THE OMAHA, SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 11, 1909. IF "VP" a a. Formerly home furniture: nJCSCOFIELD U lCLlttXlSl3TG 1510 DOUGLAS ST. 24TH AND L STREETS SOUTH OMAHA Sell Furniture 20 Below Omaha Prices SIPECLAJL, THIS WEEK Gfo Arrival of Chic New Models in Tailored Suits and Dresses Monday we will present for your choosing an assortment of exclusive new models in tail ored suits and dresses not to be found elsewhere. 1 r 7 New IVfodels A4sw . - 8 CO. L WHERE OPPORTUNITY CALL Manufacture of Denaturized Alcohol an Un worked Field of Industry. VARIED USES AND BENEFITS Obstacle to Production and Consnm tlon Gradually Disappearing; It Importance aa a ; Fuel. . Completely denatured alcohol In Ger many ta almost exclusively employed In providing heat, l'glit and power. . DurlnR 1?S7-S8 the amount of denatured alcohol consumed In Oermany for heat, light and power purposes waa only 7,200,000 gallons, so that the consumption for auch purposes lrxreaaed seven times In seventeen years. Thla field of hi at. light and power has rmrdly been "scratched" In thla country. Thin has been due, first, because Ameri can manufacturers were not prepared, until quite recently, to supply the requisite en gliea, lamps, stoves, heaters, sadirons and the thousand and one utilities In which In Qermar.y, France, Great Britain and Rus sia denatured alcohol la successfully used as fuel. Furthermore, loading manufac turers of similar utentlla In this country found themselves, at the Inception of the denatured alcohol lcgialatlon, atocked with coal, gus, kerosene, gatollne and electric V apparatus, and were raturally disincline-! to lend a helping hand to those articles which, however beneficial to the public, would displace goods alrtady marketable In which their capital was invented. With the Importation of foreign made utilities, however, and the dlHtrlbutlon thereof her, the Yankee manufacturers, with that keen "eye to business" and foresight for which they are famous, are now not only rapidly beginning the marufacture of alcohol using apparatus of foreign design, but. In many It.stancea have perfected lampa, Btoves, smoothing Irons, etc., that are far auperlor to those of the old world. Some Obatarlee ta the Way. Another obstacle In the pathwny of the new fuel waa found In the original Inter nal revenue regulations which surrounded the sale of denatured alcohol with such re strictions aa to practically preclude Ita handling through ordinary channels of dis tribution. TIiIj "red ape," however, has now been removed, mil dealers may sell and distribute same a freely aa any other fuel. The third and, perhaps, the greatest drawback to the Introduction of denatured alcohol aa a fuel fr.r hvat. light and power has been the attitude of the dealers them aclvea. The druggists, who were, at the outset, favored the government in the handling of denatured alcohol to the ex- Fat Women and nousework Housework la harder on the atout wo man than It la on her leaner alater fur Terr obvious raaaona. Ilendlng over brings on that awful atuffed-up feeling and causes b,er (ace to get red and coara look ing. Aa a raault many fat women, natur ally good housekeepers, let their homes go rather than permit the work to make their Uvea a misery. . A good many try exercising and dieting ta get rid of the fat. but 1 want to say here that if housework will not take off your extra flash, exercising can not. Housework la the moat atrenuoua kind of exercise. X recommend every woman who reads thla with interest, because It deala with a problem of their own. to give up exer cising aitd dieting aa being bad and In jurious, and Instead try the following lmple mlilur of household remedies. I guarantee mat In a reasonable length of time ihey will have Uv enough tiesli In a natural, wholesome way to enable tnem to go through their housework witn pleas ure and comfort to liiemxelves. Tula home receipt la aa follows: ounce Mar mo la. H ounce Fluid C'ascara Aromatic, and t ounces Peppermint Water, and trie directions for taking are one teasyoomul after meals and at bed I line. Kjw don't make the mistake of think ing that because tl.e-e three thlngi are simple home remedies the combination ot them can't be good tor reducing the fUsh, for aa a matter of fact I don't believe there la a better combination for taking off fat quickly and safely than the one 1 have given you above. It does not dis turb the atomach or cause wrinkles, and