TItfl, fMAU,VM FTOPAV. WSLw OCTOBER. Ik, 1J Tim Omaha Sunday Bes FOUNDBD BT EDWAHD no.SETWATER VICTOR ROSHWATKR, EDITOR. Kntered at cUsa matter. Omalia postofflce aa second- TERMS OF SmBCRIPTION. Dally Bee (without Sunday), one y-ar..$4 on Dally lien and Hunday, one year 6.W, DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Re (Inrludtng Sunday), per week..l"ci Dally Bee (wlt)iout Sunday), per wee);. . .I'K? Evening R (without Sunday), per week He ! Kvenlng Bee (with Hunday), per wrek...1"c Hunday Bee, one year !M; Saturday Bee, one year 1.60 : AHHrMll All pnmnlnlnti nf Irritant. HHn. I In delivery to City Circulation Department OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Bouth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Counrll Bluffs 16 Scott Street. Chicago 1M8 Marquette Building. New York Rnoni 1101-1102, No. 34 Went Thlrtv-thlrd Street. Washington 726 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and editorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company, tmly i-cent stamps received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eaatern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska, Dotigla County, as.: Oeorge B Tsachuek, treasurer of The Bee Puhllshlng Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed luring the month of September, 1908, was as follows: 1 36,000 3 87,650 S 30,060 4 30.960 36,140 35,700 7 36,530 89,610 36,840 10 36,610 11 36,660 12 36,600 IS 30,600 14 36,380 It 36,380 II 34.190 IT 38,300 It 36,340 19 36,370 tO 36,000 21 36,330 22 36,830 23 36,490 24 36,560 26 36,460 26 36,490 27 37,700 21 36,440 29 36,490 SO 36,700 Totals 1,096,390 Less unsold and returned copies.. 8,437 Net total 1,086,953 Call y average 36,333 OBORQE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Vefore me this 1st day of October, 1908. (Seal.) ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. W1IE! OUT OF TOWN. Subscribers lcavlnsj the city tem porarily should hare The Bee mailed to them. Address will be rhaaa-ed aa often as reqaeated. The map of Europe will really look better with the crescent of Mohammed eliminated. . This Balkan trouble will probably enhance the price of Turkish ruga made In Paterson, N. J. Tom Watson say 8 he does not wish to be elected president. The voters are showing no disposition to force him. The Bulgarian army Is Bald to be modeled after the Russian pattern. In that case the Bulgarians might as well quit. I The American battleships will start for Japan In a few days, without wait ing for the aid or consent of Captain Hobson. The sultan of Turkey is blaming most of his troubles on his minister of finance. So there Is a Turkish Has kell, Is there? It Is reported that a Russian prince Is to marry an American singer "for love." Chances are that he Is marry ing her for her notes. Chicago republicans gained 12,000 In the first day's registration and the democrats logt 6,000. That's the Bryan wave that Is sweeping over the country. ) A Boston man was excused from jury duty because he was writing a book. Indiana would not be able to secure a Jury If that excuse was ac cepted by Hoosler judges. Mrs. Howard Gould testifies that her husband had the habit of winking at actresses on the stage. Howard should get an expert oculist to testify in his behalf. An Iowa man who has been visiting Texas says he saw frogs there as big as chickens. Iowa men visiting Texas should be careful about their drinking habits. Colonel Ouffey of Pennsylvania has repudiated Haskell. Apparently Col onel Bryan is the only prominent dem ocrat who refuses to condemn Haskell or Haskelllsm. t Lord Rosslyn, who tried unsuccess fully to break the bank at Monte Carlo, is going to be married for the third time. The gambling instinct In him can not be suppressed. Two Bryan electors in Massachusetts have resigned from the ticket, explain ing that they are going to vote for Mr. Taft. Someone should move to make It unanimous in Massachusetts. A St. Louis Judge Is considering tlm problem, "What are the household du ties of a millionaire's wife?" It would seem that a millionaire's wife ought to be free from household duties. .. 