Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee
rART t
Advvr-tiea in
Best i". West
The Omaha
Irish Courti Buiy Solving; Perplexing:
Election Battle Often Fought Out by
Member of Parliament Said to Be
American Citizen.
Amerleaa Syndicate Acaulre uarrr
Rlarht In Its Vicinity, Will
Hot Dtrejr HItorl
DUBLIN. Oct 10. (Specil.) Emigrants
who have returned from America, snd their
tutus hav been occupying the revision
court to the exclusion of almost everything
else this year. The revision court Is a
court held annually for thl purpose of re
vising the register of those entitled to vcte
at parliamentary and local elections, and
In many districts where the parties are
equally divided the election battle Is reallv
fought at these courts. Barring accidents
every qualified voter In a close district In
- Ireland can be relied on to go to the polls
so that onoe the revision la completed the
politicians can tell to within half a doxen
what the vote la going to be.
The question to be decided In moat of the
rases of returned emigrant! la whether
they are American cltliena or not. Most ef
them are proud enough of their American
cttlsenshtp and boast of it loudly on their
' return to the old country, but when they
are caught once more In the whirl of home
politic and desire to take their part In
the elections, they find It convenient to for
get their American naturalisation. The
most remarkable of these cases which has
come before the courts. Is that of Mr. R.
Q. Glendlnnlng. liberal M. P.. for North
"Antrim, whose vote was objected to by the
conservative agent at the Belfast court.
Mr. Glendlnnlng Is a linen manufacturer,
whose father emigrated to America when
he was a very small boy. There Is no
doubt whatever that the senior Glendln
nlng became an American cltlsen. He
voted and took a lending part In politics
III Brooklyn, and It waa stated by the con
servative agent that the younger Glendln
nlng also exercised hla rights as an Amer
ican oltlsen on the strength of hla father's
naturalisation. '
Name en Voters' List.
Bvertually,J Glendlnnlng. Jr.. returned to
Ireland, entered Irish politics and In time
.became an M. P. No one ever questioned
hla qualification before, and the revision
judge this year decided that there was not
enough evidence as to the taw and the
facts regarding Glendlnnlng American
citlscnahla to JJulTTy htm in trtwng. his
, name off the voter' list. Such action
would, of course, ba equivalent to depriv
ing him of hla seat la Parliament.
It I interesting in till connection ' to
note that England I the only country
which recognise American or other foreign
naturalisation to the extent of treating
'' the ex-subject os an alien on hi return
) tn hla native land. A frenchman or a Ger
man who has been naturalised In a for
eign country may resume hi status a a
French or German aubject at once on tils
return, but an English subject who has
been naturalised abroad la in exactly the
position of an altea Immigrant. He must
reside the required term of years and go
through all the formalities required for the
naturalisation of aliens.
Patriotlo Irishmen have had another scare
by a newspaper announcement that an
American syndicate had bought the Giant's
Causeway, that remarkable formation In
.County Antrim which la familiar to all
tourists, and was about to break It up for
road ' metal. Fortunately the report, as
. Mark Twain said about hla death. Is
grossly exaggerated. What has happened
I that a syndicate in which IriHh and
American capitalist are Interested have
secured a lease of a large tract of land
behind the causeway and stretching some
distance Inland. This tract la composed
of rock of the aame formation columnar
' basalt, as the Causeway and It Is pro
posed to establish a chain of quarries
stretching from Fortrush to Ballycastle.
Basalt Best Road Metal.
Extensive test have ' shown that the
columnar basHgt when crushed make an
Ideal road metal, and that the columns
themselves are the best known material
for seawalls and other building purpose.
Employment will b given to about SOO peo -
pi regularly and thu Instead of destroy-
lag a great natural wonaer. me synaicai
Witt be establishing a useful and' much
needed Industry In the north of Ireland.
An Interesting find has. .recently . been
mad during the demolition of an old
house at Mirahalaea lane, Dunlin, In which
It waa known that a number of Robert
Rmmet's followers lived. It ennalsts of a
umber of old swords and acabbards
which. It has been established, were made
by Mayfleld who carried on business tn
Dublin up to 1S0 and who made most of
the weapona used by Emmet and hi men.
