Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1908, WANT ADS, Page 21, Image 21

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CITT moPKHTY roii avk
12th and Vinton
"We have jnet purchased five houses and 176x132 feet of
ground on the northwest corner of 112 th and Vinton streets. Asi
whole for an investment they are good, but we will divide them up
and sell on easy term. They have four room and we will put
them in good condition.
2320 South 12th street, $1,100.00.
.2322 South 12th street, $1,000.00.
2524 South 12th street, $1,000.00.
252G South 12th street, $1,000.00.
2528 South 12th street, $1,000.00.
Vacant lot on corner, $350.00.
Stop renting and buy a home by the month on "Tukey'a
A. P. Tukey & Son
445 Board of Trade Building.
'Phone Douglas 2181.
Institute fives Swedish medical movement
treatment. Rh-umatlc, moma'-h, kidney,
nervous and female rllnui especially
yield to the well-known sclt n If remedy.
Second floor Paxton Blk. Doug. 1DO.
(18)-3.3 Nuv7
HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1318 Farnam.
(18) 34
Piles Cured Free
1 persons unable to pay will be treated
absolutely tree of any charge on Satur
day of each week by
624 Bee bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Doug
las 1424. Cut this out and bring with you.
MABflAQB treatment; 10 & 17t)uSt.. room
i. Mrs. Jordan. (18) M288 14k
MAY I prepare your registration papers
for 29 cents? Best Tripp county map, GOc.
"A Reliable Plsce." W. T. Harvey. No
tary Public., with James A. Hmith Lum
ber Co., Pallas. 8. 1. (18) M191 19
MAVJKAflTiT Electric, vlbratry, 120 8.
iiOOAUii iithi Room r fourth
floor old Boston store. (1) 741 OS1
DR. WERTZ. dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk.
(18) 323
first floor N. T. Life.
1001 Farnam.
Tel. Douglas 764.
(19) 3.8
CO., 477 Brandels.Bldg.
(IS) 327
RKl'D AUSTHACT CO.. Est 1856; prompt
service; gut our 1710 Farnam St.
(11)1 328
I-Vur new, strictly modern houses, on
lorner. paved streets, near high school
anil Crclnht in college: annual rental, 11,600;
ie iH,. 11J RiiO. These houses are al-
was occupied because they ars strictly
modern, within eney walking distance arl
In first-class neighborhood; high and
alghtlv. We would like to show you the
Payne, Bostwick & Co.
Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
(l!))-S6i 9
PARK $450 AND $500
We have a number of lots along the
'Central boulevard, south of Haiiscoin Park,
on Vlntvn St., between 2Sith and 3-d that
we will sell for H.iO and 6oo eacn. mesa
re Inrgu lot!., high and sightly.
W'H imike terms on a Mimbor of them of
23 cash unit 810 a month.
(191-172 U'
Money Makers
Two-story building. Including complete
planing mill and cem-nt block factory
combined, with full equipment, inuchlneiy,
etc., ground fsll2. central location. Pricu
33 2UI; terms to suit.
Clu b v residence lot, SOxlM. raved street,
n car line, flr.o location, near 2!)tli and
California. Real bargain ut ll.tX).
482 Ramge Bldg. 15th Harney.
A strictly modern, 7-rcom house, with
reception ball, uak flours and finish down
stairs, manit'l. fine combination fixtures,
window sliudes. four bedrooms ard bath
ou second floor, house practi-ally new,
paved street, une bloi k f ri m r arnam lun
dee car. Price reduced froi.i It to
11.75": 81.CM0 to Jl.wv cash- and balance
monthly. Come In and let us show you
the property.
Payne, Bostwick & Co.
Mai:: Floor. N. X. Lite Bldg.
New k-ioom house, hot waier heat, oak
fuilsh, tiled bath; coiner lot on bou'evard;
one block from car. Kasy tonus.
lj 1ARNAM 1'.
BUYER. (1-M 13
iul ft., south front. $-'7i. $W Cash, $i
per month.
Payuo lavestment Company,
New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
gevan-room, two-iory house, nearly Bew
' aod modern exoept furnace; aoroer lot.
ouUl front, and two k4ocka from car.
Payne Investment Company,
New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
tU-xa t
MAI L cottage and souin front lot,
paved iomI and car line, for $!oe.
W. H. UATKsl.
17 N. T. Life, 'i'aoue Doug 14
cftt rnorrHTV koh balis
(19) M35I t
$1, COO Reduced From $2,200
3923 Decatur Street
Six good slated rooms, city water, bath, gas,
hot water heat; lot 50x130 feet; nous
needs painting on the outside; good con
dltton Insidol with this exception It does
not nted one cent spent on It. A great
bargain at the price offered; 8900 cash.
bulancs monthly.
D. V. Sholes Company,
110 Board of Trade Bldg., Tel. Douglas 49,
Kith and Farnam ota. Independent A-2049.
7 ,iut ii.
yuj qua
FOR SALE Neat 7-room house, east front
lot, at 2808 B. 2th Ave., i.2uo; require
about ihuo cann: oamnce mommy. j. at.
Bachmann, 426 Paxton block. (19) M912
AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans-
coin Place rented (or 8 a momn; every-
thing modern: paved street; east front
will sell at a bargain; one block north o
Hanscoin Park.
Room 1. New York Life Building.
119) M243
LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22U
and cumins at, ium a-
FAUN AND HA.Ua LAM a roB balh
Denver Jrealy district, under irrigation
sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and
fruit raising; low priue, easy payments.
National Investment Co., 682 Braudeis
Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 8681.
