Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1908, WANT ADS, Page 19, Image 19

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War Talk from Europe Hakes Trad
ing Very Actiye Afain.
Farther AdTaaee Am Mad oa Dry
Wntktf ui Seeding- Operation
Ova th Winter- Wheat
, OMAHA. Oct t. IK.
'irading bcam very actlv sowing to
further nti of war In Kurow ami bid
frem acrnaa the water were more numerous
thla morning. Further advances were made
on dry weather and seeding oeratlona over
h winter wheat aectlnn. Very little (train
la being offered and blda come strong.
Wheat advanced quickly early on war
Bewa In Europe and very bullish ntwi
from the winter wheat belt. Belling for
profit at the cloae took the edge orf the
J1"" 1,11 prlcea were on the decline.
Ic ember wheat opened at 94Sc and cloaed
t 4V.
Corn opened atrong, with wheat and ad
vanced atronalr With tinvlna- naralitanL
Profit taking dereloped at the cloae and
alue were aold off with a loaa from
December corn opened at tte and cloaed
Primary wheat receipt were 1.471 OoO bu.
and shipments were 48H.009 bu.. ssaSntt re
ceipt laat year of 171.000 bu. and shipment
f MT.00O bu.
Corn receipt were SQ.OCO bu. and ahrp
nent were BO4.0OO bu.. aealnat receipts lsst
year of 637,000 bu. and shipment of 675,000
Clearance were 152.000 bo. rf corn, t,000 bu.
of nate and wheat and flmir equal to
74 000 bu.
Uverpool cloeed fetfld higher on wheat
ana tt34a higher on corn. '
Local range of optional
Article.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Clo. Tee y.
Wheat I i i
Pea... U TV. K WH
May... 87 K !, 97
Corn I t
Deo.... en r$ m
May... bS H 6J i9 604
Onta I I
Deo.... 474, 4T4, 47 47H ' 47V
May... 49, 49V, 4i 4' 49
Onaka Cult Frteea.
tii Cat xr o v. -a atu F,tkci.e vA
hard, 93ve94c; No. 4 hard, 'Hft3c; No
soring. aVIilluo: no arade. SfiratSto.
v m a. v a w. m iim -l , 1 TJ l 1 f v
CORN-No. i. 7:Vc; No. 3. 72Hc; No. I
ysnow, nc; iso. yellow, TiVtc; o.
white. 7Jc.
OAT8 No. I mixed, 4W?4Hc; No. t yI-
iow, esv 4ii'c; jso. a wnite. 4tu-4ic; rso.
wnite, ua461ci standard, 470.
RYB-No. S. 72c; No. 3. 7ic.
Carlos Meceipla.
Wheat Corn. Oat
Chicago t 26 125 29
Minneapolis 627
Omaha 46 ( 61
Duiuth 25s ..
1 '
1 leatares of the Trading aad Cloalag
Price Board of Trade.
an advanoe of more than lc In the
or wheat on the local exchange today, but
liberal realizing acalea materially reduced
the galna, final quotatlona showing ad
vances of He to 4CuHc. Corn, oat and pro
vision closed easy.
The wheat market opened excited and
, strung with price HaC higher than the
previous close. The unsettled political situ
ation In Europe had aroused intense bullish
enthusiasm in the local market and the
demand for that cereal at the opening was
extremely active, within the flrat few min
utes the December delivery hod advanced
' to 11.01 H and the Hay option to tl.04,
after opening at ILCHo'l-OlH to f l.OItt,
respectively. A decline In the price of
British consols snd higher prices for wheat
at Liverpool added to the fears of a possi
ble European wsr. At the same time the
market waa bulllshly affected by the con
' tlnued drouth In the American southwest
' and In other section of the winter wheat
belt. During the first hour trading waa of
a boisterous character, but at tho end of
that time a lull came in the buying and
with enormous reallaing sale prices grad
ually eased off until they were below the
opening quotatlona. The market, howover,
exhibited no signs of weakness, being
buoyed up by the urgent demand for flour
and cash wheat in tho northwest. Trade
during the laat hour was comparatively
quiet and the market closed firm, with
lWvmhr at U (juXl'iil.01. and Mav. tl.03"A.
4 ' Clearance of wheat and flour were., equal
tn 74 ono hu. Eimirti for the week as shown
by Bradatreet'a were equal to 6,663,000 bu.
Primary receipts, 1,478,000 bu., compared
with 971,000 the corresponding day a year
ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re
ported recelpta of 810 cars, against 1,163 cars
vlast week and 771 cars a year ago.
Trade In corn was rather limited In vol
ume. The close was at the lowest point or
the day. Local receipts, 12 cars, with 28 cars
Oats were firm early In the day, but
weakened during the last half and closed
at the lowest point. Cash oats at the sam
ple tables cloaed steady, after ranging fto
higher earlier in the day. The market was
Influenced chierly by wheat and corn.
Local receipts, 2 cars.
Provisions wero steady at the start, but
eased off owing to the weakness of corn
and to selling by a local packer. At the
cl'e Tiricea were a ahade to ItW. .lower.
cars; corn, W cars; oats, 21 cars; hogs,
)(W head.
J Tn wading futures ranged as rouows:
Articles. upon. tugn. law. i viose.i y.
Wheat I I 1 I
Dee. . 1 mm 1 01' 1 00", 1 01 ) 1 00
May 1 4J 1 04SI 1 03 1 037 1 62V,
July 9 I WVsl 9797Hiii
'Doc." 65H 66HI UK WVWH&k
May 64Si 64Viiii4V,'OH
July 63fe 64HI 63H 63HI 63
e'r 49h49HS41 49H 4H49(5H
May Wmi 61H 61V(,i4 61n 61H&H4-
July 47 m 47VI 7 H
Oct. 14 00 14 00 13 90 13 90 IS 90
- Jan. 16 12 1 17H W 02 1 06 16 12H
May 16 95 16 IKVsl 16 85 15 87V4 16 96
Oct 10 05 10 06 I 96 96 10 02
Jan. 5 7Vi 9 66 965 966
May 0 VtU 9 60 60 9 67H
Oct. 30 9 30 9 07H 12H M
Jan. 8 65 8 67 8 80 8 60 8 65
May 8 80 8 62 8 65 8 55 8 0
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Market firm; winter patent.
. $4 36u4.70; straights, $4 ooK ; spring pat
ents, $6.20fr6.4o; stialghts, 4 0rtf4.; bakers,
WHEAT No. I spring. $L0tven.O7; No. 8
spring 7cul.o; No. 2 red. $l.UWtfl 01.
CORN No. 2, 7bu'7S; No. 2 ysllow, 80
OATS No. S white. 47QC1C.
RYE No. t 754160.
BARLEY Oood feeding, 50tIo; fair to
choice malting, .oic.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 northwestern, $1.23
rtmothy, prime, $3.60. Clover, contract
' grades. $8.80.
PROVISIONS Short ribs, side (loose)
. 89.OMi8.75. Mess pork, per bbl.. $14 12W
14.28C Lard, per 100 lbs., $10OO-gla02. Short
dear sides (boxed), tia.ayanv.tu.
Following wei tne receipts aud shipments
of flour and grain:
.Receipts, tsmpments.
Ftour, bbls...
Wheat, bu....
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
, 83,100 74,20
4B.0O0 51.4UO
129.8U0 227,400
861.0H0 S37,6"I0
H bu
"Nfc OO the Pro
V ter market
8,000 1,000
10X200 88.2U0
Produce exchange today ths but
waa steady: creameries. 3UV
27Sc; dairies, l(iu4u. Eggs, steady; at
inara. cases included, lb&lstc: firsts. 22c
prim firsts, Oa. Cheese, steady; li!tiltc
t. Loals Ueaeral Market.
ST. LOUI8. Oct. 9. WHEAT Higher;
track. No. 2 red cash. 81.06: No. i hard.
to'u81.02; December, H.Ol&l.oi; May. $l.(H14
bl. 044.
CORN Firm; track. No. 2 cash. 7614
TbSsc: no. i wniie, iouio; December,
t's4("-c; ay,
OATS firm: track. No. 2 caah. 49e: No.
1 white, 6ub4e; December, tc; May, 603,
ipy c.
I .at fiv utto.
: red winter patents, li at
lancy ano Mraigtii, H.auaH.i6;
othy. nK 86.