The words are tn an excellent state of
preservation and are as sharp and keen a
on the day they were forged. Some Dublin
anUqvarie are of the opinion that among
them may be the word used by Kmmet
himself. The swords are ra'.her shorter
titan the tvn In a-eneral use at that nHwl !
and were made so, that they might be
concealed under the long cloaks then worn,
aao People in Asylam.
' A surprising tatc of affair has been
disclosed by a complaint made by the med
ical officer at a recent nwctlng of the
mantxement commltte of th Richmond
district lunatic asylum at Dublin. The
doctor complained that the asylum was
overcrow. l.-d becaus of th largs number
of old people who had been committed. II
reported that these old people could by no
tretph of the Imagination be classed as
'siisine. Tlvry were simply unable to care
for themselves on account of the Inflrml
tle of a;e. and rather than provide proper
attention for them the poor law authori
ties had sent them from th work-house
to th lunatic asylum. Th condition of
these unfortunate old people con fifed with
II kind of lunatics can be Imagined, and
th commltte decided that tiny must be
' removed at once, a much for their own
sake to mak room for th proper car
of the real lunatk-. Th work-house
authorities will now be compelled to make
proper provision for them, and a drastic
Inquiry will be mad to dlsoover who Is
responsible for certifying an men and
women a lunatic.
A weird story rotne from th neighbor-
iCoaUniM4 en fcond Pag.)
Sunday, October 11, 1908.
1908 OOOBeRd 1908
sn: yox uz, fo iw f& 2X1
- "12 3
45 6 Z 8 9 10
11 12 IS 14 15 16 1Z
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 20 2Z 28 29 SO SI
tii wums.
For Omaha, Council Bluffa and Vicinity
Fair Sur-day.
For Nebraska and Iowa-Fair Sunday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg
6 a. m..
6 a. m..
. 7 a. m..
8 a. m..
D a. m..
10 a. tn..
11 a. m..
12 m
1 p. in..
2 p. m..
X p. m..
4 p. m..
6 p. m..
A p. m..
7 p. m..
, 47
, 4i
, 49
, 64
. 4
, M
, 56
, M
. oft
. 67
, t.i
. 64
. 5!
. 51
Governor Hughe made a number of po
litical speeches In Illinois yesterday out
lining hla position on the 2-cent fare
problem. X, Par 1
The Presbyterian synod at Wayne
passed resolutions of congratulation over
the long service of Dr. Bulrd. X, Fag 3
Bulgarian officials think war Is In
evitable and Indications point to hostili
ties. X, Pat 1
The statu of emigrants who return to
Ireland and seek to vote occupies the at
tentlon of the Irish courts largely before
election. ' X, rag 1
Colonel Stewart has been disqualified
from service and retired by the Army
board at Washington. X, Fag 1
A fake horse race at Council Bluffs is
declared to have cost a Greeley, Colo.,
man 112,600. X, rag 1
Dave Bhanahan denies being a member
of the kickers' club and assy he did not
attend meeting, but Is working for the
entire republican ticket. X, Pag S
Local campaign against the white
plague I to commence in earnest next
week. TX, Pag
Defense in the land fraud cages com
mence Introduction of testimony.
X, Pa 4
latest gossip of the theatrical and
musical world. XX, Pag
Doing of Omaha society people during
the last week. XX, Pag fl
latest news of the builders and real es
tate men. TX, Pag
Lytle won the Motor parkway sweep
stake race at Garden City.
Robertson won the ZOO-mll automobile
rac at Phllodelphla thatiVaa.a i-loeing
feature of founder' week celebration. '
Chicago National won the first of th
world' championship aeries of : games
from the Detroit team, yeaterday, 10 to
I, on a muddy diamond. - Pour Page
Pictures and Incidents of Taft'a tour
through Nebraska. United States pur
chases largest part of the world' output
of diamonds. Rural carriers' convention
Illustrated. North Platte trade boosters
visit OBhkosh. Poor Pag
Buster Brown continues his antics In
the orient Page of Interest to the little
folk. Many things of value to the
women folk. Fluffy Ruffles tours Ire
land. Pour Page
Live stock markets. TX, Pag 7
Grain markets. TX,Pag7
Stocks and bond. TX, Pag 7
Port. Arrived. Sailed.
NBW YORK K. A. Victoria...
NEW YORK Prlmtuln Irena..
