Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Pages 1 to 8.
For all th Nw
Best tlT. West
Saner Feeling Prevail! at Immediate
Banger Point in Balkans.
People Realize War with Austria
Would Mean National Suicide.
Warships Under Command of Prince
Louis Leave Malta.
Formal Protest Made o Power
Avrnlnat Annexation of Two
Province by Auatrln-llunarury.
l.uXON, (Vt. 9 Servla, the Immediate
danger point In the Balkans situation. Is
palming down today and In this direction
the war cloud Is not so threatening as It
was yesterday. The powers, notibly Fiance
ind Great Britain, have warned the Eervlar
king to control his people, and saner coun
sels prevull In Belgrade, where it Is be
ginning to be recognized that war with
Austria-Hungary would mean national sui
cide. Austria-Hungary shows no serious
apprehension over the Servian ebullition.
Great Britain has dispatched a fleet to
tlio Turkish island of Lemnos, presumably
at the request of Turkey. The presence of
these vessels' n the Aegean sea will exert
a calming Influence.
Turkey has protested to the powers against
the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by AuHtrla-Hungnry, and the Turkish im
perial commissioner at Bofla has been In
structed to continue the discharge of his
duties, as neither the ports nor the powers
have recognised the Independence of Bul
garia. This may lead to some overt act
against the' Imperial commissioner. M.
Iswolsky, the Russian minister of foreign
affairs, has left Paris for London to con
tinue his efforts for the calling of the In
ternational conference.
British Warships Ball.
VALLETTA, Malta, Oct. I. The battle
ship Prince of Wales, flagship of Prince
Louis of Battenberg, the battleship Olory,
the cruisers Diana and Suffolk and the
torpedo boat destroyers Angler and Ban
shee sailed today for the Aegean sea.
Tlie squadron will be followed later by
the battleship Canopus and the cruiser
LONDON, Oct (.-The foreign office and
the admiralty havo confirmed the press
cablegram from Malta, saying that British
warships have been ordered to the Aegean
I' a,'u. It 1m evnlalnAff that thn vala r.
sent out simply to watch events, but It la
understood from other sources that Turkey
Intimated It would welcome the appearance
of the British fleet as likely to oalra the
population. "
Turkish Protest Forwarded.
Constantinople; Oct. .-The protect
of tits' porte concerning the annexation by
Austria Hungray of the occupied provinces i
of Bosnia and Herzegovina was dispatched
to the powers today. It la practically Iden
tical with the protest against the Bulgarian
declaration of Independence.
Doubt regarding the success of the pro
pound International conference persists In
Constantinople. The porte has Instructed the
Imperial Ottoman commissioner resident In
Bofla to continue his functions, as neither
Turkey nor the powers have recognised the
Independence of Bulgaria. '"
lawolaky Enroute to London.
PARIS, Oct. 9. The fate of the Interna
tional conference as a, solution of the Bal
kan crisis depends on the answer given by
Ciiut Britain to M..' Iswolsky, the Russian
minister of foreign affairs, who la pro
ceeding to London.''
Km uce Is confident that if a program
can be arranged a diplomatic way can be
found by which .Austria-Hungary will par
ticipate and that after this no difficulty
ned be expected. Germany and Italy are
now believed to be In direct negotiations
with Constantinople and Vienna. The recog
nition of the annexation of Bosnia and Her
zegovina would remove Austria-Hungary's
only objection to being represented at the
confer nee. France, while sympathizing
with Russia's desire to open the Darda
nelles to Jier warships, supports the Eng
lish view that the conference should be
limited to the regularlzailon of the exist
ing situation by obtaining compensation
for Turkey Instead of at her expense. ,
War Fever on Decline.
, BELGRADE, Oct. .-The war fever
among the people of Servla waa distinctly
on the decline today. The saner element of
the population gradually are obtaining an
ascendancy over the more excited polltl
ciana and patriots, who, during the past
few days, have demanded persistently the
Immediate udvance of the Servian army.
This morning many of the fire brands were
beginning to comprehend that an attempt
to measure swords with Austria-Hungary
would be equivalent to national suicide, and
th oposltlon Is slowly gaining ground that
Servian Interests probably would be best
served by depending on the Joint action of
the powers.
