Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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U Pony. 1 BOTH HOHI BBACM A 1. 1. P1PTI, In. A-1S41 1
Sanitary Bed Comforters
To buy a Comforter is like buying a cat in a sack, you
don't know wbat is inside the cover, you have the merchant's
word for it. And -we say. this, years ago manufacturers of
comforters thought any old cotton was good enough for
comfort filPing, some do yet and the person that had one of
these rag bags: certainly was disgusted with ready made
comforts. But comforters have improved year by year until
now we. can eellVou comforters so beautiful inside that there
is n6 need of making comforters at home.
Comforters from the smallest crib size at 60c each to the
large bed 6iz at $4.50 each.
1-iet us show you our beautiful new line.
B - 10 - B
loud voice, Which crt: "Three cheers for
Uld Bill Taft, for he look oid to me."
When the.OhJuao had .tlfllehcd his re
mark he wax presented ,wUh a big bunch
of American Beauty rosei by tha county
chairman of Wyandotte county, who aald it
represented the friendliness of tha labor
unions of the county, and an earnest dec
laration that Gompers was not delivering
the vote of that county to tha opposition.
Ask Bill" to Retnra.
"Come back to us again, Bill," was the
rousing plea of an old veteran tn uniform
as the Tatt special pulled out of Leaven
worth, the next stop, where the audience
listened with patience under good cheer
In the rain to the Taft labor speech.
"We have at leant broken the drouth In
Kansas," said Senator Warner of Missouri,
"and the dampness don't make the slightest
difference In the patriotism of the crowd."
The Leavenworth audience, which waa
large, waa made up of old soldiers from
the veterans' home nearby, and of laboring
To the soldiers the candidate first paid
his respects and complimented them on
their Interest; to the laboring men he told
of the record of each party In their be
half, with the conclusion that under the
Roosevelt administration more labor leg
islation had been enacted than previously.
The traveling companions of Mr. Taft
In Kansas Included Candidate W. R. Stubbs,
Btate Chairman Dolley, Joseph l. Bristow
mid Congressman Anthony. ' Representing
Missouri were Senator Warner, State Chair
man Dickey and a large local committee.
I'lans Inder Way to Brine:
Crowd Together.
GRAND ISLAND. 'eb.. Oct. 6.-(Speclal.)
Willi the usual pleasant weather at this
time nf the year It Is confidently expected
that Governor Hughes of New York will
speak to one of the biggest audience of hla
ti Ip through Nebraska in this city at 1
o'clock Wednesday. Aside frcm the usual
facilities to large number of people In
the western and northwestern Darts of the
state to get here, the frontier and harvest
festival committee has secured some spe
cial service ' for this day, the second day
of Jt program, and D'onle residing any
where within a radius of' 1"0 mile are
enabled to come here, take in all of the I
day' festivities
and return to their homes alleged prediction and said tt would be ap
ay. The local republican i proved by the president Is absolutely false
on the same day
committee has mude all necessary arrange
ments for the address, cutting out all unJ
necessary demonstration, and rush the
Hughes party from the train to the wide
court house tet bv automobile, so that
every possible minute can be given to the
speaker. The New York executive Is ex
pected to arrive promptly at 1 o'clock over
the Burlington, and will leave at t o'clock
over the Union Taclflc for Kearney, hi
train being switched to the latter road and
depot while the apeaklng Is going on.
The frontier and harvest festival com
mittee ha everything in readiness for the
biggest crowds ever in attendance here at
a festivity of more than one day. The
great corrals and enclosures for the roping
and other contests, requiring big space,
with grand stands convenient, are com
plete, and many of the horses, Texas and
Montana steers, etc., are already on the
ground. A harvest exhibit is to be held at
the I.lederkran hall and garden and a
meeting has been called for Wednesday
evening, at which the prooosltton of perma
nent organisation of a Hall county agricul
tural association will be discussed.
Uattle ! -Political Speech Maklasr
Grows Warmer.