- iXJHN 14 EAl-Lower u.u.
BRAN Lower; aaoked. east track, 869
HAT ITnchangd; timothy, $SJO14.00;
yrvine, K Wl ll-W.
lko CVIPION TTE8-1.00.
PROVISIONS Pork. steady, Jobbing.
aait bmii, uncoangea; ooasd.
ff J RIB Nonunej
I 1 lull H-UU.CI
(tirars, n.tu.
ht-KDS Tlmi
extra shorts. HV! clear ribs, llvw: short
clears, llc. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, ex
tra snort, UW, clear rios, lie; snon clears,
fUl'LfTRT Quiet; chickens, 10c; sprmga
12'VuijV; turkeys, IbSvi; duck. RSHiV',,c;
gee, tjCki. ,
BL"fTfc.K Steady ; creamery, 14l4Hc
IvOOH Steady; lie, rase count.
Hecelpts. feVMpmenta.
Flour, bbls ll-V . 13.tD
Wheat, bu WOO 1 94.0UJ
Corn, bu 4i.'M 31.K9
Oats, bu ,imj
taetalona of tho Day oa .V aria a
celpts, JllM bbls.; exports, K.M bbls.i
The market was quiet but firm; Minne
sota patents, S.404i 6.S0; winter straigntis; Minnesota bakers, s4.uu-i.i&;
winter extras, $3.sO2.90; winter patents,
tWat.9; winter low grades, I.4ocu3.ft0;
Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 14.26; choice
to fancy, $4.4tiO. buckwheat flour,
stesdy: at $3.15ti3.2.
COKNMEALr-viulet; fine white and yel
lowL 1.70.
RYE Dull; No. 1 western, 4Kc, t. o.
b., New York.
BARLEY Steady ; malting, tWSc. c I. f..
Bjflalo; feeding, fcJWb4Vl, L New
WHEAT Receipts 30G.O0O bushels; exports
2.3U00; spot market firm; No. 2 red,
l.07O1.0M elevator and tl.09 f. o. b.
atioat; Mo. 1 northern Dulutn. i.uai io
f. o. b. afloat. No. 2 hard winter, tl.
t o. b. afloat. There waa conaiderable ex
citement In wheat today over war news
and prices nearly reached the high point
of the season Lighter receipt and dry
weather In the southwest and small Argen
tina shipments also had an effect. Near
the close reactions occurred on reports of
higher oonsuls and the market closed at
Wiia net advance. December, IL0H4P
1H4. closed 1.10)4; May. tLlWl-llK. closed
I. 104,.
CORN Receipts, non; spot marks,
stssdy; No. X, W4C nominal elevator and
Ko nominal f. o. b. afloat to arrive; option
market was without transactions, closing
net unchanged; December closed 7Hic; May
closed 730.
OATS Receipts, 108,000 bushels; exports,
4.8G0 bushels; spot market steady; mixed,
t to 12 pounds, 5?:i3c; natural white, H4
to 21 pounds, oSfiMc; clipped white, 22 to
40 pounds, 644jCttc.
rEF.DSteady; middlings, $24.85.
HAY Steady; shipping, S&gjtiOc; good to
ch'Hce. ',bMic.
HIDES Steady; Bogota. 18&19c; Central
Amt-rlcan. '9HC. r
LJMTHER Quiet; ac!d, W4W29a
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family.
Slt.7617.60; mess, 1S.60(814 00; hef
hams, f 19. 0031. 00; packet, II 6.00011 .00;
city extra India mess, $24. 60i$ 25.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, $11,264?
II. 76; pickled hams, $11. 264 12.00. Lard,
firmer; western, $10.4010.60; refined,
quiet; continent, $11.05; Smith America,
$11.76; compound, $7.7608.00. Pork, firm;
family, $21. 00 21.60: short clears, $20.00
022.00; mess. $18 60 17.00.
TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per Pk.).
(He; country (pkgn. free), 6tt0.
RlE Steady; dom'stlc, ' fair to extra,
2Mi 4": Jaoan, nominal.
POULTRY Alive, firm; spring chickens,
16c; fowls, 15c; turkeys, 14c Dressed, firm;
western spring chickens, 15ft lc; fowls, 11
tllSc; spring turkeys, 1820c.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery special, 28
CHEESE Quiet; state, full cream spe
clas, l.Hi'614I4r : stnte, small colored or
white fnnoy, 13c; state, large colored or
white fancy, 12?; state, good to prime. 12
12Vfcc; state, common to fair, 10'.(&ll?ic;
skims, 8i10o. n
tXIS Quiet; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby sle ted, wh't fancy, 36087c; same,
fair to cho ce. 2AU34c; brown nnd mix d,
tancy, SO'(i32c; same, fair to choice, 2ti29;;
western firsts, 23c; second, 21022O.
Fair aad Warmer la tho East Portloa
OMAHA, Oct, I. U0S.
Tho pressure continues high over the
central valleys and wssiern portion, and
guneially clear weather prevails from the
Mississippi river wssl to the faclftc coast.
A depression overilea Uie weatern Canadian
provinces, and teuiperatui es are mucii
higher thoughout the northwest, and
slightly higher in the mountain districts.
This rise in temperature in the west will
cause warmer In this vicinity tonight, with
continued fair tonight and Saturday. It
is cooler In the lake .region, the Ohio,
lower Mississippi and Missouri valleys
and south to the Gulf. Killing frost
occurred in western Illinois, and light to
heavy frosts were general throughout the
central valleys. An area of low pressure,
With heavy rains, has developed over the
south Atlantic states, and generally un
settled weather prevails along the Allantla
seaboard. The rains were very neavy in
Alabama, Georgia and northern Florida.
Omaha record of temperaturi and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
uay of the last three years:
1907. 190S. 1906.
Minimum temperature ....43 48 33 44
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .61
Normal temperature for today, 68 degreea.
Deficient y in precipitation since March 1,
3.23 degrees.
Di flc.eucy corresponding period In 1907.
6.96 degrees.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1906,
3.46 degrees.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Kansas City Grata and Provisions.
h gher; December, 95c; May, Sc; July,
92H Cash: No. 2 hard. 96cfi$1.01; No. 3
hard, 96 i1.00; No. 2 red, $1.0.; No. I red,
COKN tnennntea; uecemner, 6X"4c;
7ta7Jo: No. 3 m'xeii, 68i-; No. 2 white, 71f
72c; No. 8 white, 70ii72c.
OATS-Unchaned; No. 2 white, 46GOo;
No. 2 mixed. 4So. n
HAT-Stead : choice timothy. $9.6010.00:
thole prairie, 8.('ati.25.
BUTT1 R Firm; creamery, 27c; packing
sto k, 17c.
KOOS Firm; fresh extras, Z4c; current
receipts, lc.
Receipts. Shipments.
..99.000 116,000
..18.000 12.000
. . 6,000 19,000
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Philadelphia Prodnoo Market.
Firm; extra weatern creamery, 29e; extra
nearby print, 31c.
EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
firsts, free cases, 26c; current receipts, tn
returnable caaes, 24c; western firsts, free
cases, 26c; current receipts, free cases.
24c, all at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
13c; New York full creams, fair to
good, ,1231 8c.
Liverpool Grala Market.
ateady; No. 2 red western winter, 7s fcd;
futures, stesdy; December, 7s 9d; March,
7s tid: May, is 6cL
Ct1 UN Spot, quiet; American mixed,
7s SJ; futures, quiet; October, 5 10d;
December, 5s d.
HOPS, at London Paclflo coast, nominal;
Mlaaeapolls Grata Market.
May. $1.00: cssh. No. 1 hard, $1.06; No. 1
northern, 11.04; No 2 northern, $1.029
1.02; No. $ northern, 87c4j1.01.
FRAN In bulk. $l7.6OfflS.0O.
FLOt'R Market 10c higher: first patent.
85.7c4i6.9o; srend patents, 5.60i6 75: first
clears, 84.464)4.56: second clears, $3.50S.dU
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Oct. 9-CORN-Hlgher; No. I
yellow. 7Sc; No. 3 yellow. 79c; No. 4. 78e.
OATS Firm: No. 2 white. iS No.
4 white. 468-i7c.
RYE Steady at 880.
