Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1908, Image 1

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I No Discussion! Fend Questions!
The: Omaha Daily Bee
Lakes-to-Gulf Association Begins Con
vention in " eo.
Waterway! Movement, He y ' Not
a Project, bnt a Poll
Growth of Commerce Demands In
creased Traffic Facilities..
Ylnllnn Inspect th DmlniiM Caaal
. la tho Alltnooii W. J. Bryaa
Will Be Principal Speaker
, Today.
CHICAGO. OcY 7.-A picture of, day
when stately ahlpe hall carry the rich
product of the central atatea from the
great lakea to the Oulf of Mexico through
deep waterway, returning with products
of no less value, waa conjured up today
before' the delegate and visitors to the
third annual convention of the Lakes-to-
t hp-Gulf Deep Watorway aaaoclatlon by
a bio speakers headed by Judge 'William II.
Today' utterance were authoritative,
for they came from Secretary Saunders
of tho association. President Kavanaugh,
head of the organization; Governor Charles
8. Denecn of Illinois, who apoke of the first
link of the great waterway, the Chicago
rtralnage canr, and W. II. Taft. who had
general supervision In Washington of the
building of the Panama canal until ho re
signed to become the -presidential nominee
of the republican party.
Taft SomA Krrsst.
The need of uch a waterway was In
sisted upon by every speaker. The question
of transportation, It waa declared, la one
tf the most serlou questions with which
this country has to deal. Judge Taft's
Insistence that not only the deep water
ay, but the conservation of the national
Resources, were related subjects which
railed for Immetlltite action, elicited great
Applause. His statement that the water
way waa not a project, but a policy, found
a ready response in cheer of hi auditors.
Judge Taft snld:
"We find that during th ten year end
ing with lid the Internal commerce of our
country ha Increased 11S per cent, whllo
railroad transportation .facilities during the
asms time have Increased only 3 per cent.
It has been pointed puf that to supply this
deficiency by the construction of additional
railroad and necessary terminals would
require a capital Investment of 5, 600,000,000,
and this construction when completed
would make no provision for the further In
crease of our commerce."
The only solution yof thja problem tha
apeaker found In deep waterways.
- - Adenine of Co-avontlow. -
."The cftn'-eiitloloofed V o'clock with
prayer by Bishop Samuel Fallow of Chi
cago. , William K.. Kavanaugh. president
of the asaOclnVon- then delivered hi annual
address, and William F. Saundere, secre
tary, read report.' Tha work of making
up ilie committee proceeded until there
came an Interruption for which all had
been waiting. ' f
This M the appearance of Judge Tart
Smiling, somewhat hoarse, clothed In a
plain business ault. the republican candi
date entered the stage preceded by Gov
ernor Deneen of llllnola. The orcheatra
struck up "Th Star Spangled Banner," and
the crowd, which had been alow In coming,
but now filled the big auditorium, cheered
and waved small American flags, which
had been given to every visitor upon enter
ing the hall..
Deneen Introduces Taft.
Governor Deneen. himself hoarse from
the vocal activities of a gubernatorial cam
paign, said In Introducing the speaker of
the day :
"Our State occupies a unique position
with reference to ths mattera whicn you
are to dlaeuaa. It la the lowest In elevatlen
and most uniform In topography in the
Mississippi valley, and because of that, tha
water! of th continent, the Interior waters,
those of the Ohio, the Tennessee, the Cum-
V-rUnd. the Missouri and the Upper'MlssIs-
ilppl pass our state en their way to the
sea. and cross our state too, must be
forced, the final link will connect the great
lakes w'.h the gtltf.
"Wlthlln two year of the adjournment
of your first convention our legislature
submitted to th people, an act. which will
allow us to Incur an Indebtedness of
S23.000.000 for the purpose of digging one
link of this great project. This amendment
will be submitted to the people at the
coming election and It will be carried."
Cheer far J ad go Toft.
Judge Taft was cheered as he arose, pre
facing hi prepared speech with an apology
for hi hoarsenes.
"Gentlemen." he said, "I must apoologlie
for my voice. If It Bounds Ilk the .'honk'
of an automobile it may be familiar to
you, but not particularly agreeable to you
on that aocount." .
