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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1908)
OMATTA DATLY BET!: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEK 7, 100ft IOTST VKOSTBS Come View Hie Bee tbfy did not, but republicans have done It. i stand In fav'or or Wislation that would tnake depdslts s;ifand lnsuro their return on demand" tu lhe tJepmytors, "We can better trust the republican party to leslslat 'on quostlen. of finance the same aa Hio .republican party can. better be 'trusted on' the tariff. "The democrat ere trying to make votes on the Question of horn., rule. Ae far as I am conwerned I havenever felt but that the peopUi-of Omaha are able to govern themselves. I have always thought that way. Many years ago 1 thought that the appointment of a board of firoa and police commissioner should be' In the hands of the people. If i. home rule meane to glvo the epople the right to appoint Its own po lice commissioners and to make Its own charter I am for It, but if It meana home ruin, I. aa governor of Nebraska, am ugalnat It.-. "The question of 'shall tho people rule' In Nebraska sounds like hollow mockery. The republican party In the short space of two years has made It possible for the people to rule." ... RepaMloana AetlTe In Wtil, That ha has stirred wp the- republican ranks m the states of the middle west to an unprecedented activity was the assur ance given Governor Hughes on his ar rival to speak here tonight. Governor Crawford of South. Dakota, accompanied the Hughes party through that state and assured the New York governor that the visits of himself, Mr. -Taft and Senator Beverlde to the northwest had thoroughly aroused the voters of, that section to the Issues of the campaign. A genuine western nspect was given tolhe tour by the pres ence of United States Marshall Beth Bul lock, of Deadwood, S. D., a former cham pion on hunting trip of President Roose velt and guide recently of the president's son, Kermlt, on an Indian reservation, who Joined the Hughea fratM at Watertown. At Sioux Falls, where Governor Hughes op.ike at noon, the factories and locomo tives as a salute blew a blast of steam whistles for ten minutes. The crowd In the hall there Interrupted his speaking with exclamations of "the next governor of New York." and "president In 191?." An the train, Bullo,pk and Governor r'lghea'hart a talk. "I am glad to see New York la .build!. sky scrapers1' higher than ever," 'said Bullock, "for now New Yorkers may learr by going to. the top of them thai the sun sets farther west than Jersey." "If that's a twit at me," said Governor Hughes, "I will tell you I am something of A westerner myself." , Itinerary ef Bnarnes. Governor Hughes will leave Omaha Wednesday morning on a special train on the Burlington for a flying trip through Nebraska, making short Stops for speeches at thirteen towns In the state and closing at Hastings with a big meeting in the evening, after which he will leave for St. Joseph. -' The Itinerary for the Hughes special In Nebraska Is: Lsve Omaha at 7:10 a. m., arrive Ash land at 8:30 a. ra., leave Ashland at 8:35 a. m., arrive Havelock at 9:10 a, m., leave Havelock at 9:15 a. m., arrive Lincoln at t.'JL a. m., leave Lincoln at 9:30 a. m., ar rive Beward at 10: a. m., leave Seward at 10:115 a. m., arrive York at 11:20 a. m., leave York at 11:26 a. m.. arrive Aurora 12 nv. leave Aurora at 13:05 p.- m., arrive Grand Island at 12:46 p. m., leave Grand Island over the Union Paclflo for Kearney, leav ing Kearney over the Chicago, Burlington A. Qulncy again at t p. m., arrive Kenesaw at 4 p. ra., leave Kenesaw at 4:06 p. m.. arrive Mlnden at 4 SG p. m.. leave Mlnden at 4:44 p. m., arrive Axtell at 1 p. m., .." , We have been as careful onf. ail MR m ... .. , 111'., 1 , T T rt . AW .it ' for the boy as if he were a real grown-up. ',0ur 6chool suits are built of sturdy, handsome mater ials. They are carefully tailored and their shape is there to stay. Wearing qualities and suits; to mothers,' Boys like eral good looks. Natty Sailors, Norfolks, Sampeck Juniors and Mannish styles,' worthy school suits, at $6.50, $6.00 and.. $5.00 Boys' Soft Hats, in jaunty "Write for Our BENSON THQK ! 7f V 1315-137 DOUCIAMU .'