20 THE OMAHA DAILY HKE! SATUKDAY. OCTOHKK 10, 1003. Want - ads Ad veMJaemrate far taa. wut ad rolimii will be taken antll 11 a, tar a evealag edltlea aad aatll a. aa. fa (ha Morulas aad Siadur edltluua. Cash nul aceoutpaey all ardere for era at ad aad (.varfraewie'at will 8m accepted far taaa aa 10 auaSa law vat Insertion. Bate apply -e-ltker Taa DUr ar a day Baa. A 1 way a euaf alx mrli fa a Iraa. Ceaabluatlaaa tattlers ar aaabava raw at aa rat word. CASH RATES FOII WANT ADS. RKGILAH CLASSIFICATION On (avert lea, per llaa, lO estate. Twt a auare coeseuutlve la art loam, ,p"r lte, -ata. Baeh Isueertlaa made aa add day, 10 eaata per llaa. fl-BO per llaa aap anoatai excepting that FIRMISHEO HOOM ADS, nnra uapaail ar eaaa,, taa rat 1U eel Oa luaerttea, d ceata iar llae) three ar alx conaecatlve laser gleae, 8 aeate per llaa each lanvrrtlaati rrtt ar more eaaeaicutlve laeert laaa, S ceate ncr llaa aack lnaertleai rtmu per llaa per anenfa. "Want ada for Tka Bee amar a. ait aar of tka follow lag drag; at are at aa www "taimi daaaa"tur mwm mil kaataak aaa fa Taa Jaa aaf rear ad will k iuaertad Jaart aw praaaptlr and aa tka saute rate aa at tka aaata -erSea la Tka Mew Balldlaa Seveateeuta. ail Faraaa atrwatat Albach, W. C, Hn and Farnus. .bwraiiek, tv A.. 1408 . Mth Bt. Kacht Pharmacy, 720 S. Uth Bt Uuaeoa Pnermaoy, Benson, Nab. Berala Park Pharmacy, Ud and Cuming. Blake' Pharmacy, KOt tilitrman Avt, Coughlln. C. R.. 4th and Plerca Sta. . Clltton Hill Fharmaoy. ttlJ Military Ave. Conte, J. B., list Ave. and rarnam Cilsaey Pharmacy, Mth and Lake Bta. Cermek, Enili. J2()4-4 S. Uth St F.hJere, P. H., 2804 Leavon worth St. Icittr dt Arnoldl, m N. 88th St. Freyteg. John J., 114 N. Mth fit. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 2Dth and Lake Sta Oreenough, G. A.. IKS 8. 10th fit. Oreenough, O. A.. 1024 10th Bt Harden. Wllltam C. 1830 ram am flt Haneoum Park Pharmacy, MH 8. 8th Bt owt, jonn, e n. uth tn. Huff. A. L., WM Leaven worth Bt King. R. 2338 Farnam fit. Kountaa Place Pharmacy, S804 N. Mth Bt. Patrick Drug Co,, 1S03 T. 24tn Bt. Lathroo. Charlwe B.. 1334 N. Mth St ' Peyton. X K.. tth and laavanworth 8ta. Saratoga Drue Co., Mth Bt and Amen aW. Bchaafar'a Cut Frloa Drue Co 18th and Chlnago Bta. Bnhaafer, AuRuat. VM N. ISth St Brrhmldt, J. H. Mth anfl Cumins Bta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Bta. Walton Pharmacy, Mth ond Orace Sta. Worth. O. U.. 4Uth and Mamllton Bta. DKATH AID rCHTElLAI. HOTICES. iwaagaasga ' t riiiimHl P1TTORBON Mra. Hannah I., belorWl wife of ftlada H. Petanon, October 6, 1908. aged M yea rat Funeral from DoMr'e chapel. Twenty third and Cuming, Saturday 1 p. m. Inter ment Bprlngwell cemetery. Frtenda tnvltad. MAJ1KIA6I1 L1CBHSBS. The following marriage lice nee auve beaa taaued : Name and Realdenoa. Age. Vincenie Oematlee, Omaha M Clara Krupa, Omaha 3it Martin Hanaen, Omaha 18 Minnie Moatrom, Kenaett la 22 Fred W. Haaklna, Omaha. .....J May Hack, Omaha HO Charlaa N. Porter, Atklnaon, Neb-. E6 Mary White lilanohard, Waterloo, la... 48 Wade & Sianfield. Bay CUy, Mich 41 Alive Amelia Cullum, Bay City. nch....al Oeorae W. Fulton. Bvracoae. N. Y... .87 Klla Curtla. Blair. Nob M Fred F. KlmmeL Roeebnd Agency, B. Ik. 2J tjertrud McNeil, Heron. Ill W Bonhua J. Jenaen, Omaha............ H Kuuum liwim, Omaha.. BIRTHS AID trBATOS Blrtha O. Rich, 4823 Florence boulevard, gltl; Chftxlea tlaiarnl, Sll Woulworth ave nue, g,rU Chnr.es F. Muller, tUi North 1 weni-y-eiKhlh avenud, boy. Deallta Vincent Nelaon. Wise Memertal hi ap tai, 26; Allen K. Julian, Jr.. MvthcdUt boapiuii, Z7: L,ondelle Itehu, JJiH baiurolt atieet, 18; MarUu Tranthcm, 27DS houtn Eleventh street, 72; C. 1 i. Paul, 2u32 Burt an rest. C; Martha Kwttneon. Tliln y-tourtii atreet and Meredith avenux. 0; Chant. Kuhn, 1W1 South tilxXeentu au-eet. 24. ANNOUNCEMENTS NIGHT SCHOOL Y. M. C. A. NOW OPEN. Brirollment deuble that of law year. A few of aur many clamea: eHOW (JAkUJ WM1T1N, meeta Monday atMl Thursday, 7:J. UMivKUiia iNU, Tuecday and Friday, 1M UU8INK.SS LAW, Mondaya, 7:30. BO lb i.L&J'l ttK ClL'B, Tuedaya, 7:30. TlU-r-iFMU. T', Thuraduya, 7:Jt). iU.tX'1'KlClTY. Friday a, 7:30. Platl,lC MEhTl'lNO DKUATlNa CL.UB, Tueadaya. a, aaaeiubiy rount. Lvw tttua. Hpeelaillaia fur teachers. Be J. W. AlUier, Muvatlonai Director. (1) M401 11 MOKANU'B elaaaea in dancing Opi. Bar wood thrateri iuaaona lor adaha Tuea. and Fri., p. m.; awckU every Wud., pri vata kaai.aa). Vail or loL Doug. 1041; aiMaciat its ma ud jtupum iiom tne uil,egoa. UJ i4e OcUi THW CITY QAKWGK CO., utfice 4ih and Leavenwarta sHa, Tel. Deugia tl-2U SIGN PAXNTINi B li. Cola, im Doug-(l-2el LADIES slurt waJet noxee, skirt boxes and buoy boane . made to order ; odd jiiacea of furniture niado and. i-epaired; pianua polialutd and rellnwhed; Ilia only plaru you cau liave yuur uwn urlalnal ik-Nlgtta madu. All work guaranLocd. Tel. lad B Mil. Oj-M Nov. AUTOMOBILES bH-ND for eur