Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1903. SEVEN-STORY , BRICK. HOUSE Bnilding Will Be Erected by Interna tional R&rreiter Company. oaoacnoDODCQOnoncnonoaononcnoaononcDO as W Unparalleled Suit Bargains Wednesday Tnir TTTiii mvw: vSTk Most Phenomenal Garment Val. r. vTS ues Ever. Known in Western Mer. """ chandisirjr. V riM S I iff 12 f . m.m.m.i. -, I,, -riMMIVM M 9 TTvT7iTTT Lo)lja ILAITS TO BE BEADY IN TEN DAYS ! ' l ll l l 5raer Will Ilu4 Car Hot Aff ' mtif RtlwMi Eighth mm XtmiU streets. Costing Hiiln4 Theaaaad Dollars. Plans and specifications for the new revenstory brtoft warehouse of tho Inter national Harvester company of America will bo rnadr In ten day and the work of construction will begin before the first of the corning month. v This Is the Information furnished to C. H. Wlthnell. city building Inspector. ' . The mammoth warehouse will be built on lower apltol avenue, between EUghth and Ninth street and will be 132x70-feet. ThSi-acot will approximate 4110,000. The. ex cavation for the warehouse Is nearly done. Work will begin Immediately upon the new manufacturing plant for the People's Ice ' And Cold Storage company. A permit for ' the constniotlon of the building was Issued Tuesday and the contractors hope to have ' the structure Inclosed before winter sets In. This building will cost 150,000 and will be of brick. The manufscutring plant will cover a ground space of 88x132 feet and will be located at Thirteenth and Chicago streets. It will be two stories high. ' Other building permits Issued Tuesday Include these: Edward Coady. Thirtieth and Brown streets, frame dwelling, tifiOO; Oeorge Roaenbaum.' Sixteenth and Martha streets, frame dwelling, 11,700; Emma Wll lotts. Thirty-first street and Curtis avenue, frame dwelling, 11.200; D. E. Sage, 2909 North Twenty-sixth street frame dwelling, 81,100; 4. J. t. Colling, 1J17 Hsrney street, re pairs to brick building, $500; Jorg Jorgen sen. Thirty-fifth street between Arbor aod 5Md streets, franw cottage, IfiOO. , --City Building Inspector Wlthnell Is on the warpath again and stopped work Tues day on six brick and frame, buildings on account of the failure of the owners or contractors to secure permits for the erec tion1 of the buildings before work was be gun. Plans and specifications must, be submit ted before a brick Is laid or a nail driven and a permit secured for the erection of the building," said Mr. Wlthnell. "and no Work Is to proceed without permits. If contractors persist in winking at this de " partment and going ahead with work wtth rflt permits they will be called on to faoe charges In police oourt. The building in inspector's office la not a Joke; we are hvre for, business and we Intend to conduct tfls department on business principles." , WET' CLOTHES ARE BURNED I.anndrr mm 4 Washlaa; Machine Take Klre and Are Wiped Oat. ' A, fire In. the drying room of the laundry 6f the residence of Henry W. Yates. 3120 Davenport street, shortly after 7 o'clock : Tuesday morning, damaged the drying ma- ! chine beyond repair and burned up the' wnsfilrt hefnee extlllffulshed. ' ! Sparks from a passing engine Is believed to have been the cause of a fire which burned a string mf fourteen Union Pacific box cars, which .were atanding on the tracks nar Seventh and Grace streets, about midnight Monday. Seven of the cars were totally -destroyed) and the balance were considerable damaged before the blaxe was extinguished. A Jeweler's Experience. C. R. KlUger. the Jeweler, 1060 Virginia avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was o weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion.- cured my backache, and the Irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recom mend Foley'a Kidney Remedy to all suf ferers, as it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed. Bold by all druggists. Dr.. Ross. Dentist. 