UVANSVILLK. Iod., Oct. I. -The battle
of the political speech-making will be
waged today by James S. Sherman, repub
lican vice-preaidentlal nominee In the
"enemy's country," the home state of- the
, democratic vice-presidential candidate,
John W. Kern. Mr Bherman left this city
early In his special car, on a trip that will
carry him from the southern to the north
ern line of Indiana in twelve hours. Seven
town will be visited, and speeches made
In all of them. At Muncle a two hour stop
was arranged with preperatlons for a big
celebration. Short talks will also be
made en rout at Vncennea, Terr Haute,
Anderson, Marlon and Wabash. The party
will reach Elkhart at night where repub
lican leaders have planned a rally. Con-
Tho Kcon
When eating
Impresses Itself
upon one's mind
It Is a sweet, crisp and flavory
torn Flake Food made from selected
Tblte corn.
The Tev.te Lingers."
Mad by
lUttle Crwk, Mich.
- 08
pressman Nicolas Long worth having
left the party at this place, Mr. Sherman
will be obliged to do all the talking until
another speaker can be secured. -"Nick"
as evrybody called him, proved magnet
In attracting crowds.
He Said President
A sat a Bo Candidate.
CINCINNATI, Oct. S.-Congressman
Nicholas Ixmgworth, who was In Cincinnati
today enroute to the east, where he will
continue his speaking tour, denounced a
a campaign lie the printed story that In a
speech at Rjck Island, III., he propoaed
t bat after Judge Taft had served two term
at president that President Roosevelt would
again be a candidate for the presidency.
Congressman Longwortb's statement In
full follows:
"The fact of 'the case la: At a meeting
at Rock Island, 111., I was Introduced by
the chairman of the meeting as a son of
Ohio, and since Ohio aeemed to be deter
mined to break the record as a mother of
presidents, he said In a jocular vein, that
I probably would be a candidate some time
"Replying in a similar vein, I said that
I was not there as a candidate for any
office. I waa there to speak of the present
and to advocate the election of Judge Taft
for president, not In the future, but now.
I said that I believe confidently that Judge
Taft would be elected president and that
his administration would be so wise and
beneficial to the people that they would de
mand that he serve them another term.
'After that.' I said, 'Ohio would not be sel
fish and would yield to some other state
perhaps New York to nominate the next
"I had no particular candidate In mind.
New York coming first Into my mind be
cause of the presence of Mr. Sherman on
the platform.
"At that point m-'ny people shouted
'Roosevelt'' and the audience cheered his
name loudly.
"I am not surprised that some democratic
newspapers fhould have taken this up. be
cause the democratic party Is most anxious
to distract the people's attention from the
issues of the day and talk about either the
i --.- ... .
luiurw or ine past.
The story that I commented unon mv
I have never even thought of, much leas
mentioned, the incident until now." '
Haa No Present Iatentlon of Taking;
tne Stoma,
WASHINGTON, Oct 5.-"President
Roosevelt at present has no intention of
taking the stump In behalf of Mr. Tsft
Is the way In which persistent reports to
the effect that he was to make a speaking
tour in favor of the candidal of the re
publican nominee are now denied at the
wnue House,
The latest story on thje subject is that
received at Lincoln, Neb., yesterday by
Mr. Bryan, that the president Intend,!
taking the stump and waa planning to
make at least six speeches on a tour across
ine country terminating at San FrannUrn
This Information was said to have reached
Mr. Bryan from persons In the east upon
whom reliability could be Disced.
The report Is similar to that which Vice
. nmrmen Hudspeth of the democrats r.m
palgn committee announced several weeks
ago n nad received. At that time the
president personally waa asked at Oyster
oy aooui me report am) ha said h haa
not the least idea of taking the stump and
.n.i ne naa not given the matter i
thought. Numerous time during the presl
Amr' m .