Ium. of aecoiui-hand aute uu.'bilea. Dt-lUullT, ill fcarnain. TVLK 1-Uin coimueruial auluuiuuiiva; ui-Ka. tv, sM aud 41, uu. Apiuy W. Laidutf, ttU arnam bt. U ACT'OMOBILEB High graUe used amomuliiiua. ail tuakea, at lawest prtcea. All citra tu A-l ouiutiUuu. I ahtp you auy maae uf car. you pay or the car v, uen you get It. Wills for pi icaa and specify make ut car you warn. Now la Uia liuie to buy. II. A. V room an, 1118 Flauer BlOg.. Chlcagu. Zj-MMl Irtx ACTOMOB1LE garage for rent; lrth and Nhatoiaa Bia.; auxlaw feel. Tel. Doug. 17t. 11 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FlK BALK OH TltAL'K Well Improved IM, an niH of a aooJ town In uaceuia cauBvi , lwa; wortii U-jImj, will carry tiiwu if Ueaned at 4 per cent ir.tnrest. UKul Lave yuut Addreaa Box HA, Jet fera'a. la. (3 MM4 FOR BALE OH TKA DB-Kin Jeraey cow it gooa aiugta txikgy ana bkrnesa. Kor UuoiuiaUon utiepituita twi. (.jj 1,3 FOR KXCHANUK Clean atock marchan dlae; invoice W.ou); lor (oud. cWar uoe city linprovea property, or gaoa larm in Colorado or N'euraaka. Have enter prop erties lu well anu T-i.-iiiigw. 4. l. tivltvi Eureka aVriuga. Atkansaa. Ui-M'J'ja lux TRADtdl TRADES! Farms, town property, mjae.. everything BUrlngar Chtld, PaxUm Bik , Omaha -MM3 Nov S WHKM wrrrlng advertleera remember It take bait aa extra stroke or two ef th pea, to menttoe the tact that you aaw lb U ) 1M Oca, BUSINESS CHANCES 1.7T7 ACRF" of lad In Aurora rounty. rVntth Iltora, n mira rrom miiriTy a-mi, pultable (or mora; ranch: will aell In naar rra er-eeBtlona. If takan at era. $17 per a-r. In qtiartera tl peir a?ra; traod krl lartTl and a frne rtara rf water rnnnlng through It; ninrt ell at anoe. W. T. Murpny, rerry, i. (4J-M.T60 11 FOR 8AU0 Cheap, fine confectionery atore In town of TO. copulation; In o4ea tS,40; doing a.000 nuaineaa; H.aiO tokea It; good terma. K. Maple Ave., Ottumwa, la. f4)-M338 lOx nnt-a aTfHE iocatioN. FOR LKAPK Beat enmer In City for lle oru(t(flt to get D-innwrnmo Dueinrsa. owner, HOT N. 18th Bt., from a. m. tn i p. m. (4)-MllS 10 FURNITITRK leaaa and fixture for aalej a money maker. Hotel Grand. Hartlng ton. Neb. (4)-M98S Hi tJRL'O etoree fnr aala everywhere. Knlent N. T. L. Dldg. (4)-K I HAVE a rmrenrefl f npte klrrhen artti e. A f ne a Her fur anen a. Jobb-ra and re tailer. Can be had m ide to rrd T. Want a pnrty with mnnej to handle on a royalty or Interest. Mwt furnish beat of references. E. J. Hanaen, Exlra, 1. (4) M357 ltx FOR FTXCHANOT8. Owner wanta good land for clear Omaha property; value 47,00. 220 BurnVtte BU, Omaha. (D-M287 11 TO GET In tr out of buaineea call on GANQESTAD. Room 403 Bee Bid. HIOHLT improred quartar aeetlrm adjacent to town .and flrat olaaa implement bull nesa for aale; turnover MO.000 annually. A. B. aMiea, Kadlaaen, Baak., Canada 4-M234 10X A BIO-PAT1NO boelnaaa, will net 10000 per annum, for aale; good remeona for aelllng; owner tnuat look after other bul neaa. Inquire at Wl South Wth Bt. Teh phone Douglas 89Z7. 4) M28S llx 1737 ACRES of land In Aurora, eounty. South Dakota. 14 mllee from eounty eeat aUlt ahla for atock ranch: will eell In auar- tera or aeotlona. If taken at once, 117 per acre. In quarter Sl per acra; good level land and a fine atream of water running through tt; a anap; muat eell at once. Owner, W. T. Jlurphy. Perry, la. (4) M.30S 10s QROCERY and -meats for aale or trad. Addreaa, F-Wl, Bee. (4 MK lit nnnn onanlna for racket or C. O. D. atora Store building for aale or rent. One of beat location In city of Albion, inquire, H. P. Bull, Albion, Neb. 4 M3W llx FOR BALE OR TRADB Th beat email hotel propoeltlon in Iowa. Only hotel town of too. A targe brink and tile plant now under construction. 'Would lake ' arreav or email houae in Dart. Addreai T. C. Walton, Auburn, la, (4) M387 13x WHERE la there a good location for a real Batata and auctioneering ouainoea. A young man full of ginger, Jtoom 34S, Hotel opai, umana. nr"" "a BUSINESS DIRECTORY Vklrapoahet. DR. BOY, R. S. UO Fainam at Doug. M97, Xlaatlata. BALLET aV MACS, Jd fir. Paxton. D. lffit. V- DAVTD COLJB Creamery C. Draaaaaakla rS FAMILIES. Mlas Sturdy, Tel. Doug, B) 2b3 1771. McDowell Draasniakrng KbooL ie2t Farnam CTTILDREVB and nilaaea srartng a spe cialty, ill B. itin 5t t aaiai i Flarlata. i HEB8 tt 8WOBODA. MIS Farnam Bt tb) 264 L, HENDERSON, 1511 Fkrnam. TL D. 1:9 J. IL BATH, IK Harney. TL Doug. Km. yo) ja i j FlaaaelaU Money TO LOA N L O W RATE, in euma to ault. SI0 Bee BIdg, 'Pbone uouKlua Ijv4. UNION lOAN COMPANY. S-I8 MON1Y to loan on real estate at low rataa. W. tt. aleikle, Kantg Blug. (6-Ma33 Hotel. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney Moving aad Storlag. EXPRESSMEN'S Delrvery Co., office 214 H. 1Mb ax, wareneuae mtn-D laarg fct. Mmate aata l,aagaaea. PROF. OTTO KTJLJCU, Oerman tlanlt eiuaio, ie a. iiia w; open everting xneuaa oi aiuaic lavKed. aUBW Ms wataenHttStg, JOHKSOW 1KB., tit N.' T. U Tel. D. 1864. (5 m Dr. feathery Nlckulaa, iUt N. 1. (6i ,l PrlatLag. BEFORE placing your 18u calendar order dun t fail to see oar linporuxi irae. Lfag alaa ai jorve, luriBiara, uujx aaa (UipiLi Ave. (kj 3Z JAY SMITH, printer and atatlooer; I nave the gjoda. I can do your work right, hoara 12, Wead-BaldrlKd Bldg . iuth aad Farnam Bta. lad. Phona A -l.ua. (6 S5 02ns, EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and I li in ctasa worx guarauteed- ANCHOR PUBIJ8HI.no CO.. Ul B. llhh Bt Tela. Dtug. i&ii. Ind. A-2S82. (6) MeS Nl Plating. QOLD. silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat tng Co., 1231 Harney. 'Pnonea Douglaa ZU5 and independent A-ZMs. 2.3 Mnaafactarm, RUGS made from old carpets. Couaall BluXIa Hug factory. Tel. bl. (5 MUK Skortkaad Reparter aad Katarg, F. J. SCTCl-lFFE, depoaltlons. Be. Tel. Dituglae lSma- Bafaa, Skattera, l OMAHA Safe and Iron Works, make a apertalty of nr escapes, shatters, doors and safe. 3. Andreen, Prop., 102 H. lhth Bt (51 MK NJ Skoa Repalrlag. RAPID BHOK REPAIR CO.-Flrat elaas work. ltil.'S'k Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red m. (W-274 BHOFS repaired right, celled for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1H04 Farnam Bt. TeL Douglas 7567. tM-rrr Wat Flltera. Mlaaovrt Wf flltera Huber, 1310 Howard. (5)-27l HELP WANTED FEMALE Age-ate aad Salealadtea. WANTED Saleawomen with expertraoa la aelllng house furnlslilnxa and hartrwai Apply auperinlendent, J. Lt HraaAeia A bob a. 7 MW 11 Fae-torg aad Tradea. BXPERIENCF.D alteration kelp: win pay highest salary. Orkra tlroe, 1610 Doug las. (7 1J 14 WANTED Experienced seamatreaaea and taHora ia woanea a cloak allerattoA room. Aely aupcrta T J. L Brandela A Soaa, 7 M)U nmmlS&Z?nEtVrV-'mmm ' ' fT!iT"y ,-M..lw-'.'J.!'g!aiajajnff.-ii a rVirnaarr""-" tis often unnecessary to run a "want because frequently you can oct what you want by simply HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades Coatlnned. FIVE glrla for pressing skirt; gord wages, ateaay worx. ami Mavenworm ni. Or- 11 WANTS D Good Inspector In ektrt depart ment, ateedy work. King-uranam M rg. Co., Uth aad Jackson Bta. 7t MJ.il Hooaekeepera aad Doatcatlea. DR. WEHTZ, denUst, th floor Paxton Rlk. (7 i WANTED Olrl for general houaework. iidi callfornln Bt Or JK1K0 in. T. O. uyTne. Doug. 104. WANTED Olfl for general housework. 1X33 Park Av. TeL Harney i6. (7) 212I2x WANTED-Qlrl tor general housework; good wagea. Tel. Harney mz. IU i. itb Ave. (7)-K9 U WANTED Olrl for -general hnueework; small family; 6; -flat plecea are done at laundry. Mr. O. C. Mgerty, telephone Harney M64, 4901 Webater Bt (7) S15 10 WANTED Cook and second girl. 9412 Far nam. to AlSfll WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family, good wage. TeL Harney ASM, or Kv4 Harney Bt. 7)-941 WANTED At the Oeorrte., dlnhwaaher and onamoermaid. wm-M ueorgia Ave. (7)-M348 WANTED Qirl for general housework: good aalary and good home, In nice neigh borhood. Apply Mlaa Riley, 317 a. ittn hi. (7) "56 GIRL Tor general housework; email fam ily. M09 California. Tel. Harney 17. (7) MS07 lOx QIRL for general housework, private fam ily; work light. . 1015 N. 34tn. WANTED Good girl to assist with gen eral housework; no washing, good wage. TeL Harney 1048. 4033 Izard St. C7)-S18 I WANTED Oirl for general hotisework, small family; wnnt girl that can go home night. 8006 Maeon St. Tel. Harney .199. (7)-3S3 llx WANTED Oorxt girl to naslst In house work; no wanning; small family ana good -wages. Wm, Zltxman, 1513 Douglas Bt. (7-71 U WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages paid. Tel. Harney 1081. lis fro. 32d Ave. (tt-sm 10 HELP WANTED MALE Ageaaa, Sellcltave aad Haleeatea. AGENTS wanted tor the most complete oil gaa burner in tne world; no wick; no small; generate kerosene oil Into a fine gas; it fit any cook stove or range; nothing like It One-third cheaper than coal or wood. THE- ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept 8. 809 and S10 N. Y. Life Dldg., Omaha, Neb. t) M241 Nov. 6 IF -you are not making good Income write us; we want two or tnree more men. Ad dress Look Box 1196, Lincoln, Neb. ()-M341 15 ABE YOU A SALESMAN? If ao, and you are willing to work county territory, we can put you next to one of the beat paying prepoaltlone known. Permanent poaltlona for good men. Bee Counotl Bluffa Remedy Co., 27 4th Bt., Council Bluffa, la. (9) M310 82.10 TO 84.00 PER DAY guaranteed, aelllng greatest household article in the world; every housekeeper buye It; 24 years on the market. Address, Keystone Mfg Co. 12lh and Cherry Bta.. Erie, Pa. t M993 10 WANTED Young man to drive through country and sell farmera an article of big value at a low price; permanent po altlon and good Income. Addrasa A 13, car Bee. l) MlOu NEBRASKA aalea manager wanted by automobile company. Flrat claea, suc cessful buarnea man. 1906 Modela ready, Monarch Motor Car Co., Chicago Height, ill. u Mzaz 14 WANTED Traveling man by local firm; experience not necesaury; position per manent. Address W 222. Bee. t M104 AGENTS WANTED To sell Urrllorlty for fuel economizer; guaranteed to aav one fourth of the fuel. Address undersigned for information. Beahea A (Brown, ilo Flrat St., Dixon. Ilia. W M3K) 23x Bare. WANTED Several reliable boye, IS or ever. W. U. TeL Co., 2U B. Uth Bt tr M7u6 018 OFFICE- boy wanted. P. Cook. 1111 Farnam Bt. J t 17 11 Clereoal mmm Urtlea. OFFICE manager, 81,200 to t2,0W per year, Stenographer and bookkeeper, 360. Hlunograplu-r, rood penman, JL0 and J80. Bcenuxiauher (Bmllh-PTemleT). I0. We have fifty other wlik-h must be filled at UM.