The Omaha Daily Bee OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER - 9, 1908 TWELVE FAGES. e VOL. XXXVI II NO. 97. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. n. 1 T ) BRITONS AKE-rV0MY Pessimistic Feelinj Pre Lon- don Orer Balkan Prk. NEW COMPLICATIONS V Movement of Cretans and Se. Delay Negotifttioni. ' DEMONSTRATIONS IN BELGRADE 0 saaeaanMnuBa) Subject of Kinsr Peter Clamor for War. AUSTRIA DRAWS WRATH OF MANY Turkish Government neporled to Hit lent. WarshlMi to Samoa to 4se1l Hebelllon. Albania Revolt. BUI.I.ETIW. BKRLIN. Oct. 8 It la reported her that Arnauta of Albania Uav declared their In dependence of Turkey. The rumor, how var, lacka confirmation. . LONDON, Oct. 8 Mora pesslmlstlo feel ings prevail here today with retard to the poaalbl early settlement of the near cast em queattnn. The demands of the Cretana for annexation to Greece and the protest of the Servian government against the an nexation of Boanla and Hersegovnlft have Introduced further difficulties. These, It Is believed, win aaeuredly be finally over come by the British government, but thoy re delaying- the negotiations. Great Brit ain has no objection to the annexation of Crete, to Greece at the proper time If the Cretans no desire, but It considers that the moment chosen to bring about this chango Is Inopportune and It will oppose It. With regard to Bervla the Foreign office has Just received the Servian note of pro teat and has not had time to consider It. Brrvla, like the other Balkan states, haa Just cause for complaint, but British offl rlals do not take a serious view of the re ported threats of precipitate war between fk-rvla and Boanla and Hersogovlna. Servians Clamor for War. -VIENNA, Oct. 8. Information has reached the government - that Bervla Is planning the organisation of a guerilla war fare In Bosnia and Heraegovlnu. It la pro-, posed to flood tbeae two provinces with armed bands. . Austria Is taking precautionary steps to protect Its frontier. The railroad tunnel near the fortress of Peterwardeln, In Hun gary, ta now held by troops. BELGRADE, Oct. 8. The olamor for war with Austria-Hungary because of the oc cupation of Bosnia and Hersegovlna is growing here constantly and scenes of wild enthusiasm are being witnessed tn the streets of Belgrade. This morning a mob of demonstrator forced Its way to the precincts of the palaoe ad demanded tee King Peter. The, crowd wni'so ' tfreaf that troops and gendarmes finally had to be called out. Warships Beat to Samoa. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct 8. The procla mation of the union of the Island of Crate with Greer- may not be accepted by Turkey without retaliation. It Is reported here today that th Turkish government has ordered fijur of US warahlpa, which are at presont at Smyrna, to proceed to the Islend of Samoa. Theae vessels are the cruiser MedJIdleh and three torpedo boats. Samoa Is a Oreek Island and pays an an nual tribute to Turkey. The Greek minister to Turkey today pre sented to tha ports a communication from Ms government announcing that the people of Crete had spontaneously proclaimed the union of that island with Greece. He as sured tha Turkish government that Greece wua not responsible for the proceedings of the Cretlans. and expresaed the hope that this action would nut disturb the present friendly relations between th two powers. It Is feared her that this hops can hardly be realized. ROAD'S STOCKHOLDERS OBJECT Grand Traak Management ia Canada ta Subject to Sever Crit icism. LONDON, Oct. a Th report presented today by Blr Charles Rivers Wilson, presi dent of the Grand Trunk railway of Can ada, at the saml-annual meeting of the. company waa adopted only after an acri monious discussion and sharp criticisms of the management. On of th shareholders, amid applause, declared that he was not at ail aatlafled with th accuracy or the honsty ct th accounts and that h so seri ously distrusted the alleged economies that ha doubted their real ty. The president ad mitted that the report was disappoint. ng. but said It was not discouraging. He said also he wj ratlsfled that the worst of the repression that had prevailed throughout North America nu now over. SPEARFISH WOMAN GETS GIRL Mra. Flora Avery Finds Daaghter la Kew York City, Where