...... .uiumer vacation similar reports
were flatly denied by the president's secre
tary at Oyter Bay. Since the preldenl'
return to Washington these reDort hv.
become more numerous and each has been
denied at the White house. When the
matter first came up the denials of the
president's secretary were unequivocal, but
to the latest reports he has given aome
what qualified denials, always saying that
i me president present Intention not to
me stump,
Democrats Will Sead Candid..
Tkree-Dar Camaalara.
LINCOLN, Oct. 8. The Nhri.. .,.
democratic central commlttaa trw,i.
nounced that WllUam J. Bryan would de
liver seventy speeches in Nebraska. He
win speak m nearly all the principal cities
tm October IS, 14 and IS. His itinerary has
not been announced.
Says All HI. Saeerhes aad All Uls
I'latforms Refute It.
LINCOLN. Oct. 5.-In an Interview given
out late today by William J. Brysn he de
nies, as has been slleged, that he ever madu
a speech or wrote an editorial against tha
granting of pensions to soldiers. On the
contrary, he declares that all of hla plat
forms have endorsed pensions and that he
favors a liberal pension policy.
Prairie Fires Da Osai.
PIERRE. 8. D., Oct B (Special)
Extensive prairie flrea have done a
great deal of damage to hay and wiuter
pastures on both sides of the Missouri
river In the laat week, one fire destroy,
lng a lot of hay In burning twenty miles
In eastern Sully county, and another in a
six-mile strip in western Sully. Two
extensive fires in the vicinity of Grind
stone Butt, in western Stanley county,
alo burned a large amount of hay.
Assistant Treaaarer Named.
PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct I. (Special Tele
gram.) The appointment of Kara Issenhuth
of Huron, as assistant stato treasurer haa
been filed with the secretary of state. This
la to fill the vacancy caused by the reslg
nation of CaasilL Sanfcrd Por.aldson. noml
nee on th "Scales of Jutlce" or Hearst
ticket for secretary of state, has paused
th secretary to withdraw -hi name from
the list of candidate
He Recojruim Need of Their Accom
plishment in Nation.
fot York' Gtrrraer Tfclaks The?
Hhoald Come from Enforcement
of Lait Sierrk at L-
. LACROSSE, Wis., Oct. l.-Openlng a
speaking tour which in the present week
is to take him through Wisconsin, Minne
sota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansaa,
Missouri and Illinois, Governor Charlea E.
Hughes of Nw York In a peech here to
day told why he had taken the atump In
upport of William H. Taft for president.
Despite the earllness of his arrival here, a
large crowd greeted him and the Auditor
ium, where he spoke at 8:3 a. m., was filled
to overflowing.
Governor Hughes' presence west of Chi
cago caused widespread interest and every
where provoked the exclamation, "He looks
better than his pictures."
Btlll suffering from an affection In his
throat, the governor explained that Inas
much as he was scheduled to deliver fifteen
address today he would not be able to talk
aa loud as he desired.
"The issue of this campaign Is primarily
the question of an election of an
administration that will represent the
popular will," said Governor Hughes.
Now I tell you the American peo
ple realise now more than in any other
campaign that reforms are necessary, but
all of us, I believe, agree that they shall
be aohleved rather by the enforcement of
the law than by any revolutionary schemes.
The checking of abuses and the regulation
of the trusts are vital questions that must
be accomplished by men of experience.
Not Personal Matter.
"I have no feeling personally against Mr.
Bryan, but I consider it beyond question
that if he were to be in a position to enact
Into law any of his fanciful schemes to
curb the trusts the country would be in
volved In financial and Industrial disaster.
None of his schemes has been tried. Theo
retically and visionary they seem to have
no place In American Institutions, or in
any Institution which to endure must rest
on a foundation of solid Intelligence and
"On the other hand, Mr. Taft, I believe,
represents all that Is best in American
Ideals; he standa for purity In politics and.
what Is more, for purity In the enforce
ment of law. It has been said that when
he was a judge Mr. Taft dealt harshly with
the laboring man. I tell you what he did
do: He dealt honestly with the laborlna-
man, and there la nothing which work for
the interest of the laboring man more than
honesty and justice administered from the
judiciary. Mr. Taft Is tried, experienced
and absolutely incorruptible and It Is for
this reason that I am speaking in his behalf
here today."