NEW YORK Luilt.nla
ROTTERDAM. .... Ityndim
Robertson Wins SOO-Mlle Contest in
Falrraoaat Parle.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 10.-In the mcst
exciting long distance automobile contest
ever seen In this city, George Robertson,
driving a locomobile, today wan the 2"0
mile race over a dangerous eight mile
course In Fairmont park. His time was
4:2:SO. I Patchke. In an Acme car. fin
ished -second In 4.14:54. Ralph Mulford, In
a lister car. waa third, and A. C. Maucher
j m a peerless finished fourth. Mulford'
, time was 4:17:2 and Maucher covered the
, 200 miles tn 4:21:28. After the fourth car
crossed the line the remalnlrg machine
were stopped and did not finish.
In all sixteen cars started and only seven
j or egut survived the others, falling out for
varloua reason.
There were no serloti acoldenta. The race
waa the principal feature of the closing of
Founders' week. Fifteen hundred police
men guarded the track ar.d it was due to
the excellent police arrangement that no
serious accidents occurred.
The cars were sent away at half minute
Intervals, beginning at 7 a. m. Half a
doten cars held the lead at different
periods of the race and finally Robertson
went In front and waa never headed. With
him In the lead there followed a hot race
for second position, In which It was des
tined that neither Jsmes Florida In a loco
mobile nor G"rge Davis In an A opera on,
leaders for the place, were to finish in
that poeltlor.i. Florida waa running second.
with Davis close up.
When Robertson entered his twenty
fifth and final lap a cheer went up and
the crowd tvttled hack to see the fight be
tween Davta and Florida. The mlnutca
passed and neither appeared, however, and
It was finally learned that both weie out
of commlaston along the course. Then
came Patchke in the Acme arxi then fol
lowed the Peerless and the Loner fighting
for third place. They had 'Just rone by the
grandstand when Robertson shot past a
victor, a lap ahead of his nearest compet
itor. Th course Is eight m'.les to the lap, or
twenty-five laps to complete the 2ofi mile.
Th startera were:
Thomaa ,
... Herbert B tner
.... George Davis
....A. C. Maucher
Max LtHot'h
..George Stlsiuan
Frank Yeratr
J. Harking
E. C. Irelsnd
....James Florida
George Robertson
L, Hera. loll
Willie Wallace
1. PiUctie
..Harrv Michener
I an Zengle
....Ralph Mulford
American locomotive
' ,oxS
Warlike Spirit Pe
Assembly and
Mob Burns Two Anstrian Flairs in
Streets of City.
Report that Large Anstrian Army is
Movinj Toward Frontier.
Russian Foreign Minister Confers
vrlth Sir Edward Grey la Reajard
to Proaoaed Conference
of Nntloa.
LONDON, Oct. 10. The Servian National
Asaeihbly is In secret session thl afternoon
discussing the attitude to be adopted to
wards Austria-Hungary. The delegates re
pervaded by a warlike spirit, and even as
they assembled, a mob burned two Aus
trian flags tn the street of Belgrade. The
Servian capital la consequently the dunger
Austrta-Hungsry ha served notice upon
Servia that It will tolerate no further
"provocation" and that it is prepared for
London 1 the seat of negotiation be
tween M. lswolsky, the Russian minister
of foreign affairs, and Sir Edward Grey,
the British foreign minister, lookign to the
convocation of an International conferenco
to maintain peace.
The Servian delegates evidenced their
hostile tendencies this morning by electing
to the presidency of the assembly a man
well known to be in favor of war with
Austria-Hungary. A member of the Serv
ian cabinet said yesterday that hostilities
hardly could be avoided.
Prince Nicholas of Montenegro has ex
pressed hi deep sympathy with the people
of Bosnia and Herzegovina and declared
that he was no longer under obligation to
observe the stipulations of (.the treaty of
Berlin referring to Montenegro. He Is be
lleved to have asked the king of Italy to
support him In his claims.
Turkey i following a contained and pru
dent course under the tuelnge of Great
The report that three Austrian gendarmes
were killed by Servian on the Bosnian
frontier yesterday has not been confirmed.
This Is only one of a number of more or
less sensational and unsupported rumors
current In Europe. Austria-Hungary could
throw 150,000 men aero the Servian fron
tier in twenty-four hour.
The Servian reservist will join the colors
"The caar of , Bulgaria" will make hi
triumphal ntrjr. tntoSofla next Monday.