-: L I, ,. , ii .ni.. am . .iiiiii i nils in II " ' 11 1 "" " '" "" " 'i'wii sTTrTiiii II iL SKCS ILb BIPTI lad. A-1S41 1 New Fall Models Our stock of It. & (I. modeU for the fall includes shapes and sizes for all figures and every cornet perfectly embraces the reigning Parisian fashion RG CORSETS Every fashionable woman will se cure one of these fall models to have her gowns fitted over. The style shown here is for medium figures medium bust, deep hip, extra long back. Ask for model 379; price in coutil $1.50 ea. 10-6-'0t. leave Axtell at. 6:05 p. m., arrive Holdrege at 6:46 p. m.. leave Holdrege at m. and arrive Hastings at 8 p. m. Stat 2S.OOO for Taft. "The slate of Nebraska will give Mr. Taft a majority of at least 26,000," said Frank Currle of Gordon( former state rep resentative, who Is at the Merchants hotel. Mr. Currle had Just arrived with a train loud of cattle and has been traveling over the state extensively. While enroute to Omaha with hia cattle he took a poll Of three trains headed for Omaha and the re sult showed how the cattlemen of the north w stern part of the state feel toward Mr. Taft. "On our train were fifteen ranchmen and two tramps, and we did not poll the train crew. The vote was fourteen for Taft and three for Bryan, the two tramps voting for Bryan. On the next train thei were seven people, counting the train crew, and hire Mr. Bryan got two votes, one brakeman voting for Bryan. On the TTiIrd train Taft got all the votes but one. That does not took as though the people in the state wanted any change In conditions. "In all my travels over that section of the state I have been able to find but one republican who says he Is going to vote for Bryan. Another little incident show the way the wind Is blowing. Recently at dinner twelve voters were seated. . Eight had voted for Bryan In 1H96 and four of the twelve had voted for lilm In 19J0, but each and every one uei lared that th s year they vi ere going to vote for Taf t, , 1 Uionght for a 'minute- they might be trying to string me, but after talking it over with them I saw they were all sincere in their convic tions. ', , . "flio farmers are united for Taft. Thy are .-1. prosperous and why should they vol. a change which might head off ull i .1.- prosperity? The ranchmen are all ior Taft." . Married Man fa trouble. A married man who permits any mem ber of the family to take anything except Foley's Honey and Tar for 'coughs, colds and lung trouble Is guilty of neglect. Noth Ing else Is aa good for. all pulmonary troubles. The genuine Foley Honey and Tar contains no opiates and Is in a yellow jujekase. Sold,- by .all flruggUU, 4,it. 4V BIG CROWD AT, AKGlSTRATxO All 1-omta for Tripp , County Land Openlngr Are Crowded. , O NIELL, Neb., Oct. . (Special Tele gram.) Prospective homesteaders' still con tinue to crowd the registration offices in this city. From o'clock last night to I o'clock this evening. 4,471 registered. This manes a total lor the two "days of 7,668. Four special and two regular, trains have arrived sice 6 p. m. and the registration to morrow promises to exceed that of today, All visitors are being well cared for, plenty of food and lodging for all who oome. The best of order prevails and the crowds con tinue Jovial. " : 111111 valentine, Neb., Oct. 1 (Special Telegram.) The second day of registration brings no rest to the notaries who are taking the applications at this place. While a big crowd left last night,' more came to take their places. Mr. Benjamin of Dead wood, general agent of the Northwestern said that Valentine could take care of a thousand people a day, an he has been here all day looking over the city and there la absolutely no gambling allowed of any kind. The 'crowd has been taken care of In the finest kind of manner and a large crowd Is looked for tonight. Autumn traps' For little chaps "What you're Looking for ferhaosr f in our selection of clothing reasonable prices commend these them for their comfort and gen styles., $3.50 to $1.5Q Illustrated Catalogue. NE CO. MEN OF WEST IN SESSION Delegates to . Tranimisiiuippi Con gress at San Francisco. ' OMAHA MAY GET NEXT MEETING C'lnt' riemlnK Boosting Gate City for Mst Vnr'i t Awrew t Iom Forrlaa Countries Well neprrenird. PAN FRA.NCI8CO, Oct. fc-The nine teenth, Transmlsslsslppl Commercial con gress, with a thousand or more delegates form the western half of the United States attending, all of them men of high position In the affairs of the nation and of their respective states, began Its five day's delib eration here today with a display of enthu siasm by the delegates that augured well for a successful and Interesting session. Temporarry Chairman J. B. Case, of Ab'lne, Kan., called the delegates