, () 779
FOR HALB My ranch, consisting of 8,004
..fmm Mitiiatad twenty miles north oi
town of B g Timber, Mont., railroad to be
built within three and one-Half miles of
Same; 8,000 acres subject to cultivation and
Irrigation; plenty oi waier iur In every respect; good fences
kn enrlna-s: never freese; at H per acre.
This Is the best rr.rwli for the money In
.i,. .tia ,,r Montana. It Is a great snap.
Also have ISO acr fine bencn land all
in, .i.i- irrigation: railroad station adjoin
tug land; good Improvements; twenty
ton of beets per acre this year; forty
rods from river front, at 17a per acre.
Reasonable payment, terms to suit, tor
further particulars addrets J. B. Yates,
Billings. Mont. (SOl-Ml-Po 13
FOR 8AL Well improved 120-acre farm
In Holt county, Missouri. Would take
Stock of merchandise to amount of 37, WW
in uayment on same. Address. Y-108,
care Omaha Bee. (30)-M388 Ux
This Week's Special
Land Bargains
160 acre in Perkins county, only 1H miles
south from Madrid, Neb.; 80 acres in
corn. 40 acres fine hay land, 10 acres tn
trees; price only $11 per acre. No ex
change. Terms H caah. DON'T MI8S
GREAT bargain in Webster county farm;
240 acres, uix miles from good railroad
town. Good house, barn, cattle shed,
granary; all fenced; orchard', 140 culti
vated, thirty acres alfalfa, balance pas
ture. Webster county corn best in slate.
Price, $16 per acre. More farms for sale.
J. II. Uall.y. Bed Cloud. Neb.
(20) M3K1 16x
FOR MALIC By owner, a well Improved
i arm, iwi acres, in Richardson county
Neb. Seventy acres apple orchard, forty
acres alfalfa, remainder in cultivation and
pasture: excellent buildings. Price t-M.iMt.
good terms; a bargain. A. B. Minor, Lin-
coin, Neo. (20) Miti3 lZx
LOANS on improved Omaha property
O'Keefe K. K. Co., luol N. Y. Life Bldg.
money to loan ou
Omaha Business -Propertx.
Room 1, New York Life Bldg. .
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants v
L r arnam Smith Co., 1J30 Farnam St
tK) is
PANk:. BOSTWK'K it. CO., N. Y. Life.
t-rivuiu money, suw 10 o.wo; low rate
(21) i
KM) to $: 0.000 at current rates.
tV. H. IHOHAs, iut First Nat. Bank Bldg
(3i) 34u
tin) TO $10,000 made promptly, p. n Wead
Wead Bldg.. lUfh. and Farnam. li-32
Paxton Block.
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co
(2J) 344
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Bherwood
tit Brandeia Bldg. 'XU M303
WANTED To borrow $2.0uO for 1 years at
7 per cent: absolute security. Address J
Z4i. care uee. (m-ssu lix
WHEN writing to advertisers kindly men
lion The Be
HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car-
ptts, clothes and shoes. Tel. Dougias jn.l.
(26) 34.
RIOIIT prlcrs paid for Id-hand ftrrnltire.
carpel, otoves, clotning, slioes. 1 el. K. a
ML (26)-8t
WANTED Two pool tehles wsnted. De-
scribe what yo1! have and give your beet
price. K. 3. Dickinson, Coltimbu. Neb.
llatMVU 10
WANT an fx12 or 10x15 Job printing press;
Oordon prererreii: will pay ca-n for Bar
gain. Call Douglas 4M3 or A'SW.
Wanted for the winter, a furtilnhed house;
musi lie in gooa location. Address f. o.
Box 149, Omaha. (2ti)-M286 10
WANTED TO RRNT One tmfurnHhed
room for gentleman. Address G-2t2, Bee.
(2i, 1312 lox
YOUNG man of 26 with college education
wants business position at om.e. Address
W 2G5, care Bee. (27) 216 12x
JAPANESE wants to do any kind of work.
ounauy. Address n 2W, Bee.
(27)-MSIl lOx
WE havo In. stock (no delay) repairs for
every mane or rurnaue, aieain or hot water
heater, water fronts.
12i;-o8 Douicias St.
Telephones: Bell, Douglas 960; Ind., A-3''-l.
34 1
tMward Cassldy and wife to city of
South Omaha, part tax lot 7, 5-14-13 $ 75
Ida K. Wilson to B. rt 8. ftpearman.
lot 7. Mock 3, Linton PlHce 200
Vera McVea to David W. McVea, wV
of eH of lot 9. Hawc's addition
Victor Van Schamelhout and wife to
Adolnh t assart et al.. lut 10. b ock
31, 1st addition to Corrigan Place 200
Fred A. Johnson and wife to Albert
A. I ii'l'Mon. luls 4. h mi.l A hloi k .13.
Benson 4,850
J. J. Koche, trustee, to J. Raduslner.
lot 11, block 1, Anderson Place 175
Edward T. lleyden and wife to Robert
M. Llndsey, lots t and 8, block 112,
Omaha Realty company to Bandy
Rone and wife, lot 6. block 1. Don-
ecken's addition 250
Edgar M. Morsman, Jr., and wife to
W. L. Solby. lot 10, block 28.
Carthage addition
Paul W. Horbach to Mary Murphy,
ntj of lot 11, block 13, E V.
Hmlth's addition
Ursula Bramble to Foster D. Adnms.
lots 13 and 14, block 2, Hastings &
Heyden's 2d addition, and lots 28
and 29, block 1, Grammercy Park...