415 Barker Block. FAIL TANS Women, who wear the cor rect thing in Footwear this Fall, will wear Tans. ' The new Tan models come in medium or high cut Na poleons for Winter. They're neat, handsome and comfortable. Best Russia Calf and Brown kid. Lace, Button and Blucher. Cuban heels straight or awing . lasta. Medium or heavy aoles. V 53.55, $1 lo $5 ' The fashionable short skirt for street wear is made more becoming, when a Woman's feet are dressed in a pair of our handsome Tan Boots. FRY SHOE CO. m tiona 10th and Douglas Streets. W C D O D o a o D o a o a o D o D o a o a o D o n o D o a o D o M o D o a o a o D o a o a o D o a o D o D o n o a o a o a o a o o a o D o D o a o a o a o D o a o D o D o D o D o a o a o a o D o a o D o 0 o D o D D c D o n o a o D o a o D o D o a o EXTRA SPECIAL!! Jest Received from OurN.Y. Buyer ONE GREAT LOT WOMEN'S FALL SUITS Bought from a New York Manufacturer at an Unusual Bargain. $25.00 TAILORED SUITS for $15.00 This was a great stroke of good fortune for us and for you. These are high class tailored suits in newest fabrics and lat est colors every style is new, correct and right up-to-date. These are genuine $25 P quality tailored suits ior women, ai $7.50 VOILE SKIRTS for $3.98 New blues, browns and blacks wide taffeta folds, etc., etc. IS? Black Broadcloih Coa!s$6 lity'of black $621 Made in" the long lengths from a superior quality of black broadcloth fully satin lined; many are smartly trimmed. You have always paid $15 for such cloaks as these ; Wednesday at , New Showing Women's Silk and Net Waisls at $3.98 In white, cream, ecru and colors new long sleeves many evening and dress waists stunning new ideas; $Z QO worth $7.50, at , .W0 Big Sale of Fine Val. Laces for 5c Yard New lots of fine French and German Val. laces and in sertiont many to match also new torchon and cluny curtain laces, worth up to 15c O a yard, at , s The IVlost Stunning FALL HATS Ever Sold In Omaba at Every Brandeis hat is a stylish hat. We offer your choice of hundreds of hew styles, in large flat shapes trimmed with plumes, feathers, sashes, ornaments, etc.. ' fi? every new - shape; $10.00 J values,- at. . . . .' MILLINERY in the Basement A big showing of women's trimmed hats; late styles and posi tively worth up to $5.00; your choice. o ASS 8 o b D Have You Seen the Big Rug Bargains In the Windows? These are from our great J32.000 spot canh rug purchase. There are twelve great windows full of them. This will be one of the most extraordinary special saleB ever held by this store; as never before were we able to offer such an immense bargain'. We bought them cheap. We will sell them cheap. They are. all room-size rugs of the very best grades; at about half the usual price. See thein la the window. The Greatest Rug Sale Ever Attempted by Any Store. NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER 12TH. &&L & WILSON'S 1U" above came or trade mark together - or singly stamped on col lar . or shirt danotes highest grade of material, bast workmanship. Uorand's School for Dancing 10 So. lata a. (Orcirfeftoa taatitato) WXUb MMQWUM Saturday, Ootobar to CaUdssa, y. as. Xlh BcamI Class, p. as.. Tor tana as A kooaieM ' Tl-4 Do. 1041. laoaoDOD o a o D o D o D o u D o D o D aoE30nono The Stesteel Stove Co. T14 South Sixteenth Street WE SELL ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, OR A CUT PRICE FOR CASH. The Great Queen Steel Range The Range That Has Made a Reputation. if The Queen has given such extraordi nary satisfaction and proven to be auch a long lasting range that we now sell no other kind. We have sold it in Omaha fifteen years. It has been time tried and fire tested. People who know what It is and what It will do consider no other kind iwhen they buy a range. Our trade on It has grown to such an extent that we now buy it In car lots. Buying it in car lota enables us to get a price so that now we can sell the elx-hole with high closet and eighteen inch oven size at $40.00, $5.00 down and $5.00 per month, or. $35.00 for cash. We chal lenge the world to produce Its superior, and we challenge the world to produce its equal at the price. Here is how it Is made. No steel range Is made better. All walls are of two sheet of steel with asbestos in between. A wall on the Queen has never been known to burn through: The oven has three steel braces underneath so that warping of the bottom is impossible. The fire box is lined with locomotive tile which will never warp or melt. Tile laets from six to ten years. The range will burn hard or soft coal or wood. Here is what it will do: It will bake biscuits In three minutes. It will cook a meal and bake bread at the same time with two or three shovels full of coal. The top heats as quick aa the oven in ten minutes with two shovels full of coal. We are also sole agents for the Detroit Ideal Gas Stove. The stove that does take less gas. The Howe Ventilator, the largest base burner in the world. The Solar Double Heater Base Burner that has that powerful double heater. Select cook stoves that have steel fire backs that never burn out. We sell nothing but stoves. We don't employ canvassers, so you don't pay canvaaser'a commission. . 