to order and In his opening remarks, pointed the way for many prominent speakers who are to follow him, . dwelling, at some length on the vast work that there Is to be done In tho west In the conservation of natural resources and expansion of present Indus tries to a far wider scope than has yet been attempted. i Among the delegates were the represen tatives of the thlrty-sli states, four ter ritories and six foreign countries, while the national government was also represented In the person of W. R. Wheeler, assistant secretary of commerce and labor.. j no opening- session was purely one oi organisation. After committees to attend to the permanent organization were appointed the congress adjourned In order that the delegates and their friends might partici pate In an excursion . about the famous San' Francisco harbor. The political end of the congress Is In a state of ferment and It Is Impossible to say who will be chosen as permanent offi cers. Colorado has sent a strong deloga tlon and Its members are' losing no oppor tunity to boost their home state for the next gathering .place of the congress and Thomas F. Walsh of Colorado for presl dent. Texas has a candidate for that office Colonel Iko T. Pryor of San Antonio Colonel Fred W. Fleming of Missouri Is also strongly supported. Omaha Is being spoken of very favorably as the place of the next gathering and Colonel Fleming Is urging the selection of that city, confident of strong support from many of the delegates. Great Interest la being taken by the members of the con gress In the project bf . securing federal appropriation for the straightening out of the Missouri river, and this will help Omaha's effort to get tho next session. The report that Galveston, Tex., was In the field for the meeting was denied today by Senator Harris of that city, who said thfct Galveston, was not In condition to seek : the honor. This leaves the' matter practically between Denver and Omaha. OMAHA MAKES NO EFFORT FOR IT Sends No Delegates to San Fmnclsco to Land Convention. Though officers of the Transmlsslsslppl Commercial congress and E. H. Harrlman dangled the next meeting of the Congress In the face of Omaha and invited the Commercial club and other organlxatlons to send delegates to the meeting In San Francisco and capture the prise, not a single delegate, was named, and so far as known not an Omahan is present to ask tor the largest convention which can come to Omaha next year. But Omaha seems to be popular 'regardless of the" absence of delegates." V. ? J - ' J. M. Guild, commissioner of the .Com-, mjerctal club, .was named by Governor Sheldon as one of the delegates from Ne braska, but Important business the 'wool committee made it Impossible for Mr. Guild to go. The committee on conven tions of the CbmmerohU club could not be Interested at this time' In any convention or the Transmlsslsslppl congress and Henry T. Clarke' has gone to Chicago to attend a deep waterways meeting, while . J. McVann, secretary of the Grain ex change, Is In Kansas City on an important grain rate hearing. The Omaha Real Es tate exchange is a member of the congress, but the matter of sending delegates was never brought up. But despite the fact that Omaha has no delegates present the city seems In a position ta, secure the next meeting, as the out-of-town friends are fighting valiantly. PRESIDENT WRITES CARRIERS (Continued "from First Page.) half of the Omaha Commercial club, of which he said the latuhstrlng was hanging out tor the .visitors. In expressing lila pleasure at addressing the meeting he mid that he felt as Duvld Harum did when he sa-d that it eetmid as If lie we-.i astraddle a meeting house with every shingle playing a Jen sharp. Mr. Wright then dwelt upon the benefit of gatherings of the present kld, saying: "Thar are mlghtly few original Ideas In this world. If you have a little notion up your sleeve which you- think original, re member this and do not try to keep It bottled up. Pay back the fellow you get It from by giving it to some one else. "I wish to emphasis a subject upon which th mayor dwelt. It is that the bone and sinew, the strength, muscle and blood of the country lies In th rural dls trlcta. Nothing will tena more strongly to anarchy and crime, nothing could be a greater national misfortune than the de pletion of the country districts for th benefit of th cities. If you want a strlk Ing example of the superiority of th coun try breeding look at England and the