1 .rrrr Emperor William need not hope to escape being accused of backing Bul garia's bolt from Turkey. He Is al ways suspected when anything hap pens to threaten the peace of Europe and, sometimes, he is suspected wrongly. Charles Frohnian has refused to re serve seats for the first night perform ance of his shows in order to "get rid of hypercritical first-night audiences." Why doesn't he save all that worry by opening bia shows on the second Hifbtt THE rCPLIC HEALTH. The recent world congress at Wash ington for the interchange of opinions on tuberculosis. Its causes and meth ods of treatment. toEcthpr with the ! concerted action that Is now being j planned for fighting cholera and the I bubonic plague In all parts of the elx, 'llizrd woild, are certain to have an In jslrurtlve and Inspiring effect In calling attention to the Importance of safe guarding Hie public health, as distln 'gutuhed from the health of the indl ; vldual. The public health. In the broad sense, Is essentially the greatest asset of a nation and should be one of the nation's chlefest concern, but the rec ord shows that this development has come late In modern civilization. Pa ternalism and centralization have man ifested themselves In some degree in every other phase of activity, while but too little attention lias been given to tho public health. It Is perhaps strange that lawmakers, students of economic conditions' and sociological experts have devoted much time and thought to the relations of the Individ ual to the community or the nation In all other matters, while giving but scant attention to the socializing of the health question, the broadening of the base so as to Include whole popu lations Instead of Individuals. , Selfishness and indifference are probably at the bottom of this neglect of a question that vitally concerns the public. The average citizen Is prone to feel that he has done his part when he takes care of his own health and that of his family and shows a reason able Interest and concern In the health of his neighbors. Recently there has been an awakening of the Individual to his responsibility toward the public health. Science has been active in proving that most epidemics and con tagions are due to conditions which could be removed. Thousands of citi zens die annually from preventable diseases, and this fact places a respon sibility for the whole people upon each Individual. In the face of such con tagions and epidemics the individual is helpless, regardless of his ability to employ the best medical service, and the duty of precaution becomes a pub lic, not an individual, responsibility. In a recent article in Science Prof, William T. Sedgwick advances the theorem that for every death prevented by the purification of a water supply two or three-deaths are avoided from other contingent causes. On this feature of public oanltatlon Prof. Sedg wick says: ' Working under my direction, Mr. Scott MacNutt has recently been able to confirm this surprising theorem, and even to estab lish It as conservative. We have also gone further than Mazen and discovered what the other causes are from which deaths are thus avoided; and, although they are not yet all published, I may say that conspicu ous among these "other causes" are pneu monia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis and Infant mortality. Prof. Sedgwick uses- the filtration plant at Pittsburg as an illustration. The record shows that the installation of this plant has saved 100 deaths from typhoid fever and at least 200 more from other contingent causes. The importance of a pure water supply Is being Impressed upon the people every where and with it the necessity of con sidering environment and general con ditions In their relation to the general health. This new awakening is caus ing special attention to be paid to san itation In factories, the cleaning up of pest-breed lng tenement districts and general regulation of the systems of sewage and garbage disposal and street cleaning. The arousing of tre public Interest in this public question is the more welcome because it Is belated. THE COIWTRY'S WATERWAYS. Beneath the enthusiasm and general Inconsequential debate engendered by the waterways convention at Chicago lies a purpose deep . enough and broad .' enough to concern the en tire country. The movement for a more general utilization of the nat ural facilities for transportation af forded by the navigable streams of the United States is taking on a concrete form. It is a demand of the steadily Increasing commerce of the country that some more extensive use be made of the great rivers of the United States. No country In the world Is so favored naturally, but of late years no country has made so little use of Its natural advantages in this regard as has the United States. The railroads drove the steamboats out of business, not because the railroads furnished transportation more desirable as re gards certainty, but because the rail roads had all the advantage as to celerity. The rapid development of the country back from the rivers was also a strong point In favor of the rail roads, but the time has come when he railroads cannot properly take t are of all the business that depends upon them, and the slower, cheaper method of moving the bulkier commodities of trade Is again called for. In Chicago great stress was laid upon the construction of a deep water canal that will connect Lake Michigan lth the Mississippi river and the Im provement of the Mississippi so as to permit cf