THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER fi. 1903. 0 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Free Offering Stop Adtance Threat ened Since Lost Week'i Break. Baron. strong; boxed extra short. tIZMVi; clear rtbe. IU0O; short clears, til 12 POULTRY Quiet: chickens, WUjo; springs, l4c; turkeys, Kc; ducks, TH . aeeae. 5r Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls is.ino .v WHEAT FLUCTUATES EASILY Wkit. hu...' ......lit cm Corn, bu .... ... liR.nnO Oats, ;bu. 194,i0 Hot) M.ono 43.000 K5.000 BUU Bitter Mark. v.uniK.- 111... Ort. K'Rirr'ntR ripm: torn Opened Weak and Market Wm ITVic. Sale for tha week, 678.000 lbs. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Values Fluctuate Wildly ai Result of Conflicting Forces. HILL STOCKS MOVE UP SHARPLY Pali, with Temporary Advances . - OnJr an Wheat Threat- OMAHA. Oct. S. im SEW, YORK GENERAL MARKET ((notation at the)" Day aa Vnrlon1 Camsnndlttea. NEW TORK. Oft. 6 FT .OUR Receipts. Sl.ono bbls.; export. 19.800 bbls. Market Grain value hau a tendency to I steady but slow: Minnesota patent. strengthen after lsat week' break and Si.Kr-ut.aO: winter straight. 14 MM 46; Mln- buylng n mora general, but free offtr- nraota bskers. $t.;oi&4.60; winter eittra. $3.40; winter patents, $4.4"g4 K; winter low I has itnmwd tha aivanre. Large world shipments and tha accumu- I grade. $3.v7J3.70. Rvt flour, steady; fair latloni of Hock, coupled with vary favor- I to good.; choice to fancy, 14 W abla weather, wera bearish features, but 4 V Buckwheat flour, steady at HMy'W values answered readily to any buying. 3.2ft. Wheat wma nervous and tha fluctuation CORNMKAL Berely steadyt fine white wra rapid. Tha market answered quickly ant yellow, 8i.76'al.8o; coarse, t.iyxvi.fii; tn all buvlne. but heave reeeinta and an I kiln dried. 14.1R. Increase In the world s visible supply kept RYE Dull; No, I wrrtern, S4o, f. Q. b., th. crowd bearish and price showed nlv New York. a small advance. December wheat opened BA RLEY Steady; malting, 605c, e. I. f , at kho ana dosed at Mtn. nuriaio; feeding, 6SV0t c c- 3ew ( Ym mmum weak anil nroverl dull, with -I inra. only' a temporary- advance In sympathy WHEAT Receipts. 200,700 bu.t exports, with W-hent. . 137.W6 bu. Snot rrmrket eteady; No. i re 1, Cash corn wa alow Jtld some lower and $1.06HS1.06H n elevalori No. 8 red, $1.074. hliv.-ra .n nnl lablni small lAta tie. f. O. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, cmlter.(rn opened at UHo and closed at tt m'4. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 liard winter. tvc. , 1 l f. o. b.. afloat, war taia. cut. nine .'rlMa,. - - .araA -I ,1 U IV. 1 ,, I iikuth 1 ,1 inn.. a n rl llialloi mir,. ' and shipment ware 671.000 bu., against re- opening at o '" '""V."- cetpu.laat year of 1,188.000 bu. ad ship- weak on nearisn aaiiy ana Zl.Zr 111", UUl WOW lincu " ' , i , v u v. a big export trade and closed quiet and firm at yilto ni aavance; iecorniier. cetpta ir.enta Of Tit 000 bu. Corn receipts were 247,Onf bu. and ship yearof IOOOTU. Md ahU.m.n,. .? 792, OOu g8 CORN Reoelpta. none. Spot market easy; No. if, 86c, nominal. In elovator, and 8ti4c, nominal, to arrive. Option market waa Uv,root;tlod Wma higher on wheat .-'"r,., wuAT rioSiiT; i . . AaZ A V, i.Vi.. u. nrn I ' : . ,ro " at 7hhc; May closed at rzc OATS KecelDta. ltB.600 DU.t exports. fX'J bu. Rpot market quiet: mixed, 26 to 82 lbs., 53c; natural white, 26 to SI lbs., 63Vd) boc; clipped white, si to w id., euwmic FEED Steady; spring bran, 124.46; mld dllnrs. t24.0: citv. 14 60. . hay steady) anipping, buffwc; rooa to noioe. 7WHWO. HIDBS-Uuleti Bocota. l&19Hc: Central American, itveo. I , HlA Tl-i F7K Unlet I aolfl. Tm.rrivaa. PROVISIONS Bef. ateafly; family. $t76 $17.60; irises, 13.S0D 14.00; beef hams. 2.0(X9 SL00; packet. 16.0rxV10.00; city extra India mass, U4.SOfc4R.00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies, H"afinic: pickled hams. 11 IS lie. Laard, weak, western. 10.6fttj10.e0; re- 1,'learaWi' were C2K btL of com, $00 hu. . n . . . . I A mna ww I r O. r. io. 1 " " "",vw nominal, to arrive and UdTkoww to-id bUther on corn Seaboard reported S6,000 biv of wheat taken lor expert. Loal range of optional Articles,! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Bat y Whsa-t , ' - . rec.... 2, ?t K 92 92ti May... V Wm 6V 6 KtV Mflm KtVk f&t I.!" May... (t . -6W W 6S 69 Oats Iec... 47 47 4T 4T 47 May... 49 4ft 4t 49 W Onaahs. Caah Prloee. WHEAT No. S hard. SaffMHo; No. J hard, flned-,1"' continent pi.M-Bouth Arner- yellow, 70V4: No. 3 yellow, 70Ha No. 2 white, 7lTr47cr- No.' I white. 7lv4972o. OAT No. S mixed, Wio No. i yel low, ifa-wc; i0, white, 46V: i No. 4 white, bWc; atandard, 4S. RY13 No. t. 72o No. , 70W6iIto. Car lot Hece-ipta. ..,... m . .139 -...141 su if22.00: mesa. 117-00017.60. TAL.IiOW Steady; oltr (13 per pkg.). 6c: country (PKgs. tree), motive. RICE isteady; domeetlc, fair to extra, 2Giac: Japan, nominal. rOULTHl Alive, nominal; a re seed, quiet; western spring chickens, llilc; fowls, 13'ftilfoi: spring turkeys, JS'SIOc. BUTTER Firm; creamery apeciala. 28c: Wheat. Corn. Oat, creamery extraa, BTVic; thlrda to firsts, 18 tt 00 1W I HiWc; state oajry, comman to iinpst, isrgizoc; ... process, common vi special, jixukh'.; wen 148 ern factory, firsts, lio; western Imitation creamery. Ilrsta. iWMaWC CHtiKHiv julet; state, inn cream spe- 41 Thlcago .... Minneapolis Dmiht ..... Duluth CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVIMOSiS rials, liHi-SiUc; state, small colored or While iancy, c; sraie, largn coiorea or u-h ta rajirv. lint atate. rooa to nrime. irci; ; i-'ratnrra -w the) -Trwdlag and Closln hswc; state, common to fair, lOerllc ; ),) Prlcea em Board of Trade! :CfflCAOO, Oct, a The Turklsh-Bulgar skims. 