Hllwssket Grala Market.
firm: No. 1 northern. $l.oj 1 .07; No. 2
northern, 81.0443106; December, $1.01
CORN Market firm; No. 8, 79c; Decem
ber. K4,p bid.
BARLEY Market firm: asmple, 50065c
Dnlatk Grata Market.
DULT'TH. Oct. 9. WHEAT-No. 1 north
em. tl 04; No. 2 northern, $102: December,
8102U; May, $106; October, $1(8; Novem
ber, tt M.
OATS 474c.
Evsorated Apple aad Dried s'ra Its.
vm' YORK. Oct. 9 EVPORTPn
APPLES' MHr'-t Is quUt; early rw 1
n qur,te4 t &froc, according to gr
1WT at 4VtHc.
DP'iirn FR ''ITU Pnmes are nmwnt
unsettled: Oren fruit se'd to be f'rmer
In tone, but California prunes remaining
nulet both on spot Bed for hlnmcnt f r
the coast r not ouotatlnn ranee 'wm 4ft
13o for California and - (mm P4i-7Vic for
Oreeron. Anricota r relative! firm com
pared with other Ca ltforn'a frtilL choice
belna nunteri Bt 1ifcrI-e : etra choice. 8 ft
ar: rancy. lavioic. reecees. dull: crrc-lce,
7r7v.r: extra, choice. 7.c. and fsncv
KUf'. Raia'ns are ow-ettld. Wth Inosa
muscatel minted at 4rSc: cholc to fancy
wo, ipT.v.r: seexueas, 4?ici London
War Cloud Orer Eastern Europe Prin
cipal Factor in Dealing!.
Valaes Drop, bat Reaetloa Cornea oa
Favorahlo Domestic New aad
Market Closes with row
Not Chaages.
NEW TORK, Oct . The war cloud over
eastern Europe was the principal topic of
consideration and Influence still, although
the tenter of the resulting disturbance 1n
the securities shifted somewhat. The ef
fect in New York was modified to some
extent by counter factors. Today's condi
tion In the London market were described
In cables to Wall atreet a most psnlcky.
Foreign exchanges all turned strongly In
favor of London, the movement being most
marked here, but notable also at Berlin
srj'l Paris. The pries of British consols
vnt down a full point at one time during
tie day and other government securities in
London were acutely depressed. The Liv
erpool wheat market also waa greatly
perturDea. xne mobility or the British
fleet In the Mediterranean waa the direct
cause of this awskenlng of apprehension in
London itself, that movement aeemlnc to
threaten -the Immediate entry of - Oreat
uruam into tn lleia oc warlike prepara
tion. Tho direct effect on tho New Tork mar
ket waa much the same aa vesterdav and
estimates of ths number of shares sold for
foreign account ran close to those of yes
terday. The response wa even mors pro
nounced tn the foreurn exohanre market.
The tone of sterling exchange was called
demoralised, so much so that bankers
were disinclined to undertake any drawing
In view of the seeming Imminence of goid
output. The barrenness of this supply of
bill was responsible as well as the strength
of tho demand for til a movement of ex
change. Demand for sterling rose at one
time 60 points over the close yesterday
and remittance by cable were about as
mucn atiected. The local stock market
was helped by the strength of Rock Island
and the Harrlman Issues, which wa due
to tne significance attached to the an
nouncement of th provision for the $7,0i),
0U0 St Louis & San Francisco notes matur
ing on December 1. A favorable effect on
sentiment was to b expected from this
relief from threatened embarrassment of
an extended railroad system, especially with
the assurance Implied that next year's
neavy not obligations or the same system,
amounting to over 823.O0O.O0O. would be
similarly taken 'care of In due course. Oood
prospects for a permanent refunding of this
indebtedness waa Inferred from this de
velopment. But the SDeculatlve element
rushed to far wider Implications from ths
fact that the provision for these notes
was announced by the banker who finance
all the Important Harrlman transactions
ana not by the firm closest to the Rock
Island management. A new direotlon for
Mr. Harrlman'a supposed complex project
was thus indicated to the speculative con
jecture, iius accounted lor the promt
nence of Union Pacific, Erie, Missouri
Pacific and such Dronertles as Mr. Har
rlman has been credited with designing
tor nis neipiui ministrations.
A the money market remained tranaull
no attention was paid to the estimates of
a cash outgo for the week of over $3,000,
000. Not only In the stock market, but also
In foreign exchange, In British consols and
In wheat there was reaction from the day'a
most violent extreme. Final prices of
stock. In fact, show little change from
those of the day before.
Bonds were weak. Total sales, par value.
United States bond war unchanged on
call. i
Following were th sale and rang of
price on tne utocx exchange today;
uiu tiiin. Low, close
Amalgamated Copter ....
Am. C. F
Am. O. A F. p(4
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. H. L. pftt ,
Am. Ice Securities
Am. Uniead Oil
Am. ljopomotlT ..,
Am. Locomotive pfd
Am. 8. A R
Am. 8. A R. p(4
Am. Burst Hsllnlng
Am. Tobacco pfd. ,
Anaoonda MlDlDg Oo
Atcblsoli ,
Atohisoa pfd
Atlsntla Coast Line
Baltimore A Ohio. ......
Bai. Ohle pfd.........
Brooklra Rapid TT. ,
Canadian Pacltlo ,
Central Leather
Catural Leathar pfd
Central of Naw Jsresjr...
Ohaaapeake A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Cbloaso A N. V
C . M. A St. P
C. C, C A St. L
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A 8o
Colo. A Bo. lat pfd
Colo. 80. 2d pfd
Consolidated Oas
Corn Products
Delaware A Hudson
Denver A R. O
D. A R. O. pfd
Dletllltrs' Decurltles ...
Brio 1st p(d
Erie Id pfd
1,400 7H 71 14H
, 404 Wit tQk
104 lUIVi 101
oo tt am u
JW sns v
0 86
to Si
6,900 404 4
1U0 106 lot
94,600 ssh a
40 lo&Vfe lu6
900 431 111
100 M i
1.(00 41S " 41
700 7 Mlt
M Kit h
'iris 'iii
4.400 4 e 4
9.64) 171 1M 171
100 S4 U t
1100 41 40 40
4o n t
J0 1W-4 1M 164 i,
10, loO 184 S 1S2S6 114
100 M M 13
4.100 16 13
, 1,400 404 90
l 6 46
100 67 67
10,400 lil 141
100 17SS 17
14 '4
140 to
. 4,toO
Oenarsl Klectrlo
900 141
Groat Northern ptd 10, So.) 11114 141
ut. Nonnern ore otra...
Illinois Central
Intorboroufh Met.
Inu Met. ptd
InlernaUonal Pump .....
Iowa Central
Kansas City 80
K. C. 80. ptd
Loulavtlls A N
Minn. A St. L
M., 8t. P. A 8. 8. M...,
Mlaaourt Paclflo
M., K. A T
U.K. A T. ptd
National Load
New York Central
N. Y., O. W
Norfolk A W ,
North American
Northern Paclflo
Paclflo Mall
1,"0 U ' 67 S
M 137to 134V id,
too loto 1014 10U
M lato
1,100 UHto 101 1M
1.100 1a no
I IM 54 (2
1.400 tto t
100 44 44
T.4O0 12 Tl
l.loo lonto
3,000 40 W
200 to Ti'l
14,400 I3914 into 13
MO 24 34 M
l.hM) VCiSi US IK4
People's Oas 1
100 m m
too 7o 76
L4O0 UH 32
600 111 141
100 31 37
P.. C. C. a Bt. L
Praised Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car....
Railway Steel Spring...
Republic Ble4
Republic Stool pfd.
Rock laland Co
141jo tans iM ra
too to 21 llto
1,' o
14 ito
Rock Island Co. pfd.....
4Sto 47j
St. U a 8. r. 14 pfd...
tei list
174 llto
Bt. Louts S. W
St. L. S. W. pfd
Sloee-Shoftletd 8. A I..
CX 6' 1
4t.5-' lot 100
Southern Paclflo
a. Paclflo pfd
Southern Railway
Tnuees-e Copper
Texas A Pacific
T . St. L. A W
T.. St. L. A W. pfd....
