TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1903. Want - ads Advertlsemente far tka want ad I Minn will fce tajim til IS M. for '; tka evealna- clKtoa and nntll 9. " : far tka moraine; and Paadar 41HaM. Cask mast aceemonoy all erdrra far - raat e!e airrrUwairat will ha aeeepted fa leaa tkaai 1 reals for rat iaaertlna. Rates aaalr ta eltkrr Tka Dallr liaiar Baa. Always raiat sis worde ta lias. Comklaatlaaa af Initials ar siaam raaat as aaa word. C4.9H RATFJ FOR WAUT ADS. RRblLAR CLAgSIFICATIOBT Onn litsrrtlaa, per liar, lO rrnts. Two ar aon eonaceotlve lasrrtleas, per liar, ft reals. Bark taarrtloa made odd daya, 10 rrats arr llaa. 11.110 e llae arr month) excepting tkat Fl RHIIED ROOM AD", nkn arroB pan Ira! ky cask, tka rata will kl Oaa Insertion, .4 reals arr llaei tkrea ar sis ennsemtlve Inser tions, S reals arr llaa eark laaertlaal even ar aaara eoaaemtlve lasertloas, J reals aer llae rark laaerlloai BO rrats aer llae aer aaeatk. Waal ads for Tka Bea mar ka left at aar of tke following- drag? stores oae Is year "ramer dragTa-lnt" tfcey are all kraark afllres for Tke Bee aaa rear il will ka Inserted Jast as nromntlr aa tka saaae rates as at the ana I a office la Tka Bea Bolldlng, feevrateentk aad Faraaaa streets! Albach, W. C, 40th and Fsmaro, Bersnek, 8. A.. 140R 8. 16th St. Recht Pharmacy. 724) 8. 1Mb St Fnoo Pharmacy, Benaon. Neb. I.mii Park Pharmacy, Sid and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, tfZ Sherman Ave. Conghltn. C R-, th and Pierce Bts. Clifton. Hill Pharmacy, 211 Military Ays. rente, J. B., Hat Ave. and hinum St Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and J Jike Sta. ermak. Fin II. 1304 S. Uth St. Ehlere. P. H., WOO Leavenworth fit. Fester ft Arr.oldl, J1S N. 2tb St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. -tToldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Bts. Ornenmiph, O. A., 1 S. 10th St. Gi-eenough. O A., 1024 S. JOth St. Hayden, William C, 2W0 Farnara St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 S. 29th St. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2s4 Leavenworth St. Kin. R. S.. ZV Far nam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 2ff4 N. 4fh 6t Patrick Drug Co., 102 N. 24th St. Lalhrop, Charles S., 1324 N. 24th St. Pevte. L. K.. 14th and Leavenworth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th St. and Ames 'A v. Schaefer'e Cut Price Drag Co., 18th and Chicago Sts. Schsefer, August. 2031 N. 18th St. Schmidt, J. H Mth and Cuming Sta, Storm Pharmacy, lth and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming Sta. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sta. Worth, O. II.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. . DEATH AD PCNERAL NOTICES. PETERSEN Mrs. Hannah P., beloved wife of Mada H. Petersen of East Omaha, died at Methodist' hospital Monday afternoon. Funeral notice later. LOD43B NOTICE. Attention, Eagles. Omaha Aerie No. 38, Fraternal Order of Eagles, will open the fall campaign for membership Thursday evening, October 8. A large rlaaa of live onea will be put through the varloua stunts Incident vlo Kagledom. Nuf sed. Members are urgently requested to be present and assist In the fesUvltiea. THOMAS J. FLYNN. Worthy President. D. W. CANON, Secretary. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Alois Kovalla. 1449 South Four teenth street, boy; Mike Wobtewski, 231 South Twenty-seventh street, girl; Dimovo Moriana. South Fifteenth street, boy; Janja Kalnovlc. 1214 South Thirteenth street, girl; Frank Kiss, 1319 South Third street, girt; Gus O. Jacobson, 718 North Thirtieth street, boy; William Young, Ninth street and Avenue J, East Omaha, boy; Jamea Mares, 1947 South Thirteenth struct. girl; A. A. Kruse, 26ul Camden avenue, boy; Robert H. Manley. Methodist noapltal, girl. Deaths Mary FJIxabeth little. 912 South Thirty-seventh street. Hi; O. O. Dodge, 310 North Twenty-fourth, street, b; Bert Wright, Fortieth street and Poppleton ave nue, . MARRIA3B LICENSES. The following marriage licenses havs been Ksiicd: Name and Residence. Age Mllo M. Mllchell. Omaha 22 Abbie Koehler, Omaha .' 17 Wilhani Deutach. Omaha 2ft Pauline Klaaaaer, Omaha 25 Vaclav Samek, Howells, Neb 46 Anna Samek, Omaha 46 .Toaeph Hlavka. South Omaha 25 Mary Maoek. South Omaha 24 on B. Crouse. Omaha 14 Sarah M. Amsbary, Omaha 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS MORAND'S olaascs In dancing Odd. Bur woud theater;. Iesaona for adulta Tuea. and Frt., p. m.; social every Wed., pri vats lessons. Call or Tel. Do us. 1041 pedal terms to pupils from the colleges. tlj 746 OCUI TH19 CITY OARBAGB CO.. offlca 4th and Leavenworth Bts. Tel. Douglas 1S87. (D-2BJ SIGN FAINTING- H. Cols. U02 Doug- . las. (D-26J NEW classes for beginners will be formed at Morand'a Tuesday and Friday of thla week; begin now and become a good dancer before the holidays. (1) M919 x AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of aecond-hand auto mobiles. Dfc,RlUifT, Ull Farnam. . (2)-264 THREE 1-ton commercial automobiles prices. W0. PSM and ll,2ud. Apply W. S Halduff. 