"You don't have to apologise for any
" thing," shouted a delegate from th rear,
mid applause, and th apeaker launched
forth Into an argument for the water.
In the afternoon four special trains car
ried th visitor on a tour of Inspection
of th Chicago drainage canal where they
saw tb atupendeous work instituted to
dispose Of Chicago' sewage and which
some day, this delegation hope, will form
a part of th channel to th gulf of Mexico
from Lak Michigan.
Tomorrow there will bo morning and Af
ternoon sessions of th convention. At ths
forenoon session W. J. Bryan will make
an address and In the afternoon the prin
cipal Speaker wilt be Gifford Plnohot,
chairman of th National Conservation
commission and head of tho forestry divis
ion at Washington. Ten minute speeches
will b made by delegate.
taft to waterways congress
Kopoolteaa aaaldate Dlocoaoo . gyo
' torn of laaorovoaaeota.
CHICAGO. Oct. T.-Judg W. H. Taft de
livered an tended address to th water
way c6ngrsa today. .
Judgo Taft aald:
"I am honored by an Invitation to ad
dress thl Important body. and. although
under, grsat prosaur. I fM it to be my
duty to com her and express my deep
sympathy with 1t objects.
"Th question of th systematic Improve
ment Of our Inland waterways Is on which
our government ha all too long neglected.
Vnill recently appropriation for that pur
pna have not be a mad according to anyi
oiablished plan or ytem or policy, but
lCeUa4 tec est Pacaj
T'rfarsdar, October M, lOOS.
1908 "-OCIOBERd- 1908
sn.' ,vav 7TZ, nn Tfflf fPj. SXt
-r- - -sr 2 3
45 6 Z 8 9 10
11 12 IS 14 15 16 1Z
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 2Z 28 29 SO SI
VICINITY Fair Thursday; not much
chango In temperature.
FOR NEBRASKA Uenerally fair Thurs
day: not murh change In temperature.
FOR IOWA Fnlr Thuraday.
Tpmv.tiir. t omaha yesterday
.... 47
. ... 45
.... 43
.... 4i
.... 48
.... 51
.... 54
6 a. m...
8 a. m...
7 a. m...
5 a. m...
t a. m...
10 a. m . . .
11 a. m...
12 in
1 p. m...
Z p. m...
3 p. m...
4 p. m...
6 p. m...
6 p. m...
7 p. m...
8 p. m...
p. m...
.... 56 t
.... 54
.... 54
.... il
.... 52
.... 52
.... 60
.... 49
.... 4i
Comptroller of the treasury rules signal
corps at Fort Omaha cannot sell hydrogen
gas to private parties for experiments In
ballooning. Pag 1
Judge Tafe delivered an address before
the waterways congress at Chicago yes
terday, and at night with W. J. Bryan
was a speaker at the annual banquet of
the Chamber of Commerce. Pags X
The murder of Captain Erb In Phila
delphia promise to become a myatery.
Paga 1
An heroic New York policeman loses
his life trying to aave Inmates of a tene
ment house that was on fire. Pag 1
Tuberculin I declared to be the best
means for fighting tuberculosa In cattle.
Pag 1
It has been' decided that Judge Taft Is
to remain on th eatump until the cloee
of the campaign and his Itinerary Is be
ing arranged. Pag 1
W. J. Bryaii will apeak for three day
in Nebraska next week. Pag 8,
National Chairman Mack wa again at
hla desk yesterday and said his health
was good. Pag 1
Governor Hughes made fourteen
speeches In Nebraska yesterday, start
ing with an extended address at Lincoln
and finishing at Hastings before he left
for St. Joseph. ' Pago 1
Butler county farmer assaulted hi
wife on a train near David City and wa
with difficulty restrained from Injuring
her. Pag 3
Servians and Turka enter protest with
th power for violation of their right
under the Berlin treaty. Pag 8
- X.OCAX..,
..Portland anfl, .Milwaukee are each mak
ing a hot fight for the.jioxt meeting of
the national convention of the. rural free
delivery carriers. - --Paga 1
Rush for the Tripp county landa beata
all Ha predecessor and th railroads are
being severely taxed to handle traffic. -
Congressman Hitchcock la having a
hard time of it trying to placate the
DahlmanltesMn his campaign for re
election. Pag
Milwaukee road contemplate building
a new line to connect Omaha up direct
with Its Pactfto coast extension. Pag S
Evidence tend to show BaliM waa tha
chief man In the land deal now being
tried before the federal court. Pag S
. HPOaVT. ,
Reaults of the ball garrieo: '
7 New York va. Boeton 2.
4 Philadelphia va. Brooklyn!.
9-1 Washington vs. New York 4-0.