rattier Took Her. NEW TORK, Oct. a. -Myrtle Barber, who waa kidnaped by her father several years ago, has been released from th Catholle protectory of Weatcheater and given Into the care of her mother, Mra. Flora Avery, who obtained a writ of habeas corpus from Justice Blanehard. Mrs. Avery haa attempted to get poe seaalon of her daughter, but the case waa put 'over until Friday. In the meantime, Mra. Avery convinced the protectory of ficials that she was th girl's mother and they concurred In th habeas corpus pro ceedlnga. Mrs. Avery and her daughter are now on their way to Mra, Avery's South Dakota home. Mrs. Avery's first husband, George Barber, deserted her thirteen years ago, when Myrtle was a little girl, and came to New York with th baby. H took the aame of Stafford and when the girl waa 12 year or age, he put her out aa a nurae girl. She lost her poaltion and waa found wandering In Carnarile by the police. She aa later committed to the protectory. The father became Involved in a shooting tcrap in Harlem and waa sentenced for tarrying ooacealed weapons. He there told bis lawyer. John Helnselman, his whole itory. Mr. Helnselman found the girl and ornmunU ated with Mrs. Avery, who had tlvtirced Barber and married Mr. Avery. Mrs. Avery Immediately came from Ipearftab, S. D. to New York to recover ler daughter. Myrtle Barber la now U tears old. SUMMARY OF THE BEE Friday, October , loa. 190$ OOOBlRd 1908 nf yvuv irz, Ufa rmf rs- -sr 2 3 45 6 Z 8 9 lO 2 7J 6 ? S 19 20 222 2324 25 26 ZZ 28 29 30 31 THE 'WXATXSm. FOR OMAHA. COCNC IL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Fair and warmer Friday. KUK NEBRASKA Fair and warmer Frl dHv. FOR IOWA Fair and warmer Frllay. Temrerature at Omana yeateraay: Dcg. ... 21 ... M ... 7 ... S ... 3 ... 44 ... ... 14 ... U ... 6t Ml Hour. 6 a: m a a. m . 7 a. m 8 a. m a. m Id a. m 11 a. m 11 m 1 p. m 2 p. m 2 p. m 4 p. m 5 p. m p. m 7 p. m p. m 9 p. m ... 51 ,.. t ... 65 ... 65 ; ... 64 ... S3 rOLniOAL. Democratic leaders have decided, that Mr. Bryan shall make a trip in New York, before the campaign closes, with another speech In Madison Square garden. rage a Congressmsn Sherman finished his long campaign In the went last night. 7 age a W. J. Bryan delivered an address before the Waterways congress at Chicago and a letter was read from J. J. Hill. Pag 1 Governor Hughea In his speech at fet. Joseph said that Tammany hall was lined up against the reform that the people of the east have won. Page 1 DOMESTIC. ' The Iowa Central strike that haa been in effect alnce April has been ended by compromise. Page 1 Leaking gaa caused the death of four Italians In a tenement house at Water bury, Conn. Pag X roszxoir. Servians are demanding war against Austria In return for the seizure of their two provinces. Pag 1 HIBBAsla, State Presbyterian synod In session at Wayne. Page 3 X.OCAX. Superintendent Davidson recommends moving Lothrop school annex north of Fort street. Pag Failure of Governor Lind of Minnesota to show up at meeting Wednesday a sore disappointment to the democrats. Pag S Chicago ranch corporation people ap pear to have been doing a big business In land relinquishments. page a National Wool Growers' association committee visits Omaha and looka Into clalma of the city for the association's wool warehouse and members appear to bo Impressed with the facilities offered. .. Pa T Rural letter carrier" convention get ting down to association politics and cau cuses on officers are now In order. 1 arPOBT. ' Reaulta of the ball games: Chicago vs. New York -S. 7 Washinugton vs. New York S. Chicago won the National league pen nant from New York, 4 to 2, and will play the world's championship aeries, be ginning Saturday at Detroit Page 11 Defeat for Mrs. Bprague waa the result of the golf conteat for women at St. Louis yesterday. Page 11 comcxRciAx avs utstitkiax. Live atock markets. Page Grain markets. Page Stooka and bond. Page afOTZMSHTM OP OCX AIT ITIAKVHIfg, Fort. Arrtd. 