County treasurer to Mary Murphy,
lots 1 and 2, Haas' subdivision
George T. Morton and wife to Nellie
Holmes, lot 13. block 1. Yates ft
Hampers addition 1200
Jennie Hyland to Carrie Clyne and
htiehSn1 lot 10 block 14. Halcvon
Heights l.TB
County treasurer to Continental Trust
company, lot 2, block L Orchard
John A. Creltrhton Real F.etate com
nf.nv to Josephine 8. Alley. lot 22,
block 8. Crelsrhton's 1st addition BOO
Ida F. Curtis and husband to William
ii rm lot 11 block 113. Dundee
Place .00
Elslnore Plare company to Caroline
v. Uonhnil Int w hlrwlc A3. Dundee
Place 7f)
Dirra, Bnllew and husband to H. D.
flnlnn lot 1 hlork 4. W. Ij. SjlbV'S
1st nridltlnn 75
The Phoenix Trust company to James
ham nU nf lots 8 and 9. block
E. Diipont Place L825
Mary B. Uchenberper and husband to
n.i.t K.l.nn lot g hlock 17. Orchard
Hill ll726
Mary F. Williams to Byron R. Hast
ings, lot IS, block 8, Military addi
tion 2
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust
company to Frd M. Penney, lots 20
and 71. Stewart Place 8,760
Dundee Realty company to Herbert
K. Dunn, lot 19, block 87, Dundee
Place ..: 650
W. W. McTlvnlne and wife to W. 8.
Frank, lot 9, block 1, Lowe's sub
dlv'slon Howard Paxton and wife to Warren
B. Frank, part lots 13 ana l. moca
1 Madison Soiiare 2,000
W'lllam Rleenberg to W. B. FTank,
lot 2. Garvin's subdivision aw
galvatore Pollto and wlfo to Peter
- ' . 1 . A 1.11, , L'iMitit.
8th addition 137
Joe race! and wlfo to filvatore P llto.
part lot 3, block 1, Kountze otn ao
rtltlon 275
William J. TTIs'on and wife to John t
Poll et al., n30 feet lot 11. sin reel ioi
10. block 1. Armstrong's lBt addi
tion 3,200
B. V. T. Kennedy and wife to Felle,
McCi'lloc'v lots H ana , diock s,
Rovd's addition 1
Chnr'ea W. HalW and wlfo o Ridln
MeOilloch. lots 8 ana , iiock o,
Bovd's addition 1
John A. Crela-Mon Reel Estate and
Trust pnmnanv To Konen l anor,
lot 18, block 4, Crclghton 1st addi
tion 850
CbHHes M Cook and wife to David
Cole W3U4 feet lot 14 rauisen s
addition 1
P. O'Connor and husband to F. M.
Clilkln. 2. S. 4 srd . bloev 4". Ttensn 1
"'"rs A Heyrfen to Ttenlamln r.
trutehtns, lot 23. block 4, Collier
Place ,
MUX.! i.
ti,, folio win nronosed amenflmaat ea
ike cenetitution of the Stat of Nebraska,
as hereinafter set forth in full. Is sub
mitted to the elector of tn state of Ne
braska, to bs voted upon at the general
election to be bald Tuesday, Vovsmbsr aid.
A. S. 190B.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose an
Amendment to Section , Artkle 8, of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Kesolved and Saaotad by th Xsgu
lature of the State of Mebraskai
beclion 1. (Amendment.) That at th
general election for state and legislative
ofticers to be He 10, on tne ruesaaj succeed
ing the first Monday In Noveinbe:, 1Hu8, the
following provision be proposed and sub
mitted to the electors of the state as an
amendment to Settlor I, Aritcle 3. ot that
Conxtitutloa ot tue state oi Neoraka:
Section . (idueetlonal funds, investment-)
All funds be.onglng to the state
for educational purpose, the interest and
Income whereof only are to be used, shall
be deemed trust funds held by the state,
and the state shaU supply all losses thereof
Unit may In any manner accrue, so that
the same shall remain forever inviolate
and ui.UlmlnUUed; and snail not be Invested
er loaned except uH United Sla'.va or stale
securities, or registered school district bunds
of this state, aod such other securities as
lha legislature may from time to time
direct. And such funds, with th interest
snd income thereof, are hereby solemnly
uledaed for the purpose for widen they are
granted aai set apart, and shall nut be
trenaieireu iv any uir iiiwi lor oilier
bection t. (Ballots) Adaption.) That
at said election in the year it, on the
ballot of eacn elector voting uiereat. there
ball be piloted or written tne words: ' t ot
proposed amendment te the Constitution
with reference to tne investment ot the
permanent sciiool fund," and "Against said
proposed amendment to the CuitsiUutlor.
with reference to the Investment of the
tier iimn tut school fund." And if a malnntv
of ail voters al said alectiuB snail be for
sucu amenuinem urn same suaii b uueiuud
to be eaopivu.
Ad proved Aiirtl $. 1S07.
1, Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of
the Slats of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that th foregoing proposed amendment to
the Coutlllullou ot tbe Slat of Nebraska
U a trur and correct copy of tue original
eurollo and engrossed bill, aa passed by
the Thirtieth session of th legiaiatur of
lh JJiat f Nebraska, a appears from
said original bill on file la thla office, and
that said proposed amendment Is submitted
to the qualified voter of the Slate of No
hntka for their adoption or rejection at tt,.
tetieral election to be held on Tuesday, Ui
d day ot November, A. D. lSue.
In teetlmoay whereof i have hereunto set
v hand and affixed th Great Seal of tr
State of Nebraska. Duo at Lincoln, Uua
lith day of July, in th year of our Lord
One Thousand Nlue Huadred and Eigne
and of Hie Independence of th United
States the One Hunlred and Thirty-third,
and of this Siata the Forty-second.