10-S Boston v. Philadelphia 1-5.
Pag t
Live stock market. Pag 7
Grain markets. Pag T
Stock and bond. ' Pag 7
Port. Arrived. Satltd.
NEW YORK K. Wlltxlm II ... K P. Wllhslm.
NliW YORK Ovir II MiniMl Clo.
NEW YORK Crnwnla
ROTKRDAM Krt)onl404r'
NAPLES Nord Amarlka...,
01BRALTAR Kouilfxii LulM. ..
UiN DON Columbian ,
Hefasal to Remove Thaw Case to Now
York Coarts I'sed
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Oct. T. After
charging that Harry K. Thaw, who killed
Stanford White in the summer of 1904 was
still a dangerous paranolao and recently
had threatened to kill himself, District At.
torney Jerome withdrew from th case to
day when Juttlce Mills refused to transfer
the hearing on the question of Thaw' san
ity from Westchester to New York county.
Thereupon Justice Mills declared that he
would name two experts to examine Thaw
as to his sanity, between today and Sat
urday, and settle th case upon their report
oa Monday.
The trouble began when Mr. Jerome de
clared that unleaa Justice Mills transferred
th case he tJeroms) would take no part
in It. i
Justice Mill then refused to transfer th
case, saying: ,
"It Is your duty, I think," Mr. Jerome, to
defend this action."
Mr. Jerome replied:
"Again I must say I disagree with th
court and pannot remain In th case un
less It is held in New Yor county.'"
A sharp exchange of words followed
terminated by Mr. Jerome seising hi
satchel and hat.
-"Walt, Mr. Jerome; don't go," pleaded
Attorney Morschauser.
"The court has refused my application,"
retorted Jerome hotly. "I am here on that
motion only."
He then withdrew from the court room
and Justice Mills announced that he would
have experts on insanity examine Thaw
before Monday, when the case I to be de
cided. 1 aaaerlal Proclaasatloa Poto4.
SARATEVO. Bosnia. Oct T The lm
pertal proclamation of annexation of Bosnia
and Hersgovina to Austria-Hungary was
posted today throughout the occupied pro
vinces Tha announcement has been given
a mixed reception, but th Servian malcon
tents were quiet. The troops are confined
to their barrack In readiness t quell any
poasibl disturbance.
Portland and, Milwaukee Contest for
Rural Carriers' Convention. ( '
Mn. Rata Keayoa, Who Poagat for
Omaha Last Year, Mar Got
Elected Vice Presides,
of Association,
Preliminary addresses over the National
Rural ' Letter Carriers' aaaoclatlon began
the real work of the convention Wednesday
morning. President Lindsay and other offl
ccra gave, their annual reports and were
followed In the' afternoon by two addrefa?
on good roada, which, next'to their pay, la
the theme nearest the delegate' hearts.
Politics and the question of the site of
the next convention came in for little dis
cussion Wednesday, the delegate's being
called Into convention soon after they had
, brcakfapted and, save at the noon hour
' Intermission, having little chance to pull
wires or gossip.
; The conviction that P. L. Lindsay will bs
re-elected president without opposition la
gaining ground, but for some offices be
neath this a fight probably will ensue. The
contest over these is tame, however, com
pared with that for the 190 convention, for
which Milwaukee and Portland are waging
a tattle royal. i ,
i leraakee and Portland.
Milwaukee has In Its favor tne fact that
it has tried three times before to land the
meeting and came near It twice. This per
sistence may be a telling fact. Also th
Wisconsin metropolis Is located In' the mid
dle west and more easily reached than the
Oregon tlty. On the oher' hand Portland
has. this time been putting up what Is un
deniably an admirable fight, tho delegates,
under the leadership of John H. Golns,
working enthusiastically and systematically.
