Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1908, WANT ADS, Image 18

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A Silk Petticoat FREE
With Every
Ladios' Fall Suit
Th most beautiful suits we have ever
offered for the money big assortment
of styles, made in all the new materials.
These are exceptional suits and the silk
petticoat is a clear gain to you over and
above the suit value.
Regular $25.00 suits,
Saturday at
Why Not
Havo It
Lien's Fall Suits
A new lot of men's sample suits just re
ceived. These are all high class gar
ments and made to retail for at least
$15.00. Our special price starting Sat
urday, as long aa they last;
your choice for
iVlcn'o Hats
In the latest fall blocks, both soft and
stiff shapes, $3.0Q values;, specially
priced for Saturday's selling g Qg
1 1
? ft.; -
1315 -IT-19 FARM AM ST.
si.oo y n nu e
Just M Ik driving shaft Mt( U fai perfect
adjustment to deliver the fall power of
tlio oaf in, ao mutt your shoo bo La porfoct
kamony with yeas foot lo bst un
jrou body's marry. Tlio CROSS ETT
Shoe ia especially built for tbat purpose,
$4 and 5$
Nortb Abinf too, Mass,
The Daily Club
Fifty Dally Newspapers
Circulation over 2,500,000
The fifty daily newspapers belonging to the ,
Dally Club combined have a total circulation of
over Two aad One-Half Million Copies per day.
They cover most of the United States from
Boston to San Francisoo and from Chicago to
Houston, Texas.
On a reasonably large contract the rate for
advertising in these fifty daily newspapers is four
dollars and seventy-seven cents $4.77 per agate
lineabout three-sixteenths of a cent per line
per thousand circulation.
And the circulation is just where you want
it and where it will do the most good.
If yon manufacture goods for general con
sumption, think thi over and write us.
901 W.rld Building
ee Want Ads
Produce Results
Books and Magazines
"Qrsndon of Blerra," by Charles Winters.
t a story nf th man of the west, a til,
gpnerous. alert and charmingly almpU man,
who enters the hardRhlps and ilirneuittes
of pioneer Ufa in tha mountains with a
vigor and enthusiasm that makes It easily
undarat.xxl how tha wIMoraea aiwt he
desert may be bo qulrkly conquered by
this ty of sturdy manhood. Jack Cum
mins, tha hero'a friend, ia a wholesome
character, winning tha hlghst regard of
tho reader by hla devotion to Ma friend.
Tlia heroine la pleasing and the book
abounds In lively incidents and action of
the rapid fire variety, Tha lova atory la
thrllllr.g, with Ha complications, but after
mischief milkers are silenced and Intrigue
and misunderstandings cleared up, Qrandon
of Sierra emerges possessor of the "Homu
Mine. tha love of Josle McMillan and the
confidence of the cttlsena of Sierra.
photographs of the leading dancers. The
fiction hang with a masterly atory of
Alaska by Jack London contains the work
of botH favorite writers aa Mary lleaton
Vorae. Maximilian tVstsr. Zona Uala. Har
ris Merton Lyon, John 8. Lopea, Ethel
Watla-Mumford (leant and Lucille B. Van
A font ball riavclette ot unusual merit
In the Popular Magaitne for Ortober Is
"A True 8on of Kll," by W. B. M. Fergu
son, It la anions; other things a atudy
of a boy with the spirit of a coward who
Is expected to uphold and carry on the
foot bail prestige of hla father at Tale.
The way the spirit of manhood Is whipped
into him may to some seem cruel, but it
certainly Is effective.
An Important article In tha October
buiumriiLD J , ifiv iniM'lll UL Oivrr. t -
Published by, The Broadway Publishing Woman's Home Companion la entitled
Company. 1 "Seeking Shelter In New York." They
"The Kew Old Healing," by Henry Wood,
author of . "Idal Suggestion Through
Mental Photography." ate., la an .attempt
to render helpful tmth In familiar terms,
and to show the way of Ita practical appli
cation. The Identity of the new and old
spiritual and payehlcat healing taws arid
forces Is shown and their working utility
explained. ,
Mr. Wood is a veteran writer upon tho
philosophy of psychotherapeutics In gen
eral, and Ita former works hava passed
through from three to thirteen editions of
each. His breadth and conservatism have
made his writings widely regarded as stan
dard for the last thirty year a The Lothrop.
Lee & Shepard company Is the publisher.