deep-draught vessels moving without hindrance between the Gulf of Mexico and the lakes. This is, of course, a very desirable feature of tlu general program, but It would seem to be wise to provide for the Improve ment of existing water courses before entering upon extensive construction or artitU'lul ways. The difficulty that has stood in the path of improvement of the water courses of the United States for a long time has been the failure of the champions of "the cause to agree upon a program, Whenever the advocates of waterway transporta tion will concentrate upon a definite line of action, results will certainly fol low. Tho letting of a contract for an- other wing of the Omaha High school must bring home to the older residents of the city In a very forcible way the thought of Its recent great growth. Men who are still young and active in the local business world were Omaha High school students In the days when the old building on the hill was new and was thought to be sufficient for all demands for many years to come. The development of the Omaha schools has been a large part of the growth of the city, and one of its chief sources of local pride Is the fact that the pub lic schools have not been permitted at any time to lag behind in the general progress of the community. THE A JEW COAL SITPLY. Alaska has been busy for several years sending an annual gold contribu tion several times as large as tho original purchase price of the territory, but now conies to the front with a promise, made through the geological survey, of having another resource that Is of more value than all of tho yellow metal washed from the frozen creek beds in the Klondike or sifted from the beaches at Nome. According to the latest report of the government officials al4 of those estimates showing that the coal supply of the nation will be exhausted within the next century or so may be torn up and used for starting the furnace fires. Alaska has coal to burn. An expert of the geo logical survey has just made a report, the result of several years' Investiga tion, In which he offers the following cheering assurance: The mineral coal In the ground In Alaska has not yet been definitely estimated, and, whatever estimates are made, for some years to come will doubtless be subject to wide expansion as further geological ex plorations are carried forward, but It Is proper to say that the coal resources of the territory are very great, and that they will bo figured In hundreds of millions and even billions of tons. "Billions of tons of coal" has a warming sound and the geological sur vey reports Indicate that the estimate of the coal deposits In that country have not been exaggerated. The ex plored and known coal area of Alaska already is approximately 12,000 square miles. Practically one-fourth of the Alaska country has not been ex plored. Should that area develop coal fields the worry over fuel for the fu ture, might be postponed for centuries. The investigations that have been made of the Alaskan coal deposits have been confined to the coast and show that coal exists along the entire coast. from one end of the country to the other. The coal ranges from low grade lignite to the best of anthracite and bituminous, equal to any found in the Pennsylvania and West Vir ginia coal fields. Enough has already been learned of. the extent of these de posits to warrant the government ex perts in assuring the country that Alaska can supply the nation's wants for fuel for generations to come, even if no additional coal areas are dis covered. GREATEST OF GAMES. The foot hall warrior is now coming in for his little brief time upon the stage, but nothing that he can do will ever place him on a par with the base ball man, who is going into winter quarters. A nation Is largely meas ured by tho character of Its games, and the healthy and vigorous outdoor pastimes that attract the attention of Its youngsters are a certain index to Its character. The game of base ball is strenuous, calling for the very best of the men who participate in It. It requires a clear brain, steady nerves , and strong muscles, and that it is so thoroughly understood and so gen erally played by Americans Is an Indi cation of the general nature of the na tion. The devotion given to base ball la. but an example of the earnestness with which the American has taken up all problems of life, and of the energy that has placed this country far in ad vance of any the world has ever known. In four base ball leagues this year National, American, Western and Southern the last game of the schedule was necessary to determine the pennant, and in no league an extra game had to be played before the champlorshlp could be awarded the first such Instance since the National's organization in 1876. The season of 1908 goes down In history as the greatest