Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Queen of Mexican Actresses.
Virginia Fabregas do Cardona,
!r 4
PE-RU-N A ff
a MEXICO. f,v
1 ?
Renaclmlento Theater, Virginia
To The Peruna Drug Mfg. Co., Coluinbun, Ohio, U. S. A.
Gentlemen: Tour medicine, Teruna, having beon recommended to me by
one of my friends In thla cltly. I want let you know the splendid results It
has produced for me. As you will understand, a professional life, such as
mine, la a heavy strain upon even the strongest constitution, and, in addi
tion, my health was threatened by symptoms of catarrh. (See above.)
Tours vory gratefully. Virginia Fabregas de Cardona.
I'e-ru-na Tonic After Exhaustion.
Teatro Principal,
City of Mexico.
The Peruna Drug Mfg. Co.,
Columbus, Ohio, U. 8. A.
Gentlemen: Having used your Justly
celebrated remedy, la Peruna, for some
time, I have the pleasure of Informing
you that I consider It the best tonic I
have evec used.
It Is a wonderful fortifier of the nerves
after exhaustion, and It increases the
vitality of the whole body, and In my
own case has produced the most com
plete and permanent restoration. It Is
also pleasant to the taste.
I. do not hesitate, therefore, to recom
The Daily Club
Fifty Daily Newspapers '
Circulation over 2,500,000
, The fifty dally newspapers belonging to the
Daily Club combined have a total circulation, of
over Two and One-Half Million Copies per day.
They cover most of the United States from
Boston to San Francisco and from Chicago to
Houston, Texas.
On a reasonably large eonliuet the rate for
advertising in these fifty daily newspapers is four
dollars and seventy-seven cents $4.77 per agate
line about three-sixteenths of a cent per line
per thousand circulation.
.'And the circulation is just where you want
it and where it will do the most good,
. '.
M If you manufacture goods for general con
sumption, think this over and write us.
901 W.rld Building
You Out Ice?
Run Iron Snow Scrapers
8nd for 1908-09 Catalog Only Stock In thn Wst
Jas. Morton Ik Son Co.
Exclusive Agents.
saunvsvurvmiB ;naetgrggaa:jiMi,u.J)i mn-4
Noon Day Lunch. ..50c
I It's the Beat Lunch tn Omaha
Grill Room - HOTEL ROME
lGtl. and Jackson Sts.
Bee Want Ads
Produce Results
fooJt fwo bottles
of your great remedy.
4 Pe-ru-na, and was sur
prised at the marvelous
results. Not only did
j my catarrh disappear,
but I felt an Increase
i n health and strength
! In my constitution such
' j fl5 'AaKC never Wf Ze-
your remedy too highly
anJ sAa rave great
pleasure In re com'
i mending It to all my
friends In Spanish
Fabregas Co., City of Mexico. Mex.
mend this remedy to all women as the
best and moft pleasant tonic that they
can possibly take.
Tours very truly,
Senorlta Pilar Monterde.
Julia Marlowe Endorses l'e-ru-na.
"I am glad to write my endorsement
of the great remedy, Peruna, as a nerve
tonic. I do so most heartllly."
Julia Marlowe.
Peruna relieves catarrh, not only by
Its tonic effect opon the whole system,
but by eradicating the poison of catarrh.
It gives better appetite, better digestion.
better sleep.
Peruna Is manufactured by The Pe
runa Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio.
5 J t
Republican Committeeman Demei
World-Herald'! Latest Fake.
Pabllahrd Statement that tie Took
Part la Proceeding Branded a
Falsehood and Faith la
Partf Assertrd.
"My attention 1 as b en cklK-d to n rtt
. le a I. e n orld-H. ralu .his jnoilil K wnn.ii
uys 1 ..unua a meeting ut LMu-r liiuplj
.ust nifcht of I ins -ca.lea fcqurtie Dm; Ke
K'ublkan iluo, atpoeu 10 t CoinKOjid 01
ulMrutillea iipublumis. I as not ut ih
nie iiiK. mvr htaru ol H or liai
..i.oieut(s it belnrf htld unill 1 sa
iliib ail.tie In tne VorU:-lli-raM. I have
aki-a Mr. iiKihtock s iiur if U won t De
iMir tnough to duiy Its own sateniint and
i.uve reiclved u t,ioiiii trnit it would. X
wi.-h 'J'ne is.e would alto di ny the Worid
neiald statement, for It Is positively lalse
in eve.y particular.
