n WHAT CLUBWOMEN ARE DOING All Ready for Entertainment Nebraska Federation. of MRS. MOORE EXTENDS GREETINGS ew President of Cieneral Federation Imim First Commaulcatlon to Clabdom Throoah Ortobrr Bulletin. For the second tlmo since Its organlta tlon the Nebraska Federation of Wompn'i clubs will hold Ita annual convention In Omaha this week. The federation win or ganised In Omaha In 14 and In 1898 Ita an nual convention waa held here. The meet ing thla wek will open Tuesday and con tinue through Thursday. All except the business scsMons will be open to the pub lic and bealdea theae program the follow ing complimentary affairs for the visiting lelegates has been announced: The Omaha Woman's club extend a cor dial welcome to all members of the state federation, and in their honor will tender a banquet Thursday evening, October 15 at 8 o'clock at the Rome hotel. Delegates will be guests of the club and any other club members desiring to participate may do so by remitting $1 and sending name to Mrs. H. 8. McDonald. 4018 Farnam street, Omaha, not later than Tuesday, October ts. The presidents, delegates and visiting members are cordially Invited to take lunch at the Armour and Cudahy packing com pany's plants, Wednesday, October 14, at 12:15 o'clock. It Is requested that all persons desiring to make this trip be ready to leave the club rooms by 11:46 o'clock In order that the return may be made In time for the after noon session. Superintendent White of the Deaf and Dumb Institute extenda an Invitation to all club members td pay a visit to the school at 4:S0 o'clock, Wednesday, Octoher 14. Mrs. C. W. Unlnger and Mrs. Frank Haller cordially Invite the presidents and delegates to visit the Unlnger Art gallery at 1:30 o'clock, Octoher IB. Mrs. Llnlnger and Mrs. Haller also extend a cordial Invitation to all club mcmliers to visit the gallery at 1:80, Thursday, Octo- V tor 15. The Omaha Society of Fine arts ex tends to all delegates attending the con vention, a cordial Invitation to visit the club rooms, third floor, Omaha public library, Thursday, October 15, at 3:30 p. m. Members will be there to meet their guests and Introduce them to Mrs. Sher wood, ex-chalrman General Federation of Women's clubs art committee, who will give an Informal gallery talk on forty or more original paintings of American art I -its which she Is able to bring to Omaha 1 ause of the courtesy of the artists with whom she Is personally acquainted. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock the Commercial club will take the visiting women for an automobile ride about the :lty. Greetings from Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. Louis, newly elected president of the General Federa tion of Women's clubs, has Issued tHe fol lowing communication to club women through the October Bulletin: My Dear Friends of the Federation: Nothing could have pleased me more than the Introduction to you In Boston as "the Hew president, but your old friend." Our beloved past president has given us thought and work of a marvellous scope, fnd It rests with' us In the next two years o Justify her belief; not to be content In taking "no step backward," but to keep ttep and press forward. Not every president can do what she has Sone, In going to your homes and In glv lg Inspiration from such a magnetic per sonality: but we would not be worth the four years she has given, were we not ready to stand with utmost loyally for her principles of work, with and for each other and for humanity. This may be a time for correlation of forces, for helping stedlly forward the enthusiasm that sometimes wanes. I beg you therefore to remember that no tw. IK-ople are alike, no two methods of work are exactly similar; and therein lies a charm Ini diversity, provided wo work to ward the same ends, and never forget the underlying principle of right. You should not depend entirely upon the persona you have pluced In office to make your "platform, " provided you have chosen tho right ones to whom you can Intrust the various plunks of the platform, that they keep them sound and strong. l.t my first