Boera. Remember how that handful of -farmers held at bay th English regulars recruited largely from the cities of England. Why, 60 per' cent of th applicants for enlistment to th English army from urban precincts had to be rejected on account of physical unfitness." The views of th mayor and Mr. Wright upon th superior stamina of farm-bred men mad a decided hit with the delegates and these passage received wild applause. Windsor Responds to Speeches. H. H. Windsor, editor of the official pub lication of th carriers, then rose to answer the greetings. His first words were lost because of calls from the back of th room urging him to tak th stage: "w want to iook at you again," was the demand. The speaker compiled. "I used to live In Omaha," said he, "but It was long ago and the Omaha of the vintage of 1883 ia a different from that of th present aa two things could very well be. In those day th sidewalks wer high above th streets and asevndad by flight of step when there war any sidewalks. When a man had walked three blocks he had climbed enough stair to hav reached the top ot th Washington monument and most of the Inhabitants wer knersprung. (This is ilk a remark of former Senator Mason of Illinol this morning that be had heard Omaha was so hilly that all th glii had grown hunchbacked climbing -, them. Mason said h did not observe it so, how- ver.) . " . . , "As I cam up from the a! a tlon today' I observed a familiar - sight a - windmill. There was but one where befor two had I hi-a. I said to a DuIlriniAn ! .Wh.i r uf,. 1 hr In 1U3 wer not there two of the.-n,' " 'tea.' aald ho. "but shout the lime you name they suddenly found that there was now only wind enough for one.' " Mr. Windsor concluded In a serious vein, extolling the work 4t the association and urging the heartteet Interest In the program of tho convention. Cheers for slllnan. Superintendent Spillmah, the last speaker of the session was arretted with cheers whert he. took hr flatfnrm and Ihe en thusiasm seemoA genuine rather than a matter of policy, VI f. any of you have any doubt that I am glad to be here," he said. I wish you would Just step up after I am through and shake hands with me." The spirit and Inspiration which I derive from these conventions of purs Is strong enough to last me clear through, the year. I am glad to be In a weetern, city. I was born a westerner, reared a westerner and shall always be a westernor In spirit. So It is not necessary to welcome jno as a stranger to the greatness and enterprise of Omaha. "I bring to you the. greetings and best wishes for the success of this convention of Postmaster General . Meyer. He la deeply Interested In our work not only because he Is our chief, but because he Is a business man and Interested In a work so great as this for -its own sake." Superintendent fplllman. referring to this and future oonyeptlong of the association, urged that the program makers should not attempt to spread over, .too much ground In selection of, topics. He also urged tho delegates that, i'evejy nornlng when each starts out on his route., let him remember that there are 39.400 other men and women similarly engaged. that;.you are serving no less than 18,000.000 people, 'that you are costing the government annually $35,873,000 and that It I up to each and every one of us to give In .return for the expenditure of this great sum as good, at efficient service as we can." -. "Woman Good nt. Repartee "Mr. Preshtcnt." said Delegate Maxwell of Indiana at the' wfternoon session, "we ought to hear from ther best little woman carrier in the United vfitates. I refer to Miss Funkhouser of rriy' state." Miss Funkhotiser rose, blushing. "Mr, Maxwell," she said," '"has been trying that sort of talk all the way from Indiana, but I'll get even with' tilm." (A voice.) "Marry "him." ' When the delegates had ceased howling, Miss Funkhouser 'could "be observed blush ing a livid earmlne"f rorrt forehead to throat Maxwell was purple.'"''"' Back came the young woman: "I wfiuld If I could, but I e-an't. -He's married now. This paraphrase of the- "Waiting at the Church" catch-line awoke deserved applause and laughter, The entire nfternoon session was a merry one. Delegates had gathered expecting to hear a series of addresses by Congressman Hitchcock, Senator Burkett and Brown and others, but none- of these toed the mark. Therefore-, President Lindsay brought up the question of the evening's program. ' " This put the delegates between 'The Devil" at the- Bnrwood and Governor Hughes. The question was discussed from all angles. Delegate Rice of Texas thought that "we shall rarely have a'clianV to see or hear Governor Hughes, but his Satanio majesty we can meet on our routes any day." Delegate Golns bf ' Portland, Ore., had heard It was a "great play by a first-rdte company. President Child' of''tft Iowa delegation suffered from ' 'conflict of emotions .on the question. Hanev of Arkansas rose with dramntlc expression and a fed "hot speech writ plain on his4 face.; "He W going to drag In poll- tics. 