-K. t-ail or write. CO-OPKRATIVE REKERENCE CO., 478-76-77 Brandei Bldg. (9) 877 DRIK clerk position. Bldg. Knlest, N. Y. Lit WANTED A yoang man stenographer; reference required. Alamito Naititary Dairy Co., lkll Farnam. () Ma la Jeweler and optician who is engraver. Manager gen. mOae. store, USD. Tiaviilng saUssman, turn etrniglit salary. Ptono., good personality, 8Tb. The above muat bo filled AT ONCE. Call or write for a COMPLETE list. WEBTIsiRN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC., Suits m N. Y. Life Bldg. , () 37 Factors' aad Trade. SHOEMAKER wanted. Day Shoe Co., (9) M342 15 Haalliiga, Neb. WANTED "?n bricklayers, non-union, at Fort Ruesell, I lieyeuno, yo.; lour muntlis' work; 76 cents pet hour. At kinson Bre. () M198 16 WANTED A coalmaker, at once. C. F. Strulx, Atlantic, la. (9) M3U0 15x WANTED Mea tailors for our alteration department; will pay highest salary. Ap ply al anoe. Orkin Bros., 1514 Douglas. (9 A14 14 WANTED Two good plumbere to week tn pea ahap. Free A ickeiauain. 14 So 19. h. (9) 3ed 11 WANThflJ A good coatmaker; rmiim. steam heat, back shop. William H. Shepherd, 414 Locust St.. Dea Moines, 1. (9) M3V lux ; " v A IN i JW-cue meal i u iua.ru narurr uaua ) aad take positioit waiting oar graduatea; few weeks cumpletea; coastant prat-lice fnralshed. srholarship includes toola. In structions, demonstrations, exaailnallona and diplomas. Write for ratakig. Muler Barker College, 110 8. 14th St. (9-M36 Ifnc WANTED First clasa re a aar (ui laiiiea' and geatlemea'a garoaeata Council Bluffs Cleaning Co.. 38 N. Mala St. t! M404 llx 11 tacellaaeoa. WANTED. FOR U. S. A RM Y-AWe-eodled, vaiTiarred nva between agea of 18 aad 36, trisena of Untied State, of good char acter and temperate iialMt. wio can epoMk, read anrt write F.nnlKh. Fer ra fotauatlao apily ts Recraulng Officer, Uth aad Douglaa Bta., Onaaaa, Ne4. (9)-6BS WANTED Train near agents. W. at r. ad way. Council Muff. Apply 1114 ( M157 WANTEIV-70 men auter. X boy under 11. 16 gh- a aKler 12. Si Hire entrance. Boyd thaater. ;i)-MSj tox reading "BEE want ads." J HELP WANTED MALE Mlseellaaeens Coattaaew. THE FAlLTtERM OF ' BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OFEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Te.egraphy and Kngliah. Olfiial training scuoul I BrOn Pcilic R. K. te.egruph cU part men t. A posial gets full liitMrmatlun. Address 11. It. Loyiea, Boyles Bklg.. Omaha, )-282 FREE employment oVM. Business Men' Aae n; no fees. Call 52fi N. 1. Lite H df. (9)-lM HELP WANTED MALH OR rEMALII, WANTED Educated men and WftTwen capable of earning 2.00o a year, by iKxld Mead A Co., to sell the new International Knoyclopedla, Inquire at office, 410 N, Zlst Bt. Omaha. ''?-M944 U LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uereea and eh idea. "OLD HONE8TY" 83 hera blankets wear like Iron; heavy, strong, loug-wearlng. ill) M4 D3 FREE VETERINARY TREATMENT. For the purpose of Introducing ourselves to the public we will treat an oiseasee or do mestic animals free of char lrom Sep tember 16 to October IS, lauS. We are both graduates and practical veterlnariane Drs Blmonson and Stewart, 418 South Uth Bt., Omaha. Office hours 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 6 p. m. 'Phones: Ind., A-l Ml and Douglas 8M3. (1D-433 17 STANHOPES, surreye, runaboute, top bug gies ana harness; closing out summer style at vary low prieee. Bee ua at once, buy now, save 20 per oent. Johnson A Danforth, B. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea Sta. (11) M186 23 FOR SALE Several team good draft horaea. Harding Ice Cream Co. U) M1H6 LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Henshaw hotel and Y. M. C. A., afternoon, Sept. 29. watch fob, black silk ribbon, with gold buckle and charm. Will pay its value. Return to O. C. Red'.ck, 1S17 Farnam Bt (12) M208 LOST Boiltalre diamond ring, 114 karat. tooth setting, In buslneaa district, Tues day afternoon; reward. Call at 1511 Douglas. Bt (12) M332 11X LOST White fox terrier, with new collar. Reward for return to 3307 Corby street. 02) M330 llx STRAYED OR STOLF7N Small Mark S et- land pony. Finder phone Webster 2943. 