message be one of persua Ivn force. We call ourselves WO.OUO In nutn-lM-r, imd with such a body we could ac complish anything that wus right and ex pedient. Why An we not accomplish all we at tempt? Because there are many clubs un willing to respond to the will of the ma jority. They are practically weights around the necks of those who follow the prin ciples of such an organisation. When the chairmen, whom your officers have placed It. authority over the work of the federa tion, present their tilans. manv clubs think tt futile to consider them. They do not ' ai '( tii.fi lory miKMi m icuni iim them, as an appreciation of tho work of their own organisation, to gain the knowl edge noCcHMiry for nn intelligent vote. Numbers give fictitious value unless every club uiulerstar.ds the questions under con sideration, even if not individually work ing along those lines. Let us make our organisation so thoroughly understood that the question need never be raised as to what we do, or, If raised, easily an swered by every one In membership The report of the ninth biennial with ad dresses from distinguished experts, reports or committees and slate presidents and the business action of the federation Is In thi hands of the retiring recording secretary, Mrs. John D. Sherman, 73 Bust Forty seventh atreet. Chicago. III. Copies will be sent to every club, but any Individual member may obtHln a prpy by sending Jn cents to the above address. It will be pleusant to hettr from you with a question, k problem or a suggestion and I prom's. a prompt reply. I may refer you at times to a e. inmlttee or our bureau of Informa tion, but u will be glad to know exactly where to find the word vnu are seeking. With cordial good will and service, sin cerely yours, EVA PERRY MOORE. D. A. H. neglna Work, The local thupter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will holt lis first meeting of the autumn Monday afternoon at the home of Misa Eliza Burdett Pat rick. Mrs. Charles B. I.ettan of Lincoln, state regent. Mrs. Geoige Sheldon, wile of Uovernor Sheldon, Mis. Drayton Buahncll of Council Bluffs, vice president geneial of the society for Iowa, and Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, regent of the Cornell liluffs chap ter, will be guests of the afternoon. The launnehlng of the battleship. N bruska, will aftord the theme of the afternoons pro gram. Mrs. Edgar Allen, who waa among the Nebraskana present at . the launc hing, will give a paper on "The Progress of the Fleet Around the World." Mrs. A. C. Troup will give a history of the Nebraska's stand of colors. Mrs. Sheldon will tell i f the pre sentation of the colors and Mrs. Amy Car penter will tell of the social side of the launching. Miss Nancy Bdttln will furnUh tnuslc. Mrs. Sheldon and Mrs. Let ton will be the guists of Mrs. A. K. Qault. regent of the loal chapter, during their stay In Omaha. Tuesday afternoon the visiting Daughters en attendance at the convention of the state (deration of women s clubs, will be re ceived between 4 and t o'clo k at the home of Mrs J. M. Metra.f , n South Tenth street by the resident memners of the state biard of management and the local board of management of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. Sheldon. Mrs. f l.etton, Mrs. Rushnell and Mrs. Thomas )y 1 Uetcalf will receive with the hostesses. ' 7 Domestic Science Teachers. ' Mrs. M. U. Ulair of St. Paul, Minn.. former chairman of the economics com mittee of the General Federation of Women's clubs and Miss Rosa liouton of tU demestlo scloina UyrliBe&t of the I'nlverslty of Nebraska will come to Omaha Monday to speak on the domestic science program of the convention of the Nebraska Federation ff clubs. In compli ment to theae two guests the old and new members of the household economics d -psitmcnt of the Omaha Womon's club will five a luncheon at the Young Mens Christian association Thursdxy noon. A nnonneements. Mrs. J. J. Ilealy, chairman of the en tertainment committee of the Woman's club, h.as requested that nil Pib women or others who can do so and who have not Already arranged to