VIENNA." Oct. . -Official advices re
ceived here this morning declared that th
situation at Belgrade, Servla, Is Improving.
Th general excitement among Servians Ik
calming down. In Vienna the fears of a
war with Servla are noticeably less. Th
morning papers, however, warn Servla not
to play with th fire, aa Auatro-Hungary
will not stand any nonsense.
In spit of the official statement the dis
patch of river gunboats from Budapest In
th direction of Belgrade la only a maneu
ver, this action le believed here to b a
measure of precaution similar to the
guarding of the bridges near the frontier by
regiments of Infantry. The hope Is ex
pressed that this will make an Impression
oo Servla and prevent that kingdom from
precipitating hostilities.
eervlets .Ordered Out.
. BUDAPEST. Oct. ".-According to Infor
mation received hare the Servian reserv-
tsts have been ordered to Join th color
October 11. It la reported also that Servian
bands ar being formed and directions have
been given to guard the roads and bridges
on th Bosnian- frontier.
An explanation la being demanded of Bel
grade regarding th ' reported calling out
of th Servian reserve. In th meantime
Austria-Hungary has notified th signa
tory powers of the nacassHy adequately to
protect her frontier. Including that of Bos
nia and Herzegovina. Baron too. Aehre
thai, th foreign minister, tn view of the
mora paclflg tone of today's dispatches
tram Belgrade, Is nopaful that Servla will
"alreUs, (rasa further hostile action.
Saturday, October 10, 10".
sus: jvoy
2 3
9 10
16 1Z
23 24
30 31
TEE, Ufa 7m
- -
6 Z 8
13 14 15
20 21 22
2Z 28 29
it 12
18 19
25 26
VICINITY-Falr Saturday.
FOR NRBRASKA Fair Saturday.
FOR lOWA-Falr Saturday; warmer In
east portion Saturday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Ilcur. Dcg.
, 4-
, BJ
( !
Long-delayed annuities of Slsseton and
Wahpeton Sioux to be paid at an early
day, the rolls having been completed.
Par 1
Philadelphia celebrates founders' week
with a pageant of historical character on
elaborate linen. Page X
Foreigners sell their seourltles on news
of the disturbance In the east. Page 1
The Waterway congress at Chicago
adopted resolutions emphatically In favor
of carrying out the projects for water
transportation by the national govern
ment Page 8
British warships set sail for the Aegean
sea, carrying sealed orders, but It is un
derstood they go to the vicinity of the
Turkish island of Lemnoa. Pag 1
Chairman Hitchcock says the report
from the state chairmen of the west ar
favorable to the republicans. Pag a
Bryan spent yesterday speaking In Illi
nois. Pag a
Secretaries Root and Straus will make
speeches before the end of the campaign.
Page a
. Presbyterian synod of Nebraska
formally approves the plan for a great
Presbyterian university In Omaha.
Pag 3
A decision of the state supreme court
gave the nomination for coroner In Doug
las county to Oeorge H. Brewer.' Page 3
Live stock markets. 14 Pag 81
Grain markets. PagtSl
Stocks and bonds. Page 81
I Port.
La Lorraine.
.P. T. Wilhols
, Ualua,
new yohk - .
NW YORK...,.
I.I V K H POOl, Wntarnlanl
HAVRE. La Provaaoe.....
tOt'THAMFTONv Taatanle,
ULRBKC Ema. ot Inland.
MANCHRMTRR. ..Boatonlaa
, Menomlnae.
. Indiana.
Sensational Turn Taken In Inquiry
Into Panama Discrimination
NEW TORK. Oct. . The Inquiry Into
the Panama canal discrimination charges
was temporarily interrupted in a sensa
tional manner today when William A.
Brothers, who brought the charges, pub
licly accused Spencer Miller, a representa
tive of the Lldgerwood company, of per
jury. Brigadier General Garllngton, who Is
conducting the Inquiry, rapped repeatedly
for order, but there was so much commo
tion 1n the room for a time that he could
not make himself heard. "There Is only
one side of this thing . being heard any
way," shouted Brothers over the din.
"There Is no use of my talking. You don't
want to hear the truth. I will withdraw."
With that Brothers left the room and
General Garllngton was unable to restore
order a temporary adjournment of th In
quiry waa ordered.