'" "Austrian Flag; Horned. "
BELGRADE. Oct. - 10.-Even In official
circles It 1 now believed that war 1 una
voidable. M. Posle. minister of war, in
an Interview with the Associated Press
correspondent, declared that the situation
was most critical, adding: "Hostilities can
hardly be avoided." '
A big mass meeting waa held thl morning
after which the demonstrator marched
to the Skupshtlna, the members of which
are assembling, clamoring for war. The
feeling among the members of the assem
bly Is apparently warlike.
The news that the Austrian monitor
which are coming down the Danube have
reached the Servian frontier Is already be
ginning to alarm the people.
The extraordinary session of the Skup
shtlna, or national assembly, summoned
to deal with the existing crisis, wa opened
this morning amid scenes of great ex
citement. The war like sentiment of the
delegates was very notlcable, and this
spirit was given expression by the prompt
election to the presidency of the assembly
of Prof. Jovanovlts, one of the most pro
minent agitators In favor of war with
Two Austrian flags were burned by a mob
tn theater spuare this morning.
8PKZIA, Italy. Oct. 10-The Italian fleet,
which haa Just completed Its resrular fall
maneuvers, has received orders to remain
concentrated here.
Many Komora of Trouble.
PARIS, Oct. 10. The Paris morning papers
are filled with alarming but unconfirmed
rumors from, the near east. Among them
are the following:
That the Serlans have blown up bridges
along the Austrian frontier, that martial
law has been declared and that a Serlan
officer has been captured and shot.
From Cettlje come rumors that the Mon
tenegrins burned Austrian flags In front
of the palace and broke the window of th
Austrian consulate.
From Constantinople come a story of
antl-Chsistlan agitations In Symrna and
rumor that the English, French and
Italian, consuls have asked their govern
ments to send warship to the cene.
From Athens comes the rumor that Bul
garian agents are active In Macedonia, es
pecially In the vicinity of Seres, distrib
uting arms and Inciting the population to
A special dispatch to the Matin from
Constantinople says that the editors of the
Constantinople newspapers believe that
war Is Inevitable.
PARIS, Oct. 10. Th Vienna correspond
ent of the Temps report that the
Eleventh and Thirteenth Auatro-Hungarlan
army corps, with arm and ammunition,
are being hurried In the direction of the
Servian frontier. Hospital trains are being
prepared, th correspondent declared
further, at Vienna and Budapest
Laadaeekera at Dallas Given Chane
to Wltnea n spectacular
DALLAS. S. D., Oct. a An area of Tripp
county twenty-five mile long and fifteen
mile wide Is flr tonight, flame having
com to within five mile of Dallas. Th
fire started near Winona, a, reservation
town. No alarm was felt by Dallas people,
though many, land-aeekers excitedly viewed
their first pralrl fir.
Owing to Friday superstition, today wa
th lightest of all In th r.amber of land
seekers, only t.004 registering here, and HI
at Gregory. There ar 4H.2S application
now In th registration cana. with prob
ably 25.000 enrout by mail from affidavit
polnta v
United State Marshal Beth Bullock to
day appointed these deputies here: Edgar
Allen Poo, K. G. Fosterra, J. A. Thompson;
at aragory, Arthur Huston, Burt Ktr.
Mn Roosevelt's Cr w ing Achievement
ft '
From th Chicago Tribune.
Judge Gives Reasons for His Trip
Through Dixie Next Week.
They Should Take Part In Govern
ment that Their Proo-rea and
Enterprise Kntltles
Then To.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 10.-"I am going south
to make speeches in Kentucky, Tennessee,
North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland,
not so much with a view to carrying those
states as to show their people that they arc
a part of the union, and as such ought to
vote for the party which, will give them
the Influence In the nation to which telr
progress, energy and enterprise entitle
Judge Taft said tills to the Taft-Sherman
club of Highlands. Ky., which cume to the
Slnton hotel, today to pledtrp its support.
His address throughout was nn expression
Of Intense feeling regarding the political
condition of tho south The South had, ho
said, made wonderful progress under the
application of the republican principle of
protection, and yet It remained a perpetual
asset to the democracy of the north, to be
delivered cn bloc no mnttor what might
be the Issue or Interest at stake.
Mr. Taft biifled himself during the day In
clearing up hla office matters preparatory
to leaving Monday morning for a cam
paign trip which will keep him constantly
on the road until election morning. His
persoral headquarters here will be presided
over by his secretary, Fred W. Carpenter.