entertain cne or more rf the visiting federation delegates, com municate with her Immediately of 'phone Harney 2S3. There are at ill many dele gates to be provided for and the committee Is anxio;is that this may all be arranged by Monday evening, If possible. The Knglhh literature departme nt of the Woman's club will hold Its f.rst meeting of the fall Wednesday morning of this week at if). Hi o'clock In the west parlor of the club rooms. Mrs. Millard Langfelt will give a paper on "The Evolution of the Short Story and Its Place In Literature." The Omaha Women's Christian Temper ence union will hold Its regular business meeting Wednesday afternoon. October 14, at 2:30 o'clock, In the membership, parlor of the Young Women's Christian association. ccccooccocoooccooooocoocooococcoooooooooocooco SOU EIY f Ml EOS BRICM (Continued from Second Page.) 21, when the guests will be restricted to the younger set.' Complimentary to Mrs. Sherwood of Chi cago, who comes to lecture for the Society of Fine Arts, Mrs. C. C. George will enter tain at luncheon Monday at the Omaha club and Mrs. O. W. Wattles will give a lunch, eon party Tuesday at her home on South Thirty-seventh street. Thursday afternoon the Society of Fine Arts will give a recep tion at the Omaha Public Library for Mrs. Sherwood at 3:30 o'clock. Wrdillnsi anil KnsraKements. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayden, 2016 Cass street, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Mary Hayden, to Mr. Adolph Storx. The wedding of Miss Jean H. Huntington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunting ton, to Mr. Ernest A. Conaway took place quietly Saturday evening In All Saints' church in the presence of intimate friends and relatives. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay, rector of All Saints', officiating. The wedding of Miss Mamie Free to Mr. John T. Yates will take place Monday after noon at half past two o'olock at the home of Miss Free's sister, Mrs. J. J. McMullen, 808 South Fortieth street. Dr. F. A. Love land will officiate and only tho Immediate families will be present. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Yates will be at home at 3009 Marcy atreet after November 16. The wedding of Miss Bess Fisher and Mr. Frank Wilson Ingersoll will take place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. E, R. Leigh, "28 North Eighteenth street, South Omaha, Saturday. October 17. The cere mony will be witnessed only by rela tives of the bride and groom and followed by a wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Ingersoll will be at home after November 18 at 912 North Twenty-third street, South Omaha. The wedding of Miss Ethel Conant and Mr. Franklin Harwood will take place Wednesday evening at the First Christian church, Twenty-sixth and Harney streets, Rev. 8. p. Dutcher officiating. Miss Grace Conant will be the bride's only attendant and Mr. Ray Eeaelln will be the best man. Messrs. Arthur Rogers, William R. Wood, Clarence Van Kuran anil Homer Conant will be ushers. Following the church serv Ice there will be a small reception at the home of the bride at the Bachelors' hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood will take a wedding trip, after which they will be at home at the New Strehlow apartments after No vember 15. o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G TfflS MG1 ffirM ROOTER Paver Collars Abroad. From the United Stales consul a Frank fort, Germany, comes the uiiKKeation to American manufacturers of paper collars and cuffs that, with proper effort, they might secure a largo trade in that country. Not everybody is aware that such an In dustry still exists and flourishes. Those of mature years who can recall boyhood days on the farm or In the country village, .will remember a general use of paper collats which would bo bought and consumed, box upon box, and even paper false "bosoms," which the hired man would fasten over a woolen shirt for dress occasions. Thut was the golden Hge of paper gentility. Korlngfleld Republican. a DevBtMii F Bajixt. Sanatorium Thla Institution Is the only