THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1908. 9 4 V X GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Decline in Cablet and Immense In crease in World'! Vliible Supply. VALUES TAKE ANOTHER SLUMP ' ' ( Rn-lt 'Are Liberal and Mow !- laad for AH CtU tmmmmm Llt- He- Privapeet ! MtlwUI 4Thonn. " OMAHA. Oct. . 10 Willi further declines rn cable and the Immense mere In the worKl'n visible supply wheat values slumped anln today. Th situation hss remained practically tn mm, with receipts liberal and alow oemand for all cereals, and t.iere iwmi very little prospect of any material change. VhMt mlmrl A evrutk mnr lower nn Wesk cables and continued heavy receipt. 1ater th. wArM'i vtaiHI. .nniUv Increase caused Malar feeltnv mil values were gold Off stead lly. fjocumlw wheat opened at r,c Com aold lower with wheat and lark of burlna- oower. Re 1 nar was genersi ana 01 ferlnas xnl.tanlnf (lash stuff WSN a Arnm nn lV,m mirkM and wtl only taken 1n small lots. December corn opened at W4o and closed at ,914c. Primary wheat receive were J.OW.O") bu. and shipments were, l,!,nro bu., against re relpts fast year of L868.000 bu. and ship ments of WB.fro bu. , .. r-nra Mlnla ura fUi OHO hll. and Ship- Tn.nt. VaiWI hll awftinSt receipts lBSt vaar nf til nn hai. and shloments of 864,000 bu ' ----- rl. r. nrsa m-ra in hll of COrn. 8.000 bU of oau and wheat and flour equal to 63.000 bu. . . Liverpool rlosed Hftid lower on wheat and unchanged tf) a lower on cum. Local range of opttona: Artlclea. Open. Hlgh.l Low. ) Close. Tesy. Wheat-I , I . I I I Dec... , a?, T 2 JB1 T May... 98', 9t4 9fSI K'l Com I ' - I I Dee... 6! 69V f4 6!"4 May...! 69 69H 69, 69l 69, Dec... "47 47, 48V. 4K4j 47 Way...) ' 49 . Wkl MI 49 No. 3 No. No. No. 4 Omaha CMk Frleea, WHEAT No. 2 hard. S4oj No. hard, SlHWVec; No. nard, W(fwci spring. 92$D4c; no grade, KkfiSoc. CORN-No. J. 70c; No. 4, 70V4c; yellow. 70Hc; No.. 3 yellow, 70Vc; white. 71Vc; No. I white, 71V4c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 46'.15ir : mixed, 4Ma46',c; Nor 8 white, Vg-snVkc; No. 4 white, Vfl4Mo; standard, 4Vc. RYE No. . 71V,c; No. 1, 70V.C. ' Cfu-lot Hecelfta. ' ' Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago ..!,.... 7 167 413 Minneapolis 484 Omaha ..i .'. 48 10 . 30 Duluth 612 sacked, shorts. $11 26: clear ribs. 111. 15 short clesrs, $11 2.V bacon sieady; boxed extra short. $i:.lllH; clear rlha, I12.V0; ahort cleats, IKM'-'H . . I'liKNMKAIr-Mwcr; i "). HIHN- l'nihaned; caet track, IAY i ncnsngea; imoiny, prtiirle, ..... IKON I II I J u . ns,o-.'l'. B AfM3lNO 8c; , 1 IIKMP TWlXRi-i'c. " . roi'I.TRY Steady: ..chickens. 1flVc; prlnas, I3vnl4; turkeys, lc; a ticks, wi $. ; ee. be. Hi TTER MiRnr; creamery.. .)vji'.ilc KUOS Steady; JSVic, '-ss count. Rmielpte. Shipment a.' Flour, bbis 7.ono - Wheat, liu m.ii v.m Corn, bu S2."no . Oats, bu 74,000 k.itjo CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Kea tares of the Trading and Closing Prlcaa oa Board of Trad. ' CHICAGO. Oct. 6. A record-breaking in crease in the world's available supply of whest wss sn important factor in causing- slump In wheat advices here today. Final uitoiatlnns showed a net loss for the day of Ha to lifi'IStc. Corn, oats and provisions were also weak. . . . The wheat market wa n'rvons the entire session and trade was-of" only moderate volume. There was considerable aelllnit at the start -of the wheat bought on yester day's war scare, when early cables dis closed the fact that the foreign a-raln mar. kets apparently reflected no excitement In Kurope over the prospect of the beginning oi nostiiities oetween Turkey and Hulftaria. Continued- liberal recelDta In the northwest alao Induced moderate selling- early la the day. As a result of the. proflt-taklnr prices declined nearly lc on the tlocal exchange during the first half hour.-- A aharp rally occurred later In the saasidn o wins' to an unconfirmed report that, war had actually nroaen oyi in ins uamans. . 1 ne strength however, 'was soon dlsslBated bv Brad. afreet's report of tho world's vislbla supply of wheat, which showed an Increase- of. U. 472.000 bu,' for world, again. exceeding- last weex a recora-Drsexiss; Aacrtu. -The at sence of export buslneas Jiera and at north western center also contributed to the late weakness, notwithstanding . that the sea. board reported ' fcirty boatloads takes for export. 'Jhe tnmrk.t,rJtwi,-&it- wbaas-J-tw. waa firm, and at south western markets prices were up He. Th market closed weak at almost the- lowest point. Clesr snses of whest and flmir were equal to 63. omr bushels. Primary reelpta were 2,038. two bu., compared with l.,0n0 bu. on the cor responding day-one year ago. " Minneapolis. Duluth. and Chicago reported receipts of 1.063 cars, against 1.371 cars last week and 1)74 csrs a year ago. Profit-taking by local longs on a liberal scale cauaed weakness In tha.corn market. Much of the selling was duetto numerous reports received today- which seemad to In dicate that the new crop had not been seri ously Injured by the- recent frost. Prices at tho close were almost at the bottom. Docal receipts were 167 cars, with 38 cars of contract grade. Oats were dull and weak, the bearish sentiment being largely due to the weak ness of wheal, although a slow demand for the cash garln was partlv responsible for the heavy tone. Prices for the cash grain were Wifte lower. lcal receipts were 413 cars. Renewed selling of provisions by local packers caused a fresh slump In the price of the hog products, following the steady ileclln of the last few days. Receipts of hogs at western packing centers were much laiger than for the corresponding day a y ?y. i? ni '" Price of hogs hero waa ofr Kliic as a result of the heavy move T u k how1 ha greatest weakness i.. , prices were txuwc lower. ror tomorrow: Whest. n. , lOO . i. ' ;koii ... ' " N EW Y On K I.K.VEHAI, MARKET Qnotatlons of the Day on Varloas Commodttlea. NEW YORK. Oct. .-FL01'R-Ri'elpts, 64.b8 bbls ; exports, 6.807 Dois. Market quiet and lower to sell; Mlnnesois paienie. $5.4ffit.SO: winter strslght". tl.-'olt 4; mm-- neenla bskers, I4..W4.60; winter extras. -.w 4i3.S0; winter Mtents. $4.4o'j4 hi: winter low arades. $.1 30S .70. Rve flour, steady: fair to good. $4 3r,i4.40: rholce to fancy, $4.3nii 4i. Buckwheat flour, steady at la.wit 3. jr.. CORNMF,AI-43ti(et; rin whit and vellnw 11 m- coarse. $1.6501.70: kiln dried. $4.1. , ' t RYE Dull; No. 3 western, k'-,c, i. o. ,o.. New York. BARNEY Steady: malting, S(nj65c. c. 1. r.. Buffalo; feeding, 63V&tiH.c, c. 1. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts, lnO.OOO Ml.; exports, 1S.86 bu.; No. 2 red, tl.04.j ..CV elevator: No. 3 rvl ll.0A4k. f. o. b.. afloat; No. I- northern Duluth. tl.lVU, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. $1.074. f. o. b., afloat. Open ing lower on easy caoies. wnesi coniinuea to decline under the big Increase In world's stocks, but was rallied sharply at noon by war talk. Getting no confirmation ths market again sold off and with only light export closed easy at tn"c nee jobs. May, ll.OS 6-191 0W( closed at $1.0S4. CORN Receipts, $.676 bu.; spot, ey; No. 2. MV. nominal, In elevator, and Hfic, nominal, f. o. b., to arrive. Option market was decidedly more active and closed lc higher for May, against hie lower for' De cember. OATS Receipts, W.COfl bu.; exports. 26.EOO bu.: spot market steady: natural white, 24 to 31 pounds, MVS-56c; clipped white, ti to 40 pnunds, E6Hf61c. KEED Steady ; spring bran, $24.36; mid dlings. $24.60: city. $24.CO. HAY Firm; shipping, 66c; - good to choice. 76H'SOc. HIDEB-Dull; Bogota, 1919c; Central American. 194iC. LBATHRR Quiet ; acid. 23H29c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $16.76 17.fi0; mess, $l.1.5W14flO; beef hams. t.0m 3100; packet. tlB.lK"rfTit.0O; city extre India mess. $J4. Wu2,"i.0. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. HHW-ll-V: pickled hams. 114 fil2c. l.ard, weak, western, $10.356)ia45; re fined, easv; continent, $11.20; South Amer ica. $11.76: compound'. t7.62W68.00. Pork, easy: family, $2I.O0$i2l.6O; short clears, tiO.OO 22.ti0; mess, $16.5 17.00. TAI.TjOW Quiet; city ($3 per pkf.), country (pkgs. free), 6-')46!4c RICFBleady; domestic, fair to extra, 24tr,c: Japan, nominal. POUDTRY Dressed firm; western spring chickens. lulKc; fowls, ll16o; spring tur keys, i'ia'2oc. Bl;TTEH Firm; western factory firsts, CHEE8B Quiet; state, full cream spe clala, VmbWAc; state, small colored or white fancy, 13c; state, large colored or white fancy, 12c; state, good to prima, 129 12Vc; state, common to fair, 1049114c; skims. 3Cyl0ic.' EGGS -Quiet : state, Pennsylvania and nearby selected, white fancy, 36027c; same, fair to choice, 28&34c; brown and mixed, fancy, 30tt.12o; same, fair to choice, 2629c; western firsts, 23c; seconds, 2122c. W12ATHER IX THE GRAIX BELT Fair and Cooler the Ovtlook for Wednesday. OMAHA. Oct. f, 190H. The high pressure over the eastern por tion Is gradually moving off the. Atlantic c ast. 'Hie weather continues fair through out the east .and south,- but increased cloudiness Is thown In the Ohio valley and lako region. Dight rains are filling In the upper Mississippi valley this morning and showers occurred In th Missouri val ley and throughout the northwest within the last twenty-four" hours. ' Temperatures have risen slightly everywhere east of tha Missouri riyer since the preceding report. They are lower im tho' Missouri vallev. mountain districts and northwest. An area Of -hllir--.prflaus-..wirn. aajaltyhMnr weather, 1b moving in over the west and will move over . the central valleys within ths next twenty-four hours, and will cftusa fair and cooler weather in this vicinity tonight and Wednesday, . Omana record of temoeraturs and nra- clpltatlon compared with the corresponding aay ui me last mree years: 108. 1907. 1906. 1905. Mimmiim temperature.... 64 56 44 63 Precipitation 01 . .00 .00 JSormal temperature for today, 69 degrees. Detlcleiicy tu precloUatlotv since March 1, 2.97 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, V. f.i T-Iir-B, Deficiency correSDondlna- nerlod in 19ns 3 18 Inches. L. A. WBtvaif, Local Forecaster. Estimated reoslpts fo 24 cars; corn, S3 cars; -'ROTH hmmM tarn leading futures ranged as follows: Article. Opan. High. Lw. aosa. Tas'y, Wheat Iec. May July . Corn Dec. . May July Oats Dec. Mav July l Pu i ic on. Jan. Mav Lard Oct. Jan." May Ribs-' Oct. Jan. May ' I I 1(5 S iSWi 9a9Rt, I 1 01 1 (:v, 1 wu WSia, 987,,9)1 IMii 1 ol.: l tWl DStl Wt, i64SA 64T.I 64H;64V(RH6441iT: 4Vv.l 4HI 64 Mt .(BlUfl. I af u. i ill,. iMI a . . - " 1 I I I 49 I '49 4SHWs.' aA 6l!Sf61V,61fl6H, ! 6 4H 15 90 1 4 00 13 70 16 10 16 12H 16 76 16 90 16 96 It 66 6 10 05 . 9 95 6 9 60 9 60 6-" 9 6 42 60 82 f 40 4 SM S S7W 67H 145 46sl 46M I 46', 14 10 13 70 16 77V, 16 26 15 63H! 16 00 9 97V, 50 9 -'! 9 45 ' 8 37V 8 45 10 06 9 671, 00 60 8 6 8 57V4 I white. fair to Kansas City Grain and PrnTlalons. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 6. WHEAT DnchanKed; December. B6Hc; May, 95ic; July, 81W.C: cash. No. 2 hard. 94(at6'Ac: No. i nara, i'o(c; jo. rea, ll.OJ'tfl.O'i; No 3 red, 97&r1.02. CORNGenerally unchanged: December. oic; May. UV; July, bc; caah, No. ! mixed, llritrac: No. mixed. 714f71iAc: No. 3 whits, 7214c; No. 3 white, T14.7Sc. OATS-l'nehana-ed: No. 2 white. 4Sfifi0c: csn. a mixen, fMQtvc. R Y B 73t'76o. HAY-Steady; choice timothy. t9.5(yai0.00: cnoic prairie, ss.u)S.j5. BlTTTER 4'1Vic higher: creamery. rVic packing stock. 17o. EGGS-Vio higher; fresh extras. 24c: cur rent receipts, 19Vc. W heat, bu 112.000 115.000 Corn, bu 4.000 20.0UO Oats, bu 6,000 4,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 6. BUTTER Finn; extra creamery, 29c; nearby prints, ulC. EGOS Firm; Penneylvcnla and, other nearby firsts, 2u at mark; current re- ceipta in returiiHhle cases, 24c, at mark; western firsts, free casea, 25c, at mark; current receipts, fres cases. 24c, at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, iiiuico ioc, itur 10 gooa, 1'tfiac. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL; Oct. 6. WHEAT Spot irung, io. j rea western winter, lino, tu 1 urea, quiet: eceinoer, vs Tfra; March, 7s '4i: iay. hdh. iw.-poi, quiet; American mixed. 7s sn. hutures. quiet; October, 6a lod; De ccmber. 