It renders dieting and exercising entirely unnecessary. In addition to these ad aatages, which I am sure you wlil admit are enough to recommend It to any wo man. It is Inezpen Ive aud easily obtain a auy dra aioie in Tailored Suits at $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00 Beautiful new iults comprising new semi-fitted effects, hlpless Empire styles and plain tailored fitted models. New Ideas in close fitting, plain tailored skirts and new designs in satins and braid trimmed skirts. Materials are fin broadcloths, unfinished worsteds and suitings, in ail the new shades New Broadcloth and Satin Dresses SMART DRESSES S29.75 For street wear, princess, empire, broadcloth models, In all the newest colors, trimmed with, self color velvet. Silk Petticoats, SS.OO We are showing a beauti- ful new line of silk pettl V. coats at $5.00, in all colors, made of best quality silk. 1 Wl - 1 BIS uur txpen Aiierauons xzu v. irm expert men tailors, who are accomplished in the art of making our garment fit perf cely and bringing out the lines suiiauie iu uvery ugure. luxlon of other merchants, Insisted upon , renting the product, not as a fuel, but In tin light ot a proprietary article, and de manded from 60 per cent to 1.000 per cent profit thereon. The privileges, however, heretofore solely enjoyed by druggists have now been extended to the proper and natural distributers of denatured alcohol the grocer, hardware dealer and depart ment store and these latter are fast realiz ing that denatured alcohol has become a fornddable rival cf petroleum products, and must not be expected to produce a much larger percentage of profit than the latter. At no time since the enactment of the denatured alcohol law (regardless of the. present unprecedented high cost of the ruw material) should denatured alcohol have been sold to consumers In any part of the United States at a price In exceas of 90 lo tx cents a gallon. Valae aa a Fael. Denatured alcohol aa a fuel for cooking Is absolutely aafe, clean and odorleas. Aa the comb nation la perfect there la no smoke, ashea nor dust. By the use of proper appliances all kinds of food can be cooked rapjlly, eaal y and far-mo. e cheaply than the same cooking can be done with coal. Meats, fish, frul.a and v g tables can be cooked with greater precision than with coal, because the control of the alcohol gas flame admits of finer adjustment than can be possibly obtained with any stove oi range burning coal. Recent experiments have shown that foods cooked with dena tured alcohol have a more charactersti flavor, are more delicate, and that all foods (.an be cooked with less waste and laboi ind with fewer utensils. These exterl ments further demonstrated that cooking i 1th denatured alcohol can be done In cool and pleasant rooms, free from dust, smoke unJ bad air; that much of the finer cook ing, commonly done at great discomfort 'on a hot stove, can be done directly on the table at lunch, breakfast or sjpper, In the presence of the family, and done better, more neatly and at an Immense gain In comfort, convenience, good taste and good nature. The denatured alcohol stove which vaporlzea the alcohol and mixes it with the air and burns the gaa reauitlng from the mixture la comparatively unknown to the American public. It la the most economical method of burning alcohol, aa It produces un InteiiHely hot blue flame which, at .0 cents i er gallon for alcohol, has been found by actual experiments to be cheaper than ioui costing $t per ton. economical In the Probably none of the writera on domestic topics lor publication which reach the fire sides la so well known as Prof. Charles UarnarJ, who has established at his home In Dailen, Conn., a experi mental station. He saya: "My experiments show that one gallon of alcohol costing SO cents was sufficient to cook thirty-six meals for two people during thirteen conaecutlve daya at a cost ot leja than 4 centa a day. The very beat reaulta we have obtained here in burning coal la 8 centa a day. The higher coat of coal Is found In the waate of heat between meala when the atove la Idle, yet burning coal. "The low cost of alcohol arises from the fact that the Inatafft the cooking atopa the coat atops. Thla great economy, combined, with Ita cleanliness, safety, ease of man agement and Ita complete control, make It the Ideal domestic fuel for every American kitchen." Saperlor Q mail ties. Alcohol la In many respecta auperlor te