Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Frtnk Enih, Civil Engineer, Loiei Hit
Life in Friday's Typhoon.
Pmeoeet for a l.are 'Attendance at
tar Meeting of tne State AnmlM
' lon to Be Held NaTrmhrr
' Fourth to Mxth.
(From a Staff Correspondence.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 6. (Special.) Frank
Hush, who left thin city last June to work
an a civil engineer for the government In
the Philippine Islam, lias been reported
a killed In a typhoon last Friday. Huah
wss In a row boat off the north coast of
the Islsnd of Luion with one Webster when
the typhoon struck tho boat. Neither of the
meen were seen after the occurrence and
today a cablegram was received by Mrs.
C. W. Hush, who lives at 3065 8 street, that
her son was thought to be lost. A search
was made by the government officials all
along; the coast but neither of the men or
any of their effects except the row boat
could be found.
Frank. Itush wss graduated from the
stale) university last spring a year ago.
imriiig the lest winter hod Id civil en
gineering work In this city and about the
Mate. He took the examination for the
government service during the winter and
In June, he evua given- a position In the
forestry engineering service on tho Island
uf Luson , in the. Philippines. Rush is a
son of C: W. flush, railway postal clerk,
who runs between here and Edgemont.
AsRistant Chief Clerk Beach of the rail
way mall service sent C. W, Rush a tele
giam to Kdgemont this afternoon notifying
him that a cablegram had been received
that his son was lost.- ' j
. rrogrnm for Teachers. .
The executive ,, committee of. the State
Teachers' association has completed the ar
langrmmit for the forty-third annual ses
sion November 4, 5 and 8. Other members
of the committee present were E. B. Sher
man of Kearney, d-, U.. Thomas of Harvard,
Mild P.v W. Hayes' of Alliance. Q. It.
Thomas, for the cxecutlva commutes and
A. A.. Reed of , the local committee were
given .'autlaorlty torry out the details
of the progmm ,
Enthusiastic reports Were received, from
Ilia various chairmen '.of committees, par
ticularly In regard to'the attendance, More
than I.OuO teHc.hers are . expected to , be
present, as most, of the school boards of
the stale' have declared the . association
dates to be holidays with full pay for the
teachers. - - ' -
Appointments for the Following; Year
Ara Announced, '
GOTHENBURG. Neb., Oct. 6.-(Speclal.
A missionary rally., wag held Friday night
at the Western Nebraska Methodist Episco
pal conference, addressed by Rev. C. A.
Beck, superintendent of the Methodist mis
sion press In Seoul, Core, and by Dr. J. B.
Trimble, one of the secretaries for the mis
sionary work of the church. Saturday
morning Dr. Davidson, chancelor of Ne
braska Wcsleyan' university, and Rev. Dr.
Buckner. representing temperance work In
the Sunday schools, delivered strong and
affective addresses upon this great evil.
William J.. Miller was received into the
conference on trial. The secretary for sta
tistics showed that the membership of the
church within the conference Is 13.140, with
eighty-four parsonages and 149 churches,
. the total value of both amounting to more
than ".,.. Tin MnowtnCpaJd for pastoral
support was $M.60O and mora than 110,000
waa paid out for benevolent work of the
church. -
Chancellor Davidson spoke on Saturday
night with great force, and ability on the
benefits derived from the church and from
the course of the work . of the Nebraska
Weslcyan university at Lincoln.
Bishop Jlclntyre spoke Sunday In the
morning and delivered an eloquent address
tu the young ministers starting out In the
work of tlio church and exorted all Chris
tions to help In the work of the church.
In the evening at the close of the service
Thousand of American women
in our homes are daily sacrificing
their lives to duty.
Iu order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children well dressed
, and tidy, women overdo. A female
weakness or displacement is often
brouphton and they suffer in ellenoe,
drifting alonr from bad to worse,
knowiusr well that they ought to
have help to overcome the pains and
ftchea which daily make life a burden.
It is to these faithful women that
oomea aa a boon and a blewing.
s it did to Mrg. F. Ellsworth, of
fayville, N. Y4 and to Mr. W. p.
Hoyd,of Beaver Falls, Fa., who say 1
'; M I waa sot able to do my own work,
IwlDg- to tha female trouble from which
Suffered. LyUia E. Pinkhaaa's Vege
table Com pound helped me wonderfully
and I an so well that I can do as bir a
day work aa I ever did. I wish erery
aiua. wvwan would try IV.
For thirty years Lydla E. Fink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from root and herbs, has ben the
tandard remedy for female ilia,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
dla placements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irrerularities,
periodic pains, backache, that lar-Ing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizzine8,or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it f
SIra. Plnkham invites ail sick
women t write her for advice.
Bh bas Raided tbouands ti
leUtU. Adarc-s, Ljun Zl.
the appointments for the Western Nebraska
conference were named as follows (names
of supplied In parenthesis):
(Names of supplies In parenthesis.)