The Inquiry by General Garllngton, In
spector general of the army, has been 1n
progress In the army building here for
several days. It was begun for the pur
pose of looking Into the merits of the
charges of discrimination by the canal com
missioners In awarding a contract for
cable way on the isthmus, which had
been preferred by Brothers. Mr. Brothers,
who is president of th Balanc Cable
Crane company of New York, alleged that
th canal commission In Issuing specifica
tions for the contract discriminated against
his company and that Improper methods
had been employed In preveutlng him from
receiving the award.
Mr. Miller, who Is chief engineer of
th Lldgerwood company, waa on th wit
ness stand yesterday and he was recalled
when the Inquiry wn resumed today. He
had told of being Informed when ' on a
visit to Panama that bids were to be
asked on the cableways on the Gatun locks.
"Did you ever offer me any money aa
security for the use of our patent towers!
asked Brothers.
Mr. Miller said:
"There is a lawsuit now pending be
tween the Lldgerwood company and a
party who bought a plant from the Bal
ance Cable company and I have been croae
examined by attorneys for Brothers for
five day, and I cannot go further. I re-
fuaa unleaa ordered by th oourt to answer
any further questions asked by Mr. Broth
"Then only on side of tb case Is to b
heard." said Mr. Brothers. "I withdraw
from the meeting until summoned. Only
one side ot It Is being heard, anyway."
"Keep quiet." shouted General Garllng
ton. "you cannot make Indiscriminate
charges here."
As Brothers walked away from the table,
he turned back to General Garllngton. "I
want 1t to appear on the minutes that I
oharg th witness with perjury," he said.
"I will submit a written statement notify
lug you of th position I take and I want
It to go on the record."
Tuwn ot Tall Destroyed.
MANILA, Oct. (.Reports from tb prov
Ince show that th typhoon which pre
vailed last Bunday Inflicted eons'.derabl
damage. Th new town of Jaft on th
Island of Bamar ts said to bav been com
pletely destroy dj
f. 9 a. m. .
( V- 111 t. m..
T- T r s p' m"
fTs 5 P. m . .
7 p. m. .
8 p. m..
n. m..
Corporation Will Ask Half Million for
Presbyterian School.
Judge Howard Kennedy la Mad
President and Locution for Build
ing Hub Been Selected In
North Omaha.
A long step toward the realization ot
plans for the Un.versity of Omaha, Includ
ing Bellevue college, was taken Friday
when the university corporation was or
ganized and Incorporated and announce
ment was made the university hoped to
raise 1500,000 to start It off. With a site
practically located in North Omaha th
move toward the raising of this fund was
given an .Impetus.
The c.tlzt'iis of Omaha will be asked to
donate Saw.OOO of the half million by popu
lar subscription, the other i'SOO.OiO to be
raised by the corporation. Tne Prc-sbyte-rlati
state fynod In session at Wayne has
given Its endorsement to the project and
commended the formation of a big Presby
lerlun unlvcrslly In Omaha.
The articles of Incorporation were filed
late Friday afternoon with the county dork.
Under the law a unlveislty corporation Is
requited to show by appraisers It ha at
least $5,000 worth of property before Its In
corporation becomes effective. To estimate
the value of the property Judge Leslie ap
pointed H. H. Maynard, C. S. Hayward,
W. T. Graham, O. C. Redlck and A. A.
Lamoreaux as this board of appraisers.
Judge Howard Kennedy has been aMetted
president, W. T. Graham secretary and
David W. Merrow treasurer of the Incor
poration during Its early existence. The
board of trustees appointed to serve during
the formative per:od are In three classes,
the terms of each class expiring at Inter
vals of a year.
First Board of Trustees.
The list of trustees Is not complete, but
as It appears In the articles of Incorpora
tion it Is as follows:
Term expires June. 1909: Rev. R. B. A.
MePrlde, C. M. Wilhelm, Rr. E. H. Jenkw,
David W. Merrow, Robert Demrster, Judge
Howard Kennedy, Frank Keys, Rev. D. 10.
Jenkins, Henry Y Maxwell, Rev. W. 8.
Fulton. J. D. HaHkell. Dr. W. S. Glbbs, C.