LI Sum Ling, editor and owner of the
Hong Kong Chinese Dally Mall, had an In
terview today with Judss Tnft, at the con
clUHlcn rf which he said that the candidate
was well known In the far east and his
election would greatly Increass the pres
tige of the United States In that quarter
of the world.
Mln Collins Will ltetire.
SIOL'X FALLS. S. D.. Oct. 10. (Special.)
Miss Collins, who departed a day or two
ago for Keokuk, la., where ahe will vlalt
a few weeks preliminary to taking up her
permanent residence at Pierre and spend
ing her remaining days there, 1 one of th
best known missionaries who ever were
stationed In the Dakotaa. For thirty years
she was a missionary on the Standing
Rock Indian reservation, and luring that
period became acquainted with thousands
of Indian rrren, women and children on the
Btandlng Rock and Cheyenne River reserva
tions. During the kreater part of the
thirty years spent by her as a missionary.
Miss Collins wa stationed on Grand
river. One of her protege was Sitting
Bull, the celebrated "medicine man" and
leader of the turbulent element among th
Standing Rock Sioux. A week before Sit
ting Bull wa killed in a fight with Indian
policemen, during the Messiah erase of the
winter of 1-91, Mlsa Collin had a con
ference with him, during which she urged
htra to obey the United State Indian
agent at Standing Rock agency, but he did
not heed her advice and a a result wa
killed. Mia Collin' duties were arduous,
and she has well earned her voluntary re
tirement. Mexican Revolutionist III.
LOS ANOEIJiS. Oct 10.-R!crV Fiore
Magon, reputed leader of th Mexican revo
lutionary movement la 1)1 in the county
jail, suffering with a pulmonary affection,
which, tt is bfelleved, already has de
veloped into a oaa of consumption.
Sooth Dakota Supreme Court Enter
Order Aaalnst HI Continua
tion in Practice.
PIERRE, 8. D., Oct. 10. (Special Tele
gram.) The supreme court handed down its
opinion today In the disbarment suit
brought by the Minnehaha County Bar
association agalnBt George W. Egan, noml
ree for state's attorney of . Minnehaha
county. On account of his action In the
Julia Ann O Grady case the court ho ds In
this case tho conduct of Egan not only
shows unfitness to be a member of th's
court, but also his perception of the duties
and resKnslbllltlefl of an attorney are such
as to render h'm an undesirable associate
for the members of the profession." His
name la ordered to be stricken from the
rolls of the profession in this state.
tireeley, Colo.. Man Complain He Wu
Swindled Out of Twelve
Thousand Dollars,
DENVER, Colo., Ort. 10.-A the result of
a complaint made by a Greely, CjIo., man,
whose name Is withheld, that lie waa bun
coed out of $12,309 in a fake horse race at
Council Bluffs, la., offl era here are at
tempting to find a gang of crooks suj posed
to te In this city. The fake race is said to
have taken' place., three . weeks ago, after
members of the gang had arranged the
event In Denver. - .
The horse upon which the Greeley man
p'a ed hi money lost. Not until he reached
his home did the Coloradoan conclude that
he had been victimized.
Army Officer Found In fit
Service and "Order I
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10. Colonel William
F. 8tewart, who has been In "exile" at the
ungarrlsoned; post at Fort Grant, Arix.,
ha been retired from the active service.
The report of the board which examined
Colonel Stewart waa presented to the presi
dent today and ke Immediately directed
that Colonel Stewart be retired. Colonel
Stewart, who Is now In this city, was noti
fied of the president's action.
Brother Make Peculiar Frror.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Oct. 10. (Speclal.)
Posltlve Information that the man who
committed suicide by hanging at the Hia
watha rooming house on September 36 wa
not S. S. Glenn of Pleaaantville, la., a
had been supposed, haa been received In
Sioux- City by Undertaker C. T. West
cott. Two day after the body waa taken
to the morgue 1t wa Identified a that
of Glenn by W. W. Glenn of Knoxvllle,
IS., a brother. A letter received from W.
W. Glenn says that H. 8. Glenn la still
alive and Is In South Dakota. H admit
that It wa a rase of mistaken identity
on his part. A remarkable featur of th
rase la the fact that S. S. Glenn really
wa in Sioux City on th night of Sep
tember S6 and waa a guest at the rooming
house, but left th next day for South
Dakota. The body of the unknown man
waa sent to th medical department of th
Stat university several week ago.