This, has commanded respect In Itself, the
campaign as a whole proving to be an
argument as well as the representation
of the men making It.
Milwaukee might ' have won It from
Omaha Inst year had It not been for th
aplrlted speech In favor of thla ctty by
Mrs. Ruth Kenyon, whom many are talking
of as a candidate for vice president. Tha
memory of her address will provo potent
in pulling votes for her If she t placed
In nomination.
Delegates assembled Wednesday with
their minds full of either the subtilltles of
Satan as expounded on the stage or tb
sophistries of Bryan, made clear by Gov
ernor Hughes.
They first heard letters of regret from
Senator Norrls Brown and Fourth Assist
ant Postmaster General P. V. DeGraw,
who Is tholr head In Washington.
President Cftlls for MeetlnsT.
President IJndsay began his annual ad
dress. "Let us all work together," ho said. In
closing, "not as carriers, but as citizens,
earnestly and systematically for the bet
terment of the roads of the United States.
By so doing we shsll bo helping not only
ourselves but the whole country.
','It . la tho proudest moment In my life
when I rise to speak tor thl organisation;
when I reflect that of 40,000 men who have
been In the service only twenty-five have
proved dishonest. Think of it! Twenty-five
out of 40.000!"
Changing from an eloquent to a humor
ous vein, the speaker went 'on: "We are
growing more honest too. The figure show
that we have been 5 per cent more honest
this year than last."
"We ar growing morn careful," sug
gested a delegate from Iowa, whom, for
tunately, the convention Hid not hear.
President Lindsay told the convention
that In his annual petition to tho postal
authorities ho had respectfully called atten
tion to a number of things In respect to
which the carriers might be benefited. One
of these was In regard to the two-milo
mileage system which works a palpable
Injustice to many carriers; another, recog
nition of length of service; a third, com
pensation for extra equipment when re
quired, and, fourth, the "penny nuisance."
Brings Load Applaase.
Many carrier at thla clapped vigorously
the hands which have been frostbitten on
account of this evil. It seems that pa-
trons may put coins Into the box for post-
ages with unstamped letters. These in
wintry weather freeze to the bottom of
the metal receptacle and cause much suf
fering to the mall men. It Is desired that
ruling may be had that collecting or
declining for the day of unstamped letters
may be left to the discretion of the col
lectors. v
President Lindsay declared that follow
ing the instruction of tho last convention
he had notified the department that the
National Rural Letter Carriers' associa
tion was In favor of the parcels post.
"There are many reasons why we want
It." he said In his address Wednesday,
"but the paramount one is this the
amount of business which our service will
do and the amount of benefit which wo
shall ' render our patrons will be enor
mously Increased If a parcels post be es
tablished. In recognition of the great sum
which the government expend on our
work we wish to make the fullest possible
return In the way of serving and promot
ing the commerce and Industry of the
This expression met with decided favor.
Secretary sail Treasurer.
President Lindsay was followed by the
secretary and treasurer, who showed that
th membeiBhlp of the association is grow
ing and that Its finances are In an exceed
ingly healthy state. An address on the good
of the service was then given by L. A.
Thompson, postofflce Inspector.
"Do We Need Good Roada T" "Why
Haven't "We Them?" "How Shall We Get
Them?" Theae and other queatlons were
fired at the delegates In tha alternoon by
E. R. Maxey of Jerseyville, 111., who, with
M. C. Adams, president of the Iowa asso
ciation, talked straight from th shoulder
on th good roads proposition.
Mr. Maxey spoke concisely on' his theme
snd drove home hi point with great
charts on which his vital fact and figure
had been printed. "Three men In each
township of my state," said he, "ths road
commissioners, waste or graft. 12.246,078 an
nually allowed for construction. They work,
nominally, 213 days In the year! Do away
with these road commissioners! Instead of
th three of them put on road worker In
each township. At a straight salary of
ItO a month ho will work every day In tha
year and will achieve something.
Mr. Maxey hammered hard on th fact
that a road I sort of going concern,
that It cannot bo mad right, and then left
alone. It must be worked on steadily.
Alton Bars Stool Cars.