16a Farnam St. (2)-266 ' AUTOMOBILES High grade used automobiles, all makes.' at lowest prices. All cars In A-l condition ship you any make of car, you pay for the car when you get It. Write for prices and pacify make of car you want. Now is the time to buy. il. 8. Vrooman Ull Fisher Bldg., Chicago. C21-M98.' lflx AUTOMOBILE garage for rent; 19th and .Nicholas Sta.; toxluo feet. Tel. Dmig. 17g. '! M239 11 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE- OR TRADE Well Improved 3i, one mile of a good town In Oweola county, Iowa; worth IJs.OuO; will carry 11&.U0O If deal red at 6 per cent Interest What have youT Addreaa Box 264, .lef ieraon, la. (S) MS&t FOR SALE OR TRADE Fifteen pedigreed rinorinvm ceiue. jiaarees mm Dales Botna, la. tl M516 Hx xirtt b a i.e. un i nAuc, nne jersey cow for good alngle buggy and harness. For information telephone lti7. til 373 TRADES! TRADES! Karma, towa property, mdae., ever"thlng Stringer ft Child, Paiton Blk.. Omaha. . (D-M243 Nov SALE OR EXCHANGE. 40 acres. (4 aw; IS acres. s.6u; 120 acrea, half btttom, te.ono; all highly Improved, first rlaaa, roomy buildings and within five mllea of Council H luff a. ia acrea, Yuma ounty, t oiorade. H per acre. ALVA SMITH. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. I A. , (3) M4 9t BUSINESS CHANCES tJTO GET in or eut of bualneaa call on GANG EST AD. Room 408 Bee Bldg. - . . (4)-267 FURNITURE laaae and fixtures for sale; a money snakar. Hots) Grand, Waning 10a. NtU v;-UX tlx BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR BAI.FV A stock of groceries. nuena- ware, boot a ana anoe; goro irn "" paving buaineea, at I1H0; good reaaona for selling. Mrs. M. Obllngwr. admlnlatratrla, Albion. Neb. (4-M7M rx HIGHLY Improved quarter section adjacent to town a nd firm riae imH'm.ni nets for sale; turnover $4.00 annually. A. R. Shea, Rao..een. Bask. Caajd. FOR BALR) OR TRADF16.(10 general atock; beet paying busineae In B. F.. Neb., would taka about half In land at actual value; good reaeona for selling. Vlree y-M, care Bee. 4 Mi4 1 DRUG storea for sale everywhere. KnJ". N. T. U Blflg. DRVO STORE LOCATION. FOR L.BASB Best rorner In city for live druggist to get neighborhood bualneaa. Bee owner. 1101 N. 18th ft., from t a. m. to (41 Ml 16 10 p. m. WANTED Information regarding patent which would be money-maker. Only in ventor who wiahea to aell direct to man ufacturer need a newer. Give price otid brief description. L. Derbyshire. Box W12, Rochester, N. T. 4) M235(X BARBER shop for Bale: only shop. In town doing good business: reasons for aelllng; want to leave country. Ixwated In middle west of Iowa. Addres Y 136, care of Bee. (4 ) 8 X BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cklropo4lst. DR. ROT, R. t, 150Tsrnam et. Doug. M97. , to Jo I Deatlats. BAILET ft MACIf. d fir. Paiton. P. 10J5. Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. fB)- Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES. Misa Sturdy. Tel. Doug. Wit. (S- McDowell Dressmaking school, 13 Farnam (B) S28 CHILDREN'S and misses' sewing a spe cialty. 112 S. 24th 8t (6) M117 12X Florists. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. (5) 24 L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Tel. D. 1161. (B) 2l5 J. H. BATH. 1W Harney, Tel. Doug. SOW. 10) m Financial. Money TO L O A N-L O W RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Blchj. 'Phone Douglaa 2&04. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (5)-26 MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates, W. B. Meikle, Ramge Bldg. (6) M9S3 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney MovlnsT ass Storing. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. lth Bt., warehouse iZOT-ll laard St. (6) 269 Hlo and Languages. PROF. OTTO KUHLICH, piano lessons vocal accompanist, studio 109 8. Uth St. (6) M206 7x Oateopatky. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1S94. (B)-a70 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 60S N. Y. L. Bldg. W ill Patteras. PATTERN and model work of all descrip tions, uasoune engines, electrical and all aorta of machinery pattern and modal work solicited. Get our price. Waitar Wedde t-aitern ana Model works, Como Ave. and Claghom Bta., St, Paul, Minn. 46) M 760 8x Plating. GOLD, silver, nickel plating. Omaha Plat Ing Co., 1220 Harney. Phones Douglas ZMo and independent A-z&K. (6) 272 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don t fail to see our imported line. Lyng atad ft Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6) 13 JAY SMITH, printer and stationer; I have the goods, i can do your work right. Room 12, Wead-Baldrlge Bldg.. 20th and Farnam Sta. ind. 'Phone A-S-Bl. b)-36i 02Bx EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and first class worn guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 813 S. Uth St. Tels. Doug. 6662. Ind. A-2C32. (0) M808 N2 Safes, Skattera, Eto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works, makes a specially of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. (B) MS08 Nl Skortkaad Reporter aad Notary. F. J. SUTC-LIFFE, depositions, 628 Bea Tel. Douglaa lis. (b) 876 Skoe Repairing. RAPID 8HOE REPATR CO.