keroteiie. gasoline and coal for the heating of rooms. The extent and the man. fold ways In which petroleum produce, gaa, coal, etc., are uaed for such purposes are well known and need not be dwelt upon. Heat produced from alcohol can be otarted, lad a.ed and extinguish Instantly and at all t.mes can be regulated as de sired. The heateia and radiators uaed for alcohol are cleanly In that there are no ashes or dust, and being light and not at tached to flue, pipe or chimney, can easily be moved from p. ace to place. The flame la at all tune nonsmoking aa well as odor less. Other advantages, not ao easily ob served, but which are none the leas real and Important, are found in ti.e Increased heallhfulness and purity of the air of a cioked room In which alcohol Is burning as compared with one in which kerosene or gaaoline la being uaed. The noxljus laflu tnce of carbonic acid gaa in closed rooma la well known. That carbon monoxide gaa alwaja actomianUa thia and la many times more po sonous and more iastii.g In Its evil tf.ecu la not so well known. Thla gaa re aulta from the Incomplete combustion of the carbonaceous inaterlala, and the very fact that Hie alcohol f.ame 1 nonlumlnoua shows that combust on la comple and that there .a practically none if ie" carbonnionoxlde .aa formed. - Harper Weekly, Empire Princess Dresses $25.00 Satin dresses, with the new, long close-fltlng shirred sleeve, dainty lace yoke; full gored Bkirts, em pire back, in all the new colors. at I Ullman's Voile Skirls, at New skirts, special at $7.95; they are made of fin est Ultman's .Voile in the very latest fall models. ..... t FIGHTING FOR 3-CENT FARES Renewal of Cleveland's Battle for Municipal Street Railways. TOM JOHNSON AGAIN ATTACKED Knockers of Low Fare Policy Force (acstlon to Rcfcrcndam Vote, and a Warni Campalsa la On. Another chapter In the history of Tom Johnson's struggle for municipal operation of the street railways ot Cleveland conies to a close on the 22d Inst., when the cltlsens will decide by referendum vote the question whether the franchise will remain with the present holding; company or revert to the old company. Mayor John son Is In the thick of a vigorous camoalan 'or vindication of his 3-cent fare policy and la confident of routine the opponents ff mun'clpallzatlon fom their last ditch. For seven years Miyor Johnron fought 'o give the people of Cleve'anrt 3-cent f re. fter one of the bitterest struggles !n the history of city politics he forced the Cleve 'tind E'ectrlo Railway enmpany, which -"crated all the tract'on l!nes, to accept Is terms. Trree-crnt fare was etablisheil, and the flatterln aflalm of the country as accorded to the mayor. Put the country little knew what It had cost Tom Johnson to brine about the establishment of 3-cent fare. It sa'v only his struggle with the public service cor porations ami his own political enemies. Mayor Johnson's fight for S-cent far has cost him not only a la rice part of h's personal fortune and several years of Ms life, but, as some of his old friends de clare, Ms health, his wlfe'a health, if not his social position, at leaBt his social com fort and the happiness of his family. No man could aicrlfce more even for the aake of his political ambition. Troablea Forces Cricla. The mrrlta of the question are forced to trial before the bar of public opinion by a peculiar s"t of circumstances, mainly flnnnctal. which ths traction off'clals are now faclrg, and for which the referendum law itself and varloua aults brought to teat the settlement are largely responsible. It waa thought that the carefu'lv drawn uo lease r f the property of 'the Municipal had provided for all contingent-It a that fright arise, but two or three Issues have developed within the last thirty diys that have forced the administration' to a real ization that the referendum vote could not be longer delayed. The floating debt of the C'eveland rail way was the most Immediate considera tion and for the more distant future the nroblem of refunding; 12,026,000 of Cleveland city cable bonds on July 1, next year, muat be met in advance. A realisation that the sale of either stock or bonds In sufficiently large volume to meet these contingencies would be doubtful while the referendum, with Its possibility of an adverse vote, 'was hanging over the situation, was the direct cause of the decision to call for a vote at once. Floatiaa- Debt Makes Troable. Possible trouble for the Cleveland