8rilOo. E(KS Flrmi state. Pennsylvania and nearby selected, white fancy, $37c; same, 'ton soar and a reported revival in export IT, "TT oi. k"T 'IT .bpslneas had buoyant effect on wheat fanc. go;2c; "same, fair to choice, SS2c; , prd-ea bn the local exchange today, the we,tern ?irts. 23oi seconds. a23c Break at Opealng on Areoant ( Balkan M ar Rarnor Fellowed hr Berled of Hesitation- Beads Irregralar NEW YORK. Oct. S. Prices of stocks fluctuated and showed the unsettling ef strong conflicting forces. On the one hand was the acute crisis developed In the near eastern question and on the other the tonic effect of the striking upward movement In the Jim railroad stocks. It was noticeable that while prices recovered readily from the opening break caused by the Bulgarian war prospect, there was much more hesita tion following the further recovery over the ffeturday level. The knowledge that tomorrow I tha date for tha annual meeting ot tha Northern f acme stockholders helped to lve credit ' to the storlea of early development. These rumors were supplemented by renewal or reports that a segregation of Union Panlflc asaets was In prospect, with distribution to stockholders of shsres In a holding com pany. This combination wss an exact re production of rumors heard through the summer In conneotlon with the rise In stocks, but which were dropped suddenly out of consideration when E. H. Ifarriman returned from the west, and prices slumped in ine stock market. The flavor or renova tion about the market deprived them of some of their force. The analogy was carried further by tacking on th rumors of important Harrlman plan concerning the iuto, tne general list was growingiy un responsive to this stimulant and finally broke badly again. The late reaction owed something also to the fear of further effects from the Balkan outbreak. The small effects of the BJuropean news on the local markets was partly due to a belief that a way out would be found throuirh diplomacy for an adjustment of the questions at Issue between the powers, leav ing the Immediate armed conflict restricted to Bulgaria and Turkey. In addition tc this opinion there waa a feeling that the harm to come to American securities even in the event of a European war might be small. A curtailment in the market for cotton might be supposed, and the weakness In the cotton price waa a reflection of this, on the other hand, a quickened demand for our breadstuffs could be assumed. The effect of this assumption on the price of wheat was offset by the news or the heavy movement of sratn to markets snd favor able crop news. While a demand for gold might be expected to arise in the event or a foreign war, it Is believed by bankers that much of the persistent foreign demand for gold throughout recent months Is due to the preparations that have been going for ward to meet the very contingency that has now arisen. War would undoubtedly send some to market some American securities held by foreigners, and there waa, in fact. selling for foreign account today. There would be, however, some flow of capital Into American securities as representing values most remote from the threatened danger. The closing tone was much un settled and weak. . Bonds were irregular. Total sale, par value, 3.40,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. following were the sales and range or prices on the Stock exchange today:. sties. mn. uom. iino. fleftlMIO B'eel nnklln Steal M Rrk Inland Co Mark l.li4 . p'd M. U I. r 14 pM...., St. bonis S. W St. l W. Bf4..... SlnM-glKlflel S. I ttiuttirn PlPlfts He. PiHflo r to. Ballwif tn. fUllwir ' TannnM Carper , Teit Psrl'lr T.. it. U w T . St. I., a- W. pti tnios Ftiflo - I ulna FantMe I:, s. timber f. niiktmr 1st sri r. . stMi V. . Steel pf Itah Copper V.-Crthn Chemlesl .. Vs.-car. Cbsm. pM WtbMh Vih..h sf Weitlciheuwi Blu-trto .... WtMitern Vnloa Whwllnt U B Wlprensla central Total sales for th r. m a n4 ,. .... 7 , 1 1 lH t't ti.W Ml 44V, 441 t , KO ITU 174, n ' 4M4 44S, ID) anvt n4 art , 41.404 1S lUt ) IU4 , 1)00 19 tl 21 4 , 1.004 fV H olta . l.l 4 4t "4 )n M Mi : tt ton in, at t, k4i l4j lt' )' o m 7t4 t:4 Sx IIS !' Hi . 101 it hum, r 44 4 - , I.DtlO 1IU lMi lMHl .. 1 41 Vh 41 4nv, U u n V , 10 if i:h is ion j u 100 74 74 '4 400 41 M tVt 4l0 S X Uli 11.40 lha marlu-t closing at net gains of Htjlc. com pared, with the previous close. Corn and wRATHER IS TUB GRAIN BELT . oars were Irregula,- provisions weak, with I t h - latter ahnwlnar loeaea of 26'B)67U. ; ina'TKJIlllCat irOUOies in rjurupe oui- Bamimirvmnm or -- mnr welg -en all olTier Influence at the open ing of today a -session In the wheat pit and a result Initial quotations showed gains if Hippie, compared with Baturday's close. Tuesday. OMAHA. Oct. B. 1908. The -area of high pressure over th east- An advance of nearly Id In the price of ern portlonof the country is drifting slowly .Wheat at Liverpool seemed to impart addl- eastward with Its crest over the Bt. Uw lltonal eerlousneaa to the war talk and rence valley this morning, and generally MiMped to further strengthen the local mar- ' """". lu"u,"ul" r'1 ktV Chief among the bearish influences ?nd south. An area of low pressure ex- ' . , . 1 . 1., tends from the Saskatchewan valley. In of wheaf 011 passage! World s shipments Canada, south over the upper Missouri val were 13.til6.0ti0 bu.. compared with lS.7K4.000 '"V nd, middle Rocky mountain slope, and 4 1.1,. the corresponding week a year ago. IlJ'"? r.iii..i near ,iw,n ami where west of the Missouri river. Rains continued strong to the close. There ! :;; !.i .Vy in. ..j V. .V on active demand here by millers for red nolwr.h.1-.Lnin?i ZV?,Z t winter wheat Md M inne.wlls , alg , re-I ;ril!,r. tr. n whll. H Iul. reoorted salea h shower, will probably continue in this Kraln.- h,1f. 55:. Lo vicinity tonight, followed by fair and cooler r or iaa,xw ousneis 10 mnina. I Tuesdav 'The market closed strong near me nigneai 1 w" .a t t .-m point Clearances of wheat .d !;.;' clpitation compared with th correspondiDg- equal to 8.000 bu. The visible supply In- f th lMt tnre8 years: creased 4.8M.OOO bu, Primary rejejpth were 0,r 01 lne lnre8 lwr 190g S.619,uJ m ., comparea wim Minimum temperature.... f.7 40 44 l corresponding day a year ago. Minneapolis. precl potior, 12 .00 .00 .00 iniiuin ana lnioiiu 1 N01 mal temperature lor today. 00 degrees. i.019 cars, against 2,044 cars last week and Deficiency in precipitation since March 1. kuA par, a vear am. I a ia I v. j The corn market closed firm, with the Deficiency corresponding period In 17. exception of the October deliverj'. which 5 M inches. ; was steady, triers ai ine cioew were -u ueflciency corresponding period In 1908, lower io insuci. 1 . "i., g j incnes. 1 !ti cars, with 19 of contract grade. l. a. WELSH. Local Forecaster. ' The oats market closed steady with prices a shade higher to c lower. Local re- Kansas City Grain and Provisions. celpts were It 4 ar- KANSAS CITY. Oct. 5.-WHEAT-Un- " o-islons were weak U J win gj to cnanBed. December, 98",o; May, Kc; July, selling brought out by I beral receipt of WWc Mh. No 2 hard foamZ N0. 8 live hog. at western packlng centers Loca, MWc; No. 2 red. 81.(CVt'0'l.oi; No. 3 packers were free sellers throughout the feA 97C(iji 02 ,duy. The close was off &iVo at the corn Unchanged to e lower; Decem- . lowest point of the day. t ber, Utc; May. 6tfJc; July. feeTsc Cash: No. Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat, 2 lnKed 71,371140; No. 8 mixed, 714j71c; ' . . v-.-, .., KO 2 wnite, vic; io. 4 wnue, lfj.noi) head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles ! Opsn. High. Low. a. Tes'y. Wheat I I I I I . Dec. !8i8'VlWa!G'!98Ti,f? W'i May 1 1 1 O.-tsI 1 01 H 1 ial 1 01 ' July 96(4ji 96l 96Vt Wm ' S&tt Corn I : Dec. 64V4Tf, SS mT,64Hf4 f.4, May" "341 (KtH!637rtiil 4 Jvjly 4l64', 4S 634 MHI tOH " Oat-" ' ' Dec." .' - 9i 4 48 49 49 May Slfi 614oS W7 Sllflom 61 July 47 47t4 467 4U 47'4 Pork-' Oct. 14 60 14 60 .14 10 14 10 14 60 . Jan. ' 1 7CV. 1 72V, 16 15 16 2o 1 77V4 May 16 66 1 65 16 CO 16 00 16 674 " Ls-rd-" Oct ioct w rr 1005 1005 1040 , Jan. . t 75 8 76 9 57V 67V4 IU May l62Va i W tW i IIS Rlhs-' octw 0 t KS 8 60 8 60 8 0 . Jan. . I 72t 8 72 8 60 8 60 8 75 .. May 8 75 8 76 8 66 8 67H 8 86 OATS UnchHiiged ; No. 3 white, o(S48'4c: ln. x mixed, RYE 734JI76C. HAY Euay ; choice timothy, S8.3oihlO.00, pl,,.l,. rimlrle IB IXKHSLX BLlTKK-nrm; creamery, c; packing tock, 16Vc. hXIGS rlrm; fresh extras, 23 Vic; current receipts, 19o, ; neceipis. Dnipmeni. ...824.000 Corn, bu 16,000 8,000 AmslssmateS Copper .... Am. (!. a F Am. o. a r. pta Am. Oottoa (Ml Am. H. U pf4 Am. Ics seouritlas Am. Uoaaed Oil Am. Looomotlvs Am. LAComrXlv pfd Am. 8. a It Am. H. R. pf4 Am. Stifrar Refining Am. Toharro ptd Amerlran Woolen Anaconda Mining Ck Atcttlaon , Atchiaon ptd Baltimore onio Sal. & Ohio ptd Brooklyn Itapld Tr Canadian Paoltle Central Laather Cantral leather pld Oantral et N. 3 -',.. Cheaapaake Ohio....... Chicago Ot. W...,,,..v., CtlsagO St N. W." . ........ 0., C. C. ft, U Colorado F. a I Colorado So coio. a fo. it pfd cois. a so. vi td Conaolldated Oas trn Products Pel. 4Y Hudaon Dram A R. ( D. R. O. ptd Dlatlllera' Securities Kris Kris 1st pfd Kris U pfd (ianeral Electric Great Northern pfd Ot. Northern Ors ctfa.... Illinois Cantral lnterborouah Met. Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd, ax-dir International Pump Iowa Central 1 Kanraa Clljr go K. C. 80. ptd I,oula-llle 4V N Ulan, a 8t. L M . Bt. P. S. S. M ... Mlaaourl Palflo M., K. 4k T M.. K. T. ptd National Laad New York Central , N. T.. O. W Norfolk a W North American , Northern Paxllle , Paclflo Mall FennerlTtnla People's Oae P., (I.. C. a Bt. 1 Preraed Steal Car Pullman Palaos Car Railway Steel Bprtng... Reading M.aoo 700 W4j. 40 ( 75 3i 00 5H "700 'ii'4 "s 44 104 SSI, l.JOO 41 9"0 104 . 94. 400 104H 1"4 l.ano int in 400 ft.14, S I. I0O 44 '4 4 M to ,. 1.400 100 . 11.100 4. am) f.0 4 4.300 174 1184 100 Vs WD M H 'i.'iKo 'ii" "iiii 100 . r 1 i (U0 16, 140 103 6."4a n l,SD0 41 40 Quotation at Kansas City, furnished by SCO M4 4.00 HH 14 ) lKi II tm itst w VX it Wft " st 'ioii 'os 70 am sit, tt)i 1,100 44 42'4 70 K SH4 VO 141 JS.ldO 1MT 141 1 100 6, M4 1.P90 140 138V, r,M i'H fro 3:1, 31 2ou OH 7l CM, tl , l.ltM S7 2 , l.V 21 lit 100 24 28 10 tili 41i no l(Wi 1.100 II '1 3Va , 1.4II 114 VM fin H,i4 M14 , M) ti4 10 aoo A fS , 10, 400 S H'4 0l IMS 104 . 4i'i 41 .400 74H, 'S tl MS 41H . tl Ha' 117V, inn t.-,n K4 , 4.o lass 123 ' I ..... '. "ioo 'si" s' .141,400 133 1)1 toi 41 Vi Si, 11S4 V, V4 4014 4.,ti 47 144 174i 144H 17 44 M 4.114 !l 140 bt 134 14 i"V4 1V I w : x 604 104 W i0, 124 '4 o4 til, B'A 104 41 7J t3 1414 S4. 74 Mi; 16: vi 9v, 131'. New York Money Market. NBW YORK. Oct. I. MONEY On call, easy at lv4 per cent; ruling rate. 114 ptr oent; closing bid. i per cent; offered at 114 per cent. Time loans, very dull snd firm; sixty day. 2ya2 Pr cent; ninety day. 2V43 per cent; six months, SVAtJQVi per cent. PRIMH MERCANTILE PAPER-40 4Vi per oent. BT KRUNO BXCHANaErirro. with actual business In bsnkers' bills at 44 HSMf 4.8496 for sixty-day bills and at 84.8R80 for demand; commert-lal bills. 14 84ift.84V4. SILVER Bar, 61r4c; Mexican dollars, 4io. BONDS 43overnment .steady! railroad, irregular. (losing qitotatlons on Now York bona were a follows: V. g. ret. Is. r 10SV4 Hocking Vat. 4HS...10S do coupon 104 lut. Met. 4va. . . V. la. rag loovi u a N. unl. 4a. .1... awv, do coupon 101 Man. c. t 'V4 U. H. 4. reg 1JI M. Central 4a 11 do coupon Yl do 3at Inc 14 Am. Tobacco 4e H'i Vlnn. 4V Bt. tt. 4s.... TVS do lt M.. K. T. 4s M Atthlann gen. 4a..... Vl do la M do ad. 4a VJH'N. H. R. of M. 0 4s IT do ct. 4a XI N. Y. C. g. 14S. M'4 'do cv. tt 104N. J. 0. g. la 13SV4 Atlantic O. L. 4s Mt No. Pacific 4s 1"3V4 Bait. Ohio 4s MH do la 73 vj do IV4S W'i N. A W. c. 4s TV Rrll. R. T. f. 4a..... 74HO. B. L rfdg. 4a 444 Central ot Oa. 4a ...m Penn. ce. 1H 118... Ii do let Ine 42 Penn. con. 4a 104 do Sd Ino 41 Reading gen. 4a tS do M lnc Rep. of Cuba la 1'S Che. 4 Ohio 4v. ..101 H t. l. 4V I. M. a 6..11044 Chicago ft A. ma.... 71 Bt. L. A 8. F. fg. 4a. 7IV4 C, B. a Q a. 4a M4At. L. B. W. c. 4a.. 74 C. R. I. A P. 4a.... Tt Seaboard A. L. 4a.. II do col. tw. 7tV4Bo. Paclflo is 4IV4 do rfdg. 4a TV4 do let 4a lAVi COC. a St. Ij. g. 4a.. 344 So. Ratlwar la 1oi4 Colo. lnd. le 74V4Tnas a P. le 110i "Colo. Mid. 4a T., St. U W. 4.. TVt Colo. A So. 4a M . t nlon Pacttle 4e....10t. Pel. a H. ct. 4s... .100 do ct. 4a !vi . a R. O. 4a K t'. S. Bteel Id Is 10144 Rrt p. I. 4s rt Wabaah la losvi do ges. 4a Tilt Western Md. 4s tiiVfc Japan 4s 0VtW. a L. 8. 4s IT do 4V C"4 Wla. Central 4s 144 do Id series 444 Aake. London Closing; ntocka. LONDON. Oct. 6. The stock exchange waa thrown Into a flutter this morning by the proclamation-of the Independence or Bulgaria and the action taken by Aua-trla-Huna-ary with recard to the political status of the provinces of Bosnia and Hersegovlna. Consols fell S and foreign bonds sbout 1 point, due principally to con tlnental selling. Turkish bonds, which closed Saturday at 91, wera today offered at stj. The weakness extended to American se curities, which by noon had fallen from 1 to 8 points below parity. Ixmdon closing stock quotations: Consols, money . .14 14-14 Mo., Kan. a Taias.. 31 St so account .....u i-ig New Tors cantral. ..!' Anaconda f Norfolk 44 Weatarn.. 74 '4 Atchiaon ..TOi do bM 83 do pfd M Ontario Western. M 4lV4 Baitimors m oeio...ioorennariTsnia i Canitdlan Padfle ....SSI Rand Mines T14 ChesaceaJra A Ohio.. 41 Reading 47 v, Chi. (treat Wealarn.. f . Bouthern Railway ... 11T4 Chi., Mil. a Bt. P...140 do pfd MV4 Da Beere 1H Southern Paclflo ....107 Denver a Rio a..... 17V4Vnln Pscina 1M do pfd 44 40 ptd Iv. Kris tovi United States Btesl... 444 let pta. ......... 44V, eo pu in do Id pfd itm Wabaah 11 Grand Truuk X4j do pfd 27 Illinois Central . ...14 ".Danish 4s 03 LouUtIHs a Naeh. .. 