-Flrst class work. 1U18H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (01276 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Bhoe Repair Co. 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7567. (51-277 Water Filters. Mlsaourl water filters. Huber, 1U0 Howard. 151278 HELP WANTED FEMALE Fartory ill Trades. FIRST-CLASS Skirt Handa wanted. Apply to J. jawlts, lain ana rarnam. 22a I Honaekeepera and Domestics. DR. WERTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk li aw WANTED At ones, experienced aecon girl. Mrs. William Stull. 2224 Howard St - t7j-171 WANTED Oirl for general housework 2101 California Ht Mrs. T. C. Byrne. Doug. 104. t7 M1S0 GIRL for general housework, 3612 Farnam St. 7) M2c4 WANTF0D High school girl to taka care of baby afternoons and evenlnga her mother wisnea to go out. tail Tel. noug laa 4393. (71214 7 WANTED Girl for general housework. 163S Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. (7) 212 12x WANTED Girl for general Harney S23S. 207 S. 86th Ave. housework. (71-211 8 WANTED Girl for general housework must be good cook; three In family: good wagea. Tel. Harney 2516, call 2970 Pacific atreet. (7) !27 8 WANTED Girl 1919 Webster. for general housework. "-M2 9x HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Solicitors aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted for the most complete oil gaa burner In the world; no wick: no smell; genertea kerosene oil Into a fine gaa; It fits any cook atove or range; 1 nothing tike It. IVpi. 6. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO. $0 and HO N. y. Ufe bldg , Omaha. Neb. ()-M24 Nor. 6 WANTED Young man to drive through country and aell farmers an article uf big value at a low price; permanent po sition and good income. Addre-n A iX. car Bea. i-JJl A "want ad" in The BEE V stops many "long-felt wants. KSBsmsss HELP WANTED MALE Agrnta and "elesmea Conllaeed, WANTED Traveling man by local firm; experience not neceeanry; posltton per manent. Addresn W iCB, Bee. () MH't WANTED Btrong local company wants bona amosinen; liberal propoKiiion ; re plies confidential. Addreaa B 257, Be. Al. JJ vx IF you want to make money doing a pub- llo good goods at my expense no pay until I make good no humbug no po- tals. Theo. Noel, Bprrien riprings. Mien. INDEPENDENT" INK POWDER. Dissolved In water makes the best writ ing fluid; each powder nutkes one pint of Ink; any color; in cents; agents wanted. J. Ulrlch CO., Thames St., New York. (9) M240 9X WANTED A genta at once to aell Dloao, the best, yet cheapest, deodoriier on the market; agenta make $5 to 116 a day. Write I. B. liovanden, Mfg. Agt., Shen- ndoah, la. MJ34 octix J2.S0 TO 14 00 PER DAY guaranteed, selling greatest household article In tne worm; every houscKeeper buys It; TA yeara on the market. Addresa, Keystone Mfg Co., uin ana unerry ois., .Tie, (9 M993 10 Boya. WANTED Several reliable boys. IB 01 ever. W. U. Tel. Co., 212 S. 13th St. (9) M70& Oil WANTED Boys 16 to 20 years old In shoe factory. F. P. Klrkendall ft Co., lltn ana ILu-ncy Sta. (91216 7 BRIGHT boys for press department. Must bo steady and willing to work, uemis Omaha Bag Co. (9 M246 9 Clerical and Office. Bookkeeper and stenographer, bank, small town, $fi. Traveling sajcaman, 1100. Manager, general merchandise store, $126. General merchandise clerk, German,- good town, 150. If you can fill any of the above, see us AT ONCE, Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN ItEF. ft BOND ASS N., INC. Suite 7a. N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-S23 DRUG clerk's position. Knlest, N. Y. Life Bldg. w i WANTED 600 ambitious boys and young men to enter the Y. M. C. A. night school; classes In over twenty subjects; all classes begin October 6. (9 M559 WANTED Clerk; must have one year's ex perience, bright and active and not afraid of work; good chance for promotion; state experience and salary. W-2:i8. Bee. (9) 145 6 WANTED By largo wholesale house, a bookkeeper; a good penman. Address M 246, care Bee. () 218 7 WANTED A stenographer with some ex perience: mate age and salary. Address u 246, care Bee. (9) 217 7 Factory and Trades. LADIES' tailor wanted- must be first class. Apply J. Jawlts, 1803 Farnam, corner mn. (9)-M767 7 WANTED First class, all-around me chanic; must be sober, industrious ana honest. None but first class and up-to-date men need apply. A good Job for the right man. We will move our plant to Boo.te. la., within ninety days. Want to try out a man here, with a view of taking charge of the shop. Murried man preferred. Quinn Wire and Iron Works, Scranton, la. (9) M197 9 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeka required; best paying worg witnm the reach of poor man; can have ahop with Binall capital; wages $12 to 120 weekly; wonderful demand for barbers: catalogue free. Moler Barber ColleRe, 11 8. 