8114. NEW YORK Pr.tld.nt (treat... la ura, NEW YORK Mljmtlc t.ncanla, NEW YOKK II. d' Italia Rjm. NEW YORK UI'EBNItTOWN... JUrl.tlo. ROl'THAMHTON..Cnrnuaia Salonl. aiil'THAMPTON K. w. r Orone. PLYMOITH .OcmdIo. LIVERPOOL TeulMle Caroula LIVERPOOL NAPLES HtTertnri. BOSTON Lake Erie. GRAIN ELEVATOR EXPLODES Eleven Mea and Two Women Killed When Building; at Rlchford, Vt., Is Wrecked. HICHFORD. Vt., Oct a With a con cuaalon which shook th entire village, a large grain elevator, having a capacity of 6O0.U0O bushels, exploded lata today, cous in the death of eleven workmen and two women. Th explosion blew off the entire roof of the building, scattering timbers in all directions, and instantly flames burst out Mrs. John Jellfor, who waa walking near the elevator, waa burned to death The elevator was owned jointly by the Canadian Pacific and Boatoa tk. Maine rail, roads, and was occupied by the Quaker Oats company of Chicago. The flames ars supposed to have ben started by spon taneous combustion. The elevator and its contents were destroyed, causing a loss o( 1400,000. Th dead: HEM AN LAHt'E. IACirS WRIGHT. ROBERT MANDIOO. W. C. BARNEY. RALPH HARK. KUltMAM NILKB. OHAKLKS NARROWS. LOlIS PA PI NBA U. DOMA I .A PORT. TI TTLE. WORKMAN, name unknown. MRS JKI.IFORO. MRS. Gl'ARDO. LAND OPEN 10 SETTLEMENT Seventy-Nine Thonaand Aero In th Shoshone Irrigation Dis trict. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 8.-tBpecial Tele gram.) Approximately 71000 acres of land which were withdrawn from any form or disposition whatever under the public land laws In connection with the Shoahon Irri gation project In. Wyoming have been re stored to the public domain and will be come a'ibject to settlement on and after December 'i. 9jt, but shall not be subject to entry, filing or selection until January K. la. These lands lie In township T and 8 south, range to 28 east of the principal meridian In Montana. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Gllmore City, route t, Benjamin Kydd carrier. Qua Doeringfleld substitute; Ode-bolt, route t, Oscar W. Laraoa carrier. Ira M. fcVlby sub stitute. South Dakota Mt. Vernon, route 4, C. O. Hoppeck carrier, Inard Hvlger eon, substitute, CARRIERS' CAUCUS SECRET Kansas, Michigan and Texaa Pat Up a Slate. NOT YET AGREED ON PRESIDENT Cram of Michigan and MrMahon of Texaa Both Wish to Ram for Secretary Against Pree-' eat laeimbeat. FBOOUH-asOKsTXSTCr. 8 130 Convention called to order. t:40 Election of officers. 11 il5 Beleetloa of place for asxt con vention. 11:30 Convention closed. ATTERNOOXr. Car ride, g-nesta of Xebraska a ssoola tloa. I Delegates from Michigan, Kansas and Texas met secretly in caucus In a secluded room at the Oma hotel Wednesday even ing and laid plans to capture the important offices of the National Rural Letter Car- i rlers' association. Their slate la yet sub ject to revision. The Important offices ere those of president and secretary, for these are the most Influential and Inci dentally the only ones to which salaries attach. It Is stated that neither E. A. McMahon of Texaa or Vice President Crum of Mich igan, both leaders In the caucus, has yet decided which shall run for secretary and which for president. It 'Is declared that each prefera to run for the placa. now held by Cull of Massachusetts, both feel ing that there la more show to txiat him than President Lindsay. In view of the strength which Frey of Indiana Is showing for the vice presidency, friends of Mrs. Ruth Kenyon of Nebraska have about decided that It would be inju dicious to place her In nomination. Whether the present administration Is re elected or not, ' Frey seems likely to land the second place. The' duties of this of fice are nominal, but hli friends say that he wants It because It Is believed that one more year will ' content Lindsay aa president,, and then the Hoosler would be In excellent poaltion to run for chief of ficer. ' ' '. .': . Frank Cunningham of South Omaha Is' declared to be ' allied with the Texas-Kansas-Michigan combination, but may have a hard time swinging Nebraska Into line agalnat Lindsay, who has ma,ny friends In this state. The question of the new officials of the association became a burning one Thurs day and threw Into temporary eclipse the tight for the next convention, although partisans did not let up In their efforts. On account of Portland's brilliant cam paign it is thought to have a likely chance for the honor. Delegate Golna haa en Hated the active aid of the Omaha Com mercial club and la successfully pulling many wires. An appeal for postal savings depositories waa made