one In the central west with separate buildings situated la their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and nonniental diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other, Hest Cottage, "being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases, requiring for a tln.e watchful care and spe cial nurslusr. Monday Specials AT BEATON'S 25c AKan's Janice Cold Cream.. ICC 75c 4711 Baroness Cold Cream. .'J.Wi' 25c Merldor Greaseless Cream. . .10 25c Beaton's Cold Cream 15 15c package Emory Boards - TtC Be Orange Wood Sticks, 2 for 5 25c Cake Nail Polish 8 100 2-graiu Quinine Pills 23C 100 3-graln Quinine Pills 3 100 5-graln Quinine rills -J3 BEATON DRUG GO. 15TII AM) FAHXAM. TERMS 50c Cash; 75c Monthly THIS ELEGANT HIGH GRADE ROCXER IS ACCU RATELY DESCRIBED AND IS EXACTLY AS ILLUS TRATED, AND IS POSITIVELY AN UNMATCHABLE VALUE IN A HIGH GRADE ROCKER. Another example of the Peoples Store's ability to give you unmatchable values. This beautiful rocker is made especially to order for us, and if it was not for the fact that w vast quantity of these rockers, we would not be in a position to offer you such a tremendous value in a high grade rocker. It is constructed on the famous McKinley style and is without doubt the most comfortable rocker ever constructed. It has four coats of the finest grade of varnish obtainable and every rocker is hand polished and hand rubbed to a piano finish. It is constructed by expert workmen and with ordinary care will last a life time. Never before has such a value been offered to the pub lie. Remember this rocker is actually worth every cent of $10, but the special price for this sale is only $550 Wi sell Goods Out of Town on Yery Easy Payments. Writs Us. O O O O o o o o 0 o Terms 50c Cash: 75c Monthly Description. These rockers are made of solid quarter sawed oak, hand jwlished and hand rubbed. The massive arms are shaped and are four inches in width. The quarter sawed back is 20 inches in width, giving it that broad comfortable effect so much desired in all rockers. The height of the front post is 24 inches and the height from the floor to the top of the broad back is 40 inches. The seat of the rocker is broad and comfortable, the dimensions being 20 by 18 inches. The front posts and the cross center piece are hand somely carved. The rest of the rocker is en tirely plain, giving it that rich and elegant appearance; actu ally worth $10.00; special price. . & u A ft . i I & A A A 1 1 1 1 ''X75 For this handsome i RUGS FROIVI THE N. Y. SALE Our buyer attended the recent rug sal e in New York, and we were large buyers. We are now giving you the benefit of these advantageous purchases and guarantee that every bargain item in this announcement will be found here this week, exactly as advertised. It's a saving occasion that you cannot afford to ignore. Avminster Hugs. Handsome pattern, size 2 7x54 inches, worth $2.60, sale price $1.10 Heavy Smyrna Rugs, good quality, 36x72, heavy wool fringe, extra special value worth $3.00, sale price $1.98 Art Reversible Tiger Rugs. Can be used on either side, good quality, felze 9x6, $4.60 values, sale price S2.08 Reversible Tiger Rugs, size 10-6x9, extra fine quality, $6.60 values, sale price 32.95 Tiger Brussels Rugs, size 9x6, extra heavy quality, guaranteed wear, worth $12.60, sale price .7.95 Tiger Brussel Rugs, size 10-6x9, made of selected quality, handsome patterns, $18.60 values, Bale price 811.25 BrusFel Rugs, size 12x9, extra special qunl ity, best of materials, worth $22.60, sale Prlee 313.25 Tiger Wilton Velvet Rugs, size 12x9 feet very handsome patterns, and specially priced for this sale. Worth $32.50, sale price 319.75 Lancaster Axminster Rugs, size 12x9 extra fine quality, very heavy pile, worth I; $35.00, sale price 321.50 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs, size 12x9 absolutely the best value ever offered in this i character of rug. It is a high grade qual ity worth $89.60, sale price. . . -324.75 Sofa Bed Davenport TERMS $2.50 Cash, $2.50 Monthly. Exactly Like IlliiNtratlon This handsome davenport is constructed by expert