14th St. (9)-M790 Sx WANTED Ten bricklayers, non-union, at Fort Russell, Cheyenne, wyo. ; lour months' work; 75 cents per hour. At kinson Bros. (9) M193 II FIRST CLASS Ladles' Tailor wanted. Wages I-J5.00 per week. Apply to J, Jawlts., 18th and Farnam. (9)-224 8 Miser llaneoaa. WANTED, FOR U. 8. ARM Y Able-bodied, unmarried men between ages or is and s, etitcens of United States, of good char acter and, temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Kngllsn. Kor in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. (91-688 WANTED Train news agents. Apply 1114 W. Broadway, council uiurrs. () mis FREE employment dept. Business Men's Ass n; no fees, can b.o N. x. x.ire mag. THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN . DAY AND NIGHT, 8TUDENT3 ADMITTED ANY DAT. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy and Kneiian. orncai training scnooi union Pcifle R. R. telegraph department. A postal gets full Information. Address H, B. Boyles, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. ' (9)-282 A MANUFACTURING company Intends opening branch office in Omaha. The president of company is here to engagu services of a man with ability to manage same. Must be capable of handling trav eling salesmen and meeting high-class trade. First-class references and cash bond of $1,000 required. Only those in po sition to meet the above requirements need apply. Address P 204, rare Bee. (9-7T8 WANTED A capable, reliable married man to drive milk wagon; must furnish bond. Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co.. 1813 Farnam Bt. () MISS 7 CIRCULAR distributers wanted, $3.60 per i.ii. pacrea baive Co., -t Chestnut bt., Chicago (9) M229x HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE. WANTED Educated men and women capable of earning $2,000 a year, by Dodd Mead ft Co., to aell the new International Encyclopedia. Inquire at office, 510 N. 21at St., Omaha. (10) M944 11 WANTED Camera operators at once, men or women; steady position at good pay; experience unnecessary; no canvassing: aend stamp for application form and full particulars. C. J. Smith, Ut Nlcolet Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. (lOi MJ01 8x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Honrs aad Vehicles. FREE VETERINARY TREATMENT. For the purpoaa of Introducing ourselvea to the public we will treat all diseases of do mestic animals free of charge from Sep tember 16 to October 15. 19u8. We are both graduates and practical veterinarians Drs. Himonaon and Stewart, 418 South mh St., Omaha. Office hours 9 to 12 a. in. and $ to 5 p. m. 'Phones: Ind., A-16U and Douglaa 3kt3. . (11) 633 17 OLD HONESTY" $3 horse blankets wear like Iron; heavy, atrong. long-wearing. (11) M4 D2 STANHOPES, surreys, runabouts, top bug gies and harness; cloning out summer atyles at very low prices. See us at once, buy 'low, save 20 per cent. Johnaon A Danforth. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea Sta. (11) Ml 36 U FOR SALE Several trams good draft hones. Harding Ice Cream Co. (ID MISS W11BN writing to advertisers leineniher it takes but an extra stroke or two nf the pen lo mention the lact that you eaw the ad lu The Bea. LOST AND FOUND LOST A large 14-karat ring; Geo. W. Glenn engraved on Inside. Liberal reward If returned to the Bee office. (12)-M968 7x LOST At Den, gray feather fan with tor toise shell stick. Return to Bee office for suitable reward. (12) M164 7 LOST Pocketbook, In carnival grounds, containing gold locket. Heward for re turn. Telephone Webster 2764. tl2)-Mlfi6 7x LOST Signet tie pin. with monogram "J. M. H," between 17th and 24th on Har nev Ht. Return to Bee office and receive reward. (12I-M171 7 LOST Between Henshaw hotel and Y. M. C. A., afternoon, Sept. 29. watch fob, black silk ribbon, with gold buckle and charm. Will pay Its value. Return to O. C. Redlck, 1517 Farnam St. (12) M202 LOST Two-year-old small bay pony mare, September 80. 1908. Reward for return to 1336 Ogden St. Tel. Webster 1204. (12) M194 7x LOST On carnival grounds, Saturday night. gold bracelet, engraved Dec. 2-, '07 on In side. Liberal reward if returned to Aula baugh. 1D08 Douglas. (12) M204 7x LOST Pocketbook, containing 1.16.00; drafts, 156.41 and 142.00. Reward for return to 100 Bee building. (12) 222 7x LOST Ladles' pocketbook, containing 2 checks drawn on The Bank of Waterloo, Neb., one for 160. payable to Mrs. C. P. Coy, Indorsed by her, one for 130 payable to drawer and both, signed Chauncey p. t oy son. Liberal reward, return to Thompson Belden Co. 02) 22R S MEDICAL BEST nerve braco for men. "Gray'a Nerve food nun. 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 2S2 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghtom Medical college, 14th and Dav enport ats. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment aupervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-128 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to tne matron ot tne Baivatton Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (13) Mf MONEY TO LOAN ' SALARIES AND CHATTELS. NO PLACE like the Old Reliable 1AJAN HEADQUAR TERS to borrow money. No PLACE where you get such low rates and a fuir. boniest deal. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade 16th St. entrance. (14) 285 MONEY loaned salaried people and others witnout security; easy paymenra. ur fires In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 613, New York Ufa Bldg (14)-M793 OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 286 WE do expert piano moving at loweat prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller ft Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16 287 WANTED To room and board, refined gentleman or atn and wife, by refined couple In large strictly modern private residence; nice rooms and use of piano and library; excellent board, $6 per week 8018 Webater 'Bt." ' (16) 941 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (IB) 388 BOARD, room, walking dla.; all modern; home cooking. 614 So. 23d St. (15 S2S 9x Famished Rooms. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . in All parte of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Cost you nothing. P. O. N1ELSON ft CO.. RENTAL ACTS., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Phone Doug. Z204. (16)-289 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham. 110 S. 13th Ht. (lo)-291 FURNISHED room, all modern. 2019 N, 20th. Webster 628. (161267 NEWLY furnished rooms; house new and strictly modern, 816 N. lth St. (15) M752 8x NEWLY-FURNISHED, large, comfortable room; atrlotly modern; use of phone; walking distance; private lamny. 114 26th Ave. (15) 711 6 NICELY-FURNISHED room for rent; modern. 2401 Harney St. (15)-635 30 FURNISHED room; private family. 642 S. 26th Ave. "Phone Harney 16S6. 15)-M909 FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 704 Bo. 31st. Tel. Harney 3909. (16) 816 9x FOR RENT Desirable furnished room In private family for gentleman; referencea required. 334S Harney St. (15) 815 9x FINE, large, front room, with alcove bed room: modern; splendid east view; 114 blocks from high school; private family. Also smaller room. 408 N. 22d. (15)-M967 FURNISHED room, near depot. 1218 8. lllh St (la)-M978 VS LADY ONLY Nicely furnished room, first floor; references required. Telephone Webster 630. (16) M973 14x NICELY FURNISHED, .desirable front room In new, modern fiat. All con veniences; walking distance. 2406 Harney. (15Wil llx NICELY-FURNISHED room; new, modern house; private family; gentlemen pre ferred: Park avenue, near Leavenworth. Phone Harney 715. (16) 176 11 2409 HARNEY, furnished rooms: modern (1st. (15) MU4 19x IN DUNDEE Fine double alcove room, furnished for two or four; heat, light, bath, $12: unfurnished rooms $6. Meals. Uuickenden, 'Phone Harney 1696. (16)-M230 13x NICE front room and bedroom: dealrable for young men. also other rooms. 21s N. 19th. (15) M252 12x lloasekeeplaa; Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE furnished rooms, light housekeeping If desired. 2023 Burt HU (15) M9s4 10 TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping; also lour unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone in house. Ii74 Harney St. (15) M147 1218 CHICAGO St., modern, furnished or un furnished loom; light housekeeping If de sired. Tel. Bed 6578. (151-140 llx FOR RENT Two light basement rooms, furnished, to cnuple for the winter; pertly modern; $13. J 8. 27th st. (15)-lk6-12 Apartments aad Flats. J-4 R flat. Scargn. EI1W4 N. 24th. South Omaha, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Had 4i6. (16 293 OR RENT A beautiful 4-room and 6- looni apartment, steam heat, thoroughly modern ana up 10 aaic. comic riner in Omaha, location best. Inquire 301 Brown block. (1U W4 THREE unfurnlahed rooma. close In, Psr- nam street, modern, steam beat. Dnigias OFFERED FOR RENT Apartnieats and Flats Contlaard. 6-ROOM ST. LOUIS FT .AT, 25C8 Sherman Ave.; Furanee, Gss, Electric Lilght, Cement Basement, Window Shades. Birch Finish. HASTING A HEY DEN. 174 Farnam St Ask for Rental Department. (15) -176 HEATED OUTSIDE FLAT. large rooms, all outside; hardwood, mod ern, snsdns, gas range, steam heat, hot water, walking distance; $.'5 summer. 32 winter. Why pay double for no better? Vacant October 8; references required. BEM1S, Paxton Block. (16)-M117 10 FOR RENT In walking distance, desirable n-room fist, excellent repair and modern, furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood and paved streets. 2616 Dodge St. Rent, 130. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Famam. (15)-M803 NEW. modern 4-room brlc-k flat; steel range ,ras stove. Kuerten cabinet; refer ences: 21. 2206 Nicholas. Patterson, 123 Farnam. (16) 742 HEATED APARTMENT. 4-room. first floor, private front and back porcnes, reewiy oecoratea, polished rioors, in Kountxe Place; references required. 'Phone Webster 1119. J. N. Marsh, 446 Board of Trade Bldg. (1BI-MS17 STEAM HEATED APARTMENT9 Six rooma, hardwood, modern, steam heat, rtoi water, gas range, walking distance. You pay double this and get no better; $23 Bummer. 30 winter; references re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (1B)-M11 10 NEW B-room flats, corner 23d and Nich olas Sts. ; all modern; furnace heat; rent, 3; owner rays water; references re quired. A. C. Busk, 3412 Hawthorne Ave. 'Phone Harney 980. (15) 822 Fnratsked Houses. SrX-ROOM furnished cottage, all modem, including gas and electrlo fixtures and hot water heating; 1916 Clark. St. Inquire at 1607 Howard St. (IB) M220 EIGHT-ROOM furnished house for rent, 136. 2668 Spalding 8t (16)-M753 9 NEW, strictly modern home; newly fur- nisnea cneap to desirable parties, en 11 Tel. Web. 2328. ' (15 210 39TH, NEAR BURT, close to two car lines. completely furnished, $46. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152. (16) M244 9 Honors and Cottages. HOUSES. 1116 80. 28th. S rooms, modern except fur bace, K0. 1702 So. 28th, 8 rooms, modern, $2S. 1337 So. 27th, rooms, modem, $26. 4169 Cass, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, barn, $10. 8317 Dewey Ave., B-room cottage, 115. FLATS. 1721 Park Ave., 8-room brick, modern, $77.60. . 246 Dodge, 8 rooms, modern, $30. 628 So. 30th, 8 rooms, modern, $26. 13JB N. 24th. 6 rooms, bath. $16. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. Ask for rental department. (15)-162 BEAUTIFUL 9-room house for rent; fur nished, modern, hot water heat. Call aiternoons. 1614 Bmmet Bt. (16)-M2S3 12 FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. INS.. AGENCY; 220 S. 17th St 'Phone D. 1606; A-316L (16) 160 10 ROOMS, modern, walking distance. See owner, nasi . aaa Bt. Tol. Black KWO, (15)-626 FOR RENT OCTOBER 1, MY 10-ROOM BRICK MODERN RESIDENCE. WITH BARN SHADE TREES. LAWN PER MANENT WALKS, ON PAVED STREETS. CORNER LOT, 2648 CAPITOL AVE. TEL. D. 573. OR 692. B. H. ROBISON. 2D FLOOR WARE BLK. (16) M402 3320 Decatur St., 8-room, city water, gas ror cooking, wo.ou. 8212 No. 21st St., 6-room. modern, $30.00. 2015 Grand Ave., 6-room, new, modern, oak finish. $30.00. 424 No. 28th Ave., 7-room, modern, oak finish. 137.50. 3301 Sherman Ave., 8-room, modern, oak finish, $40.00, or will rent furnished. $50.00. 2515 Parker St., 8-room, modern, except heat. $28.00. 3030 Evans St., 8-room, partly modern. $36.00. 609 Georgia Ave., 9-room, modern, $35.00. FLATS 607H No. 21st St., 6-room, modern, except heat. 1806 Emmet St., 6-room, new, modern, oak finish. $30.00. 517 80. 26th Ave., 6-room, modern, $35.00. 609 So. 26th Ave., 7-room, modern,, hot water heat, 145.00. 2710 Jackson St., 7-room, new, modern, oak finish, $46.00. 2208 No. 21st St., 7-room. modern. $21.60. 1103 No. 23d St., 6-room, new, flat all modern, birch finish, $26.00. 2008 St. Mary'a Ave., 6-room, modern, furnished, $36.00. Hastings ft Heyden, 1704 f arnam Street Ask for 'Rental Department. (15)-2S0 HOUSE for rent. 3116 Burt St. (16) 30$ l-ROOM, modern cottage, N. E. comer 81st and Ohio $20. cariberg, su n. 1. 1 .ire. (15)-Ma&3 8-ROOM modern dwelling, 2669 Douglas. $36. Fell ft Plnkerton CO., 408 f irst Mat'l. Bank Bldg. (16)-M134 LOOK AT THESE RENTAL SNAPS 6-room, part modern, choice, 120 Bo. 28th Ave.. $20. 6-room, part modern. Choice, 1314 so. lltn $12. 7-room, city water, oarn, tuj o. asm Ave.. $16. 8-room. modern, new, 420 Hamilton, f25. 4-room, part modern. 837 So. 24th, $11. 4-room, city water. 2637 So. 8th, $8. 6-room, city water, 2J08 No. 27th. $15. 8-room, city water, 2416 Charles, $23.50. 12-room, good, select, 2416 Sherman Ave. $30. 4-room, city water, iduo no. aotn, x. RUSSELL 4 McKITRICK Co. 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th ajid Harney. (15) 226 7 ttoTTCTT'Q ,n a" Parts of the city, IIUUOLO Creirli Sons ft Co.. Bee Bid, (lo) dOo LIST your vacant houses with Walter ttreen company, iM. 1. i-ue. mag (15) 294 2877 Wirt St., four rooms, $10. 2619 Parker, rear, four rooms, $10. TURRELL ft CO., D. 1129 or A2129. 310-14 Boston Store Bldg. (15) M196 7 DR. WERTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk do) joe HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt Barker Blk U01-23O MAGGARD VAN ft STORAGE" CO. Tel. D 14H6. We guarantee moving pianos. H. 11. goods. (IS) XJ4 OMAHA Van snd Storage Co., psck, move, stoie H. 11. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N, 19i h; office, luu Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659, lit a FOR RENT To private family only, ihat commodious and attractive residence No, 2025 Dodge St. $76. Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First National tfana. mug. Telephou Douglaa 722. (L6 MSfc HOUSEHOLD goods, pailcd. forwarded heap freight rates; moving and storing Expressman's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 4. (lo) 299 SEVEN-ROOM house, just west Hanscorn Park. $24. 'Phoue Jiarney loto. (l& 710 FOR RENT 8 room, all modern, on car line. 1026 N. 33d Ajt. Tel. Harnev XH3. (16-M!5 7x KIGHT-ROOM m dern brick flat, jmrj Ps clfic. For Information 'phone Harney a:s3, (10) aw OFFERED FOR RENT Ilaases aa4 Colt agee Coat lo4. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros , 1004 Farnam. 1U e,.-v HOUSES-Pcters Trust Co., N. Y. 1 BMg. (Ull 1 FOR BENT -rooni house, modern except best. 716 Hickory SU Inquire 37 w. im St. t!6) 177 ROOMS, second floor. 1!52 N. 24th St., $17; modern, except heat Chris Boyer, 25d and Cuming Sts. (1& Ml. "9 STEAM HEAT-4-r., bath, 220 N. 2nd. (Ill) MIS -ROOM house. 838 8 . 21st St. (15)-M2J1 7X NEW 7-room cottage strictly modern. Ap ply zi.4 Miami h. (lo) ii Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In n office located on the busy corner or Villi and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15)-M577 DESK ROOM-601 Brandcls Bldg. Somers- Johnson Realty Co. (lo)-814 FRONT OFFICES. Two outside, offlcca, south front, on second floor Conservative King.. 114 Harney St.; oak finish, gas and electric liRhts. steeiu heat: Janitor service. HflstinRs Hoyden, 174 Farnam St. Ask for rental depart ment. (15) 209 6 Balldlaga. BARN for rent 623 8. 