(Continued from Page One.)
Taylor, Hamilton; Charles D. Scoval, Au
burn. Coatest for Next Meet In sr.
Delegates are also here from Georgia,
Maine, New York, Kansas, Ohio, Illinois,
Iowa Colorado and Oregon. The Oregon
delegate Is John H. Goins, secretary of the
letter carriers' association of that state.
Mr. Go Ins comes to Omaha with the
avowed intention of securing tho 1900 con
vention of the national association for
Portland and has the Pacific coast states
pledged to Ms cause. President Lindsay
says that Portland Is the only city that
haa so far filed formal notice of wanting
the convention next year, but It is under
stood that Milwaukee, Wis., and Dayton,
O.. will go after it.)
Delegates from Ohio, two of whom have
arrived as ani advance guard, will be dis
tinguished from the others by buckeyes,
which they will wear as badges. Kansas
delegates are wearing large sunflowers in
their buttonholes, while President Lindsay
lapel of his coat as a badge.
The executive committee had hoped that
Postmaster General Von Meyer would
honor tho convention by his presence, but
a telegram from him Monday morning ex
pressed his reluctance at refusing the In
vitation, the postmaster general notifying
the committee that it would be impossible
for him to come. The Postofflce depart'
ment has notified the inspector of the Kan
aaa City division to be present, however.
and that official is expected Tuesday.
Miss Rath Kenyon Delivers Mail Rain
or Shine.
Neither the summer sun nor wintry winds
have tanned Mrs. Ruth Kenyon, a woman
delegate to the letter carriers' convention,
and well known all over the United States
for her persistence in delivering mall, rain
or shine, along her rural route.
"I have not missed a day since I went
on over six years ago," said Mrs. Kenyon,
whose run of thirty-three miles a day is
out Of Munroe, Neb. "Flvo years ago the
thermometer sank to 40 below, but I was
after a record and kept on. My hands were
frosen, but, I was able to work next day
just the same.
"In saying I have not missed a day I
don't count time at conventions, which
the last few years I have Invariably at
tended. Then one day last winter a bill
iard was blowing sixty miles an hour over
the prairie and my customers did not get
their mall that day. I don't think that
ought to count either, for I rode Into town
on horseback and the postmaster would not
gtve me the mall, saying that on account
of the wind It could not be handled.
'I have been tn one runaway during these
years and have come near being In many
more, for my horse are awfully skittish
about automobiles. Becms aa if they can't
get used to them and on a stretch of im
proved road near Munroe there are a good
many chugging in the summer time. The
Is the trade
mark which is
on every gen
uine bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
sold In nearly all the
countries of the world.
Nothing equals it to build
up the weak and wasted
bodies of young and old.
Bead fU advertises!, toawther wRa
Mm of paper la whk. H epinara o
Urw tni (out cent ta cawr potae.
and w will ttnd yoe t Vwr4H Hamtkt
Atlas ti ta WU" nun aj
SCOTT St BOWNft 409 Pearl St. K T.
seson Is nearly owr now and I am
mighty glnd.
"Yes, I take care of my own horses, six
of them, every night. We are only required
to have four, but I can use the other two
to advantage even If there Is no extra
money for their keep. I live ,at a farm
house with my father and mother, who are
getting old and my father rent' out the
"We are going to have a good conven
tion, don't you think? Tlu-re seems to be a
good many coming, at all eventa."