CE . c. J U N KIN.
tMwrelarx ef State.
MJuNf. The following proposed araendsjieat 8
tne kOMUiaUiu ot tue ktate ot stebraska,
aj butiuiitr st lorta la fail, is su.
mitied to tae electors of the Stat ef e
biassa, to so vet a wpua at tu general
siecuoa vo e held Vassua, Mevember Srd,
i. 1J.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend lections
to U), four (4), five 11, six t) ana
tnirteeii (13), of Article six. (), ef the
Constitution of the mate oi ftebraako
Be u'lisolved By Ue iTeg'sUttug ef tha '
ft tn La ox aieDraaaat
toevtlon 1. sUueaajmeat proposed. That
Beclion two U') of Article six toi, of the
Consututlon of the State ot Nebraska, lx
amended to read as loliowa:
Section 2. tanvreiaa ooorti juagesi
lurladlotlon.t 1 lie buuremc .uuri snail
conMst of seven (!) Juue, and a majority
uf all elected and qualified Juugis soau ue
necessary to constitute a quoium or pro
nounce a declslou. The supreme Court
shall have Jurisdiction in all .cases relating
to the revenue, civil cases in which me
state is a party, mandamus, quo warranto,
habeas corpus, and xucli appellate juris
diction as may be provided by law.
Hection i. lAJneaoJueni nrouosea-1 Tuat
Section four 4) of ArticU six (), of tue
Cuiislltutiuu of the biate of Neuraska, be
amended to rtad aa follows:
Section 4. (Supreme oars, raagea,
leotioa, tersB resiueuua.) tot Juuges of
the Hupicmc .'oit iuull be elected by the
electors of the state at Urge; and their
term of office, except as Hereinafter pro
vided, shall be six year a And said Supreme
Court juuges snail, during their term of
olfice, reside at the place where tuo court
GecUun $. (Ajnandaient proposed.) Thai
Section five (6) nf Article six ID I of til
Constitution of the State f Nebraska be
amended to read as follows:
bection 6. iBuprume oourt, raogss.
slaoUoB. terms tuuef liurUoe.i That at
the general election to be held in the state
of Nebraska In the year law, and each six
years thereafter, ttieru shall be elected three
U) judges ut the supreme court, wno suuii
hold tntir office for the period of six years;
that at the general election to be held ui
the stale of Nebraska in tue year lall, and
each six years tnerattur, ttere shall be
elected three t3) Juuges of the bupreme
Court, who shall hold their office tor Hie
period of six years; and at the general elec
tlou to be held in tne state ot Nebraska it
the year 1D13, and each six years thereafter,
there shall be elected a Chlof Justice of tue
Hupreme Court, who shall hold his office
for the period of six yeais. Provrued, that
the member of the Supreme Court whot
term of office expires in January, 1414, snail
be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court dur
ing that time until the eaplialioa of his
term of office And, provided furtner, that
upon the adoption of these amendments by
the electors of the State, the Governor
shall. Immediately upon nutng tue proem-mat-ion
declaring said amendments adopted,
appoint four Hi uf the feupieiiu
Court, two (2) of whom shall be appointed
to hold tuld office until their successors
shall be elected at the geneial election In
IDuy, and have qualified; and the other two
,";) shall holt, their offic until tnelr suc
(tssors shall be elected al the general elec
tion held In lull, and : ae qualified.
Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section six (ti) of Article six it), of the
Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Sectloa 6. (Cnlef Justice.! Tha Chief
Justice shall serve as such during all the
term for which he was elected. He shall
preeldo at all terms of the-lupreme Court,
and in his absence the Judges present shad
select one of their number to preside tempo
rarily. Section B. (Antsndmsnt proposed.) That
Bection thirteen (13). of Aitlole eia (I), el
the Constitution nf Nebraska, be amended
to read as follows:
Section 13. (Judge, salaries.) That
Judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary ot 4,j0u; and the Judges ot
".he District Court shall each receive a
salary of $3,000 per annum, payable quar
terly. Autiroved Acrll S. 1907.
I. Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of
the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
la a true and coirect copy of the original
enrolled and en.rcsed bill, gs passed oy the
Thirtieth session jf tho legislature of the
Eluto of Nebraska, as aooears from said
original bill on file in this office, and that
said proposeu amendment Is submitted tu
tne qualified voters .l the Slate or Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection at
the general election to be held on Tuesday
the 3rd day of November, A. D. 180$.
In testimony whereof I have nereunto set
my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the
State of Nebraska Done at Lincoln, tills
16th day ot July, in the year oi our Lord
One Thousand Nine Hundied and KiKht.
and of the Independence of the United
bntes tne one Hundred and Thirty-third,
and of this State the Forty-second.
(Seal.) Secretary ot State.
Ing. Omaha, Neb., October 7. IMS. A sne.
