Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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President Gooding" Headi Dejection
Viiitin j Omaha . Thursday.
Tt'Ht rV4-Ua . ( ThU CramlttM
Hnti' Lteatlem f th na
tional Wot Market
Omaka Wit,
, j .'i - 1 J ,
Hsdr. ljylf .President F. W. Gooding of
the Amerk-an Wool Growers' association, a
commute of fle will visit Omaha Thurs
day to look, at site and receive the
proposition of the Omaha Wool and Btor
airc company and th Commercial club for
locating the warehouse of the association
In Omaha. Mmbrs of th committee are
W. Scott Anderson. Brl. Idaho; Thomas
Austin. Bait Lake CMyi J. R. Cosgrlff.
Rawlins, Wyo.jW. B. Sleeper, Cody, Wyo.,
and E. If. Calllster. Bait Lake City. Others
who will come to Omaha are Oeorge 8.
Walker, secretary of the association; Dr.
J. M. Wilson of Wyoming, Lewis Penwell
of Montana Dsn P. Smith of Oregon, N.
8. Nellsen of Utah and 3. A. Delfelder,
president of the Wyoming Wool Growers'
With the decision of the committee rests
the location of the big warehouse. It Is
Generally holleved that the contest has nar
rowed down to Omaha and Chicago.
The building of an association warehouse
means a revolution In the method of the
wool barons In disposing of the clip. , It
means the elimination of the commission
jnon, speculators and professional buyers
who have gone to the ranges and bought
the wool, returned to the east and aold It
to manufacturers at Immense profits.
It was Omaha which started the revo
lution In the method of buying and selling
and first made storage possible. It was
Omaha business men who built the first
warehouse and Omaha bankers who offered
to make advances on the clips from the
range of the . west, thus providing th
growers with the ready money which they
got from the speculators and sold at a
sacrifice in order to get tho 'money. .
" On' Year from Test.
The on year' experience convinced the
American' Wool Growers' association that
the Omaha method of storage was sound
and' 11 was' proposed to erect a large stor
age house which would hold an amount of
wool equal to the entire-clips of Wyoming,
Montana, ' Oregon, -Washington, Idaho,
South Dakota, Nebraska and Utah 100,000,
000 pounds. '
Then Chicago "got In" and began bidding
for- the assttlatlon warehouse. .Ths.Ciil
cagonns tven. offered to- mak loans on
th wool at less than th market rates
for money, something which no sound
business man believes Chicago banks will
do. -
Now It is up to a commltte of the as
sociation to choose between the . of fers . of
Chicago and' the conservative proposition
which the bankers and. business men of
Omaha will offer. Chicago: want the
association ' to guarantee that 100,000,000
pounds of wool will be stored; Omaha says
nothing about the capacity nor asks any
fixed -sire. Chicago make an offer of
"cheap money," while i Omaha believing
that there is no money In Chicago cheaper
than in Omaha. pf fer "all the money
necessary at market rates and usual terms
for' eoliateral loans; Chicago offer ten
acre of "trackage' property," somewhere
out of Chicago where a high switching
will be necessary; Omaha offers to sell
the present plant of the Omaha Wool and
Storage company and tranfer the leases
to abundant terminal property on the
track of the Great Western road Within
a utone's throw of the business section of
Omaha, and whera there will be no switch'
Ing charge.
' . Omaha. Nearer Market.
Finally the Chicago bidders wont the
wool ' men of Wyoming to travel
half way across the continent to attend
the sales of their wools when manufact
urers com west' to Chicago to buy; while
Omaha offers a point five hundred mlks
nearer the ranges, where the wool growers
market their sheep at the terminal of the
western toads which bring the wool direct
to Omaha, and save the growers the ex
pens of time and traveling clear to Chi
cago to attend the wool auctions. In the
words ' of . President pelfelder of tho
Wyoming Wool Qrowers aaslclatlon
"Omaha offers Just what the wool grower
want, 'a near market' while Chicago take
them one step too for. They might Just
a well go to Philadelphia or Boston to
sell their wool if they go to Chicago and
the proposition .to store, wools there defeats
the whole Idea of giving the growers an
advantage in th method of selling their
,wools." , .
