Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Entered at Omtbt poatofflcs ascend
class matter. -
Dally H (without unday), n year..4."0
ally Be and Sunday, on year sW
Pafly Pea ftiK-rudlng Bunder), per wek..l5o
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week. ..10s
Evening Bee (without Sunday), iter week o
Kvenlng B (nith Sunday). !' Wwk"-'S
Jinday B, one year........ 2
rsturday Dm, one yr. LsS
Address all complaints of lrree-ularltl
In dellvary to City Clreulatk tiepartroent.
Omaha The Bee Bunding.
Bouth Omaha fwenfy-fowrth and N.
Council Bluffs 15 Scott ftroet.
Chicago IMS Marouette Building.
New York-Room 1101-1102. No. tl Wait
Thirty-third Street. .
Waahlngton-T26 Fourteenth "treat, N. W.
Communications relating to new and
editorial matter should be addressed:
Omaha Bae. Editorial Dvpartmant.
Remit by draft, expresa r postal order
' payable to Tha Be Publishing Company.
. Only 2-oent stamps received In payment of
mall aocounta. Personal check, except rn
Omaha or aatern exchanges, not accepted.
BUte of Nebraska, Douglaa County. .:
George B. Tiachuck, treasurer of Tha
pee publishing company, being duly
worn, aaya that the actual number of
full and complete eoplea of Tha Dally,
Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during the month of September, ItOt, WM
aa follows: . -
I , . . 3S.0O0
I 3S.0SO
4 ,, SS.SSO
I M.140
7 ... 9M30
. i...: t,io
'l a,aio
11 , IMN
11 ,,..' SS.SOO
ltt ' S8,0OO
14. A. SS.380
1 M M .
II. .,
2T...., S7.T00
C -- -.-."
( Leaa unaold and returned eoplea
Net total .n.......1.0M3
Dally average s,aaa
..- Treasurer.
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before ma this lat day o October. HOI.
vara out oi town.
Sabsertaers lea viae 'the altr taaw
pararilr ahaald have Tk Be
aiailea te thasa. ASSreaa will a
kaactd aa oftea as reawestedu
It's safe now
to tak down the
Doubtless Mr. Bryan wishes he was
as sure of Ohio as Mr, Tift is ot Ne
braska. Turkey Is apparently slated lor dis
memberment without waiting for No
vember. . ' . -
More of the politicians will have
time to. lead the simple life after No
vember 8.
The' redeeming- feature ot Alfred
Austin's latest poem is that reading of
It Is not compulsory.
"We are now ready Jor a whirlwind
finish of the' campaign," says Chair
man Mack. Oiled up, eh?
. A heavy frost is reported from Ken
tucky, but little damage was done, as
the rye crop is out of danger.
It is becoming more and more ap
parent that Mr. Roosevelt would like
to see Mr. Taft elected president.
Mr. Archbold might simplify mat
ters by furnishing a list ot the demo
cratic statesmen he has not bought.
"Work hard, live clean and save
your money," says Mr. Rockefeller
Most folks work hard and live clean.
It Is. fair to Mr. Bryan to explain
that he is not tickled over the kind of
support he is getting from the New
York World.
Theodore Roosevelt, jr., is working
for (5 a week. It is evident that he is
not being paid anything for being a
son of the president.
It may as well be understood that
the people will not be allowed to rule
unless they register?- Only one more
registration day before election.
The British courts have decided that
the male member of. the family owns
all of the dresses. That's all right, so
long as he doesn't have' to wear 'em.
No democrat can be elected to office
In Omaha or' Douglas county without
republican votes.- Why should a re
publican vote for a democrat this year?
Democrats might feel more encour
aged if they could offer any reason
why a man who voted for Mr. Roose
velt In 1804 should vote for Mr. Bryan
In 1908. '
An Indictment against Mr. Hearst
for carrying concealed weapons might
be made to stick, It It can be shown
that a Standard Oil letter is a danger
ous weapon.
"Just read them' names,", said
"Flngy" Conners, in referring to a list
of democratic speakers In New York
"Flngy" Is Improving. He used to say
''them air names."
"Fingy" Conners has already quar
relled with Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler,
the democratic candidate for governor
of New York. Chanler' can not be as
bad as he has been painted.
The gambling houses have been re
opened at French Lick Springs. The
authorities have never been able to
close those joints since Tom Taggart
hired John W. Kern as his attorney.