6s 8V4d. HOPS (At Ixmdon). Taclflo coast, new crop, steaay, i.1 ioux3 a. NEWMK STOCKS AND BONDS Fitful and Irregular Flnetuations Fol low Each Other All Day. RISE EARLY ON MAVY BUYING Adjearnmeat of .Vorthern Pat-lMc 1)1 reetors AVIthnat Declartag Cash Dividend Caasrs Slasnn In Price.. ... . NEW YORK. Oct. 6 Whether on ac count of thi Bslkan war cloud or for some other reason, there was much nervousness manifest In todny's stork market. Fitful and irregular fluctuations of prices fol lowed each other all day. A vigorous show of resistance to the pre vailing depression of foreign markets was made at the opening, when, heavy buying orders forced prices upwards with some violence. The sggressive operations In Union Pacific led to a supposition thst the leadership of the market was being reas serted by th forres long supposed to b In control. Buying to cover by the short Interest which sold freely In the final break yesterday was sn element In the epuit. The news arriving from abroad by that time was alao of a reassuring character and the report of the Turkish sultan's Intention to appeal to, a conference of the powers rather than to' declare war agalnat Bulgaria was regarded as offering a means of peaceful solution of th compli cation. Th alignment of the powers on the new situation presented Is watched with manifest snxlety and sll Indications that serve to define their attitude are welcomed on the financial markets. As much signifi cance was sttached to the action of the foreign exchanges and the grain markets as to that of the stock market, as the in fluence of other forces was manifest In the stock market. .The adjournment of the Northern Pacific directors, for Instance, without declaring that large extra cash dividend which was confidently predicted yesterday, proved disconcerting; to a con siderable! speculative element which has been operating confidently on the strength of these predictions. Northern Pacific weakened materially after th adjournment of the dlrectora' meeting and carried the list with It to a level below last night. This was In spite of the favorable showing mad by the outline of the annual report, n wnicii tne depression of the Inst fiscal year was reen to have made but moderate Impression. The failure of the Northern Pacific rumors to come true cast ana. plclon on a number of other rumors which were effective In vestenlav'a anemia t Inn and awakened a fear that they had been prompted simply by a speculative manip ulation. The afternoon weakness was traceable. In part, to the news of the em barrassment of an important bond house, having connections both In New York and fiosion. ana to the knowledge of the meas ures which had to be taken to conserve the large resources Involved. The decided strength developed by the foreign exchangs nan ratnr an impressive effect, as Implying an- elffecaAve foreign demand for tilth. drawal of funds from New York. The de mand was associated with tho war news and was the occasion of some misgivings as to the accuracy of the more superficial Indications. The wheat market, also, strengthened In th latter part of th day trcm ine more serious consideration of the war prospects abroad. From this Interim of weakness the market waa lifted again by the buoyant advance In Rock Island prererred, which rose to fifty oh transit ions n, very large Individual blocks. The rJss In that stock was explained by news concerning the property and was regarded as most Important In Its Indication of the speculative opinion of th financial group controlling th property. The market ended strong under the Influence of the animated dealings In Rock Island preferred. Honas were irregular. Total sales, oar value, $3,290,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were th sales and ranee, of prices on the Stock exchange today: HalM. HUB. IjOW. CInM. joo to No. 2. r','.q.ucttl0.n follows: W-i t'.'l'trKitnb.kC apV..;VoPrT're K ' wSSSSI0- 1 MW4i fellow oath No. 8 white, 50i,c; N0 4tiV(5H.,c. R Y E No. J. 75c. BARLEY Good feeding, 644166c choice malting. 67Pi9c. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern $1 "4U Timothy, prime. 13.40. Clover, contract r-rujvt&iu.xtj snort ribs, s .1ea fin,.... $.1.75,1, iai2i ..Mess pork, per bbl.. $13.K7y,S m.wj. uirq, per iw 10s.. lu oofl 10.0,. Short -'r mr. iwunjl. I1U.MM1I.U v Following were ths receipts and shipments tf flour and grain: . 1 Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 7H.O1O 4;i f orn. .D 14S.6UI t6 .im lt, Pv 2l.s" S15.JXI ' bu, lO.rtM .3u) Barley, bu 211 w On the Produce exchangs todav the but ter market was strong; creameries. 2oVn 27.,c; dalrlea. l8Hfr'J4c. Egga. steady; at nark, cases Included, li-; firata 'c prlmo firsts. 23c. Cheeae. strady; UVjfjTie! t. Lanls General BlarUeC ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8- WHEAT Lower: . track. No. 8 ra. cash, tuayl.M; m hard, 96o$tl.AVu December. taVtl9sAc: May fl .01 V T.ia. CORN Liowar: track. No esh 74'h':ic No. . white, H.b'mc; December. . .May. Wf3Se. ' OATS lower: track. No t cash. 4Sc; No 2 whits, tic; December, 7Hc; May, t bOSc. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. H.&ff 4 90; extra fancy and straight, t164i4 6J cleara. $J M eKfcl-TlTnothy. tt 262.25. PKoVI8loN-Pmk. kiweri Jobbing. tl4.7f. lrd. lower; prime stejjn. t'""d U.Oul suit mats stead j buxed extra Mlnnrapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. . WHEAT De cember, tl "; May, $1.04;. cash No. northern, tl.oi'; No. 2, northern. tl.OWii j. ui; .-no. j nwrtnern, Dtrtjjswc; Io. 1 hard $1.031,. BRAN In bulk, tl7. 7518.26. FIjOUR Firm: first Datents. S5.65fM 80 aecond patents, $5.6t46.fi5; first clears, $4.40, seconu clears. 4J.oOtri.txJ. Psorla Market. PEORIA. 111., Oct. 6. CORN Higher; No I yellow, sc; io. 3 yellow, 78c; No. 78c; No. 2. 78c. OATS Higher: No. 2 white. 4914c; No. whit. 4sc: No. 4 white, 46'4tr46c. WHlSKY-tl37. Mllwankea Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 6 WHEAT Dull No. 1 northern. tl.OfiSfi'1.0tit: Ko. i. north em. $1 ,034ii'i'.04H: December. Ssl, ftMSc bid lOKN-DUIl: IH-c-emtwr. 64Vti64Hc bid. BARL1SY Sieady; sample. bifyHAc. Dalath (.rain Market. DULUTH. Oct. . WHKAT-No. 1 north em, 81.014; No. 2 northern. 9:c: Deceiiilx-r tl.U'1.: May, $1.04; October, tl.(.W; No. 4, 1.II. OA To 47c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. . METALS There waa a slight decline tn tho London tin mar ket today, with spot quoted at 133 15a and futures at L.S 6a. The local market waa quiet at ijm JJitcw.&o. I opprr advanced acts lis mi iur simji aou aou is sd tur tu lures tn the London market. The local market waa nun ana unchanged. Lake ' quoted at tlt!T7U4u 13.61'1, electrnlvtio a $12-12.37V, and casting at $12.8712. L. was lower at a'li 8s 9d in London. The local market waa easy and a shade lower at $4 i4 45. Bpelter waa unchanged in London, locally dull at $4.7tM 77H Iron waa lower 111 ins s-ngusn market, wit standard foundry quotea at td an Cleveland warrants at &oa 10Vd. No chang was reported tn the local market. No foundry. $!6.uO'1t.7a: No. 1 southern an No. 1 aoiithern. soft, tl 7V917 26. ST. I a'M l. 0 t. 6 METAIJs-lxad HJlet, t4.3;'5'j4 .35, Sillier, quiet; t65. Amaliamated Copper ,. Am. O. A r.,.., Am. C. r T. p.v.,. Am. Cotton Oil.'