at the Thursday morning ses sion by Postal Inspector Thompson of Omaha, who was followed by Splllman, superintendent of rural delivery of Wash ington. .The latter made aa urgent 'appeal for the parcels post. Chan ares la Constitution. X dreary dlscuason of proposed amend ments to th constitution of the National Rural Ietter Carriers association yester day afternoon was suddenly Interrupted by the Intelligence that Delegate J. W. Bra siel of Mansfield, Mo., 'had been taken 111 with appendicitis and waa about to be re moved to a hospital for an operation. Jo Rogers, a fellow Mlssourlan, brought the news. "I don't know If the convention will wish to take any action," said he. "but 1 want to say that Braslel Is one of the best fellows In our state and Is the father of six children." Half a doaen delegates Jumped to their feet clamoring for recognition. But Golna of Oregon managed to catch the president's eye. "I think, Mr. President," said the Portland man. "wo ought to do something for Mr. Braztel. I shall consider It an honor to V" off." So saying the speaker slapped a 18 gold piece on the president's table.. The whole convention was now on Its feet and making for the rostrum. President Lindsay promptly nominated three collect ors to pass the hat and these soon had brought In a sum a few cents less than $100. Half of the delegates to the conven tion were not present at the time and the sum will be considerably Increased today, dtlllrnan on Parcels Post. The address of Superintendent of Deliv ery Stlllman on the parcels post bore fruit during tha afterroon In the shape of a dec laration brought In by the committee on resolutions favoring the project. This was adopted by the committee, as was a reso lution that tha motto of the organisation be "Better Roads, Higher Education and a Greater Association." The report of the finance committee was then adnp'ted and tha committee on con stitution finally had Its Innings. It report was read by Chairman O. L. Stelnbrecker of Mt. Healthy, O., and produced great debate, although It was now after p. m. The report recommended the dropping of the clause of the constitution which raises the per csplta tax paid by the state asso ciations from SO cents to II and also the clause providing that the national associa tion pay the expense of state delegates to the national convention. Stelnbrecker ar rived here almost a minority of on In favor of thle action, but by persistent ham merlng swung his committee and almost the whole convention round to realise that : the association's life would be greatly en ! ilangered unless they followed hie lead. At 7 p. m. the delegatea left for Council Bluffs for a banquet and program given by the Iowa association. rOWVENTIO OF POSTMASTERS Pareele Poata oad Postal Savlagra Banks Endorsed. DES MOINES, la.. Oct S. Postal eav Inga banka and parcels posts were both warmly endorsed by First Assistant Post master General Charles P. Granfleld In his addreaa to the fifth annual conven tion of the fourth-class postmasters to day. Syracuse, N. Y., gets tha next con vention In October, 10. Arbitration Treaty Signed. WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 The proposed ar bitratlon treaty between China and tha United Statea was signed at tha State de pertinent today, Wu Ting-fang, the Chi nese mlnlstor, acting on behalf of tha Chi nose government and Secretary Root on behalf of the American government. Mirage at HessUla. HONOLULU, Oct. a A marvelous mirage waa witneaaed here yrabsrday, an exac reproduction of th Pacific fleet appearing In the southern sky. The fleet . la now approaching this port from Samoa, but Ita distance la not known. Iiwaijtto mv) (J ?XVz I ' I. , I &Ku CUP gr 'finfo 52lA f a. 