PITTSBURG. Oct. T. Another thousand
car order baa been placed with the Stand
ard Sieel Car company of Pittsburg by the
Chicago aV Alton railroad. It Is a dupli
cate of an order placsd a few- works ago
by th asm road. Th ear wUl bg wad
si Hiwoii (In 4.) ahop.
From the Baltimore Gun.
Comptroller Rules Against Request of
. Private Balloonists.
Law Most Be Anaeadedy tpthers Than
filarnal Corps Are to 9VVail Them- "
selves of Facilities at
Fort Omaha. . 'J.
(From a Stiff Correspondent.) ,
WASHINGTON. Oct. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Private Indivlduala who had
planned to make flights wlth dirigible in
and about Fort Omaha, hoping to be sup
plied with dydrogen gas from the new
plant Just put In operation at Fort Omaha,
are doomed to disappointment, according to
a decision Just rendered by the comptroller
of the treasury. Colonel Glassford, In
command of Fort Omaha, submitted three
questions to General Allen, chief of the
Signal corps, and In turn, these questions
were referred to the comptroller for de
cision. Involving as they do new proposi
tions as to the use of the hydrogen plant
new. Installed. Colonel G,lassford in 'sub
B'ance, asked:
1. Can the Signal corps sell hydrogen to
private Individuals at cost price for the
inflation of private balloons at Fort
2. Can hydrogen be furnished free to pri
vate Individuals to Inflate balloons when
a member of the Signal corps takes part
In the ascension for purposes of Instruc
tion? 3. Can exygen. which is a bl-nroduct of
the manufacture of hydrogen, be sold at
private or public sale? , . .
On the first proposition,' the comptroller
states there Is no provision of law author
izing the rqanuacture of hydrogen by the
Slfrnnl corps for sale to private Individuals
at any price or for any purpose. .
As to the second proposition submitted
by Colonel Glassford, the comptroller holda
that' there la no provision under the . law
for private teats and that the mere fact
that a member of the Signal corps takes
part in the ascension would not bring the
expenditure within the purview of tho act.
On the third proposition, whether the
bl-product of oxygen should be sold, the
comptroller rules In Its favor. Inasmuch as
the Signal corps has no use for the same.
How these rulings will Influence the trlula
of dirigibles at Omaha Is a question, but
the fact remains that Omaha Is better
equipped today for balloon tests than any
place In the United States.'
Mlaor Matters at Capital.
John Pullman, who has Just been ap
pointed second lieutenant in the the Sec
ond cavalry with station at Fort Dcs
Moines was ant Omaha Hi;h school cadet
In lK)3-4. He Is a son of Colonel J. W.
Pullman of the quartermaster's depart
ment and In n class of thirty stood third.
Railway Commissioner W. L. Eaten and
Dwlght N. Lewi of Iowa and D. H. Smith
of South Dakota, are in Washington at
tending the National Association of Rail
way commissioners.
A. L. Kout of Nashua, Charles T. Claver
pf Murray, McClellan C. Patterson of Coun
cil Bluffs, H. C. Goodwin of Russell, N. C.
Duncan of Columbus "Junction, Carl A.
Golden of Estherville, Oscar E. Duncan
of Beman, John Troyak of , Cedar
Rapids. William M. Kendrick of Wapello
and C. E. Wlxon of Burlington, la., have
all been appointed railway mall clerks.
Robert J. Riley of Anamosa. la., has
been appointed guard at the United Statea
penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth.
Postmasters appointed: . Iowa, Ardon,
Muscatine county, John T. Downer, vie
C 6chwln. Jr.. resigned.
South ' Dakota: Waverly, Coddlngton
county, William Schurmann vice F. Ar
cvhartj, removed.
Democratic Chairman Saya Ho Jlover
Felt Better la Hla Life.
CHICAGO. Oct. T. Chairman Norman E.
Mack of the democratic national commit
tee, who was reported to havs Buffered a
nervous coUapoo last night, was oa , duty
as usual today. He declared that he never
felt better In his life wtion reference was
mads to his reported Hint, - ...
Mrs. BelslI of Philadelphia Shoots
Former Political Leader of .