From romance which wns chiefly sen
sational In Its appeal, Mr. Oppenhelm has
evolved to prose fiction, packed with the
real Interests and strenuous problems of
our complex modern life. "The Avenger."
la a novel In which he has exercised all
the powers of his fertile Imagination, yet
with a restraint that keeps his story weM
within the bounds of reason and logic.
The theme Is based on the efforts of a
young Englishman to shield a mysterious
girl from suspicion of a murder. In which
she Is apparently Implicated,' and the en
deavors of soma half a dosen individuals
who are snaking;, for various reasons, the
solution of the mystery. Political In
trigues, private revenges, and personal
ambition form an Intricate tangle of affairs,
which, with exceeding cunning, the author
gradually straightens out, giving the reader
an abundance of entertainment In the
process. Published by Little-Brawn &
Tn her new rove story, "Tor Malsle,"
Mrs. Katherlne Tynan leaves her favorite
Ireland to write a tale of English life. Tho
heroine, a daughter of an ancient family.
Is brought up hy her stepfather without a
denial of her wishes, and develops Into a
charming girl. Her portrait has been done
by a clever English artist for the cover.
and her aristocratic beauty adds greatly
to the fascination of her strange career.
Tha stepfather Is an example ot the sturdy
virtue of the British . working classes,
winning his way from poverty to great
wealth and earning the admiration c.f a
charming American girl who appears In
the later pages of the pretty romanee.
Published by A. C. McClurg ft Co.
"The Psychology of Inspiration," by
C g e Lansing Raymond, professor In the
l'i.,.osophlc department of George Wash
ington university. Is an attempt to dis
tinguish between religious and scientific
truth and to harmonise Christianity with
modern thought. Funk ft- Wagnalls Is the
Qunter's Magaslne for October contains
the first atory. from "The Man In the
Motor Mask," a new series by Fred Jack
son. This tale is called "The Bandham
Mystery," and tells of the clever solu
tion of a baffling mystery. There are In all
a half score of well seleoted stories de
picting love and adventure tn many dimes,
from H. Rider Haggard's great serial of
South Africa to a short story telling of
the abductton of the innate of a harem
tn the orient. Qunter's comprises 160 pages
of illustrated fiction, including a depart
ment of burner. There are two aerial
stories and a complete novel In each Issue.
are real adventures of a real girl, who
telle her story to readers of the Com
ranlosi. This Issue is particularly rich In fic
tion, having rtor.les by Kllsabeth Stuart
I helps, Harrison Rhodes, Octave Thanet,
Nellie Mi-Clung. Margaret Sutton Briscoe,
and especially good stories by trying
Bacheller and Jullot Wllbor Tompkins.
The Important question of ewnlng or
rsntlng a home is discussed In a series
of articles on this subject, which begins
In the October number.
With Us double series of photographic
art studies and pictures of stage favor
ites, Its complete, novel, as well as a col
lection of short atorlea, essays and. arti
cles that make It one of the most at
tractive of the magaxlnes for the month,
the October Smith's Is sure to attract
more than usual ateatlun. The com
plete novel, "The Taming of Babotte," is
by Klmore Elliot Peake, and is decidedly'
the strongest piece of work ever turned
out by the author of "The Darllngtons"
and "The Adder's ftlng."
There Is a surprise In store for the pur
chasers of the October number of the
People's Mugazlne In the shape of a full
color art Insert In the front of the maga
slne. This full-color plate Is a care
fully made and artistic reproduction of
a noted painting showing Madame Emma
Calve In one of her favorite conceptions.
Carmen. An entire novel and nearly
twenty complete short stories form the
text portion of the magazine. TUU la
supplemented by thirty-two pages of
theatrical photographs printed upon fine
Ainalee's for October contains ten short
stories, the first half of a two-part serial,
comments on the drama and new books,
and several essaya and poems, all of 4
quality which should attract and hold
readers, old and new. Instead of the com
plete novel, the number has for its open
ing the l.rst Instalment of a aerial by
Edith Mucvane called "The Thorough
bred." The October number of 8crlbner'a Mag
aslne contains many articles of life and
adventure la the open, it has a fron.
tlspieo In colors, showing a Navajo fam
ily "On the October Trail;" William T.