2sth St OM-141 x Storea. FOR RENT Basement, 22x132. Rldgleys. 1417 Douglas. (lo) 210 oct9 SCARGO BLOCK, South Omnha, new, B'JO N. 24th, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 74os. (151310 VACANT STOREROOM. 1714 Nicholas St. See owner, 1101 N. 18th St.. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. (if mii 10 - Warehooses. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT Space In building located In wholesale district, with trackage at rear of building and electric elevator.. Ad dress W 226. care Bee. (15)-172 OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltnre. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany Tintsn; oeen usea a snort time ana win sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (16-143 FOR SALE Furniture 13 rooms, with steel ranaie, gooa modern rial, g&oa 10cm no. Inquire 1427 N. 17th St. (16)-712 6x Ostrich Plnmes. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop plumes. li inches, X2., worm n. citner rnap half retail store prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3516; our agent will call. (16) M311 riaaoe aad Other Mnalcal Inatraments PIANO BARGAINS. One Kimball upright, used. $104. One Bteinway, upright, used, $200. One good upright, used, $. One $4U new upright, $23s. ROSE'S ART 8TORE, 1521 Dodge St. (16)-213 CONN cornet with rase; big bargain for . 1 .1 .1 1 - 1, C 1 ) (16)-M244 T prewrltera and Sewing; Macklnrs. IV vnil ARK IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI riATF. WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E J10, BEE. llo) oil TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter nxcnanne. inui ur nam. (16) M6I7 Ootl7 m . Any make. Typewriters A1Iprlcp, ANY MAKE, all pricee; ror sale, 'mr rent; rent applied lr Dougnt; sugnuy usea ana rebuilt machines good aa now at a sav ing of 30 to 80 per cent, manufacturer's firtces. Write today for large bargain 1st. We ship anywhere on approval arl allow examination without a deposit. B.F.SwansonCo., (16) M996 Oct21 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine tne c. omuii uros. writing In sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or phone B. F. Swanson Co., Inc.. dealers, 1614 Famam, Omaha. (l(i)-312 Mtacrllanrons. DRUGS at cut prices; freight pal) on all $10 orders; catalogue tree, encrman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 3J5 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. oiyers-union Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 313 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint Sherman at Mcconncn viug o. (16)-314 ONE) 7H-horse-power White ft Mlddleton gasoline engine, snarling, nungers, Deit Ing and pulleys; good as new. Win. Berg, 16ih and Charles Sts., Omaha. 10)-M22l FOR SALE Cheap, a stone crusher. Has been uaed only auout sixty uays. Ad dress Y 98, care of The Omaha Bee. (16)-M806 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool taDiea. wo leaa tne woria in cheap bar fixtures; easy payment a. Brunswick-Ba.ke Cullender, 467 tS. loth St (16) 316 A IX)T of stone for coping, window and door sills, alao tancy pressed brick Tor sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. (16) 951 ICE, ICE, MINNESOTA ICE In can lota. A. G. Gilbert, Council Blurrs, la. (161-M140 WIRE CABLE. We have a lot of wire cable, auttable for light work, to sell at a bargain. Apply the Bee Building Co., 17th and Farnam. (16) M 230 TWO MOTOR CYCLES for sale, one with BllUCIimrni , . ii.ib.iii, ior Dom, I. Muccl, 218 W. Broadway, Council Bluffa. s 416) 4J10 9x POTATOES FOR SALE. In carlots. Writo or 'phone MARTIN MERCANTILE CO., Manning, la. (16)-M361 IS HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 16lh and Dodge Sta., Omaha, Neb. (hi I 317 JEWEL 6-hole cook Btove, with reservoir; weight 330 pounds; cost $30; yours for $10. 709 N. 41t Ave. (16) 786 ml 01 a.i. .j-. jl. ,.110 ivr.cix. 100 wagon lotula of short bluegraas sod, lll'OT x t.. UAI Tl Till. 1.. L.-1. jiihi iui, iui ..i. .iivf, 011 it'ouiiii ueur 3rtth and U Sts., South Omaha. 'Phono N. P. Dodge & Co., or McCaaue Invest ment Co., Omaha. (16) M250 8 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 60 post age. R. H. and A. B. Iicey,' rooma 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished lk. (17) 318 D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 319 PERSONAL CHOOSH moat becoming tint; flesh, while, pink or brunet, Satin Skin Powder. 'jc. (18)- SYRINGF.S. rubber goods by msll: rut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myera Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 322 11 1 f VTL,rP If1 treatment and bath. Mme. MAUrs rjl 1 smith, 118 N. lilh, 2d floor. (18) 627 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1124 N. 4tto. Ttl. Webster x,V,9. (U;-3J) PERSONAL (Continued.) OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramre Rlrlg. ( I81-321 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for coal of rolb-ctlon to the worthy poor. Call-Thone Douglas 413$ snd wagon will call. (IS) 7M HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Far num. (181-3:4 DR. WERTZ, dentist, 6th floor Paxton Blk. 18)-,3 YOUNG WOMEN romlng to Omana as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1.M8 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 BRIGHT babv boy and girl for adoption. Address G 220, care Bee. (18 M796 tx MAY I prepare your registration papers for 26 centsT Best Tripp county map, ROc. "A Reliable V'ace." W. T. llarvev. No tary Public, with Jamea A. Smith' Lum ber Co., Dallas, S. D. (18) M191 19 MASSAGE treatmenta. 