12)-366 10X MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Oray'a Nerve Food Pills," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman At McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Oft.)-88Z FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical oollege, 14th and Dav enport Bta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167, Calls answered day or night. (13)-12 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write fo the matron of the Bulvatlnn Army Home for Women at 34 N. 24th ' St., Omaha. Neb. (1S)-MU MONEY TO LOAN SALAIUIlS AND CHATTELS. NO PLACE like the Old Reliable UlAW HEADQUAR TERS to borrow money. NO PLACE wueie you get auch low rates and a fair, honest deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11S Board of Trade 14th Bt entrance. (14 2) MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Of flees In 44 principal cities. Tolman, room 513, New York Life Bldg (14)-M7V3 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Koouia. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. 527 PARK AVE. Comfortable, modern, aouih room, excellently located; home cooaliig; private; large lawn; reasonable. WE ao exptfrt .piano moving at lowest price. Tel. Doutilaa lii-5. Hchtnoller at MuoUar piano Co., liUl-UU Farnam. U;-287 WANTED To room and board, refined gentleman or man and wife, by refined couple in large atrictly modern private residence; nh-e rooms and use of piano and library; excellent board, 8& per week ma Webster Bt. (1 Wl DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (la) Uni BOARD, room, walking tils.; all modern; home cooking. 614 6u. 23d kit (lC-626 X CIXifiE-lN large south room with board; references required. 114 S. 19th 81. 'Phono Red 4ui3. (16) Sae GOLD board and family, (4.&U, v room, close in, prlvatu N. Ud. liic-WUi Farnlaayeel Heaaa. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKLKi'lNG ROOMS tn All parts of the city. If you are looking for rnoma lo not fall to get our list. Coat you nothing. P. O. NIELS ON A CO.. Kt.N'TAL AGT8., 703 N. 1. Life Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 22U4 (15) 2a9 IK)M, modem oratl.rn. the heat, a-lth emu 11 family. 'Phone ilarnny luSl. (15) 11713 I5x NICELY furnished rooms; modern, with steam heat. J024 Wettatcr St. Tel. lad. B-4-12. (15 M&U i: KOOUs for gentlemen, by day. week or month. The Chatham, 110 S. 18th St. (15-291 FURNISHED room, 20th. Webster 62. all modern. IC19 N. (U)-247 ! NICELY-FURNISHED room for rent; j modern 2401 Harney St. (15) 433 30 . i FOR HEaT-Modern furnished room. 704 i So. 31st. Tel. Harney !(). (15) SIS 9x FOR RENT Ieslrat,le furnished room tn privale family for genllewan; referenoea required. 334u liaruey S4. (16 la 9x LARflB. sanny, well furnished room, wtth bay window. 117 S. 2ilh Ave. (15) M304 lOx FINE, large, front room, with alcove bed room; modern; splendid east view; blocka from biiih school; private family. Also smaller room. 408 N. 22u. (16V-M967 ROOM, medora. location the beat, with small property; value (7,W). 2620 Burdette St., ney 109. () M2W hi NICELY-FURNISHED room; new. modem koaae; ru Ivata family; gentlemen pre ferred; Park avenue, near Leavenworth. 'Pluiua Haraey 71. 15 176 11 FURNISHED rooaa to gentleman; private family of twe. Hanacom Park llt Refer-exu-ea. Addeeae K 34s. Be. (la-3kl llx LADY ONLY Nicely furaished room, first flour; refcreacea raulred. TvU-phoae J WahaUr tv OC-M974 lAx , 1 1 ad" in The BEE s n OFFERED FOR RENT Faralabeel Hoaeas Lontlnaed. depot. 121 n S. 16 MM 10 i T'RNISHED 11th St. roeiai, wear N If ELY FVRMSHF.D, V1rarHe front rneni in new, worlrn , ' flat. All cun venleaces; walking distance. 216 HArney. ' (lb) il llx ' tent HARNEY, farnieked flat. rooms; mndfrn (lfi)-Mllii4 19x MCE front 'roem td bedroom; d BiraMo for yoang then, also otner ro-rns. il N. Uth. (iir M262 12 x NEWLY fnmlsrwl rooais; hoJuse wew -and etrtcUyv modern. 14 N. 18th Bt. (1M MWS 14 BOB S. 85TH AVE. ; flrat flr. (Uy-'MNlsx LAROB front room, -well furnished for ren tlewian; private family; price reasonshle. tl5 No. 23d Bt. () M38& l&x Unfarnlahed Rooaa. Til hRK unfurnished rofftna, rlrfae Tn. Far em. atreet, Miodern, Steam ft. D-ugiaa 818. 15) M906 Ux Haaaekeeptaa; naBt. TWO excellent modern furatehed room a far housekeeping; alio four uafumlalied rooms for housekeeping. 'Pheoe in hone. 2674 Harney Bt lr M147 VERY DESIRABLE furnished rooms, light housekeeping It desired. 2"23 Burt Wt (15) Mfc(4 10 2218 CHICAGO St., modern, furnished r en furnished room; light housekeeping if de sired. Tel. Red 678. 16 M0 Ilk FOR RENT Two light basement rooms, lurnisnea, to roupie ror in winter; partly modern; 312. J9 S. 27th st. (15) 1M-12 Apartments aad Flats. 8-4 R flat. Scargo, 61 S N. Mth, Bourh Omaha, Hall,. 433 Ramg Bldg. Rod Twa. (15 1-293 FOR RENT A beautiful 4-room and 6- rootn apartment, steam heat, theremghlv modern and up to daie. Nothlrjg finer tn Omaha, location beat -Inquire 801 Brown block. (15) 64 8-ROOM 81". LOUIS FLAT. 2SC8 Sherman Ave.; Furance, Gas, ElectHC Light, lament Hasement, W4adow Shade, Birch Finish. HASTINGS HEY DEN. 174 Farnam Bt ask ior nentai Department. 