7. W0
UH 17to 4to
Union Paclflo
..1X7,1' 10 Kl 16to 161
J 17to 17 17
luo to 44 41
J0 lui 101 looto
.. 11.400 44 to 44 4i to
.. 7.100 10 1074 101 V,
.. LOOS 41 4o 41
uo 11 11 into
Union Paclflo ptd
V. 8. 'Rubber
V. 8. Rubber lat pfd
U. B. Steel
IT. 8. Steel pfd
t'taa Copper
Va. -Carolina (.hemloal ...
Va.-Caro. Chemical pfd....
Wabaen pfd
bo0 lit lu lOkto
ito uto
J Into to to
7.1 to
w eetlnghouee Eloctrlo
Weetern Union
Wheellns A L. K...
Wlaconain Central 900 38
Total sales fur the day, m.4o aharea
Boetoa Stock aaa Bond.
BOSTON. Oct. . Money, call loan. 3
$ per cent; time loans, giH per cent.
quotation on stocks ana bona were a
Atcklaoa adj. 4a..
do 4s
Max. Central 4a..
Auhlaon K. R
do pfd
Boatoo A Albany.
Boston A Maine..
Boelos Klevatod .
.. 91 AdTentars
., M4a Alloues
.. ?tto Amalgamated ..
.. 17H Atlantis
.. toCal. Hecla....
. .e Centennial
..1J4 Copper Range
..1U Daly Weet
... 17
... 14
... 11
.. J4
.. 72
.. t
.. 11
M ..
.. to
.. M
.. U
.. -to
.. 44'
.. at
.. 1
.. la
.. Hi
.. 17
.. toto
.. ito
.. ato
.. eoto
.. 4to
.. &
Kltchburj pld
N.V., N. H. A H..
Union Paclflo
An. Arso. Cham...
Aa. Pneu. Tube
Amor. Sugar
do pfd
Am. T. A T
Am. Woolen
do ptd
Edlaon Klee. Illu...
Oeoeral Klecuie ...
Maaa. Electrto
do pfd
Maas. Oaa
lDlte4 Fruit
United S. M.
do pfd
V. A Steel
do pfd
We. OAakeA
..121to PTanklla
..142 Granby
..141V, Iale Rorale ....
.. tt Mass. Mining ..
.. 1 Mtchlsaa
..110-, Mohawk
..K'7touid Uoalnloa ..
.. 1 ..' Oaceola
.. 11 Parrot
.. uto Qulncy v
. ll Shanuoa
..14 Tamarack
.. tto Trinity
.. kl lnll Copper .
., 4 U. g. Mlniag...
.. aJtoUtak
.. to Victoria
.. 4 Winona
..lot wol
Tresssry tatoaaosit,
WASHINGTON, Oct. t. Today state
ment r.r the treasury balances in the rrn
ersl fund eaolustr of the flS'j.OD.OoO reserve,
shows available rash balances, $180,63,111;
uia com ana ouiuoa, goia cer, $40 Tl. 92a
renUa a4 -'
PERLTX. Oct .Trading; oa th Boers
too ay was quiet. .
PARIS. Oct. a Trading em th Boor
today opened Irregular. This was followed
by a rally and then tbr weakness.
throughout th Hat on fear that th polit
ical situation had not cleared. Trsders un
loaded heavily and the closing was at the
loweat for tho day.
Traasaetloas of th Associated Beak
for th Week.
NEW TORK, Oct. 9. Brajlstreet's bank
clearings report for the week ending tc-
tober s shows an segregate ot xj.74!.i.i,''.
aa against $2,492.ti76,OU last week and $iT2.
9H3.0U0 In the corresponding week Isst year.
The following Is a list of the cities:
' CITIES. Clearing. Inc. Dec.
New Tork $1,644,527,0001 .l
Chlcego 2W.9nS.tRH) 8 8
Boston lflo.31 1,000 11.8
Philadelphia 118.447,0t 8 8
St. Louis 61.3M.0u0 9.8
Pittsburg 8,37.0oO 21.3
San Francisco 8S.i.S7.CM 12.8
Kansas City 43,0H),0i 8.1
Baltimore 26,1000 20 $
Cincinnati 23,9a,000 7 1
Minneapolis 30,4.w.t 6.9
New Orleans 14,421.000 18.4
Cleveland 14.813.O0O 13.
DetroU 1S,621,) 8 8
Omaha 13,891X00 '3.0
Louisville 10.96o,0u) 16.1
I Angele 10,320,000 ..... . 7.8
Milwaukee 12.fl60,Ouo 1.5 ......
Seattle , fchSo.O'iO 1.1
St. Paul 11.774,010 6.9
Buffalo 9.2X3.&0 9.6
Denver 8,c),00 $.3
Indianapolis 8.816.000 1.9
frt Worth 12,875.000 78.0
Providence 7.131,000 2.6
Portland, Oro, 8.8
Albany 8,476.000 8.6 .....
Richmond 5,661.000 14.6
Washington, D. C $.116,000 1.6
Spokane, Wash 8.269,000 8.7
Salt Lake City 4.949.000 20 0
Columbus t.frol.Ooo 2.1
St. Joseph 6,670.000 t.l
Atlanta $.247,000 2.4
Memphis 5,335,000 7.0
Taooma 4.9:2,IMJ .2
Savannah 7.4V7.O0O 20.1
Toledo, 0 8.696.0u0 13.0
Nashville 8.206,000 30.6
IRochester 4.3-2 0"0 27.4
Hartford 8,2.'7.000 8.9
Des Moines 8.fcl,0U 4 8
Peoria 8.710.000 19 $
Norfolk , 2,468,000 15.1
New Haven 2,ti6.uu0 $.1
Grand Rapids 8,216.000 14.3
Birmingham l.WO.uO, 8.7
Syracuse 2.190.000 16.8
Sioux City 8,736,000 9.8
Springfieid, Mas 1,807.000 4 8
Kvansvlllfl 1.964. WO 81.2
Portland, Ma 2,662.000 6.7
Dayton 1,928,000 8.2
Little Rock 1.6D4.0OO 4.0
Augusta, Ga 2,881,000 13.8
Oakland, Cal l.tCS.O) 29.8
Worcester - L7O9.000 3.8
Mobile 1.267.0001 14.0
Knoxvlllo 1.6Jd,0u0 8.7
Jacksonville, Fla 1.383.000 12 8
Chattanooga 1,686,000 S.l
Charleston, 8. C 1.53L!,OuO 17.0
Lincoln, Neb I,o4d,000 6.8
Wilmington, Del 1,282,000 6.7
Wichita 1,623,000 1.31
Wllkesbarre 1,382.000 8.4
Wheeling, W. Va 1,644,000 29.7
Fall River l,075,Otf 1.3
Davenport 1,770,000 19.7
Kalamasoo, Mich 1.161,000 12.0
Topeka 1.0(!5,000 2
Helena 88.0uO 20.2
Springfield, 111 837,000 18.1
Youngstown 876.000 8.4
Fort Wayne 82i,000 10.0
New Bedford 808.000 4.8
Erie, Pa 613,0tO 1.5
Cedar Rapids, la 909.000 23.3
Macon 1.036.000 .8
Akron 6t)6,O00 18.8
Lexington 632,000 8
Rockford, 111.. 6,000 18.4
Fargo, N. D 851,000 24.8
Lowell 606,0.10 8.3
Blnghamton 840,000 12.5
Chester, Pa 420,000 20.T
Sioux Falls, S. D 808.000 26.8
South Bend, Ind 634.000 3.4
Bloomington, 111 425,000 22.8
Canton, 0 543,000 4.7
Qulncy, 111 660,000 6.8
Springfield, 0 406,000 11.4
Decatur, 111 296,000 16.6
Mansfield, 0 364,0tO 9.9
Fremont, Neb 471,000 18.0 .....'.
Jacksonville, 111 263.000 8
Oklahoma 1,104,000 8.6
Hous'on 26,940,000 44.2
Galveston 19.8SO.00O 40.7
Columbia, 8. C 6v4,O00 26.2
Sacramento 991,000 e
Jackson, Miss 47,0OOf.
Not Included In total because contain
ing other turns tnan clearing.
New York Money Market.
TILE PAPER 4 "4 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $f.6olx(
4.o620 for sixty-day bills and at H.W lor
demand: commercial bills. 14.o4a'U'4.6b.
