TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1003. 11 J NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Kii Marion Haller to Be Firtt of the Seaion'i Debutantn. 5UPTIAIS OF EDGECOMB-IXSSEL Curd Claba Bf(ia to Raoraraalae for Wlit.r'1 Mxtlat Mrt, Joel Wright, Jr., Entertains Laacacoa Partr. Otis of tha first of tha. eom!ng"-out parties of the autumn to ba announced la that to ba given by Mr. and Mra. Frank Haller for their daughter, Mire Marlon Haller, whose debut was postponed last year owing; to a bereavement In the family. Mr. and Mra. Haller will give a small dancing party In he gallery Wednesday evening. October 28. when the guests will be restricted to the younger act. EdgecomU-I.essel. A pretty wedding took place fhureday venlng at the borne of Mr. and Mra. J. O. I-essfl, when their daughter. Miss Corlnnt Ieaael, became tha bride of Mr. Bar! Edge comb. Preceding the ceremony the Lohen grin bridal chorus was aung aa a quartet by Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. E. F. Williams, Mr. Amca and Mr. Haverstock. At t o'clock tha bridal party entered to the stralna of llie Mendelssohn wedding march played by Mr. William Patten and Mr. Clarence Pat ten on violins, accompanied on the piano by Mra. Phillips. The ceremony waa per formed in the drawing room with a back ground of palms and ferns, Rev. M. B. HIgbee of Knox Presbyterian church of fi liating. . Miss Katherlne Powell aa mai4 of honor a-as the brldc'a only attendant and wore a dainty gown of white opera batiste Inaet with Valenciennes lace with white ribbon trimmings and carried pink bridesmaid roses. The bride waa charming In a gown at white silk mull made empire over white taffeta, with trimmings of point lace an yoke of spangled not. The white tulle veil waa held In place with white roses and a :rescent-ahaped pin aet with diamonds. Bhe curried a large loose bouquet of bride's ross. Mr. Harry Boise of Missouri Valley served aa 'best 'man. A small Informal re ception waa held for the wedding guests. Those present included only relatives and Immediate frlende. ' In the dining room, where refreshments were served, waa a pretty decoration of yellow roses, while In the ball red carna tions, red berrlea and asparagus fern were used In profusion. After a wedding trip to Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Edgecomb will receive their friends at their new home, 1618 Lake atreet, after November 1. At Happy Hollow. Mra. Joel Wright, Jr., waa hostess at a delightful luncheon Friday at Happy Hol low. The guesta were seated at tha large round table, which had a pretty decoration of red roses. The guosts Included Mra Fred Thorne, Mrs. Charlra F. Davis, Mra. Fred Ryner, Mra. Charles Woodland. Mra. Harry Duval, Mrs. W. B. T. Belt, Mra. F. J. Vetto, Mra. Frank Brown, Mra. J. W. Yonson. Mra. W. R. Kelly, Mra. J. R. Mo Donald, Mrs. Charlea McDonald, Mra. Ralph Moody, Mra. Lynn Kemper, Mrs. B. W. Christie. Mra. Howard Kennedy, Miss Cunningham, Mra. N. F. Harrlman and Mra. A. H. Fetters. Luncheon was fol lowed by bridge. Br Id are Parties. Mrs. John It Shary entertained at bridge Friday afternoon In honor of her slater, Mrs. Horhert Bell of flault Ste, Marie, Mich. The playera Included Mrs. Herbert Bell, Mrs. Benjamin Baker. Mrs. J. B. Langley, Mrs. E. E. Bryson, Mrs. J. F. Flack, Mrs C B Liver, Mrs Leo Qrotte, Mra. N. A. Miller. Mra C. -B. Coon, Mrs. L. Muser, Mrs. Walter Conant. Mra. Crumpaeker, Mrs. A. I. Root, ' Mra Harry Hayward, Mrs. Henry Wlndhelm, Mrs. Henry Rohr. The rooms were attractive with decorations of red and white rosea and carnations. Mlsa Ethel Tukey will entertain very In formally at bridge Friday evening at her home for Mies Connor of Burlington, la., guest of Mr. and Mra. A. J. Cooley, and for Mra. Ooodwln of Newcastle, Ind., who la the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Kennard. Dinner Partr. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Lynch entertained at dinner Thursday evening for Mrs. Anna Orant and Mr. Leslie McPherson of Haley, N. D.; Mr. W. J. Edenfleld of Vllliaea, la., and Mrs. C. A. Bran of Dawn, Mo. Red and white carnations were used for the decoration of the table. In addition to the honor guests those present were Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Mcriierson, Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. S'raln, Mr. find Mra. J. E. Rail. Mlsa Min nie Rail and Mr. Bruno Phlffer. , Dinner at Calhoun. Mrs. Wllflman waa honor guest at a dinner at Calhoun Wednesday, the party Suing there in automobiles. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart of Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mra. E. W. Hart of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mra. E. M. Fairfield, Miss Dainy Doana, Miss Dewey, Mr. Earl Gannett, Mr. O. C. Redlck, Mr. F.d George, Mr. Waro and Mr. Arthur Guiou. ' ' Luncheon Party. Mrs. W. II. EldriclRe entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon Thursday, blossoms and leaves being used for the centerpiece. Covers were laid for Mes- 'A rchard & Wilhelm 414-16.15 South 16th St. SHTURDHY Special In. the Basement. Enameled Rice Cooker (Like Cut) This Is a heavy en ameled cooker, Inset holds .3 quarts. The bottom compart ment can be used separate, niak lug a very handy kettle for all kinds of cooking. This cooker sells regularly for 75c, on sale Saturday, only, each, for. -40 30-lnch Grenadines, dainty side borders for Sash Curtains, glass In front doors, and bed room curtains. Sells at 35c and 40 per yard. Special Saturday, per yard 10$ ALL THE CARPETS. KVUS AND MATTIXQ USED AT THE AK. SAR-UE.V DEX WILL BE OX SALE MONDAY MORNING AT 8:30. dames Carl Ochiltree, Charles Weller, W. II. Wlgman, Dwight Wllllama, F. F. Por ter, A. J. Hunt of Arkansaa CTty, Kan.: D. J. O'Brien, J. Bryan, Frank Patton, Mlsa Minnie Collet, Miss Bauman and Miss Emily Wareham. taarnaante Clab. Mrs. Edward Boyer waa hostess Friday for tha meeting of the Charmante club, which met at the home of Mrs. Boyer'a mother, Mra E. H. Howland. The guests of the afternoon Included Miss Inea Man rid of Chicago, guest of Mlsa Howland, Miss Alice Bushanan and her guest, Mlsa Wells of Providence. R. I., and Mra McElroy of Vinton, la. Informal Affairs. Complimentary to Miss Josephine Roche of Denver, who ia the guest of Miss Edith Patrick. Mra. Earl Sterrlcker gave a small luncheon Thursday at 221 Capitol avenuo. Mrs. Benjamin Baker gave a small theater party Wednesday afternoon at Boyd's for her guest. Mrs. Crumpaeker and for Mrs. Herbert Bell, guest of Mrs. John Shary. FANCY SILKS TO BE MUCH WORN Retailers Have Taken Urge S applies from Recent Bis East era Bales. There la llttto doubt now that sllka are to be extenalvely worn thla fall and winter. Retailers are taking large, supplies, while tha wholesale house have been compelled to replenish stocks in a number of In stances. The aale of over 4,600 pieces of black, colored and fancy silks in New Tork last week at auction was another illustra tion of the popularity of silks, aa the entire offering was very quickly taken up. Re tail buyers bid against wholesalers for the goods offered and aa a rule got the lots they wanted. Taney silks are becoming more and more popular, especially In Per sian printings on satin grounds, cloth stripes In dark autumn ahadca, also In serge weaves. Jacquard weavea In coin spots, and self-colors. Ottoman weavea are alao prime favorites with the garment manufacturers for separate coats, and in all department stores. Black and colored chiffon taf fetas are twlng called for in larger quan tities by retallera, alao satins, satin crepes, messallnes, and other llnee of a similar character. Prlcea still show an upward tendency, due to the steady advance In raw silk prlcea. Silks are very fashionable in Europe and the roilla there have been taking larger supplies of raw material than usual. In many Instances American manufacturer have had to bid against foreign manufacturer, for supplies of raw material. NEW FASHIONSJN ' MANNERS Winter Bellas Mast Be Sonlfnl, Pos ing; Girls with Clasped ' Bands. There are fashions in manners aa well aa in clothes, and thoae delicate beings who catch the vibrations of conduct from the higher ether aa carefully as the wireless telegraph operator reada his message have Intimated that the era of the vigorous, rol licking girl haa passed. The belle of