Horuaday's adventurea In "The Wildest
Corner of Mexico;" Henry van Dyke's ac
count of the ruined city of Oerasa In tha
holy land; tha late Walter A. Wychoffa
description of revisiting one ot hit old
trails In the Rocky mountains; two short
stories of adventure, one about mountain
climbing In the Sierras and the other a
moose hunt in Canada; and a poem filled
with memories of Canadian rivers, en
titled "The OM Canoe," with a pleture by
Wyeth, Tha number ha a colored cover
designed by (JeorgV Wright I
Perhaps tha most delightful of ths many
good things tn the October St. Nicholas
is a sympathetic appreciation of "Lewis
Carroll: The Friend of Children," By
Helen Marshall Pratt, a pleasant com
panion pleoe to her narrative In tha Sep
tember St. Nicholas of "How 'Alice In
Wonderland' Came to be Written." Tho
sketch Is rich In anecdote and Incident of
this lovable man's boyhood and vouth
and of hla life at Christ church, Oxford,
where he did his work quietly and well
and made friends with, all tha chlldien
rouna. xne short
stories of the October
1 Issue are unusually numerous .,...
Among all the magaslnes the most notable 1 and for frontlKplece. there Is a reproduc
tion or a vnarmlng Dortra t - "At h.
sroarees during the present montns pas
been made by the Broadway Magaslne,
which appears In October under the name
of "Hamptona Broadway Magaalne," the
addition of the personal name being that
of Benjamin B. Hampton, editor and pub
lisher. Hampton's Broadway Magaslne contains
number of features of Importance, the
ehlef being the first Installment of "Ad
miral Evans' Own Story of the American
Navy." After taking the fleet around the
Horn, Admiral Evans returned to Wash
ington and recently formally retired from
active service. He has been spending the
Ptano," by Francle Day.
The best exposition of bungalow arehl.
tecture ever issued has Just been pub
lished la a new third edition of "The
Bungalow Book." It , contains a short
sketch of the history and evolution of
the bungalow, with Illustrations of ex
teriors and interiors af these beautiful,
artistic, cosy houses, In ens. one and a
half and two-story atylee, containing
from four to ten rooms, descrintlnna
estimated costs of each house, floor plana,
coxy oorners, nooks, mantels. buff ,.'
summer at Lake Mohonk, N. Y. There he j The value of the book Ilea In its practi
has devotad several hours a day to writing 1 callty; the houses Illustrated are real
this series of magaitne artlclea. A blog- t houses that have been built, some many
raphy of Admiral Evans la also appended, times. Octavo; 134 pages; 260 lllustra
wlth a letter from Theodore Rooaovelt aud(tlon": four colored plates. Published by
a noem by Rudyard Kipling. Another ar- Henry L. Wilson, Los Angeles, Cal.
tide of Importance Is Eugene P. Lyle's
"The Supreme Court. tn luese piping
times of politics, here Is one fog-clearing
article for the American people to read.
It Is a terse, homely account of the su
preme court. Its perbonnel. Its History, its
functions and Its ruiure. io American
voter ahould leave this article unread.
There are four other exceptionally Inter
esting articles; one by Lindsay Denlson on
newspapers, press agwnls. tainted news,
and trouble; one by James
H. Collins on "The Uusluess Woman;" a
humorous one by Porter Ewnoraon Browne
Tin Pan Alley," where all the popular
Amaslnar Increase In Theater
penses Im Last Twenty. Five
songs are "tnanuraciurea; u uno un mo
Saucing crate. Illustrated by very beautiful
yrupJ f igs
acts gently prompt
ly oiVtlie bowels, cleanses
he system ejjectuaUy,
assist one- m overcoming
habitual constipation
permanently. To get As
beneficial ejjects buy
the oemnne.
fioSriiTJP Co.
Nowadays there le a tendeney to have a
great part of the stage woodwork-doors,
Jambs, mantels, moldings, wainscoting,
etc. real wood Instead of painted Imita
tion, and this doubles or trebles the ex
pense. Though the scenery of an Interior,
if merely pslnt and canvas, oeets less than
an exterior, furnishing the interior may
make up the uffet-nce. The range of the
ooat of pre lo tion m wide, from U.ixo ttf
upward cf 1U0.0C). but the greater number
of plays are produced for letis thun $W,0w),
so far as scenery and properilca are con
cerned, diaries Frohman says the usual
cost of his drimatlo productions Is about
US.OI0, but plays like "Peter Pau." whlvh
cott something like $60,000, bring up the
A theater-goer need not be very old to
realise the tremendous advance that has
bten made In stage settings. My recollec
tion runs back to a melodrama called "The
World," which was, I believe, the first
spectacular melodrama produeed In this
country. It was first given in 1&81, and It
ran for years. Ita "thriller" was a raft
scene, a simple arrangement of a platform
resting on a In the center, with
wheels like tustors on tha four corners.