Cial meeting of the stockholder of The
South Omaha and western Kail road Com
paiiy will be held at the office of the
Company In Omaha, Neb., on Friday, I
comber IS, 1908, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the
purpose of authorizing and providing for
the sale of the railroad of The South Omaha
and Western Railroad Company, with It
franchises ana appurtenances, its real es.
tate and personal property, to Union Pa.
cific Railroad Company, the consideration
for such sale to be th cancellation of
the bonds and satisfaction of the mort
raire of said The South Omaha and Western
Kuilroad Company, and the assumption of
all its otner incieoieuness oy the said
Union Pacific Railroad Company: and for
tha purpose ot transacting all such other
business as may legally come before tha
meeting. For the purpose of the meeting
ine docks ior tne irtuieter ot stocg will
he closed at 3 o'clock p. m. on Mondav
December 7. liKs), and will be reopened at
10 o clock a. m. on saturajy, December
19, ll. i. m. urtrv, secretary. JsdtoL18
the St. Venceslaus ohurch (Rev. J. B. Rrm
pastor, Dodge, Neb.), until October 13, for
th building oi a parocniai school, two.
story and basement. Plans, etc.. at Rev. J
S. Bros, Dodge, Neb. A deposit of $10 wlh
be required from contnetors taking plan
from the pastor. Anton Treenak, Josef
KraJIcek, George Frel, Building Committee
Oct d7t
t'nioa Paelflew.
Overland Limited...
Colorado Express...
Atlantic Express....
Oreaon Express
Lev Arrive.
...a 8:60 am a :to pm
...a 3:&u pm a 5:oo on
alO lS am
.a 4:10 pm a $:00 pm
Los Angeles Limited. ...aJ2:56 pm a 15 pm
Fast Mail a 9:30 am a 6:45 pm
China and Japan Mall. .a 4: 0 pm a 6. SO pm
North Platte I.ocal a 7:4'J am a 4:46 pm
Colo.-Chlcago Special... al2;10 am a 7:06 am
Beatrice &. Stromsburg
Local ....blJ SOpm b 1:40 pm
Chicago A Northwestern-
Chicago Iayllght a T:9B am all:!8 pm
t. Paul-Minn, liixp a 7 am al":L"o pn
Chicago Local ;....all:30 am a 3-2 pm
Sioux Cltv Passenger. ..a 3:50 pm 1 11') am
Chlcaan special a 6:00 put a :23 an.
ft. Paul-Minn. Limited. a 8:30 pm a am
Los Angeles Limited.. .a :38 pm al2 J.1 nn
Overland Limtled ali:uw pm a i '.i at.'
Fast Mall a $ 35 pm
Sioux City Local a 3:60 pm n 9:?o am
Twin Cltv Limited.
.a :& pm a 8:ix am
.a 7:40 am a 5:2n pm
.a 7:40 am alu-tf am
Norfolk-Bonestecl .
I.lncoliLonir Pin
Ieadwood-Ilncoln .
Hastlngs-SurxTior .
Fremont-Albion ....
..a S:c pm a i :& pm
. .a Sxt pm a pm
..b J:i pm b 1:20 pm
..h iM pin b 1:3s pm
8t. I,ouls Express a 8.30 pm a 9:25 am
St. Louts Local, (from
Council Bluffs) a 1:90 am 11:16 pm
Stanberry Local (from
Cour.cll Bluffs) b 5:00 pm blO.15 am
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 146 pm
Chicago Limited a S:U) pin a s:30 a.-n
Minn. -at. Paul Kx press b 7:15 am
Minn. -&l. Paul Lim a 6:u0 pm a 8:30 am
Chicago Great Western
St. PauKMlnneapi lis 3 pm T:s am
St. Puul-Mlnneanolia 7 1 am 11:36 pm
Chicago Limited : pm S:2T am
Chicago Express 7:30 am 11:35 pm
Chicago Express 1:30 pra I M pm
Ihlcavo, Bock Islaa Pari fie
Chicago Limited t I 00 in all: pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Kockv Mountain IAd. . ..a 3 u ain all :U6 pen
lies Moines A Eastern. .a 7:00 am a 4 pm
Des Moinas Passenger, .a 4:vo pm alZ.So pm
l .a Local bll:40 am b 1 6 pn,
Chicago iBastern Ex )..a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Chicago Flysr a 1 pm a : aai
Roiky Mountain Ltd...all:15 pm a 1:50 am
Colo, di Cal. Kxprcsa...a 1:10 pm a 4 pm
Okl. & Texas fcAi .. 4 40 piu a l it pm
Lincoln a a put I I.U w
II eg Deposits f the Rerk Fas4 la
Desert Moaatalna of Call
ferata. Slowly but surely. Inch by Inch, In th
face of drought and Intense heat man is
solving the mysteries of Death valley, and
one by one Its hitherto unlocked treasure
vaults are being thrown open to add to
the wealth of the world. There Is gold
In large and In small quantities through
out the Irnrth nf the vallev. nartlcularly
at BMio n,s neighboring camp In
the Panamlnta; there Is copper at Oreen
water, enough borax to supply the entire;
world for many a year and now It seems I
probable that the district will soon be
known as a large producer of rock salt.
These salt deposits are found In the
foothill of the Avawatx mountains, at the
southern end of Death' valley and within
sixteen mile of the Tonopuh Tidewater
railroad. There are four distinct bodies
known as the Death Valley, King, Salt
Basin and Jumbo salt mines. The salt ap
pear to D In ledge form with well-defined
walls, particularly on the upper or hang
ing side. The deposits have been well
known on prospectors for many rears, but
tt was not until the completion of the
railroad that t&ey assumed any commercial
value. Tsars ago soma of the material
was freighted to the Tecopa mine for use
in a ehlortnatlon mill tn us on the prop
erty when It was mined for Its high sur
face value of stiver.
The Death Valley mine consists of eighty
acres, and It la upon this ground that the
larger part of the present development of
the deposit ha been don. The showing
Is 600 feet wld by 1.000 feet In length, j
the salt being covered with wash gravel
and mud to a minimum depth ot ten feet.
.Where tha salt ha bern most exposed to
the element It has dissolved and mixed
with th mud and gravel, forming an In
crustation harder even than the rock salt.