Commander . Peary has sent word
that It will be at least a year before
the people will hear front him again.
A lot of democratic statesmen are
doubtless wishing that Hearst was with
Peary.- , ' .
The recent announcement that John
C. Sprecher, a few years ago the real
fusion leader In the Nebraska legisla
ture, is for Taft and against Bryan
has brought out the expected shower
tf vituperation upon him from the
hard and fast democratic press, but it
does not seem' to feaze Mr, Bprecher,
who comes back in good old-fashioned
style. Bprecher Is for Taft and doesn't
care who knows it, and has plenty of
good reasons to offer to justify his
course. Among others, here are some
of them:
Bprecher la for Taft because ha consider
under tha condltiona of tha campaign It la
beat to ao vote, and he t not a republican
and does not expect to be one, and asks no
favors of any aort from that party.
Bprecher la a Tom Wat eon supporter and
voted for him four year ago, but thla year
cannot because the democrats, assisted by
a bunch of masquerading democrats In the
populist camp, manipulated the ' populist
electors. Sprecher would not' vote for the
scheming politician, the wavering, fluctu
ating Bryan, who trim his political sails
to catch any breese that he think Will
blow his hark Into the presidential harbor.
And as we are not for any minor parties.
there la but one thing left to do and do it
with any consistency and honor, and that
Is to vote for tha man who stands for the
Roosevelt policies, which we have endorsed
for some years.
As if this were not enough, Mr.
Sprecher answers one of his critics by
explaining the difference between him
self and the political thimble-riggers
who professed populism for principle
and then let themselves be led into the
Bryan camp In hope ot personal re
ward. Mr. Sprecher's compliments to
the pretended Bryan convert make in
teresting reading-
When we read that from tha pen of Al
Pont, who la nothing but a political flunky
and a craven follower of spoils hunters, we
have only the most utter contempt for the
thing. The Free Lance editor stands where
he has always stood and la for principle
and right and la not a political thing that
blindly follows an unstable political floppar
lika Bryan is. Pont' is aa good an example
of a political Jumping jack as we ever saw.
When Bryan whoopa It up for. "free sliver"
Pont yells for It till he is hoarse; when
Bryan howls about some Imaginary Im
perialism and the dangers of a large stand
ing army, Pont howls In unison; when
Bryan supports Ooldbug Parker on a Wall
street platform in order to be regular re
gardless of principle, Pont also lines up and
say "me too" when the roll is called; when
Bryan anticipates government ownership
of railroads, Polly Parrot Font talks gov
ernment ownerahtp, too, and quit talking
It as soon as Bryan sees it Is not a winner
and won't do; when Bryan tries to make
a national Issue out of a local banking pol
icy and gets oft as a regulation piece of
buncombe the phraae, "Let the people
rule," Pont flops his ears and brays, too.
Pont leaves the populist party and joins
tha democrats when he considers the popu
lists of the past, and does It while the party
Is still marching along under that Wall
Street banner. - And yet he hai the unadul
terated gall to talk about others who de
cline to follow his Inconsistent course as
'retrograding" and as not "progressive"
and more such rot
It goes without saying that Sprecher
Is for Taft, and if anyone wants any
more reasons he will be accommodated.
From Lincoln, Neb., comes the follow
ing, addressed to jthe Editor of the
"The Omaha Bee of this date, in an
eauoriai under the heading 'Planning a
Stand Still,' says that you, speaking for
the old conservative school of . dem
ocracy, argue that with Mr. ' Bryan and
republican congress affairs. are more
likely to be kept more Jn Btatu quo than
if Mr. Taft should occupy thjt presiden
tial chair. This sdltorial declares this is
the aole basla of your support. In most
of the arguments I have met you are
quoted. 1 would Ilka to hay you an
swer this and say whether or not it Is
true. Very reepectefuliy.
"C. C. STIVERS, ,M. D."
It is not troa, as these columns will
abundantly attest. Answering the Aharge
that Mr. Bryan would : precipitate ruin
upon the country, it has been said truly
that Mr. Bryan, with a republican sen
ate, can "precipitate" nothing. That is
very far' from saying that his election
would mean "a stand still." His election
would mean moral movement. If nothing
elae; but it would also mean' moral prog
resa toward the ultimate ends- of . better
government. Louisville Courier-Journal,
September It. 1908.