This s.ateinent Mas u ade to The Bee Sat
uiday mo. nil. K i,y Dave ninauan, memoer
of the republican county lomniltti and One
of tne defeaivd tanJ.uaus for the legis
lature. "1 never had a sore spot on nie," added
Mr. Shanahan. "I ran for the legislative
nomination because X hoped to be able to
rtork against the antl-baje ball sent.ment,
and wnen I lost out 1 blamed no one, for
X had no one to b.aine. The only reason
ior my defeat was that I oldn't get e.ioufc'.i
votes to nominate me. X old not then and
do not now think any lepubl.can leader
nnlf.d me; In fact, I know everybody who
was my friend was true to me and X have
noth ng Lut the most cordial feeling tor tne
.tnurru of the party.
"My couise s.nte tho primary election Is
proof of what I have said. Iasl night
when this meet ng was belnj held wh.cli
the Worid-Hrald says I attended I vo,
aio-nd trlng to get men to serve on the
election buard November 3. And I was
working hard, too. I have no time to r.o
around knifing my party and no disposition
"If anybody placed me on any committee
he did so without my knowledge and I re
sent It as an Insult to my honor. I have
no patience with a knocker or a traitor,
I am a real republican and a real repub
lican can not be a traitor."
"Does Mr. Hitchcock favor the eleouon
of Ed Howell for state senator?"
This Is a pertlnnt question these days,
pertinent because of Howell's former record
In the state senate and because of Mr,
Hitched k's ownership of an Omaha news
paper. Ed Howell was the man who Introduced
and fought to passage the bill that pre
vented Omaha for long years from taxing
railroad terminals for local purposes, thus
allowing the heaviest property owners to
enjoy the benefits of local government
without paying their share to maintain It.
It required years of the most persistent
effort on the part of Omaha citlsens in
tcrested In Omaha's welfare to undo what
Howell had done and now Omaha is asked
to reward thlj man by sending him back
where he may do more such mlschlof.
"And Hitchcock Is doing his utmost to
help elect Howell," observes one of the
Real Estate exchange leaders who stood
with The Bee for terminal taxation,
"Hitchcock asks tho voters of this city
and district to elect him to congress and
then turns around and repays them by
doing his utmost to fasten on them the
Howell Incubus. That requires a peculiar
sort of nerve. What need Is there to warn
Omaha people against Ed Howell? His rec.
ord should speak louder than anything that
could be said about it."
While men are talking about Howell's
record in the state senate, they are also
talking of It as a city councilman and thn
fact that ho was thrice defeated for mayor
or the nomination Is not escaping public
attention entirely.
This is one of the men Hitchcock Is sup
"If I was only as sure of the eastern
states as I am of the west, I would be
willing to prophesy that Mr. Taft will be
elected by majority greater than that
accorded to President Roosevelt," said J.
E. Cosgriff of Rawlins, Wyo owner of a
string of twenty "banks and a member of
the special committee of the National Wool
Growers' association, which visited Omaha
Thursday. "The democratic candidate has
not get a 'look-in, In the mountain states.
the states that gave him their votes In
the free sliver campaign of twelve years
ago. Judge Taft will get the solid vote
In my state and the neighboring common
wealths In the mountainous region."
Henry W. Yates, president of the Ne
braska National bank, and Congressman
O. M. Hitchcock will hold a Joint debate
on the bank guaranty question at L.yrlo
theater next Thursday evening. Mr. Yates
will oppose the guaranty scheme and Mr.
Hitchcock will support It. Dr. Oeorge L.
Miller Is to preside. The disputants have
drawn up the following form of question
and articles of agreement, under which the
discussion will be held:
Hoanlved. That It is desirable to eetab
llsh a system for guaranty of bank deposits
under the government control.
B.wond Time for the debate, 120 minutes
irir on the affirmative to have thirty
minutes; lender on the negative thirty
minutes ror reply nni men eo speaii
tm-nntvlv In periods of ten minutes.
Third Dr. Miller to preside, the presiding
officer to make no comments upon the
question or call for any vote.
