Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Republicans Expect to Make Inroads
in Several States.
oathernere Disliked domination of
Bryan and Party Ornltloin
Art Torn Ip In Many
WASHINGTON. Oct. .-Nowhere In the
country are polltlral conditions more Inter
esting, more Involved than they are In tlie
aoirthern lit tea. The wcllon of the United
States lying aouth of Mason and Dixon's
line, which la generally counted safely
democratic, la badly t rn up thla year.
There la not the slightest doubt that there
la a strong Inclination on the part of many
conservative southerners to break away
from what la known aa the democratic
party. There la a chance for Taft In one
or two aouthern states besides Maryland,
while the south's republican membership
In the house la expected to be Increased
There la that In the makeup of the great
Ohloan that makea aouthern people like
him. His earnestness of purpose, hla high
sense of honor, hla woll-establlshed repu
tation for fair dealing and hla unsullied
record as a public official are well known
to aouthern men. Many of them have come
In peraonal contact with him during the
laat five or alx yeara and he enjoye great
popularity throughout the aouth.
With th exception -of Texaa and Arkan
aaa there waa hardly , a southern state
whose leaders wanted Bryan to be nomi
nated In the Denver convention. They
fought hard against It and, could the sup
porter of Judge Gray of Delaware and
Oovcrnor Johnson of Minnesota, have been
brought together the Nebraakan never
would have received the nomination. At a
conference held In Washington In March,
which waa attended by the leaders of the
Gray and Johnson supporters and a num
ber of southern senators and representa
tives. It was conclusively shown that Bryan
rmiM-b defeated at Denver If the two
forcei Would combine against him. But
.neither would give way to the other and
ao the maitter was dropped, the southern
men gave up In disgust and many of them,
elected aa delegates to the Denver conven
tion, stayed away and aent alternates.
Louisiana Leaders Disgusted.
Thla was particularly true of Louisiana,
only a few of whose leaders appeared at
Denver. In Alabama half the leaders
were already committed to Johnson, but
Ill-advised managers of the MlnnesoUn'a
campaign, whose seal outran their dis
cretion, gave publicity to the fact too
soon, and the Bryanltea were able to head
off the defection before the state con
vention waa held, Still most of the Ala
bamlana are but lukewarm In their sup
port of the Nebraakan. Representative
Clayton of that state waa chairman of the
Denver convention, but hla la an Individ
ual support. North Carolina and South
Carolina were for Bryan. So waa Texaa,
overwhelmingly. Oeorgla was half
hearted, as waa Virginia, moat of whose
leadera, Including Senator John Daniel
and Senator Thomas S. Martin, both of
whom have been opposed to Mr. Bryan.
Mlaalaalppl'a strongest public man, John
Sharp Williams, now a member of the
house, but soon to represent his state In
the eenate, split with the Nebraakan two
years ago, when the latter returned from
his tour abroad and declared for govern
ment ownership of railroads.
In Kentucky, Bryan's interference In
the senatorial fight made him many ene
mies among democrats. The democrats
did not want to elect Beckham to the
senate, but Bryan told them they should
do It. Whereupon they turned around
and elected a republican, when they had
a majority of four votes on Joint ballot.
The result of that mix up left the demo
crats of Kentucky badly split. The
chancea are that, while the state may go
democratic. Its vote In the electoral col
lege la likely to be divided.
In Tennessee the republicans, who have
been engaged In a factional fight for two
years, have gotten together. The demo
crats aro badly split up over local Issues,
and the republicans have an excellent
chance to elect a couple of congressmen
and no amall Chance to get a part of the
electoral ticket.
Oeorala Democrats Spilt.
Georgia la rent In twain over local mat
tern. In the spring Hoke Smith waa badly
beaten In the democratic primary for the
gubernatorial nomination by Joseph M.
Brown. Tom Watson, running on the
populist ticket for the presidency. Is very
strong In hla native state. Many of the
Smith democrats are out with knives for
Brown. They Intend throwing their
strength to Watson and hls atate ticket
In the hope of defeating Brown. Some of
the wisest politicians In Georgia are pre
dicting that the factional fight among
the democrats wilt result in the election
of the populist atate ticket and possibly
the carrying of the national ticket for
Tom Watson for president.