Colonel Watterson Is as unfortunate
as Mr Bryan when it comes to. the
matter -of Inviting attention to hla
record. Always pointed, always enter
taining, Colonel Watterson's editorial
utterances usually' make an Impression
that warrants their preservation and
lepubllcatlon. For Instance, on Febru
ary 6, 1908, Colonel Watterson wrote
Now,' for our part, we aee in Mr. Bryan
aa agreeable lay-preacher who. wants to
be president and has shown himself will
ing to take any old thing for a paramount
Issue, ' promising to gain votes enough.
all th,e way from free silver to govern
ment ownersnip or the railways.
Early In February Colonel Watter
son went down to Florida, where he
spent several weeks. He wrote weekly
letters over his signature from Naples-
on-the-Gulf. The following excerpts
are from these editorial letters, as
printed In the Courier-Journal on
February 15 and February 84, 1908
As one Of the guilty in 1894, though not
in 1900, I am so sensible of my lack of
deaert that, whilst in the coming . cam
paign I a hall labor to elect him still
greatly distrusting him I should not ex
pect any other than negative reaulta from
his advent to power, nor dream of cross
ing his threshold after his election.
Just before Mr, Bryan's return laat
summer a year ago and bis bad break
at Madison Square Garden. Mr. John 0
Carlisle aald to me: "I know Mr. Bryan
I know him wall And I like htm, but he
has no mora Idea of the responsibilities
of government than a child."
Mr. Bryan seems to me to carry a very
narrow and grudging spirit. "Thla may
be natural, but It la unfortunate. I have
watched him cloaely and I think without
prejudice and I can see nothing of large-
mlndedness or manly generosity about
htm not an lota of aelf -abnegation but
oa the contrary, the relentless, unforgiv
ing purpose of an Implacable, who baa
'learned nothing and forgotten nothing
allies 1894.
In tha aoutlt they have no consuming
lov for Mr. Bryan or confidence In hU
atar. Generally they agrea that he can
not be elected. They simply proceed - on
the lines of least resistance- and submit
to a atand-and-dellver attitude from
whose demanda they aea no Immediate
, means of extrl'-atlon. Yet. Is the cuuUl
tlon of the country such that, where a
prelude so unpromising would In ordin
ary times Insure disaster, with hard
time upon us and republican dissension
before us. It look like a winner, and, as
I said In the outset. Its strongest argu
ment will be the claim that Mr. Bryan
for all hla vagaries can do no harm.
hlle a continuation of Rooaevelllam to
many great Intereats and masses ot tnea
spells revolution, tf not ruin.
Colonel Watterson Is in position to
sympathize with Governor Haskell, in
that he has been caught with the
goods. He is on record as insisting
that the strongest argument for
Bryan's election is that Bryan, opposed
by a republican senate, could do no
harm. Then, to add to the complica
tion, Colonel Watterson Insists that a
continuation of the Roosevelt policies
would spell revolution or ruin to many
Interests, while Mr. Bryan has been
pleading and Insisting that he is the
sole heir to the Roosevelt policies.
Colonel Watterson has been as unfor
tunate as Mr. Archbold In falling to
burn his letters.
The decision ot the United States
circuit court of appeals in the suit of
the Southern Pacific against the In
terstate Commerce commission is a
long step In the direction of making
effective some of the measures passed
by the republican congress, under the
recommendation and approval of
President Roosevelt, for the purpose
of regulating the railroads of the coun
try and compelling their respect of the
rights ot shippers in the matter of
freight rates.
The full extent and significance ot
the decision will not be known until
the complete report of the opinion of
the court shall have been published,
but It is known the decision disposes
of a principle which has been In dis
pute since the passage of the Hepburn
rate law, the right of the Interstate
Commerce commission to fix rates. The
Southern Pacific made a test ot the law"
by appealing from a decision of the
commission. The railroad argued thai
the making of a rate involved a com
bination ot legislative and judicial
functions that congress could not dele
gate to any official body.