this winter must be a soul ful, posing girl, who can sit for an entire evening with her hands lightly clasped in her lap, and who moves only her lips in speaking, not using eyebrows, shoulders and hands. Several girls are working hard to acquire repose, paradoxical aa that aounds. With repose of manner haa come study of how to make the eyes expressive. A girl who baa millions, but not groat good looks, and who will bow in New Tork thla winter, brought an instructor from London Just to teach her to us her eyes and how to acquire the latest gait, an undulating kind of glide. MORE SIMPLE HAIR DRESSING English and French Dictator Have Decided on a Common Style. ' The English and French hair dressers have decided on a common style of hair dressing. There Is little marcelling and few puffa worn by the smart women in London and Paris. They are returning to the wide full bandeaux worn at either side of the head. The ears are well hidden under the new bandeaux. , Most of the women wave the hair fancifully and ele gantly over the forehead. They dreBs tho back low in a chignon arranged near the center of the head. A new Idea is to have a narrow velvet ribbon In blue or pink or green laced through the hair and tied Just baokr of the left ear. World's Tennis Champio. . Miss May Button of California, who, for the second time In her brief life has cap tured the championship of the world at lawn tennis, owns what la probably the most valuable collection of championship trophies in existence. The most prominent prise, says Harper' Weekly, is the tall gold vase. This cup, donated by the Marquess of Bute, Is val ued at 1500. It has been the subject of the keenest strife during ten years, and it waa not until Mlas May Sutton captured It three times In auccession that it finally found an owner. Th most desirable prise Is the Wimbledon championship trophy, won at the last International contest. This may be recognised by the handsome pedestal of ebony with silver markings in the center of the picture. Another Interesting prise around which SPECIALS Large Comfort Rockers (Like Cut) Substantially made and finished In golden oak, roll front seat, embossed back, sella at $4. SO, for Saturday, only, each $2.05 Bric-a-Brac Candle Sticks, Japanese Candle Shades. French Cabinet pieces, Ash Trays, Stelna, Tobacco Jars, Picture Frames and Mirrors. Sell regularly from 60c to 75c each, special for Saturday, only, each 39 is woven the shadows of romance, is the Cincinnati trophy, representing the Trl- state championship. After Mlsa Button had won thla three years In succession and was entitled to permanent possession. It mysteriously disappeared, and In spite of the efforts of local detectlvea no trace waa ever found of the handsome piece of silver ware. Consequently this Is lacking In the picture. It Is understood, however, that a duplicate Is now on Ita way to the one who la rightly entitled to It. Another Interesting missing trophy from the collection Is the Wimbledon gold plate, one of the most highly prised emblems In the English world. This never leaves the possession of All-English Tennis club, but the name of the American champion Is engraved upon It, In company with the names of the English women who have achieved the honor In years past. REVIVAL OF THE BANDANNA Varlona Old-Time Styles, Quaint and Beantlfnl, Coming Into I'M. There was a time, say B0 years ago, when red bandanna handkerchlefa were an article of extensive and common use. Middle aged and older men were In those days likely to carry a red silk bandanna. If not dally at least upon occasion, as on Sundays; and among what might be described aa old-fashioned men there were many who never carried a handkerchief of any other kind. It was a hsndkerchlef of this sort that was pictured with one comer of It hanging negligently from a coattall pocket of the stately gentleman who always appeared in frock coat; In tucking Its capacious folds Into his pocket that corner strayed out. It Was a handkerchief of this sort that was brought Into use when, as In the old phrase, the same stately gentleman blew his nose sonorously, this soft, voluminous and really luxurious handkerchief being a silk ban danna