In Virginia' the republicans are putting
up a terrific fight at present, where it
seemed at first that they would have no
chance. One congressional district of the
Old Dominion Is already republican. This
la the Ninth, or mountain district, repre
sented In congress by Bascombe Blemp.
In the Fifth and Tenth districts, now rep
resented by democrats, the republicans are
working hard and confidently hope to win
In one or the other. .
A bomb was thrown In the democratic
camp In Richmond recently when It was
found that a Taft club of aeveral hun
dred of Richmond's leading bankers and
business men had been organized. These
men are tired of Bryan and Bryaniam
They are all engaged in legitimate busi
ness enterprises. Everything Is going well
with them and they do not want their for
tunea risked by the election of ao uncer
tain and dangeroua a man aa Bryan. What
effect this Taft club will have on the atate
at large cannot be foretold at thla time,
but It shows the way the wind la blowing.
There has been no hullabaloo about the
organization of this club. It has nothing
to do with the regular republican organiza
tion, but la composed solely of democrats
who have pledged themselves to do all In
their power to get votes for Taft In Vlr
ine republicans or North Carolina are
also doing serious work. They have not
scattered their strength, but have, for the
flrat step, concentrated their efforts on
the Eighth congressional district, which
waa carried by the democrata two yeara
ago by a 'small majority. That thla dis
trict will go republican this fall Is cer
tain. There la also a fair chance In the
state at large.
Ail tnese conditions are encouraging to
republican leadera. They Indicate an Incll
nation on the part of votera throughout
the country to think calmly over the pres
idential campaign.
Stockholders Charged for Meals and
Information Was Scant..
flosses Bnllt and Moved to Section,
but Not I sed Lend Men H e
fuaert Entrymen to Make
Their Wills.
Suffered for Two Years with Terrible
; Itching and Burning Children
. In Fearful Condition Unable to
Sleep and Kept Scratching.
"The Cutlcura Remedies cured eight
In our family (my husband, six children
and myself) of a terrible eczema. We
had it so bad that the children couldn't
sleep at night for scratching themselves.
They were broken out thick and crusted
all over. Then it would itch and burn
and big sores came on their bins and
legs.' They would cry with tb-m and
1 myself suffered terribly with the Itch
ing and burning. We were this way for
two years. It would get worse In the
winter. I used all the home remedies
that I could hear of without any relief
and then 1 went to a physician and sot
medicine three different times but it did
Dot do us any good. I did not know
what to do mi I went to a friend and
asked her what it was she used for her
children, and she told me it waa tlio
Cutioura Remedies. I aent at once for
the Cutioura Remedies consisting of
Cutioura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent
Pills. I also got one more box of Cuti
eura Ointment and t wocakes of Cutioura
Boap. They relieved us at once and In
a short time we were cured. I am truly
eled of finding a ours for ecaema, and I
hall recommend theCuticura Remedies
highly to every one so afflicted. Mrs.
RuerB. Boioe. Rockcastle P. O., Jack
on Co., W. Va.. Mir. 3. 1908."
Obtained by Cutlcura Soap and
: Cutlcura Ointment. .
Tor preserving, purifying and beau
tifying the akin, for cleansing the scalp
of crusts, scales and dandruff and the
stopping of falling hair, for softening,
whitening and soothing red, rough and
ore hands, and for torturing, disfiguring
humora, eonema. rashes, itchinfrs, irri
tations, inflammations and chafing of
infaata, children and adults, there is
nothing so pure, sweet and economical
aa the Cutlcura Remedies. They afford
immediate relief and point to a apvedy
cure in the majority of cases when other
remedies fall.
Boap (Ms LOIntmrat (50c . Bcaolrat
5 "" Ohocolals rttl Pills 2e ). r sui4
tnroushoui Uv worn! fiir Druf A lfm Cora
ariiMt Vtm. Vwittwe aVos sa stis V rttm.