F. MeGrew, Albert Lamoreaux.
Term expires June, 1910: Judfte A. L.
Sutton, Rev. William E. Kearns. Dr. S. W.
Stookey, Dr. H. II. Miynird. William
laird. Rf-v. Jnmes H. Snlshuiy. W, T.
Graham, Dr. H. V. McClanahan, Nathan
Merrlam, H. B. Stouffer, 1L H. Baldrlge,
John R. Webster.
Term fin res Juno. 1911: C. S. Hayward.
Frank W. Judon, Dr. W. O. Henry, Dr. J.
H Vance. H. J. Hughes, David Cole, Oak
C. Redlck.
Executive committee: C. S. Hiyward, nr.
Edwin H. Jenks. W. T. Graham. C. F. Me
Grew, D. W. Merrow, H. E. Maxwell. Dr.
W. 8. Glbbs. J. R. Webster, Dr. J. H.
Vance, Judge Howard Kennedy.
The general purpose of the university Is
set forth in one paragraph of the articles:
Th.- object of this cornoratlon shall be to
SHti'Diisn, enaow, conduct una maintain a
university frr the promotion of sound learn
ing and education, such as Is usually con
templated In colleges and universities, un
der such Influences as will lead to 'he high
est type of Christian character arxt citizen
ship, with the bible as supreme authority.
Me Kua Been Cliouon.
The-latest plan ts to locate. the college
proper on the Kduntse and Redlck tracts
In the northern part of the o'.ty, and look
ing toward success of this plan some money
has been paid down on the Redlck tract.
The exact location will be between Pink
ney and Pratt streets and between Twenty
second and Twenty-seventh streets. The
Kountze tract Is east of North Twenty-
fourth street and the Redlck home property
west ot Twenty-fourth street Is also In
cluded In the deal. It Is proposed to use
the Redlck home for an art gallery and
dormitory and the amount of land which
goes with the home will be close to nine
acres. As an assistance to the University
of Omaha, Mr. Redlck has cut the price
asked for his property for years, over
$10,000 which the university trustees con
elder the same as a gift to the Institution
of that amount.
Athol-Borle (Tut-Off Completed and
Work In Nebraaka to Bo
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. . (Speclal.)
Kllpatrick Bros. & Collins today turned
over to the Union Pacific railroad company
the completed grade of the Athol-Borle
cut-off, and will at once ship their big
grading outfit to other points where Union
Pacific contracts are to be fulfilled.
About fifty per cent of the grading ma
chinery la to be sent to Superior, Sweet
water county, where the big tipples of the
Union Pacific Coal company must be moved
from the government ground, on which
they were built by mistake. About lOO.Ouo
yards of excavating must be done at the
location to which the tipples are to be
moved. The Improved location of the Su
perior tipples is about the most expensive
mistake Union Faclflo engineer have made
In recent years.
The remainder of the Kllpatrick grading
outfit Is to be shipped to Oshkosh, Neb.,
where the Union Pacific will begin the ex
tension of Its North Piatt valley line up
the river Into Wyoming. Definite Informa
tion concerning this work cannot be
obtained, but It Is understood grading is to
be pushed throughout the winter.
In addition to the Superior and Oshkoah
work, Kllpatrick Bros. & Collins have an
other large Union .Pacific contract the
grading for a double track between
Granger and Green river, a distance of
thirty miles. Thl work is progressing
steadily and the double track will be In
operation be for th end of the year.
The completion of the Athol-Borle cut-off
means that In a short time freight ship
ments from the northwest to Denver and
other southern points, and vie versa, will
not pas through Cheyenne and will go
around Instead of over Athol hill, at the
present Urn the steepest grade on the
Union Pacjflo system. Th cut-off Is less
than a dozen miles In length but Is one of
the most Important built by the Union Pa
State Will Assist la Prestation at
Alleged Rioter at Springs
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Oct. The state of
Illinois has taken a hand In the Spring
field riot casea. Failure to secure convic
tions in. the cas against Abe Raymer
charged with murder and later tried for de
struction of property resulted In plans be
ing made for th co-operation between the
office of state's attorney and attorney gen
eral of the Stat for mora vigorous proae-cutton-
Attorney General Stead Instructed
Assistant Attorney General Mansfield to
aid State Attorney Hatch In the prosecu
tion of Erneat Humphrey, another alleged
mob who waa placed on trial today for
mailcloua dastrucUon of property.