SILVER Bar, 51c; Mexican dollars, 45c,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad
WMoney on call, easy; 11 per cent; ml
ing rate, 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per
cent: offered at lk per cent. Time loans,
strona-er: sixty days. 2 per oent; ninety
days, o per cent; six months, 3(u3 per
Closing quotation on New York bond
were as follows:
V. 8. ref. la, re I lotto Int. Met. 4 Via
do coupon 104 L. A N. unl. 4s...
C. 8. la. rei l0toMra. Central 4a....
do coupon 101 do lat Ino
V. 8. 4a. res li Minn. A Bt. L. 4s..
do coupon lil M., K. A T. 4a...
Am. Tobacco 4s. 74 to do 2s
. 4
. J
, 11
. 11
. M
, K
do la 101 N. R. R. of M. c aa. U
Atchison gen. 4a to N. Y. C. g. Itos 2to
do adj. 4a tl N. J. C. g. 6a
do ct. 4a In No. Pacific 4s
do t. fie 101 do la
Atlantlo C. L 4s.... HtoN. A W. e. 4a
Bal. A Ohio 4s MtoO. S. L. rfdf. 4a...
do 3toa tlto Penn. ct. Itos Ml.
Brk. R. T. ct. 4s.... 4 do con. 4a
Central of Oa. as 10641 Raadlns sen. 4s
10 V
104 to
do lat Inc U Res. of Cuba is lott
do 2d Inc 41 St. L I. M. s 6a.. 110 to
Chee. A Ohio 4toe....flto St. 1 A 8. F. ff. 4s. 77 to
Chicago A. 'Itos.... 7to8t. U 8. W. e. 4a.... 74,
C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... 7to Soaboard A. L. 4s.. 61
C. R. I. P. 4 rito8o. Paclflo 4a.'. 01 to
do col. Is 7o do let 4s M d
do rfdg. 4a n4 So. Railway &a i't-n.
ccc. gt. U i. k Texae P. la Ill
Colo. Ind. ta 73 T., BL L. W. 4a. ;4to
Colo. Mid. 4a 45 Colon Paclflo 4a. ...lf'i
Colo. A So. 4a. Hto do ct. 4a W
Del. A Hud. ct. 4s.. 100 V. 8. Stool Id is 11
I). A R. O. 4a. M Wabash la lo
Erie p. 1. 4s 17toWoetorn Ut. 4s..... 71
do g-n, 4a 7JtoW. A L. aV 4s 71
Hock. Val. 4tos. 106 Wis Central 4a 14
Japan 4s to N. Y., N. H. A H.
do 4 to. 7to ct. a rtfa 1
do 2d twice alto Lake Shore 4s 1U... tfr
BIA Oltocad.
London Closing Stock.
LONDON, Oct 9.-Followlng ths decline
In New York yesterday. American sa-
curltles opened weak today and during the
early trading prlcea ftll from to 1 be
low parity.
London closing stock quotations:
Conaola. money MtoMo., Kan. A Teiaa.. 'J)
do account M 11-1 Now York Central. . to
Anaconda IS Norfolk 4 Vtemera.. 14
Atrhlaon toto do pfd el
do pfd Ontario a Woetera... 41
Baltimore A Ohio. .. I'. 'to Penneylvanla ...
Canadian Paclflo . ...1794t Rand Mines
Cheaapoaks A Ohio.. 11 Raadlns
Chi. Oreat Weetern... 1 Southern Railway
Chi., Mil. A St. P..lltto do pfd ,
De Been il'e Southern Paclflo
DenTer A Rle 0 17 Union Paclflo ...
do old 4to do pfd
.. uito
.. 4to
.. 64 to
... tu
.. alto
Erie 04l'nlUd Stales Steel... 4H
do lat pfd 44 do pfd Ill
do Id ptd 17 Wabaah II
Grand Trunk II do pfd 27
Illinois Central 140 Spanlah 4s jl
Lomevllle Naeh. ..10to Amal. Copper li
SILVER-Bar, steady at 23 ll-I6d pet
ounce. MONEY & per cent.
The rate ot uisiount in the open market
la 1 per cent; for three months' bills,
lTtotot- per cent.
Now York Mlatner Stocks.
NEW YORK. Oct. t Closing quotation
cn New York Mining stocks
,lou Leadville Cob.
.. 1
.. 1
.. 11
.. 41
brunawtck Con. ...
Com. Tunnel Block. .
Com. Tunnel bonds..
Con. Cal. A Va
Horn SilTer
Iron Silver
oft wed.
4 Utile Chief ...
4 Mexican
: outario
11 Oj.bir
41 Standard.
ao Yellow Jacket,
Bank Cleat-tags.
OMAHA, Oct. 9. Bank clearing for to
day were $.304,341.13 and for the corre
sponding dai last year $.',Oi9,13s.60.
Wool Market.
ST. LOl'IS, Oct. 9. WOOL Firm; me
dium grades combing and clothing, lejr-jwc;
light fine, 1616c; best heavy fine, lieiUc;
tub washed, 'Mu'iic.
BOSTON, Oct 9 'WOOL Tbe Commer
cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: Trad
continues actlva Nearly aa nrnch has
changed hands thla week aa laat, estimate
being around T.Ouu.uoo pounds. Th market
is firm and do higher. Buipments ot wool
from Boston to October t. Inclusive, were
138, pounds, against 196.91 pounds
for the same time last year; recaipts, 213,.
:4o.ac4 peunas, sgainst zae,a4a,fss (mucus Ui
aw period last ysax.
Ligtit Run of Cattle, with No Change
in Prices.
Sheep aad Lamb la Very Light Re
ceipt, with No Quotable Change
la Price Compared with
SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., Oct 9, 1908.
Receipts were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
...12.1.15 S.b7J n.Ml
... S.lai 4,DuS 9.IS0
... 9.2IS 7.0.7 7.024
... 1W .S27
... 900 $,700 2.100
Ortlcial Monday
Official Tuesasy
Official Wednesday..
Official Thursday ...
Estimate Friday ....
Five davs this week.... 26.532 26.240 29.551
Same days laat week....$l,9u6 19.7al ii,M
eame days 2 week ago..2.8uO a,ii4
bame da 2 weeks ago. .40,401 20,47 97,527
Bam days 4 weeas ago..M,8o5 a.'i& 97,4i
Sam day last year.... 86, 408 72,0611
The followlns table annwa the receipt ot
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
th year to date, compared with last yesr:
19t. 1907. Inc. Iec.
Cattle ; 764.510 915,897 160,787
Hog L9b,418 l,94o,jo6 17.75$
tWieep 1.6JS,5o l,Ua,lM
The following talkie ahnwa th average
price of hogs at South Omaha for th last
several days, with comparison i '
Date. 1908. 11907. 190. 1906. 1904. 1908. 11902.
Sept. 29..
Sept. ..
Oct. 1...
( 4
211 i 19 i So
5 721 7 21
13 t (91
7 71
5 74
i 72
5 74
7 24
5 Ui
5 .1
t 'io
7 14
7 20
7 $0
7 $1
7 42
7 89
7 2S
7 14
Oct. I...
Oct. 8...
Oct. 4...
5 9i
6 si
6 84
5 Is
5 10!
5 W
6 2j
6 06
Oct. ...
t XI
S 84
7 W
t W 5 7$l
5 OSl 6 6S
1 67;
5 bi
Oct. ...
Oct 7...
Oct ...
Oct ...
t OW 5 5i
6 40
5 W
I 0
6 541 6 19
15 19
The official number of car stock brought
In by each rvad was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r .
C, M. 4L BL P 1
wabaah 1 .. ..
Missouri Pacific
Union Paciilc
(J. & N. W., east.... 2
C. & N. W., west ..13
C, St P., M. & O
C, B. & g., eaat 4
C, B. & U . west 23
C., R. 1. & P., east..
Total receltta 47
The dlHDositl, n of the day1 receipt was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber K head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs, eneep.
Omaha Packing Co....
Swift and Company.
290 1,014 703
632 1,1335 7oa
67 i.iyo
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour & Co .
Omaha, from Denver ....
Cudahy, from K. C
Lobman & Rothchlld....