10 Amal. Coo oar 7744 SILVER Bar, quiet at la 16-16d per ounce. MONEY 441 or cent. "" The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is mTi'S per cent; for three months Dins, iTViTf fir cent. OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Slow, with Prices Generally Lower. HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWN GRADE Sheep and Active Demand, While Prices Are Twenty-Five to rifty tent Higher Than Thnrsday. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 6, IKsj. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday 11,600 1.600 11.M0 Bame day last week...... 7.RM 1.843 11.1 name osy 8 weeks ago., s.pmi l eas eo.iro Bame day 8 weeks ago.. 11, Ml l.ftul 21. 1M Same day 4 weeks ago.. 6.117 1311 t7.r;4 Same day last year 12,138 2,774 28,294 Th followlnr tahla shows tha receipts at cattle, hog and sheep st South Omaha for vue year 10 date, comparea wun esi jr.i, ism too? - Inn. Deo. Cattle 740.428 M,38 ..... 148,610 Hogs 1.846.678 1 91 7.6?' 18 Oil 4 Sheep 1,498.466 1.47S.I15 19.t40 The followlnr tahla shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last aeveral days, with conupsurlsons: Boston Stock and Bond. BOSTON. Oct. S. Money1,' call loans. 2tt 8 per cent: time -loans. 8tfHrk per cent quotatlona on stpeks and bonds were as follows: Atchison adj. 4s M Ailouoi 14 do 4a 4444 Amalgamated 7IV4 Men. Cenlral 4a taj Atlantic 17V, Atchiaon R. R kV Blngbam lu do ptd M'4Cal. A lleola U Bniton Main 14 '4 Centennial S4V4 noetnn Kievatea iu copper ttangs 74 Pltrbburg pfd lS34naly West V4 N. Y.. N. H. A H...141Hrranklln I A union Paclflo .13 oranby n. .ino Am. Arga. Chem 174 lale Royal II do pfd 1 Maes. Mining IV4 Am. Pneu. Tube I4 Michigan 14 Amer. sugar 130 Mohawk , u do pfd 13 Mont. C. a C. 4ft Am. T. T ..13744 Old Dominion 41 Am. Woolen 13 O areola ill do pfd w4 rarrot tt Dominion I. a B 14 Qulncy 93 . Rdlann Flee. Illu 22714 Shannon 14V ncnarsl Rleclrto 1) Tamarack 74 14 Maaa. Electiio 10 Trinity II do pfd ji United Copper 11V4 Mass. una 00 11. b. Mining lev, l'niled Fruit 1MV41'. B. Oil 2 tnitca a. M 04 1 tan 44 do pfd 1 Victoria 4V4 V. 8. Steel 41 Winona ev. an pro ivwv, wolverine .,..13 Adventure 44 llld. "Aiked. ... Treusry Statement. WASHINGTON. Oct.. 6. Today's state ment of th treasury balances in the gen eral fund exclusive of the 8160.000,000 gold renerve snows: Avananie casn oaiance, llKO.soa.OT2; gold coin and bullion, 836,764, 563 gold certificates, 838,636,660. Articles. I Open. I lllgh.l Low. I Cloaa. I Wheat Deo May Corn- Dec. ...... May I I ,. 3Tsl . 7 ..5&Ws I 88!k 6SV.1, 69V I 6744 S7T4-8B 687647i-SQ Dun's Report of Bank Clearings B Bid. - Na. .'. : . - Cal) quotation were as follows: FJvOCHt-Market steady; winter patent. ' i4.3Vo-l.TO; straights. 4.uu7j4.60; spring pat ents. 86.1046.40; straight. t4.o0rM.90; bakers, . 1 Wr4 11. ...... Yi HEAT No. 3 spring. Jl Otytfl OS; No. 3 spring, y7c.a8i.04; o. 1 red, t,UWV,C. CUHNNo, 2, 77517 4c; No. 8 yellow, " 78S4ji44e. OATS No. 2. 48c; No. S white, 60&6U; No. r S white, 4tVa0ime. ' RYBNti. 1. 76'if76c. BARLEY Oood feeding, 646c; fair to choice malting, e73t4)c. .SKklDTt-r'-lax. No. 1. 81 14131 .88; No. 1 northwestern. II. 2414. Timothy, prime, IJ.40. clover, eontract grades. 88.10. . ' PROVJsUOiNS Short ribs, aide (loose). rUHHy.131. Mess pork, per bhl , 14.2f 14.S7V1. lrxl, per ii lhs., 8iai34'a'10.1o. Short clear -sides 4 boxed), 10.60all.0u. Wllewlng ware tha receipt and shipments .- of flour and gram) Receipt. Shipment. 1 FW or. W)ls.;.. 29 000 . IN.OHO ' Wheat. 4u....;j..... 38,000 41.00 Corn, bu 134.0i :,0( . Vattfi, bu, .......-.. 2o9.G0it 2.ul By, bu.. ....!,...- .04 16.0O0 Jharley. bu.. .,.., , 146.0.0 46.0uO 4n Hi Produce exchange today the hut- Vr luarkei nag steady; creameries, kS26c , dairies, lC"'2c. Egg, ateady; st mark, esse included,-1 inline; Iirsts. ; prime .. firsts,. 23c. Cheese, steady; 14al4c. -ti Loota General Market. . ST , lOUlS. Oct. 6. WHEAT Higher trait No. 2 red, (gsli. 810MI.03S; No. 1 tiara, !cu 81. Ul; December, WV1sl,e; May. i .-. C1RN rltgher- track. No. 2 cash. 74Vft 76c; - No. 1 w hite. 75ro76Vc; December, fec; May, ev'r. IkAlfS-Higherj tratk. No. 1 caeh, 4Sc "' N'." 1 l)it. Hsyutec: .Mav. ottUc. KLOUR-4JUHit: red mlnlrr iatenta. ,. 4 8U.v. extra fancy and straight, H l(4 65; i,- Clears. S1A - - rllfiKID Timothy. eia)JI5. (t'lHXM EAL 8J.80. , BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. $1 .004 '. Jt - :.- --: - . - . ,JJAt3rl'nchange4; timothy, ..88.5014,(10; , prairie, S 0C!tlT.0A. 1I14JN COTTON TIES 1100. ; W4.iK-.INO Mr. , limp TWINE It. , HI "ITER Steady: creamery, fcoT-Jbr. Ki lOS -Siesvt 11'. case count. ' !nOV"l.8-r,inrk. liwrr: .fobbing. US 2.V l.srj . Iier; 'prlni'e ateani.- 19 95 HtOO pry lt meats, slru'ig; lxod extra shorts "VlLat; clear 1 lhs.-U7' ; short ce;i'r. 111. J.". ". .av. .,"-...-.-''." - Liverpool Grain Market. UVERPOOU Oct. 6. W1ICAT Strong: No. 1 red. wrsteiu winter, is yd. ruiuiea, quiet; tn'Cciiibf r, 7 V-vl; March, is bVed; May, is t4vl. COKrs Bpot, quiet; American mixed, s 3d. Futures, quiet; October, be 9,,u; De cember, aa 1W. l uil K-VMiiter patents, steady at zs d. HofB tut Iihdun Pacific co&at, steady a l 1 1041' i. a 6s. Visible Supply ot Grain. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. The visible aup- ply of grain (Saturday. October a. aa com plied by the New 3 or Produce exchange, is as tullows: Wheat, 84.litil.0UO bu.; in crease. 4,362,000 bu. Corn, 8.677,000 bu.; increase. 60.000 bu. Oats, 7,792,000 bu.; Increase. 1.163.000 bu. Hye. 796.000 bu.: decrease, 21.000 bu. liuriey, 690,000 bu.; increase, u2,0U0 bu. Mlaurapolla Grain Mnrket. 1, !.,.,. t I ,j , I ,j 1 . . . C IL'UPiT r cenioer, !.; may, i.oo't; cam no. 1 nara, ll.Uoft; No. 1 itortlierii. l.ui;; No. 8 nortU- ei n. ei.t'n. vu. nui viirrn, wawTr-. , . 