railway over its floating debt of $1, 288.000 ia threat ening; In the attitude of certain of the banks that are carrying thla debt. They willingly carried it for ths old company because the latter was able to carry with each of the banka a fair slsed depoalt account. The Municipal waa assured that the bankers would be willing to carry the debt along for a couple of years provided they were favored In the old way with a deposit from the company. In its effort, however, to make Improve ments and operate at low fare, the Muni cipal has been drawing down Its balances with the banks. The latter have given Inti mations to the Cleveland railway that there la no longer any reason why they should renew these notes and thers la probability that some of them will be called when due. Other notea are oo demand and may be called at any time. In case the Cleveland railway ahould be compelled to meet any part of thla debt. It haa no money with which to do so. Its only recourse would be to reduce the debt from rental money received. Thla would nectssltate the passing of dividends, a situ atlon that would make further sales of stock impossible, forestall the work of In stalling pay-enter cars, and defeat all ef forts to Improve the property or the service. Besldrs the threat which the referendum Itself contains, the Smith suits are another ft Large Size China Closets, quarter sawed oak polished with mirror $24.00 Omaha price $32.00. Huffets and Dining Room cent below 1907 prices. factor making It extremely difficult to meet financial requirements. Views of the Opposition. "The car servce In Cleveland," say. an opponent of the mayor, "has been so poor, however, that the majority of the people would gladly pay a 6-cent fare if they cou d only bo assured of the same number of cara as formerly. The Municipal Traction company has rerouted many of the lines, taking them off certain streets where they did not pay and playing havoc generally with realty values. It replaced Us striking employes with green men, and there have been more accidents in the last six months than the Cleveland Electrlo Railway com pany had in two years, and damage suits by the score have piled up against the com. pany." t On October 23 the public will decide what It wants. For the present the fate of the 3-cent fare hangs In the balance. COUNTY FAIRGETS MONEY Agricultural Society Is Awarded Five Hnndrcd Dollars Donated by the Commissioners. Complaining that the Douglas County Agricultural society had been Ignored by the Douglas County Corn Improvers' asso ciation In the handling of the (500 donated by the county board for an exhibit at the National Corn show, members of the board of managers of the former society appeared before the county board Saturday and asked that the donation be made to the Agricultural society. The discussion which followed showed there Is considerable feel ing between the two organizations, though the corn Improvers were organised under the auspices of the Agricultural society. John McArdle and J. W. Shumaker rep resented the Agricultural society and Charles Grau the Corn Improvers' associa tion. Mr. McArdle said It was the Agri cultural society that made the request for the appropriation, but in some way It had been made to the Corn Improvers' asso ciation. Mr. Qrau said the appropriation was made to the Corn Improvers' associa tion because the board had already made the full appropriation authorized by law to the Agricultural aoclety for the county fair. lie aald the corn improvera did not care who handled the money just ao all of It waa apent for premiums and none for Balarlea. After hearing both sides, th county board referred the matter to the committee of the whole. The county board authorised the opening of what la known aa the Procknow road, northwest of Florence, which haa been under consideration for some time. The hitch came because Mr. Procknow, a part of whose land waa taken, demanded pay for the fruit treea and produce garden, which would be damaged by the road. The board agreed to allow him 1300 for his land and $300 more for hla Improvementa. Frank Troxler and J. J. Barnes were al lowed $150 each for their land, which was taken. SEVERAL LARGE BUILDINGS Omaha View School, Hall Warehouse and New Car Barn Are Permitted. City Building Inspector Wlthnell on Sat urday Issued a permit for the erection of the Omtha View school on Thirtieth and Finney streets, the work to begin at once. The building