Mr. Kenyon Is a comparatively young
woman and modishly gowned tn a tailor-
made of red cloth trimmed with black gar
nlshlngs of some kind or other. She wore a
big hat on which was mounted a handsome
pair of big black wings. Many delegates
who had met her at previous conventions
kept coming up to her to extend greetings
and It was plain that she will be a central
figure throughout the convention. Woman
like, Mrs. Kenyon went straight to a big
stores soon after arriving fn the city.
'I read such flattering remarks on
Omaha by Mayor Mahool of Baltimore that
I redoubled my determination to come to
this convention," said W. C. Stevens of
Queen Anne, Md., and president of the Mary
land Letter Carriers' association. "Now I
am glad I came. I had never been so far
west as this and the city Is a revelation."
Will Sklae for Letter Carriers and
Them Woman's Clab.
"N. R. U C. A. Welcome."
These letters and the word "welcome"
111 be blaaened from the new arch across
Famam street, at Eighteenth, this week
In honor of the delegates to the sixth an
nual oonventlon of the National Rural
Letter Carriers' aasoelatlon. The letters
L. of A. M." which were placed on the
arch last week during the convention of
the League of American Municipalities,
gives way to ttie new tetters Intended to
welcome the delegates to this other nat
ional convention which begins Tuesday
morning, will be put In place Tuesday and
lighted that night for the first time.
City Electrician MIchaelsen said Monday
that the city ought to have a full alphabet
and then no delaya would be occasioned,
but as the letters for the second conven
tion will have to be made it was Impos
sible to get the work done in time to have
the arch lighted Monday night.
The Nebraska Federation of Women's
Clubs will meet in Omaha next week and
Mayor Dahlman ha Instructed the city
electrician to procure the letters "N. F.
of W. C." to be placed on the arch at that
"Now that we have this arch, I believe
In keeping It busy when ever we can," aald
Mayor Dahlman.
Visitors Will Occupy Seats on Stage
f Aadltoriam. '
Delegates to the rural carriers' conven
tion will have seats on the stage at the
Auditorium Tuesday night when Governor
Hughes of New York will speak, Isidor
Zeigler, chairman of the republican speak
ing bureau, offering 200 seats on the stage
to those delegates who care to go.
While the National Rural Letter Carriers'
association is not a- political organization
in any sense, early arrivals Monday ex
pressed their pleasure when they learned
that the chief executive of the Empire
atate would deliver an - address In Omaha
the following evening, Members of the ex
ecutive committee were among this number
and they took It up with- President Lindsay
and decided to hold a short session Tuesday
night and hear the .xovernor If possible.
When this action was communicated to
the local committee r. Zeigler. was told of
the desire of the, executive committee of
the national association and he promptly
offered to reserve 200 seats on the Btage
for the delegates, or more If necessary.
A short session will be held Tuesday even
ing and the letter carriers wkll not go to
the Auditorium until shortly, before 9
o'clock, the hour Governor Hughes Is to
Delegates Like to Come to the Con
vention Clt.
"We are always glad to get Into Omaha,"
said C. B. Barber, state treasurer of the
Nebraska Letter Carriers' association, "and
Omaha seems glad to aee us." C. A.
Martin of Cheney, state secretary, echoed
hi associate In office and declared that
if it wa up to the letter carrlera to fur
nish tha excitement this week, equal to
that of. laat, the mall men would have to
atep lively. .
"Retail traffic doe not seem to have
alumped with the end of carnival week,"
said J. H. Talbot of Table Rock, another
delegate. "The stores which I have peeped
Into are full of people this morning. I
suppose that Omaha residents kept out of
them somewhat when they were full of
visitors and are now making up lost time.
Anyhow, there are a good many shoppers
at hand."
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qplnlne Tablets.
Druggists refund money If It falls to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 2Sc.
Incendiary Blase 1st Malberry Street
Resells la Fatalities Fire him-
raves Clogged.