printed perhaps with a palm leaf pattern or with some geometrical or other design. For children there were provided many red cotton bandannas, while In the south red cotton bandannaa were commonly used by the slaves, by the women to tie around their heads, and there was silk bandannas, too, put to this use. No picture of an old time southern mammy would be complete around her hoad and knotted In front with around her head and knoted in front with the ends projecting on either side of the knot. Bo of the red bandanna handkerchief aay CO years ago, before the war, but after the war things were different. The red bandanna aeemed to have largely disap peared. There were, to be sure, still men who carried red bandanna 'silk handkerchiefs, as there ever since continued to be some; but still, after the war, the red bandanna largely disappeared, supplanted by white handkerchiefs of linen or of cotton, and white handkerchiefs have continued to rule substantially ever since. But In the last five years there haa been here a comparatively limited, but s'Ul grow ing revival of the old-time bandanna. In this revival. In which the use of them might be discarded as a fad, the red silk bandannas are mostly worn by younger people, both men and women. Women tie these gay handkerchiefs about their heads as part, of a bathing outfit. Men use them largely as handkerchiefs; a red bandanna tucked In the pocket of a white flannel coat giving an agreeable daah of color. Men wear them as ueck handkerchiefs, tied with a loose knot with flowing ends In front, and they wear them also on the tennis courts or on the golf links in place of a belt tied around through the belt loops. Again, women buy them In seta of three of which they make ahirt waists. Many of the red silk bandannaa now shown and these silk bandannaa are pro duced In varloua other colors aa well are very beautiful. Among the simpler hand kerchlefa are those found In various solid colors that are known aa diamond tie spots. Such a bandanna, which might be orange colored or green or lavender or red, has scattered upon It at regular Intervals dia monds of white where the silk has not been dyed. These white diamonds are made or left In the handkerchief by tleing the silk there lightly around, so that the silk under the tie can't be reached by the coloring when the handkerchief la dipped In the die pot. Then there are handkerchiefs with pretty patterns printed on the white silk in gray, giving a gray effect, half morning; and then there are the greater number of these handkerchiefs, the red bandanna, with de vices and patterns In a great variety of designs, all these other than those of the diamond tie spots being printed on the handkerchiefs from blocks upon which the design Is first drawn. BUTTONS F0R TRIMMING In Many Styles, Shapes and Blses, They Are to Be Kxtenslvely Used. Buttons are a favorite form of trimming; they are made In all shapes, sizes and ma terlal. Many of tho smart trotting skirts have tho front breadth trimmed with but tons of the material and buttonholes from the belt to the beginning of the plalte. -ven gowna of silk, satin, crepe de chine are trimmed with buttons of tho same ma terial. Far costlier buttons, made of en amel and porcelain, decorate handsome, gowns, while buttons made of silver and gold are setn. Passementerio buttons, which were de cidedly in vogue a few seasons ago, are now considered more modish than ever. They are especially pretty for a gown of green or navy blue. A model of laurel green aerge shows a line of large black passementerie buttons set at the back, at each aide from shoulder to hem. The only other trimming on this princess gown was a band of black satin at the wrists and collar. B!ack taffeta la considered a smart trim ming and Is used not alone on green and blue, but on delicate shades of pink, blue and white. The taffeta Is sometimes only used for collar and cuff, but it occasionally appcarB In a deep band at the bottom of the skirt. A new and pretty trimming for gowns of light shades and material Is a coarse white net cut Into widths to auit and dotted with pastilles of coarse threads. It la edged with narrow bands of the material of