109 Booth 17th St., room 6. Mrs. Jordan. (18) M760 8x Piles Cured Free All persons unable to pay will be treated absolutely fre of any charge on Satur day of each week by DR. WILT J AM CRE1GHTON MAXWELL. 624 Pen Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Doug las 1424. Cut this out and bring with vou, (18)-74 MASS. OFl Kl'ctric. vibratory. 1 S. lUXOk3YCTrj Iftth Rnnni nt f.,,.,1. floor old Boston store. (18)-741 031 JOHN CANE Is In town. It will soon hs time to trim trees, trellises, grapevines. Telephone L'ouglaa 4649 or A-8M9. (18) TM Nl WANTED By a widow, a place In a family ivi wmiiq mm jp uning con fined. Addresa T-105, care Bee. P8)-MI48 7 REAL ESTATE REAL F.STATH DEALERS PATNH 1NV. CO., "first floor N. T. Life. (19) m GEORGE ft CO., 1901 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 7M. U9)-$M BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19 327 REED ABSTRACT CO., Est 18I; prompt service; gel our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (19-S2t CITY PROPERTY FOR SALH SPECIAL BARGAIN The owner of 1512 N. lth St. Is com pelled to sell the property In order to raise the money. This house wag . built four years ago by the day. It has parlor, dining room, bedroom and kitchen on first floor; four bedrooms and bath on second floor; hot and eold water, gas, good cellar, with laundry sink connected with hot and cold water, toilet In basement The property Is in fine condition, house vacant, everything ready to move right In. The lot Is 63x120, nice shade, fruit, shrubbery, chicken house, cement walks, east front, and Is of fered for a few days at $2,809, Terms can be arranged. Payne, Bostwick&Co. SOLE AGENTS, Main Floor, N. Tf. Life. ' Both 'phonefc " (ill) 219 8 $2,850 r" 4007 NORTH 30TII STREET Six rooms, all modern, furnace not In, but already piped; wl'l let purchaser select furnace: 3 rooms and reception room on first floor, 3 sleeping rooma and bath up stairs, $2,750 4011 NORTH 30TH STREET Fix rooms. Is strictly modern: 4 rooms and bath on second floor, splendid finish, hoube Is new, cellar under entire house, paved street and paving paid In full. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, l'i04 Farnam St. Ree BMg (19)-221 7 ' FOR SALE Neat 7 room houae. east front lot. at 2502 S. 20th Ave., $1,200; requires about $4U0 cash; balance monthly. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton block. (19) M911 Price Reducfcd for Quick Sale. $850.00. 2210 Meredith Ave. Three-room cottage and summer kitchen, gas, good well, permanent walk, lot 60x186, 1 blocks to car line, school and church. Good terms. $2,850.00. 1044 S. 25TH ST., Seven-room house, fine condition, parlor, rear parlor, dining room and kitchen, three large bedrooms, lots of closet room; porce lain bath, marble lavatory and toilet, sewer, city water and gas, cemented cellar, water meter, - hot water boiler, good well and cistern, pump and alnk In kitchen; fine corner lot right on grade, not low: nice lawn; room for two more houses; permanent walks; twenty-minute walk to 16th and Farnam Sta. BIRKETT & TEBBENg. 423 Bee Bldg. Phones Doug. 4754, A". 1754. (19 M245 T FOR SALE OR RENT NEW MODERN HOME 2903 Dewey Ave., just being completed; oak finish, 4 rooms and large reception hall and bath room, complete, down stairs and three large rooma and bath upstairs, with large closets and linen closet, fur nace heat, large beaament with laundry. This property Is well located, walking dla- . tance to the city: would make a choice home or Inveatment; is offered for sale on easy terms for the next 15 daya. and after that if not aold la for rent at $4.1 per mouth. Sale price, $4,5oO. II. 11. LANDER YOU, Tel. Doug. 2161. 442 Board of Trade. (19)-M181 T 12 PER CENT ON $27,500. We have Just been authorized to offt-r a fine row of St. Loula flats (pressed brick fronts) with above Income; see us at once; they are finely located and In walking distance. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. ('has E. Williamson, Pres. Ground Floor U. By National Bldg.. ll Farnam St. (19I-M237 I AN eastern owner baa two houses In Hans com Place renttd for $70 a month: every- ' thing modern; paved street; east front; will sell at a bargain; one block north of llariacom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. (19J-M243 LIST your property with Chria Boyer, 2:4 and Cuming Sis. (!)? LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH W. FAR NAM SMITH ft CO. WE HA VB TH E BUYERS. (l)-M-a66H WHEN writing to advertisers remember It takea but an extra atrnke ar two of the pea to mention the fact that you aw tin aa in iaa