Holililtge Dlstilcl. C. C. Wilson, superin
tendent, Holdrege, Neb. .fondon
tendent, Hildrege, Neb. Alma, O. F. Cook,
Araphoe, H. F. Eberhart; Atlanta, M. L.
Uardncr; Axtell, Joseph Bennett; Hartley,
J. F. Hagcinan; Heaver CMty, U. H. Wise;
Henkelman, C. 11. Vhader; Hloomlngton,
K. B. Crlppen; Box Wdr, to be supplied;
Cambridge, D. A. Leeper: Culbertsnn, C.
A. Norlin; Danbury and lebanon, W. L.
Miller;Ellson, C. 8. Hawley; Franklin,
W. T. tiatley; Halgler and Laird. (J. A.
Kerr); Hendlcy and Spring Ureen, Harry
Bliepherd; Holbrook, H. K. McFarlane;
Holiirege, 1. C. Lemon; Huntley anil
Border Chsjpel, O. It. Burnett; Indianola,
A. D. Burrls; Loomts and Pleasant View,
W. J. Crago; Lowell- Logan, Raymond
Rush; McCook, M. B. Carman; Mlnden,
Bryant Howe; Norman-Campbell, F. C.
Tyler); Orleans, James Innard; Oxford
Frank Naylor, M. S. Satchell; Ragan-Bac-ramento,
John Madely ; Republican City,
W. F. Hasklns; Riverton-Spring Valley, J.
W. Custer; Trenton-Stratton, J. I Murr;
I'pland-Mason, R. N. Throckmorton; Wll-cox-Hlldreth,
(T. F. Ashby); Wllsonville
Tvrone, J. O. Hrulbut. '
Kearney District. L. H. Ebtrmata, D. 8.,
Kearney, Nob. Anselmo, J. H. Davis; Ar
nold, (N. E. Bottom); Ansley, John T.
Carson; Arcadia, H. C. Barrett; Burwell,
A. H. Brink; Broken Bow, R. H. Thomp
son; Callaway, J.' W. Seabrooke; Cosad,
W. C. Harper; Elm Creek, Henry French;
Gothenburg, J. W. Morris; Otbbon, Runnel
Link; Kearney, First church, a. W. Ab
bott; Kearney Circuit, (John Maynardj;
Lexington, B. F. Qaither; Lexington Cir
cuit, H. H. Fox; Litchfield, (L. B. Challen
barger; Loup City, J. O. Hawk; Mason
City, Harold Miles; Merna, D. C. Hopson;
North Loup, Erastus Smith; Ord, M.,Bam
ford; Ord Circuit, E. it. Maynard; Ra
venna, A. J. Clifton; Ringold. J. M. Has
klns; Rossvale, (C. M- Brown); Riverdale,
T. W. Owen; Sumner-Miller, W. C.
Swartz; Sargent, W. B. Matthews; 8helton,
A. L. Umpleby , Whitman-Mullen, to be
supplied; Westervtlle, Alfrad Chamberlain;
Walnut Grove, (W. A. Hornaday.)
North Platte District. Allen Chamber
lain, D. 6., North Platte, Neb. Bayard
Mlnatare, W. F. Harper; Bertrand, F. J.
Bchank; Big Springs, O. E. Richardson;
Brady Island, (J. H. Tabor); Chappell, (to
be supplied): Curtis, A. W. James; Elwood,
George B. Mayfield; Farnam, R. H. Carr;
Gandy. (to be supplied); Gerlng, (Eugene
Markley); Grant, (William Horner); Har
rlsliurg, (Ertwsrd Clower); Hayes Center,
(to be supplied); Hershey. A. E. Murlless;
Imperial, (H Moore); Keystone, O. F.
Chesebro: Kimball, E. J. Hayes; Lewellen,
(G. D. S. Johnson; Lodgepole, (Eaka B.
Wilson): Maywood, D. W. Parker; Mitch-ell-Morrlll,
(to be supplied); Moorefield,
(to be supplied): Mt. Zlnn-Hlghland, (T. E.
C.lllet): North Platte. W. S. Porter; Ogal
alla. T. M. Ransom; Palisade, W. H. Mills;
Potter-Dlx. (to be supplied); Scotts Bluff.
C. B. Woodson; Sidney, Henry Zlnnecker;
Pmlthfield. (R. H. Clirvsler); Stockvllle,
(George K. Hartman); Sntberland-Paxton,
(FYed H. Johnson! Wallace, (D. E.
Frenoh); Wauneta. Charles M. MeCorkle.
James Lisle, conference evangelist; D. W.
Crane, missionary to Honolulu.
The following resolutions wera adopted
as follows:
First We acknowledge with hearty
thanksgiving our obligations to our Heav
enly Father for tho spiritual and material
prosfierity of the last year.
Second We express our appreciation to
tho local pastor. Rev. J. T. Carson, and
the people of Gothenburg who have so roy
ally provided for our temperal necessities
and delightfully entertained us, and we sin
cerely say God bless you and teach us by
these examples of sacrificing love the
greater lessons of true Christian hospitality.