the gown. Scarfs play no less a role aa ornaments; they are worn to trim waists, aa girdles, sashes, etc. They are seen In all colors and made of every ma terial from heaviest plaids to softest crepe de chine. They are thrown across the shoulder, suggesting a Scottish shswl, now tied about the waist like an Algerian dan cer's .shawl, and draped Intricately, copy ing the Greek toga. They are trimmed with knota of the materlala. long, costly fringes, and with tassels made of silk and even with silver and gold threads. To Keep Blonsea Clean. The girl who believes In starting Christ mas gifts early should make a shirtwaist case to protect blouses that cannot be washed. These are made like a large envelope with the flap at the end. They should be of white Persian lawn or striped dimity that Is easily laundered. Cut the material In a long atrip, allowing for a deep flap. It should be large enough to. hold a waist without crushing even when the sleevea are stuffed with tissue paper. French seam the sides and finish the end of the flap with a scallop embroidered in white cotton. The only decoration Is put on the flap, which buttons over on the esse. It may have Just a monogram or three Initials, or can have an elaborate design In satin stitch and eyelet work. Some of the New Fnds. Button making la a fad, particularly with girls. Wooden moulds are bought and are covered to taste. Some are simply made up of cloth, others are covered with embroidery In rich designs. The latest Idea la to work the Initial or monogram on the button In self-toned floss or bullion. Butterfly handkerchiefs give excellent em. ployment In preparation for Christmas. The foundation Is a sheer fine handkerchief with a tiny hemstitched edge. Either one or several butterflies sre cut from sheer colored silk mull and applied to the linen. When they are worked In sets a different colored butterfly Is put upon eaoh handker chief. KsTaT In flam Cast. To make a pretty and toothsome break fast dish take thin slices of ham 'and fry them In butter, without removing the rims of casing. As the meat fries the casing cauaes the round allcea to draw up into cup shape, Plaoe in each of these meat cups a neatly fried or shirred egg. Serve them upon a warmed chop plate, garnished with bits of water cress, parsley or small nasturtium leaves. BOSTON'S . BAKED BEAN BILL Pate Vs Tea Million Tear for Millions of P.rnirtn of the Fav orita Delicacy. There was a noticeable scarcity of beans In Boston recently, due to the fact that last year's crop had become pretty well exhausted, while the new crop was late in arriving from the west. The wholesale price went up over $1 a bushel, therby greatly lowering the margin of profit on a 10-cent plate of this favorite dish. But there is no danger of a famine, as a plentiful supply Is assured for the com ing year. Beans will be much cheaper, , too, which Is cheerlnsr news for Boston. In that section of the market district where tho raw beans of commerce consti tute a large and important staple of trade, wholesale dealers In them say that the new crop, while not large enough to be classed aa an actual record breaker, is a good slied one, far ahead of that of 1907, which was very small. Boston draws the supply of raw mats rial for Its baked bean output very largely from New Tork, Michigan and California, so that this season's bounteous harvest In those three states means much to Boston, the great bean metropolis of the world, where the consumption of beans Is the largest on earth, running away .up Into the millions of quarts annually, with thirty five quarts as the estimated quantity eaten every year by each of the men, women and children making up the nearly 680,000 population. Five hundred thousand bushels of beans are received and consumed tn Boston each year. That Is equal to 16,000.000 quarts. But these figures are for the raw, un cooked beans. Tha actual consumption Is really double that, or 82,000,000 ouarts of baked beans'; for a quart of beans put Into the oven In Its pot will swell to such an extent during the process of baking that one quart will actually make two quarts In bulk. Taking the sale of beans by the whole sale dealers, the