The entire merit ot the Hepburn
law hinged on the point raised. Had
the courts held that the Interstate
Commerce commission had no author
lty to fix rates, that body would have
promptly relapsed Into the state of
suspended animation in which It ex
isted for some years, prior to the en
actment of the Hepburn law. Up to
that time the Interstate Commerce
commission was vested with power to
make inquiries and investigations and
to make orders, but it was without
power to give its orders the force of
law: The Hepburn bill remedied that'
defect , and the railroads promptly
sought to have the grant ot enlarged
power set aside. The court decisively
repudiates this contention of the rail
roads. The points of the decision
made public, in the press dispatches
indicate that the court holds that the
Interstate Commerce commission has
full authority to fix a rate and that
the courts will not interfere unless the
railroads can show that the rate so
fixed by the commission is confisca
tory. The decision is peculiarly significant
In that It makes effective answer to
Mr. Bryan's expressed conviction that
any attempt to regulate railroads must
end in failure, and that the only rem
edy for railway abuses lies in govern
ment ownership. .
By removing Governor Haskell from
his position as treasurer of the demo
cratic committee, Mr. Bryan appar
ently believes that he is again in posi
tion to assume the pose ot unsophisti
cated Innocence of wrongdoing in his
party, but the fact remains that he
and his associates have made no pro
test against accepting the money which
Haskell collected before hjs intimate
relations with the Standard Oil crowd
were exposed.
No less a person than Moses C. Wet-
more, the former Tobacco trust mag
nate, now closely Identified with Mr.
Bryan's political machine, is authority
for the statement that the democratic
committee has accepted the money
collected by Haskell, and, further
more, has accepted a contribution
ot $20,000 from Haskell. Colonel Wet-
more is not . specific concerning the
manner of this contribution, which is
larger than the limit fixed by Mr.
Bryan, but it is inferred that Haskell
either made two contributions of $10,-
000 each or made one on his own ac
count and another for some dear good
friend, possibly Mr. Archbold. Any
way, Mr. Wetmore has announced the
acceptance ot the money from a man
whom Mr. Bryan bas finally, it re
luctantly, admitted is not a fit person
to collect campaign contributions for
a national party. The logical conclu
slon would be that If Haskell is unfit,
the money he has collected is unfit,
but that thought may not have yet ap
pealed to Mr. Bryan. He has not yet
made any record ot returning tainted
money, not even 'the $20,000 sent by
T. Fortune Ryan, the king of the New
York trust magnates, to the Bryan
campaign fund in Nebraska in iOi.
The rural mall carriers, who are
holding the session of their national
association in Omaha, are an energetic
and vigorous branch ot the govern
ment service, coming directly in con
tact with the people. Their principal
demand at present Is tor better roads
and the good roads movement of the
country has received more assistance
from the rural mail carriers than from
all other sources combined. In this
work, 1 In no other, they are doing
good for all and deserve the hearty
support of both the city and the
Colonel Gutfey, the Standard OU
magnate In Pennsylvania, Intimates
that he may yet decide to make a cam
paign contribution, if the Bryan com
mittee will accept it. He need not hes
itate. Mr. Bryan's committee has ac
cepted a healthy contribution from
Governor Haskell.
A newspaper has printed two photo
graphs to show how strongly Mr.
Bryan resembles the late P. T. Bar
num. There's a big difference be
tween the two men, however. Mr.
Barnum succeeded in fooling the peo
ple. Bryan has failed, although he
has tried hard.
Governor Haskell has Issued an ap
peal for funds with which to fight his
enemies and says he can hardly live
within his salary and has no other
means. Time for some explanation,
then, about where he got that $20,000
he contributed to the democratic cam
paign fund.''
Another grand, jury has been called
to thresh over the old straw that has
been tossed in the air periodically just
about election time for the last eight
years. If Douglas county had an en
ergetic prosecuting attorney the citi
zens) might be saved the expense of the
grand Jury.
Omaha has the support of the logic
ot location in the contest for the ware
house ot the Wool Growers associa
tion. The advantages of natural con
ditions ought to have much weight In
settling the question and, if properly
considered, Omaha will be the choice.
Br'er Berge finally cleared the way,
as far as he could, for Br'er Shallen
berger, proving recreant to his party
for the third time. How long will the
conscientious populists of Nebraska
follow the leadership of men who are
simply decoy ducks tor the democrats?
The opening ot the night schools un
der direction of the Omaha Board of
Education is another proof that the
authorities are alive to the necessity
of properly equipping the foreign-born
residents for tho duties of citizenship.
The veteran soldiers ot the Second
Nebraska district ought to have little
trouble In deciding for whom they will
vote for congress this fall. Editor
Hitchcock's variegated record rises up
occasionally to bump him.