A healthful drink, combining the
nourishing qualities of the finest Bar
ley Malt and the tonlo properties of
the best Imported Hops. It is palatable,
refreshing and Invigorating, a non
intoxicant beveresre for mun. woman
and chllil. It contains less than one
half of I per cent, of alcohol by volume
and may be sold wherever soft drinks
are sold without a United States Rev.
enua license, lbs product of Auheuer
Plattamonth Men Bay Interest In the
The Oerlngs of Plattamouth will enter
bualness In Omaha, having bought an In
tereat In the Porter-Ryerson-Hoobler com
pany, manufacturers of pharmaceuticals,
which makes H. R. Oerlng president of the
big chemical company and Matt Oering a
director, Mf. Hoobler retiring.
The company occupies a three story
building at 1316 Howard street and la cap
italised for 1160,000. The Oerlng Interesta
eliminate O. W. Hoobler, F, J. Filsgerald
and the J. M. Richards estate, Tha com
pany has been In business seven years
succeeding the Mercer Chemical company
and haa built up a business In the Omaha
Trade- Empire- extending- to- the- Pacific
The new board of directors and offlcera
will constat of the following: H. R. Ger-
Ing, president; F. F. Porter, vice-president
M. U. Oerlng, secretary-treasurer; Matt
Oerlng and David Lowe, directors.
, F. F. Porter has been president of the
concern for a number of yeara and re
mains as vice-president; David Lowe has
been manager during the last few years
and will remain aa mannger of the Instltu
tlon. Mr. Hoobler waa formerly In the
bond and Investment business In Omaha
and expects to return to the Investment
security business. The name of the firm
will not be changed at present.
Additional capital comes to the firm by
the Oering Interests buying in and the busi
ness will we enlarged.
Dean of Aarrlcaltaral Colleae Wants
Spare to Make an Exhibit
lu Omaha.
Prof. L. F. Bailey, dean of the College
of Agriculture of Cornell unlveralty, haa
applied to the mnapement of the National
Corn exposition for" space to make an ex
hibit of products from a-ound Ithaca, N.
T.. where the college Is located.
Prof. Bailey writes that whl!e Ithaca Is
out of the corn belt, a variety known ns
the "Flint corn" grows nrar there, end
this variety la of great Interest to Ameri
can farmers Junt now. It I n corn which
matures and dries out well, being per
fectly safe to ship without danjrer of hest
Ina; when It Is forwarded thr. ugh torrid
climates. It la the flint corn which the
farmers of Argentina are growing and an
nually send more and more of their pro
duct to the European marketa to the det
riment of American corn.
Prof. Bailey also proposes to mnke ex
hlblta of grasses and cereal crora, whl-h
will be a credit to the state of New York.
The dean expects to re here hims.-lf. and as
he Is at the head of the federal commission
on Rural Life Improvement, will probably
be responsible for Important conferences
belrg held In Omaha which will bring the
most prominent men of the I'nited States
to thla city during the flrat weeks of December.
That the Chicago Ranch company was a
thrifty concern and had on eye single to
the main chance was shown In the testi
mony of Norval Osborn, the first foreman
of the ranch, who had been employed In
that capacity by W. R. Coleman, aa presi
dent, and F. S. Balrd, as vice president of
the ranch. Visitors to the ranch house,
which was located three or more miles
from the town of Wayside, were, under the
Instructions of the management, to be given
aa little Information aa possible. Stock
holders snd entrynren who visited the ranch
house were to be charged up with what
meals they ate, tickets being provided for
the purpose, and the ranch foreman waa
to be provided with a punch to punch the
tickets, and he was to submit a regular
report of hla transactions.
Plats were furnished Foreman Osborn
whereby the "filers" could be propetly lo
cated and for the locations of the claim
shanties, which were built at Wayside and
then taken out to the claims. The ranch
was about fifteen miles square. It appeared
upon the cross-examination of Foreman Os
born that hla aervicea with the company
were brief, extending but little over a
month. The reason he severed his relatione
with the company grew out of a report filed
against him by one Knlffen, who Osborn
characterized aa craty then and as being
at the present time an Inmate of some In
sane asylum.
During his administration as foreman Mr.
Osborn was directed to set back some of
the shanties 100 feet from the section lines
so thfit they should be at least 200 feet
Shanties Were Xot Occupied.
Other witnesses of the afternoon were M.