'rl ' i 'ji'J gL hbUVC GOT IN TH O y&Jtf&Mffl fa'ffl&W Copyright, 1908, by American - Journal - GOVERNOR HUGHES IN KANSAS Bryan's Latest Fallacy is Twin of Old 18 to 1 Theory. " GREAT CROWDS AT ALL POINTS At Toseka He Aiswrs' Recent Charges Made Aaralaat II Ira an Account of Co raps I gn Fond Coatrlbnttons. WICHITA, Kan., Oct. a "Vot for Mr. Bryan'a new proposals and you will sup port the next of kin, the heir-at-law, the very twin of Mr. Bryan'a old 16-to-l policy." This assertion waa made by Governor Hughea of New York to the voters of Kan sas today in a speech-making tour In the stato which culminated here tonight Gov ernor. Hughes spoke at eight towns to as semblies of farmers, railroad operatives and business men. At Herrlngton, Kan., after leaving St. Joseph, Mo., Governor Hughes, pointing his finger at a crowd of worklngmen, de clared: "Don't let anybody tell you that Mr. Taft is not the friend of labor. Mr. Tart has done more for labor than has any of his opponents. While his opponents have been Indulging in new policies gotten up to catch your fancy, the republican can didate haa had his coat off and with sleeves rolled up has been tackling somo of the hardest Jobs that ever confronted this coun try." In a speech at Topeko Governor Hughes said attacks had Dee.n recently made upon him In connection with contributions to his campaign fund while running for governor two years ago and he took occasion to reply to them. Speeeh at Wichita. : When the governor arrived here the an nouncements for his reception read: "Mr. Hughes will be welcomed by a calliope, four braas bands, citizens on horseback j and a few on foot." j Governor Hughes said: 1 have become convinced that the voters of the middle west are not going to be Influenced next month by any claptrap. Mr. Bryan told you eume yeara ago that . the only remedy for the valvatlon of the country was IS to 1. Now we have no limit to our gratification that the coun try did not have to be saved that way. But he hae got a lot of new remedies which he proposes we ehall take and says that an ounce of remedy Is worth a pound of fault finding. An ounce of his new remedies would kill any Industry, you may be sure. We do not want to have to kill to cure. We do not want to crip ple business in order to eradicate some of the abuses of it. We do not-wHh to have to abandon reforms already under way for revolutionary schemes which have never been tried. Aasivera Anonymous Attack. Before tho arrival of Governor Hughea at Topeka handbills opposing Mr. Taft and mentioning the New York governor had been distributed In the crowd. It was not Indicated on the handbills by whose au thority they had been circulated. Gov ernor Hughes said: Whllo going through the middle west, talking to the people on the Issues of this campaign, I have not Indulged In personal abuae, nor have I made any reflection upon the motives or character of our opponents. Now, I find myself followed by efforts to create prejudice by scurlllous insinua tions. I find efforts made to reflect upon my own character and purpose by refer ences to contributions to iny campaign funds in New York two yeara ago. The contributions that were made when I ran for governor of New York against Mr. Hearst had nothing whatever to do with my purpoees. my policies or my official action. When 1 waa nominated for gov ernor I nailed my flag to the mast and there .It haa been floating ever since. It stood for favors to none and Justice to all. It stood against every form of special privilege at the expense of the public wel fare. It stood against every effort to pervert the machinery of government to selfish purposes. As soon as I was In ducted Into office 1 rrepared a plan for tha effective regulation of our publlo ser vice corporations, to prevent depredations and financial freebootlng. Today the reac tionary fon-ea of New York everybody that ie desirous to have license to prey upon the peoile Is trying to down me and rebuke my administration. If. after the toll and work of the last two years, it Is possible to successfully asperse (Continued oa Second FagaJ The Joys of Satan He Attends a Pleasant Lie Fett! Examiner. NEW BILL OF LADING GOES Railroads of Conntry Adopt Form Ad vised by Interstate Com merce Commission. NEW YORK, Oct 8. All the 41 roads lt th official classification territory, ex tending west to th Mississippi and south to tbo'tnvui river, will put Into.effect oq November 1 new rules requiring' aft'shlo- ments to be mart tinder new form of bill of lading, which. has been approved by the Interstate Commerce commission. . The terms of the bill of lading determine the carriers' responsibility to the shipper In care of damage or loss. It Is the belief of the railroads that the new bill of 'lading will greatly lessen Hie friction between the carriers and shippers In respect to