Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Bell Doag. IOTI rmOMKM BBA.CBI A 1. 1. DtfTI. Xn. A-l4ll
Thompson, Belden . CoV
The ptiblic has learned from years of buying that when Thompson, Belden & Co. ad
vertise an article at a reduced price it means that the article mentioned is exactly the
value we sar it is and also that the advertised reduction represents just the amount off we
promise to give. We never buy. up job lots or seconds for our saving sales, as they are
always of inferior quality, but every item is taken from our own regular clean stock,
which is always as good and reliable as can be bought. For economy's sake come Satur
day and investigate these specials. You'll find them excellent bargains. Plenty of sales
people to wait upon you.
Long Kid Glove Sale, Satur
day Commencing at. 9-A. M.
Two Interesting numbers of long
glace kid glove, apeclally priced,
tot Saturday!
. 12-button Glace Kid Gloves, full
pique made. An excellent value In
black, brown and tans, at ier pair,.
16-button Glace" KJd Gloves, a
soft, pliable, oversea m kid glove,
in black, white, tan and brown, at
per pair, $2.98.
Expert fitters always In attendance.
Dark Hone Sccum Rural Carriers'
Convention for 1909.
Millinery Greatly
Reduced Satur'y
Commencing at 8:30
A. M., trimmed hats
worth up to S12, at
Do you want a pretty
street hat for small costt
Here it is at less than the ma
terials are worth. This clear-
ance includes about two hun-
dred handsome trimmeU hats
in black and all colors. The
assortment of styles 'is won
derfully broad .and includes
many of the most popular ef
fects of this season. They
are satin hats and felt hats,
trimmed smartly with wings
and fancy feathers, all the
latest blocks will be included.
Values run positively up to
$12.00. You take your choice
Srday at $3.98.
Sh one should cling to an
ol at when a new one can
Economics From Muslin Underwear Dept., Saturday.
Savings Are a Half. '
Chances like these don't occur often especially with the wearing
season ahead.
Odd sizes of flannelettes, dressing sacques In pink and light
blue, Saturday, at half price.
Odd sizes of Eiderdown dressing sacques In red and Alice blue,
Saturday, at half price.
Odd sizes of outing flannel gowns, Saturday at half price.
Children's bath robes of Eiderdown and light weight flannelette,
mostly In dark colors, Saturday, at half price.
Great Dress Goods Special $1.00 Pretty Oxford Gray Dress
Goods, Saturday 39c a Yard.
We have sold hundreds of yards at $1.00. Stylish Oxford
gray in the chic checked effect. Handsome texture, medium
weight. Probably there is no dress goods or color that looks
so well to the end of its days as the Oxford gray. Good every
day in the year. See it Saturday.
Special Handsome Black Dress Goods Underpriced
Saturday ,
11.00 Serge Check 49c; ,1.25 qutlity 79c; $1.35 quality 89c a
yard. From out of the great black dress goods stock we select these
three special numbers just clearing out broken lines. Not a large
quantity of any one lot, but they are fine style and beBt values of
the season.
v"iu ui a iiuciiuu ui n
T "
real "Wme. Most of the mil
linery room will be given
over to this sale Satuday.
Extra salespeople to wait
upon you.
Extra Special Candy Department, Saturday
Balduff's fine assorted dipped kisses, regular price 40c a pound,
Saturday only, per pound 20c. We are headquarters for pure candles.
Kabo Corsets
Why shouldn't a woman who worries
over a flower to improve its bloom and
beauty, be just as particular with herself;
be as symmetrical and graceful as trying
will make her?
- One of the strong helps is the "Kabo
Corset." It is straight front, but not very
high, makes one long from the chin to the
bust line and going straight at a new
angle from there downward, apparently
rounds out the bust. The corset naturally
gives one a rather military carriage and
that helps the hips-. Kabo corsets have
no brass eyelets.
Prices, $1.00 to $3.00 each.
Bargain Square, Saturday
Remnants of Real Amoskeag Apron Ging
hams, blue and white checks.
Remnants of light Outlnr Flannels.
' Remnants of ff6-lmh wide dark 1'eroalea;
in Saturday's aale, at per yard, only Sc.
bust tottb rmxxwss at Thompson, axuiir t
gin msmsuMi
Of great . interest to every woman In
Omaha. Our special sale of 36-lnch hand
some Black Swiss Taffeta. Watch Sunday's
paper for particulars.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Investments
7"OU may J)e as critical as you
please about fit, quality, pat
tern, style and price in your over
coat or suit; we'll satisfy you.
Nothing elsewhere in town like
these coats and suits for young men
to 38 chest, the richness of fabric,
the perfection of style in these
"Sampeck" fine goods made for us
exclusively. You'll feel sorry for,
yourself if you don't see them.