Tha development consists of numerous
open 'cuts, tunnels and shafts, all pene
trating the surface Incrustation and show
ing pure salt In the faces. It la estimated
that there are 260,000 tons of salt already
exposed In this deposit.
Th King mine lie on mile to the north
of tha Death Valley property and shows
salt mor than 100 feet In width, traceable
for 1,200 feet. In on place th rock salt
stands fifty feet above the surrounding
formation. The Salt Basin property lies
on mile farther to tho southeast, on what
I really a continuation of the King de
posit. Two miles farther southeast Is the
Jumbo mine, showing a body of salt
seventy-five feet across.
It Is estimated that at the present time
6,000 ton of rock salt are imported Into
California from Liverpool and sell to Job
ber at about $16 per ton. Of thl amount
probably 1,600 ton com to southern Cali
fornia and Arizona, where It commands
prices well over t'M. The owners of the
Death Valley deposit claim that their pro
duct is very hard, firm and fine-grained and
n every way equal to the Liverpool Impor
tation. It la probable that 150,000 tons of salt
ar made on the coast each year by evap
oration, thla product being used for table
salt, hide salts, ice cream suits and glaiing
alts. Salt for packing meats, fish and
fin dairy butter, and which must be par
ticularly pure, is brought to the coast
from Germany, New York and Liverpool.
Los Angeles Time.
Black Water Transformed at Night
to strange Eisaaii of Shim
snerlnar Fir.
Tha marvel of southern see. hav given
travelers of all times and clime Interest
ing themes for tongue and pen to enthuse
over, but th weird and uncanny effects of
phosphorescence which transforms at night
the water of tha deep from a black to a
mysterious expanse of shimmering, subdued
fire that always suggests the supernatural
ar never-failing subject for conjecture
and wonder.
It is difficult to describe this strange
phenomenon of th sea so as to make It
clearly comprehended by those who hav
never seen It It 1 evidently produced by
animalcule that possess the power of
making flames of light much a does the
firefly on a summer's night. They may do
this as a means of protection from the
pursuit of their enemies, who desist In
their attack after a sharp electric shock
from the Infinlteslmally small batteries
of these tiny motors, but this Is a mooted
question that scientists have yet to decide.
Some year these little creature seem to
be much mora numerous than In others,
and then our bay appear to be much bet
ter stocked with fish, which would lead
to the conclusion that they are one of the
form of food that they feed on; and when
they are scare they seek other waters
where they are more plentiful.
It ha been the sport of enthusiastic vis
itors who delight In marvels to go bathing
In our bay in the light of the moon Just
for the enjoyment so unusual a pleasure
gives of tumbling and splashing about In
a sea of light, dashing the water high over
their heads to sea it run down their dark
suit in scintillating drop not unlike gems
with some new and strange fire. Among
the lesser luminaries appear at Intervals
larger ones like pale moons, that ar Jelly
fish of a larger form and the power to
make a very strong light. Most unpleas
ant Is the experience of coming In con
tact with these seemingly harmless masses
of gelatinous substances, for hanging from
this are several long hair-like tenacles that
leave marks like red-hot wiras where they
brush across th flesh. This sensation
Missouri Pacific
K. C. A St. L. Fx press., a :fl0 am a 6:45 am
K. C. & Bt. L. xprss.all:lS pm a 5:50 pm
I blcaaro, Mllwamkea A St. Paul
Chi. & Clo. Special.. ..a 7: am all OOam
Cal. at Ore. Express. ...a 6:0 pm a 6:25 pm
Overland Limited a6:5Spru a :3i ain
Perry Local a 5:1 pm all.eOaru
Burlington -
Leave. Arrrve.
Denver California... .a 4:10 pm a 8:50 pm
Nirtut special a 4:10 pm a 3 6m pm
iilack Hills a 4:10 pin a 6:10 prn
Northwest Express ....aU:i pm a t:! am
Nebraska points a 8 46 am a 6:10 pm
Nebraska Express a 15 am a 6:10 pm
Lincoln Fsst Mail b 1:30 pm al'l:U pm
Lincoln Local b ut am
Lincoln Local a 7:60 pm
SchuylefPlaitemouth ..W'ttpm hlO:SW in
Bellerue- Piatt smouth
.a 8:00 pm a 160 am
Plattsmouth-Iuwa ....
Denver Limited
Chicago Special
Chtcauo Ex pros
Chkag Flyer
Iowa Local
.0 :ig am
l :0i pm
,.C 1:35 pm c 2:40 pm
,.a 4:10 pm a 7.05 am
.a 7:25 am all 45 pm
.a 4 tun a l it pm
.a 6 30 pm a S:S am
.a 8:1 am all so am
.a 4:45 pm all 30 am
St. Leuls lux pre s. .
Kansas City & SL Joe..al0:4t pm a 6 30 am
Kansas City m. je..a I m am a t:lo pm
Kaasa Ctty St. jo..a 4:40 pm
MliMsrl Paeifsa
Auburn Local t t M pm bll :26 am
Chicago. St. Paul, atluueapolts .
Leave. Arrive
Twra City Passenger ...b 6:30 am b :19 pen
Sioux City P sang... a i:U pm alO.sO am
Kinerson Local c 1 to am c 66 pin
Emerson Local fe 5:4 pm 6 1:10 am
a Dally,
day ouiy.
b Dally except Sunday, e Bun.
g daily except Sal or day, gaily
passes away Inslda of half an hour, and
although It might m to th tranger to
our shore that tha rreeenoa of thla dis
agreeable creatur la th water would put
more or leas of a ban on water sport, he
would change his mind on seeing the gam
bols uf ,our boys and girl and their elders
almost any day of th year when they ar
Indulging In their favorlt pastlm. for
swimming Is one of the most popular
sports of pretty Punta Oorda.