Mr. Bryan does not feel so certain
of his home state as he did and pro
poses to put in a few days of his valua
ble time begging his fellow citizens to
vote for him. This is a had year tor
Br) an Ism in Nebraska.
The Omaha Woman's club has begun
Its new year with every outward indi
cation of increased growth and pros
perity. No complaint has ever been
laid against this organisation for lack
of energy. . ., .
- Fire ln'a Powder Maaraalne.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Bulgaria, it Is tM, '! openly preparing
for war. It will b'aay to light the torch,
but quite another mAtter to check the blase.
SUed Up.
Baltimore American.
Arguments devoid of facts fly high.
Weighted with facts they sink deep.
Bryan Is spectacular, Hughes Is convinc
ing. Mot His Faalt.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Nevertheless, from Bryan's viewpoint.
Governor Hughes' criticism that he has had
no experience In public administration Is a
little unfair. No one can accuse Bryan of
lack of Industry In. trying to remedy that
deficiency. , ,
Boosting the Art of Smiling.
Boston Herald.
The art of smiling when a customer ap
proaches Is one of the things taught In the
course for saleswomen in the New York
public schools. It might be supplemented
with some suggestions as to the importance
of preserving or renewing the smile when
the customer desarts without making a
Objection Red need to Two.
New York World.
The Public Service commission has as
certained that two big express companies
own nearly all the stock of most of their
nominal rivals, which reduce to two the
four reason cited by John Wanamaker
why we do not have a parcels post. These
reasons are the Adams Express company
and the American Express company.
Proddlag Bank Eismlaera,
Baltimore American.
The comptroller of the currency has been
having heart-throbbing talks with bank
examiners. He has told them In plain
words to do their work or to resign, an
ultimatum conveying strange possibilities
and startling theories to officeholders of
any kind. When It comes to the rigid rule
that bank directors must direct and bank
examiners must examine embezzlement will
become one of the highly dangerous arts.
The Coanlrr Needs It.
Chicago Tribune.
Tha postal saving banks project is as
sound as the democratic scheme for the
guaranty of bank deposits Is unsound. The
country needs it That Is why the repub
lloan national convention indorsed It, and
why Mr. Taft haa discussed it In many
of his speeches. Mr. Bryan, who hugs to
his bosom and claims aa hla own every
financial vagary that shows Itself, naturally
advocatea the catchy, shallow, deposit
guaranty project.
Graeleaa Coarteslea of Janaa.
St. Louis Times.
One of the pretty features of the present
grand tour of the American fleet la found
In the presence at Tokio of the wives and
daughters of the ships' officers. They are
waiting there to greet the men who have
been on a far journey for their country.
It was not an Indelicate thing on the part
of Baron and Baroness Salto to give a
large dinner laat night to these wives and
daughters. Tho. Incident shows,. Indeed,
that our Japanese friends are alive to
every trick ot modern diplomacy.
"Daa't Ut laaght."
Kansas City Star.
It la. of course, a keenly distressing ex
perience for the Standard Oil company
to bava Its confidential letters stolen and
paraded before the public. For the Stand
ard to discover that It has been betrayed
by spies and treacherous aervltor is not
one whit lee shocking and painful than
It would be If tha Standard had never
used spies and traitors to obtain Informa
tion regarding the affairs of its competitors.
It is ao very, very different, you know,
when pne'f own ok ls.gofad'. . .
Notably Clear mnt Keen Analysis of
the Sltaatlon.
St. Louis Letter to New York Sun.
A personsi friend of William J. Bryan, a
representative of the democratic national
committee, a democrat who always has
been 1oysl to Brysn since 189 and who
ha traversed the New England, eastern,
middle western, northwestern and far
western states, turned up here today (Oc
tober S) and at- noon met a number ot
friends at the Missouri Athletic club.
Later on In the day this friend of Bryan,
whose loyalty to the Nebraskan cannot be
questioned, said:
"I sincerely hope that Bryan will be
elected, but how he Is going to be elected
ls not qulto clear."
Continuing, this friend of Bryan's said:
"For the last three weeks I have given
careful consideration to the political situ
ation free' from prejudice.
"The Vermont and Maine elections, of
course, meant nothing, the latter even less
than the former.