ni l cost $100,000 and will be of brick. Another large permit was taken out Sat urday by C. W. Hull for a c ncrete ware howse to cost $30X. Thla will be built at Twenty-fourth and Spring atreeta. Mr. Hull also took out a permit for the et c tlon of a I rick office building at the same location to coat $3,500. The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Hall way company will build another car barn oi p site the new Hull wan house on Twtn fourth and Spring alreets, the barn to cost $14,000 and lo le cf brick. The perm t waa issued Saturday. Other bulkMng permits issued on the last day of the week were: O. Edwards, Twen tieth and Plnkney stree a, frame dwelling, 12 &0; A. Tyberlng, Twenly-nlnth and Ham ilton streets, frame dwelling, $2,50J; C, Wolff, Twenty-elglith avenue and Spaul tilng streets, frame dwel Ing. $2.0M; W. 8. Frank, Eighteenth and Burdette atreeta, frame dwelling, $2,000. Frightened Into Kits by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's New IJfe Pills and away goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Dr. Ross. Dentist. 415 Barker Block. . . - .-"'iVirV A world leader, with mirror, at . .$15.00 Omaha Price, $22.00 Get Our Sets at 23 per MEN 10 HELP WOMAN'S CLUB Commercial Club Will Assist in Enter taining Convention. AUTOS TO BE FURNISHED TO AIL Daslnesa Mca'a Organisation ConsplU menta Women on the Good Work They Have Done for the City. Women's clubs are praised by the Com mercial club of Omaha In a letter to all members mailed Saturday informing the business men of the meeting of the Ne braska F deration of Women's Clu s, which meets in Omaha October 13 to 15, inclusive. The Commercial club Intends to asalst In entertaining the women of Nebraska when they come to the city and no convention which has held its sessions In Omaha In re cent yekrs will receive a more cordial wel come. The flrat thing the club will do for the women visitors will be to fur nish automobiles to give the entire conven tion a ride about the tity, meeting at the F.rst Congregational church at 4 o'c.ock Wednesday afternoon. The "why" theso women should be enter tained by the business men of Omaha is given In the letter and among the thing enumerated by the entertainment commit tee of the business organization the women'. clubs are given credit for be ng inatiu mental In bringing about nerd d reforms in Omaha, among them the passage of the juvenile court bills, pure food laws, women's property right bills, procuring u suitable covering for the patrol wagons, an ambulance for the HI, placing the refus cana on atreet cornera and many other mu nicipal Improvements. . "Besides these," says the letter, "th women have loyally subscribed to many funds, including $100 to the Omaha Fai.' and Speed association, $293 for the state traveling libraries, $100 to suffering Armen ians, $1,000 for rooma for the TranemlKsls- Linen Covers, suitable for slumber rugs, carriage lap covers, dining table covers etc.fl.00 Nankeen Underskirts, pure all cottons, at 2Sc U. S. Navy White Duck Trousers -; COc Sofa Pillow Patterns, Coverings, Handsome Trimmed with Soldier's Chevrons COc Husset Lt-ather Cartridge Belts - 80c Q,, ...Invito fnr Itnrcu Onit IT ft Khaki Trousers, double thick over Canvaa Coats. CO Inches long, for Bayonets converted in sconces for 116 IT. S. Government Guns, brand new without a shot or ball cartridges, for Ammunition, at U. S. Marine Department Shoes, Armv Horse Bit. The worst bit ful curio Other goods galore. Something to please and interest every one. good, Monday. Open day and evening, until 10 P. M. V. 8. KIKK, Mgr. (Monday Last Day.) ami rarfrc line of new Pedestal Tables from $9.50 to $20 'M(o below Omaha Prices. Full size Steel Couch $2.95 Prices On Rugs A good Brussels Rug. . . . A good Axminster Rug, 9x12, A good Velvet Rug, 9 x!2, . slpul congress, $300 for the museum at the public library, large sums for the poor uf the city, $50 to the Apollo club for the Thomas orchestra, $5C7.B2 for the Audito rium and $1,161 for the Knights of Ak-Sar-fcen." J:at now the women are boosting for the National Corn exposition and the Woman's ilub of Omaha will doubtkss be risonnlble In a large measure for the domestic science and domestlu departments of the great ex position. The Commercial club enterta.n ment committee closes the letter with this: "These are only a few of the projects that the Woman's club has ably assisted and In consideration of this we ask the