workmen, they have mas sive solid oak frames, highly polished, and are up holstered in a special grade of Imported velour. They make a handsome article of furniture during the day, and can be easily converted into a soft and comfortable bed at night. Actual val ue $35.00. o If! o o 0 0 O II rf Bays a Guaranteed Gold pJDJ Coin Base Burner TERMS $2.50 Cash, $2.50 Monthly. We Are Sole Agents tor the Famous Gold Coin Base Burners. They are unquestionably the most eco nomical Base Burner on the market today. They have a large patented fire pot, special air-tight maga zine, and are beautifully nickeled trimmed with the best grade of sllvernickel plate. They bear a double guarantee; they have all the latest patents, and many special features not found in other Base Burners. Buy a Gold Coin Base Burner, and save time, save worry, and save fuel. WW 16112 & FARNAM STREETS, OMAHA. (Th Fsoplss Trrniturs and Carps Co. Zitsbllshsd la 1887.) O0OQOOOOGOOOO 9A Buys Our Special vp&0. ?U STIEL RANGE TERMS $2.50 Cash, $2.00 Monthly. Positively the best value ever offered in a high grade Steel Range. They are made of extra heavy, cold rolled steel, that is absolutely guaranteed. They are full asbestos lined, and have a large fire box equip ped with duplex grates, permitting you to burn either wood or coal. ' They have a large upper warmlpg closet, they alBo have a large 16-lnch oven, and are guaranteed to he first-class bakers. The entire range Is handsomely nickeled trimmed, and. with ordinary care will last a life time. An actual value at $40.00. o o o o o o o o o o Lf fisiMBifclilW - frrTRROVVNlCde This Is for You We still want to lmprpss on your mind tli Ht wo have a superb stock of Sterling Silver Suitable for Wedding Gifts You can select a sjlft at 5.00, I10.0H, $15.00 and up thi-n we have dainty Cheats of Silverall prices $35 00 to $r00. Nothing; Is more ap preciated for a Wedding Gift than Silver Rood silver and with our Im mense stock there 1h no queslli.n but what we can pleube you if you'll take a luck. C. B. Brown Co. 16th and Farnam Fresh Home-Made Candy Our New Depattment Goods Made Fresh Daily Not for us, but by us, iu our store at ICth and Farnam Sts. Myers-Dillon Drug Company WE DO WOT QUOTE PRICES But we give you the best and most up-to-date hat in the city for less money than you ean get elsewhere. New patterns in every week. F.M. SCHADELL, 1522 DOUGLAS ST. FURS Shown in Smart. Metropolitan Designs Have your furs remodeled and repaired In a reliable establishment where there la no danger of substitution, for furs, It must be remem bered, come in many qualities; nnd where they will receive the finish and style thut only a tailor can give. IAI)li:S' TAIIjOH AND Fl UKIKIt X. K. Corner 10th und Howard. Kor. nnnir as v Business Experience A great many people know this store by its advertising. Others know it by reputation, , but still more know it by experience. And they know that trading here means al ways dependable mer chandise, open h onse dealing without petty quibbling. These inspir ing methods contribute largely to our healthy growth. It's the store with lit tle price and large ac commodation. Our optical depart ment at your service. T. L Combs & Co. JEWELERS and OPTICIANS 1520 Douglas St., Omaha Our Shirt Waist Rings are "Chic" Dr. H. R. Arends , DENTIST Wead Building. 18th and farnam All Work Guaranteed CUT PP.IC Monday, Oct. 12 SALE INDIVIDUALITY Sorosis Shoes are in a class by themselves. Setting the style for many makers of women' shoes. This season the new shapes and patterns in Sorosis are more at tractive than ever. The fitting of Sorosis is a feature never neglected. SOROSIS Are the 0oe Recognized Shoe I of All Nations SOROSIQ SHOE STORE W FRANK WILCOXi Mir. 203 South 15th St.. OMAHA 10 cent and and others. up. Tulips, Peonies, Hyancintha Stewart's Seed Store no n. letti st. Cut prices prevail at all times at our stores but we some time forK''t costs en tirely for the purpose of rapidly unload ing our over stock. cut prices on STAPLE XATMT MEDICINE. $1.00 l.ydia Plnkham's Compound KHo 11. 