Knnrth Admission to sulJ debate to be
rr... .nrl hv ticket only. Not less than 8u0
' tickets to be printed ana 10 oe uiviuea oo
lurwn lue uiriiuitiiii.i
Fifth No charge to be made for the use
of the Lyric ineater or ior printing me
S xth Said debate to be strictly confined
to the issue involved in me resolution.
W. T. Vernon, register of the United
States treasury, one of the most prominent
colored men of the country, will not be In
Omaha to speak Monday night as was ex
pected. He has been delayed In some of
',1m western engagements and cannot reach
Omaha at that time. His services having
'.K-eii arranged for elsewhere beforehand. It
will not, the committee states, be possible
to have Mm tn Omaha this fall.
Temperance Society Invites Kansas
Governor to Kgrak In
Thea!"tsnce of Governor Hch of Kan
sas will l). askt d In stlrrlrg up entlmnlavn
for the Young IVopWs Tem-ei .ino society.
This was determined u.v n at prellmi
navy conference held Inst evening in the
auditorium of the Voting Men s Christian
; association. Tiie mealing was atteneied by
I a number of cleigym ra, Women's rhrl
tian Ten: p. ranee union offi.'lnls. and allied
workers who were entlius.nstio over the
project. He-v. J. N. ti;tnir presided and
he, Dr. 8. l. Dutcher and J. F. Wooler
wero named on a eomr.ll'.ee to draw up
p'.arjs for p-rinaiient orun'zatlon wlilc
will be completed at a date to be announced
DUt ussion of the proposed society was in
formally held. Mrs. llulen A. Borsheln
Mrs. Clara Burbank and Mrs. Elisabeth
Covell were named a committee to apnea
in behalf of the society at the next minis
tarlal unKa meeting.
Save Boo Print It.
Diamonds, Zdholm, jeweler,
mndolpk F. Swoboda, mblie Accountant,
lownu, 117 N. It, Douglas shoe, 13 10.
Pa Bourse for Quality cigars, tit 8. 15th
Blneuart, photographer, 16th & Farnam.
Br. J. JT. Porter, dentist. Continental Blk.
Equitable Ufa Policies sight drafts at
maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Omaha.
Blectrloal Wlrlag and Be pairs Burgess-
Oranden company, Itll Howard street.
Per Pamaoo ot hoi water oomblaatloa
heating see Omaha Stove Kepair W'oraa,
120t Douglas. Dell Tel. Doug. t. lnd
raxn am School Beopsas lionaay The
Farnam school, which was closed, tor a
week while the new heating apparatus was
being Installed, will be reopened Monday
Dangerous to Disrobe Leaving his
trousers hanging In the engine room. O. H.
I'arker, an engineer of the high school, re
turned In a few moments to find that some
thief had stolen ICS and a gold watch from
the pockets Saturday morning.
Funeral of WUlUm Carter The funeral
of William Carter, the well known police
character, who died In a cell at the city
Jail Wednesday night, was held from the
Davis undertaking parlors Saturday after
noon. Interment was at Forest Lawn cem
Salt on Note The Commercial National
bar-k of Council Bluffs has brought suit
In th United States circuit court airalnst
J. Cronln and others, the Dowllng-Pur-
cell company and M. Dowl ng on a promis
sory note for $3,6o0, costs and Interest from
October 1, 1908.
Prohibition Debate at T. M. O. A. State
wide prohibition as means of solving the
llquar problem will be the subject of a free
for all debate at the Tuesday evening meet
ing of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion Debating society. The meeting will
be open to the general public.
Tolnntary Bankmycy Charles H.
Smith, a drayman of Schuyler, has filed
his voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the
nlted States district court. His llablll
ties are scheduled at 12.73o 80 and his
assets at 506.40. The greater part of the
liabilities Include suretyship for friends and
business associates.
Qaa Kan Overcome In Ditch John
Palmqulst, an employe of the Omaha Qas
company, employed In the relaying of pipes
on Douglas street, was overcome by gas
while working: In a ditch at Fifteenth and
Douglas streets. He was taken front the
hole by fellow workers and Dr. Updegraff
was -called, who pronounced Palmqulst out
of danger after a short time.