prices paid for them by people who bake beans In their own homes, the money put out by the bakeries and the big bean packing establishments that sup ply hotels and restaurants, and the price laid down for a plnte of them by those who Indulge their appetites In thla frugal fare In patronising the purveyors of baked beana at eating houses, and It Is figured out that the yearly baked bean bill of Bos ton is closely to $10,000,000. That seems like a pretty large sum, but It la considered a modest estimate of the amount of money that the Hub spends on baked beans every year. ' All the bakeries in the city turn out baked beana every day as part of their regular business, and In addition there are three or four establlshmenta devoted ex clusively to the business of baking beans, and on these very many hotels, restaur ants and quick lunch placea depend for their supply. One or two of these estab lishments put but 6.(100 quarts a week. The dwellers in Little Italy In the North End and the Jewish population of the West End take as largely and as kindly to baked beans as ever did a native son of New England, and they are large con sumers of this staple Boston article of diet. In fact, baked beans possess a charm for all nationalities who come to the home of them and get a taste of the genuine product. No matter from what country of the earth a man may hall, when he plants himself In Boston he soon becomes a loyal devotee of the bean pot. That is why the demand for baked beans Is con stantly on the Increase here and Instead of $10,000,000 Boston will ere long be spend ing $30,000,000 a year for beans. The preparation and baking of the beans Is an Interesting operation. In those es tablishments where beans only are baked It Is done on a huge scale. There are great kettles that hold two or three bushels A COMPLETE FOOD aker's Cocoa CA Highest Awards in J J Europe and America Registered U. 8. Fat. OlUcs A medical writer says : Baker's pure cocoa acts as a gentle stimulant, invigorat ing and correcting the action of the digestive organs, fur nishing the body with some of the purest elements of nutrition. Waiter Baker & Co., Ltd. Established 17S0. DSRCHESTEJt, WSJ. IS liberal Credit Cheerfully Given to All. 6Vi t t Exceptional Men's Suit Values Saturday we place on sale a special line of men's Fall Suits; every garment is well made and handsomely trimmed; without a doubt the best men's suit values ever shown in Omaha for the money. These suits cannot be dupli cated elsewhere under from $10 to Rfjj $12.50, special sale price starting I tsJUJ Saturday Very Easy Payment. at LI t Men's Fall Shoes Made of solid leather, in this fall's newest and latent lasts. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices rarige from $3.00 $ I 7 E on down to 10 t of beans and Into these they are put to soak and parboil. Then the pots, varying In sis from one auart'to two gallons, are ranged around on tables and filled from the big kettles for the ovens. The ovens In which the beans ara baked are huge brick affairs, glowing red with heat. The capacity of some of them is enormous, holding fully 2,000 quarts each. Filled with the loaded pots they present a sight well worth beholding. There floats out, when the oven doors are open, an odor so delicious that beside It the famed odor of Araby the Blest would seem like a cheap 10-cent perfume. At the regular baked bean establishments the beans are baked over night, removed from the ovens early In the morning and then loaded Into wagons for delivery to hotels, restaurants and lunch rooms in time for breakfast. Saturday Is the great day for beans at the bake shops. The demand is the largest then, the beans being ..anted for both Saturday evening supper and Sunday morning breakfast, although Wednesday Is also a big bean day, when large quanti ties are called for. Boston Globe. FATHER OF TEN IN SCHOOL Ashamed Because He Did Not Under stand the Studies of His Children, "If you want to catch Sergeant Hosey,' said the patrolman on the corner "you'll have to hurry. He'll be eating his dinner directly and then start for school. You can't miss him; he's as big as Bill Taft." The reporter and photographer entered