Third At the request of the Methodist
Episcopal church at Gothenburg wo extend
thanks to the Swedish people who so loy
ally aided In entertainment of the confer
ence. Blessed be the tie that binds our
hearts In Christian love.
Fourth We record our highest esteem of
and gratitude to the Presbyterian church
and the Commercial olub of tha city for
the many courtesies they have extended
to us.
Fifth We record our highest esteem of
and gratitude to the visiting representatives
of Methodism who have so ably presented
the various Interests of tha church.
Sixth We congratulate the world-wide
Methodism In the election of -Rev. Robert
Mclntyre, D. D., to the episcopacy. His
sturdy Christian manliness, his symmetrical
and ripe scholarly attainments, his execu
tive ability so manifest In the dispatch of
th business of the conference and his soul-
stlrrlng addresses have Inspired us to
higher standards and mora clearly defined
ih.oi. in th rrhriatlan ministry. We pray
God's richest blessings upon him In his
holy mission and earnestly request n re
turn as our presiaing uisnuv -
possible In the years to come.
Taft C'lab at l.elau.
lErmi Neh . Oct. E. -(Special.) The
republicans held a meeting last Friday
a t tho town hall and perfected a
permanent organisation, which Is called
i, T.if rluh of Stanton precinct. Tha
meeting was largely attended and much
enthusiasm prevailed. several gooo.
speakers will be secured for addreases in
the near future.
Nebraska Newa Notes.
LEIGH Several retired farmers are
Eutllng up substantial modern homes in
elgh tills fall.
BKATRICK A fine rain fell here today.
Tha moisture will be of great benefit to
pasture land and winter wheat.
Ai.ninN rttie of the heaviest rains of tha
season fell last night. This leaves the
ground In splendid condition for winter.
VALLEY Miss Neda Garner of Valley
and Ray C. Montgomery of Meeker, Colo.,
were married ai uirnwww ci " v-u,".,
September 24.
ARLINGTON A fine rain commencea to
HunHa, at mldiilrlit an still continues.
This rain will be of great value to the fall
ARLINOTON-Polltlrs have commenced
to wsrm up In tills county. A. W. Jefferls,
republican candidate for congress. Is billed
to speak at the Masonic hall In this city
next Saturday.
TWfiTMSi.-tiThe town of T Image. In
Otoe county, has called an election for
October :"0, at which time It is proposed to
vote upon a bonding proposition to provide
electric lights for the place.
LKIGH The weather remains cool and
cloudy in this section, but no frost has
fallen ror several nlgnts. uaruen vegeiauirs
are practically gone and the farmers are
beginning to hunk their corn.
ARLINGTON Owing to tho heavy trafflo
raused by the Tripp county land opening,
the Northwestern road base " connected
up" the station at Dale, cast of this city
and has three operators on duty at that
VALLEY The Valley High school boys
have organised a foot ball team, which
will be called Valley Athletic Foot Ball
team. A few of the older Boys who have
had some experience are helping them.
Kile J. Uorhajn Is the captain.
WKKPING WATKR Mrs. 8. D. Eells of
Klmwoud, wife of the postmaster, was
thrown out of an automobile Sunday
morning, southeast of town, and sus
tained a broken leg and sprained ankle.
She was brought here for treatment.
LFIOH I'nlted States Senator E. J.
Burkett passed through here by auto
yesterday on a campaign trip. Just seven
teen years ago last month Mr. Burkett
was married at Olenwood, Is., and brought
his bride here to live, lie was at that time
principal of the Leigh public school.
B1HBON Between two and three Inches
of water fell here last night, following three
days' heavy wind from the south, and it
la still raining this forenoon. The farmers
are well pleased, as the fall wheat needded
rain badly.
ALBION About seventy-five left here
yesterday evening for O Nell to register
tor the Tripp county land drawing. They
arrived there about midnight am'he land
office being open, registered ami returned
this inuriiing on the 7 o clock train.
ARLINGTON The Northwestern has
night and day switchmen on duty at this
place to assist In handling the heavy pas
senger and freight traffic. Large forces of
men sre employed on whs local section,
placing them In first class shape fur the
coining winter.
WEEPINO WATER Job. n Gordon,
blind, an old soldier, dropped dead Hstur
day evening at El in wood and waa brought
here fur burial. The funeral was held at
the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. G.
11. Muulton officiating. Mr. Gordon has
a brother living here.
BEATRICE A dwelling house belonging
to N. C. Meyers In Went Beatrice, and
occupied by a family named ltitiwn, wad
destroyed by fire last night with mohi
of Ha contents. Iass, 1,000, partially
covered by Insurance. Tho fire was
caused by a defective flue.
TECCMSEH H. R. Enders. the gentle
man who recently purt-iiajied the K. P.
(rood stuck of general merchandise in this
city, has bought trie residence property of
P. 11. Hopkins, coiner of Broadway and
Fiftli streets. He will move his family
from Auburn and Into the new home this
TECUMSEH-JWord comes to Tecumseh
of the marriage in Hanover, Kan., on hep.
teniber 1 of Mr. Lloyd Varvel and Mlse
BciUia LlgKt'tt. both fornieily of Tecumseh.