OoodeU Pleads Hot OuUty Van W,
Ooodell, who shot and killed Edna Ken
neth at Fifteenth and California streets
about a month ago because of her re
fusal to marry him, pleaded not guilty when
arraigned In district court Saturday morn
ing under a first degree murder Informa
tion, Ooodell asserted he was out of funds
and Judge Sears appointed Judge W. W.
Slabaugh to defend him.
Oostlr Prloe of Smokestack Seeing a
ne,w sheet Iron smoke stack, lying loose in
the rear of a building, Albert Watklns
converted It to his own use without at
tempting to find the owner. The smoke
stack proved .to be the property of, Ed.
Carey who had Watklns arrested on the
charge of petit larceny. Watklns was
fined 10 and costs by Judge Crawford.
The smoke stack was valued at 12.25. -
Corn Show Tlokets 60 Cents Directors
of the National Corn exposition decided at
meeting held Friday evening that the
general artmlsslon-to the show will be 60
cents. The board also announces . that
commutation books will be sold which will
be good for three daily admissions; morn
ing, afternoon and evening, a total of
thirty-two admissions, for $5. These books
will be sold only prior to the opening of
the exposition. '
Jury Bangs After All Bight After be
ing out all night, the Jury In the tJO.000 per
sonal Injury suit by Antonia Noclta against
the street railway company was unable Sat
urday morning to report a verdict and
Judge Day sent It back to the Jury room
to continue Its deliberations. The fore
man announced there was little prospect
of an agreement, the Jury standing seven
to five. He did not state which side had
the majority of the jurors.
H socman Caught Overcharging For
overcharging Arthur Morrell, a youthful
stranger In the city, In violation of the
ordinance governing hack fares, Adolph
Vomacka, a hack driver, was fined II and
costs. Vomacka charged Morrell $1.60 for
hauling the latter from the Union to the
Webster street depot, when the fare should
be but 60 cents. Morrell complained to the
police and Vomacka returned the money
and was then arrested for overcharging.
Wlggalns' Body Sent to Pender The
body of T. D. Wlggalns, who committed
suicide by asphyxiation In the Union hotel
Wednesday afternoon, was sent to Pender
Saturday morning. Wlggalns lived In Pen
der and was on his way to bring to that
place the body of a brother who had died
In the south. As there was no money found
on the body It Is believed that Wlggalns
lost his funds, which is believed to have
been an Incentive for taking his life during
a fit ot despondency.
Talus of Being Hit by Train Asserting
It is worth 1. 999.99 to be hit In the side by
an 111 nols Central passenger train travel
ing '.hlrty miles an hour, Thomas Dixon
has filed suit In district court against the
railroad for that amount. He was crossing
the tracks on Davenport street when he
says a passenger train came along and
struck him. His arm and leg were broken
and he was otherwise bruised. His claim
for damages Is marked down in order to
keep the railroad from taking the suit to
federal court. .
I.awyr Claims the Money A compli
cated legal fight over the 1143 found on
Frank Pisa by the police when he and Joe
Labianco were arrested on a charge of
fleecing Leo Parra out of M00 In a confi
dence game, has developed in county court.
Parra, the alleged victim, filed a suit some
time ago attaching the money to reimburse
him for his loss. Saturday John W. Parish
came In with a claim the money really be
longed to him. He presented an affidavit
showing Pisa had assigned it to him as at
torney fees. He asks to have the attach
ment dissolved. v
Boy Saes for Broken Collar Bone--Be-
cauue his collar bone was broken when he
was knocked off his horse by a thirty-foot
on bar which droppe-d down on him from
the old Q rtreet viaduct In South Omaha,
Malcolm Bruce, a minor, has begun suit
in district court for $i.O00 damuges. The
defendants are the Union Slock Yards com
pany, the Union Pacific Railroad company,
H. W. Bowles company, E. S. McNaul and
the city of South Oinithu. The accident
happened while the old viaduct wua being
demolished. He was riding along the via
duct on his horse when the accident hap
pened. lie-sides fracturing ills collar bone
the full alsj Injured his arm permuacnt:y
he asserts.
A Hluutir Affair
is lung hemorrhage-. Stop it, and cure weak
lungs, tcughs and re Ids with Dr. King's
New Discovery, iitc anj $1.(0. For sale by
lea ton Drug Co.