1 BAILEY EL MACH DENTISTS Beat eaujpped Dental office is the. middle weal J Highest gradft lJealiatry at Reasonable Prleee. Porcelain tllJ.a. Just Uke Ue tooU. ruiRu KLooa paxton bloc - Conaer 10 lb mud Fanuun Street. Bee VJant Ads-Business Boosters Try the dainty Luncheonette! und Hot Cho cotntea srrrctl at tlie Soda Fountain. Prices very moderate. A Week of Unparalleled Suit Values and Sales Several hundred gorgeous new suit models each a masterstroke in tail oring and design forms an incom parable exhibit of exclusive modes at Bennett's this week. In this col lection are values up to $35. The materials in them, the superb trim ming, the faultless workmanship clearly. stamp them as very super ior garments and a revelation at so popular a price as $2S High Class Voile Skirts V T I at Extremely Low Price We bought a traveling man's sample line at half. He had just finished his western trip and closed out to us all his skirts before returning to New York. All are elegant Altman Voile, some with silk drops. Many styles of trimming and all strictly right up-to-date; values to $22.50; CI CZ Choice at &ZSZD I nrkrf RKmIV fA.J. 52-inch fitted coats of black chiffon awst& uiavn vuaia broadcloth lined throughout with guaranteed satin, very stylish and always in great demand, at .$25 Astonishing Bargains in Silks and Dress Goods. Wednesday If these offerings do not tempt you, you are proof against real bar gains, that's all. Better price Inducements on seasonable goods of real merit were never shown over any counter. 85c and $1.00 Goods for 59 Cents Shirt Waist Sliks, beautiful Pompadour Silks, bord- ered Messalines, 30-inch Kimono Silks, striped Taf fetas, satin barred Plaids, all Silk Crepes de Chine, etc., absolutely all choice new and desirable 27-Inch black Taffeta, black MeBsalines and black Peau de Cygnes, worth to $1.00 yard ' Broadcloths, mill ends, fine chiffon finish, nearly every shade, values to $2.00 yard Tailor Suitings, 66 inches wide, gray stripe novelties in skirt lengths, positively worth $2.00 yard Handsome silk and wool Plaids, with gilt stripes, also 50-inch wool plaids for children's wear and waists, all tUM goods 59 Cents Per Yard aSale Fine White Wool Blankets A faw mora of thoa sample blankets advertised for Monday remain. W1U close oat balance Wednesday. Mare bargains. 17. SO - Blankets for .f3.78 10.00 Blankets for tS.OO 18. iO Blankets for ..S4.fl5 112.00 Blankets fnr e nd N ; ; , Corsets. Superb New Models For The Fall Season Warner's Corsets $1 to $4 American Beauty Corsets ..1 to $8 Nemo, three distinct models 3 Announcing the opening of the new Fall Models. The season's exacting gowns demand a lithe willowy figure. We are Bhowing the above makes In all the up-to-the-minute style effects. Properly fitted to one of these superb models you'll find your figure molded to an in dividual' beauty that is simply marvelous. Come in and see them. Chicago and H. & W. Waists here in most complete assortments. Wednesday Notion Day Droka aiuMtus, all silk; all siz.m; worth '6oo pair, for iuo Sewing- aula, beat brand made, IUO yaraa, knack only, worth 10c spool, aosen 89o Boss klapportera, satin pad, white, blue, pi 11k or black, worth 26c, Wednesday 16o Ooean rearl Buttons, all slues, worth 6c dozen, at 3 dosen So teel Hair rins, Kerby, Beard & Co.. quality, assorted sizes, worth 10c, for So Hat rins, worth up to 10c each, special one day 9 for Bo Xalrllg-bt Crown Fompadonr, with combs attached, worth 60c, special at 8B White Cotton Tape, worth Eo each, at 4 for 5o Books and Byes, worth 6o card, at 3 cards for So Book Has, all sizes, worth Kc per book, at 9 books So Bona Shopping Bags, worth 25o No tion Day at 100 China Department Wednesday Salesj Several lots smalf . useful articles' on sale for the day at half price or less. 26c Karthen Cuspidors for So 26c Heavy Glass Juirs for 10c iJ,lallX,,Knel,.sn 7aPm. any slze..l9o 60c GIush Cracker Jars, covered.. 