Iht yountf yauvi tul tu uie Kansaa us
the day stated, but their friends did not
know they were to be married. They will
make tiieir home near Hanover, where Mr.
Varvel will engage In farming.
VALLEY A temporary Taft, Sherman
and Hneldon club has been organised with
Frank Wntimore, president; V. &. Ramsey,
tetreiary, and J. 11. Ingram, treasurer.
Taft pictures and literature of campaign In
terest have been distributed and general
enthusiasm aroused. After tne rally, which
Is tu be held Monday evening, the organ
isation will be completed and new meruoers
T ECU MBEH Nate Sutherland, a promi
nent farmer of Ppring Creek precinct, this
county, suffered a severe cut to one of his
feet, Batu .lay, while engaged In cutting
posts. Me whs half a mile from his home
and walked the distance. The wound bled
profusely in the meantime and, exhausted,
Mr, Sutherland reached the porch of his
house. He lost consciousness from the loss
of blood and fell from the porch and sus
tained a slight scalp wound.
TECUMSEH County Tressurer John
Ward has caused the current list of de
linquent tsxes on real estate to be published
In a local newspaper. The figures make
less than two columns anil this Includes the
amounts due on farms and town lots, with
the descriptions on the town lots much the
longest of the two. Fifteen years ago this
same list wss making from one to one and
one-half pages in the paper. It certainly
shows a marked Improvement In the con
ditions f our people and the country treas
ury is just that much better off.
GIBBON The old college building has
been torn down and the ground cleared fair
the new high school building, bids on
which will be closed and the contract
awarded October . The old Presbyterian
church is also being torn down to give
place to a new cement blockmhrfdl rfdlulu
place to a new modern cement block
church. 3oth buildings wre finished In
1878 of brick mads here. The old college
building wss the original Bufaalo county
court house, as Gibbon was the first
county neat before Kearney was laid out.
TECUMSEH President W. K. Taylor and
Secretary C. V. Douglas of the Johnson
County Farmers' Institute and the Johnson
County Corn club have called a meeting
of all farmers for next Saturdav afternoon,
at the court house. In Teoumseh. The ob
ject is to proceed with this county's exhi
bit for the national corn show, to be held
In Omaha in December. William Ernst, an
officer in the state society, will direct the
preparation of the county's exhibit. While
this has been a first class vear In the
matter of corn production In this section of
the county, there Is some as good grain as
Is ever raised here this year. Samples of
this grain will be used In the exhibit.
Transmlsslsalppl Commercial Coagress
Meets at Ban Francisco
BAN FRANC39O0L OcL 6 The nineteenth
annual session of the TransniisslssImM con
gress will meet here next Tuesday, with
1,600 delegates In. attendance. The commer
cial organisations of every state west of
the Mississippi will have representatives at
the gathering and a great variety of sub
jects of Importance to the wwst half of the
United Statee will be discussed. Opening
on Tuesday morning, the congress will hold
three sessions dally for five days, those for
the nights being devoted to etereontlcon
addresses by government experts, illus
trating the work of the reclamation service
and the canal commission.
The policies of President Roosevelt, par
ticularly In relation to the conservation of
natural resources, are expected to figure In
the deliberations, and the administration
will be represented by William H. Wheeler,
assistant secretary of the Department of
Commerce and Labor, and a resident of
this state. Another visitor from' the na
tional capital will be John Barrett, who
comes with the rank of envoy and minister
In order to convey to the congress the
greetings of the Latin-American republics
as entrusted to him by the diplomatic rep
resentatives. Governors Gillette of California. Cutler of
Oregon and Meade of Washington will de
liver addresses. .Attorney General Dixon of
Colorado will represent the governor of
that state. David Starr Jordan, president
of Stanford university, will be another
speaker of prominence. .
Supplementing the movement represented
by the Deep-Waterway association, favor
ing the construction of a lake to the gulf
channel, fully a dosen sectlona of the west
will bring strong delegations to urge the
improvement of their home rivers and har
bors. It la believed that resolutions in
favor of the creation of a federal depart
ment or mines will be adopted.
Quaint and Carious Feat a res of Life
In a Rapidly Growing
Cleared John Stemers left a blue rib
bon bottle at a certain mall box, but the
oontenta was not blue ribbon, Mud Hol
low Notes, Wlnslde Tribune.
Proof Positive Oh, no. Cedar Dale, we
are not dried up yet over here. You
would not have thought so, If you had
been here last Friday night Mayflower
News, Hartlngton Herald.
Query We ate raw onions anri -.hh
on a young lady. Wre had talked about
five minutes when the mother rim. In
and touched off some Incense to wind
ward or yours truly. What we are wor
rying about is this: Did thev imnli. i,n
because we ate onions for supper or bo-
cause tney naa cabbage for dinner ? Nor
folk Press.
Nature Fake Charley Tatum of the
north valley reports a rather unusual in
cident, which he says came under his
observation the other day. Ills story is
to the effect that a flock of wild geese
Which drifted down frnm tli PunaHn
attacked by a small chicken hawk, whlcll
cui vne mroat or one of the honkers.