The raft was easily manipulated to give a
elrtkkng effect wf being toaaed about at
aea. There was a great fuss over the
fact that the company curried whole
carload of Us owa aovnery and thai the
cost of the production was IIS.). Com
pare this with the production of "Ben
Uur." which cost l!.uu. and requires two
trains of six and seven caie each to move
from place to place; Wl1b "T'e Prince vf
India," which east IIMt.OUO; rite. "The
Hound Vp," which coat toO.Ota). All of these
were produced under the direction) of ene
man, Joseph Brooks, aad give aa Idea ef
the advance that has been made in a
tittle mora than guarter of a century.
When one entera the realm ef musical
shows, the average .cost Increases grsatlx
v u u
P) (TO
We Must Get Out November 20th
4b f ' .VI
' J I
nT v V I
I ) :s V
J All our newest $-U, f-ii ami Suita, m the popular browns, smoke,
,"f elephant nnd olive shnuoa, made of pure wool ror-
;jc5 steds, oassimerea, perfectly tailored, 2, 3 and 4 but-
(Sa tons; fancy trimmed sleeves and pockets are all
fer sacrificed at the price of
You must see these swell new style Overcoats to appreciate thera. The
lot embraces all the new ideas in overcoat mak
ing. Not a one worth less than $20.00, many
worth $25.00; they go at
Pure worsteds and cassimeres, black and small stripes, flfl
$4.00 and $5.00 values. You can buy two pairs here I HrJ
Saturday at the price of one. They will o quick at. . .V
COv NIGHT, t k f
in m 19
TftOUSlL '
tmo. "tf
1 c
Wo Sell
Royal Blue $3.50
Shoos at $1.98
Soft and stiff, pure fur, latest
shapes; black, light and browns
the standard
$2.50 hat, Satur
day at
The greatest sale of Ladies' High Grade Furs ever held in the west commences Sat
urday morning.
$15.00 French shawl collar, of the best quality brook mink
ends, finished with ornamental heads and tails, chain for
fastener, lined with satin. Rich brown color. This warm
and serviceable fur on sale Saturday morning at $4.45
$3,50 Throw, brook mink, 95c
$5.00 Scarf, genuine Opos
sum, for $1.98
$10.00 Victorine Isabella Fox
for ..$3.15
$1,00 and $1.50 Cluett and
Monarch Shirts 49c
50c Overalls 29c
$1.00 Flannel Night Shirts
for 49o
50c President Suspenders 33c
15c Arrow brand Collars 9c
$2.00 Medicated Flannel
Underwear 69c
$2.50 Fancy Vests 98c
50c Work Shirts 31o
$1.50 Latnbsdown wool
Underwear 49c
15c Fancy IIoso 6c
50c Silk Handkerchiefs 17c
$2.00 all wool Sweater Jack
ets 89c
3B Gumma St.
because of the costumes, although the
amounts expended upon them are not so
groat aa the managers and the press agenta
would have us believe. It costs less to
put on a real comlo opera like "The Merry
Widow" or "Mademoiselle Modiste," In
which Frltxl Bcheff starred, or a straight
musical comedy like "The Ked Mill." than
It does to produce- one of the popular
Broadway muaical shows.
The production of such a show Is given
Into the handa of experts like Julian Mitch
ell, Ben Teal and Fred Latham, who spe
cialize in that kind" of work. Some ara en
gaged at a yearly salary In the neighbor
hood of tlO.OOO. Others get a lump sum of
from $1,5U0 to $3,000 for putting on a show.
Julian Mitchell usually tukra a percentage
of the profits. lie la regarded by the ma
jority, as the foremost stage director In
this country, so far as musical comedy Is
concerned. Usually he confines himseli to
general stage and chorus effects, leaving
the "business" of the principals to someone
One of the problems of the producer is to
arrange hia show so as to give the Chorus
time for changes of costume. In a built-up
show his chorus may change six or seven
times during the performance, and there
are seldom fewer than five changes. In a
comic opera there are usually only throe
ehanges. If the play Is modern, one of
these will be a walking dress that will av.
erage $75. which doesn't Include a J30 hat,
and about $7 worth of shoes, to say notn
tng of silk stockings. Then there arc two
handsomer gowns that range from J1S0 to
1356, the average being easily J'.'jo. Some
times a group of girls will wear toOO gowns.