. Am. H. L. pM , Am. re serurltles Am. i'lnaaed OII..N..,.. Am. L comotiva ........ Am. Locamotlvs ptd.... Am. 8. A R Am. I. R. pfd Am. Busar turinlm .., Am. Tobaooo pfd Araarican;, Woolea AicniBon . Atchttoa pfd Atlantk Coast Lin Bslllmor 4 Ohio B.I. lc Ohio pfd Brooklyn Kmpla Tr Canadian Tai-Mlo Central leather Central ijaths pfd Central of New Jaraejr haaapeake Ohio Chloaso at. W Chicago N. W C, M. A 81. P C, C. C. A St. L Colorado P. I..., Colorado A So Colo. aV 80. 1st pfd Colo. & So. 3d pfd Couaohdaied Gas Corn Products Ilelawara A Hudson Denver a Rio Uranda D. A R. 0. pfd Dlitlllers' Securities Kris Kris lt pfd Erie td pfd (icnsral Klecti-lo Ot. Northara pfd tit. Northern Ura rtfa Ilinola Central uterborouah Met Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd international rump iiwa Cantral Kaniaa CILx Bo k. C. So. vti Louisville A N Minn. St. L M . St. P. A g. a. M Missouri Parlflc M , K. T M . K. A T. pfd National Lead New York Central N. Y.. o. A W Norfolk A W North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Ponn.ylvania .' People's Oaa P., c C. a- Bt. L Preesod B. C Pullman Palaca Car Railway let eel Spring Kaadlus Republic Btael Republic gtael pfd..... Rocs lelaud Co Rmk lelaud Ca pfd.. 8U L. a B. T. td pfd St. U B. W St. L. B. W. pfd.... Sloes-Sheffield B. A Bout hem Pacific . 80. Pacific pfd.... Southern Rallaar 80. Railway pfd.. Tennessee Copper Tens a Pacific. .. T.. Bt. L. a W.... T., St. LAW. pfd, ax-dlr I nloa Pacific I'nlou Psclflo pfd U, 8. Rubber t . 8. Rubber 1st pfd V. 8. Steel I'. 8. Steel pfd rub Copper Va. -Caroline Chemical .. V. cnera. pfd Webaeh Wabash pfd Wratlnxhouae Electric ... Western t'nlon Wheeling L K Wisconsin Centrsl Total ealea for the day 7H 40 4U0 400 "47"I oa 56,110 . 7H ... 10 104 v.. -8 -jsg to . 7 1(12 HA H 10.O.. M 104 1U 15 '4 KM UIT4 I 4.8m ) 100 "too l.soe l6,suo 4', ITT M 4ii 7 in' e.410 2.6U0 4u; WO SS 4.4'JU 14714 M4 'si 17ft 1 244 n 'ii" 7 i."X 13s ni 6s" 14414 110 167 l7i lliO ' too 61.IOA J.s.iu !) 4714 VI 314 44i :ie 2' 14,400 IMS. 1,P"0 1,4'N) t'.l A. 000 2,otst 1U0 141) IH4 31V, H4',4 son iuf eoo 14 l.mto 1H l.Mn 64 4 1.6tW SO'4 'b.o 'ma, 1,0 104. 4 41 400 73 iii.fttn) uz no ,) 3"0 6 . .149,1' )0 124 li 23 .. 10,00 .. .. i. two 77 tr. 31S 7V 2.1, 4.114 3'.",. 140 131 f. 73H 11.., IH ':" M J7'l ioi" sis 113 (3 1014 'irt lo 40 73 rm'i 12.1 MS SAV, :i u IDVs 4 6V 7 87,4 t 4S 44 s., 41-4 ... 1 "'. 1W14 : .- ifi. ),. HSi lii, 163 27', S7 iH 140 13'1, ,k 13., A, 1014 5Hk a ..1 it Aii 16 4 W, J4'a .l'n 43 v, 1U3, -4'i 73 4Ai 14l 131 .- 74 1U :u l..i 7. K4 S'V, 4i, J1V I... 1110 sov, : , 34,W Vi4H ll2' i"l 100 118 11AV, II . , 1, 21V, 21 214, 5lVj , 3.204 41 4 41V H &00 27K, 17 i, r bl Si. tio. .160,700 ltc4 .143 1"5 , ' 7(i0 32 31 3i"4 y) 11'4 101 !4 !!-. .27. "0 4SS f 464 , 1.0H) J(i Jism lMt . l.tSU 41 , 4"Vj , 8,100 31 Si 33 3S Ms 3lO 12V, 13', yj N J.VA. :-H 73 72 7.' 41.0 S (. MV, lilo ' HI4 S liW 27 i; 27 841. 100 .hires. 250,000 : Acres Choice Virgin Prairie Wheat Lands in Saskatchewan to be Offered For Sale by the Sashatopn '& Westere Land Co., Lid. at the City of Regina on October 12-13-14-15-16-17 Free Oaiiroad Fares to Buyers! I - T ' 1 "N AAAftlTO.A ; A QUICK !!!!1I1!!X,3 .....-..,..(.....? easy trip Vl l POINTS t i w:0A(w v ? 1 ",VtatiXi; tjouTH Voakot A c J ( o rvr -J X? I 4 ia" WEBst ASK A If llH0l T Here ass 1 aerie rhsa ari sssssr rastfeawafs. nssrly sll wtba raw nil ss en 09-eo 4ar.)r-oaV to be eTerea at aactlaa. They hava been rwalfnc A HO t $15 per sere, bat there ars saaay tracts that wooM be bargalas at I3t. Th Ss.kaeooa A Western Land Ce.XerJ. pretwr to asAoeWawls 230.000 acres at Its haldiar is) Ikm fceart eJesoeaaei.aiid will therefore c4fer lor sals Ibis mam bar ol acres at this iaiportant sale. Get ready t g sis. 1 Who knows bat that boss at thsss rich, fertile acres nay hs yswr. as a saw bid! Yow do not have ts live oa thi, laod to get the big bargain varea. Toe tear ket Is rising. These lands ars a big paytng Investment lor lb city ansa as wall as th faraier. M at roar plaas to ro naas. Arrange year bnsioese so yoa eaa be hi Regina October 12th. when The Saakataen A Western Land Co.'s Bal starts. Or go ts Regina aod ct so the laad a rWa efapw pi lane rn OceVeeWr fA. s sa ts get soanslated with ths great tract and determine whet location yon mfwr. So lar asTa poestols. w wtil accocamodstshnver by patting nv at aay Mom any spscsal quarter, halt ar whel section. We aeufMfji rssaaanans seaiip aen) as aesa im A Aeerf r 5a A4cAiai. U yon dsnhs ram oomalst adranta InlaroiaHon, aend toonr (Uglaa oj&o,(or ' '. - . : f. . Lare Map and 90-Paje Dsok Free . I Owr mmm shows aaea and every section we own. It ghres oa a rraa ablnrs el par boldinrs. It shows fast how we se looted the ssaat rerfre mJ free scarasf acru available hi tbs entire Prssrhaos ot Raakatcbewao. It shows how Ideally the tsnda are shnate bow sear Aagiaa, how Convenient t sfrs mtmt hod th grain and stock markets, and th excellent rail road (soil Mm. Free. Writ for the map to The Saskatoon A 1 Westers Land Co., Ltd., Rgios. Saskatchewan, Canada. 1 Oarr taili Is a storehouse ot Information on Western Canada grata lands. Contains ninety pages, and many falthlnl photo graph of lan, crews. As and features ( Interest in th heart of Saskatchewan. It list all onr property by quarter . sections. Pre. Wn want to eend It to yon. Writs for it to .The Saskatoon A Wsatera Laod Cs.'t Boa la Regina. Sss Aatcbewaa, Canada. , The Sakal445UWe8terTi Lsnsf Cw.'s Lantl U Extra Choice Graia Laad. Text Get Title From tae .Crowa.Aa Iatlispoiable Title Ths ftaskateon A Wsstarn Land Co.' snctioa will h ImM at g.rise, 5eArrA,SM.e, Canasta. AWAar ml mm. It wfll he held In Tha Saskatchewan Western Lsad Ca.'s em nnviV la nswhar els. It will h bM Or tabes It 13, 14. LV M. 17. ftssnter Ikmmm afwfea. Dos t get them late. Be aa bss early. Onn't 6wy. aaaW an oiesniwsfaneaa. mf mmymmm mfU las araettan U mm mm mmttmr asaat ymm kmmr. The Snkstee, A Western Laod Co.', laad Is axira ohatoe. Don't taaa toady elae's nrotd that tbay hsv laad "inst as d " This laad was especially sassrtsd-lt title is from ma Craws. Th terras ml payment witlheth fairest. Yon will be dealing wkh a wealthy oanaaaay that erfll always stand behind cyary praatisa aad glv ya tbs nsast lthsral treatment yan can ask. The oanapsat r 1 am ftgnt to sraisaraw aay at tha lasda trass sal. 8 Years to Ptvyl Only 4 Per Cent Interest! Read Our Liberal Terms! 