A boat plowing through the waters of
our bay on a dark night fr fascinating
sight as It turn back long trails or golden
purple or green flashes from Its rto".
while a swirling, tumbling mass of re
splendent light follows at the stern, and
darting to and. from the boat ar hoals
of fish that yoti can only liken to fiery
rockets shooting through the water, leav
ing behind them long trains of light not
unlike meteor of th heaven.
The climax of thl magnificent phenom
enon la reached on stormy nights, when
the heaving and' tumbling ot th waters
makes an unceasing disturbance of the
animalcule, causing them to give an al
most uninterrupted display of light, pro
ducing an Indescribable beautiful effect
that is reflected on th stormy clouds
above, and dashing with a never ceasing
tumult on th shore, casting long fiery
spray far up the beach, tho light at such
time being strong enough to lighten the
landscape on th opposite hor two mile
There are times when this light takes
on different shades, sometimes th prevail
Ing color being gold, then green, or a ros
or purrle hue, and on gtlll night, when
there ts but little agitation on the water
by the winds, every stick of piling will be
"circled with a ring of golden fire, and
happy lover sitting on the wharves or In
rowbuats may b found amusing them
selves by writing each others nam In
th water with sticks that leave a fiery
trail behind them. Punta Gorda (Fla)
access of th Scheme Kaforeed by
the thief of Police of
After more than eight months' trial of
th new golden rule policy of making ar
rests in Cleveland, Chief of Police Kohler
has pronounced It unqualifiedly a success,
and accordingly In the last month ha riven
the policemen still greater power of dis
cretion. The number of arrests In Cleve
land In eight month of this year has
shown a decrease of more than 05 per cent
over the same period last year, , while, at
th same time, no greater number of
serious crimes than usual hav been re
ported, despite the large number first of
fenders allowed to go who, under tho old
regime, would have been arrested. How
ever, Chief Kohler says that there are still
too many arrests, and he Is urging that
further care be exercised In keeping tho
number down. Other cities ar preparing
to follow the same course.
The golden rule policy, which Chief
Kohler put Into effect last January, pro
vided that policemen should use judgment
and common sens In dealing with offenses
which are merely a violation of city ordi
nances' and punishable by a small fine
They were told to take Into consideration
th Intent to violate a law or an ordinance,
and also the question of maliciousness on
the part of th offender. They war In
structed to warn a drunken man and send
him home, rather than drag him to Jail
on his first offense, and that two men
fighting, If for Hi first time, should be
separated, reasoned with, and not ar
rested. Old offenders, those intentionally
violating the law or those committing
felonies should be aa severely dealt with
as ever, A record Is kept ot the case of
all persons released or even warned.
The object of the new plan waa to dis
pose of trivial misdemeanor without ar
rest and prevent the humiliation and dl.
grace of persons who through thoughtless.
ness. passion or temper or In a spirit of
frolio or mischlovousness violated the law.
Likewise, it la Intended to prevent th
humiliation and disgrace of near relative
ot such offenders. It waa thought, too,
that It would lessen th work of the po
lice department and th attache of th
poice court.
How well th plan ha succeeded In re
ducing th number of arrest la shown In
th following table, wnlch covers the
period from th tlm It waa put Into ef
fect to September 1:
January ..
February .
IN 1907.1
1,158 January
2,!87 February
March ....
Z,711 March
2,4311 April
. 888
June ..
July ..
. 1,015
2. S"
August ...
Of th arrests made In the month of
June, July and August thl year more
than 40 per cent were made on warrants
obtained by persons not member of the
police department on Information furnished
th police prosecutors. Of those in the
month of August, 1&3, or 62 per cent (not
considering cases continued), wer allowed
to go free by the police Judges; in July, 76
per cent, and June, 43 per cent. Chief
Kohler has now Instructed the police not
to request people to get warrants fur petty
offense. Instead of advising parties in
volved In mall differences to get out war
rants, the police are expected to make dill
gent Inquiry Into them and try to adjust
them without recourse to the courts.
The assertion wa mad at th first that
th Golden, Rule policy placed a dangerous
discretionary power In the hands of tha
police. This ha not proved true. In hi
bulletin to the police on July 1 Chief Koh
ler said:
"Th member of thl department have
accomplished result even beyond my ex
pectatlons In this common sense policy
which must be gratifying to you aa well sa
myself, and I am sure It Is to the generat
community. With your long and varied
experience In pi lice matters, I know tha
you are competent to judge. The last six
month have shown that your 1udrrnent is
good, and you hav accomplished th re
suits expected by me In our first Instruc
The police themselves are much Interested
la and are In hearty accord with th new
plan. Sum of them say that they tried to
exercise judgment In making arrests for
Intoxication under the old regtroa, but did
so on their own responsibility, while now
they are supported by official endorsement
Now no person la arrested for Intoxication
on tho first offense urJess It Is necessary
for his protection or for tho protection
another, or unless be I disturbing th
peace and quiet of th city. New York
Anierlrau Footprints.
On their recent visit to Melbourne, A us
traiia, tne sailors er tn Amerluaa round
the-world fleet saw the style and title o
a famous countryman. Captain Freema
Cobb. It was he who In Hi early es.
lablished the coaching firm ef Cobb & Co.
which became a household word all over
Australia. There were few railways at that
tlroat, and Cobb's six-horsed coaches became
th regular mean of communication be
tween Melbourne and Ballarat, Bendlg
and most of the other op-country gold
nebis. inai cute luiuw t aptain irree
man Cobb." says "Tm London Chronicle.