claims for damages to freight. In order to enforce the use of the new form of bill of lading, the railroads will rrake the acceptance of tha new form a condition of accepting freight at published rales. A ahlpper who dcea not ship under the new form of lading will have to pay 10 per cent additional to the published rate. CHICAGO, Oct. 8. The western railroads have practically decided to adopt the same uniform bill of lading that nas been ac cepted by the eastern roads. It 1s under stood that the western classification com mittee has asked the Interstate Commerce commission for authority to adopt the pro visions of the eastern bill of lading on November 1, Instead of the classification provisions which they have filed. . This action by the western roads Is said to have greatly simplified the situation re garding the uniform bill of lading. Many of the shippers were dissatisfied with the eastern bill of lading because the western classification has eliminated the curriers' risk clause, which exacted a higher freight The eastern bill of lading exacts a 10 per cent advance on the regular rates If the bill of lading is not used. BANK EXAMINERS' DISTRICTS Comptroller Murray Will Pnt Plan Into Effect to Divide Ip Work. WASHINGTON. Oct. a Comptroller of the Currency Murray announced today that ha would put Into Immediate action a plan for the formation of eleven districts of national bank examiners, with a chair man examiner In charge at each of the following cities: Boston, New York, Phil adelphia, Pittsburg, Nashville, Chicago, Mlru-sapoHs, Kansas City, Fort Worth, San Franclaoo and Denver. Th chairman In each district will com pile quarterly reports to the comptroller of tha reporta of the examlnera covering the states in each of the lists. GAS CAUSES DEATH OF FOUR Italian at Waterbary, Conn., Suc cumb to Fumes Escaping la Building. WATERBVRY. Conn., Oct. 8. Uluminat In gas, leaking Into and permeating sleep ing rooms In an Italian boarding house on Bank street, kept by Oulseppl Santoro, claimed four young Italian men for Us victims today, and, but for the opportune passing the house of Antonio De Maroo, tho dead might have been more than twice that number. Besides the dead, eight men and two women were found either uncon scious or partly so from the gas fumea which they had breathed when the police, whom De Marco had called, entered tha house. LONG STRIKE -FINALLY ENDS Iowa Central Men and Company Come to Terms at Last. MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. Oct. 8.-Bettle-ment of the Iowa Central railway shop men's strike, which haa been on sine April 12, was effected today after two days' con ference. The men will return to work Mon day. The shops remain union. A general advance of 1 cent Is granted over the amount received when the strike waa de clared, but the advance la e-jveral centa under tho demand of th men at th time of th alrik. IRIP A GREAT VOTE WINNER State Committee Greatly Pleased with the Tour of Governor Hughes. SHOOTS FACTS AT - AUDIENCES t One 'Able to Tell State Officials Who W oe Treasurer of the Dem cratlo State . Committee Four Yeara Aaro. (From a Stsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 8. (Special.) The repub lican state committee Is exceedingly happy over the trip of Governor Hughes of New York through- Nebraska, and regrets only that more people of the state did not have an opportunity to hear him discuss the real Issues of the campaign. There Is no doubt In the minds of the committee officials that the Hughes trip was a vote getter. There Is no doubt also In the minds of the committee officials that If Nebraska could vote In New York next November there would be no chance for the defeat of the New York executive, whether the democrats stuffed the ballot boxes or not. In the opinion of Governor Sheldon, ' who was on the Hughes train throughout the trip, end of Senator Norris Brown, who for a portion of the trip waa with t he governor, the issues of the present campaign were never more baly discussed than by Governor Hughes. He was clearcui In his argument, dlBmussed many of the "isms" of Bryan as having no place In the campaign and abso lutely without the province of the president to bring about. For Instanoe, he told about the democrats Bhoutlng for the election