of all years. Something like $17,000,000 was paid at tho gates of the hundreds of parks over the country. Attendances of 10, 000 became common and those of 30, 000 were registered several times. What does It all mean? One thing Is that the American people have a great national sport in whose fairness and cleanness they place the most Implicit confidence. Were there the slightest suspicion that base ball aa played and carried on today under the direction of the National commission was not "on the square" conditions would bo very different. The patronage given the game Is all the testimony Its gen uineness requires. Base ball possesses an indefinable magic that Is unique. The charge of commercialism has been made against this country, yet not even the most strenuous struggles for com mercial advantage will half compare with the effort men ard women often exert to see a single pame of ball. At midnight Thursday, the day the Cubs beat the Giants for the National league penuant, a polcen-.an passing by the main entrance to the Detroit park found a lone man hanging arounl the gate. When he demanded to know what the man was there for at that time of night he got the reply, "I am here to get the first grandstand Beat to the game Saturday." What other pursuit of pleasure or business Is there that will drag men from their beds at midnight and hold them in lonely vigil through hours of darkness and day? And what Is that charm In base ball that so enslaves men's passions! No matter what; nobody can explain It, but everybody who knows the game Is heartily glad It Is there and hopes its magic will never wane. Long live the greatest of all games.. A FAM1XE IS CHURL'S GIRLS. New York and Chicago theatrical managers are announcing a , near-famine in chorus girls and shrewd man agers and their press agents are keep ing the public Informed as to the sup ply and demand of available front row beauty with as much accuracy as sta ple stocks are quoted each day by the ticker and in the published market re ports. We doubt If the general pub lic becomes very much perturbed over the reported shortage, while a goodly portion of the theater-going populace, particularly In the west, will bo dis posed to wish that chorus girls, at least of the kind usually sent on tour ing trips, were even scarcer. Theatrical managers have only themselves to blame for the shortage of the chorus girl crop, or rather for a demand that has increased out of all proportion with the supply. Year by year the producing managers have been turning their attention and en ergies to musical comedies, burlesque and spectacular affairs, ousting the legitimate drama from its place, and thus creating an unusual and abnormal demand for chorus girls. Even an or dinary or garden variety of musical comedy these days has to be backed up with a bevy of pretty girls and the supply Is far short of the demand. "Show girls" are needed by the hun dreds and by the thousands. They may not be able to sing well enough to war rant the use of the word "chorus" In referring to them, but youth and beauty and figure make up for vocal shortcomings. The famine in the chorus Is not due to any lack of pretty American girls. That is one crop that never fails In this country. It Is due, doubtless, to the larger growth of common Bense among American girls and the knowl edge that the Illusions, which form the chief charm of the stage to the audi ence, does not linger after the curtain has fallen. The American girls are learning that the chorus girl has no life of unalloyed pleasure, but that, If she does her work conscientiously and well, the long hours, the broken rest and other hardships are not compen sated by the weekly wage she receives. There will always be plenty of hand some girls, ready to try their luck on the stage, but the famine In competent chorus girls is easily explained. There's a famine In competent help In every line of activity, In the real as well as the mimic affairs of life. WHATS IN A CIIEESEt Experts at the Department of Agri culture have been at work again and the result Is an Interesting, if some what technical, dissertation on cheeses, how they are made, what they are made of and all the details connected with the business.