By uaina the various dc-oartmenta ..t Th
Be Want Ad Pages you get the pest I v
suits At me leas( expense.
u mo FBaini airayifaetiyirer
Last week accepted our spot cash offer for four carloads of pianos. These were immediately
consigned to us will be unboxed and on display at our salesrooms this city tomorrow morning
and every day thereafter until sold. The price paid by us for these pianos was close to actual
cost of manufacturing, hence we are able to offer purchasers
UNUSUAL DARGAINS IN NEW PIANOS at $148. $158 $168. $178
These instruments are all strictly high grade, have double veneered cases, are beautifully fin
ished, and are now offered at less than half regular cost. They are made in all the finest of fin
ished woods plain and figured walnut, Circassian, walnut, burl walnut, oak, mahogany, San Do
mingo mahogany.
No instruments for twice the price are such bargains as these beautiful in appearance, durable
in construction, remarkably sweet in tone. See them you will surely like them why not come
tomorrow and look these pianos over before tho assortment is broken and when our terms are so
reasonable as
Call or 'phone and have one of our polite salesmen call.
lill-1313 FARNAM 8TRIZTS. EST. 1859 OMH,NB.
Bepressntatlves for Stelaway, Sieger, aCardmaa, SehneUsr KnsUer, Xsnersoa, MahlXn, A. B. Chase, KcPhall Pianos.
Governor Sheldon to Speak Monday at
Business Men's Exposition.
Final Tabulation of Reunite of Two
Days Makes a Goo4 Showing; for
Republicans M Compared
with PreTlona Years.
Governor George L. Sheldon is to be In
South Omaha Monday evening In connec
tion with the South Omaha Business Men's
exhibition, which Is to occupy the entire
week beginning Sunday. Monday Is to be
republican day. Governor Sheldon Is billed
for a speech at about S p. m. A. W. Jef
forls, the congressional candidate, will be
present as wall as the county candidates.
The presence of these men will mean a
large attendance of the voting population.
The object of the carnival Is for tho pur
pose of establishing the Bohemian school
at Twenty-first and 8 streets.
Preparations for the exhibition have been
In progress for several weeks and the com
mittee on arrangements has been carrying
out the details until everything Is ready
for tho opening tomorrow. The hour of
opening Is Sunday at 2 p. m. The Bohemian
Catholic orders and many of th fraternal
orders of the city In addition will join In a
big parade from the carnival grounds at
Twentieth and S streets and march through
the principal streets headed by a band
and by the members of the fir and police
departments, a iter me psrauo mjnr
Frank Koutsky will open the carnival with
a short address. The: Sunday observance
will be seml-rellglous In character.
Many booths have been prepared and
will be occupied by the leading business
firms of the city. Franek's hall will be
devoted to amusements, such as dancing
and the presentation of programs. An ex
tensive program has been arranged for each
day. Thla will be ready for publication
Sunday morning.
Friday will be democratic day and A. C.
If Dr. Murphy'g Alveolar teeth were
not first of all comfortable they wouK
be a failure. Iiooks wouldn't comment
them alone, although they are beauti
ful look In s:.
The man who wears them win nav
relief from the misery of UBing "false'
teeth, and rolling his food around in
hla mouth between plates instead oi
cutting it up as he cau do with Alveolar
Asraln. the false teeth whicn are
stuck on partial plates are always fall
ing out, to the great embarassmen .
the wearer.
If this is the first time you havf
heard of Dr. Murphy's Alveolar Methoi
of supplying missing teeth wunom
Diates or ordinary bridge work, wi
shall briefly outline the plan
We require two or more teetn in
each Jaw and with these to wor
from we build our structure, supply
ing every missing tooth, each in life
own socket, so that each takes its ow
strain following nature's plan, ytv.
see, and when the work is completed
the patient has a new set of teeth as
perfect and serviceable as nature s
in nearly every respect. We don't bora
into the gums, nor perform any surgi
cal operation, to do this work, nor is
there anything about it to be dreaded
from start to finish.
One can leave our offices and begin
to chew beefsteak, or anything else,
the same day the work is completed.
Imitators have attempted to do
the work, but because of our broad
patents, granted by this government
iod by many of the governments of Eu
rope, they dare not infringe on the
basic principle which makes the whole
work a success.
We have notified these fakirs to de
list from their Illegal practices and
lb all prosecute infringers vigorously.