35o 10c Bugar Bowls for So 8c Nickel Top Ulaas Jars 3o 16c Karthen Oyster Bowls, decorated for 5C 10c Nickel Top Halts and Peppers. .60 Good Nisht lampg, complete. .. .19o China Creamers, rooster shape.... 7o COTTOH BLAIIETa 300 pairs lame, heavy aray and pray mottled blankets, with shell stitch ' edge, brlifht borders, (1.00 and 31.25 quality, pair 690 BLEACHED SHESTS. Full 81x90 lnchea In atze, heavy qual ity; S-ln. hem, on sale Wednesday, at 6tc Comfortable House Slippers . Just the kind of shoes to slip on when you feel "all fagged out," or when your feet ache; there's warmth and comfort In them and good service, too. Dainty red boudoir slippers, soft, warm and comfortable, Qfi $1.50 and JOG Fur trimmed felt Juliets, belting leather soles, common serine heels; red gray or ff JQ black flel Men's felt slippers with flexible leather soles, solid comfort in them after a strenuous day's bublnesa $1.25 Women's warm lined lace shoes, leather foxed, tipped or plain toes $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 art shoes; $1.98 "Ye Olde Time" comfort shoes; Juliets and front gore house shoes for, .... Nurses Shoes, laced, rubber heels, noiseless, comfortable fljl ftn and practical for. . . . )SU U JBennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Fxcelsior Flour, sack . .il-TO and 60 O. Stamps J Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, run 80 and 40 O. Stamps !rfff Bennett s Challemce Coffee, pound . .18o and 10 O. tjtamps Teua. assorted, pound.. Tea Sirtinss, puunu.... Ljirge y unrn Olives, pint Beauty ASparaaua. vaii Tea Garden Preserves. Jar.... Japan flic. 2 pounds Boneless Herring. 1 Jars.. llaarmann's Vinefrar. bottle......... J Ir. Prloe'a Breakfast Food. I pkgs... California Olive Oil. bottle Wleiile titUk Bluing, si for Corn Stanh, pound ;. " Gingnr eiiiaps. pound..... i f .'Bllf,.fniH Prunes. DOUOd SO J U. Karly June Peas. Jhree csns for Uyster hliells for Chickens ..lo . . . .aw any mv J. oiWliua .'f 1 I ....... ISO nd 10 U. Stamps i. ;. . .BOO nd 10 G. Stamps if'W 8ao and 10 O. Stamps I" 7. ....'.300 and 10 1: Stain us Cjr . . .lo and 10 G. Stamps aoo and 10 G. Stamps .10o and 6 G. Stamps . .1 and 20 G. Stamps .aso and 10 G. Stamps ass and 10 G. Stamps 26c Grape Juice for. , 1& California Apricots, pound ItHo English Walnuts, pound lio I . 96e Chicken Feed, lb..... q mi i m 'THB RELIABLE STONE. i I The tremendous business of Ak-Sar-Ben Week has left us with hundreds of... oau ouiis aim spurt's vi uiuk.uu uuu which we have decided to close in threa A reat lots, Wednesday and Thursday: . $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 Tailor Suits-i-Over 300 from which to C O Q fl select, at, each $20.50, $30.00 and $35.00 Tailor Suits--Nearly 600 magnificent garments for selection, matchless values, ( JQ Q f at, each wlvaUll $40.00 and $45.00 Tailor Suits The choicest of the season's styles, fabrics and colorings, most delightful bar gains ever, at sale price, QQ Qfl each .UfaViull profitable garment buying ever offered the iHuies oi Omaha. All Suits are the latest models, best mater ials and newest colorings. Remember: First Come, First Served! Women's Silk Underskirts worth to $7.50, made of Simond's best Taffetas, all colors as shown in 16th street window, CO QK "Wednesdav. choice, each O tm w 3 Tremendous Bargains in Winter Underwear Over 10 carloads of Men's, Women's and Children's Winter Un derwear was secured from one of the largest eastern knitting mills for cash at a fraction of cost to manufacture.' Th first shipments have been received and are now on sale. Buy Wednesday AT LESS THAN HALF ACTUAL VALUE OF MERCHANDISE : Children's Underwear, all Blzes, extra fine quality silk, fleeced, worth regu larly to 60c a garment, 15,, 19? and 25 25c Infant's All Wool Hose Silk heel and toe, all colors, on tale, pr., 1" Infant's Uned Bonnets Silk embroid ered, values to $1.50, on sale, each, at 25 and 4J Infants' Sarques, Sleeping Garments and Night liobes Values to Sc. on sale at, choice 25 Infants' Pinning Blankets, Karques, llooties, Ktc Worth to 50c, on sale at, choice 1Q Ladies' Vests and Pants, ,in white or . grey, winter weights, all alies, values'.; to 98c a garment, on sale at lO-' 39 and 50 A' Ladies' Combination Huita Worth tof $2.50, in Jour great lota at 39. 