NEW TORK, Oct. 5. Ten persona were
killed, more than a dosen injured and thirty
moro escaped death by the narrowest mar
gin In an incendiary fire which wrecked
the tenement house at 71 H Mulberry atreet
early today. That a deliberate attempt waa
made to destroy the house and its occu
pants aa well the police and firemen do not
doubt. Three barrels stuffed with rubbish
soaked with oil were biasing fiercely in the
lower hall, cutting off the escape of the
fifty or more person who were sleeping on
the upper floors. Bom of these died In
their beds, overcome by smoke and then
caught by tha flames. Othera who had
been arouaed too late fell unconaclous be
fore they could reach a window and were
burned to death scarcely an arm's length safety. Many were Injured by jump
ing from upper windows to the street or
by being crushed as thy fought for posi
tions of safety on th choked fir eacapes.
-The dead:
DREN, aged , S ana t years.
MRU. ROSA SCHETTINO and her T-year
Old daughter, CHRldTINlA.
Several of th Injured who were taken to
hospital are In a critical condition. That
o many persons were killed and aerlously
Injured was in part due to th oareleasness
of the tenant of th house themselves and
their disregard of th rule that fir escapes
must be kept clear of obatructlona at all
times. When the frightened men and
women rushed from their rooms ahead of
the flames they found the wells of the fire
escape platforms covered with boards
which could not be quickly removed. Ex
cited mothera and fathers with children In
their arms and the smoke pouring out of
the windows behind them and the cracking
of the flames In their ears became panic
stricken and tossed their children to friends
In the street. Fully a doaen children were
tossed from the second and third floors and
were caught by men standing In th street
The men and women were later carried
down by firemen en ladders.
Electricians Decide Ak-Sar-Ben Lights
- Will Bs Needed Later.
All Decorations Will Remain In
Plac- and Thonsand of Others
Will Be Pat Ip for
Cora Show.
Electrical decorations for the Ak-8ar-Ben
festivities and thousands of other electric
IlKhts will blase in the streets of Omaha
during the National Corn exposition, which
Is now but sixty days off.
It haa been decided to leave up all lights
for the big corn show. Including those on
the city hall and street aa well as other
building. The colored lights at street In
tersections will be taken down temporarily,
as they are colored with dyea and the color
would wash off In early storms, but they
will go up again and the tlty will show
even more lights than during Ak-Sar-Ben.
In colors of corn and festoons represent
ing ears of the yellow grain which has made
the west famous, the electrical decorations
for rhe show will be extravagant. Plana
are being made for decorations at the Audi
torium in electricity which will make that
building a blase of electric lights.
As the state and foreign countries jiend
word to the management of their Interest,
the management becomes even more deter
mined to put the city in readiness for the
thousands who will visit Omaha December
I to It.
Indiana's Trophy.
O. I. Christie, secretary, announces that
"at the meeting of the special agents and
the commission appointed for the National
Corn exposition to be held at Omaha in
December, a movement waa started to ob
tain funds to purchase a trophy to be
awarded annually for the best ten ears of
corn exhibited at the National Corn exposi
tion. Tha value of the trophy is to be 11,000.
"Through the winnings of Indiana corn
growers at the National Corn exposition
held at Chicago last October, and those
made at other national shows, Indiana has
placed Itself In the front rank of the corn
states. The offering of this trophy at this
time gives the state another opportunity to
maintain the lead In all movements for bet
ter corn. Already the best artists and
designers of the country have been put to
work on this corn trophy and It Is hoped
to get one which will eclipse all trophies
of the kind ever offered. It Is Intended that
this trophy will bring much advertising and
glory not only to the state, but to the corn
growers. The special agents of the counties
of the state have each agreed to contribute
tlO toward the trophy. This means that
the interest in this trophy will be state
wide and that It is well termed an Indiana
corn trophy.
"The interest among Indiana corn growers J
for the National Corn exposition Is running
high at this time and it is felt by those
Interested that a mammoth exhibit will be
made by this state at the exposition In
(Continued from First Page.)
the powers encourages Bulgaria to persist
In Its present attitude.