15)-174 HEATED OUTSIDE FLAT. 4 larg rooms, all ouiahie; hardwood, mod ern, anaoes, gas range, eteam neat, hot water, walking distance; 86 summer, 4,13 winter. Why pay double for no ttetter? .vacant octoDer a: rerarences required. &KMI9, Paxton Block. (1.) M117 to FOR RENT In walking distance, deelraHle B-room flat excellent repair vnd modern, furnare. bath, etc.; good neighborhood and paved street. 1444 Dodge St. Rent, GARVIN BROS., 1604 FarrutM. (16) MM8 HEATED APARTMENT. 4-room, first floor, private front and hack porches, ivewly decorated, polished floors, In Kountse Place; relerenee reouired. 'Phone Webster 1119. -J. N. Marsh, 448 Board of Trade Bldg. (15 M417 6THJAM HEATED APARTMENTS. Six rooms, hardwood, modern, steam heat, hot water, gas range, walking distance. You pay double thle and get no better; (23 summer, 830 winter; reference re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (15) M114 H NEW S-room flat, corner 23d and Nich olas St.; all modern; furnace heat; rent, 825; owner paya water; references re quired. A. C. Busk, 8412 Hawthorn Ave. 'Phone Harney 980. - (15) SK FOR RENT Very desirable, modern flat, 8 rooms and reception hall, oak finish, on Farnam fit.; not a rooming or board ing house. Wm. Dickey Reed, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-203 FOR RENT 9-room modern flat at 614 S. 16th St.; M floor, 846; Al references re quired. Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge. (19) M3 Fnrnlshed Homes, SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern, including gaa and electric flxturea and hot water heating; 1916 Clark St. Inquire at 1607 Howard Bt. (16) M2 NEW, strictly modern home; newly fur nished cheap to desirable partiea. Call Tel. Web. 2328. (16)210 FRONT ROOM In modern flat; hot water heat; walking distance. 3407 Harney St. (16) M344 15X BEAUTIFUL -room house for rent; fur nished, modern, hot water heat, oak ln ish; 845. Call atcrnoons. 1614 Emmet St. (IS) M263 tt FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. One ot the lest hum, n Hiina om park district, 12 room, hard wood finish, lava lory and eervania' room on first fl or, laun dry and all modern eonvenli-ncea, new y' lie, oral, d and furnlshlnga firet-class; rental 84o p.r month. UEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam SI. 416) 326 Houses and Colt ages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS & 220 S. 17th St IIEVDEN, INS., AGENCY, 'Phone D. 1406: A-3161. (15)-15) 10 ROOMS. mO'lern, walking distance. See owner, 3i01 N. 22d Hi. Tel. Black liana. (15)-6tt LOOK AT THESE RENTAL SNAPS 6- r., part mod., choice, 120 H. 2Hth Ave., !0. 7- r., cliy wtaer, bam, 413 N. Wth Avo., 816. 8- room, modern, new. 42f6 Hamilton, (2j. 4-room, part modern, 837 S. 2ttli, $!l. 6-room. city water, 23 H N. I7th, (IS. 8-room, olty water, 2416 Charles, (i3.50. 12-r., good. Belect, 24H1 Sherman Av., (30. 4-room, city water, 16'5 N. WHli. (. RUSaFJU. Mi-K ITRICK CO.. 432 Ramgo Bldg., 15th and Harney. (16)-37S 9 27,.5o PER mo.. 8(1 floor, 219 Farnam St., 4 room modern flat. (27.00 per mo., 11:9 or 1131 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms each, all modern, decorated throg; out. $26 per mo., 16r Willi Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern, ne ,rly new. I37.ii per mo., 2ulS Chicago St, 8 rooms, niolein. In bent of lejair. $37.50 pT mo.. 3224 Poppteion Ave.. 8 rooms, n otli-rn, corner 1 t. 146 j.er aao., 8iw D -ige St., 8 vo ma, niIem. (,) per u o.. llx So. 22U Si., H ro mn, all moUvrn, east fiont, easy walking dietance. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnom et. jS J24 9 FOR RENT-OCTOBER I. MY 10-ROoM BRICK. MODERN RESIDENCE, V, 1TH BARN SHADE TR K bM. LAWN PER MANENT WALKd, ON PAVh-D S I REIlTS. CORNER LOT. 3644 CAPITOL AVE TU. D. b'i, OR ir. B. H. ROBlirON, 2D FLOOR WARE RLK. (lij-M02 Lit WRT, dcntlat tb floor Paxt.jn Blk. tla I' 4-ROOM. modern cottage, N. K. corner Slat aad OIjIo 4-0. Carllrg. all N. T. I.ifa. (15)-MJ 6-ROOM asodara dswlilng. r9 Dnughta. (a. Fell A Prnkerton Co.. 40 First Nan. Biak Bldg. (15)-M134 IffinPJ m Irtu of th city. HULiOL3 Crelgn Son A Co Bae 1)4,. (15j la 4-ROOM house. 29o7 Seward St., (13. toro room, ljort N. 24th. (15. 4-room houae. uuJ:ru ex. turn ace, (00 Wil liam St,. 8J0. 1 room, second floor. 1362 N. 24th St.. (17: mod to except heat. Ctirt Bayer, Zii and Cuming Bt. (lb) 305 HANSCOM PARK Modem home. 1 roonu; hot water heat; reference re quired. Apply at lit S. 82d. Phene U 36. iO0. 