"What haa Impressed me more particu
larly than anything elae has been the re
sults In tho local party primaries In sev
eral states. Whenever the people have
been keenly Interested In the success of
either candidate a large party primary vote
la polled under other conditions this ts
rarely true. Local party primaries for the
last several weeks have shown a decided
falling off from the full party vote, and
thl tends to confirm my view that from
a political standpoint the ordinary voter
the man who Is not actively Interested In
any political organisation (and, of course,
is, vastly In the majority) Is in the condi
tion of an overworked athlete he has gone
stale. " What he wants now Is a complete
rest from the political turmoil and resultant
business upheaval that have been going
on for tho ,lat several years. He has
said 'Plague on both of your houses, one
seems to be no beter than the other,' and,
as he has to take one or the other, he will
vote the ticket h has in the past acquired
the habit of voting.
. "Ons thing that would particularly tend
to upset this theory is labor. I know from
personal knowledge that within the last
few weeks several of the large book pub
lishing bouses those that sell on- the weekly
and monthly basis have been Instructing
their collection agents to particularly In
quire, In an offhand way, among the labor
ing men those employed as well aa those
unemployed how this vote stand at pres
ent. The report sent in show an Increase
for Bryan so small as to mean nothing
important to him In November.
"Another thing, and ono -with which
nearly all are perfectly familiar, la the
noiseless but deep-seated opposition to
Bryan among so many thousand democrats.
The appointment by Mack of a-lArge num
ber of men on various committees who
bolted the ticket In 1896 and 1900 would seem
to Indicate a united party. This unity Is
true in a sense, but a full party vote alone
will not elect Bryan.
"In New York state Mr. Bryan will re
ceive a much larger vote than he got In
1900, but at that he will fall at leaat 75,000
behind Taft. Chanler will run ahead of
Bryan, but I think Hughes' chances are
about flva ta three over Chanler.
"In New Jersey the national committee
is counting on the Methodist vote to swing
the state, asserting that this vote Is prac
tically solid for Bryan. Reports coming
to me in tha last few days indicate that
there are no good grounds for this belief.
"Delaware Is hopeless. The negroes
could change the situation If they voted
In large numbers for Bryan, but they are
creatures of habit and will stick to their
old love.
'Mary and Is a doubtful state, with
present leanings, to Taft.- Bryan has -in
creased In popularity outside of Baltimore,
but not within that city. ,
'Rhode Island will most likely return a
democratic governor and give Its electoral
vote to Taft.
"Connecticut Is a republican state this
'West Virginia is surely republican on
the national ticket, as are Ohio and Illi
nois. Indiana you know about possibly
the election of the democratic candidate
for governor and close vote on president,
with chances favoring Taft.
"The western states with few exceptions
aro republican. Nevada and Montana may
go for Bryan. Washington is the only
coast state where the result will be close.
"It has been the rule this year that the
democrats have nominated very good state
tickets. The reason seems plain to me.
The state organisations are beginning to
understand that the democratlo party as
at present constituted Is not a national
party, that It has not secured the confi
dence of the people n Its ability to capa
bly administer the affnlrs of this great
government through Its present leaders,
consequently they (the state organisations)
are fast becoming conscious of the fact
that their hope of existence lies In winning
local elections, depending upon kind provi
dence to win national elections. Thl Is one
of the most potent causes for the en
thusiastic and noisy return to the fold of
those who strayed In 1890 and 1900.
"Money is scarce and hard to get The
Individual dollar conti Ibutlon Is a beauti
ful theory, but with always the same dis
appointing results. At the first gun dol
lars crowd each other coming In, and
shortly thereafter a dull drag aets In, and
then It costs one fifty to get In a dollar.
"Haskell has hurt Bryan very much In the
east. Rldder could raise an appreciable
sum of money If allowed six months in
which to do it. Without a considerable
sum of money to whirlwind the finish we
are apt to 'blow up' about the 20th of Octo
ber. The tide Is slowly setting against us
The prediction of this friend of Mr.
Bryan that Bryan's campaign will "blow
up" this year about October 0 la Indorsed
by other democrata connected with Bryan's
campaign, one of whom said today:
"We were beaten from the start, beaten
from the hour the convention adjourned at
In 1894 Bryan's campaign "blew up" on
October 1, when the sliver mine owners
notified In Chicago the late James K.