Suits $16.50 to $32.50.
Overcoats $15.00 to $35.00.
Illustrations here are ot our
Bromlee and Diplomat models in
various textures at
$25, $22.50, $20 and $18
We Guarantee Every Job We Sell
Style Sheet, and Illustrated Catalog Free.
Star Shirts
Updegratt and Dent's
MundyOrecn Hats
71 T:;v
til''' ' i H. mzt i 1
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lT artt"fnA
rrel4et Llndar la Kleetrd for the
Fourth Time National Aeancta
ttos Adjaama Slh Ct
ventlon. President Tani Zh Liadiay, Tucker, Oa,
Tic rreeleent ElUa Trey, PencUeton,
Secretary P. E. Cull, Concord, Mn.
Treainrer J. S. Williams, menfrew,
Sxecntlve Committee J. B. Johnson,
Hew Hampalilrs; L. T. 8oner, Mlisonrl;
T. B. 'WlcXer, SontB Carolina.
ROCHESTER. N. T., Win the con
vention rf the Natlotia Rural 7-tter Cari
lieriT arnoclatlun on the firat ballot yes
terday afternoon with W vote. Uttlo R'x-k,
Ark., a aecxnd with 4S and Milwaukee
third with i0. Portland had 11' votos, but
all but 2 were changed ta Uttlo "Rock be
fore the tellers counted the Uillota.
Rociieeter entered the rare at a late li'iur.
,A good deal of Ita strength came from th4
fact that the eat hag not had the conven
tion In a lore time, while the south central
west have been frequently honored. Port
land In eplte of earned effort was never la
thn running because of the great distance
thither. The selection of a convention Bite
was the last huainens bel'vrs the convention
which then adjuorned.
Llntlaar la He-elected.
Paul It. Llndnay was elected president of
the National Rural Letter Carrlera' asso
ciation for the fourth successive time. He
defeated II. C Cruin of Hillsdale. Mich.,
65 to 64.
Kilas Prey of Indiana, the administration
candidate, was also a victor, beating W. C.
Stevens of Queene Anne, Md., 74 to 65 on
the aecond ballot. The first was a tie, 05
to 65.
P. E. Cull, the preaent aecretary, was re
elected, 75 to 66, over J. W. Stelnbrecker
of Mount Healthy, O. The administration
was thus victorious on all the principal
J. V. Williams ot Renfrew, Pa., was
paid the compliment of a unanimous re
election as treasurer.
For the executive committee these were
nominated: Maxey, Illinois; Wicker, South.
Carolina; Songer, Missouri; Johnson, New
Hampshire; Mitzner, Oklahoma; Stead
hBm. Ohio; Bryant, Iowa. Johnson re
ceived the highest . vote on the first ballot
and was then, declared the, unanimous
choice of the convention as a member of
the. committee.
T. E. Wicker of Bouth Carolina and I
T. Sunger of Missouri were chosen on succeeding-
ballots to fill out the executive
By a vote of 65 to 64 the convention went
on record In favor of striking from the
constitution the clause providing that the
national association shall pay expenses of
delegates to national conventions. A two
thirds majority Is necessary, however, so
that the fight ended in defeat for Steln
brecker of Ohio and his oentral state allies.
They have the satisfaction, however, of
carrying a majority of the convention with
I shall keep on until I drop," shouted
the Ohloan In the debate before the vote.
"I Shalt never give up fighting' to keep this
association from being led onto thin Ice to
commit suicide."
Other "Ida Jost aa Firm. .
"And we shall never quit either," yelled
back O. J. Welsh of New York, who led
the opposition. "
Stelnbrecker made his plea for striking
out the amendment in a voice which quiv
ered and grew husky with emotion.' He
has something of the born orator In him,
and his gestures were most emphatic.
All political lines were broken In the
vote on the .constitutional amendment.
Those allied In the so-called anti-administration
fight split up and the adherents of
Lindsay and Cull divided. In general it
waa the central states against the east,
south and west.
It was declared early Friday morning
that Vic President Crum of Michigan
would make the race against Lindsay,
with McMahon of Texas as the probable
candidate for vice president. Stelnbrecker
was slated to run for secretary. Frey of
Indiana Is the administration candidate
for Vice president, some saying that he
was brought out only after Crum Joined
the opposition, Crum, his friends declare,
has got tired of waiting for Lindsay to
step down. Lindsay's friends say that he
would have retired two years ago but for
the "under-handed" fight made against
him. Charges and countercharges have
been rife the last few days.