"You re the ONLY girl
From th Washington Evening Star.
Major McLaughlin Has About Com
pleted Roll of Sioux Entitled to It.
Come from Annuities Withheld from
Those Who Participated In the
Massacre In Minnesota and
Northern Iowa. , s
(From a Staff Correspondeivt.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. sWflipeclal Tele
gram.) Major James .McLaughlin, In
spector of the Indian service, :s In Wash
ington after an absence of nearly three'
months, during which time he has been
gathering data to moke up the rolls of the
descendants of the Sisreton and Wahpe
ton Sioux who participated In the so-called
Minnesota massacre In that state In August
and following most of the year of XWl
The governm3nt for years has been hold
ing moneys of these Indians, keeping It sb
penalty for the crimes committed by their
forbears back In the sixties. At the last
session of congress nn act was panned to
authorize the location and pro-rata pay
ment to these Indians or rather their de
scendents wherever found of the money so
long withheld from them. Major McLaugh
lin said today that there were In round
numbers about 4.400 Jnd'ans who will be en
titled to a share In the distribution which,
after deducting the attorney fee, amounts
to $700,000.0,:0 or about a per capita payment
of $160. The Indians who will come under
this disbursement are located In Nebraska,
North and South Dakota, Montana and
Minnesota. There are about sixty now liv
ing on the Santee reservation Irv Nebraska,
but the great majority now live on reser
vations In North and South Dakota, with a
scattering few In Minnesota and Montana.
Major McLaughlin expects to have his re
port completed for submission to Secretary
Garfield within the rjext two weeks.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa, Bennett,
route 1, Clarence F. Toms, carrier; Henry
L. Warner, substitute. Castana, route 4.
Samuel 8. Snyder, carrier; M. A. Snyder,
substitute. Maynard, route 1, John D.
Blng, carrier; James C. Lewis, substitute.
Soldier, route 1, Leroy Larson, carrier; Os
car Solberg. substitute. South Dakota,
Mansfield, route 1, Frank E. BUbee, car
rler, C. L, Evans, substitute. Peter J. De
beer appointed postmaster at Stout, Grundy
county Iowa, vice C. J. Schroeder, resigned.
Supremo Court Affirm the Decision
of District Court la th
Crosby Case.
LINCOLN, Oct. . Speclal) By the ac
tion of the upreme court, . George H.
Brewer of South Omaha become the re
publican nominee for coroner of Douglas
county over W. C. Crosby.
The court has handed down Its decision
In the caae affirming the decision of the
district court of Douglas couty.
When the canvassing board's returns
showed a majority of two votes for
Brewer and three votes for Crosby re
turned without the signature of the elec
tion Judges Crosby contested, carrying
the fight to th district court upon the
decision of the canvassing board nfet to
admit the three unsigned ballots. The
district court sustained the action of the
board and Crosby went directly to the
supreme court, whose action Is final.
Make Campaign Speeches In South,
eastern Kansas to Big
COFFEY VILLE, Kan., Oct. . Governor
Charles E. Hughe of New York Invaded
the Standard Oil tank farms In southeast
Kansas today and urged the crowds ot
workmen employed In the refineries to
vote for the defeat of Mr. Bryan.
"I want to tell you worklngmen not to be
influenced by false promises or catch fancy
schemes when you cast your votes next
month," said the governor.
Leaving, Governor Hughe prepared to
speak before a crowd of zlno miner at
Webb City tonight Tomorrow morning at
T o'clock he will go through BL Lot! la with
out speaking ther and mak atop tn
Illinois to close hi tour through th mid
dle wt at Chicago la U evening,
mKmmm, ws
I ever loved -but I can't keep telling
Names of Those Who Give One Thou
sand Dollar to the Cam
paign Fund.
NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-Tho democratic na
tlonal committee Is preparing to announce
next week the amount of Its campaign fund
and the Individual contributions of amounts
of $100 and over and the lists, which have
been computed to date and sent here from
Chlccgo, show that the campaign fund Is
a little over $220,000. . Of this fund some
thing ever $180,000 ha been collected from
contributors, which, with $42,000 of the
Denver convention fund" Is the total fund
now in Vhe. tlnnr- jratta treasury., .--
It Is learned It day that there have been
fourteen Individual contributors of $1,010
each ' and eighteen contributors of $500
each. Thffe have been no contributions of
sums between .$1,000 and $600 to date. The
Denver headquarters of the national committee-
has collected $8,000, which Is said
tr Include a check of $1,000 from former
Senator William A. Clark of Montana. The
smallest contribution received was 1 cent
which came In the mall from Monroe.
Wash. The larger contributors to th cam
paign fund are aa follows:
Delancey Nlcoll, New York City. $1,000:
Jacob Ruppert, New York City, $1.0C0; Na
'han Strauss. New York City, $1.2t0; Na
tional Democratic club, New York City.
t!.500; W. F. Sheehan, New York Cltv.
(LOW; Archibald McNeil, Bridgeport, Conn.,
tl.nno; Guy B. Tucker. Little Rock, Ark
?1.nn0; M. F. Dunlap. Illinois. $1,000 Roger
Sullivan, Chicago, JU.OOO: ferry Belmont,
New York City. $1,000; Robert L. Owens,
Oklahoma, $1,000; J. J. Hogan, LaCrosse.
Wis., $1.0); E. O. Wood. Flint. Mich.,
$l.0: fl F. Gnltra. St. Iouls, $1,000; Moses
C. Wetmore, St. Louis, $1000; Norman E.
Mack, Buffalo. N. Y.. $1,000.
Captain and Seven Men Saved After
Perilous Tim In Small
NEW YORK, Oct. 9. After having aban
doned their sinking vessel and passing four
days in a small o;-en boat on a storm
swept ocean. Captain Charles V. Hines
ard the crew of seven men of the Balti
more schooner John A. M.tthesen, wore
brought here today on the steamer Semi
nole from San Domingo. The Mathesen
sailed from Baltimore August 25 for For
tune Island. On September 10 It ran Into
a terrific northeast hurricane, which con
tinued for three days. The schooner's
masts were whipped out of It, Its small
boats were smashed and It began leaking
so badly that the pump availed nothing.
Fortunately ther waa a txton-foot boat
In the vessel's cargo. This was equipped
with provision and water and the eight
men managed to get away. For four days
and night the little craft was tossed
about. Then the 8mlnole, bound south
from New York, hove In sight, took them
on board and carried them to Turk's Islarl,
where they remained until the Seminole
returned enroute to New York.
Omaha Man Implicated la the Mar
holltown Bank Case la
der Arrest.
MARSHALLTOW... Ia., Oct. ".-(Special
Telegram.) A telegram received today from
Minneapolis says Edward L. Collins of
Omaha Is under arrest In Philadelphia on
a charge of embetxlement. Officers here
have so far received no notice of the ar
rest. Collins has been wanted here since
last winter in connection with th failure
of the Green Mountain Savings bank, of
which Dr. Stuart B. MacDlurmld and
Donald A. Johnson, both of Omaha, were
president and -cashier, respectively. An
Indictment was returned against Collins,'
charging embezslement. Sine then of
ficer have been searching for him. Collins
was a director ot th bank. It 1 charged
he took twenty -one certificate of th
Institution signed by MacDIarmld to th
east for th purpoa of negotiating them.
Later eighteen of th twenty-one missing
certificates were returned. The source
from which they came never waa divulged.
Ex-Member of Cleveland' Cablaet
Will Talk.
CHICAGO. Oct. .-Hoke Smith of Georgia
conferred with National Chairman Mack
today and arrangement were made to have
the former aaorotary of th Interior In Pres
ident Cleveland's cabinet tak the stump
during tb rst of tn campaign.
you so ALL the time."
Takes Two Members of Democratic
Committee Out of Spotlight.
Berge Balk oa Going; on the Stump
for Bhallenhera-er and Will Be
Given Date In State
Other Than Nebraska.