Fur men as well as women the moat ex
pensive costumes worn In musical shows
are the modern ones. It costs more to put
a. man In evening clothes tnan In anything
else he ever wears on the stage. Tha av
erage Is about $123.
The minor principals usually have only
two changes, unless they buy dresses for
themselves, while the Btar Is likety to make
five or six changes, and her gowns average
about $400 each. Though tne bizarre cos
tumes don't coat so much as the others,
they mount up. There are the wigs, for
ono detail. They range from $10 to $15 for
the ordinary ones, up to $30 for tho pow
dered ones, und It is not unusual for a
group of girls to wear four different wig?"
In one production.
Many numbers are discarded afwr they
are all ready to go on ti.t etsge. For In
slsitre, "The Gay White Way," which was
practically a failure In New York, but a
great success elsewhere, was rehearsed for
three monthts. and numbers that cost more
than $1C',X0 to prepare were never even
tried In tho production as It was finally
given. Lee Shubert ordered ono set of cos
tume changes, simply because he doesn't
happen to like brown. His prejudice coat
sbout $1,5"0. Hartley Pavle in the October
Indiana Community Wrvnaht tp
Over Aptienrance of "trance
A pperlllon.
The Helmex neiehborliood, el(ht miles
northeast of Kemiallville. Ind., is wrought
up by the sppearance of a tall, headless
und armless ghost, robed In flowing white
garments. In nn oh! linuve known as the
Jncob Picket homestead, long since aban
doned For three nluhts In success'on the
ghi st liss been seen, the first time on
Saturday, when a party of boya were play
ghost lias been seen, the first time on a
Sunday, and again Monday night.
The first evening the S-yeai-1 son of
Henry ltockbarger was so badly frightened
that he fainted three times before hi
comrades succeeded In currying him home.
One of the other boys Is a son of Joseph
Welrlck and the others were three sons of
Kena Piesskey, all well known ' citizens.
The second night Ward Miller and Kurt
Deetz, two well known young men of Hi'
neighborhood, who had heard the I my
of the boys, went to the place, and they
in turn saw the apparition, and were s
badly frightened that Deetz did not stop
ui.tll he had reached his home, a ml.'
On the third night a posse of cltli'.ens
i f the Helmer neighborhood, prohably f.ity
Ktrontf. headed by William Klinesrnltli,
went to the haunted house to Bolve the
mystery of the stiango apparition, ami,
although they were armed, the appear
nco of the ghost struck termr to their
hearts, and they fled. Kilncamtlh was tlio
inly ono of the party who entered the
house, but he. too, failed to renKain hint;
enc.ugh to complete his Investigation after
tliu tshoHl appeared.
The lurid, nt lias aroused widespread In
terest, und khost part es are being fornvd
by a number of local people who proposj
to visit th e house una nlnht and
brave the ord, al of meeting the ghost.
So fur, no reason can tie assigned for the
upparance of t .e mysterious apparition,
as no unusual history is connected with
tho plaec, other thun that the house has
hi en abandoned for many years, and has
frequently been a shelter for tramps and
vagabonds. Indianapolis News.
TPaicdl tun IFiimII
Founded on the Great Play of Eugene Walter
This powerful novel carries the- drama beyond its stage limits to its natural conclusion with
episodes of equal strength and intenseness, portra3red with a master grasp of color and effect.
"Full of tens Interest and wonderfully thrilling." "Full of dramattr Interest Interesting tn, overy
Philadeluliia Evening Item. line." Pittsburg Dispatch.
"All the charm that attaches to the personals in "Thorouehly logical In development and conclus-
the play cllns to iham In the book." New York Ion. The character skett hlng la particularly good."
Times. Chaiienton News and Courier.
" W ritten with a vlrllty that engages the attention of the reader at tho start. So absorbing Is the story
thai one feels at tluieg as if lie would like to Join in the activities described." Boston Globe.
12 mo. Beautifully bound in cloth, stamped in gold. Illustrated from scenes in the
play. Sold everywhere or sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, $1.50.
G. W. Dilllrt0tiam Co., Publishers, New York