00 Squibb Sarsaparilla 7fc $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription. . 8o $1.00 Green Mountain Renovator &Hc $1.00 Kexall Rheumatic Cure 75c $1.00 D. D. D. Eczema Cure Wtc VI rial, the great tonic, always $1.00 $1.00 9. 8. S. Blood Cure...-. RWe $1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure...- Xc $1.00 Peruna, for H'.tc $1.00 Duffy Malt Whiskey RUc $1.00 Baker's Barley Malt 70c Chest Protectors We have a fine line of Chent Protectors for I.adlrs and Gentlemen, assorted an to size and quality. Cut prices on Vine Toilet Soaps Monday Ivory Soap, Monday, 3 for 10c 60c Soclete Hygler- lque, for V-c 10c MnKiietlc fikln Soap, Monday ....6c 10c l.lquoxone Soap, Monday oc 50c Rieger's Boap, Monday ...2!c 1-lb. Bar Castile Soap, Monday 10o 10c Rise Simplicity Soap, Monday.,. 5o 60o Shah of Persia Soap, Monday 'Jlc 16c folate's Transparent Glycerine Bo.ip, cake G', dozen .'tf,o lRc Pi iir's Soap, rnkn c Kirk's Juvenile Soap K.c Jayne's Kxpectorant 4 fie nn I ,V.ie li.iy'rt Hair lieulOi 4."ic und SSti: Newliro's lierpielde 4."ie uml hue Knowllon's Danderine . ;ic, 4,"e end Hlis More Cut Prices on Staple Drug store Goods. 1-lh. Mule Team Horax 9c lloef, Wine and Iron 25c uml foc Abbott's Saline l.ax.illve. . LMe, 45c and altu Be sail Jlsinediss r'nll line cut price;,. Stuart's i-pi-p-.ia Tablets.. 45c ami 8'JC Iambert's i.istorine ...,23c, 45c nnd K!ic Hitter Apple Hair Tonic... bOc and 7oo Ayer'H Cherry Pectoral ..J3c, 45c anil K9c 10 kinds of .Malt K.xtrart 2 fur 'JTiO Vimault, one of the best malt extracts, dozen 1.4Q Horll. ICS Malted Milk 4 5.1, gc and $3.25 hi. Inula RlaekhiK. Monday 5c 60c Locust Hlossotn Perfume. Monday 29c "YELLOW BOX CANDY We are Just In receipt of our first ship ment of Uililretli's Velvet Candy. ' It S fine, 10c, 16c and 25c. Our now "Owl Drug- rftors" at IQth and Hnrney, tinder the personal manaKmfnt of our Mr. McConnell, ts rapidly build up a thriving business while the Do1t;e street store, with Mr. Sherman In charge. Is perhaps the busiest druv store In the entire west for nil nf which we are truly grateful to the people of Omaha. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Corner 16th and Dodge OUL DRUG 0. Corner 16th and Harney Wheiv You Buy Peroxide of HydrogfH, be sure and specify and take only the brand labeled "A. I). 8." There may be other good brands, but we know there are other brands no good so take no chances. The above also applies to family remedies ror every purpose lor'wnico you need such medicines and the "A, lng well known druggist. I). H." brand l (ruaruntei-d by the follow Bell Drug Co.. 121t Farnam ft. S A. Beranelt, 1402 South 16th Pt Km II Cermak, 1262 South 13th St. Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and Luke. BtS. K. H. Ehlers, 2802 Ieavenworth St. Foster 4k Arnold), 111 North 26th Et. J. J. Freylac, 114 North 24th St. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paclfia Haines Drug Co, 16th and Farnam SU. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1601 So. 2sth. Howell Drug Co.. 207-209 N. 16th St a. W. C. Hayden, 220 Farnam St. Her Grand Pharmacy, Cor. 16th Howard. Johanson DruK Co.. 24th and SpalUlntf. H. S. King. 24th snd Farnam Sts. C E. Lathrop. 1224 North 24th St. J. H. Merchant, Cor. 16th and Howard. U E. Peyton, 2401 Leavenworth 8t Prlbbenow ec Co., 1627 Vinton St. Saratoga Drue Co., 24th and Ames Ave. J. H. Schmidt. 24th and Cumin Bts. Aaa a.000 ether dmrglsts In every TlUlafe ana city alt over the Uatt4 States selUas; this wonaerful preparation. toOey. Fchaercr & Bon. 2631 North 16th Pt. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th an6 Douglas Streets Schaefer's Cut Price. Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Streets. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. O. 11. Wlrth, 40tU and Hamilton Sts. Benson, STab. Sprague's Hensun Pharmacy. Bonth Omaha, Veb. J. 1 Kubat, 110 North 24th St. Schaefer's Cut Price Liu Stores, HQi U St.; 24th and N Sts. Conn ell B raffs, lows. Jno. W. f'amp, 6u5 W. Broadway. Dell tl. Moik. 142 Went Uruadway. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug- Store, 6lh Ave. and Main St F J