It waa announced by the attending sur
geon that Delegate Brasell of Missouri,
operated on Thursday for appendicitis, is
resting easy and has a good chance to re
cover. The association voted the doctor an
expression of thanks and sent Brasell
bouquet of roses.
genllemsn. Their are gentlemen In the
penitentiary as well as outside of It."
Jul Pears told Hnlmes thilt he Wfinld
Rive him five years, tut If he would pro
mise to reform after he left the pi!.n lie
would knork off three years. Hiltn.e
rearllly promised snd the term was cut
down to two years.
Holmes look CIS out of the poeket of
Carl SlmlUe, a 14-year-old boy. He was
pursued by a crowd and captured.
Fonr months after he rame to the I'nlted
States. Raloh Neville, IS years of age, stood
before the court charged with a felony. He
left his home in Canada four months ago
and has been traveling through the coun
try since. He la charged with breaking
Into the home of Knxnx Uould
no.rnrd of rersns ho appear tj liv
been caught at tlm.-s; and to mnny oth-r
thousands who have been coaxed, by skill
ful letters from men they never heard of.
to Hir IM or thst stock. World's Work
"The t'lrratr and Mnlricn l.irtleV ald
to Re Favored t'luss ICntlest
to Itemh.
The World's Work constantly receives
Utters telling how some po- r man or
woman has been Induced to buy doubtful
Stocks, and faces Ihe loss of the entire
Investment. Many of these l.-tters come
from country doctors and cle:gvmcn, and
tell of cases that have ome under their
personal observation.
, Very often the stories are pitiful enough, j
They all nd with the question: "What mi i
be done about It?" In niifety-nlno cases
out of a hundred nothing can be done. In
the hundredth, cae there has been fiaud
on the part ot seme responsible agent, and i
a suit at law may recover the lo.s. Hut
this chance Is slight, for practically Mils
form of piracy Is safe, and nothing c;m
be done to stop It,
The two "favored classes' of people In
the Us'.s of pos-dMe Invest rs are the ele gy
and n al.len ladles. There Is hardly u
"fake" mduntilal concern promoted In IhU
country that does not send out to a list
of the dergy a set letter, bought by the
thousmds from concerns that by long prac
tice aie exre:ts In preparing S'.ich liter
ature,, settlrg forth the claims of that par
ticular company to the cons deration of
investors "of the most conservative and
necessarily careful class, which you repre
I had never been able to figure out Just
what profit there could be In the appeal
by circular to the clergy, class that
usually has education, some knowledge of
human nature, and very little money. But,
since the Readers' Service of this magazine
was es:abllslnd. I have come to under
stand, In some part, the reason why they
are selected. Not only are the clergy
themselves extremely likely to buy In
small quantities, but the pitiful fact ap
pears that, through the honest but mis
gu.ded enthusiasm of preachers, the pro
moters reach hundreds of Investors whom
they could not otherwise reach. In small
country towns and rural communities the
clergyman Is frequently temporal as well
as a spiritual guide, particularly to wlJows,
orphans, and the hepless of both sexes.
And it Is to such as these that the pro
moter looks for profit If a man comes
Into the office of a lawyer, a banker, a
merchant, or even an editor, and tries to
tell stock that la "almost certain" to pay
100 per cent, per annum, he may find a
listener but hardly a buyer. The pro
moter of a new Invention, or of a mine,
or of some wonderful process for making
something out of nothing, knows perfectly
well that he must teach the "little people,"
the men or the women with little in the
world to lose, but with the hunger for
money In their hearts. He must spread
his net abroad, not set It In the sight of
the wary and the wise. The ways of the
spreading may be of Interest to some
T'int Is Laxative H:omo Quinine. Look for
the signature of K. W. Grove, fsed the
wor'd over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 2"e.
AT '
S;iam1,y we will aril sll the leadi'if
Perfumes, Toilet Waters mot Toilet Arti
cles ul j.ilci s tui't will pi-use you. llere
Bre a few of them:
(1 Roger .4 (i iliei V.t.i Vlol.t Kxtraet,
per ounce (!).
$1 Roger & G.dlet Peon Ue Spagne,
ounce )',o
11 Hotter !allet Indian Hay. per
fl ttiierlMln Jlckuy, per cnoeo
It Kcsenee Ideal, per ounce
11.00 Allans Janice, per ounce....
61H3 Allan's Rose, per ounce
doc Alliin's A met lean Keauty, per ol
6)c June Roses, per ounce
60e Lole I.a Trefle, per ounce
5oc Loin Oolf King, per ounce
5i)o Colgate's, any odors, per ounce..
5"c Terrln's Toilet Water
6'e locust HlosNom Toilet Water
7:e. June Hoses Toilet Water
$i! Hath Rpiays t 49
l.E.i Hnth Sprays $1 1!