(From a Stsff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN.' Oct. . (FpoclaU-Tnrn Allrn,
chairman of Mr. Bryan's political party,
has pulled off another side-stepping stunt
up to the standard of Mr. Bryan's man
agers. He has quietly put his executive
committee on the shelf. He did this be
cause objection had been made to two nr
three members of the committee, as their
calling did not square with some of the
things Mr. Bryan Is talking about. In place
of the first committee he has named thes3
men.: H. L. Wells, West Point; C. E. Fan
ning, Omaha; Nell Mapes, Schuyler; Joseph
G. Beeler. North Platte; G. W, Potts, Paw
nee City; James T. Brady, Albion; E. H.
Cox, Bladen.
The naming of this new executive com
mittee puts the gaff Into Harry Hayward
f Omaha and John Mattes, Jr., of Ne
braska City, and puts -It there hard. Of
coucse Mattes was named for a member of
the original executive committee as a con
solation prize, after his defeat for the
nomination for secretary of state. Then
came the protests over the selection of
Mattes and Hayward.
Tom Allen had his ear to the ground. He
was asked today why he fired Hayward
and Mattes from the executive committee.
"They were never on the committee" he
said. "They belong to the committee on
organization. They still belong to that
committee. I have Just appointed an ex
ecutive committee. We have two commit
tees entirely separate and distinct."
As a matter of fact Allen wanted the
help of Hayward and Mattes, but when It
came to standing for them when the spot
light was turned on, he calmly gave their
committee the name of the "Committee on.
Organization" and named another executive
committee which will have nothing to do
but take the blame or reap the reward of
the work of Harry Hayward of Omaha and
John Mattes, they have been removed In
"name only."
Serve Will Not Stump State.
After belnr forced to violate his oath
and decline the nomination for governor
at the hands of the populist party, Georgo
W. Berge will not campaign Nebraska in
the interest of his successful competitor.
He' will leave tomorrow for a tour of Wis
consin, Ohio and Michigan and speak In
the Interest of the national ticket, the
hoad of - which' has caused him so much
humiliation. But he will not stump Ne
braska for Mr. Bryan or for Mr. Shallen
borgcr. He will be gone until almost elec
tion time.
The Bryan committf expected Mr. Berge
to get out In Nebraska ar.d explain to the
populist and progressive democrats that
the disfranchisement of the populists was
the best thing for them; they expected
Berge to be able to line them up for the
state and national tickets. But It Is very
evident Mr. Berge has got enough. After
the exposure of the stacked hand they
dealt him In tho fight over ths nomination
the fortner Idol of the pop la said to have
lost considerable of his fire and ginger and
th committee could not Induce him to
liven up and stir the breezes for Mr. Bhal
lenborger. But Mr. Borge had no desire to
be ugly In the matter, so he I leaving
the state. The progressive democrats and
members of the populist party who know
Mr. Berge ha not received a square deal
from the democratic manipulators may have
an Idea why he s going.
Cadet Dies Suddenly,
KEARNEY, Neb, Oct. fSpeclal Tele,
gram.) Harry Hull of Knrampment. Wyo.,
cadet at the Kearney Military academy,
died suddenly Thursday from hemorrhage
of the brain, having been sick twenty ruin.
uts. Hull had spinal meningitis two years
ago and his death Is supposed to be the re
action. Davenport Maa fcleeted.
COLTMBVS. O., Oct. .-Albert Hawley
of Davenport, la., waa today elected grand
secretary-treasurer of ' th Brotherhood of
LoeontoUv Firemen and ET-g tntmea
Republican Candidate Will Spend
Three Days Next Week in Ohio.
Addresses to Be Made in Louisville,
Chattanooga and Richmond.
Judge Will Be Guest of President
Roosevelt October 18.
After Speech at Baltimore Meat ol
Week Will Be eat In Indiana
and Ohio Final Week In
New York.
CINCINNATI Oct 9.-Jude W. II. Tut
and President Roosevelt will havo a con
sultation In Washington, where the candi
date will spend Sunday, October IS. In ar
ranging his program It was found more
convenient than otherwise that the Sunday
In question should be spent In the natlonnl
canltal and probably much of that day
will be spent at the White House. Aflet
the three days In Ohio, Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday of next week. Judge Taft
will turn his attention to the south for the
remaining three days of tho week. The
Ohloan lot It be known today that he wn
In no sense "chasing rainbows" In his In
tended tour of the south, but had hereto
fore made promises that should he go on
tho stump he would spoak In certain south
ern cities. He will l-.eep theso promises.