'He'i a democrat thought everyone "Mr. President ''.ihundered the. south- . -Til u -t. t; MvT ..- rner. -.-.- "Mt. Tjahey,' answered Lrndsay; in a "What "time' does Governor Hughes speak?'" ended the Arkansan In a me;k voice. " " . Finally' the delegates tojk a vote. . The action was not official, but to determine bow many seats to reserve at the Bur- wood and how many on the stage at the Auditorium. About, half elected to go to th Devil and half to the deep Governor Hughes. After this a little experience meeting was on. Mrs. comto or Indiana told the del gates' how' she had tried an auto for six weeks. "I finished on Urn twice," taJd she. Mrs. Ruth Ken yon of Nebraska and Mls Alice Gummerre of Cfeston, la., narrated their experiences briefly. Miss Gummerre takes" to the work" naturally. Her father. W. T. Gummerre also rides a route out of the' Union county' town and likewise an uncle, Alvarado Gummerre. Emulating the example of these a cousin, Arden Gum merre of Afton, la.', has also Joined the Rural Free delivery force. A 'letter from President Roosevelt was read to th delegates at the afternoon session by W. D. Brown of Washington to whom It had been written, as follows: THE WHITE HOUSE. Washington. Oct. 1 My dear Mr. Brown: Will you convey to the members of . the National Rural Letter Carriers association my heartiest congratulations and good wishes for the success of their coming ronventlon? The government has given close attention to the extension of the rural free delivery system during the pant decade, and his accomplish! d much towards lessen. ng the isolation or laim (ire ana making it br-ghter and more attractive. I appreciate the faithful and intelligent service of tho rural carriers, and commend their efforts for good roHds a movement fraught with the greatest benefit to the country districts, Sinceiely youre, THEUUORB ROOSEVELT. R. W. D. Brown. 613 Fifteenth a' real. N. W.. Washington, D. C. The letter was received with cheers and the convention adopted a resolution voic ing its thanks for the expression of in terest. ' . PORTLAND AFTER THE NEXT ONE Oregon City Send Hostlers to Land tho Convention. If Portland, Ore., does not land the next convention' It will not be because the city doesn't deserve It, for It Is hustling hard. Every delegate to the convention who could be reached was led up to headquarters of the delegation In the lobby of the Rome and after registering given a handsome big photograph of Mount Hood. The secretary bf the delegation, John H. Golns, has brought with him letters of in troduction to . nearly everyone Portland friends knew who could be ot use to him, and beside meeting these people, Golns has contrived to see about all the delegates. He also put up a great sixty-foot banner In the convention hall: ''Oregon Rural Car rier Stand for Better Roads, Higher Ed ucation and Greater Oregon." "Our cause Is making great headway, so far as I ran tell," said he. "We hav many unsolicited pledges already and are sure of more. It the next convention will com to Portland we'll treat the delegates as well as well as Omaha Is treating us now." "How la Governor Haskell's state?" said a Kansan to Secretary Mltsner of th OkU hom delegation. "Oklahoma," said Mlts ner with emphasis on th nam of th state, "Oklahoma is all right, but It Is not Haskell's any longer." "We can beat Nebraska In only one r- spoct," said National Treasurer Williams of Ksnfrew, Pa. "We hav better roads than any wsstern state, I think. But Mi hold ing here of this convention will grv a mighty Impulse , to improvement la this commonwealth and will prove a good thing for Omaha in this respect aa well a show. Ing delegate what a splendid city this Is." IIAYDEN'S LOSS IS ADJUSTED Insurance Companies Make a Very Quick and Satisfactory Set tlement. ALL DAMAGED STOCK WELL BE Offered at Irleea In Order f that 0alek Cleamneo ' the Good Can Be Made. Beginning