49. 75 and 98 Itdiea' Combination Hults Worth to $1.00, grey or white, silk taped, all sizes . .39 and 4Q$ Misses'. and Children's Union Suits Regular 60c values, at 25 Men's Shirts or Drawers Extra heavy fleece, regular' values to $1.00, on aale at 35 and 45 50c Embroideries Wednesday 25c An immense line of Fine Corset Cover Embroideries, and Wide Skirt Flouncings, without doubt the mo6t beautiful as- fih sortment and quality ever shown here or elsewhere jwm&i in Omaha at 6ale price La J W Best Thread Nothing finer produced for hand or machine m use; is absolutely Independent of the trusts. glf Hayden's sole Omaha agents; per spool ..... V Extra Specials for Wednesday. IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM FROM 0 TO 0:80 A. M. 100 single Cotton Blankets, worth C5c pair, at, each 22 100 pairs of Cotton Blankets, same as above, at, pair 39 FROM 10 TO 10:30 A. M. 1 case of Lonsdale, genuine article, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5 FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M 1 case of Amoskeag Outing Flannels, dark or light colors, 10 yards limit, at, per yard ... ..5 FROM 8 TO 8:80 P. M. 1 case of good heavy Huck Towels, our regular 10c line at, each 5V 4 pairs limit. FOR ALL DAV,.' 18c Flannelettes i 10 15c Flannelettes 7Vit 12c Flannelettes 5 25c Mohair Lustre Remnants 8H High Grade Woo! Dress Goods Sale FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. We will sell you one pattern of any of our colored Dress Goods (except Lonsdowne) as follows: , $1.00 goods '-Aiyt $1.25 goods $1.60 goods , .72 fz.uo and $2.60 goods .97 VW.W UU ftf.HV BWUD. ... 7V $4.00 and $5.00 goods ...... J&2.25 FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. All Black Goods will go at the same prices as above only one pattern to customer. Read These Grocery Prices far VsJhssiiay's Sale Ths Best Fnrs Cans Oraanlatad Sugar at Less tuan jonosrs vosi. 10 bars brst brands Laundry Soap SSo Grape Nuts, per pkg So guaker Oats, per pkg .-..80 Zt-nt Breakfast Food, pks; Bo Wheat Herrles. per pkg 80 Purred Rice, pkg 74o 6-lbs. choice Japan Rice 390 The beat white, or yellow Corn Meal, per sack . . . . 16o The best domestic Maccaronl, pkg....8V0 Fancy Golden Pantos Coffee, per lb..l5o The best Tea Sittings, per lb 16o TKESH TX30XTABX.E AITS TDTT SALE. Or sea Tomatoes for Flcklss, H " Kn bnshsl basket Fresh Spinach, per peck 100 S heads freh Hothouse Lettuce 80 g bunches fresh Radishes 60 Oreen Deans, per pound. Fresh Beets, Carrota, Turnips. Parsnips, red or white Onions, per pound 80 Fancy fresh Cauliflower, per pound.... lOo Fancy New Sweet' Potatoes, per lb 80 Fancy Lima Beans, per quart ... t ... TUs I heads fresh Celery 50 Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, quart... TH Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck aoo New Honey, per ruck , ISo Fancy . California Freestone. Peaches, per box f TSo Fancy California CUngstono Psaches per box 880 BUT MAIOBTS JABS) VOW, 1 pint Mason Jars, with caps aqd covers, per dosen w . 48 1 quart Mason Jars, with caps and covers. per dosen . . . 48 gallon Mason Jars, with caps and cov ers, per dosen 4 SOo DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO A SATISFACTORY TRAIN TO St. Paul and Minneapolis VIA "'V " CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN ; RAILWAY The Electric Lighted Limited leaves Omaha Uni'ori depot at 8:30 every night, arrives St. Paul at 7:20, Minneapolis 8 the next morning. , Equipment consists' of latest, roomy Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping cars, Club car and Free Reclining Chair Cars. Polite attendance. For tickets, berth reservations, folders or any information. 9all. phono or wrlto to W. 0. DAVIDSON, City Passenger Agent. , hM Boirlu leo. Sia hnui Street. Omaba. ee Want Ads M rm m hsb mm rroauce jcvesuus BV 7 if i t V 0