Quaker City.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7.-The killing at
his country home near here last night of
Captain J. Clayton Erb, trusted lieutenant
and confidential man of Israel W. Durham,
former leader of the local republican or-
ganlxatlon.-cajised a sensation, in this city:
Captain Erb was Shot dead by, his sister-
in-law, Mr. Katherine Belsel durlrfg a
quarrel over domestic affairs. He was
exrremely well known In all walks of life
in this city and had many friends through
out the state.
On account of the lateness of the hour
when the tragedy occurred and remoteness
of "Red Gables" the Erb country home, de
tails of the shooting were slow In coming
out. Captain Erb and his wife had had
considerabla domestic trouble,.of late, their
difference becoming so serious that their
case finally reached tho Delaware courts.
Each accused the other with unbecoming
conduct and It was expected that 'divorce
proceedings would ultimately be instituted
by one or the other. Notwithstanding
their troubles, they continued to live at
"Red Gables," and quarrels were frequent.
While Mrs. Belsel has admitted the kill
ing she has thus far failed to supply cer
tain dotalla of the tragedy. According to
Mrs. Belsel she heard an exchange of angry
words on the second floor and on going up
the stair found Erb beating hi wife.
Whether Mr. eBisel had the revolver
with her at the time 6r ran Into her bed
room and got It was not disclosed. Accord
ing to her story, as related to the officials
on the case, Erbturned from his wife and
started to attack her, and fearing of her
lite, she' pointed the revolver at him and
fired. She emptied every bullet in the
chamber into Erb's body, and he staggered
and fell In his tracks.
Tobereulln . Prononnred Means by
Which Cattle Will Be Treated
In Fntara.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. - The world'
greatest scientists have agreed that the use
of tuberculin is the weapon . most essential
in the warfare against tuberculosis In cat
tle. This was one of the significant re
sults of , prolonged discussion during the
International Congress on Tuberculosis, and
the fact that on this vital point In th
campaign against this deadly disease foe
there was unanimity of opinion of the fore
most figures in the medical profession was
made public today in a statement made by
Dr. Leonard Pearson of Philadelphia. Dr.
Peareon was president of section 7 of the
congress, especially devoted to the sub
ject of tuberculosis of animals and its re
lations to man. "Tuberculin Is not lnfalll-
ble," said Dr. Pearson. "Nothing is, but
the error that follow It use are less than
1 per cent. This view as to the accuracy
of tuberculin was unanimously accepted
by the congress. Not the faintest trace of
distrust was suggested as to the necessity
of using tuberculin In clearing herds of tu
berculosis. No resolution was adopted on
the tuberculin test. Tuberculosis of cattle
will ultimately bo controlled In this country
and th work of control will to a large ex
tent be supported and accepted, by the use
of the tuberculin test. ,
Saves Woman's Llfo la Baralaar Balld
tmg la Sew York and
NEW YORK, Oct. 7. After rescuing an
aged woman from a burning house. Police
man Nicholas Nestor of Jersey City plunged
again Into tb blazing building and met
death by suffocation early today. Firemen
found hi body four hours afterward. After
turning in the alarm for th fire, Nestor
rushed upstairs, aroused sleeping Inmate
and ran again Into th street to turn In a
second alarm. Meanwhile all had escaped
excepting Mrs. Wlttnebert, old and feeble.
Nestor fought his way to her room, where
sh waa helplessly groping for an exit He
carried ber to th sidewalk and returned to
th building and sever reappeared '
New York Executive Predicts that
State Will Vote Against Bryan.
t - 1
At Hastings Former Attorney General
": Monnett ' Shared " Oper ' House
"6 with- Him tiood Crowds
at All Points.
HA8TINGS, Neb., Oct. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) On account of tho heavy rain It
wc neceBary to abandon, the elaborate
demonstration that was planned fxy Hie re
publicans In honor of Governor Hughe to
night. There was to have been a parade,
with fireworks, music by numerous bands,
etc., but all this was called off. The opera
house was engaged for former Attorney Gen-
efal Monnett of Ohio by the democrats some
days ago and the republicans secured
monster tent for Governor Hughes, but this
afternoon a lake formed under the canvas
and the democrats consented to a consoll
datlon of the two meetings, governor
Hughes arrived here at 8 o'clock and was
the first to address the consolidated as
semblage, while Mr. Monnett spoke last.