1 ..I'll t... ..... . . -. . -. fill. rUUl I r 11 ill, 111BI, vu.wcv.v, second patents, 16.60430.06; first clears, 8i-tjt4ti 4 66; second patents, S3.MXij3.bO. Mllwauken Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 6 WHEAT Lower; No. 1 imithern, ll.tfevyo l.tV4; No. S north ern. 81 utvrii.04; iiecember, wc. COIlN-Urm; lHceinbcr, 64'sc asked. HA R LEY Lower; sample, tkXeM:, New York Mlnlngr klocka. N EW YORK, Oct. 6. Closing quotations en isew lor aiming buh-ks: Alice lio L'diiile Cos Breeie 5 Lime Chief ' I Brunewli-e Con t) Mexhan f Til ConistiKk Tun. aloik. H Du'arlu u .. Tub. tiouda ... li Opblr 175 I'm. Cal. a Va , i 3audard m Hurt saver m Velluw Jacket 41 iron silver otter. Bank cWsrtngs dsaota a slightly largar volume of paytasnta tXreogk tha baoka, laddeat U the epcnlng of the fall asaaoa sod th mevameat of ta crops, pardeolarly In the West, bat th aanonnt U still below aortas!. Total baak axebaafes la th TJaltad State for Sap 'xabar, be-alag reports of mere than one hundred of th leadlag citien, as ahawa la th atoath statsaaaat Issued by TL Q. Dtm 4 Co., are 811,0924,T38 an la areas of 6.9 par osmi. eenparecl with a year ago, hot a decrease ef 11.4 par cent, enopared with tepssiborv 1S06. Tha aaprk with a year ago la net entlrwlf satlafaetory, a eoadttUa la tha lead tag aaarketa than saassd sosm eurUllment of bank elearlag, thoDgh th sltaattam beeama tianoh acuta ta October. Th Increase this year aver a year ago 1 almost wholly at New York City, and is da chiefly to the larger voioms of stock market trading this year, 4t cltle errands of New Tork there U a small deoreaaa, da mainly to th loss reported at (Mdiag iron eon tars, aetabt at Plttshort at many of tb dtie la th South and at Paolfle eoaat points. At Nw EagUnd tier Is only a small loss, and In th comparison with Beptaenber, 1906, whea trad was very active, many elides report aa lnorsase. Som lra piwraaaaat Is noted at th Cantral West aad in th Far Wast, and th kxa 1 quit small at a number of the leading cities, notably at Chicago, Milwaukee aad Indianapolis, while others report an to area sa, among tbm Bt. Louis, Kansas City and Bt Paul September Blearing xeeed any preceding month this year. Tb gain over the earlier month is partly du to th greater aoelTlry U atooks at Nw Tork City and th higher seotirity valae ; one more bn si nasi day la tbe month this year also helps the monthly state so ret. Comparison li mad below of hank axabaages by section ooraxlng three years; also th arerag daily figure sack moath for tha year to date 1 New EagiaB at Idols Sua Hi AtlaaOc Boutaern ., IVBtral Wee Waeanra , PaclAe Tseal Kew tare Cl'ty'"r Catted States A Tetags aattvi AagMS May April stansh , 108. 776.4tW.la4 818.47S.V04 6nei,;to'.4rJ 1,101 (VJJ' 476.016.746 3.8Hl.bS4 4,l,TI8.1t3 .TOH.41A14 llJJt6,e.I8 8448.811.000 jus eiis.OiHi 4V5.4A1.UMO 877.506.OlW 4SS.01 00 875.1583JOO 87,7;tt.U(H 431J10.WOO 107. 637.S 78.05 WiO.60i4.OOl a:t7.47'i.l 14 5ib,7l7.htid l,4'Jt.lKSjnl 1? W7.743 a7trl3.4BO 84.684 X'.'5.1n 6.0vU.H,747 1064 A53.8 II 440100 non 4i7.7euno 4?A0tf.0ii0 445 7'3,oim 47.H0.lluO 4S5.7V4.000 56.86MI 536.01 l.oiai 877.673KN) p.a 1906. 0.6 tc0,S1.0t 8 , fl,.7 8.0 9I8.7(W.MT .8 4S4.lia3.6VA 4.6 1.26.856.3.4 T II 87.244.104 8.6 870.9 14.84 T 4 8 " 84.814. 711.048 i 12.6 SJ1)1.H4 60 tVJAMMlMt O.H 8A22.01S 0O0 B.O 87.0;OnO -106 itljjtljuun -168 . 47IA16.0UO 0 6O0.tA7,OiMt -'J2 . 6164AHM 33 7 41 JV54.1XMI -i'3 6H7.014.ikiO 84.8 6'.18.'j:I00V -11 4 -18.0 -'H ao -14 8 -S7.4 -2i. -.VI 0 30.6 January In th Far Weet many eiti report aa lnereaa over both years, and th gain la one-third la tha eompaxisoa with September, 1906. Th fl fares in detail follow 1 Grrvaaa tCarhaage. BERLIN. Oct. 6. Exchange on London, 30 marks pfeiinliiiiM for check. The rate of dlwount for short bill la S'g per cent and for three inontb bill 1 ; er cent. Hank Hearten. ' OMAHA. Oct. t Bank clearings fur today title and lor the tui responding lirtlc last )ar J,lHJ,4'wi.;'3. :aaila Ualllon Market. ' I.ijXION. Oil, .'i-Hl,l HAItS-r7 Ui. AMERICAN fc.VJLtS-;t.s td. BaVPTsTsrSBB. Ml B. l-aul . Bhmii Oily .... ITeaaia ...... cw KrM ... ttaaiaaatnaj..... BaJuaaea fraeauat...... Uacwla .' VVktua,....... Topaka...., .... Deaver OntoradeBf g.. Buabla M Parga toioai Palls . . ... W eaters M . - IPOs 118.V67.3bS 40.7H9.4O.4 1 '3.000,01 ..M...Vti 4 i 71 I 8.4k).302 lO?"' il. 147.106 60Aoo.0'0 1 6H417 7 4WV.74 4. Mel.el 4 J 4.3l t 88V7Xv a 7'j 8.14 331 5. ToOXMW a474W086,7W 107. 8100,4m:i,o4 m,0w),1!6 1 S.44A. 05 2 7.776.4'3l 6.1P1M4 3,691. IM 16.1.713.034 3-3.5KMv,:tw 6043.V.tJ 1.-40 S.a 47H 4 6.S14.:H4 4.7M.4.741 87 ) jsi, 3.0-4.44 3H13J44 Ho,-'7,T43 PO. -fl'3 6 -f 5.4 -vVi's -15.2 4 80. 7 8.7 - 6.4 -ii - IT 10 8 -18 -jn 106 010P34 . 34.1n9.14 104.iVl 718 17 4.3U.4H4 lilft 66 109.447.X8 l5hOS . l.Ml.7'33 4.4tr3 766 433.743 54-3.774 . 3a.mi4 . 847111 1 .44 Jtdi vJ 78.104 r. e. 440.0 1K i'H'ji 4.3 468 8 4 616 -4 13.8 i'ni till 431.7 till 413 is a I 6 1 4744 488.S Dt. I 1808. 1807.1908.1806.lO4. 11803. 11908, Sept. 83.. fept. 14.. eot. SB.. PPt. 81. Sept. 27.. Bept. 18.. Sept. Sept. 80.. Oct. 1... oct. Oct. 8... Oct. 4... Oct. 8... 7844! S3 y 1 187 I 64V4 6 68Vm o 6 62H 6 61V. 6 S5 S 81 H l6 8 66 S 87 6 86 a 08 6 01 6 82 6 81 6 84 6 84 11 80 S 16S 17 S 18 1 18 6 11 S IS 86 8 26 6 27 1 6 2 6 28 t 18 S 19j t 69 a 5 IS 6 1(H 6 06 I oil 8 761 S7S) 6 Tl I 87 I 17 6 74 S 65 I 71 6 74 I f 7i S74 I 76 S 74 s s 8 70 f S 71 7 14 62 6 61 S 66 S (7 7 47 7. 7 14 T n 6 68 7 14 1 10 7 80 t It Sunday. The official number nf cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hosts. Sheen. H'r'a. C M. & St. P 2 4 .. .. Wabash 1 Union Pacific 70 IS 23 ,. C. A N. W., east ..1 1 C. & N. W., west.. .164 11 13 .. C, St. P., M. AO.. S S ,. C, B. St Q.. 18 8 C, R. I. A P.. east... 4 C, Iu I. A P.. west.. 1 ,. .. 1 Illinois Central 1 'Total receipts ... 469 49 43 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was a ioiiows, eacn Diiyer purchasing the num- oer ot neaa indicated: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen Omaha Packing Co 798 636 316 Bwirt and company l.lfB 9"7 860 Cudahy Paokina Co 1.1143 1.129 1.084 Armour & Co 1,191 1,120 684 V&nsant AY Oo 84 Carey Sc Benton , 211 Lobman A Rothchlld .... 104 w, 1. stphen 48 Hill A Son 24ft P. P. Lewis 109 Huston A Co., 16 J. fl. Root & Oo.... 427 J. H. Bulla 149 U F. Hues 4.1 L. Wolf 324 McCreary' & Carey 829 Sam Werthlmer 238 i H. F. Hamilton 185 , M. Hagerty A Oo 1C9 Sullivan Bros 8 ..... .... Lehmer Bros 8 ...... .... Independent Pack. Co ..... 8,212 Nelson Mnrrla ... 48 Smith A B R6 Other buyers . 661 ..... .. Total 7,684 3.692 li.045 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were very large, it beina the heavieet run of any day in aeveral weeks. Unfortu nately all other market points were report ing correspondingly heavy reoeipt. with prices decidedly lower. Thus Chicago a tlrst message indicated 32.000 head on sale. with the market lOfrilbc lower, and Kansaa . . , . . . . 1 - . . 