very specially priced, at suit mZJG lononooonononoQOi lonoaonaoaoDODOQODOi o D o D o D o a o lonononoaono Misses' Children's and Boys' Underwear, vests, pants and drawers, plain and rib bed medium and 4 c m H7."T.d.:.. I5c-25c SPECIAL SIIK SALE $1 and $1.25 Silk Plaids at 59c Yd. Swell French Silk Plaids and Satin Barred Plaids. Superb combinations of Paon, dew Bordeaux, Marion, dark Old Bose and Pastel combinations. These silk plaids pur chased in the regular way would readily retail at $1 to $1.25 yard. We offer you the choice of fifty pieces as displayed in our Sixteenth street windows, at, per yard nn lllllll ilk ir-i lJ 59c Satin Fabrics Worth $1.25. Satin Majestique, Satin Directoire, Sapho Satin, Electra, Messaline, etc. extreme colorings and scarce shades, regular $1.25 quality, at Mill ends of silk velvets in black and all colors worth $1 yard, at, yard. itltiim Shown for the first time Monday charming new arrivals In, our "Fashionseal" Suits $25 The style aristocrats in the graceful new directoire styles all the newest fall shades as well as those C classy mixtures '. Women's Exclusive Fall Tailored Suits at $35 These suits have all the elegance of the most expensive French suits the va riations of the directoire style and ex tremely fetching new "Wisteria, tan, blue, brown, smoke and other stunning fall shades many sample gar- 7 P monts special at PJJ $15. Skirts at $8.98 This new group includes those ultra fashionable new directoire and sheath effects materials are voiles, panamas and broadcloths skirts that $Q9ft are easily worth up to $15, at .... O Silk Petticoats at $5 The most complete line any western store has ever shown at this price. Many are elaborately made and the silk is as fine as that in any ten dollar C petticoat '. Silk and Net Waist $3.98 For dress and evening wear and for wear with tailort-d tults bb well all new T qq tyles. at J,JO A complete assemblage of The New Furs This U Omaha's greatest store for furs. We select with extreme care and every fur piece and set la absolutely correct In style and dependable In quality. We specially mention our brilliant uhowing of black lynx and mink pieces and sets on second floor. I in Sal Ever 'EHield bv Anv Store This is Another Instance Where Brandeis Ever-Ready Cash Has Secured An other Phenomenal Bargain. The Rugs Which We Place Are are all very superior grade and absolutely sound and perfect. Such a sale will probably never occur again. It rarely happens oftener than once in a lifetime that any store gets .32,00 Worth of High Bass Hugs at Aboyt 50c On the OoEBar I No matter what happens, don't fail to attend this sale Monday. To care for me immense crowas mar. win atrena mis sale we devote practically our en tire 3rd Floor to the display and sale of the rugs. Plenty of room for all. 75 CLERKS TO: WAIT UP0I3 YOU, 75 $25 Room Size Axminsfer Rugs at $12.98 In this lot is an immense quantity of 9x12 Axminster rugs of the very best grade. They are in beautiful Oriental designs and floral patterns that are suitable for Bleeping rooms, parlors, 11- a m brarles, dining rooms, etc. These ru are seldom sold by any store for less than $25 each. They are going at the ridiculous price, each Seamless Wilton Rug; at $15.98 In this lot are a great quantity of 9x12, the regular $.30 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs in those beautiful floral and geometrical patterns that are so much .ught for. At the price that we offer this l lot, it is one of the greatest rug bargains that has been heard of. They all go, at, each SGO Seamless Royal Wilton Rugs (9x12 Size), at 329.98 In this lot are all of the regular 9x12 room-size, seamless Koyal AVilton Kugs. They are the very best Wilton rugs made in America, iney are in ine nignest class patterns, including those rich, son tones, as well as exact copies of Oriental rugs worth thousands of dollars. These rugs are well known in Omaha Q and selling as high as $(10. No more beautiful or better-wearing rug can be bought at any price. ; They go tomorrow in choice of nearly 50 patterns at the remarkable price of ft r Sri $15 Room Size Brussels Rugs al $6.98 In this lot is an immense quantify of room size Brussels rugs. These are In all sorts of patterns suitable for al-(kn(l most any room. It is the 0 M same rug that you would or- lift dlnarlly pay $15 for, go at. . Vffi S3.50 Axminster Rugs, $1.59 36 and 27 inches Wide This is a lot of 36-lnch and 27-inch Ax minster and Wilton Kugs in every con ceivable pattern. There will be nearly 1,000 rugs in this lot. They will go at, each , every con- S59 $1 Door Size Rugs al 39c Each This is an immense quantity of small Vel vet and Brussels Rugs that are worth all the way from $1 to $2. We have bunched. them in one great lot, each 1 And Hundreds of Ottier Great Bargains from This Wonderful Cash Furchase All on Sale Monday tulrtf10 h i3 X! Monday's Great Drug Sale Pom? elan MASSAGE I yCREAM J Day Take ad vantage o! This Sale. 50c Size 29c 75c Size 49c $1.00 Size 69c 60o Dr. OrT' Tooth Powdn. . . . 