Jones, chairman of the national committee.
that they "were tired dumping their money
into a rat hole." In 1900 there was never
at any time opportunity for Bryan'a cam
paign to "blow up." It was "blown up"
from the moment the convention adjourned
at Kansas City.
Legalising a Sqare Deal.
New York Bun. V
Prior to ltJ3 no indictment could be had
agalnat the shipper for receiving rebates
or unfair advantages for the simple rea
son that no law existed on the statute
book to punish the shipper. The only action
which the government could bring was
one against the carrier which Sky the re
bate. It la one of the distinctly creditable
achievements of Mr., Roosevelt's adminis
tration' that by the so-called Elklns act
of 1903 this defect In th law was cured
and the beneficiary was made aa guilty as
the carrier. '
Cast la Large Mala.
Boston Transcript.
The one great contributor to the repub
lican stump, aside from the candidate him
self, la Charles E. Hughes,, and his gener
osity in giving his time to tlie middle west
when he fully realizes how endangered hla
own re-election may be at home affords
soma measure of the maa
The only baking powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, the
officially approved Ingredient for
a wholesome, high-class powder
Tbcrs Is grester deceptloa la tbs sal of baking powders than ever before.
Closely observe the label and be certain of getting Royal.
Democratic - Professions Compared
with Republican Deeds.
Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Bryan told the locomotive engineer
recently that he bas been Interested In
having conditior.e such that men who hold
the lives of the traveling public in their
hands should not be compelled to work
overtime, for "If they do we arc In danger
as well ns they."
The Interest which Mr. Bryan takes In
the subject of overworked railroad em
ployes haa been of the contemplative
rather than the active kind. It Is not of
record that he has ever contributed by his
exertions to shortening the lonaj hours of
trainmen and other employes. Much has
been dene In that direction, but Mr. Bryan
refrained from giving credit to those who
did the work with no encouragement from
him. Republican congresses have passed
and a republican president has signed law
to end the abuse of overworking railroad
employes who are engaged In Interstate
commerce. That has been of much greater
service than Mr. Bryan's compliments and
assurances of affectlcn on the eve of an
election. '
The railroad men have good reason to
doubt the sincerity of Mr. Bryant's loving
words. They have not forgotten how he
urged them to vote for free silver In 1S98
and cut the purchasing power of their
wages in two. They have not forgotten
that two years ago he declared hlmsnlf a
believer In tho government ownorhln of
railroads, something they emphatically do
not want. They do not consider liltn a safe
guide as regards railroad questions,, nor
is he.'. , , . i.-i i
If Teddy. Jr., Is working ten hours a day,
tho union should look into the matter.
The deadly doughnut Is Increasing the
troubles of Ohio people. One of theso
domestic bombs blew up a woman near
Youngstown, causing Injuriss that reqilred
hospital treatment. There wasn't enough
of" the doughnut found to identify the hole.
That the shrewdness of the Chinaman is
by no moans to be despised Is evidenced by
tho recent disclosure at San Francisco that
hundreds of the supposed Chinese Immi
grant laborers who were being deported
had in reality not Just come from China,
but had been employed In Mexico and
wished to return to China without expense
to themselves.
Sir Wilfrid Laurler, tho premier of the
Dominion of Canada, has a wonderfully
affectionate hold upon the people of his
countr)'- But, like his predecessor. Sir John
A. McDonald, the old queen's colonial fa
vorite, he Is comparatively poor so poor.
Indeed, he cannot afford to accept the peer
age the king of England now wishes to
confer on him.
F. B. Smith, director of agriculture of the
Transvaal colony, sailed from London in
the steamer Empress of Ireland for the
United States. Mr. SmiUi comes to America
in connection with the agricultural 'develop
ment of the Transvaal. A number of Boer
students,, selocted for special training In
American agricultural colleges, are also
leaving London this week.
Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks at
tended the christening of his grandson,
Charles Warren Fairbanks, ,3d, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cole Fairbanks of
Pittsburg, Saturday. This was the first
time the vice president has seen his grand
son, and he expressed much pleasure at
the opportunity. The water used in the
ceremony was brought from the River Jor
dan. Comparison of
and the Quality
Our advertising does not sell
our Pianos. It answers Its pur
pose when it persuades you to
come into our store before you
buy a piano. There you find the
evidence that convinces you that
you save money when you buy
from us.