7. ' : " . r . : c uy iouowea, witn so.ouo neaa ana 10c lower; Other markets were correaDoudlnalv unsat- taciury. w un reports 01 that Kind coming It was not surprising that buyers at this point took advantage of the situation to ppnnd values severely all along the line. None of them were out In the yards very eariy, appearing wining to await later de velopments. inus it happened that it was well along toward midday -before the mar- aei reauy openea ana before enough busi ness wss transacted to establish nuotallnna The yards were full of beef ataara from the western range, but there were no cornfed of any consequence. Under the mriuencea noted above it is hardly neces sary to state that the trade was very biuw in ariiing sianea ana more or less of a drag throughout the whole aesalnn. Some of the very choicest beeves did not show very much change, thus on lot of very m od rangers Mold ud to 16.69. aa li ah as anything has brought at this point In some iime. ine general run or cattle, however, was around 1015c lower than last week s close. Cows and heifers slumned off In about the same proportion as beef steers, being quutea anywnere rrom weatt to Itftfl&C lower according to kind and quality. A few of the very best fleshy feeders sold pretty nearly steady, but with all kinds of killing cattle so much lower feeder buyers wer able to force a 10l5c decline on the general run of both Blockers and teeaers. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, l5.6tKr6.40; common to fair corn-fed ateer. 84.0tirq6.6O; good to choice range steers, 14 506 ti; fair to good range steers, 84.0X1.60; common to fair range steers, 13.2634. 00; good to choice corn-fed cows and heifers, 83664.30; good to choice grass cows and heifers. S3.2MM.7R; fair to good grass cows and heifers. I2.76fra.26: com 11011 to fair graaa cows and heifers, !3.0tV.j) 2.76; good to choice feeders, 4.16fi4.60; fair to good stockers snd feeder, M. 6634 IB: common to fair stockers and feeders, 82.7S4) o.oo, aioca iteuers, e.. r.oiid.uu. Representative sales: WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 8 calves... 826 S 26 2 calves... 340 S 70 8 feeders.. 690 8 30 1 bull 930 2 60 21 feeders.. 643 3 86 L. L. Ashbrook Neb. 96 feeders.. 1161 4 86 6 feeders. .1151 3 76 Wilson Bros. Neb. 26 feeders.. 1068 4 00 J. A. Lynch Neb. 20 feeders.. 703 3 36 W. J. Hampton Wyo. 18 feeders.. 1J68 4 86 HOGS The hog market received a severe Setback this morning. While receipts locally were emull, most points had liberal run's for tha first day of the week and were sending out very discouraging reports aa to the condition of the trade. Chicsgo espe cially waa quoted early icufj-lio lower, and with reports of that kind before their eyes buyers were extremelv bearish, which resulted In a slow and lower market. Prices paid were very uneven, ranting anvwbrra from 10c to 20c lower than lust 'week'8 close. Today's decline takes the market 10 1110 lueiesi point louctica in some time. No. AT. 86. Pr. No. Av. gh. Pr. 17 ISO 4S0 I 00 T3 U4 It 143 4' a 10 16 IT. Sue 140 4g I 34 0 40 II in tn m 73 iU 130 ,T4 !f 0 8 41V, 130 Ut 47 V, 4 loo 47vJ 31 130 4TV, Jt4 ISO 8 io " 2rt mo r 5 21 S0 4 60 4' -IS 1!1 IU ' 40 I 63V4 24 10 (3u. 16T ... SI 4., Ill U 8 44 45. ..... .174 40 a 44 H.I 1J9 4 44 ll..,...17d to u S' 16 ... 146 7. ' 2 !Jf ' Z K5 80 141 1 'IT ... 4 4ft 70 4 . . g w 7' 134 140 46 17 la 40 4J 1.BHE?p-uBheell.rcelDl" wer the smalles that they have been on a M.Ynduv i... ..... eral weeks. At the same time the demand was very good and advices from nil other selling points most encouraging. With c.tri.viiiius in inpir lavor sellers were able to force a very stiff advance and th mar ket went sailing skyward st a very rapid rate. Aa compared with last Thursday the market waa ar.ywhere from Sc to 60c higher. More than that, the trade was very active at the advance and everything desirable changed hands at an early hour in the morning. Good lambs S' Id up to 86.80, while a feeder buyer paid as high as Sn.lS for lambs that had a good fat end on them. Good fat yearlings sold up to 840 and old wethers went to the packing house Good Idaho ewe sold a high a A feature of the aheep trade la the large run at this point aa compared with other markets, showing that tlio aheep business of the country is steadily center ing here. !-it week Omaha received a total of 102.6i6 sheep and lambs aa against a total at Chicago of 82.700. All the other primary markets romhined, that la Kan sas City. Bt. Joseph, St. Louis and Sioux City, had only 78.300 head Quotations on range or grass sheep and lambs: Good to choice lamna. 85.4c.p6 1J; fair to good lambs. 15 '.",6 63; feeding lambs, S4t"36o0; good to choice light year lings, 84 40014.76; good to choice heavy vesr. lings, 84 23414. 60; feeding ytarllr.. U 7.V1 4 00; good to clmii-e neiheis. 14 ir4 40: fslr to good withers. :i ;&ll'j; feeding wetheis 13."yi3.b6J guod to choice- nes, 8S6Ufl4.16; ' '4 74 '341 13U 40 07 !S4 K-0 40 11 Ill 140 4-1 t4 Vol HO 40 44 301 131) 40 43 2U7 10 40 so 114 120 40 33 334 40 I 40 130 I 40 44 143 ... 4 43 V, Hi.... U ft l;o I 4, ',.... 76 1A tilt 41V, 44 ... The Quality of Tha assets of a bank Bhotlld ba one of th roRootlS ' for your using or not using It In connection with your bu sin ens. In looking over the assets of a bnk one naturally Is Interested primarily In tbe amount of capital and ur plns Invested, but careful consideration should also b given to tbe manner of the Investment of the funds left In th care of the bank. $11,000,000.00 of Assets Calla for large responsibility. The care of these fund re quires th entire time, knowledge and experience of tb five officer of the bank, to th end that said funds may be safely Invested In such securities as are readily convert able Into cash when necessary. . , Another Important feature Is the courteous treatment which this bank endeavors to accord to all Ita customers no that It may be at all tlmee considered desirable to keep an account with th . . First National Bank oi Omaha 18th and Farnam Sla. fair to good ewes, $1138.66; feeding ewe. 82.00414.78; culls and bucks, 1.0oJt 60. Representative sales; No. 164 Wyoming lamb ... 4 Wyoming lamoa 167 Wyoming lamb 1.0 yomlng lambs 140 Wyoming lamb 170 Wyoming lamba 140 Wyoming lsmb 2-16 Wvomina- ewes IN Wyoming lamba, feeders. SI 2 Wromlna lamba. feeders. is Wyoming Duck iamb ana rarllngs Montana bucks (91 Montana lamba. feeders.. 22 Montana lamba. feeders. ...... 8H1 Montana lambs, feeders...., 23o .Montana lambs, feeders. .... 417 Wyomina wethers ... 341 Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 6 Wyomina wethers 139 Wyoming lambs 66 Wyomuis: lamba 141 Wyoming lambs 88 Utah lambs 100 Utah lamba, culls 87 Utah ewes t Utah ewea, feeder... 20 Utah awes, feeder Av. . Pr. ,73 6 60 Tl 6 ffl 71 6 60 ,71 6 60 ,71 6 ,70 6 60 , 71 5 50 , 112 4 10 , 63 6 10 , 68 tOO ,78 4 , 75 . 