4.16 M864 11 tEAL ESTATE mm CITT PHOI'KH I Y FHH B 41,48. Your Opportunity lo .you vnnt a lot clieaj), and finest and most attractive suburb 24 LOTS IN DUNDEE never before offered for sale, everyone brought to grade most high ntid sightly. tj Prices From $250 to $500 ' TERMS, $10.00 CASH, -T Balance $5.00 to $10.00 a Month M BonT6of thtfie lots are us fine as aa'axat .tfAw-AA At K ,1,.tM C'ci vi a. x?g -ga v v xavj J'l IVTT, Sale Saturday, October 10th, from "10:00 o'clock a. m. until dark unless sooner sold. TAKE bCNDKB CAR, CET OFF AT BOTH AND UNDERWOOD AVENUB. Anyone flpstrtng to view the lots before this ;iate will fall or tPlephone. W aTe the duly firm that has offered Dundee lots at cash prices on teitns that brings them 'within the reach of all. This Is a rare 6itortiinlty and 6ne ihat tll BOt be' repeated. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Pbne Douglas 1722. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoasea aad ;4t1ageaA.CoBtlaard. FOR RENT fr-rodm, all meflprn, on ear line. 11)26 83d St Tel. Harney (16) M281 fXx HOUSE for rent. 3115 Burt St lB)-8hj CK2 SJoath Seth Ave. 9 rooms, tX'.W. 16) MH6J 15 MODERN : S-roofn hbhse; 8S6 per lohth; 8414 Lafayette Ave., Berhis Pnrk. (15) M337 UX HOITSE FOR RENT New tirftrse, entirely modern; hightj' deoorated; enly been used alx months; present lessee about to leave city; will sell some article. Apply 361 Hartley St, Omaha. 06) M329 10 LIST your vacant houses -fth Waiter Breen Company, N. z. Life Bldg. U5)-a . T-POOM modern cottage, 30; owner. BurUette. 15)M288 llx FOR RKNT 4-room, all modern, on cat line. 1K8 N. 23d St. Tel. Harney 9H9. (16)-M2S1 14x FOR RfiNT. aOOS Oanforhla -St., moaern d,wel!tng; "keys at 810 N. 20th St. (16) M34 llr for Rent. 3012 Maxcy St., 8 rooms modern, 830. 1M4 S. 2t4i St, 6 rooms modem, $20. 8311 California St., 5 rooms, modern, 120. 2631 8penoer St, 4 moma, modern, (16. 142 37th Bt, 5 room. (16. CREIGH, SONS A CO., 508 BEE BLDO. ' (16) MSS 12 3009 WEBSTER St., 8 room and bath, 3-3. '12 ' Ctilpago St., 1 rooms, modern, (32.60. 123 N. Xlst Ave., 7 roorne, modem, (. RINQWALT BROS., 8h6 S. 16th St. OB)-M3S7 U VERY destrabte 11-room rrmdern house; cloee tn; first elasa condition. 614 N. 28d. Tel. Red' 4864. (tfr-M398 12x FOR RENT- To pHvate family -only, that commodious and attractive residence No. . 8u26 Dodge St. (75. Airred C. Kennedy, 109 First National Bank Bfdg. Telephone Douglas 722. 06)-MK6 HOUSEHOLD "good, packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving And storing. Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. (15) 199 8-ROOM house, atrictly modern. In fine 'neighborhood, close to two car lines (30. MeCague lnv. Co., 1606 Dodge St. Tel. Doug. 415. (15) 274 11 HOUSES Peter Trust Co., N. Y. U Bldg. (15) 3ol 7-ROOM cottage, 8 and 4-room flats. In quire Of J. li. West, 2123 Seward St. (15) 817 llx EIOHT-ROOM modern brick flat, 8U07 Pa cific. For Information 'phone Harney glut. (15) 800 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15) 29H STEAM HEAT 4-r., bath, 220 N. 23d. (16) M199 NEW 7-room cottage atrictly modern. Ap ply 2124 Miami St -1(15)-218 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Hlk. (16) 29o MAOQARD VAN & STORAGE- CO. Tel. D. 14H6. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (15)-114 0"MAHA Van and Stomge Co., pack, move, etnra H. H. good. Storehouse. 1120-i4 N. 19Lh; offict. 1009 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155:). (16) SHI SEVEN-ROOM house. Just west Hanacom Park, (24. 'Phone Harney 15U5. (li; 710 Office. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 4th and N St., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (16)-M577 DESK ROOM 601 Rrandel Bldg. Somers- Johnson Realty to. (lej-HM Two oulMlde offlc"s, outh front on econd 1.... ,...aur.,ut(,'u lit, l,r li:tl tjn ,.. il , . 1 I , J I, I ,,,lllor,,.,,,, .-..f,., i,. , ,n,,,r Ol., oak flnleh, gas nnd elnctrlc light, steam hcut; lanltnr service. Hastthgs A Hey den, 17t4 Farnam St. Ask for rental de partment (15) M3H4 11 Store. (35 PER mo., 2127 Farnam St.. very desir able siote at i) good b'tsemerit. 80 ier mo,, 1403 Jai keon St.. storero-m 22x 6) ft., all newly Uecoraied with durable basement. (2(o per mo., large storeroom and good baaemi nt, N. W. orner of 16th and Jak son fits. One of the bst tela I locations In the rl,y. Lease one to throe yeaia. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. (16)-813 9 BCAROO BLOCK, Houth Omaha, new, 6:0 N. Mth. Hall, 443 ttamge Bldg. Red 7i. (la 1310 111 SOUTH 16th street, steam heat. (16)-M.V.3 15 VACANT STOREROOM. 1714 Nicholas Bt. See owner, 1101 N. loth St., 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. (15) M 114 10 FOR RENT Corner store room, steam heat; fine loeailim for rirufcs or any other line. 1. T. Glt-ason, Fort Dolge, la. (la)-M::91 11 Warehoosea. WAHEIOURE FOR RENT Space In building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of bulliiing and electric elevator. Ad dreaa W 236. car Bee 05) 171 OFFERED FOR SALE FarnKar. TWO folding counter atools, mahogany finish: been used a abort time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (1)-141 FOR SALE Folding bed. dining room table and sideboard. Inquire il02 Douxlas Bt. (16) M-Ma 10 FURNITURE fir sale. Qulrkenden, 4907 Webster St. Tel. Harney lta4. ic rn tn WHEN writing t advertiser remember It takea but an extra atroke ar two of the pea to aientloa Ui (act thai Jtua aw lha ad U Tb at on easy payments in Omaha's I ; if So. licrc is yoiir ol-iortariU.Tj. tj any in Duridee, tee others are the i I tii paxton Block. t7S- OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Ostrich lMumea. BEAUTIFUL hehvy French droop plumes, 17 Inches. (?46, worth (5. 