Varna and other Bulgarian towns are
placarded today with declarations that, the
moment has now arrived to proclaim In
dependence, as otherwise Turkey, on the
strongth of the treaty of Berlin, w!!'. de
mand the restitution of eastern Rumella.
France Hope o Prevent War.
PARIS, Oct. 6. France ha decided to
enact the role of mediator with the object
of preventing war between Turkey and
Bulgaria. Foreign Minister Ptnhon al
ready haa begun a series of conferences
with the diplomatic representatives of the
powers with the idea of reaching an un
derstanding, the purpose of which should
be the maintenance of peace, when the offl
coal news of Prince Ferdinand's proclama
tion at Tirnovo arrived.
The foreign minister conferred this morn
ing with M. Iswolsky, the Russian minister
of foreign affairs, and Naoum Yacha, the
Turkish ambassador. This afternoon hn
will meet the Austro-Hungarlan, British
and American ambassadors, as well as the
Bulgarian diplomatic agent, M. Standoff.
The situation ta considered most grave.
The proclamation of the Independence of
Bulgaria actually has been made, and it
probably would be useless te attempt to
Induce Prince Ferdinand to withdraw It.
Bala-arlan Troops Mobilising.
It Is known that the Bulgarian cavalry
already Is mobilizing om the frontier and
Prince Ferdinand Is determined to stick to
his guns. On the other hand. It probably
would be equally difficult to persuade Tur-
key tj accept Bulgaria's act, while the
sympathies of the powero aro In favor of
the maintenance of the Intearity of Euro
pean Turkey under a regime of liberty.
The diplomatic representatives of the
Dowers generally believe that war would
a 1 1 ruin tn tha naw nnnmt it nt lima I ml In I
Turkey and the sultan would use war as
pretext for withdrawing the constitution.
Thls would be a repetition of his coursSjin
1876, when he withdrew this same consti
tution prior to the outbreak of the Russo-
Turkish war.
Germany for Mediation.
BERLIN, Oct. 8. News was received at
the foreign office last night that Turkey
had been Informed that Bulgaria was de
termined to proclaim lta Independence at
Tirnovo today.
Should the Turkish government seek th
advice of th power regarding th ad
visability of . asserting its supremacy over
Bulgaria by military force, Germany would
not be able to advise the porta to go to
work. The Turkish army la not prepared;
the Bulgarian la ready.
"ffl Is Riot Gold That litters"
But everything made of metal glitters if
repaired, refinished and replated by
Kemper, Hemphill & Bticlcingliam
Cos plating 1
Phone Douglas 78 lor -Prices,
i Block Sooth Fariiani. 314 South Thirteenth Street
Under State Supervision
If you are seeking a safe Investment, this la what
we offer:
You may live anywhere and Invest from $1.00 to
$5,000 with us any day, and after three months may
withdraw part or all of the funds on short notice with
out discount.
The security Is first mortgages on 2,500 pieces of
Improved real estate In Douglas county, Nebraska,
(mostly homes), the mortgages being repayable In
monthly Installments, besides a reserve and undivided
profit account of $93,000.
We have a membership of over 9,000, resources of
$3,060,000 and are growing In favor and dollars dally.
Our dividend rate has never been less than 6 per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually.
We are under state supervision and are regularly ex
amined by expert bank examiners, besides the audit of
our own directors. We have been over 16 years In busi
ness, own our own office building and are prepared In
every way to care safely for all money Invested In our
The Conservative Savings SLoan Ass'n.
1014 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb.
Geo. F. GHmore. Pre. 1. W. Kuhns, Sec'y.
Nearly Seven Keg-istrations in Twenty
Immense Throngs Pass Tkrosgh the
Gateway to Secare Filing for
Some - of the Tripp
lonnty Land.
The rush for the 1,000,000 acre of land
Uncle Sam la to almost give away Is on
and for the next two weeks Union Station
will be a busy sight. Five placea of regla
tration have Seen arranged for by the
government, three of whlrh are reached by
the Northwestern through Omaha.