10 mf thm s,iien prfe at raw mf sal, tnfamca mf rga far tint saj ai.w mf $3. M swr mmrrn im tmm afar, rmmmiivdmr m want mmmmt annaaf isMsfaOiaamsa, aseta taewrasT at mmr caat. Smrwmy fmmm mf 10 rent mmr ascro, mmjmmim sverA fast Mrtasnsasaf aaaf se?Ant Mmrmmi. Upon a nnroet heina knocked deal, the bidder shad Icarnedl- stsly niske tbe deposit at 18 par seal ( th aorcbas price with the Clark of hat. 43rhorw4a ths psroei may hs pat ua again ar withdraws from sal. i One Crop Will More tkaa Pay f r the Land Pirnr k eat yewreelf. Ths avaragf Saskatchawaa yield Is: Whest, from 20 to 23 hushels par acre; Oats, (rasa 38 I 43 bash la per acrs; Baday, tram 28 1 38 basbaht par nor -sad a a : tUEHBEl TRIC Svsry pnrahaaar of a pares of onr land at this auction sals wvll hs glTsm his rail, way far front any point la Canada or tha Vattea ' States to and from angina. That la avry frarchaaa of 180 aors or mora will bar his round trip fata rsfnadsd, upon showlnr Ms Wokrt and surrndclA( th rclp of th ticket scant from whom b par chased th ticket. This wUl ha arranged a tha tint of making th first paymsnt of 10 of th parehna prlc. B surs and so'nr rstrolar railway form rn. clpt showing particulars of faro o that thsr caa h no question as to th yalu of tha ttokst. Railroad Rates to Regina Following -are th schedules and single trip rate to tleglua of the Chlcafo a aorthwasrbsrn From Ohl oatr, $37 88; trains. 9:00 s. nv. 8:30 p. m., 10:80 p. m. JfUJwan kee, t26.60; trsins, 9:60 a. m . T:4S p. m. Omaha, t46; trains. 7:45 a. m.. 8 20 p m Jea Motnaa, t24 .86; trains. 8:26 a, m. Council Bin f is, $J40;. trains, 8:05 a. in.. 8:40 p. in. SlotUI City, t21-46; trains, 11:06 a. m., 11:30 p. ni. Chlcaa-o. Milwaukee a ntt Paul From ChleaAo, $27 00; trains 9:00 a m., 8:80 p. in. 10:S0 p. m. afUwaok, $'.'R 60; trains 12:46 a m.. 11:18 a. m., 8:55 p. m. DUbuau. tiiS.96; trains 7:20 a, ni., 1 01 p. m., 11:X5 p. in. avsnport, $26.60; trains, 8:15 p. m., 10:10 p. m. Wisconsin Cantral From Chlcags, tI7.00;. KUwan- loo!paclfio-From Chicago. tJ7.00; Bt. Paul, tl00. Chicago, Bdrlinrton a CjtilnoT From Chicago, $27. 00; ht. Louis, $.10 .60. Psorla, $27.16; BarUngton, $25 96.. Hock Island, t26.50. Xaokuk, t26.60. Baanibal, t8. B on hand at Regina for the Great Land Auction, and remember, those who buy receive refund of their fare paid both to and from Rerpoa, no matter whether they hold bomeseekers' excursion ticket or reralar first-cUss return tickets. For further information. Hotels, etc., . . write, only to Tho Saskatoon & Western Land Co., Ltd., Refina. Saskatchewan. Canada. Make our office there your beadouartars. The Saslta toon cS:V7es tern Land Co.Ltd.City of Reina, Province of Saskatchewan.Canada eral fund, exclusive of'lba $150,000,000 gold reserve, . shows: AvailS-ble cash . balance, tl78.709.183; gold coin 'and bullion, $37,092,997; gold certificates. fX.fylfi"- t . New Tork Money. Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. PRIM K MERCAN TIKhi PA PBK 4i4l'4 per cent. 8TKRUKU . E1X.C11ANGE Stiontr, with actual business In bankers' bills 11 1 $1.H'C(t) 4.S510 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8t5 for demand; commercial bills, $4.lVi'&4.84i. SILVKR Bar, 614c; . Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, IrrcgulHr. MONKV Cm call, eaay; 10T4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; cloaing bid, 1 pei cent; offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days. 2 per cent; ninety days, 3 per cent; six months, S1 per cent. Closing quotations- (m New York bonds were as follows: -V. 8. ref. xs. Kg MSlnt. Afsf. 4t,i i do ctmpen 101 I.c tt-'if. unl. 4s 4 V. 8. Is. res lii!4 Man. . K.. 4a 1, do coupon ..........101 .'Mai. Central. 4s si TJ.'B. 4e, rvn. ........ lil So tai Inc 14 do coupon '. ...122 M. A BU -L.-4s ik Am. Tobsoco 4....... 7!H M- K. A T.-4s "4 do As'...'..; ...'.JO (Jo hn..' rt. "A Atgftlson gsa. 4 , VS, H, ft, of! M. a. 4s r do adj. ts ,...4sJ -XrlXaVratfenS,:.... 9t"4 Atchison nrvi- 4s..... M N. -j). -(). i: (s.. !Af4 -.yanio o, .4; 4. s i . s -.;ysjbwii Bsl. & Ohio .;vfc'4 air- 4..,.-. do ass Brk'. R. T. cv. 4s.. Centrsl of Ua. 6a.. do 1st Inc do 2d Inc do 3d Inc Che. A Ohio 4s. Chicago A A. 3,a. ('., 14.- U. n. 4s.. C. R. I. A P. 4a. do col. 6s do rfdg. 4s ..l'ie f'l .. N. Ii W. p. 4s VI ; i. 74VaA.' A (U'-'ffng. 4.A.... J4' . .KU Penaesi 31915.... I'd. 1 m 4a can. 4s.. .iv 10, .. 41 Resdlas gen. 4s, 934. .. 40 Cubs 6s KS . 1"lSt. IKA t. M. o. U .ll'.H, .. 71 St. U A 8. K. fg. 4s. 7'4 .. M'.St. U S. W. C 4s.... 74S .. 7414 Seakosrd A. I 4s.. W .. 7A eso. Psclflc 4s A7M, do 1st 4s. COQ. A St. L,. .'! W14S0. Railway Aa. Colo. Ind. As....v 7t'4Tsa & P. ts l iiln. Mid. 4s Colo. A 80. 4, Del. H. cv. 4s O. 11. () 4a.... Kris p. I. 4s do g(n. 4s Hoik. Val. 4,s... Jspsn 4s do 4s 91.4 KII4 111 L. A W. 4s. 77 ...44 T.. SI ... X4lnlon Paclflo 4a do cv. 4s . .. l 1. S. Bteel 2d As . . . A'j W'sbssb Is ... U Western d. 4s. . .. ...1116 W. L. B. 4s.. . .. A04 Wis. Central 4s. . ... m U. S. deb. 4s 1U llt!i ... S-., ...1014 ...UjH ... 7'. ... 77 ... i4; IH London t'loalnar stocks. LONDON, Ck-t. 8. American bccurlilos were irregular during the curly trading today. Pennsylvania and Baltimore .fc Ohio declined H, while the Pacific stocks gained as much. At noon the market was steady with pricea ranging frou. below to , above yceterday'e New York closing. London closing biock quotations; Cansols. money . .44 14-14 M., K. A T Sd l-if .-veer iotk 1 entrai .. i Norfolk W .. JiS do ptd. .. 'i Ontsrio a w . .IO0A4 Penn.ylvsnla ... ..Ultftand Minos . . 4i4 Reading iHBouthetn ny St. P...1W4 4a pfd 1 Soul htm Psclflc. . rn. Lb iba Pacific . do pfd . 1lHt. S. Steel . 44 do prd , 4 Wabash . :1 do p(d .144 Bosnian 4s .lug Aaisl. Coouer tSII.VKR Mar, quiet. ai-ii-a per uuncs. . MONEY A per rent. The rat of discount In ths open market for short bills la lV'Tl1 P' cent;. for three months' bills. lSlV per cent. Bank Clearlags. ' OMAHA. today were ti.0A Bpondlng date last year . 115.) to Trraiarr Btatastcat. WA8H1N41TOX. Oct. .