"who saw the opportunity and grasped tt
soon returned to America with a handsome
fortune, but Cobb & Co. Is still at the bead
nf the rnaeMnir business in Australia."
Mew York Tribune.
By using tn vrums oeparuneata ef Tn
Dm Want Ad Page you get best results
at Uaat xpna.
Where (o Find
Hie Bee When
You Travel
Arnold's Park, Iowa.
O. Otl Farksr,
Atlanta, Oa.
World Ww C.
Atlantic City, N. J.
Joha A. Main, ! YootwUJ jYV
Fena stew Co.
Bhsp ft Xros flU alfl Ave.
Bemidji, Minn.
O. B. Waittl.
Boston, Mass.
Tsadom Hotel.
Young' Xotel Jtewa Stand.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Oene Hotel Hew BtanA.
Hotel Zrcqnols Hew Btand.
gunnel Cob a, IBS Bllloott
Chicago, 111.
Auditorial Jrew Itand.
Auditorium Annex Hew tana.
ion. Heron, stew Stand. Jaekaoa aa
Oreat northern Hotel Hw Stand
Post Office Mew Stand. 17 Dearhors
Orand Pscifl Hotel Hew Stand.
Palmer House Hew Stand.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Toms Hsws Co.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Antlers Hotsl Hsw Staad.
Colo. Wholssal Hwspape Agamey.
3. M. Hilsy, ar, 831 H. Caestaut St.
Denver, Colo.
Ksmixick Hoot and StaV O. tl 17tt
H. T. Kansas.
Browa Valaos Hotsl.
lX.osfcJoan,lTth and Wltoa.
Waste ra Hsws Co., 1004) 17th St.
Des Moines, Iowa.
Moses Jacobs, 309 8th St. t
Tred ttsls, 647 W. A4
Detroit, Mich.
Clyd Mn Hsw O.
Excelsior Springs, Mo
B. T. Ashby, 101 W. Hroa
tuk fc Clevenger.
Hot Springs, Ark.
T. 1. Mark, S36 Central At.
Mrs. Hat wauao. 1341 Central AT.
T.. h. wyatt, ao Central At
O. K. Weaver Oo.
Hot Springs, S. D.
nil Hargsas.
Kansas City, Mo.
Tons Hew Co., th and Mala.
Hioksckr Cigar Co th aa Walhw.
Htokseeke Cigar Oo , Utb and Waiaut.
Baltimore Hotel Hw Btaaa.
Memphis, Tenn.
Werld Hsw Co,
Manitou, Colo.
K. 3. Boss.
Mexico City, Mex.
Forter' Hotel.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Hotel rhister Hew Staad.
J? rank Stalk!, Brand AT, and teas
Minneapolis, Minn.
Century Hsw Co S. 3rd St,
BL 3. ICaTaaaugn, 4 B. Srd S
Hioolltt ati Jobb7 Hwa Bfcaafc
Mt. Clements, Mich.
K. K. Xdchtlg C.
New York City, N. Y.
Broadway Theater Hewa Staad.
Imperial Hotel Mew Staad.
kaiokerboeke Hotel Hew Baa4
Hoffman Hons Mow Staad.
tsra&d Vnioa Hetel Hw BtABf.
Holland House Bw Staad.
Murray Hill Hsw Btaad.
Bslmont Hotel Hew Staad.
Waldorf-Astoria tw Stand.
Manhattan Hotel Mews Staad.
Astor House Hew Staad.
Harry jr. Sckuits, S. Ji. Coo. STth tig
Ogden, Utah.
H. J. Hlcksy, MS tSth M,
X. X.. Boyle, 110 SSSh St.
Oray Bsw Co Xpo Hows Staad.
Lowe Bros., 114 USUI St, .
Harrop B aoadaxd.
Peoria, 111
Oee. Kartman. Mala aad AAaats.
Philadelphia, Fa.
renn Hew Co.
Bellow Stratford Hotel Vows Staad.
W alto a Hotel Hew Stand.
A. r. JtemSle, 37M Iuuiaoter At.
Pittsburg, Pa.
rt, Vltt Hotel Hsw Staad.
Portland, Ore.
Central Cigar Btoro, S7S Wash. s
r 4th.
Bowman How Co.
Orsgoa Hew Co 14V ttk S
Bos Cfty Hew C.
World Hew Oo.
6t. Joseph, Mo.
J. Berger, Bll BdatoaC .
Werld Bw Co.
St. Louis, Mo.
Son th era Hotsl Hows Staad.
Hotel Jeffersoa Hew Staad.
B. T. Jt
St. Paul, Minn.
H. St. Maris,
Bwd. a. Vitapatrtok, S8S Wabash.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bfld B Kaaseu.
Hetel Kauuferd How f tastd.
San Francisco, Cal.
H. WhsatUy How Btaad,
VBJted Hew Agents, uu Bddy,
Hotel St. rraaoU Xew gHaadT
Seattle, Wash.
WUswa. SS7 rtkm ,
Sioux City, Iowa.
Wst Hotel How Stead.
htoadwmU Hotel Hew Stead.
tterald ritsglbbea Hew staad
2f "Ii f 3a Bldgr. J
Marshall Bros,
Spokane, Wash.
Joha W. Oraaaaa.
Stockton. CaL
Tourist Hew Co.
Washington, D. 0.
r surf as Hotel Hew Stead. t
Hew Hotel HeweBtesiS.
Hew Haleigh Hotel ZZZl ? 4
AX Mi.