The discussion waa kept free from the Joint
debate plan.
After having spoken In fourteen towns,
all within a radius of a few hundred miles
of the home of the democratic candidate
for president, Governor Charles E. Hughes
of New York, In a speech here tonight, de
clared he was convinced that "the voice of
Mr. Bryan's own state would not be the
weakest In repudiating the Bryan and re
affirming the republican policies next
At Lincoln Governor Hughes was escorted
through the streets by Governor George L.
8heldon of Nebraska in an automobile dec.
orated with a large placard bearing the
words, "Hughes, 1912; Sheldon, 1918." En
thusiastic crowd greeted the New York
governor when he spoke from the train at
Ashland, Havelock, York and other stops.
The yells of cowboys and the music of a
brass band from a "wild west" show Joined
In the tumult of greeting at Grand Island.
The public schools at Kearney were dis
missed to allow the pupils to hear the gov
ernor. '
At Hastings tonight Governor Hughes
reached the extreme west point of his tour.
He said In part:
I can well understand the local pride
that Is felt In this state for the eminent
man who Is a candidate for the great
office of president," said Governor Hughes.
I well appreciate the pride which every
cltlrfen feels in his career and aspirations.
But the Issues In this campaign transcend
any question of local pride.
I have admired Mr. Bryan's oratorical
ability, respected his sincerity and won
dered at his imagination. I have been
struck with his abounding political vitality.
Why Is It that for the third time he pre
sents mmseir ror tne surrrages of the
people? Mr. Bryan has set himself up as
an advocate of reform, he haa Drannml. to
do much that would not be In his power
to ao it eiecioa, ana ne nss proposed to do
a great deal more in a legislative way
that Is wholly unworkable and chimerical.
None of Mr. Bryan's new schemes have
been tried and I feel sure that If you anal
ysed them and Imagined them for a mo
ment to bo In working order you would not
wish them to be tried any longer. We want
no experiments that might throw the Amer
ican republic into the hands of a receiver.
We want to cure abuses, tout we cannot
climb, high unless we keep a steady head.
We cannot effect reforms by the visions
of a night. We must eradicate evils with
out threatening our prosperity and Insti
tute progressive Ideals without resort to
fanciful programs
Having met all classes of people In this
state, I am convinced that Nebraska is
going to vote for continued progress. W
have ao the republican candidate a man
whose ability has been tried lti two most
Important fluids of government endeavor.
He went to the Philippines and settled
amicably and without ostentation altf.
cult problem. His sctlon as a Judgs prev
iously nad been dictated by a dsslr to
administer Justice' with special favor to
ward no class. He comes before you now
as a candidate far removed from propoaals
guuen up id piease me popular rancy. an
honest, simple, able -man in whose whole
career not a blemish can be found.
Kathaslasm at Koaraoy.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Oct. 7 tSpecla! Tele
gram.) Kearney was enthusiastic for
(Continued oa Second Pago.)
Rival Candidates Guests of Chicago
Association of Commerce.
Three Halls of Auditorium Crowded
with Distinguished Men.
Judge Taft Unable to Get from Gales'-
bur; Until Late.
Each of tho Candidates Is tatrodared
in Felicitous Speech Other
Speaker) Are A. C. Bartlett
and D. R. Forgo n.
t -
CHICAGO. Oct. t.-w4lHsm J. Bryat
and W. H. Taft, rival candidate for th
presidency of the United State, met to
night at the fourth annual banquet of tin
Chicago Association of Commerce.
Mr. Bryan, having been In Chicago ah
day, waa the first to arrive. Judge Taft
having delivered a apeech at th opening
of the Deep Waterway convention this
forenoon went to Galeshurg and delivered
another address during th afternoon and
returned to Chicago tonight after the
banquet wa well under way.
Intense Interest In th meeting had been
manifested slnoo It tint became known
that the two candidate were to meet In
public and every scat In three banquet
halls at tho Auditorium hotel, thrown to
gether for the occasion, was occupied when
the first course was served, save only a
commodloua chair reaerved for Judge Taft.