The wounded bird fell to the ground and
was secured by Tatum. The hawk es
caped. Sutherland Free Lance.
ITot Conductive to Amerleaa Xaergy,
"After about thirteen years In Mexico,
where I was on Mexican diet into which
coffee and greasy food enter largely, I
found that everything I ate distressed me."
writes a man from our neighboring re
public, "Nervous break-down with pain In the
heart caused me to 41ve up mental work.
After trying various stomach remedies
without benefit, I found relief, at last, by
eating Grape-Nuts acd cream.
"I could digest Grape-Nuts, and the heart
and nervous symptoms soon Improved to
such an extent that I could do some brain
work and a fair day's manual labor.
"When away from home I get out of
sorts from eating wrong food, but at home
a few days on Grape-Nuts puts me right
'I once worked 10 consecutive hours on
a dike without much fatigue, by having a
small "box of Grape-Nuts In my pocket and
eating a little dry, whenever 1 felt faint. I
can now teach all day without fatigue, after
a breakfast of Grape-Nuts and cream,
stewed fruit, toast and Poetum.
"That old dull feeling, when I tried to
live on my former diet, has disappeared
and the delightful sensation of being fully
nourished Is present now. And the sralle
on our II months old boy at a sight of
a Grape-Nuts package Is worth seeing."
"There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
Mich. Read "The Road to Wellville." In
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true and fall of human
latere t.
Jnrors Drawn and C. C. George Fore
man for October Term.
Telle Jery If It Does Its Dety ladlet
aaents Will Re Retarded Against
Many Girssrailsg Social
Charles O. Oeorre, 4908 Davenport street,
real estate, foreman.
A. K. Anderson, 1314 Mouth Twenty
fourth street.
Oeorre Banst, Twelfth and Jackson
J. T. Buchanan, 3830 Cbarlss street
O. W. Xadloek. 4030 sTortb Twenty,
fourth street) cowl dealer.
Liw Barman, 1908 raolfle street.
WUllam ateOtilgan, 8814 B street, Sonta
Omaaa foreman at Armour's.
w, I,, ralnter, 8405 Dewey avenue bar
r. K. Beynolds, Florence olerk, water
Bea Boblneon, 403 Worth Sixteenth
O. P. Thompeon.
O. M. Bylander, TO Horth Torty-flrst
treet) real eetate.
9. A. Z.ovgTen, 039 Worth Torty-flrst
avenue) real eetate.
John T, Dillon, 3814 Manderson street,
real eetate.
a. p. Bostwlok, 4303 rarnam street) real
V. O. Xdndfren, 3901 Vorth Eighteen
treet salesman.
These men were chosen Monday after
noon to constitute the grand jury for the
October term of court which began Mon
day. Owing to the absence of several of
the panel' and the disqualifications of
others owing to age, ten talesmen were
called by Sheriff Brailey and from these
the last six of the list were chosen. The
grand jury will begin Its sessions Tuesday
morning with Charles C. George of Dundee
In his charge to the Jury Judge Sears
treated of the subjects which have been
referred to previous grand Juries, the red
fight district, houses of ill fame In the resi
dence district,- pawn shops, second hand
stores and the general enforcement of law
In the community. In the section relating
to the social evil he did not charge the jury
to indict owners of property in the red
light district, but advocated Indicting
those who operated such houses in the
residence parts of the city. He repeated
his advocacy of a law gllvng the city the
right to regulate the social evil.
After reading his formal charge Judge
Boars spoke extemporaneously to the jurors
on several subjects touched on only lightly
In the written document.
"During the May term of court," he said,
"I was struck with the number of bur
glaries that came under the notice of the
court. In the examination of one jury fif
teen men were questioned and nine of
them had suffered loss from burglary and
there were thirteen separate burglaries
represented by the nine men. With other
Juries the record was almost the same.
Last year there was In the city a large
number of men practically owning women
end bringing them here from France and
elsewhere. They owned their women as
much as If they had been slaves. Owing to
the vigorous denunciation of them many
have left town. I am informed that such
crimes as robbery from the person by the
women has become much less frequent.
War an Social Evil.
"You shoul advise yourselves as to the
presence of these men and find out if there
Is any way of remedying matters. This
class of men are demoralizing to young
men who come in contact with them, more
so than the women they'malntain. If you
find any of them yri V'ild ItHlcr them,
"For years auction store's' for the gulling
of people from out' lni the state have been
operated in Omaha. It would do no harm
to Inquire into them. Second hand stores
and pawn shops have been buying goods
they must have known were stolen, thereby
encouraging men of the class I have men
tioned to commit crime, to rob homes. Tou
should investigate these Institutions.
"I think eventually, we will arrive at the
point where there will be strict enforce
ment of the law."
The formal charge to the Jury waa as
ears' Written Charge.