6 ,63 6 25 ,87 6 25 ,67 6 16 ,63 8 V . HI 4 40 ,68 R 00 ,114 4 60 ,70 6 W ,74 6 60 , 71 . 6 60 ,-66 1 6 80 , 60 4 76 .117 4 40 ,100 IK ,103 8 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hogs Lower .Sheen and Lambs Higher. CHICAGO. Oct. B. CATTLE Receipts, 33.000 head market generally lb'tfaOc lower; steers, 84.4M17.76: cows. 83.266.!6; heifer. S3.0lMiH.26: bulls, 12.60if4.50: calves, S3.5oej8.60; stockers and feeders. $'i8rtJ4.60. HOGS Rece Dts. 29.000 bead: market lot! 15o lower; choice heavy shipping. 86.867.05; DUTcner, to.w'a'i.uo; iignt, n.4iui."; cnoice 1 1 V. fl STW.1A art. ...Iu. ueiMui, nl iifiii, W'- "4.. w , r''lpnll.V FBB W.75.0O: bulk of sales $6.25fc.60. Brth;j!;f ANU LAMBEJ iteceiots. INl.tro head; market 26o higher; sheep. 14.004. 60; lamba, 14.506.60; yearlings. $3.86irj4.83. Kanaaa City LIT Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Oct. 6. CATTLE Re ceipt, 86,000 head. Including 8,000 southern; market ateer lOtgoOo lower; cows 5$10c lower: choice export ana dressed beet steers, 14.2667.20; fair to good. I4.603.OI); western steers. 88.30toM.g5: stockers and feeders. I3.8mfi4.80: southern steers. 13.VI& I. in; southern cows, sz.oo.jn; native cows, II. 7.90; native heifers, 82.6CK4V4.60; bulls, 8i.trVfj8.26; calves, 84.CijdM.7t. iitius-Keoeipts, 12,000 neaa; market log) 2uo tower: iod. nt.u: du a ot sales, laiotac 6.501 heavy, t6.60i6.76; packera and butchers, 86.2o(JM.70; light. 85.8W6.60: pigs, 84.004J6.79. SHEEP AND LAMBS Race Dts. 11.000: market lOfrlSc htglier; lambs. HoftjfS.lO; ewea and yearling, 83. 76fH.2o ; western yearlings, 14. 00(64.60; western sheen. 83.50fli; aiocaera ana leeaere, St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. IjOUIB. Oct. R. CATTLR Recalnla. T.wJO head, Includlnsr 8.400 Texsns; Steady to 18o lower; native shipping and export steer, 84.00r;.40; dressed beef and butcher steers. Kl.3btael.tl0: ateer under 1.000 notmrla 1.1 OllovaVlal! atnrk.r. anrl fapH.ra e aa eK. cow. and heifers. 32.50rb)5.75; canners. 12.00; dumb, i. (wsw.wi; caives, 4.outu7.00; Texas and Indian steers, 83.76jjo.26; cows ana neirers, si.ootiM.uu. . . HOGS Receipts. 6.200 head: market irvai evo tower; pigs ana lights. 83.60(96.30: packers.; butchers and best noavy, ao.sva' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J.000 head; msrket steady; native muttons. 14.20 umne, o.ou'atj.w cuus and bucks. 83.604T4.00; stockers, 82.064J3.75. flt. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 6 CATTLE Recelnta 6.000 head: market 10tSl6c lower; steers, 84.C0; cows anoi neuers, i.'.oofarj.oo; calves 83.00ttT8.60. HOGS RecelotS. K.Oofl head: market tVffloe lower; top, $6.80; bulk of sales, $4. If OJO.OD. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt s, 8,000 head; market 16if20a lowers lambs, $3.608 a.w. . . OMAHA QBXEftAI, KARKBTS. Condition at Trwde and ttnotattans tanl and raaer Prnataeo, BUTTER Creamery. No. 1 dellvored to retail trade In carton, 13c No. 1. In M tubs, 12 He: ln w)-lD- tuD- Na 8 in o-lb. tub, WW, no g, in av-io. tuna. Sic; No. 1, in 1-lb. carton. Ho: No. t, la carload lets, 11 "40; No. 2, In carload lota, ldn9V4o; country, fanoy, tubs, 17o; eom mon, ISo tons--Fresh candied, ivo per aoxen. CHE ESK Finest Wisconsin full cream. twins. 14V4c; young America. 4 In hoop. 16c; favorite, I In hoop, 14Vc: daisies, Su in hoop. 16Hi oream brick, run ease. i8Vtc: half cas. 13 c; halt dosen brtoks, 14a No quotations on Swiss nor Umberger nntil after October. SU JAR Coars granuutea, , 8.600 1 tin granulated, i.70o; cubes, .6oti pondered, 860o per lb. BBi,r CUTB-No. 1 rib. 17V4oi No. S rib. HHc; No. S rib, 6Vto; No. 1 loin, 20c: No. 8 loin, lie: Jtto. 8 loin, bhki; tio. 1 cuueg. vc: No. S chuuk. 4,a; No. S chuck. 4c; No. 1 round. SV4c; No. 1 round. 7u; No. round. Vc: No. 1 Plate, Se. Ne. S plate, 4Vfcc; No. 6 plate, 844c. DRKSsku rot7i.TKX Bquaoe, tin per dosen. VEGETABLES Celery. Michigan, per don., 860. Beans, new. wax and spring, otia third bu. basket, 11.00; navy, per bu., No. L 83.7V; lima, tko per id. caDoaje, 10 per in. Potatoes, new, per bu.. $1.10, Tomatoes, er e-saaket orate, too. Watermelons, 2644 o. Cantalopes. California. lieOtil-OO per erst. Asparagus,' per dos., 16c: Cucum ber, par dos., too. . onions, Bermuda. i..j bar orate; Texas yellow, 41-86 per crata Mushrooms, cultivated, per lb.. 6O0. Let tuce, per dos., 860. Peppers, southern, U per crate. FRESH FRUITS-Apple. O.764JS.00 per bu. box. Lemons. 84.5o4 & K. Oraagea, $4.06 66.00. Bananas, 4o per lb. Pluma, 4L36 per 4-basket crata Peaoh Callromla, lewo per box; Texas, eraie. '-y,oc. Pear. $1.60 per 4-baakel crate. Blackber ries, $4.00 pef orate. Raspberries, 84 00 per orate. Chsrrlaa. 11. 35. Currant. $2.00 par rate. Gooasbsrrle. $2.00 per orate. LIVE POULTRY Hena, 801 springe, UHof roosters. So; ducks, young, 8c; old. 7Voj Sees. 80; turkeys, 14c; pigeons, too pef oxen; aquaba, $100 per dosen. DRIED FRUITS Raisins, loos Museatsl. (o; fancy seeded. 1-lb. oarton, 10c Cur rants, uncleaned, tfco; cleaned, 80; carton. 80 per lb. Prunes. tOQbOo per sack; IWa per lb. Aprloota, kt-lb. ooxes, ' 80 per lb. PeachetCallforDla choice, 801 fncy box. 11c pr ib. Para California, lie, Datea, Persian, SViro. Fig, lay era, choice, la. Citron. IStleUov' Lemon peel. Uu. Oraag peel, iSc. FISH Halibut. So: trout. 14c; pickerel, lie: pike, 14o; bullhead, aklnned and dreaaed. lie; whit perch. So; white baas, 17a; black bass, 88c; erapples, I60; white flsb. Mo; red snapper, 14c: flounders. 12a; macker1, 17c; codfish, fresh froken, lie; abed ros, 4&08 melts, lie; frog lg. 46c green sea turtle meat, 26c; catfish, 16c; eel, per lb.,-18c, HIDES Quotation by J. S. Smith eh Co.: Green salted No. 1. 10c; No. X So; bull hides. No. 1, So; No. 2. 7c; horse hide. $2.60; sheep pelts, $60 to $1.60; dry pelts. 10a to Uo per lb.) dry flint butcher bides, 13c) dry fallen hides, 11c; dry salted hides. So. Dalntk Gi DULUTH, Oot. 6.- nln Markef. WHEAT No. 1 north. ern, ll.OL'H; No. 8 northern, tlOUH: Decem ber, $1.01V; May, $1.06; October, $1.01 1 November, $1.02. Sionz City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. Oct. 6. (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4,600 head; market 10 '15 lower; beeves, $4,5047.00; grsss cowa $2.60(8.60; feeders. $2.7&34.26; calves and yearlings, $2.3638.26. HOGS Receipts, $,100 head; market lofi: Joe lower; range, $6. IOCS. 60; bulk of sales, $6.8036.36. Stork la Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as fol lows: South Omaha. Sioux City.. Pt. Joseph..., Kansas City. St. Louis , Chicago ...... Totals ... Cattle. ...,.. .11.600 4.600 .. .. 