- The experts an nounce, in an introductory note, that there are 229 known varieties of cheese and that no two of these are at all alike except that they have milk in some form as the basis. Milk Is the foundation of all cheeses, but the su perstructure may be made of anything from sage to soapstone, depending upon the whim of the cheese builder and the taste of the consumer. Cheese making Is one of the oldest arts, or trades, or habits, under which ever classification. It was an article of diet back in the hazy times of his tory and has never lost out with chan ging fashions. It is found In the plains of South America, on the shores of the Mediterranean, In the passes of the Alps, on the banks of the Rhine and the Rhone, on the Bteppes of Siberia, In the cottages of the peasants, in the palaces of princes and on lunch coun ters of the civilized and seml-clvillzed world. Age does not wither nor cus tom stale the infinite variety of cheese. There are cheeses in existence and growing stronger every day that are older, than any existing government. One particular cheese Is mentioned as being over 200 years old and reflecting great credit on the family that pos sesses it. Over in Switzerland they have a pleasant custom of making a cheese at the birth of a child and eat ing it at his funeral feast, or at the funeral of his son or grandson. According to the government bulle tin cheese can be made from milk and anything else that Is handy around the house. Rennet, extract of thistle blooms, wlthanla berries, acetic acid and other agencies are used for cur dling purposes. It Is made of skimmed milk, cream, buttermilk, reindeer milk, goat milk and any old combination with a milk basis. It is made hard or soft; it is made In cakes as small aa your thumb and it comes in packages as big as a grindstone. It is sun cured, smoke cured, cured In garrets, cellars, stone quarries, In trees or in caves; It Is wrapped in bark, in fine linen, In oiled sklnB; It is made with whisky flavor, with sage filling, with eggs, butter, sugar, sail, cinnamon, nuts or anything else that may please the palate. The reports of the experts raises an interesting question as to what actios the inspectors of the pure food w will take when it conies to examining cheese? From the formulas set forth in the pamphlet under discussion it Is difficult to Imagine how they would go about to adulterate a cheese. The Iudianapolis News asserts that the six greatest women in the country are Julia Ward Howe, because of her patriotism; Jane Addams, because of her reform work; Helen Keller, because of her perseverance; Maude Balllngton Booth, for her work In uplifting the fallen; Frances Folaora Cleveland, aa embodiment of American wifehood and motherhood, and Helen Gould, be cause of her philanthropy. Every man, in love knows at .least one other woman who should be added to the list. California democrats are complain ing that they have no real party spell binders In this campaign. That is hardly complimentary to Judge Parker and George Fred Williams, who have been stumping that state. Railroad stocks went off several points in Wall street on account of Bulgaria's declaration of independ ence. The next tnlng in order will be an advance In rates on war clouds. Among the other Bulgarian atroci ties will be the jokes and puns made on those names. I'd herded Drops. Indianapolis News. Cut, of course, you can't expect such a conservative and well-established commod ity as the pork chop to pay any attention to any mere drop of 50 cents or so In the price of hogs on the frivolous market. Panama DIgalna-. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The total remaining excavation at Pan ama Is 91 000,000 cubic yards, and the work Is going on at the rate of over 3.0C0O00 cubic yards a month. By July 4, 1111, the digging should be completed, which will be an In teresting Item for the day we celebrate. A Forlorn Hope. Philadelphia Press. Bryan Is so much frightened about the situation In his own state of Nebraska that he- Is going to spend three days In a can vass there. When the democrats get in doubt a.bout Nebraska It goes a long way to shatter their claims to any part of the west. Foolish Prophecies. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. -Twelve years ago the prediction was made by democratic statesmen that the Fourth of July would be put out of business as a result of republican policies. On the con trary, the anniversary still survives and Is annually celebrated with Increased ardor, not only in the land of Us birth, but In for eign lands as well. Activities of the Campaign. Baltimore American, gome time ago the leaders of the cam- pa gns of all parties were warning their followers against the dangers of apathy. Whatever else may be charged against the campaigning, no one can accuse anybody concerned now of being apathetic. On the contrary, the interest Is of the liveliest. partly on the principle that the desire to see a scrap springs eternal in the human breast. SECULAR SHOTS AT TUB PULPIT New York World: The impression gained from the career of John Alexander Dowie, against whose estate claims exceeding $5,000,000 have been filed, Is that he gave to Zlon City talents which would have shone with great brilliance in Wall street. Cleveland Plain Dealer: The pastors who are endeavoring to bar certain popular songs from the repertory of the young men 1n whom they are