co-operation of members In entertaining- the coming convention." KANSAS CITY BOOSTS OMAHA Forma "Omaha Club" to Attend Na tional Convention of Baglcs In This City. An "Omaha club" has been organized in Kansas City. Although great commercial rivalry exlata between thoae two placea, an effort Is being made to band 1,000 men of Kansas City together to boost' for Omaha. Thia la being done by the Eagles, who are organising the club for a gigantic showing at Omaha next year, when the grand aerie meets here. At a regular meeting of Kansas City acrle No. 47 last month a committee was appointed to organize an Omaha club and later this committee met for the purpose of drafting rules and laws for the conduct of the club. The club Is known as Omaha Club of Kansas City Aerie. No. IT, Fra ternal Order of Eagles. The purpose of the club Is to Induce membera of aerie No. 47 to affiliate with the club In order that the club may have the largeat possible rep resentation in the parade of the eleventh grand aerie session In Omaha In 1909. One of the rules of the club Is: On or before April 1, 1809. each and every member of the club will he required to pay Into the club the sum of $20 to defray the expenses of the trip. Railroad fare, sleep ing car rate, hotel bill, etc., to be de ducted therefrom and the balance to be placed in the general fbnda of the club, along with all profits made on entertain ments, picnics, clam bakea or outings. After U. S. COAT out of the ordinary. You can't get city. The Eagle direct from U. 8. plaques. To beautify one's room any to your friends as a coming ent Trousers for -worklngmen, pure, all wool, sewed with linen thread, tough aa leather $2.25 Quartermaster's Department, U. 8. Army Llneni, 48-lnches wide, tough as Iron, for Toweling, Table Covers, Art Squares, Men'a and Women's suits for outings and many other purposes, yard, for 400 Armv Ktmns. new. nice for school straps. . . ,10c 11. KO nrlce leg and seat men and women, sides of mantles, at for scratch or blemlth pair ever used on a horse to' manage horses PIATT! 5QCtV"1 f2, 11 Solid oak China Clos ets, well made, at di $9.50 and Carpels . $9.75 $17.50 . $16.00 Its all expenses luive been paid, such un headcijnrteiH. uniforms. b.ntneH, etc.. thu remainder sluill be divided umoiig the mem bers of the ciuli. The looul KtiKles are qullo elated over this early activity on the part of the Kansus City club. They say It shows a great Interest In the next meeting and with other cities following the lead of Kansas City will lusure a gigantic crowd for Omaha. DIVORCE CASES SCOTCHED Will Not Oo fflldlna- Throuah Court with Name Facility as Before. By a change In the rules of the district court Just made by the Judges It will be more difficult to rush default divorce cases through court than It was under the old rules. Formerly the rule applying to di vorce cases provided no case should be heard before the day on which it waa na slgned In the bar docket, but If a case wns filed after the bar docket had been made up It might be heard immediately after atuawer day. This gives a priority to casea filed after the bar docket had been mads up. Under the changed rule unaBslgned cases cannot be heard until after the last as signment day. I'nder the old rule a ense filed Just before the opening of the Octo ber term of court could be heard If there was no answer on October 20. Under the new rule it will have to wait until after October 30, and then tske Its turn. While the rule Is not a radical one It will affect a number of divorce cases. St. Loals Street Car Stolen. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 10. Officials of the United Railways company, which operates the street car system here, are puzzled on the disappearance of a big trolley car from the sheds at Prairie and Easlon ave enues this morning. No trace of the mlsB ing vehicle has been discovered und Gen eral Manager McCulloch believes that It was stolen by two men who are o.peiatlnj it about the city and collecting fuius. By using the various departments ot The Bee Want Ad Pagea you get the best re aulta at the least expense. i H OF ARMS them In any regular Government, nicely and to mall store In any mounted on Christmas pres -00 1.50 Ijl.OO 91.00 Breech loading, to shoot both bird $:t.50 3c and '2 rents each fl .25 and $2-80 going to battle. Hare and use- BOc Only 1 day more. Sale closes lor 11th and Harney Stroeta. .330 f t ... 1,1 Mrt 73'" TO ) HASG r I