At the speakers' table when the speech-
making began, there , were th following:
Lafayette McWllllama, H. N. Hlglnbotham,
J. V. Farwell, Walter II. Wilson (repre
senting Mayor Busse), Dr. Emit G. Hlrsch,
David R. Forgan, Mr. Taft, President
Richard C. Hall of the Chicago Associa
tion of Commerce. Mr. Bryan, A. C. Bart
lett, Governor Deneen of Illinois, John G.
Shedd. Charles H. Wacker, President
Kavanaugh of the Desp Waterway aeso
clatlon, T. P. Shouts and Don Farns
worth. Besides Mr. Taft and Mr. Bryan the
speakers of the evening were A. C. Bart
lett and David R. Forgan. Mr. Bartlett
was the first speaker and Mr. Forgan was
sandwiched between Mr. Bryan and Mr.
Mrs, Bryan tatrodaced.
In Introducing Mr. Bryan President Hall
"As I look upon my distinguished associ
ates, on right and left I am forced to re
sort to the familiar protestation of the per
plexed lover, 'How happy I could be with
either, were tho other dear charmer away.'
The evolution of politic ha brought to a
commanding place tn the eyes and regard
of hla countrymen, a citizen of Nebraska,
His life haa been an honorable progress
from the day he received hit degrs front
hi alma- mater-to the hour of his choice
as standard-bearer Of one of the great na
tional parties by legion of enthusiastic
countrymen. With the principle of an
American he has sought and held leader
ship in a career of courage, fidelity and
kindness. Millions accept his captaincy, the
energy of his service, the purity of his
patriotism Gentlemen. Mr. Bryan."
Jndsro Taft Introdaced.
The Introduction of Mr. Taft was aa fol
lows: "In the fortunes of war w acquired
alien and subject races. Our government
assumed to lead them to th lofty emi
nence of American civilization. For the ac
complishment of thla purpose the 'president
sent to the Filipinos a typical citizen, an
eminent counsellor and a man with the
courage ,of his convictions. He accom
plished the high purpose of hi mission,
winning both the confidence of hi coun
trymen and the love and gratitude of a
nation to be. Success and honor - have
crowned hi every effort in active life a
citizen, Jurist, peacemaker and cabinet of
ficer. Through all his career and In our
Insular possessions he haa stood for the
Integrity of his government and th maj
esty or right. Gentlemen, Mr. Taft."
Unnamed Soldier of Civil War Makes
Restitution to tbo Uov-ernment-
WASHINGTON. Oct. 7.-After having
drawn for years a pension to which he
was not entitled, an unnamed veteran of
the civil war has Just returned to tha
United State government th sum of 11,171
to be added to the ever-growing "con
sclerco fund."
Commissioner of Pension Vspaslan
Warner related thl remarkabl cas of
stricken conscience to President Roosevelt
yesterday, but refused to divulge the
name, not even disclosing It to th United
Statea treasurer, In whose hand tha money
wa placed. .
Upon receipt recently of the pensioner's
certificate, accompanied by two 1300 coupon
bonde of the United Statea, a draft for $171
and an explanatory letter atatlng that th
writer had long been drawing pension,
for which he had no equitable claim, and
wished to mak full restitution, the com
missioner examined the records In ths cas.
The record was all right, so a special ex
aminer waa sent out on the theory that
tha soldier might b mentally Irresponsible.
Th man waa found to b in excellent
health and sound mind.
Trainmen Have Fierce Fight with
Charles Crochaska of David
DAVID CITY. Neb. Oct. 7.-(Spclal Tls
grain) After imbibing freely of lntexlcant
at Fremont, Charles Crochaska, a farmer
living a few mile from David Ctty, met hi
wife, who had been to Omaha on a visit,
and threatened to kill her. Th assault
occured on ths Northwestern train between
Fremont and David City. Trainmen, with
difficulty, rescued the woman from hr
husband, who started to beat htr and said
he would kill her.
Mrs. Crochaska was locked In a closst
op a car a protection for her and her hus
band mas bound to his seat and given over
to th sheriff of Butler county on his ar
rival here. No charge ha yet been pre
ferred against him.
A year ago. Crochaska, whll in a similar
condition, forced his wife to Jump out of
a window on the second story of their home
with the result that she broke her arm.
Crochaska stood behind hi wlf at that
time and threatened to kill bsr with a
shot fun U&lesa sh Jumpsd