Wednesday a. m. w will offer all the merchandise that wan damaged by water Monday at the most wonderful bar gain prices ever known; every dollar' worth of this slock must be closed out In short order and we will offer every gar ment, every article, at a price representing but a small fraction of Its real value. Ladles' suits, skirts. Jackets, winter un derwear, hosiery, furnishings, etc., no mat ter how slightly damaged, go at loss than worth of materials alone. Come eaily Wednesday. HAT DEN BROS. TAFT IN ST. LOUIS (Continued from First Page.) date on the trusts was made the Impressive feature. I wish I had a voice like a steam whistle," he said. "We don't have to hear you Bill. It's good enough to see you," said a voice. 'Well, that the kind of friend I like to have." 'How about labor unions?" he was asked. 'I have done more for union labor than Mr. Gompers," was the quick retort, and then Mr. Taft explained that the decisions he had rendered as a Judge on the bench and which were now being represented as placing him against unionism were really being used at present In the courts by union labor as the basis of their rights. He added that he should make this the feature of his speeoh to th employe of the stock yards.1 All Mar Contribute. Another query was about campaign con tributions. The reply was that so far as he knew no contributions had been accepted that would have th slightest tendency to embarrass any one. "Any gentlemen her who desires to make a contribution to a good cause," he abided, "may regard this as the time and place." ' After the three speeches had been made Mr. Taft was escorted to the hotel from wher he reviewed the grolsque parade of the "Ve'led Prophets," whose carnival haa the city firmly In Its grasp. The ball of the Veiled Phophet, which Is the great society event of the carnival, wa made decldudly more popular tonight by the an nouncement that the candidate would be there fdr an hour.- Mr. Taft viBlted the ball for a few min utes, but did not participate In the festi vities. ' First Speech nt Moberlr. Before reaching St. Louie Mr. Taft had a strenuous day In a number of Mlssoourl towt.s. His work yesterday left him at Macon. With a night run he reached Moberly before 8 o'clock yesterday. The program contemplated a speech In the local theater and the reception rommltte and band were eager to perform their part before the hour for the meeting arrived, but they were not alone In their eagerness for the hall was packed when the candl ito , arrived. . Good times had resulted from, .protection. , and . tad times from a democratic tariff was the' burden df the Tafl speech at Moberly and throughout the day. Mexico had a number of disappointed cltlxens, as by an error of the local com mlttee the opera house had been packed with an audience, whereby the the plans of the railroad called for but a five minute stop. It was deemed best not to disturb the schedule of the train, and Senator Warren, after Introducing th candidate, told him that he was In Au drlan county, tho home of the Missouri mocking bird the mule. As governor of the Philippines and secretary of war, Mr. Taft told his hearers, he had been one of the county's best customers. He had bought many mule there for the government When he asked If any ar guments were needed to convince them of their own prosperity there were many negative expresalona. He was cheered by a large class of girl In academic cos tume and paid his compliments to them in a way which also pleased the crowd. Just as the train was moving out, the opera house audience came running down the street, but many were too late to get even a glimpse of the candidate, who stood on the back platform of hla car waving farewells. Montgomery and War ren ton turned out large crowds and heard short speeches. Trait Issue Dlacaased. At St. Charles the candidate was taken uptown to the balcony of the court house. from where lie addressed thousands. HI speech was full of expressions of optim ism regarding Missouri, which he said he firmly . believed was going to show" somebody that It was not going to be a stranger in the republican ranks. He made it clear that he was not opposed to the aggregation of capital for the pur pose of effecting economies. Such aggre gation, he said, "Is to be commended rather than condemned. It ia not incon sistent with competition and la an aid to our material progress." "When, however," he continued, "it Is accompanied with an attempt to monopolise