The teeth are too valuable to be
ruined by these counterfeits.
All we ask you to remember is the
name Dr. E. R. L. Murphy.
We have magnificent offices In the
New York Life building, the only office
of this kind west of Chicago. We have
no representatives, traveling or In the
small towns. Beware of those claiming
to do this work.
If you eannot call at once, write for
our free booklet on the care of the
teeth, sent free upon request.
609-510-5H New York Life Building.
In Town
Entire Building; Five Floors, 66x132
120840.12 Harney
McCaguo Investment Co.
Sale Agnts. McCague Building.
FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN-Ym Mike K. Mistake is Baying (
Tho Omaha Rubber Co. vkmiSgm:
Bhallonberger, G. M. Hitchcock and other
democrats will be present
City Clerk's Statement.
The city clerk Issued his monthly state-
kment yesterday, which, with a careful com-
parlson with the Ust statement, shows that
the city has expended I1J.898.90 In September,
as compared to $29,7(1.82 In August. This
shows a cutting down of expenditures In
the second month of exactly $18,85192. This
figure ($16,832.90) Is the legacy of unpaid
bills which the old democratlo administra
tion left unpaid on the hands of the In-
f comng. republicans- South Omaha people
who are at all familiar with the affairs ot
the last municipal eleotlon remember the
great accumulation ot bills under the old
mismanagement and extravagance. The
new admlnstratlon Is living well within
the limits ot the levy and if the average
expense continues as tho second month of
the year indicates a large balance will be
left. The following Is the full report:
Amount of levy (90 per cent) 190s-
to August 1, 1906 $183,858.33
Balance of former levies and col
lections to August 1, 1908 18,756.10
Collection by city treasurer since
August 1, 1908 317.66
Total receipts from all sources
August 1 ,1908, to October, ....$202,?3t.48
Levy, Bal- Unexpended
ances. ana uaiitnce
Public light
Judgment ..
....$ 11,01803
.... 14,061.78
.... 21.3X9.30
.... 1S.6HS.19
to Oct. 6.
$ 17.81127
4.484 SI
Street repair 8,018.62
Police 18.188 1
Voting machines... 914.72
Library 4,48.61
Interest 68,499.29
Curb, and paving repair 4.484 33
Parks 2,233 62
Scavenger 179.60
Totals $202,931.48 $10,300.76
Fiararrs front Rea-lstratloa.
The city clerk yesterday secured posses
sion of all the bocks of the last reglstra-
'on. He skirmished all yesterday after
noon to locate the books of the Second pre
Jnct of the Third ward. Oeorge 8. Collins
finally sent them In with the explanation
that tho board had had a misunderstanding
is to who should bring In the books. The
full returns show that the democratic regis-
ration gained only twenty votes over the
republicans. The total for the day was
1,621, showing a fair registration after all.
Of this figure, 727 registered republican
and 747 democratic, forty-seven votis were
Independent, scattering and socialist The
first day's registration gave a total of
J. 123, of which 886 were republicans, 1,110
democrats and twenty-seven scattering.
Phis gives the democrats a Mad of 124
The totals for the two days Is 1,641. This
figure Is said to be more nearly correct for
he reason that fewer democrats are reg
'sterlng republican this year. In former
years this has been theTiablt. The follow-
ng table shows the full registration:
Rep. Dem. terlng.
First Ward
list precinct
Second precinct .,
. Tons ward
First precinct 4$
Second precinct 62
Third Ward
First pieclnrt 91
Second precinct 73
Fourth Ward
First precinct t
Spcond precinct 21
Fifth Ward
First precinct 38
Beccnd precinct 43
Sixth Ward
i First precinct 73
Second precinct 63
Totals 727 747 47
Democratic gain io
tirana total l,s;l
Total In two days $.644
uemocrmic ieaa 144
Brewer Strensjtbeas Tlrket.
Much strength will be added to the repub
lican ticket In South Omaha with the an
nouncement that O. II. Brewer Is to be the
candidate for coroner. Mr. Brewer has had
the support of South Omaha solidly In the
neoessary legal steps to decide the -merits
ot his claim to the position. The decision
was announced so late yesterday that few-
people or the city beard of It. Those who
did said, "good, good." Mr. Brewer has
the respect and confidence of all the demo
crats of the city, as well as the republicans
And will be able to get many votes on his
personality among them.