Gentlemen of the Grand Jury Vou hav
ing been chosen as grand jurymen for
the present term. It becomes ray duty,
as the presiding judge of this branch of
the court, to Instruct you as to your
powers and duties. The oath you nave
taken Is one that places you on a higher
and different plane than the one you oc
cupied prior to its naving been taken,
and places you with those who are
charged with the oversight and the well
being of the public organization and the
citizenship of the county, and even above
the others so cnarged witu tne weu-Deing
end safety. In this, that you are charged
as a duty with Inquiring whether or not
the others are performing their duty In
their several capacities.
It Is your duty to Inquire as to the con
dition of such public places as county
snd city Jails end poor farms, and as to
the condition or inmates tnereor, ana
likewise such other places as have In
mates detained therein by order of any
of the courts. As to such places, It Is
your duty, after advising yourselves or
conditions, to report to the court as to
such conditions snd If discipline Is being
maintained and provided rules enforced.
You will at all times keep In mind the
oaths taken by yourselves severally and
vour foreman, and It Is the duty of the
court at this time to admonish you that
you are to keep as sacredly secret uie
counsel of the state, your own and your
fellow members, unles you are called on
In a court of justice to make disclosures;
and, likewise, It Is your duty to main
tain secrecy as to what matters sre being
considered with a view of possible In
dictment following and what progress Is
being made in such Inquiries.
The county attorney or his deputies are
privileged t oappear before you at all
times for the purpose of giving Informa
tion regarding any matter cognizable be
fore you, giving advice upon any subject
you may require, and. If either he or you
desire, he shall interrogate wltnessen be
fore you; no other person shall be In
your room while you are expressing your
views or while giving your votes upon
any matter. The clerk of the court will
at the request of the grand jury or of the
county attorney cause subpoenas to Is
sue for such witnesses as may be desired.
No one Is to announce the fact of an In
dictment having been found until the In
rilctment is filed and the case docketed.
As I have brought to the attention of
two previous grand Juries during the
present year, there la not that observance
of law that should obtain In law-abiding
communities. Not that the people of thla
county are worse than otner communities
of like population, but there has grown up
an Idea that there may be statute Jaws,
and that officers whose eole and only
duty it Is to be the law-enforcing arm
may In their aiscreiion enrorce uiem or
not. There is no such discretion. Every
such countenancing Is an Ignoring of law,
and Its defiance. Eventually it must
cease. There Is no weight of duty on of
ficials charged to enforce the law. If at
once thev rlaim such discretion. In this
community, I am advised, both In Omaha
and KoutU Omaha, there are places wuere
Intoxicating liquor Is suld, without li
cense, dally a great many such places.
I am referring to houses of prostitution.
It is your duty to indict all such persons
so selling such liquors.
Hair Break lltaor Laws.
If anvona Is encaaed In the selling of
Intoxicating liquor, without first having
procured a license so to do, prior to such
senilis, such persons are guilty of violating
lb provisions of the liquor laws of this
It Is sn Indictable offense In this state to
maintain houses of prostitution and asslg
nation houses. During the last forty or
fifty years tiiere has grown up a system
of recognition of many of such places.
Many have been erected or such pro pur
tions that there Is no practical doubt but
that there lias been consent or those In
authority to their erection and occupancy,
6ucU consent against slate law is danger
ous from a number of different stand
points. Stale administrations have com
and gune, likewise county and city ad
ministrations, and cltr and the etate
cuurts have all by their silence seemed to
acuuiesw In thla countenance or the law
kles, by the law eulixwiu ru til Uie
people. T will not tell you that It Is not
your duty to Indict all such offenders as
nave had anything to do with such main
tenance, because It la your legal duty so
to do. However, I will not place a greater
burden upon you than has been assumed
by those charged with law enforcement
and under whose tacit consent the system
grew to Its present proportions. It, would
seem much lUe ex rat facto enforcement
If I should so Instruct you In specific
terms. I'nless the legislature, by Its next
session, gives the power to the cities to
regulate such places they should tie pro
ceeded against and close.!. At present I
feel Inurh rhssrlnft Inhnrlnir im!i.r thit
haw of the state, to only at this time
Instruct you to Indict any keeping such
places In the residence district of either
city referred to; and likewise anyone own
ing such places and knowingly letting the
same for the purposes of assignation, or
prostitution houses.
Intending to plnce your report" before
the next session of the legislature, I In
vito you therein ta give your views as to
the advisability of giving the city power
to regulate places of the nature last re
ferred to.
It Is your duty to inquire Into and to
declare by your reports, lo the court, the
condition as you find It of law enfotcement
In the ounty, as well as to Indict for es
tebllshed crimes In specific instances. The
chronically lawless nr helpless without the
tacit Indif terem e. at least, of those charged
with law enforcement. I take It for
granted that in established communities the
conditions are about what is desired by
those charged with duty. 1 realise that a
condition handed down bv a long line of
wrongful conduct Is a more difficult prob
lem to handle than a new condition. The
great lever of Improvement Is publicity.
1 know of no greater Instrument of pub
licity, of advising the great body of the
people, the most of whom do not know
conditions, than the patient Inquiry of a
frand Jury, and their plain statement of
Indlngs made. Your function here is most
Important, and I commend you to your
duty in that regard.