12o SSo Mjixogta Paroxida tc JOo L4ru8t Bloom I'erfume. . 390 Sue C'rub Apple Blossom Prrfunie SSo Sou Impurtej Kio J'owiler 140 iaa ColcHtea Tlcum l'owj.r ....loo BRUSH SALE Ideal Hair Brush, special ... .67c 16c and 20c Nail BruBhea 8c 10c and 15c Nail Brubhes 0c 9c Kail Brushes tc SUNDRIES 25c Castile Soap, per cake. . . . 1 4c 15c Cake Imported Castile; (Spanish) He 60c Razor Strops, special. .. .25c 15c Shaving Brushes 12c $1.00 Fountain Syringe Olc $1.25 Bath Spray.' 80c 85c Hot Water Bottle 4'Jc 85c Fountain Syringe 40c We have exclusive agency for Sheet's Corn and Bunion Rem edy, price 23c Bio Sales in the Basement L J 1 A , . . . . . ... oun nuu veivt-i uauneis Deauuiui patterns light, medium and dark eiyies specially anaplea ror Kimonos, also new striped, checked and Persian pattern, fleeced flannelette walsting with Bmooth top values that are extremely unusual, at, yard Plain and hemstitched pillow cases meaium, sman ana large sizes up to 18c values many well known brands, at, each Good prude unbleached Cau tou Flannel will he D o D o D o n o n o n o n o D o D o D o n o D o D o D o D o D o D o SPECIAL LACE CURTAIN BARGAINS MONDAY Muslin L'urlulu. 3 yards long, Indies wlUu, special, pslr Too Mission Nat Curuuus, Aisblsa color; specisl. pair tl.83 Mudraa Weave Nottingham Curtains, worth up to 14.00 pair, at, lr , $A.bO Tapratiy Portieres with -lnch tap estry border all new fall good, worth up to Js.00. at pair So. El Curtains, 1 yards long, with hriiiBtllchrd rufflr special, pr. 8o WMte untl t'rain Madras J-lnches wide, worth Sue, at lto Tl most compleia assortment of tlie finest grade sllkoline for comfort ers, at. yard lavo Tapestry Ullow Tops 14 inches square, at, eaoh loo D u o D o n o n o D o D o D o a j D o a o a o Q o a o c o a o D sold from the bolt, yd Fifty bales 10-ounee Cotton Bats will be sold quickly Monday at, per . C J roll. c Heavy round thread seamless sheets, size 81-90, ffQ actual 73c values, ea. JC S S rk A s s 10c-12ic i s (J-4 unbleached seamed sheets and 8-4 bleached seamed sheets, regular 49c values; not over six to a customer, at, each FORENOON ONLY Ten bales good grade un 35c bleached yard-wide muslin will be sold 20 yard limit to a customer . Cl at, yard :.3c AFTERNOON ONLY Double fold 15c flannelettes a fortunate purchase of 100 full bolts of these desirable fall pat tern flanneletteg beginning at 1:30, T basement, yard at 89c Yd. 89 c 39c BLACK SILK SALE 50c 69c 20-inch nrandois Special Muck Taffeta worth 86c, at, yard 27-Inch Brandeis Special Mark Taffeta , worth $1.00, at, yard 36-inch nrandeis Special Black Taf fct Q fi worth $1.60, at, yard JOC Silks on Bargain Squares Plain and fancy silks always at less than ever to be had elsewhere. The big bar- AO gains are here at, yard 39 49 and- 0.C Extraordinary Sale Manufacturers Surplus Stock DRESS GOODS 5 cases just received and marked for quick sell ing Monday at half price. They consist of all the newest fabrics in 40 to 52 Inch, widths and latest shades arranged on Bargain Squares worth from B5c to $1.50 yard, at, yard 29c -49c -59c -69c TAILOR SUITINGS Exclusive patterns our own direct Clfi f $T imDortations. yard fOvWJ SB shades Mlchau & Co., Roubalx, France, chif fon wool taffeta $1.25 goods Monday, at, yard ., T BRANDEIS MILLINERY Our superior equipment and the immense scales ea which we conduct business enables us to offer you up-to-date new fall hats at far less than other houses can ever do. For Monday we offer scores of stunning new largn hats beau tifully trimmed, at $10 and $15 Stunning New York and Paris Hats The gracrful largt fiat halt the new hat$ with roil ing biimtthe correct exprettiun, of Frtnch and American etylts, at $tS to $50. LINEN SALE Very heavy 72-lnch all linen Batin tableOQ damask values up to $1.60, jard....OC 64-inch heavy bleached cotton damask, IB 29c quality, yard ..,IOC Great lot fine 22-inch napkins. These are drum mer's samples and all linen worth up t98 to $4.00, dozen Hundreds of all linen bleached pattern table cloths in different sizes that ordln- $n5() arily sells up to $5, each $1.98 and. . . . 200 ready to use pattern table cloths heinmed and hemstitched and some with Pen-C work borders $1.25 values, each UC Embroidered scrim scarfs and squares regular 50c kind, each Veiy large hemmed huck towels worth up to 15c, each 25c 5c Hair Dressing and Manicuring On our second floor we conduct the most per fectly equipped halrdreaslng parlors in Omaha. Ex pert operators. Appointments made by phone. Great stock of human hair foods. o c30r3onoaocioE3oraoc3jc3oaoEaoE30Eaonot30CJOC3oao