of United Stats senators by direct vote of the people, and he called attention to the fact that the con stitution provided Just how this could be done and the president could not change It, and there was no reason for It being a part of the campaign. Many states, he said, had secured practically the popular election of senators by pledging the legis lature In convention or at the polls. Mr. Hughes did not 'mention what states, but many In the audiences knew Nebraska wua one and the action was brought about by the republican party without any outside assistance or encouragement from thv Bryan party. In another Inatance Mr. Hughes referred to tha Bryan Idea of th guaranty of bank deposits, which he said should be no part of tha national campaign and was not an Issue. The Issue along this line, he said, waa "whether we would have money to de posit." This also struck a responsive chord In the hearts of the people he ad dressed. The climax of the trip came at Hastings last night, when Governor Hughes and former Attorney General Monnett of Ohio talked to the same audience In the opera house. A peculiar set of circumstances made this poaslble. The democrats hsd se cured the opera house for their Monnett meeting, while the republicans had put up a large tent for Governor Hughea. The heavy rains made it Impossible to use the tent, and when this was discovered the democrats found that the train upon which their speaker waa coming to the city was late. The democrats then offered the opera house to -Governor Hughes. Th stage waa decorated with Bryau and Kern plcturea and many flags and colors. The setting was Ideal for a good democratic meeting and the audlenc waa composed largely of democrats. Makes Hit at Outset. Governor Hughes won his audlenc In the beginning when ha said: Mr. Chairman and Fellow Citlcens: 1 thsnk yoti for this greeting. I am particu larly glad to mite the arrangements under which this meeting is held. I thoroughly believe that political campaigns can be conducted with courtesy and candor; that we can have true public diacrealon and analysis of the merits of opposing condi tions. That is the wsy In which American government is Intended to work. What ever may be our partisan differences, we all desire progress. We are all American cllisena. We are all devoted' to the flag ami take pride In tha honor of our country; (Continued oa Sauoad Page. BRYAN ON WATERWAY Democratic Candidate Addresses Con vention in Chicago. FAVORS GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Nebraskan Given Oration When Ho Rises to Speak. SPEECH BY GIFF0RD PINCH0T Letter from James J. Hill Read by Congressman Rainy. . PLEA FOR LOWER MISSOURI Case of Kansas City Is Prrseated by Congressman E, C. Ellis of Mis souri Lafayette Yoana: Tulka. CHICAGO. Oct. 8. Addresses by Wil liam Jennings Bryan and Olfford Plnihot, tho latter being chairman of tha National Conservation commission, the reading of a letter from J. J. Hill, short addresses by delegates and a big teceptlon at the Coliseum tonight were the features of the necond day of th convention of tho Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterways con gress. Mr. Bryan, who spoke earnestly In favor of deep waterways, not only from the lakes to thn gulf, but In other sections where additional transportation facilities were needed, was given an en thuntastlc reception, which was a dupli cate of that given to Mr. Taft yesterday. Resolutions adopted by th convention commented upon the exceptionally strong arguments of Mr. Hill and Mr. Plnchot A stockholders' meeting kept Mr. Hill from attending tha convention and his. letter was read by Congressman Ralney of Illinois. At tha conclusion of Mr. Plnchot'a speech a committee of six was appointed to co-operate with the chairman of the . National Conservation commission. Short speeches by delegates followed. Plea for Lower Missouri. Congressman E. C. Ellis at Missouri spoke from the viewpoint of "the two Kan sas cities on the other side of the great state of Missouri." "I wish you would bring In your imagination for a minute," said Mr. Ellis. "Look at the map of the Mississippi valley as we se it from Kansas City. If you do, you will see traced down from this point from Lake Michigan south westerly this projected arm of the