You find that you can't get
such quality for your money from
the dealers who give pretended
discounts on their over-priced
COMPARE our new upright grand pianos at $14S,' 165. ,190
and $225 with those other dealers price at $250, $275, $300 and
$350 and you will find, i
QUALITY Von QUA LIT V, Our Price 1 Discounts Air .
Instruments Elsewhere PRICK I'OU PRICE.!".
1513 Douglas Street -
' TVs Do Expert Piano Tuning and Repairing,
Dear me, Matilda, do you know your
husband is so tipsy that he fell against
your china closet and broke your new
set " ,
"That's nothing new, mother. Just one
of his brandy smashes." Baltimore Amer
ican. "Talking about Invention." said the busi
ness man, "I have a little machine In my
place of business that would make me a
millionaire if I could keep it going all the
time." '
"What Is it?"
"A cash register." Catholic Standard and
"What In mercy's name haa happened to
your face?"
"Oh, that's the result of a trip I took
while you were away this summer.
"Where In the wor'd did you go?"
"I tripped on Johnnie's csrt and went
all the way down stairs."' Houston Post.
"How hlh did you ever go In an air
ship?" Inquired one of the bystanders.
"I once went as high aa J10 000, " said the
darli:g aeronaut, with a dreamy, faraway
gate. Chicago Tribune-
"What we want," said, the statesman,
"Is retorm!' . , ,
"?es," answered the plain politician,
"but we want to be carful to get the
credit for reforming somebody else Instead
of letting somebudy reform us." Washing
ton Star.
"Hliam, why don't you Fpeak to that
cltv aul out there a-tltlin' on the grass
with ler back up asln your 'No Trespass
ing lgn?" , '
"Mandy, that younpr woman Is beneath
my notice." lioston Transcript.
"The buckwheat cakes at my boarding .
hoiiho always remind me of a base ball
"How so?" ' '
.- "The baUt doesn't always maka a hit"
Puck. ... . . . . i, ... - -
The stranger advanced toward the door.
Mrs. O'Too.e stood m the doorway with a
rough stick in htr left hand and a frown
on her brow.
"Good morning," said the stranger
politely. "1 m lo iklng for Mr. O'Toole."
"Bo'ni I," said Mrs. O'Toole, shifting her
club over to her other hand, iiverybody'
Magazine. .
, T. A. Daly In Catholic Standard.
Fruitful October! so fair and calm, .
Kinging of Uod and His charity.
Every note of thy Joyous psulm
Chorda of. my heart givo.back to theo.
Joy for the rli-hes thy bounty yields
Over the breadth of our smiling fields!
Out of the mouth that have gone' before.
Gathering tribute for this illy store.
E'en from thl torpid December moon,
From the vernal ruins and Hie heats of
All that was good thou hast drawn and
Nothing a loss;
Ken from the dross.
Alchemist marvelous, thou hast wrought
Misted gold for thy noon's delights',
Silver of frost for thy twinkling nights,
lilest In thy blessing, all beauty now
Glows as a diadem on thy brow.
So, let me sing to thee
Bo, let tne bring to thee
Praise of the queen of my soul, for she,
lioimt'ful brlnger of Joya to me.
Wearing thy glory, Is kin to thee. - '
How hath she wrought with the- passlni
All of their pleasure and psms- and teai,
All their rose hopes and their pallid fears.
Though her sweet being have issued forth.
Fused Into treasure ef priceless worth.
Look on the fruits of her alchemy,
LlHpIng their music around her knee. .
Alus on the splendor of her sweet farf.
Motherly wisdom and mldn grace, ,
(Jold of your noon-time Is In her hair:
Aye, and your allver of frost Is there,-'
Tall me, October, oh, who so fair?
Not even thou
Woareth a brow
Fuller of beauty or freer of care.
Oh, for the guerdon of quiet blUa, v ,
For the yet warm heart and the cool sweet
kiss .
Of her perfect loving: for this, for this,
FiiH'.ful October, so fair and calm,
SlfTSIng of lod and His charity, t '
Every not of thy Joyous psalm
Chords of my heart give back to thee!
Piano Prices
Sell Our Pianos
The . burning question, "What
do I get for my money? How
much do I pay for my piano, and
what quality do I 'get for that
money?" The amarlng record of
our sales proves that. we answer
this question to the satisfaction of
the people. ;
We sell a new piano of 'equal
quality for half the price of tha.
least expensive piano sold by soma
of the other stores. . -