6ther grade half retail store prloe. Adrlreas 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3616; our agent will call. (16) M3H r Ian os and Other Musical Inatraaaeata PIANO BARGAINS. One K'uhall upright used,' (104. One Bteinway, upright, used, (MO. ' One good upright, ueed, $36. One $4.r0 new upright, (233. ROSE'S ART STORE. 1521 Dodge St 16)-215 Tl preverltera ' aad Sewing Machlaes, IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BB TO YOTTR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER.. uJ x' T7-nr rr QtrrAwn-UAWn innuirca U NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210, BEE. 16) 870 Type-writers ANY MAKE, All prices; for rale, for rent; rent applied If hough t; slightly used and rebuilt machine good a nw at a sav ing of 80 to 80 Per cent, manufacturer' f trices. Write today for largo bargain 1st. We fchlp Anywhere on approval and allow examination without -a deposit U.F.SwansonOo., g'u !) M)6 Octia TYPEWRITER Before Jroq troy or rent one examine the L. C. Smith A Bros. Writing In sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or phone B. F. Swsnaon Co., Inc., dealer, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. , (lii)-12 TYPEWRITERS koM. rented. repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 160? Br nam. 16) M647 Octl7 M lacellaueoua. DRUCW at cut prlcea; freight tiald on all (10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 118 SEND ua your mall ordera for drugs; freight raid on (14 lota. Myers-DUioa Drug Co.. Omaha. U4) All A I.OT f ston f6r coping, wlnTow and door sitls. also fancy pressed brick for ale. Apply R. W, baker, gupt Be Bldg. tl 961 FOR BALE Large Royal Acorn base burner, in first-class condition. Inquire 1232 & 27th Bt, or telephone Harney 432. (16) MM llx ufiu ia-rrorae-power tv niie at Mlddleton j gasoline enKlne, snalting, hangars, belt- "VN, lng and pulleys; tood a new. Wm, Brg, ' 16th and Charles Bt., Omaha. (16) M221 FOR SALE Cheap, a atone crusher. Has been used only about sixty days. Ad dreaa Y 98, car ot The Omaha Bee. (16) M804 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard end pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy pan-merit a. Brunswlck-Balke Collender, 407 8. loth flu HOMEOPATHIC reroedlea, wholeaala, r- 'v tail., Sherman A McContieU Drue Ca. fy li 4vm ubo a.m.t viiirAita, ieo, . (W)-B7 WIRE CABLHl We have a lot of wlr cable, suitable for light work, to sell at a bargain. Apply tus lie Building Co., 17th and Farnam. (16)-M230 FOR SALE One 12-horse-power Nicholson. Shenhard engine, tender and Corn sliellet outfit; cheap if takun at once. Call, write or 'phone Emil Bragg. Holdrege, Neb. (i)-M297 lOx TWO MOTOR CYCLES for sale, one with attachment: a bargain; (200 for both, i, Muect, 218 W. Broadway, Council Bluffa (16)-10 x ICE. ICE, MINNESOTA ICE In cah lata, A. O. Gilbert, Council Blufia, Ia. r Q4) M140 . POTATOES FOR SALB. In csrlots. Wrlto or 'phone MARTIN MERCANTILE CO Manning, Ia. 06)-M361 16 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ()ti)-314 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 4a post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lftoey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869. (17) 816 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Re4j tin. .. m)-si9 PERSONAL PAINFUL cracking, chapping, tender skin healed healthy by Satin Bain Craaui. ko. GK- HY HINGES, rubber goods by mail: cut r!ces. Bend for free catalogue. Myers ullon Diug Co., Omaha. (18,) Ui t A nVl'TK ' treatment and bath. Midi, J MAUiMiiJ.lt Bmith, 118 N. 16th, Jd floor. i - PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr. Dr. Kii'g. 1324 N. 4th. Tel. Wjbir aiol. ib)-44) OMAHA Stammerers' In., Ramg Bldg. (18) Z1 THE SALVATION ARMY Solicit caatoff clothing; m fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. llth Bt., for cost of collection to h worthy poor. Call 'Phun Douglas 4195 and wagon will call. (18) 784 IP MRS. C. M. CRAIO will write to B. T. Whipple, Kansas City, Mo., she will hear ' ome'hlng to her advantage. i (18) M284 14xi JOHN CANE Is In town. It will soon be time to trim trees, trellises, grapevine. Telephone Douglas 460) or A-849. (UO-T81 Nl YOU NO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian association room, 6l( Farnam 8t where they will, be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaalated. L&)A a i 1 J