Great Lakes, SK) miles. You will see irsced up ' from tidewater, the Gulf of Mexico, 1,200 miles or mora northward to Cairo, and then 1W miles further northwest, wher It con verges with the arm of the Great Lakes at the very mouth of th great Missouri river. If you have that picture In your mind, you will not need to know, if you do not al ready know It, but' one further fact to catch our vision and understand why these Kansas pities and all the great area 'for wliloh they 'stand are kn'.tr"d Into this great enterprise. Those imtt converge at tha east end of 400 mile of splendid rivers, a stretch which the engineers without dis sent agree can be tiansformed Into a chan nel of commerce of tha same depth and of like capacity with any other stretch of river In the Mississippi vmiey, and for one half to two-thirds th expense of any other like stretch In that valley," 1 D. K. Kllnk of Chicago announced him self as a commercial traveler and declared that the men of his calling were deeply In terested in the deep waterway movement He declared that the American people had been Indifferent and neglected their duty in permitting the degeneracy of th national waterways. CongresHman Lorrlmer of Illinois traced the waterways In Illinois. Lafayette Young of Des Moines said: ' "The American has been proud in the consciousness that he. lived In a country whoso natural resources could never be destroyed or perish. He destroyed the forests of Ohio and Indiana, and now he must replant them. That Is character let c of hla entlie career. Now for the first time we are calling bait. We are compelled to economise to make every thing go further in our commerce or In the fierce competi Ion of the buslnesi worold to go out of business." Addreaa of Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan allowed only a trace of hoarse ness when he began speaking. ' His ad dress was repeatedly Interrupted by laugh ter or applause as he made some humorous touch, or drove home an argument In be ginning Mr. Bryan related a few humorous stories which caused much laughter. Ha then said "I am glad to meet with those who as semble here in the Interests of the develop ments of the waterways of this country. I am In hearty sympathy with you. You cannot give the people too good facilities for transportation of their merchandise. "If you tell me you want to improve the Mississippi I tell you that Is all right, I will help you improve Just as far as you please, and rrake the canal aa wide aa you please and as deep as you please, and when you get to Improving the Mla4salppi will start out all alona If necessary to Im prove every river that emptlea Into the Mississippi. Weter transportation la tha natural transportation. God made th rlvera, man made tha railroads. Tha rivers were the means before th railroads war Invented and while the railroads hav given ua speed. It haa not given ua the cheapness that the river gives. And speed la not the only thing. The railroad can not rival the water course In cheapness and then there la another advantag that the water course haa. Waterman the Cheaper. I'The time has come when the land avail able for homesteads Is being well taken up, and when theae lands are occupied, then, Instead of aendlng people Into new fields to lay out new states we must begin to take smaller sections and develop the lands more thoroughly, and with that will com a preaslng need for better transportation. Wo are an exporting nation. If a bushel of wheat sells for tl In London and It take 10 centa to get It from the farm to London the farmer gets to centa a buahsl for hla wheat. If you can so Improve transporta tion that the farmer-can get his wheat from his farm to Liverpool for 26 cents you have added 26 cents to the farmer's prlco for his wheat It Is a fact that It la ad mitted that the railroad cannot carry'' freight 'as cheaply aa tho boat can and therefore every farmer ia Interested In es tablishing water communication wherever water communication Is possible. "I think f have given a reason therefore why everybody ahould he Interested In this matter of cheaper 'transportstlon. And what I say In regard to the Mississippi valley I want to say also In regard to the land that Ilea on the eastern alope of th Alleghenlea and on th western slope of