business and to control prices. It then be comes Illegal and the evil must be stamped out. This should be done by greater su pervision of the business of such corpbra tlpon, by federal control through the de partment of Commerce and Labor; by a series of reports each month, by constant Inspection by government agents and by Immediate and persistent prosecution of all violations of law. "The function of the next administra tion," he added, "Is not to be spectacular In the enactment of great statutes laying down new codes of morals, or asserting a new standard of business integrity, but Its work lies In the details of furnishing men and machinery to aid In the active work of making the supervision of the transac tions so close, so careful, so constant, that the men engaged In It may know promptly when they are transgressing the line of lawful business limitations, and may be brought up standing whenever this occurs, and may be prosecuted wher th viola tions of law are flagrant and defiant and promptly restrained and penalised." Bryan' Rentedle Dlsenaaod. Turning his attention to the remedies proposed by Mr, Bryan, Mr. Taft said that the' Nebraskan proposed two: First, put all the trust made articles on the free list; second, to Impose a license for all corporations who mak 3 per cent of ary product in th United Stats. As to th first, he aald: "To put trust snade article on th free list would not only destroy the business of th ' so-called monopolies and trusts, and only threw out of employment million of worklngmen en gaged therein, but It would also destroy absolutely th independent competitors of th trust and thus in th one grand conflagration would destroy th Interests of both th lnnooent and th guilty." Th objection t th second, h said, was that th application of th remedy would Include a lot ot small corporation making small artloea, that hav no relation to trusts. Mr. Taft concluded with the piedg It should be his pleasure to devote all his energle to constructive legislation along th lines he suggested. Mr. Tsft left St. Louis at 1 o'clock tonight for Chicago, wher tomorrow he will ad dress the deep waterways convention, go to Galesburg to attend the celebration of Lincoln-Douglas debate and then rturn to Chicago tor a banquet, at which Mr. Bryan 1 also to be a guest. CUSTER IN LINE FOR TAFT (Continued from First Pag.) Dahlman-AUen scheme to disrupt th pop ulist party. Why Mr. Bryan failed to fore om of th democrats off the ticket has not been explained. He, through Tom Allen, pre vented a populist national, ticket going Into the field and now, so the evidence shows. he Intend to drive the last nail In th pop ulist coffin by preventing any populist can didate being in th field. Every candidate wh orecelved a majority of the populist vote on the state ticket and failed to re ceive a majority of the ' democratlo vote ha been forced to decline by orders from Mr. Bryan's chief lieutenant. Republican Commlttoo Meeting?. Chairman Kelfer of the republican state committee has called a meeting of the state oommlttee for October 14. Immediately after the committee adjourn th executive committee will hold a session. T. K. Townaend Stricken. Stricken In church last Sunday, but sup posedly recovered, T. K. ToWnaend fell dead on the steps of his home at 1328 South Fif teenth street, about 10 o'clock this morning. His death Is said to have been due to heart trouble. In fact. Sheriff Hoagland, who la actltg coroner in the absence of 'Coroner Matthews, considers the case so clear that he haa decided not to hold an Inquest. Mr. Townssnd was canager of the coal department 6f the Star Van and Storage company and had been In comparatively good health until a short time ago. He had had hearf trouble for some time and had been more affected recently than ever before. Iast Sunday he had an attack that made htm very 111 for a time, but he had almost completely recovered from Its effects. This morning he was raking the leaves from hla lawn when th attack came on. He started toward the house and got as far as the porch steps when he fell. The physician who was called declared that he died Instantly. He was E6 years of age and leaves a wife and three brothers. He was in the employ of the Burlington for about twenty years and was also engaged In the contracting business for about four. year. Funeral arragnements have not been completed. Members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will have charge. Ten-Hoar Day Restored. The Burlington has restored the ten-hour I day In the Havelock shops. Within the last year the day haa been cut to eight hours. The order affects 700 men. Workmen In Seaalon. Members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Degree of Honor will begin p. two 'days' session in Representative ha'l at the state house this evening. The meet- Miller, Stewart & Beaton 413-15-17 South 16th Straat Linoleum Sale ; We Are greatly Qverntotked - In printed and Inlaid Linoleum and have decided to sacrifice our entire stock to reduce it to normal. Kote the bargains we herewith quote: 60c Printed Linoleum, per square . yard .... 