As a further aid I hand you herewith
the reports of the two last grand Juries
and commend to your attention the topics
there given prominence, with the sugges
tion that you Inquire whether or not Im
provement has been made along the lines
there stated, and particularly as to the
presence of men with their women; of
the unlawful selling of liquor In houses
of prostitution; the conduct of loan, second-hand
and auction stores; assignation
houses In the residence district of Omaha,
or 8outh Omaha; the selling of harmful
drugs; the display of pictures, or shows,
tending to heroize crime before young per
sons. In this connection you are In
structed that it Is unlawful to have for
the display to children pictures of an Im
moral or lustful nature, or of a tendency
to display criminal deeds to them.
Should you at any time desire further
charge from the court you are at liberty
to advise with the court at any time
Should the court conclude that further
charge would be of value you will be ad
vised. You sre In charge of your own
time of meeting, of the length of your
deliberations and when you shall conc lude
your labors.
(Continued from First Page.)
a democrat and a populist, with the hope
of (retting a larger total vote than Berge.
Had he failed, however. It was set that
Dahlman would be the democratic nom
inee. He did not fail. Berge has done
exactly as the Bryan schemers Intended
for him to do.
Just what Mr. Berge will do when he
wgkes up to the fact that he was worked
by Bryan's chief advisers is a matter the
future will tell. That it waa on the
carda he could not get the democratic
nomination his best friends know.
Deal Is a itepeater.
Two years ago the same kind of a pack
age was handed to him by the same gang
that harpooned him this time. On that
occasion he was double crossed In the In
terest of Mr. Shallenberger. The populist
state convention offered him the nomina
tion on the populist ticket. The delegates
to that convention did more. They knelt
down in front of him and on their knees,
gray bearded genuine populists, reformer
who had fought for Its policies for years,
cried in vain to get him to make the race.
But Berge refused. He had no thought
that Bryan knew anything of the double
cross he received. He believed in Bryan
and the things for which Bryan stood and
he declined the nomination. He declined
In the interest of Mr. Shallenberger.
He Is permitted to again go against a
brace game. He is again forced to de
cline a nomination which he honestly
earned and which he took oath to accept.
As a matter of fact the entire democratic
organization which holds forth at the Lln
cold hotel Is In a bad way. Those in
charge have now to convince Mr. Shallen
berger that he will not bo sacrificed In
the Interest of Mr. Bryan, as well as to
convince George W. Berge that he has not
been dealt a stacked hand.
The fact that Mr. Bryan had his brother-in-law,
Tom Allen, again placed at the
head of the committee over the protest
of many members of the committee and
a large part of the rank and file, is a
When they think it is "too hard' to quit coffee at once
and shift to straight Postum, they compromise the case by
using Postum with a little coffee in it. Of course that isn't
"strictly business" and a person will not as quickly recover from
coffee ails as if pure
were used, but the compromise is better
than to stick to the old coffee habit and
continue to suffer. Gradually less coffee
can be put into" the brew and soon only
Pure Postum is used. Then can be ex
pected that the old aches and ails will
There's a Reason" for
Poalum Cereal Co.. Ltd.,
HALF-MINUTE store talk
'Tig often ald the nhort gtory Is the bet story that a what we
think, too! We ran tell the story of our store service In two words
"Perfect satisfaction."
orrosrrs tboicprob, iildix
Did the recent unpleasant weather catch
you without a
Don't let cold, rainy weather slip up on
. you again, but slip Into this great store
sometime this week and slip Into the
coat you like the best no question,
about finding one to suit you from this
great stock, the only Question will be
which you -will like trie best our
prices start at--
And range upward to $35, and at each
price we give our unqualified guaran
tee as to quality and lowness of price.
sufficient hunch to friends of Shallenber
ger where the Alma man gets off. When
sacrificing Is lo be done no one can do It
better than Mr. Bryan's own brother-in-law.
Those who opposed Allen had a valid
reason for so doing. They could not figure
how Bryan could discuss the publicity
of campaign contributions as long as the
115.000 Tom Tibbies told about being brought
from Wall street to promote Mr. LVyan's
senatorial candidacy remained unaccounted
for. Mayor Dahlman said the money was
spent In the Interest of Mr. Berge, candi
date for governor. Berge said he never
knew about it and the result of the election
bears him out.
Progressive democrats who believe In
the Roosevelt policies fall to see how Mr.
Bryan can Justify the continuance of Tom
Allen at the head of his campaign com
mitteeunless if be that others on the
ticket are to be sacrificed.
And so the dove of peace which might
have come to Lincoln at the request of
Mr. Bryan Is still flying high and It anyone
can see any harmony between Chris
Gruenther, whom the rank and file wanted
to be chairman, and Tom Allen, whom
Mr. Bryan selected for chairman, he needs
the services of an occullst.
Bryan's Nebraska Tonr.