Hill & Son
V. P. Lewis
J. B. Root & Co
L. F. Huss
McCreary & Carey
Sam Werthelmer
H. F. Hamilton
M. Hagerly & Co
F. G. Ingliram
Morris ot Co
Other buyer
ToUl 1.728 ' 4,187 1.9;M
CATTLE) Only thirty-seven car of cat
tle were reported toaay, which wa not
enough to maae any snowing on Uie mar
ket or to Interest buyers to any material
extent The teehng, however, was about
steady and what liule stulf there was gen
erally sold in about tne same noicuoeai
voatarduv. Tim trail, as usual Oil a FtI'
uay, was dull and unlnlorestlng, with no
new features worth menllonuig.
For tuo week the receipts have been very
liberal, being about on a par with tho run
a year ago, but considerably larger than
last wee.. A feature or me weea s
ciita was the fact that the arrival con
sisted largely of feeders, with a small pro
portion of killing cattle. It will be re
membered that during the greater part of
amt nmnth It aoomnd US if ttia SnOBt Of the
cattl coming were killers, with only a
mall aprinaling or leeoer. xium
Not nough cornfed beeve have arrived
this week to really maks a test of the
, !,, m,A tha tjv thut have nut In an
appearance have naturally enough sold
vory unevenly, the pric depending very
largely upon how badiy packers war In
need of something of that kind on that par
ticular day. Strictly good to choice range
beeves hav also been in vory moderate
supply and th few cattle good enough to
bring $5.00 or better have old at about
steady prices all th week, a high a $o-
being paid for the best. On tho other hand
there has been a very liberal supply of
common to medium cattle and as feeder
buyer have not been bidding up so well on
.i,. itinera wem arlven an opportunity
to buy thera lower. Cattle of that de-
acription are around 25c lower for the weea,
'cowr'and'for. were a little lower the
first of th week, but they gradually firmed
up under the influence of the very god
buying demand and at the close of th
week are not very much different from
what they Were a week ago. In tact most
buyei and sellers are qujtlng the market
steady. A feature of the week s trade in
tow tuff Is the very good demand that ha
prevailed for th common to meuiuiu n-nm
which have sold Just as readily at prevail
i ..ri,.u. havaj tha best trades.
Strictly good duhorned feeders of good
weight and good breed hav not oeen very
..,..?.!,, i ,f .tin fnr tha week they are
around 16:5c lower than last week. The
flood of common to meaium inu ui oou
. h.. ranaxii a verv sharD break in that
kind of cattle and they are at the present
time safsly 2.V&40C lower than last wetk.
with a good many cattle still in th hands
of speculators awaiting country
lilatl.iriK nn fattlA! Oood tO CllOll. COm
fed steers, o.iowi.lo; fair to good curnied
steers, $5.40fti.26; common to fair cornfed
steers. $4.0t'a6.40: good to choice range
leers. 14.50ftiu.6j: fair to good range steers,
t. rjt- t,m mnn to fair ran no steers,
$3 26'd14 00; good 'to choice cornfed cows and
i,.irr. .26: fair to good grass cows
and heifers. $2.753 25; common to fair grass
. aY O TC arAAll tlto atoll ftlSBl
stimrs a nn ri t to r . icu'iia u evaju kw v ' v.
feeders. $4.00414 50; fair to good stockers
nd feeders. $3.404.00; common to lair
tockers and feedera, $i504iS-o; stock heU-
ers. $:.6Wi'3 00.
Representative sales:
lbull 0 2 85 a calve... 40 $ 00
I calves... Sf6 3 60 7 cows .97 256
6 oows 70.) 2 -5
6 feeders.. 738 2 96
8 cows 9 8 00
2 stockers. 675 3
1 hull 1131 2 65
4 fe ders.. H7 2 60
2 feeders.. 775 00
6 feeders.. S0 2 90
7 cows 8)5 i 00
23 cows U0 2 5
IV heifers... 6H 2 50
; feeders.. H52 3 80
17 cows W4 3 26
11 feeders.. 1011 2 W)
11 cows 877 2 70
18 cows 873 2 05
15 cows 810 2 BO
13 feeders., bbs :o
10 heifers... 477 2 36
87 cows 978 8
12 cows i a
27 feeders.. KH5 4 00
17 cows 9S 3 00
22 cow s 864 3 06
a 1,7(1 . 0
mgiieu nros., -irui..a
KK .... 62 2 KO 3 cows s o
l! wrw!: .:.: OO 21 heifers... 8 $0
61 calves... 377 3 40
u. waucn, oui .
It feeders.. K1 3 70 1 steer 1300 8 75
2strs ..:V06 8 26 2 cows 1010 100
1 bull 13 2 60
William Ferdon, Nebraska.
65 oows 1010 2 30
24 cow .... 818 8 10 12 feeder.. 987 40
14 feeders.. 612 8 35 11 feeders.. 7 3 10
Diamond Cattl Co., Wyoming.
S3 calves... 1p9 6 00 99 feeders.. lOuo 4 9
L. C. Johnson and D. A. Meese. Wyo.
feeders.. 8H8 3 60 9 heifers... 81) 8 00
21 cows..... 787 2 60 14 cows 63 2 S5
27 heifers... 664 2 60 10 cslves. .. 2 I 75
Pain A Arnold, Houth Dakota.
13 steers.. ..1 4 66 7 steers.. ..1211 4 00
cows 1068 8 40 6 st?ers....HJ t 80
D. Hand, South Dakota.
10 teer....1217 4 05 13 steers.. ..1000 S .
O. ,Hrsdy, S uth Dakota.
$2 teer....ia 3 W I cow KW IB
11 cows 9.4 3 25 6 cows loa) $ 10
iinns Receipts th! morning were dlsap.
polntingly email and a there seemed to be
quite a l ttle inquiry the market became
strong to 5c higher. As it box am apar nt
buyers all wsnted a few hogs the trade
livuned un. while the market became as
much as 613 10c higher st the close. A good
many of the nogs soia at to ju.ju ana on
up to 16.40. It w.ll be remembered that yea-
tcrdsy a gooa snare ui an uie iiuks uroug.n
t6.l0dii.20. Taken as a whole the markei
was in a sood healthy condition and very
satisfactory to ths selling Interest. A
noted before In these column the market
at this point has been In exceedingly good
shape aa compared with price prevailing
at other points.
Representative sales:
H At. la. Pr. Na, 1. ga. Pr.
It lit W IN 41. Bt 4 M
ln. its 10 I at rt kat so t It
..-,. let 01 . 14 kat 1st 4 llto
44... ...I.. Ill US 1 tt........S s Kto
I..... at I W aa......rl Mt s
n m 4 u n..... is m
el ktl Ut If tl B4 tr i
i lu...-lw at t L4, U.., Is 14
Small Accounls Grow
The Ue of an account Is ot secondary importance to th
First National Bank. The officers of the Bank aim to Rive
to each account the moat careful consideration, and are al
ways ready to give their depositors advice, not only In the
matter of banking but also In any other way that they can
be of service because of their many years of experience with
all Hues ot business. Such adrlce has many times helped
small accounts
To Dc Lnrflc Ones
And the progress made by many of Its customers has
been one of the reasons for the steady growth of this bank.
If you are considering the opening of a new or an addi
tional account, our unexcelled facilities are at your dis
posal. Keep your surplus funds at work by taking out one
of our Certificates ot Deposit. They draw 3 Interest.
First National Bank oi Omaha
18ih and Farnam Sis.
4 16
a tS4 ID in
T t"4 ...
It IIS 140 M
tl 121 4
Tl ! ISO 4 W
W HI 140 I 17 to
71 137 4 I7to
71 UI ...
to M 4 10
IS Ui ... I to
4 10 1 10
41 Kl ... t 40
IS Ill ... 1 40
M tul ... te
..iso m lit
10 1M
74 HI 140 1 l"to
ill lao I 17 to
to 4 10 4 17
10 1M in in
II M4 M 114
Tl Ill 40 4
It 131 Its 1 10
It L .Ml HO 4 M
161 lai 4 10 ,
.114 . ... 1 to
Bt all 40" t 10
SHEEP Receipt of sheen this morning
were not heavy enough to really make a
market. All told only eight cars were re-
rortd and three of them were single decks
rum nearby point. All the stuff her was
sold quite readily at prices not materially
difforcnt from those that prevailed yester
day. Thus pietty good Idaho lambs sold
up to $6.85, with western ewes as high as
$4.50 and breeding ewes at $3.75. In addi
tion to the ires 11 receipts mere were also
a few bunches carried over from yesterday,
but pretty much everything waa disponed
of in vety fair season.