- Today's ment uf the treasury balam es in iho v-n- do account Anaconda Alrulson do pfd Baltimore (wto. t ansdiaa Pacific. Chesapssse It O... Chicaso U. W ( hi.. Mil. Ie Beers Denver A Xlo U do pfd me do let pfd do 2d ptd Grand Trunk Illinois laalral.. Lonlevllle a N .. l'.e ..1'1 . ii . .. K .. 4144 .. 4. .. 7 . J aVi .. a."4 ..17H ..liu .. ) .. 4'H ..r. .. 1 1 . 21 .. .i . TiA Boaton Stock and Bonds, BOSTON. Oct. 6-Maney, call loans. 2 per cent; time loans, 3tfMA4 per cent Quotations on stocks and -bonds were tu follows: . ?2 Adventure . Dx Allouer. . I"' Amslganiated . . 4-H lc . M4 Blsgham .218 C.I. & Heel... .UP, Centennial .... .111 Copper Range . U1 Paly West .... .141',, Franklin .ISA Or.nbr . Hie Royale .... . II Mass. Mining . t'4 Mlchlgsu .ISA Mohawk .US'. Mont. C. A C. . 127old Dominion . . .'1 Os'sola . So Parrot . 144Qulncy 2"0 Bhannon .141 Tsmsrsck . M Trinity . hi t'nlted Copper . -' V. S. Mining... .12'. V. 8. Oil . ,Vi"4 t'lsh , 2H Victoria . 4'A Winona , .104-4 Wolverine Atchison adj. 4s do 4 Mei. Central 4s Atrhltnn R. R do pfd Roatnn 4 Albany... Boston A Alaitie ... Boston Klevsted ... r'tti-hburg pfd N. Y., N. H. A H.. t nlon Psclflc Am. Arse, t'hem do pfd Am..Fneu. Tube Amer. Sugsr do pfd Am. T. a T Am. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Kdlson Else. lllu. .. (loners) Klectrio ... Msns. Klectrtc do pfd Mass. Oss I nurd Fruit I nked 8. M do pfd U. 8. Bteel do pfd .. .. 17 .. it .. 1 . . VI ..44-1 .. 4 .. 71 .. B .. 12 ..100 . . A . . ld4 .. .. 1. .. t'4'j .. "4 .. .. l'Ai .. 70 .. 17 4 .. Ill, .. 44 4 .. - .. 4!'i 4'i .. A, . .137 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Large Receipts of Cattle Make Slow and Lower Market. HOGS TEN TO TWENTY LOWER Fat Sheep and Lamb Very Active and Twenty-Five Higher at Least Feeders Shew Little Change Tuesday. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 6, 1908. Receipts were: Official Monday ,. Estimate Tuesday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .12.1:16 8,300 8.678 4.S00 11,501 8,900 Two days this week. ...20,436 8.478 90.901 Same daya laat week.... 14.620 8.161 62,808 Same daya 2 weeks ago.. 13.053 7.667 72,729 Same d.iys I weeks ago..2t.075 7,062 44,8o2 Same days 4 weeks ago..l2.9 7,461 . 6.1,W Sam days laat year. .. .19.206 - 8.149 40.1U7 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 191 18. 1907. Inc. Dm. Cattle 749,303 886.9S8 137,575 Hogs 1,960.651 1.9Z7.W6 22.9 Sheep 1,607.166 1,479.215 7,941 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. Sept. 27.. Sept. 28.. Sept. 29.. Sept. 30.. Oct. 1... Oct, 2... Oct. 8... Oct. 4... Oct. 6... Oct. 8... I 1908. 119VI7.11&06. 11906. 11304. i903-l1902' 8 201 5 191 5 871 I 7 84 6 87 8 64 6 68i 8 60 6 624 61 6 31 6 971 6 96 a 8 03 6 01 6 92 5 81 6 84 6 84 6 18 21 6 13 6 25 2i 6 27 6 29 6 29 6 81 6 lft 6 19 5 69 e 1 6 181 5 10 6 06 6 06! 6 74 6 89 6 661 6 72! 7 71 7 941 5 74 6 62 a ni 5 Mi grass cow and heifers. $3. 2Mi 3 TS : fair to good grass cows and h-ifers, l2.7ofrC.A; com mon to fair grass cows ana neirers, t.75; good to choice feeders. J4.yitH.60; fair to rood Blockers and feeders. 3.6tVgl.l&; common to fair stockers and feeders, W.T&'S? i.5; stock heifers, t2.50ij3.00. Representative sales: BEEF STKERS. No. Av.Pr. " No. Av. Pr. 14 ."1110 AS WESTERNS NEBRASKA 20 feeders.. ffH 8 cows 723 21 feeders.. 925 14 feeders. .1063 22 feeders.. 7m 13 cows 971 S3 cows f8 11 cows 823 17 calves... 300 3 65 2 00 S66 S 66 3 35 8 16 3 16 2 450 8 26 23 cows A21 11 cows iftVt 2 feeders.. 925 28 feeders.. 7sR 15 feeders.. Si) 30 feeders.. 928 15 cows 874 2S cows 930 S bulls 10J8 2 40 8 Of. 8 IS) t 00 8 10 S M 2 76 8 10 2 66 & 72 6 74 6 76! 6 67 7 21 6 69 7 14 7 20 1 80 7 81 & 031 6 l 5 651 7 42 Ner York Mlnloa Stocks. KKW YORK. Oct. 6. Closing quotations rn New iork alining stocks All. Breace Brunswick Con. ... Com. Tunnel stock. . Com. Tun. bonds Con. C.I. A Vs Horn Bilver Iron Silver L.sdvllle Cos. Utile Chief .. Mexican Ontsrio Ophlr rilsndsrd . Ysllow Jacket . ... 4 ... I ... ft . . .1 A ...It ...17S ... 44 Foreign Financial. BERLIN, Oct. 6. Trading on the Bourse today waa quiet and featureless. PARIS, Oct. 6. Trading on the Bourse today opened better. France, Turkish and Russian rentes were well sustained and the market closed steady. 1 3 4 11 10 4 8 19 I i '.3 4 3 1 '2 '.! n 3a Sunday. The official number of cars stock brought In by each read was; Cattle. Hog" Sheep. C. M. & St. P 10 Wabash Mo. Pac 6 Union Pacific 6 106 C. A N. W. (east) 8 C. A N. W. (west) 108 C. St. P., M. A- O l' C, B. A . (east) 1 C. B. & Q. (west) 102 C, R. I. & P. (east- 1 C. R. 1. & P. (west) 4 Illinois Central 1 C, O. W S Total receipts The disposition of Un as follows, each buyer p ber of head indicated Omaha Pkg. Co 902 Swift and Compar.y 2 0.11 Cudahy Pkg. Co 1.717 Armour & Co 1,318 Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C. Vansant ft Co 2s Carey A Benton 21S Ibman & Rothchlld.... 176 W. 1. Stephen !M Hill A Son 24X K. P. Lewis 2 Huaton & Co 13 J. B. Root A Co 3ii I F. Hubs "2 I. Wolf f'7 McCreaiy A Carey 318 Kam Werthimer 27s ii. F. Hamilton JOS M. Hagerty A Co 3 Sullivan Bros 68 Neison, Morris A Co.. 21 1' St. IjouIs Ind. Pkg. Co Smith A B 110 Other buyers 93 ....351 day's receipts was uivhasing the mini- Cuttle. Hogs-Sheep. J47 6110 1,222 270 78 1.0H8 1.1KK 1.410 MOOS-Conditions In the hog market re mained about the eame as noted yesterday. The downward movement in prices which set In some time ago still continues and buyers are decidedly hearten In their views. The market this morning sufteted another decline ot about 16c, or, aa some would put It, Km20c. While the trade was at no tbno sctlve the more desirable of the offerings kept selling and the greater part, changed hands In pretty fair season.' A good many ot the hogs sold around 86.26ft6.35 and nil up to i.4) It -will be remembered that there waa a top of $1.65 yesterday, wliilo the most of the hogs brought 6.4Oo!.60. SH'EfciP Receipts were again very light today, the. total run for yesterday and to day not being any more than enojgn 10 make one day's ord nary it elpts. The mir ket on fat snet-p anu lambs was akaui wihlly higher, prices being at least i'6c higher than yesterday and in acme cases more than that. Pretty decent Wyoming lamba sold up to 16 SO, with yearlings at $4.40, old wethers at $4.75 and ewes at J4.50. Everything that would do for killers was snapped up In very short order by packer. The trade on feeder sheep and iambs waa