L, Bennett of Chicago, an old aoldler, who
testified similarly to Mr. Paranton. The
final witness of the afternoon waa William
Brown, who aucceeded Osborn aa foreman
of the ranch, and continued aa such for
about a year. Brown built most of the
fence around the ranch and was also em
ployed to change the location of several
of the shinties to different sections. There
were about twenty shanties on the ranch.
None of them waa ever occupied. .They
were 8x10 feet, with one door and window.
He was alsjo employed In repairing fences
that had been torn down.
He finally quit the employ of the com
pany because of poor pay. He brought
suit against the company for settlement,
and the settlement waa made through Mr.
Balrd as attorney for the ranch company.
Mr. Brown said he had at one time been
admonished by letter from Treasurer J. N.
Hoatetter for making too accurate a report
of the times that aome of the entrymen
had been on their claims and what they
had done while there. He waa advised to
make a record of the general work of the
ranch, but not to make too close a record
of the "boys" who had claims, but rather
let them take care of themselves.
The court adjourned at 6 p. m. until. :30
this morning.
Entrymen Made Will.
"When we returned to Crawford after
filing on the lands at the Alliance land
office we went Into a small room with
Balrd, King and others, where Balrd made
out papers, purporting to be a lease, leas
ing our claims to Patrick J. King. I waa
aaked to sign the lease and did. It waa
understood that the property was to go to
King for an Indefinite period and for all
time to the heira of P. J. King. We were
then handed another paper to sign, which
was a will. I asked If we had to make
our wills, too. Balrd said yea, and that the
wills were made in case anything should
happen to us."
Such waa the statement made by the first
witness, Michael Paranton of Chicago, who
went on the atand in the F. 8. Balrd land
trial In the federal courtp Tuesday morn
ing. At. the opening of the morning session
the attorneys for . both the government
and defense filed a stipulation of facts
relative to the land office records of the
several entries of the parties named in
the Indictments. This stipulation does
sway with the tedious monotony of read
ing from the records In detail all the forma
pertaining to the filings.
The first witness of the forenoon was
Michael Paranton of Chicago, an old sol
dier and former member of the Twelfth
24th and L Streets, South Omaha,
Sell Furniture 20 Below Omaha Prices.
Of the
'Famous Quick
Meal Ran
r LI "
Every Day This Week, the
manufacturer's demon
strator will be at our store
Without cost to us, the manufacturers give
a $5.00 present with each sale of a Quick Meal
Range. Sold for cash or on payments.
,, lj'g
tj inm a
Mysterious Birtlir Breaks Oat Anew
and the Police Are
After Him.
After a rest of several weeks the mys
terious burglar who steals nothing but
money from houses he enters. Ignoring
valuable Jewelry, and who caused the po
lice considerable annoyance for aome time.
has again begun operations. Known as the
'trousers" burglar, the mysterious stranger
who worka during the small hours of the
morning seems to care for nothing but
money. The police are confident that he
has been In jail, but are at a loaa for iden
tification, as the burglar takes nothing that
may be a means of identification should he
be arrested.
By cutting out a screen window the bur
glar gained entrance to the residence of
W. F. Lage, 2P1S Chicago street, early Tues
day morning and. taking the trousers of
Mr. Lage Into the kitchen, the burglar
robbed the pockets of 3 and left the trous
ers, with s watch in the pocket, lying in
the kitchen.
The residence of O. T. Nellsen waa also
entered In the same manner, but on this
occasion the burgla carried Nellsen's trous
ers Into the yard and. taking S15 from the
pockets, left them in the yard. They also
contained a valuable gold wac mM
not tag w-
Are Most Men in Spite of
Dignity and Denials.
Ilenutiful Society Woman Revc-als the
Socrc-t to Her Sex "Become
Attractive Then Happy."
"Yes, I claim that no woman can be
happy who Is continually slighted and
overlooked by the opposite aex, and often
contemptuously Ignored by her own. It is
enough to wring one'a heart with pity to
ste many young ladles and matrons who
are lacking in all that fcues to mult a a
woman attractive and magnetic, through
aome defect in nutrition or flesh-making
element which nature ought to have sup
piled them with. The human skin Is a huge
gland, richly endowed witn nerves and a
net work of minute blood vessels.
Some defect In these nerves and blood
vessels prevents their absorbing the flesh
inttklng elements front the blood and thin
ners, abnormal thinness. U the result. New
let me tell Jifct how to fool Mother Nature.