KeceiDts lor tne weeK nave been ex
tremely light, showing a falling otf of a
good deal over one-half a compared with
ast weeK, in ract tne total to aate is only
about one-third as larr an Inst week's
htavy run. Under the influence of th light and the good buying uemand
Jumped upward at a rspid rata so far as
Killing sueep and iambs were concerned.
The market yesterday on 'lambs broke
sharply, as noted at the time, but even
alter the decline the market on killers of
all kinds is at least $1 than th low
tlinu a week or more ago.
feeder have also suuwn considerable
improvement, but not so much as killers.
There Was a feeling among feeder buyers
mat taking the Dries ot corn and the
future outlook for fat stuff into considera
tion, th market on feeders waa al
ready high enough and they hav accord'
lngiy opposed every advance In prices. It
s also a noticeable fact that as prices
gradually firmed up the buying demand
steaully eased off until it became pretty
dull, but still there vfua sufficient
demand to take everything coming
and price at the cloae of tbe week are
2oo and in some cases possibly as much as
400 higher on the general run ot feeding
sheep and lambs.
Uuolations on ranxe or grass sheep and
lambs: Good Ho choice lambs, $6.sV(a.10;
fair to good lambs, $0.006.86; feeding
lambs, $4.00 4..S; good to choice light year
lnlgs, $4,7646.00; good to choice heavy
yearlings,; feeding yearunga,
13. 764. 2o; good to choice wethers, $4.5ii
4.76; fair to good wethers, $4,0044.26; feed
ing wetners, u.40iubt; good to enojee
ewes, $4.00434.50; fair to good swes, $3.oof
4.00; feeding ewes, $2.00(00.00; cull and
bucks, ll.oua.60.
itepresenlatlve sales:
No. Av.
4 46
6 50
4 50
4 00
4 05
4 65
2 50
6 00
4 50
6 85
4 50
3 00
4 00
2 73
6 00
Wt western wether 98
13 western wether M
27 western lambs 86
SO western ewes 141
t western lamos. culls 61
!Ut western lambs, feedera 69
66 Idaho lambs, feeders 66
13 western ewes, culls 106
M wosiern wethers and yearl'g 123
is western ewes
208 wostern lamb
116 western lambs, culls
252 Wyoming wethers, culls....
uu3 Wyoming wethers
244 Wyoming wethers, feeders.
it western wetners
15 western lamb
43 western ewes 1
6 western lambs, culls :
16 western ewes, culls
VI western ewe
& western owes, cull
5 oo
1.6 4
63 4 25
. .0
3 00
i 50
1 IK)
Cattle Steady Hog Strong; to Higher
Sheep Seady.
CHICAGO. Oct. . CATTLE-RecelDls.
about 2,5u0 head: market, steady: steers.
34.4O07.5O; cews, I3.00(ii6.25: heiiers. X'S.Ww
4 ; bulls, I2.6t4j4.5v; caiv. s, 13.6u'.6o; sUx k-J
era ana leoders, i.t0iU4.t.
HOasi Receipts, aoout 16.000 head: mar
ket, strong to to higher; choice heavy ship
ping, S6.6n6.66; bulcliera, 6.36u'i.ti&; light
muted, 4b.toijij.oo; choice light, 30.aruti.3o;
packing, fc.awiiO.ifi; pigs, t3.oou6.50; bulk.
5u. ot.4 t.26.
Blittr AND LAMDS-Receipts, about
10,000 head; market for sheep, steady;
lambs. 15c to Z&c lower: sheen, j4.ixKuo.0u:
lamb, H i5U'l.a; yeurlings, 33.siKU6.O0.
Kaasa City Live Sfock Market.
Receipts, 3,000 head. Including 1,000 south
erns. Market slow to steady. Choice ex
port and dressed beef steers, 35. iVuvi.30; tair
to good. 34.5o(i6.75; western steers, 3.4Juu.oo;
stockers and feeders, 32.7dU'4.6o; soutnern
steers, 14.004. lu; southern cows, 32. iMtt .;
native cows, ll.lotiito.2o; native heifers, 4.7JU'
6.00; bulls, 2 2uii3.QO; calves, 53.5o4i6.75.
HOU8- Keceluls, Io.imai lieau. Market
opened strong; closed loc lower. Top, eG.45;
bulk of sales, o. li)fy(j.; tieavv, It. tu;
packers and butchers, 36.00.40; light, o.70
0 la; nigs, 33.K(!(5.50.
BHEE1 AND L.AMH8 Receipts. 1.300
head. Market steady; lambs, f4.5ji6.oo; ewes
and yearlinKS. ti.ladiA.'lli: western vearllnas.
J4. 004)4.6"; western sueep, f3.50(4.5; stockers
ana leetiers, u.uu.w.
St. I.oals I.lve stock Market.
BT. LOITIS. Oct. 9 CATTI Ji-Reoelnta.
1.760 head, Including TM Texiins. Market,
steady to strong; native shipping and ex
port steers, 3l.O.Ki7.EO; dress.-d beef and
butcher steers. 2.;M6.23; steers under 1,010
pounds, 33.00'it.; stockers and f.-eilers,
t3.004j4.00; cos and heifers, t2.fio4741.25; can
ners, f2.MK.2fli Irulls. t2. 754(4.00; calves, tl.00
itl.W; Texas and Iinllnn Htoera, t2.7oii(Vj.40;
cows and heifers, $1 54 00.
HOtia Itecelpts, 8.3110 lirn. Market 6'10c
higher; pigs and light. ta.2E94J.lrt; packers.
fASOgplio; butchers and best heavy, t6.504j'
8IIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,
head. Market 10c lower; native muttons,
34 2rwr74.50; lambs, K.ftv.m 2f: culls and bucks,
t3.60ttr4.00; stockers, 42.&K(i3.75.
St. Joseph Live Htoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Oct. CATTI.E-Recelpts,
800 head: market st' art"; steers. t4.0t7.00;
cows and heifer. J2.U5.75; calves, U.imi
HOOS Receipts. 4.D head; markcl
steady to strung; top. 38. 60; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND I-AMnS-Recelpts, 26 0
head; market 154j25c lower; lambs, t4.0i
Sloaz City Mr Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Oct. . (Special Tele
gram) HOGS Recelpta, 4 300 head; market
tVfjfltlc hlirher: range, t5.SociiC.25; bulk of
ale. W.:-il.2S.
CATTLE Receipts. 1.000 head: market
strong: neevta, 34Mfi7 0rt; grass cows, fi.fO
(3.75; feeders, K.'ofitolfi; calves and year
lings, t2.50i&3 60.
Htoek im Sight.
Receipts of live stock Bt the six principal
westrrn market yesterdav:
Catt'e. Hore. Sheo-..
Botith Omaha 9f 3.7'0 2,1'0
Sioux Citv l.HiO 4 S"
Ht. Josph 0 4'mo t0
Kansas City Jiooo 15 (o 1 joo
Pt Iiul ..1.T50 3f0 20
Chicago - 2,600 14. 000 10.0 0
H 61,300 18,960
Cot tea Market.
Spot steady; low ordlnsry. 4 9-1 c. nom
inal; ordinary. IHc, aomlnal; good or
dlnsry, l-lc; low middling, -llo;
middling, I lt-l(c; good middling, Wc;
middling fair. tHc; fair, 18 too, nominal;
rerelats. 1 600 bsles: a toe A t? nt hala
HX. UJVIM. Oct. I- COTTON UivJ Terk StUMa,
changed; middling, 9o; sales, non: re,
teipts, 1,63K bales; shipment, (46 bales,
Stock, t,85 bales.
NEW TORK. Oct. . COTTON Future
opened steady; October, S.77(U41.K2o; Decem
ber, l.5c; January, 8.42c; March, A40c
May, S.40c; July, 3.42c: August. (.38, asked.
Spot closed firm at 6 point decline; mid
dling uplands, 1.00c; middling (tilt, t 'Jtxj,
Sales, 1,035 bale.
GALVKSTON, Ttzas, Oct. tv-COTTON-e
Steady; ro.