29 60c Printed Linoleum, per square yard 39 70c Printed Linoleum, per square yard 49 80c Printed Linoleum, 12 feet wide, per square yard 59 $1.10 Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard .... 65 $1.60 Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard 81.00 $1.66 Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard 51.10 Some of these morn ings you'll be greeted by a chilly breeze. That's the time an overcoat by Dresher will hit you right. See Dresher now so you'll be ready when that cold day gets here. There are a lot of cloths this fall that are Just right weight for warmth, yet not so heavy as to weigh on your mind. And there Is distinction in the way Dresher's overcoats fit snug around the collar, smooth and graceful at the shoulders, full snd easy across the chest and back. Try ont this all. Better set Drisher today. . DrcslierIailor 1515 Famami5t.Ortuha. I4i5aI2uSt.Ldncoln You've Tried the Rest. Now Try the Best. The Schlitz Cafes 316-20 South 16th Street. A DELIGHTFUL m ill i nil l ylmrit"i N J TOLF IHANSON'S CAFE . Finest French and German Cuisine. . After hours of tiresome shopping, ladies will find our Sec ond floor a charming hook for a rest and a dainty lunch. THE -IDEAL PLACE FOR AFTER-THEATER' PARTIES TM nXCZ ABB BSASOBTABX.B BTOB XW AITBB TH1 MATT IB. Ing tonight consisted In a reception glvrrt th delegate from aoin K ata looges. Th delegate will hold session tonight, tomorrow and Thursday. Governor Fhldon will speak befor th seemMed deHra1e tomorrow evening and a number of other speakers will give short adtfresse during th convention. Inveotla-ntlon of Ies Moines flan. At 4:05 o'clock tomorrow afternoon th special oaromttlee of th Commercial cluh, consisting of President W. E. Hardy. J. E. Miller. ex-Mayor H. J. Wlnnett, W. O. Jonea and ex-Ctty Treasurer AlUen, will start for Pes Moines to make an Investi gation of the "Pea Mtrtnea" plan ot city government. The committee will spend Thursday and Thursday evening In Iowa capital City, returning Friday morning. "Whatever we find will b mbodid,tny our report, which will be mad pubtlo a few daya after our return, probably net Saturday, said President Hardy this mrn Ing. V Talk of the Season The Hat 1$ "Always Right1 ASK YOUR DEALER There are a lot of people who don't think summer has gone 'till the base ball season has closed.- Even those fellows are ready for fall Overcoats now. How would a nice light overcoat or raincoat Btrike vyouf We have some "exceptional" valued at $18 to $25. Drop-in and v talk it over. MEN'S FASHION tfrlOpy 319 South 16th Street AMVSEMEXTS. BOYD'S THEATER Vonlg-ht, Wsdnssday Mat. and STta-nt. Xb at. Sir Prsssat Aiasrloa's Srtat t Oharaotor Aotrass, v. . rIay Robson la a Btnra Bnfamnt. THE REJUVENATION" OT AUNT MARY. , i - Tast Thursday, rriday and atorday MATINEE SATURDAY ; Th Kit of tn Frat aaara. tn London Bursa Walters' Orat Flay of Amsr ioaa Tills M PAID IN FULL Scats on Sal Today. October 12, 13 and 14 JElaw ft arlangsr w and Orsatsr ra: 300 PEOPLE IN CAST 300 Prloss. BOo to tx.0O. SEAT SALE THURSDAY BUR WOOD Phones-iou 1E0S: Ind. AUDI TS. Pircbaloclcsl Cw.. dy that all lh Worll I DlautiMlnc THE DEVIL Kvery American woman should see this wondnr ful play." Dorothy Llx. In New York Journal. Stats.. Ton., Tburs.. Sat. XT.xt Bandar, Lonta Elliott, aa "CamtUe." louc; rnons, indspssdsDt A-HSt.- . ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Mat., dally, SilSl every night, SslS. WU1 M. Oressy and BUaohe Daya. Olif. ford and Burke, Bowers, Walters and Crook. r, Amy Stanley, LaTln and toi. ard. Lillian tevlUe and Bobert .KluolaU, Bert Barl and Klnodroiue. rrloea 100, 80o and SO. ECRUG THEATER ls-as-to-Tso.- OBi-ht, Statin Wednesday A MuatoU Cartoon Com.dy - ... PANHANDLE PETE.' Thursday 1ST IT Til riVISX. PLACE TO DINE iMlin Lnpher or at S) ) IS J v J I Ml i 0