The days of registration are October S to
17, with the drawing at Dallas, October
19. Borne Idea of the rush that Is now on
may be gained from the report that has
come In that (SO were registered in the first
twenty minutes at Dallas, with other regis
tration points all doing lushing business.
To accommodate all the people who de
sire to go to thejpenlng, the Northwestern
has made elaborate preperatlons. All the
available coaches of ths Northwestern sys
tem are being pressed Into thla service
and officials of the road Bay tbey will
be able to take care of all who come this
way. Eastern roads will turn over large
numbers of people at Omaha, and the
Northweatern haa assembled large numbers
of engines snd coachea to care for the
ruah. The crowfls will be taken In special
trains of ten coaches each, and as soon as
one train is loaded and sent on itn way
another train can be made up in twenty
minutes. Valentine and Gregory are also
doing a rushing business, although Dallas,
as the place of drawing, seems to be get
ting the larger crowds.
This land, which Is said to be worth
from 36 to 140 an acre at present and
which Uncle Bam w.U sell to the lucky
number at W an acre, is a magnet which
will draw perhaps 100,000 people to South
Bea-intrattoa Heavy at O'Xell.
O'NEILL, Neb.,- Oct. 6.-"-(Special Tele
gram.) The registration nt thia pclnt today
exceeded all expeclatlcna for the first day.
1,197 having registered at p. m. It is ex
pected that fully 1.000 more will register
before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, as
two trains heavily loaded with prospective
homesteaders arrived before S p. m., and
more will reach here before midnight.
O'Neill Is spreading Itself for the visitors
nd wlnlng their commendation. Ample
provision haa been made to care for those
who arrive and the best of order prevails.
The crowd is good natured and represent
many different states.
One of the
ti the happy homes, of to-day lei a vast
fund of information as to the best method
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of tho world'!
best product?.
Products of artual excellence and
reasonable claims - truthfull presented
and which have attained U world-wide
j acceptance through the approval of tha
Well-informed of the world; not of indi
viduala only, but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class, of
' own- component parts, an Ethical
I remedy, approved by physicians and com-
. mended hv the Well-informed nf th
World aaa valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-kuoWn Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the genuine, manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
uly, and for tale by all leading druggist
C The only high-claai I
I Baking Powder ld at j J,
' s, v.
The Largest and Best Restaurant
in Omaha la
6te Calumet
1411-15 Douglas St.
You've Tried the Rest.
Now Try the Best.
The Schlitz Cafes
316-20 South 16th Street.
Tonight, Tasday and
Hatinee Wednesday.
Zi. . lire Present Amerloa's (treat
eat Character Actress,
r.Tay Robson
la a Return Engagement.
XTasrt Thursday, r rid ay and Saturday
Matinee Saturday,
The Kit of th Present Season la
Engen Walters' Orsat Play of Amer
ican Life
sat on Male Today. ' '- t ;
October la. 13 and 14 ' -
Slaw It Zrlaag-er's Haw and Oreater
-Popi In Cast-
Prtoai, eOo to $3.00.
Phones Doug; 1606; tnd. A1506
iv ' ars-,aiUeV)"l
Hfrfiag ly that ll th World
V the"'
1 Mats.. ru.. Ihcrs.. 'Bat.'.
j BTxt Sunday, torna Elliott, in -CainUi."-
Thons, Indpztaens A-1464. . ' - i
Mat., dally, :11 every night, 8ll8.
Will M. Crsssy and BUneh Dayae. Clif
ford and Burks, Bower, Walter and
t'rooksr, Amy Stanly, LTln and Zon
anS, X,UUaa Xvlll and Jfcobert SUnolalx,
Bit Sari and Klnodrome.
Prioss loo, 8 So and 80a,
Toi ls at, Matin Wednesday A Musical
Cartoon Comedy
Thursday ZH AT TIE TXanSX.
J M'M X 1-' U