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. fc-METALS Th T.on.
don tin market was lower, 1th spot quoted,
at 133 15s ard futures 136 5e. Tbe local
market was easy at $.'.lffi29.40. Copper
declined to 5v 3a 9d for spot and 40 for
futures In I-ondon. The local market wu
weak and nominal, with Lake quoted at
tl8.37HU13.A2H; electrolytic, $13.1L'Voti3 7Hi
casting, $12.&7ls.324. Dead declined to
)'3 6s at Ixinuim. Tne local market was
dull at tt.4oto.4fi. Spelter was unchanged
at 19 12a 6d In London and H.!2W(P-ll'fi in
the local market. Iron wa lower in th
English market, with standard foundry
closing at 4hs Hd and Cleveland warrant
t 4!s ea. Tli local market wa unchanvred.
No. 1 foundry northern, $16 5ij 17 J6: No. 2
foundry northern at ll6.Wdl8.iT7 No. 1
southern and No. 2 southern suit, 315. 71 J
MKTADB Lead, dull at ftsztt. Spelter,
dull at (4.66.
. I
Btaala aad Fancy Proaae.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered ta
retail trad In cartons, 23o; No. I, In to-lb,
tubs. 22Hc; No. 1, In 30-lb. tubs. Vta; No.
1 In 0-lb. tubs, 200 ; No 2. In 30-lb. tubs,
tic; No. 1 In 1-lb. cartons, 21c: No. 1. I
csrload lft s, 21 He; No. 2, In carload lots.
Walnut; country, fanoy, tuba, 17c; com
Dion, 16c
KOOS- -Kresh candled, lSe per dosen.
CHEESK Finest Wisconsin full cream,
twins, 14Vsc; young America. 4 in houp,
15c; favorite, I In hoop, IMsc; dalsleA in
boon, litc; cream brick, full oaae, lltoo;
half case, lSfcc; half dossn bricks, 14a. N
quotations on Swlaa nor lunberger uuiU
after October.
SI JAR Cosrs granulated. .60c; fins
granulated, 5.70c; eube. S.sOc; powdered,
a. 60o per lb,.
DRKB8ED POXn.TRT-tSquab, . U2I
per dosen.
BKH.V CUTS No. 1 rib. 17Hc; No. I rib,
11Ua Vi S pit, U.r Ma 1 I, .It. u. Mn 5
ioln,'l2o: No. I 'loin, 8Ho; No. 1 ohuclc, 6c:
ro. i chuck, to; ino. s cduck, c; jmo. 1
round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 8 round,
CVio: No. 1 plate, 6o; N. I plate, 4o; No.
I plate, 4u.
KG KTAHLE3 Celery. Ilchlgn. per
dot., 85a. Mean, new wax and ilng, out
tMid bu basket, tl.00; navy, per bu.. No. 1,
..''0; lima, a per lb. Cabbage, in per lb.
rotatoea, new, per on., li.lo. '1 ou.atoua,
per 4-basket crate. 90o. Waterneous, is
loo. Canlalopes, California. U.Hi-t per
erst. Ai aiagus, pur doa., tuc. Cuuuui
bsrs, per do., 60a. Onion, Bermuda, ld
per crate; Texas yeilow, i.35 ter crai.
Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb., too. Let
tuce, per do., g&o. lsppera. southern, It
per crsie.
r'KKbli FRUITV-Apples. a2.tltJ3.00 per
bu. box. Lemons, f4.6itio.ia orange. 54.011
iu.00. Bananas, 4o imr ib. 1 lu-ns, L25 per
-basket crate. Calltui-nla, lOuSud
per box; Texas, 4-lMiake. kiuie. Mitfu.
tears, 11.60 per 4-baskel crate. Blaokber
rles, 34.00 per crate, itaupbtrrle, 4.uo per
crate. Cherries, 52.26. Curiam. 4-00 ysr
oral. Oooaeoeriles, ta.90 per ciate.
LsiVH POuUKl-hom, ic ; springs, 13Hc;
roosters, 6c; ducks, young, tc; old. 7Vcs
geese, kc; turkeys, 14c; pigeous, wo per
dusun; squabs, 1.00 per dusen.
IjKIEJU rKUlTS Raialus, louse Muscatel.
tViic; isucy seeded. 1-lb. cartou. loc. Cur
rants, uncleaned, oVc, cleaned, fcc; caiton,
tu per lb. frunes, 404i60o per sack; Vri
per lb. Vprlcula, 86-lo. uoxea, ko per lu.
l-'eaciiM.sw.allfoiala cnolce, u; fancy boxes.
11c per ib. tears, California, lie. Dates,
ferslsn, 5Hc FigA '.ayera, choics, lofto.
Citron, liniai. Lemon peel, ltc Oraugs
pi-ei, 13c.
FISH Halibut, 8c: trout, ltc; pickerel. Ho;
pike, 14c, bullheads, skinned and dressed.
13c; white perch. 8c; white bass, 17o; blaclt
bass, 25c; crappltis, 15c; white fish, 13c
red snapper, 14c; flounder, 12c; mackerel,
lie; codfish, fresh frosen. 13c; shad ro. 46c;
smelts, 13c; fiog legs. 5c; green sua lurti
meat, 25c; catlish, 10c; eel, per lb., 18c.
HIDES-Ouctdttons by J. B. Smith 4k Co. I
Green salted No. 1, lOo; No. - 9c; bull
hides. No. 1, tc; No. 2. 1c; horse nidsa,
t.'.vo; sheep pells. 25c to tl-60; dry pslt. lo
to 12o per lb.- dry flint butcher hides, 13c.
dry fallen hides, lie: dry salted hide, to,
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. . COFFEE Future
market closed dull, net unchanged to 6
(Milnta higher. Hales were reported of 6,2T0
bags, including liny at 6.40c and September
at 5.45c. Spot coffee steady; No. 7 Klo, 6'4c;
Santos No. 4, 8c. Mllu coffee dull; Cor
dova, rfcfl2!4c.
Sugar and Molasses.
quiet; fair refining. 3.43&8.4Sc; centrifugal.
Ste8tA 33.le; molasses ugar, t.liiii
S.Jlc. Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.7t)o; pow
dered, 6.1oc; granulated. 6.00o.
Don't for Uoabtrr.
Don't think for a minute that a woman
loves her friend with the same Intensity
that she hates her enemies.
Tpn't Jut'.ge a man'a ability by what h
gets Instead of what he earn. He may
get inure than he earna.
Lton t argue with a man who talk loud.
You couldn't convince him In a thou,
sand yeuit.
Don't boast of your good Judgment every
timo you happen to have) itiade a good
lon t forget that conscience make mor
bluffer than It doe cowards.
Hon't lend your influence with th ex
pectation of getting it back.
Don't put much faith in men who are
afraid to aav "I don't knuw "
,JO"'t Ju'Ue a man's possession by the
..Huiirn on ins tax receipt..
Don't neglect your family In order to
pose as a public benefactor.
Don't imagine you can tell what a
woman means by what she says. St.
Louis Times.
How Carter Ulnffed a Holly.
The arrest of Yancey Carter, Indepen
dence league candidate for governor of
Georgia, on the charge of carrying con
cealed weapons, recalls un early episode
in tne cainpaljjn which Candidate Tom
Hiagen delight to tell In his speeches. A
swamjerlng Duy (n a G,()rKU4 town a(
costui Curler und remarked to him lhat ha
gucsxyl no one would .lure to speak axainat
the d. moi-ratic party In that v.clnlty.
Nothing daunted, Carter replied that be
rather thought somebody would. That
night Carter uppeured on the platform, and
as lie advanced to the speakers' 4aMe he
dropped his hag heavily on his chair and
something Inxide of It clunked oniluouslv.
Car'er then proceeded to pitch Into both
parties, d-mcciatic and republican alike
and everybody listened respectfully. Even
the swaeir. ring bully didn't venture to In
terrupt In slon MiiaUl.
The Language of Irlrurr,
"T must say," remarked the plain every
day man, "that I f.-. l as If I had a cold
In the head. And I'm ao hoars I can
hardly siwuk.
"I see," answered th scientist. "You
are suffering from a slight cohryxa, caus
ing consratlon of th mucous membrane
and suffusion of the optical organs, and
Inducing a somewhat phlogistic condition
of the epiglottis. Ferhaps. howeyer, you
bad better send for a physician."
"Send for a physician? No. I dfm'i want
a doctor. Baud tor an tnteroreter."