11.20 Hath Sprays "I'c
. w -
. Ill !
. Kin
. Me
15th and Farnam Sts., Omaha.
A apr for th Horn
Best ';. West
Hanson's Lunch Room
Fresh from the Oyster Beds.
i Raw 15c
i Stew 15c
Our ovstera are asneelallv se
lected and sent direct to us, retain
ing all their natural flavor.
Hanson's Lunch Room
16th Bttween Farnam and Harney.
The Xlt of tne Preaent mob la
Eugene Walter's Great Play
of American Life,
October 12, 13 and 14
atlaw Erlanger's Hew and Greater
Prtoea eoo to 8.00. Beats oa ale.
-Jr 'TV
Pbonea-Pouff. 150S; Ind. AUOt
Th Fsrcbologleal Com
Ay that all th World
la DlacuMltiff
"Every American woman
Dorothy Dlx,
Thnrt., Mat,
Text Buaday, Second week of IU SBTZZi
. m, ' Kivery American
rJ'fit i should see this
iLll In New York Jou
ktats., Taes.. Thn
f2k . a
m m MM
Pnone, Independent A-14B4.
Mat, dally, 8:18; every nUrbt, 8H8.
Will M. Vreasy and Blanohe Daya. OUl
ford and Bmke, Bowers. Walters and
Crocker, Amj Stanley, IaTlne and Leon
ard, Itllian X,evlUe and Bobert SlaoUlr,
Mart Sari and Klnodrome.
Vrloes -100, a Bo an Mo.
Curtain will o up at 11:10 promptly tonight
rxicesi 15-85-SO-TSo.
Xilaaola t.
Carter's Greatest Soenlo
Darker Collars)
Onyx Socks
Mentor Underwear
Northland Sweaters
New Plaat Will Be GatablUked la
Orniki EuvlOf las; Forty
A factory for the manufacture of tobacco
pipes, employing forty persons, will be
started in Omaha within the next three
months. The company has already placed
Its pipes on the market, but until the new
factory can be located the pipes will be
made In an eastern factory. A location Is
now being- sought by the men behind the
company, and aa soon as It Is found and
a building can be secured the machinery
will b0 Installed and the factory start out
with a pay roll numbering about forty.
The company, which lies just been Incor
porated, Is composed of William Neve,
William Neve, Jr.; Alfred Brodegaard, Fred
Brodegaard and Oeorge H. Rlrkebak. Fred
Brodegaard will be treasurer and general
The pipes to be made by the company
will contain a device to "denlcotinelie"
them. The device- is said to prevent the
pipes from becoming strong. All kinds and
styles will be placed on the market.
The Ralston Improvement company,
formed to develop real estate possibilities
at Ralston, has been Incorporated with a
capital stock of $100,000. Isaac Kahn,
Myron Kahn, George J. Morris, Oottlob
Brumenkaut. Casslua C. Shinier, Arthur
Chase and C U. Skinner are the Incorporators.
Finest French and German Cuisine.
After hours of tiresome shopping, ladies will find our Sec
ond floor a charming nook for a rest and a dainty lunch.
Noon Day Lunch Grill Room
from ia to a
Hotel Rome SLA11 ?
tears Endorses Matrtsaoay aa au Anti
dote for Crime Job a
Holmes to Vrm.
Marriage as an antidote for crime was
endorsed by Judge Bears of the criminal
court Friday when he sentenced John
Holmes, a bachelor of to years ot age, to
the penitentiary for two years.
"If you had been married fifteen years
ago and had a family of children you would
now be a decent cltlsen Instead of stand
ing here to be sentenced to the peniten
tiary. Every man ought to settle down
and bo the head of a family when ha la
young. If ho did we would not have ao
much crime.
"When you go to the penitentiary be a
m J buits...
at the
Skirt Store
Tou get the advantage of late season ytioea
oa these early season offerings, becau we have
made specially favorable purchase la tae lota
here mentioned.
AT $lg-45 Suits for women In the newest and
smartest models of all wool broadcloths and
he latest fashionable shades and stripes Z1
recto! re and niples effect satin lined, beauti
fully trimmed. The skirts are new fan If
and strictly up-to-date, made to cor-Jk I X 4j
respond with coat a special, at. aw
Matchless Challenge Bargains
11. SO and 12.00 Satin Underskirts WW TKST
AM Sao No one ever beard of a bargain ilk
this. Positively the most wonderful challenge
value ever offered Sateen underskirt. In
black and blua only mad In full OA.
tui-k and floune eleKant II 6 and OjC
IJ.00 underaklrta, at the low price of . . . .
couaa oxzoaoo ajio sxxTsxjrr.