W. J. Bryan will tour Nebraska October
13, 14 and 15, speaking from the rear end
of a special train. The democratic state
committee la afraid of the work done by
the Taft special and Mr. Bryan has ar
ranged with his national committee to
look after his fences In his home state.
Tom Allen la now at work on the itinerary.
Allen Mixes In Idaho Row.
Tom Allen, brother-in-law to Mr. Bryan,
has returned from a harmony trip to
Boise, Idaho. Mr. Allen went there as tha
special messenger for his brother-in-law to
try and settle the democratic squabble In
that state. So secret was lie in his move
ments that he registered under an assumed
name and hi Identity did r.ot become
known until a member, of the democratic
state committee of Idaho asked for hint
at the hotel and Allen had to make himself
known In order to carry out the Instruc
tions of his brother-in-law. This is . the
story brought to Lincoln In a Poise paper,
which reached here today. Mr. Allen left
this morning for Omaha, presumably to
give some Instructions to Mr. Bryan's
chief lieutenant, Mayor Dahlman. Another
trip to Wall 8treet Is now predicted.
Official Position Changes Attitude
Toward Union Men.
NEW YORK, Oct. 6. Herman Rldder,
treasurer of the democrstlc national com
mittee, appeared before tho Central Fed
erated union at Its meeting today snd asked
that his disagreement with the union be
Battle CreeH. Mich.. U. S. A.
J ' w t urn
" ' ' ft
tvl I U V ;i-ewr
left to arbitration. His suggestion was
adopted. ,
Mr. Rldder was charged at a meeting of
the union with discourtesy to Its commit
tees which had sought to deal with him on
a labor question. When approuchfd by a
second committee shortly after bis Appoint,
ment as dcmocratlo national treasurer he
declared that he did not care to ge Into
the matter In dispute with them nnd asked
the privilege of apprarlng personally before
the central body to explain his attitude.
When Mr. Rldder appeared at the meet
ing today he wss given the floor. He asked
that the question be loft to a committee
for arbitration. He suggested James M.
Lynch, president of the International
Typographical union, aa the arbitrator, and
after a ten-minute debate the union ac
cepted Mr. Rldder's suggestion.
Lifelong Hondage
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney
troubles Is needless. Electric Bitters Is
the guaranteed remedy. 50c. Beaton Drug
Coroner' Jury Retarne Verdict in
Case of R. D, Murray, Killed by
Hanson Klevetor.
Death caused by an elevator in the -building
occupied by Tolf Hanson as a restau
rant at 315-17 South Sixteenth street, with
no evidence presented as to tho responsi
bility, was the substance of the verdict
returned by the coroner's Jury at the In
quest held Monday afternoon on the death
of Rudolph -D. Murray, the expressman
whose head was crushed under the elevator
at the alley entrance to Hanson's new res
taurant Thursday evening shortly after T
The widow and children of the unfortu
nate expressmen were represented at the
Inquest by Attorneys W. ,V. Slobaugh and
Charles B. Smith, whilo -Attorney Carl
Herring represented Hanson. 8. W. Camp,
the young man who was trf charge of the
elevator at tho time Murray's head wai
crushed, testified that there was no guard
across the entrance to the elevator shaft
when the accident occurred.
Attorney Slabaugh refused to say whether
or not any suit for damages would be filed,
stating that he would look after the Inter
ests of the widow and children. No re
sponsibility for the unfortunate occurrence
could be fixed from the evidence which
was presented, although tho head porter
t the restaurant testified that the elevator
had been frequently out of order during
the short time It had been Installed.
Murray was burled Sunday afternoon
from the Davis undertaking rooms, Rev.
Knickerbocker officiating. Interment was
at Forest I .awn.
A Blare to Coffee
Many persons do not realise that coffee
drinking may become a powerful, enslav
ing habit.
They are not aware that coffee contains
a drug caffeine which ought never to
be taken into the system except for cer
tain diseases and then only when pre
scribed by the doctor.
The coffee hsblt grows on most users
and Is more harmful to some than others.
But a drug that acts upon the heart and
nerves In the way caffeine does. Is not
without greater or less harm to all wno.
drink coffee.
"I'Xir thirty years," writes a. Wash,
housewife, "I have been a steady coffee
drinker. I wanted It at every meal.
"But I would have sick headache moat
of the day, and throw up my -food. I
really suffered awfully from coffee, yet
thought I never could stop It.
"Then I heard how goud Postum was
for such cases, and began to use It. At
first I did nut care for Poatuin. I felt
sleepy and had headache. 1 soon found
that this was because of the hold coffue
had on me, for In about three duys after
I quit coffee and brgan to use 1'onluin the
headache left me, had do more nervous
ness and palpitation In about a week 1
felt like a new woman.
"I have used I'ualuni three years and
when It Is made according to directions
(boiled 15 minutes) it Is as pleasant
as coffee and don't hurt anyone. I ought
to know for I was as bad off as anyuns
Is likely to get from toffee drinking.
Now I am well."
"There's a Reason."
Name given by f'ostum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read the little booklet
"The Road to WeUvlUs," ta k,