Stodent Seriously Hart.
MARSH ALL TOWN. Ia.. Oct 10-(Sp-clal
Telegram.) Earl Smith of Amea, a
tudent at Iowa State college, waa dan
gerously Injured by Jumping from a pas
senger train near thla city wblls stealing
a lid to Minneapolis to s th Minn-ota-AmM
foot ball gsma,
Does Not Depend on Guaranty Law to
Protect Its Own Money.
C. O. Whednn Issue Pamphlet Re
viewing Bryan's Record Repub
llcan Speaking; Date Aro
guaranty of
posits secure
a Staff Correspondent.)
Oct. 10. (8pecla.l.)-."lf , the
bank deposits makes the de
, why Is It that the stats of
Oklahoma requires a bond from the bank
in which are deposited state and school
The above la a question which a number
of people have been asking since the ap
pearance of the Oklahoma senators here as
champlona of Haskell and tho bank guar
anty panacea.
In Oklahoma the bank are required to
deposit a percentage of their money and
cerate -a fund to pay off depositors of de
funct banks. It is evident, however, that
the state has little faith in thla guaranty
proposition, for it still requires state do
posltroles to put up securities or a surety
bond to Insure ' th state against loss In
case- of bank failure.
Neither Mr. Bryan, Mr. Bhallenherger,
the Oklahoma boomer nor any other d
vocats of thl law In Nebraska has so far
as heard from told thla part of the story
to the epople of this state.
A letter wa received from Oklahoma
yelserduy saying that the state required
securities or a surety bond from banks In
which state or school money Is deposited.
Wbedaa Trails Bryan Up.
Charles C. Whedon, who has been a
close student of political questions for a
number of years snd who haa been a
thorn In the side of the democratic nomi
nee for president, has Juut issued a little
pamphlet entitled "A Review, Mr. William
J. bryan's Positions, Past and Present' In
the little book, Mr. Whedon quuotes ex
tensively from the writings and speeches
of Mr. Bryan and then dlscuusses and give
hi own reasons for the well known and
rapid changea of the candidate on varloua
questions. The following taken from the
chapter headed "The Lincoln Hotel Inci
dent" gives an Idea of what Mr. Bryan
will have to, when he talks to the
readers of the book:
"The state democratic convention of Ken
tucky assembled at Lexington on the 11th
day of June, 1908. A few days prvlous to
that date Mr. Henry Watterson, editor of
the Louisville Courier-Journal Journeyed
from Kentucky to Nebraska and for soma
days visited Mr. Bryan at his Falrvtew
home. What was th purpose of that visit?
Mr. Bryan tells In his book that In 1K4, the
Courier-Journal, of which Mr. Watterson
was then editor, contained the following
editorial, which may tie regarded a some
what personal:
"Mr. William J. Bryan has come to Ken
tucky, and Kentucklans have taken his
measure. He Is a boy orator. Ha is a dis
honest dodger. He 1 a daring adventurer.
He la a political faker, lie la not of the
material of which th people of the United
he even of the material of which any party
haa ever before made a candidate."
On the venlng of June 10th Colonel Wat
terson and Colonel Bryan went to the Lin
coln hotel In the city of Lincoln and there
the former made a speech in substance, as
reported by those present and the local
"Th silver question was a myth, sn In-
(Contlnutd oa Second Pg-)
Governor Hughes Givei Illinois People
Political Gauye.
Says This is Key to Situation in New
Reasons Given for Vetoing Two-Cent
Fare Bill.
Neve York Executive, Who Wa
Joined by Governor Deneen, Also
poke nt Bloomlnaton( Pon
tine and Jollet.
8PRINOFIEIJ, III., Oct. 10.-"Ask th
crooks of New Tork about It. Do not ask
them whom they are for, ask them whom
they are against. Then you will learn th
Governor Charles E. Hughes of New
Tork, arriving after an all night run from
Webb City, Mo., in a speech here today
thu opened a discussion of railroads with
particular reference to hi veto of the 2
cent fare bill In New Tork state.
Governor Dencen of Illinois Joined Gov
ernor Hughe at Alton, III., where th Now
Tork governor spoke before a large audi
ence. He made other (top In Illinois at
Lincoln, Bloomington, Pontiac and Jollet.