6.000 , 36.000 7,600 $3,000 IIokr. Sheet) ,t00 11,600 2.100 5,000 12.000 6.2O0 , 29.000 8.000 11.000 3.000 23.000 . .86,600 67,800 60,600 Metal Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. 6. METAIiS The London tin market was lower todav, with spot closing 133 17s 6.1 and futures 136 7s td. The local market was higher in London, with spot at SlS.36ft29.64. Copper was higher In London, with spot at 60 13s 9d and futures 60 10s. The local market wss dull and unchanged, with Lake $18.87V4 644; electrolytic, $13.32v46 13..17V1 and tasting. $12.WVr,i3.12H. I-ead advanced to 31 0s In London. The local market was dull and unchanged at $4.44 474. Spel ter waa unchanged at 19 Us ln London. The local market remained dull at 1.7Ji 64.47V. Iron was unchanged at 60a foi standard foundry; Clevelarl warrants were lower at 61s HVti in London. locally the market was unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern, 16.5V17 25; No. 2 foundry north ern, $16.00a.l6.75; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16.7&S17.i'r. BT. LOUIS. Oct. 6 METALS l.ud firm, at $4.82V.. Spelter ateady, at $4.66. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Oct. t.-EVAPORATKD APPUiS Market Is quiet, with early new crop fruit quoted at 6!(tHt-; choice to fancy 1S07. 7jjc: low grades, 4Vi&Ac. Prime fruit fop November delivery are quoted at tc, but there la lit tle business at that price. DRIKD FRUITS Prunes are In moder nte Jobbing demand, with quotations rang ing from 44&lSc for California, and 6V4 'a 7Vc for Oregon. Apricots sre said to be a shade easier on the roast, but the local market continues stealy, with choice quoted at hftjSVrc: extra choice, osteite, and fancy, lOdf.oV"'. Peaches quiet Mild barrlv steadv, with rholce quoted at 7I&7V1C; extra choice, trc; fancy, &Vtj9e. Raisins are dufl, with loose muscatel quotod at 4$Jt(c; choice to fancy seeded, SrrW'.e: edles, 4TatJttc, and Ixirjday layers, $1.60tl.6n. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. COTTON -Future opened steady; October. 8.76c; December, 8 57c; January, 8.36c; March. 8.34c; May, 8 86c; July, 8 33r; August, 8. lie. Spot closed quiet, lu points decline; mid dling uplanda. 9.06c; middling gulf, 8 30c; sales. 4o bales. GALVESTON, Tex.. Oct. 6. COTTON Lower, at vc. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 5. COTTON Spot, easier; low ordinary. 4Ve. nom inal; ordinary. 6 6-14c. iinmliuil; ordinary. c; low nilddlina. ',,''. mid dling 8c; good middling, y..-; mlddlm fair. 9 S-16c; fair. 10 S-16c. nominal. Re ceipts. 7.742 bales; stock. 72.166 bales ST. LOUIS. Oct. t COTTON Mat ket. tic loser; middling. He. rlales, none: re ceipts, 1,144 bales; shipments, 1.207 bales: stock, 8,491 bales. GRAND AUCTION OF CANADA WHEAT LANDS HaHkatoon & Western Ltuid Co. to Offer 250,000 Acres of Choice, Rich, Vir gin Saskatchewan Prairie, at City of Hcglna, (Kt. 13, 18, 1, IB, 16, 17. Ballroad Tar to Buyers. Slig raylnjr Investiuent for City People a Well aa Parmer. At auction! Thtnk of it! Two hundred and fifty thousand acres of the creani of Canada Wheat Land in the Province of Skatchwan, Western Can- 52a,.w",upo'ltW,,lye0"er'a auction by the Saskatoon A Western Land Co Ltd., at the City of Reglna, Saskatchewan: Canada, October 13, 13. lilt, 16 17 1908 Her Is your opportunity to get your Dick of farms, rlghf in the hesrt " f tWgre.t t!l fJ'11 row1n" country in tbe world. Whether you want to farm It or not It Is a big and rapid paying inveatmenL You dp not have to live oa tbe land to get the rlslng?r " valuM- -n1 to niarkt is Make your plans to go to Reglna now. Get ready to go and go. VASQS MAP A ATS BO A0 BOOK TMXB If you desire more complete advance In formation, send to our Reglna office for our large map and 80 page book full of dejicrlpilone and illustrations of land crops homes from actual photograph Remember till book 1 absolutely Write for It. Address The baakaloon A Western Land Company, Ltd., Reglna, Sas katchewan. Canada. The Saskatoon A Western Land Com pany a auction will be held at Rosins. Sas katchewan. Canada. Nowhere else! ?t will be held In the Saskatoon A Western Land Company a own pavilion. Nowhere else. It will be held October 12, 18, 14, It 14 If Remember the dates. Don't get there TOO OUT TITLB PBtOM TKI CROWST AW XHOISPUTASIia TITin Here sre the Terms: Teai per oent of the purchase price at the time of the aaln iriii.iiuivi vi regular rirsi payment of 88 per acre in 10 days, remainder In eight equal annual Installments with interest at 4 per cent. Survey fees of 10 cents per acre, payable with last installment ... "By ualng tee various dapartmenla of Th Bee Want Ad Pagea you get th best re gulls at tbe least expense. without interest. Upon a parcel being knocked down the bidder shall Immediately make a deposit of 10 per cent of the purchase price with the Clerk of Hale. Otherwise the parcel may be put up again, or withdrawn from Sttle. The company reserves the right to with, draw any of the landa from sale. OITB omop WXX.I. MOrna thakt pat TO at TAB LAND Uigur it out yourself. The average Saskatchewan yield Is: Wheat, from 20 to 26 bushels per acre; oats, from 80 to 48 bush. -Is per acre:, barley, from 20 to 80 bushels per acre, and so on. rail MAILAOAO TBI? TO BTTXBSJ To every purchaser of 140 acres or mora we will return his railroad far ln full. When buying your railroad ticket get a regular railroad receipt from the. agent, allowing the point from which you started and tiie amount paid, also the name of the railroad company, the data of purchase of your ticket and the signature of the rail road agent EXCURSION' RATES OCT. 6 Chicago Si orthwtsra From Chicsgo $3S.7,0; Milwaukee., $36.25; Omaha, $37 Ites Moines. $.15 25; Council Bluffs 336 60; Houlx City, f84 60 : Standard' sleeper, 17. ' ' Chicago, Milwankee at St. Panl From I'lilcugo, 833 50. Milwaukee, $34.26; Du buque, S3S Mb ; Davenport, $16 25. Stand ard slpeper. $7. WUoonsln Oentral From Chicago, $3$ 50! Milwaukee. 636.23 Burlington From Chicago. $38.60; St l-oiii. $48: Peoria. $39; Hurllngton, Is ' $60:-Hock Island. II). $36 lb; Keokuk la . 837 76; l(annilal. Mo, $0 ' Soo-Paolflo From Chlcage, $38.50; Kt Paul. $16 bu: Milwaukee. S SO. pes Moines. $36.2i.; Prorla, $39; c edar Rp. Ids. $34; Madison. Wla. $33 60. riiiiilsr rta will be given on all other lines, and excui slonlsta will be taken on t all Intermediate points along all lines. Come! THK SASKATOON A WESTERN LAND ' ' O. Ltl . City of Raglan, Pro lut gf gaa Waulisaan. Can,y, M J,