the wide hallway of 862 West Forty-fifth street, New York- Three stairways Jutted from the hall. "Which one for Hosey?" the Janltress was asked. "Oh. the man who goes to school? Why, take the third. Say, will his picture be In the paper?" Cornelius Hosey, formerly a sergeant of police, retired three years ago with a pen sion. When asked about his going to school he did not consider It a Joke at first. "Well, It's a fact," he said finally. "I've studied grammar, chemistry, mathematics, English literature and history. I've passed the regents' examination on scme of these subjects, and none of my children can fool me." "How mnny children have you?" "Ten, that's all." The former policeman dropped weightily Into a rocking chair. He weighs exactly 300 pounds. "Five aro going to school now. It was that which started me to night school. When I was a' boy I had no chance to get an education. When tha older children'd come home evenings and study their lessons I began to be ashamed of my ignorance. They'd talk of hydrogen, oxygen and a whole lot of stuff. I said to myself: 'Hosey, If you ever get the chance to understand what your chil dren talk about here at nights don't let It go by.' "Well, sir, that chance came when the department retired me. I determined to get an education. Who knows? I'm not old yet. and I might become a lawyer. These night schools are wonderful, but the people dt not seem to appreciate them. Outside the curb is lined with loafers who eventually reach Sing Sing or a reforma tory." lijsey Is studying chemistry this season and taking a special course In European history and civics. Ha has a comprehen sive library, which Includes the works of Victor Hugo, Dickens, Scott, Macaulay, Swift and Shakespeare. "Another year of school and I hopa to be able to take up tha study of law," he said, "for I have proved that It la never too lata to learn." New York World. By using tha various aepartmsnta of Ths Be Want Ad Pages you (t Ut bast re sults at ths least sxpensa, & TARN AM STREETS, OMAHA. (The People r lrnltur and Carpet Co. BstaaUaaaa The Greatest Sale of Ladies' Tailored Suits We Ever Held See Onr Windows! See Onr Windows! Saturday we will place on sale a manufacturer's sample line con sisting of just 128 new fall suits one and two of a kind made in the very latest styles and of the mis. These suits are positively worth from $30.00 VV to $37.50: our special sale price, as lonir as. they J last; come early to secure the best Cash or FREE-A Lady's $10 Hat Every Day-FREE Every lady visiting our cloak department will be given a ticket free for the asking. No purchase neccessary. Names and numbers of lucky ticket is posted every morning in our cloak window, come in and get a ticket, you may be the lucky, one. Who can tell T Remember, the tickets are free. Men's Fall Dats In a large assortment of colors, in cluding the latest shades, in both soft and stiff shapes. Prices range from $3.50 on down g QQ Fa I MEN'S SUITS $5 to $25.60 MEN'S OVERCOATS 6 50 to f 24.60 MEN'S SHOES $1.50 to $5.00 MEN'S HATS $1.50 to $4.50 RIDGLEY'S 1 1417 Douglas St. We are showing the "New Forest Green9 AND "The "John B. Stetson" Hats D. EDWARD ZEISS 1504 Farnam St OMAHA, NEB. W. ' L. MASTERMAN &. CO. "THE COFFEE MEN " Retail Branch at Public Market, 1610 Harney Street Mocha Mixture 35c per lb., 3 lbs. $1.00 If Yon Want a Good Coffo Try this Brand Telephone Douglas 21-1 la 187.) newest mater- f , choice. t t t Credit t All Goods, Exactly As Advertised and Marked in Plain Figures 77 astaVMIMSal Bat "-.V (4. Mm RIDGLEY'S Free Sou venirs Free Souvenirs For weeks our store has been In the hands of workmen and decorators, remodeling and beautify ing the interior. We have planned to make this event an era In our business career. Tomorrow we bid all welcome to our newly, remodeled store. We have a larger and more complete stock direct from fashion's center. You can buy for the entire family and, if you haven't all the cash.- It's all right with us. "ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT." LADIES' 8UIT8 $7.60 to $45.00 LADIES' COATS $7.60 to $38.60 LADIES' SKIRTS $3.75 to $19.50 LADIES' WAISTS $1.00 to $8.50 ELmer beddeo. Mr. Moose" IN