If she won't abaoib fleshy tlssies from the
blood, we can feed the nerves and cells
through the skin until they develop and
retain the fleshy elements necessary to
promote a pretty bust and graceful arms
and neck. Mix and apply this wonderful,
harmless and rich nerve silrnulunt, and
quick development with luciea el measure
ments will follow a certain as night fol
lows day and I speak unblushlngly, but
modestly, from experience.
"Mix together two ounces of glycerine
and one ounce tincture cadjmene com
pound; let stand two hours; then add three
ounces of roaewater and a teaspoonful of
borax. Shake and apply morning and night,
rubbing until absorbed. Then wash with
hot water' and soap and dry. Treat the
arms, bust, neck and shoulders, and in a
few days you can notioe the feeling of
plumpness and firmness rewarding your
efforts." (For publicatloa with Initials.
Vrs. C. B. L.)
United States Infantry during the civil war.
In his examination In chief Tie said:
"I had a conversation with F. 8. Balrd,
Patrick J. King and Lawrence E. King
about two or three weeka previous to going
out to Nebraska to make a filing. Several
of us went out In the party with Lawrence
E. King and W, R. Coleman. My first talk
was with Patrick J. King Balrd was not
present at this first conversation. Wo
talked about filing on some land In Ne
braska. We started to go out on the trip
about October 19 or SO from Chicago. A
number of men comprised the party, but In
my direct party there were Lawrence E.
King, a man named Tennant. another
named Scott and myself. We left from the
Northwestern depot. A short while before
leaving Patrick J. King came up and hai
a conversation with Balrd. We then got
our money and went Into the train. I did
not pay for any ticket. I saw Lawrence E.
King have tickets. We all gA onto the
train except P. J. King. On the route out
I talked with Balrd. He said the purpoae
of the Chicago ranch .was to raise some
mules and other live stock, and It was on
this ranch that we were to make our fil
ings. Afterward the land was to be fenced
in and allthat would be necessary for us
to do after filing would be to go out every
six montha and stay there on the and two
or three days. We WKeii about not having
to stay on the land. This conversation waa
had mostly Balrd, King, Tennant and
. Kins; Paid Expenses.
"So far as I know L. E. King paid an
expenses. Arriving at Crawford we
stopped at a hotel and Balrd, King and
Colnman and another man went out to look
at the land and returned that night. Thu
same night, without our going out to the
land, we went down to Alliance by train,
arriving there about noon. Balrd and King
described the country to ua and accompa
nied us to Alliance. The next morning we
went to the land office and signed the
papers. I called attention to that clause
In the affidavits about the entrymen being
required to go and live on the land and
refused to sign the affidavit. Balrd said it
would be all right, as we did not have to
live on the lsnd.
"I do not know who furnished the de
scription of the land. When we got into
the land office a tall man stood there with
a bunch of money In his hand as we
filed by. He asked me If that was my
signature. I acknowledged that it was and
he aald, 'AH right.' I then passed on. We
went back to Crawford. I paid no bills of
any kind myself. When we stood on the
platform st the station the tall man
bunched us together and gave us a red
ticket, and when the conductor came
along he . said, 'AH right,' and we got
aboard the train.
Property to Go to KlnsT
"At Crawford Balrd, King and one or
two othera went Into an office, a very lit
tle affair, and made out papera purporting
to be a lease, leasing our claims to Pat
rick J. King. I was asked to sign the
lease and did. It was understood that the
property was to go to King for an Indefi
nite period and for all time to the heirs
of P. J. King. We were then handed an
other paper to algn, which waa a will. I
" 'Do we have to make our wills, too?"
"Baird said: 'Yes. The wills are made
in case anything should happen to you.'
"All of the others signed the same char
acter of papers that I did. We then came
back to Chicago. Balrd did not accom
pany us on the return trip.
"In my first conversation with P. J. King
he aeked me if I would be willing to take a
little piece of money and file on aome
land in Nebraska. He said he wanted alx
men to file and that he already had three
and wanted three more. We were to get
(lOi) when we went out and made the filing
and would then get t-3iand expenses when
we went out every six months, and then
when the final papers were made out we
were to get another $100. We were to clear
up about (300 In the deal each. I told of
thla arrangement to a man named Bennett,
an old soldier, and he told another man
named Scott. Thla waa In the early part
of October, 1904.