Interested might do well to get the composers of these ongs to write something equally tuneful that would be up to the pastoral standard. Somebody said long ago that the devil shouldn't be given all the good music. Springfield Republican: The extent of the Salvation Army organization Is hardly comprehended by the public, notwithstand ing . the accounts from General Booth's campaign over Europe, In India, Australia and norw In South Africa, but It Is really get ting to be almost aa catholic as the Roman church. So It has to sustain a "secretary for foreign affairs" and that official, T. Henry Howard, is now in this country. He was the organizer of Army corps and posts in Australia and has been commis sioner In various branches of the work for more than a quarter of a century. Boston Herald: The Rev. Dr. Philip S. Moxom of Springfield makes an emphatic protest against religious revivals and gives It as the lesson of his experience that they lead only to an artificial and hectic sort of religious enthus asm that in the end does more harm' than good to the churches em ploying such methods. More good, he opines, can be done by a dozen earnest and quiet workers than by all the florid and artificial exhorting which crops out In revivals. However, Dr. Moxom is fond of shocking his more fervid evangelical brethren occasionally. PERSONAL A.U OlilKllWISE, Now Is the time to plan for a safe and sane Halloween. The clamor around the palace of King Peter of Sepvla would be less annoying to Peter If he was sure that no bombs were concealed In the crowd. The Balkan war cloud la no bigger than a man's hand because the Interested powers are not disposed to show their hand at this stage of the game. The veiled prophet of St. Louis achieved much applause this year by refusing to prophesy which way Missouri was going. The task was too much fur lilm. A New York judge, who believes pub licity to be something of a moral fuml gant, refused to seal the papers In a di vorce case In which a preacher was named as corespondent. After Investigating the cause of the fire which destroyed a large part of Bos ton's suburb, Chelsea, a local Judge places the burning cigarette, aa a fire bug, on a limit with Mrs. O'Leary's cow. New York's new way of dealing with chauffeurs who smash the epeed limit law is to give them one day In jail for every mile on the hour gauge. One who hit up a tlilrty-inlle gait la now doing thirty days. A Detroit man who wedded a merry widow a few years ago did not have a suspicion of her advanced years until her grown son by a former husband drove one into his head with a flat. That woke him up and he hiked for a divorce court. The upheaval in southeastern Europe revives fond recollections of Tlrnova, Bulgaria's ancient capital, which pro voked a flood of humorous ,-eflectlona some thirty years ago. Paragraphers of today Tlrnova the pun Just aa the old boys did. Phlladolphtans meant no reflection on the memory of William Penn when they observed founders' day with parades of mllltla, regulars and anarlnes, agalrut which the Quaker leader exhorted while living. But William has been dead quite awhile and Philadelphia has moved con siderable. The courts of Indiana have affirmed the right of the state to seek forfeiture of the charters of the hotel companies at French Lick and West Baden, two health resorts of southern Indiana, where sulphur water flows and the "tiger" flourishes. The state does not object to the flow of water nor the coming of health seekers, but seriously objects to the maintenance of the "tige-." whereby the distinguished patriot, Tom Tasgart, waxes rich. ifr BUY HOW-PAY LATER 8 MY STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, RINGS, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, g JEWELRY is very complete. I would suggest that you do your buying Early and avoid the usual Holiday Rush. ...My Easy Payment Plan... enables you to become the Immediate possessor of any of the above lux uries without feeling the cost; then why not act at once? Buy your Xmas presents now and pay mo at your convenience. SERMONS BOILED DOWN. People who. make trouble always talk of their trials. True fruits are not unwilling to be hidden by the leaves. The man who can be bought always thinks he cannot be caught by his buyer. The greatness of any occasion depends on the man more than on the moment. No man is good enough for heaven whose goodness does not make men happy. He cannot make much of himself who thinks of making the moat only for himself. Pessimism is the power of entertaining all the aches without eating any of the apples. The great difference between men Is more likely to be in perspiration than In inspira tory Sidestepping a moral Issue Is evidence not of Intellectual agility, but of moral obliquity. It's a strange delusion of many that God can have no new thoughts when once they have spoken. Men will bother little over the breadth of your opinions unless you have, too, depth of convictions. There may be more religion In cursing as though you liked it than in praying as though It hurt you. It's usually the man who has learned how hard It is to begin to think who.denounces Intellectuality. Chicago Tribune. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. 'She Is eternally disgraced, and nothing short of a divorce will do her now." 'What has happened?' She was giving a pink tea and her hus band came home and painted It red." Nashville American. He But couldn't you learn to love me? She (looking down) I don't know. He Do try. One Is never too old to learn! Boston Transcript. 'A friend of mine has just been di vorced." "Well?" "Which are proper, condolences or con gratulations T" Louisville Courier-Journal. "Why do you shun that man?" 'Recause if I ask him how he Is he un reels a lot of symptoms, and 1f I say rjond mornlna' It invariably starts him on an endless line of weather talk." Washing ton Herald. "Just the same." said the Pittsburg man 'we pay our preachers a higher average IF YOU ARE NOT DOING TOO WELL why not try your hand at selling life insurance? There is a lot of nonsense talked about the life insurance business, but nothing can detract from the one indisputable fact, that it has three immensely attractive features; for it gives you 1 Unlimited scope, 2 Personal independence, 3 Larger remuneration than any other business in which you can engage without capital. . Do you want to hear some more about it? EQUITABLE LIFFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY PAUL MORTON, President H. D. NEELY, Manager, :: :: :: Omaha, Neb. ? The Piano Not how big a discount do I get, but what do 1 get for what I pay? Quality necessitates its price, but price never makes quality. Our Motto is "The greatest possible quality for tho cus tomer's money." Small profits on many sales, rather than big profits on few sales, is the very life of our business. Our Reputation has been gained by over a lifetime of living up to our promises, written and spoken. Our years of of closest attention to business have gained for us an expert knowledge which we use for the benefit of our customers. Our Line of Pianos is unequalled in quality for price and allows the widest range of choice from the Kranich &. Bach, the highest type of perfection in the art of piano mak ing to our new $145 large upright grand. Each piano is pos itively the best we can find in its class. We are factory distributors for Kranich &-Bach, Krakauer, Kimball, Bush & Lane, Hallet & Davis, Melville Clark, Cable-Nelson, Victor, "Weser Bros., Cramer, etc. The Best Place to Buy a Piano. A. HOSPE CO., is.!.as.:r' We Do Expert Piano Tuning and Repairing. salary than preachers get In imy other town." 'Yuu ouRht to," rt sponded the Cincinnati man. "They have tuug.K'r inxterml town.k on than any other town bus.' Chicago Tribune. "They say she's very generous." "Generous? I should say sne was. Whv, he supported her huslmnd thirty-three years and then retired him on a pension." Cleveland 1'lain Denier. He Madam, you spind too much mtmey In false hair. She And you do the same thing. He What do you meun? She You are nlwiiyB Inlying cijrars nnd I am sure in both cases It is money spent In puffs. Baltimore American. "Darling, I mean to prove my love for you, not by words, but by deeds." "Oh, Oeorge, did you bring the deeds with you?" Indiunupolis News. "Pop!" "Yes, my son." "When a person saws wood It nuans they say nothing, don't It?" Veh, my buy." "And du women ever saw wood? "No. women believe that sawing wood is a mans work." Yonkers ritatesman. TI ALWAYS MOMN1XS. C. B. Fisher in Circle Magasine. 'Tis always morning somewhere In the world Somewhere the Dawn leaps up, with flunh of roM Btrong-llmbed and beautiful and thrilled with hope. The wine of youth and Joy within his veins, And courage for the labor of the day. 'TiB always morning somewhere in the world. 'TIs always morning somewhere In the world. A freshening breeze from islands far away, The dew of meailows and the song of birds. Laughter of little children, upen eyed, And toll to prove the mettle of u man. "Pla always morning somewhere In the . world. "TIs always morning somewhere In the world. . Somewhere the elfin Morning, laughler- Is hVflng 'ncath the dripping wayside leaves; Somewhere, beyond another stretch of dark, Thlre own lost youth awaits thee, clad in light. 'Tie always morning somewhere In the world. 'TIs always morning and 'tis also night. For some, long shadows of the afternoon Creep over toll unfinished, limbs that fall; To some, night comith, in her bosom, rest: Someone takes up their tasks on hills (if dawn. 'Tis always morning somewhere In the world. Question !