not very active, the movement beng a little dull, due perhapa tn large part to thu fact that sellers were all trying to force thu market up to keep It in iina with killers, while feeder buyera seemed to think that prices were already hltih enough and Were not Incline! to pay any more than yesterday. The result was that the feeder maiket was at no time very active and prices would not show very much change. As lece pis were light pretty much everything change! hands in pn-lly ialr season In the morning. Homo pretty good feeder lambs sold up as high as 15.16. In order to fully realize the advance that nus taken place in the market, ii la neces sary to look back aeveral days. As com pared with the low time laat week, the market today on fat sheep and lamba is safely tl.wij 1.25 higher, and some cases could be pointed out where the advenes might be even greater than that. Feeding sheep and lambs have not shown as much advance as have killers, but they are safely CooOc higher, and, in some cases more too. (Quotations on range or grass sheep and lamoa: uoou to choice lambs. J6.9iKa4J.2l fair to good lambs, t5.4txa6.76; feeding lambs, t4.oo6.16; good to choice light year lings, tt .SOffit. 90; good to choU:e heavy ycur Ungs, J4.4(K&'4.7o; feeding yearlings, ICMi 4.0U; good to choice wethers, 84.25a4.75; fair to good wethers, H00j.i-t.2o; feeding wethers. iS.4iT3.65; good to choice ewes, t4.0orai.50; fair to good ewes. J3.6n4i4.ui; feeding ewes, $2.003.00; culls and bucks, Evaporated Apple and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Oct. 6. EVAPORATED APPLES Market rules ateady. Early new crop, in cass, 6VU6c. . Choice to fancy fruit of 19o7 is quoted at Vq'Mi, lower grades at 4'tfHic. DRIED FRCiTS-There has bsen a rather more active demand for Oregon prunes re cently, but California remain dull. Apri cota are quietr but ateady, with choice quoted at fcV.'6Vtc. extra choice at 'SiiUSc and fancy at lorrjlOtfec. Peachea are dull, with choice quoted at 7'a71to, extra choice at 7Vax- and fancy at 8V!'9c. It is said that raisins are being offered on a lower basis from the coast, but the local market holds pretty steady, l-oose muscatel are quoted at 4lti',4C, choice to fancy seeded at 6W74C seedless at VTHq and I.ondon layers at $1.6041 1.65. Oct. . tnk clearings for 6. $76 89 id for the rons- TotTee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. ie-TOFFER-Market for coffee futures opened steady at un changed prices to an advance of five points, on support from leading bulls. Offerings were scattered, and lacking In aggreaaive nets. The close waa quiet, net unchanged to five pointa higher. Kales were reported of 8.750 bags. Including October at 6.60c. December at 6.56c. March! May, August and September at 6.45c. Rio. .quiet; Santos No. 4. fcSc Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, 9V? 12Vrt'. fills and Rosla. OIL. CITY. Fa.. Oct. 6.-01LCredit bal ances, $1.7a. Runa 110.761 bbls.; average, l:.3& bbls. Shipments, 22.150 bbls.; average, 168.81 l.hls SAVANNAH. Oct. 8, ROSIN Market firm. Sales. 2.660 casks: ' rripts, 8.043 casks; shipments 66 casks; stock. 1J0 t-ssks. Quote: W. -'": 1).; K, K 7 pH-: F. $2 76: a, $J.(3 87A; H. t3r 3.82V,; I. $( 50h 574: K. $4.50; M, $186; N, $i.5M; WO. i.90, W W. to Of 9.231 Total 9,863 4,748 11,670 CATTLE While there were not us many cars of rattle here yesterday as there were on the big day, September 14, the official recount showed that ther were 12.U6 head, which exceeded tiie number received on the big day laat month by 174 head. In other words, the receipts of cat tle yesterday were the largest fur the year to date; in fact, they were the largest of any time since October 20 of laat year, wru-n 12,871 head were received. On top of yesterday'a big run there was another large run today. To make the ait uatlon still worse for the selling Interests other market pointa were reporting large receipts for Tuesday, with pricea every where quoted considerably lower. Under such circumstances it waa not surprising that buyera here were inclined to hold off waiting for newa from other pr.iiita before attempting to do very much buainesa. The result waa that the market was late In opening, the ssine as yesterday, with the trade dull and the feeling weak right from tile outset. When buyers and aellers finally got down to business the best kinds of range beeves did not show much change, prices looking about on a par with yesterday. On th other hand, the common to medium kinds were slow to 'a little lower all round. Cowa and heifers were In very fair de mand and the market waa generally ateady on that kind uf cattle. A peculiarity of the trade was that the common to medium kinds seemed to be In Just about as good demsnd a the better grades and sold Just as freely st the prevailing prices. Strlrtly good feeders were sought after and the market on that kind did not show much change. There aeemed tn be a very fair demand for the kinds rsrrylng flesh. On the other hand, the msrket was very slow and dull on the common to medium kinds and prices were again a little lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $6 .50(740; common to fair corn-fed steers. $4 i6.60; good to choice rangs steers. $4 6(An6 fcS; fair to rood range steers, 84 0itP4.60; common to fair, range sieers, $3 2b'a4uo, good to ehoir corn-fed ovws and heifers, fj 4j4.30; good to choice CHICAGO LIVE! STUCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Loner Sheep nnd Lambs Higher. CHICAGO, Oct. 6. CATTLE Receipt s about 11,000 head; steers, weak to 10c lower; butcher cattle, steady and calves strong. Calves, t3.5tu:.6u; steers, $4.4oij7.50; cows. J3.2C(6 26; heifers, $3.U4.25; bulls, t-'.5ixrf 4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.0tKj4.i;5. HOGS Receipts about 17.000 heat; market 10 to 15c lower; choice heavy shipping.; butchers, t6.7os.86; light mixed t5.900i6.35; choice light, t6.5uvj4j.75; acking, K20yt6.4o; pigs, tj.Mkito.50; bulk of sales, $H. Soft 6. 40. SHEEP and LAMBS Receipts about 34,0iu; market steady to 10c higher; sheep. t4.254.50; Iambs, $4.756.40; yearlings, $3.S6U 4.75. 25c lower; pigs and lights, $3 .268.15; pack ers. $.J66.50; butchers and best heavy,' $6.7(X&tl.90. SHblEP AMD LAMBS-neorioii, a. 11.1 heari- market. SEc hlcher: native muttons. tt'TN.SO; lambs, t6.0tyiid.2R; culls and bucks, $3.6t34.26; stockers, t2.264j4.0a It. Joseph Live Stock 'Market. ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 6. CATTLiB Receipts, 4.000 head; market alow, weak to 100 lower; steers, 84.00(07.00: cows and heifers, t2.00$ 6.86: calves. $.L4Xri.60. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market alow tn 10c lower; top, $8.60; bulk e( sales, to.zi &4J 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1,609 head; market I6&&&0 higher; lambs,' 84.08 tjAl.lo. Slonx City Live Stook Market. SIOT'X CITY, la., Oct. (.-(Special Tele gram.) HOGS Receipts. 2.600 head, market 1Vci15c lower, rang, t6.00t&.5o; bulk, 86.20 fee 26. CATTLE Receipts. 2,7000 bead; msrket lower; beeves tl.60700; grass cows tl.60( 8.76; feeders. t-2.764J4.26; calves and year lings, t2.363.25. Wool Market. - BOSTON, Oct. . WOOD The situation In the local wool market Is betur than for manv months. Large contracts have been closed, shipments ar heavy, and prices, although firm, show no hardening ten dency. Domestic price: Ohio and Pennsyl vanla fleeces, X 224730 : No. 1 washed, 84aaf.c; fine unwashed, HiR22c; ftn un merchantable, gift 25c; half blood combings,. 26c; three-eighths blood combing, 28c: comb ing, 26c; quarter blood combing. 26c; de laine washed, 34g3Sc: delaine unwashed, 8 tf.27c. Michigan, Wisconsin, Nw Tork fleeces, fine unwashed, 20i&21e: delaine un washed, iitfjic; half blood uu washed. 26(9 2c; three-eighths unwashed, 26c; quarter blood, unwashed, 231j.J4c. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri; three-elghthe blood, 2rVS2-; quarter blood, 284fS4c. Bcoured values, Texas line, twelve mrnths, 50ji2c! from six to eight months, 454p47c; flno tall, 42 ST. LOC18. Oct. 6. WOOl-Stsady ; Medium grad"s. combing and clothing, 16 j'20c; light fine, JtifrtlSVic; heavy fine, 11 (&12c; tub washed, 20Y27c . LONDON, Oct. 8. WOOt-A good aelec. tlon of 14,045 bales cauaed keen competi tion at the wool aales today. Prices were firm. A large supply of merit aold readily to home spinners and scon reds wer In de mand for France. Half-bred sllpes and coarse-breds were taken freely by th home trade. Americans bought greasy, half -bred combings and light greaey cross-brsiis.-Following are the sales: New South Wales, 3.200 bales; scoured. V,d$fl td; greasy. 9s Id. Queensland. 2.200 bales; scoured, 11 d ii'lsSVid; greasy, 64d(fJ'llV4d. Victoria, l.Usi hales; scoured, 7V,d1ls 7Vkd; greasy. d'. llVfed. South Australia. 400 bales: grassy. "d&ls ld. West Australia, SCO bales; greasy, 6ttdift9Hd. New Zealand, 8.800 bales; scoured, ttd'4'ls 8V4d; greasy, . tVtdClOs Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. Z.0UO bale; scoured. Is IVid&lS dl greasy, 4VtdtJd River Platte, ,400 baicej greasy, tdtpi., Visible Snpply of Grain. NEW YORK, Oct. 8 Special oabl and. telegraphic communications received by Bradst reefs show the following changes In available supplies, as compared with the. previous scuount: Wheat. Cnlied Stales east of the Rock ies, increased 4.691.(00 bu.; Canada, Increased I, 1,(.i bu; total, I'nlted States and Can ada, Increased 8,872.000 bu. Afloat for and. in Europe. Increased 4,8oO,iO bu; ' Total American and European supply, Increased II. 472,0(4) bu. Corn. Lulled 8tatea and Canada, Increased 81. Ua) bu. Outs. I'nlted States and Canada, Increased l.& bu. The leading Increaasa and deereaaes re ported this week follow: Increases Manitoba, 1.518.000 bu. t Chicago. Crlvate elevators, 811,000 bu.; Omaha, 847,000 u.; Sioux City, 69.000 bu.; Milwaukee, pr vale elevatois, 63 Out) bu.; Minneapolis, pri vate elevators, 50,000 bu. Decreases Fort Worth, 145,000 bu.; King ston, 1b,0m bu. . Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 6. CATTLE Re ceipts 27,000 head. Including 2.000 southerns. Market, steers, slow, steady to weak; cows, slow and 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers. tA.OWa'i.'M: fair to good, $4,7615.90: weatern ateers. $3.6tKq5.S6, stockers and feeders. J2.5oy4.7u; southern steers, 12.904 16; southern cows, $I.Kko3.&0; native cows, $1.94i4.26; native heifers. t2.75 j4.50; bulls. $.'.363 40; calves, t3.6X(n.7S. HOGS Receipts 20,000 head: market 6(ft 15c lower; Up. t.65; bulk, $C.7&d6.50; huavy, 8n.5(Kit6u5; packera and butchers, $A.10f)6.t5; Ugiit. f.75tf4i.25; pigs. 14 005.60. SHEEP and . LAMBS Receipts 19.00i) head; market strong and active: 1'tah lambs, 84.5K(t6.15; ewes and yearlings. $3 SO b4.26; western yearlings, t4fMi4 40: western sheep, $3.60f4.!5; shockers and feeders, fl.iA) (gt.M. Stock In Slabt. Receipts of live stork at the six principal western markets yesterday: ( at tit) Hogs Sheep South Omaha 8.3o 4i 8.9(A) Sioux City.. St. Joseph .. Kansas City St. lui .... Chicago .... Totals . 2.700 2.5) . .4jl 8.O11O .27.KM1 2o.uu . 8.0MO 14 0( .11.0(0 17.IS.I0 1.500 lft.UVO ,7i) 24.OO0 .81.000 60. 100 67,100 8t. I.onI Live fttovis Market. ST. IifJL'lS. Oct. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 tiead.- including !.w hesd Texans; market sieady to hie? lower: native ship pi ug and 1 port steers, ti rj'7 40; dressed beef and butcher sreers, $2.75Hvl 00; steers under l.OiiO lbs , t3.(j0j.00; stockers snd feeders, teWpt OO: cows and heifers.' t-' 60 436.;- csnners, t2 0fl2 25: bulls. $2.7,V'n4 26, calve, H.Qjgl Texss snd Indian steers. t3.76(pA26; eows and heifers. tl.5oQ-4.00. UlXi-tKecella, 14.uu0 head; market, ljg Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-COTTON Futures opened steady; October. 8ASc; December. AIvic; January, H2rk'; March, 8.2To; May, 8 26c; July, 8. .'84.3oc. Spot cotton cosed quiet: middling up lands, 8.051'; middling gulf, 80c. gales. none. Futures closed steady; October, t70o: Ne-: vemtur. 8.5;c; December. 868c; January, R.lttx;; February. t.S8c; March, .t3o; May, 8.?7c: .Tulv. 8c. GALVBS1X5N. Tex., Oct., 8.-COTTON-Steady at '4C. ST. IAriS. Oct. 8.-COTTON-Dull; mid dling. 9c; no salea; raceipls. 1,267 bales; shipments. K.14 bales; stock. 90.014 bale. Dead Bodies Barn.. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn, Oct.. 8. Thirty human bodies sre believed to have been burned laal night Im a fire which destroyed Analomy hall of the Hrat university. The clashes for dlseectlng purposes. Th fire, which supposedly was caused by electric wires resulted in a Ipss of pbout 1 1 4.000. FREDERICK R. TIBBITTS 4th Floor, 35 Congress St. , SocTod, Km INVESTMENT - SE0UEITIE3 Commisnton ord for atosks and Beads ta oil atarhota. .; ," t , ;. Raven - "1 . aad other Curb tRosko ought aad tteld.