Y. of. C. A. notes.
iris Dixie Jubilee slnm-rs will uaui in
the Sunday afternoon service at the Young
Men's Christian association gymnasium.
They will render a free sacred concert, be
ginning at 3:8b p. m. This troejp In counted
one ei me u on me road. AJ1 invited
ispen meeting.
Rev. E. E. Hosman ot Omaha will de
liver an address in the Young Men s Chris
tian associativa gymuasluio Bund aitar.
noon at 4 o'clock. He is a fluent spraker,
an earnest worker and will have a burning
message to men. The assoclailon orchestra,
which has been doing such excellent worK
of late, will ren-!r a musie-at program and
Mrs. O. M. Williams, will sing.
Magic City Gossip.
It Is reported that Mrs. Levi I'roudfoot
Is dangerously 111,
The funeral of Frank Donahue takes
place this nurnlng at 9 o'clock.
A good attendance greeted the first num
ber of the Young Men a Christian annota
tion lecture course last night. This was the
Dixie Jubilee singers.
Carl and Chris Wllklnlng were again ar
rested for assault vesterdav on the tepnrt
that their victim. It. Sebree, Twenty-sixth
and Jefferson, was not expected to live.
Last night the young man was repotted
The South Omaha High school foot ball
team will play the alumni team at Duffy's
park this afternoon. The schedule for the
year la now complete, except for one date,
the week before Thanksgiving. The alumni
team Is a heavy aggregation which played
a star game two years ago.
ChaaSenr la Arcaaed ot Intentionally
Reckless automobile drivers were scored
by Judge Crawford Saturday morning
when John Fulton, driver for F. P. Klrk
endall, was fined $25 and costs In police
court for intentionally running Into Carl
Hcfcgland, a messenger employed by the
Williams Messenger company. October 9.
Through his attorney, FMlton appealed and
his bond was fixed at $100.
From the testimony It wss learned that
the messenger boy had grabbed hold or
the rear end of the automobile while on
his bicycle, whrch made Fulton mad. The
latter commanded Fulton to U-t go, which
the boy did, spurting ahead of the Auto
mobile, whereupon Fulton turned the ma
chine Into him, throwing Hoagland to tlie
ground. The affair occurred In front of
the Hartman furniture store on Douglas
street And was witnessed by several per
sons, many of whom testified against Ful
ton. Stomach Gases
and Torpid Livers
Give Way Before the Peculiar
Purifying Power of Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges.
A Trial raokage Seat res.
The foul gases of the stomach and the
torpid action of the liver are eaiy victims
for charcoal to overcome.
This great natural cleaner And Absorb
ent will most certainly be relished by a
system afflicted with gaseous or slue.
glsh tendencies.
Charcoal has long been known as a treat
absorbent of gas. A panful of charcoal
will positively purify a room filled wlih
foul odors and decay. Its absorbing ratio
is one nundred times greater than Us own
The ancients gave charcoal for many
human Ills successfully. The North
American Indians used It for snake bite,
poison from eating wild herbs and cured
what they called "stomach bad medicine"
with It.
Willow charcoal seems to be the beat
product for human use, and no doubt the
peculiar curative property of the willow
is represented In a chemical quality In
Its charcoal.
Stuart's Charcoal Loiengis are curt
willow and sweet honey blended by tre
mendous power and compression Into s
very palatable losenge. Two or three los-
enges eaten after meals will prevent Die
process of digestion from producing nox
ious gases. They will vivify a lasy liver
and aid every organ which is moat llkel)
to be overcome through Its contact with
They cleanse the stomach snd Intes
tines, bring purity and sweetness out of
fermentation and decay and aid diges
tion by allaying gas. They will aid you
and your stomach. The beneficial effect
are made evident after each meal whea
you use charcoal as Stuart prepares It.
To allay gas at night they are- excellent
and one arises In the morning without
that terrible nauseating bad breath which
destroys Appetite And renders one mis
erable. All druggists sell Stuart's Charcoal
Losengss, pries twenty-five cents. 01
send us your name and addreas and
will send you a trial pack sue by mall frea
Address F. A Ktuarl Co., $00 siluajrt Bids,
Marshall, Ulcb,