Least Advice on the Deal.
"King told me to take legal advice on
the matter and that everything would be
all right In 1905 Kinr told me that
there waa some trouble about the land
and that he wanted to get out of (lt, as
It was becoming too expensive. He then
ssked me to give my power of sttorney
to Balrd to protect my Interests In my
claim. I never came out to Nebraska
after the first trip. I gave the rower of
attorney to BSlrd. I never made any
Improvement on the land nor never In
tended to. I told them at the time I
wouldn't give IS cents for the whole busi
ness." Senator William Mason of Chicago con
ducted the cross-examination of the wit
nesa. Nothing material was 'disclosed In
the cross-examination other than that the
witness did not know F. 8. Balrd prior
lu these transactions. What the witness
did In the matter was as a kindness to
P. J. King, whom he had known for some
twenty years. The witness did nut know
: jS
. iiimk mis. i 1 1' ' W ',..,-- V..t,..jyiss
l--n , ,,,... , .;, .fr
bjshV -
What You Get
It's against the law to kill young deer and there ought to be
a law to compel young people to start a home of their own be
cause any other way .of living kills sentiment.
Limit your outlay to j'our pocketbook, but get a home of
your own, if you rent a furnished flat at first at any price you
like until you see how you like it and how you like the neigh
borhood. It's
The Only Way to Live
You'll find every day today, and. especially Sunday in the
Classified Columns of the Bee, a list of furnished flats and houses
in every section, and also splendid bargains in complete household
furnishings, selling at a big sacrifice by someone who is going
away or has failed or emergency cases.
It's most interesting reading about your home look and see
now and you'll find how easily you can start and have one, and
nisijpijfiiRHMii'ii'! i
that Balrd paid any of the expenses of
the trip, but he understood he acted
merely as the attorney of the company.
King had told the wltnesa that Baird
would explain matters on the trip out
A recess was then taken until 2 o'clock,
at which time Martin L. Bennet, another
ex-soldler will be placed on the stand.
In the meantime all wltneases are ex
cluded from the room during- the testi
mony of others.
Enveloped In Flames from Coal Oil
While Gettlnsr Hreskfast ,
for Husband.
Mrs. IJanna P. Peterson, Twenty-eighth
and Locust streets, was so horribly burned
by an explosion of a can of coal oil that
she died Monday night, eight hours after
ward, at the Methodist hospital. During
the eight hours from the time of the ex
plosion until her death she suffered untold
pains, ss she was frightfully burned over
the entire upper half of her body.
Mrs. Peterson was the wife of a dairy
man. She was preparing a hurried break
fast for him before atartlng on hla morn
ing route with his milk. Wishing to hurry
along the fire, she poured on some oil
from a coal oil can. In an Instant there was
an explosion which shattered the whole
house. . Her husband, who was In the next
room, rushed to her assistance and, found
her wrapped in flamea and crying pitifully
for help. He sought to smother the flames
with the portieres which were hanging
near, but they burned like tinder. Hla
coat caught on fire and was nearly burned
from his back. Hla hands and face were
badly burned la bis efforts to savs his
wife.- He finally succeeded In extinguish
ing the flames by means of some bedding
which he secured In an adjoining room.
When the flamea were finally put out it
was seen there waa no hope for Mra. Peter
son. She waa, however, taken to the Meth
odist hospital and everything possible done
to relieve her pain until death came to
her relief.
Montana Coal Mines Iteaame.
RED LODGE. Mont., Oct. t All of the
coal mines in this district except the Bear
Creek mines resumed operations yesterday
with increased forces. Abrut 3,1X0 men re
turned to work. Local dissensions have
arisen at Bear Cretk. The Hear Creek
mines furr.lsii most of the coal for com
mercial use throughout Montana,;
Saved His Boy's Life, ',
"My l-year-oid boy was batHy con
stipated, had a high fever and was n an
awful condition. I gave him two doses of
Foley's Orino Lsxatlve and the next morn
ing the fever was gone and he was en
tirely well. Foley's Orlno Laxatlv saved
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