The Hughe special reached Chicago to
night, where Governor Hugnes in a speech
completed a tour of the middle wrest states.
Governor Hughes said In part:
I have been aaked why I vetoed th -
cent fare bill. I wrtll tell you. I do not
boll eve In arbitrary legislative action. I
believe in compelling th discharge of pub
lic obligation, in giving adequate and Im
partial service at reasonable rate and a
rigorous Insistence on the performance of
public duty.
"But we have large enterprise connected
with our public service which are of vital
Importance to the Interests of the people.
Our railroad are our arteries of commerce.
fpon their efficiency all classes In a
community ar dependent. We want Im
proved facilities, new statlona, Improved
trackage and Increased car facilities. We
want freight moved promptly. We want
passenger service of the beat
"Thousands of worklngmen are depend
ent upon the efficiency of our railroad en
terprise. It unreasonable curtailment
means loss not only to commerce, but to
labor and the Impairment of the thousand
fold activities of the community.
"We must lnlslst upon reasonable rate.
The legislature ha the power to fix reason-
a bio rates, but It has no power to attempt
arbitrarily to reduce earnings unless It
knows what it la about. We provided
machinery In New York so that matter
might be Investigated and studied in ar-h'
vance of action, so that what was fair to
be done could ba ordered to be done. It
la an easy thing to take a pair of shears
and proceed to deal with a rate sheet. It
Is a different thing , to deal justly by en
teiprleea In order that we might hav
fair Inquiry and understanding we provided
In New York for a public service commis
sion with comprehensive powers and at the
same time we oppose any arbitrary and ill
considered action. That waa the reason for
my official conduct In tho case specified."
Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. Are
Actively at Work Amonsr
the Student.
The Young Men's Christian association
and the Young Women's Christian associa
tion are organised and active in Bellevue
college. William Primrose has been elected
president of the Young Men's Christian
association and an active year Is assured.
Meetings are held regularly each Sunday
morning. Mr. Slmonds, student secretary
of the state organisation, addreased the
Young Men's Christian association taat
Sunday morning. A large per cent of the
college men are members of the associa
tion. Arrangements have been mad with th
South Omaha association to attend tho
concert course being offered this winter by
that association. Special ratea are offered
and one section In the auditorium reserved
for Bellevue aggregations.
The Young Men's Christian association
opened Its campaign here with a "stag
doln'a" In the gymnasium. Dr. Sterenberg
made an address on the value of the asso
ciation. Afterwards light refreshments
were served. The attendance 1 already
large and promises to be th largest ia.
yaara. Many old men like Ob man. Sweet
land. Jones and Hamblln ar earnestly
pushing the association's Interests.
The . Young Women's Christian associa
tion Is organized and has elected Mis Ber
tha Hatfield, president, and Ml Sad I
Glllan, vice president. Their meeting aro
held once a week In Fontenella parlor.
The work I being carried on with a great
deal of spirit. Tho girls who ar In col
lege for the first time take a decided tn.
tereat tn the work and are Joining th asso
ciation In large number. Sunday after
noon a suceeaaful meeting wa held and
special music offered. The personal work
program lias been accepted as the duty of
each and every Young Women's Christian
association member. Next Thursday Miss
Browne, student secretary from Wealeyan
university, will address the Bellevue Young
Women's Christian association.
The organisation of college clubs and lit
erary societies still continues. Th fresh
men have perfected their debating society
and have announced their program for th
year's work. These officers wer elected:
Mr. Curtis, president; Frank Blnsel, vie
president, and Young Miller, secretary and
The freshmen will debate weekly and ex
pect to contest for positions on varalty
teams at the Intercollegiate debates. Their
great object, however, la the defeat of th
The Philomathean and Adelplilan literary
societies postponed their meetings this
week In order that all might enjoy th en
tertainment given by the Fontenella girl,
which occurred on th literary evening.
Interest In the political situation la run
ning high. Every political speech made in
I omaha draws
Its largu crowd of colteg
students. Th entire Junior class went to
the Auditorium to hear Taft speak. Taft
and Bryan clubs are both being otganised.
Any inun who wants a debate haa only to
take a position for or against any principle
or proposition and he can find plenty who
will dl;agrce with Mm. It Is proposed it
begin a series of debates betwstn th two
factions, which will continue uaUl ttt) Ko
vmbr tUctloa,