They Include speeches at Louisville, Ky. ;
Chattanooga, Greensboro, N. C, ond Rich
mond, Va. The Richmond meeting will
take place on Saturday night nrd at Its
conclusion Ihe Taft spt-clRl will mnki for
Washington to remain until Monday
It hns been decided that Newark. N. J.,
shall hnve the candidate f r a noon meet
ing Mondny. the 19th. after which he will
return to Paltlmore and thence west again,
speaking the next day In western Maryland
then devote October 21 to Ohio and the
svicrvpd'rg three days' In Indiana.
He may make one speech In Chicago nt
the conclusion of his canv tss of the Hooslcr
stato and arlve the riM'"ili'r of the cam
paign to New York City and state. rlosliiK
his work on the night of November 2 at
Youngstewn, O.
Mr. Taft admitted that he slept a solid
twelve hours last nlirht. His voice today
had again regained Its natural condition
and he expressed himself as feeling entlrelv
rested from his trip and anxious to proceed
with tho work yet to be done. He devoted
tho day to the details of this work and
saw no one of political prominence,
A. I. Vorys, who will accompany the
candidate on the remainder of his cam
paign tours, left her.i for Columbus tonight
and will return Sunday.
Registration In Cleveland Fall Be
low Record.
CLEVELAND, Oct. 9 Tho second day'i
registration li Cleveland shows much
apathy. Approximately the number wai
2.1,540, making a grand total for the flrsl
two days of this year of 40,703. The total
registration for the first two days lust
year was tiG.SSl. The registration on tho
second day last year was 30,(11. Two days
yet remain In which voters- have the right
to register. Election offlcluls asserted to
day that the entire total this year would
not run over 85,000 or 88,000. The grand
total A year ago was 93,01:1 and In 1B04,
when President Roosevelt was elected. It
waa 84,819.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 9. That interest In
the coming congress ts becoming more gen.
eral In this city was shown In yesterday's
registration of voters. The total number
of citizens who registered was 27.420. which
was nearly 3,000 less than the second day
last year, but 0,000 more than In 1904. The
total registration for the two day of thl
year Is 03,329, against G1.S09 in 1904.
This 1 Mfne Constressnian Sher
man Bring.
ALTOONA, Pa.. Oct. 9. -"Everything
looks like Taft," was the message brought
from the west to tho east by James 8.
Sherman, who passed through thl city
today on his way to Philadelphia, after a
stump speaking tour through Illinois, In
diana and Ohio. "There la not the slight
est doubt that Illinois will roll up a tre
mendous vote for Taft. Indiana will surely
be carried by the republican. Her favorite
son, William H. Taft, will carry Ohio by
a splendid majority and Governor Harris'
majority will be pretty near a record
Secretaries Root and Strau Will Take
the Stump.
NEW TORK, Oct. (.-Th republican
state committee, after consultation with
members of the national committee, ha
arranged for the meetings at which Messrs.
Taft and Sherman will speak In New York
state. Arrangements, moreover, have been
made for speeches by men of national
prominence, including two members of the
cabinet, Mr. Root and Mr. Straus. Vice
President Fairbanks has been assigned to
New York stato for a few days.
Report from State Chairmen ia West
A re Favorable.
CHICAGO, Oct. (.-National Chairman
Hitchcock said today that th report
which ht had received from state chairmen
In the west were now coming In and that
they showed In every instance improved
condition In tho republican rank.
Mr. Hitchcock said that Mr. Taft would
spend October 15 In Kentucky. The national
chairman la working out the details ot Mr.
Taft's trip through Ohio.
WIkbIus' Home Near Emerson.
EMERSON. Neb.. Oct." 9. (Hpeclal Tele
gram.) T. D. Wigg ns, who committed sui
cide at the I'nlon hotel In Oniahu, Is re
ported to seven miles north ft Emer
son. He Wtiit to Oniata Wednesday
dressed us The Bee dt s n ed in the account
of h e death, suylrg he was girg to attend
the funeral of his brother.
Drat)! Dead nt III Work.
FORT DODGE, la.. Oct. .-(Special Tel
egram.) While unloading a wugon at the
lumber yard In thla city this afternoon
William A. Smith dreppmi dead front heart
fail ore.