Tli Commercial Club ha appointed
special commltte to meet the committee
of the wool grower association - when it
comes to the city, and the entire day will
be spent looking at sites and discussing
tho advantage of Omaha as the natural
wjol market for the sheep barpns of the
Moat Woaderfal H rating-.
After aufferlng many years with a sore
Amos King, Port Byron, N. Y.. waa cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 36c. Beaton
Xrug Co.
Dr.' Boa. Dentist. 415 Barker Block,
Omaha Folks to Have Practical Ex
fetfeit of Means for Combating
Spread of Disease.
The exhibit of the' National Association
for Prevention of Spread of Tuberculosis
will be opened in Omaha on Monday
October 12,- at Edward Crelghton Inatl-
tute on South Eighteenth street. This
exhibit consists of lantern slides and
Working models of suggested rooms, ven
tllating apparatus and the Ilk. It is In
tended to give th people In a practical
and concrete form information that 1
valuable In 'connection with the preven
tion of the spread of the dread disease.
in connection witn me exniblt a pro
gram ' will be arranged for each evening,
when apeaxera will iiscuss th work of
the association and give additional sug
gestion. supplementing those of the ex
kbilt Further announcements will soon
be made. Th commute er fifty having
the matter in charge la actively at work.
ooSSi Powder
Clcantee,- preserves and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
Established U 1066 If
SpecioJ SaJes T"Js
thtatpv TTTiirnrni?
i 0 0
( Bale
of fin all wool sample blanket con-
prices half regular.
l M
LADIES' and MEN'S ftin
Worth up to $1.50. at "
Good serviceable umbrellas 26 and 28
inches long, Paragon frames, box wood,
horn and fancy metal handles, some are silk
warp taffetas. Two lots at 49c and 98c
worth as high as $1.50 each.
i'.! Embroideries at 29c
Extra fine corset cover embroideries, skirtings and flounc-
ings many hand loom needlework
all widths up to 18 inches and
worth up to GOc a yard
at. ..........
JSJl-IJlUf ..:irm,m.TnViTl MM),,, ,111 1,1 HBMlHHatlk J OJIKggra'JILHBiy IM.J...WJS
Sale of
Clioice lots from a special purchase, bought at about one
half regular price plaid, black, grey or tan materials,
all sizes, worth as high C I t)R e o OB
omens uamcoats
as $12.00 splendid
bargains at.
Blankets lu various
sizes and grades un
finished samples that
would be worth, if
complete, $1.25 pair,
Tuesday, f f
each IjC
The best light and
dark outing flannel
checks, stripes and
broken ' checks; no
where else can you
buy thig a i
grade. Jd..... 0?C
A r n o 1 d's bordered
flannelettes, prettiest
patterns, best mater
ial for long or short
' kimonos, washable
off the bolt f 'Jl
yard laSjC
Red Seal, A. F. C. and
Toile du Nord ging
hams, new fall pat
terns for waists and
children's wear, dress
and waist length;
per yard,
The very best grade
yard wide bleached
muslin and long cloth
at, per f
Amoskeag apron
check gingham, all
sizes; blue, brown,
green and black and
white checks, original
mill bolts. c
at, yard .DC
We recently purchased for
spot cash a $32,000 stock
or room-size ru. u.t a hnn t
50o on the dollar, and we will place on sale next Monday, October
12th, this entire stock at about half the usual price. This is one of
the very best purchases we have made for a Ions; time. In point of
bargain giving and superior good offered and the Immense line to
choose from, this sale has never had an equal la Omaha or anywhere
else. Some of these goods are now on display in twelve our immense
show windows, and nearly our entire third floor will be given over
to this great sale. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12TH.
9. fc. BKAJTSZia ft BO.
Fire Thousand Bass and Crappiei
Brought Up by O'Brien.
State Commissioner Is Greeted at
Depot by Rod and Can Club
Men, Who Escort Htm to
, th Lake.
W. J. O'Brlei., superintendent of the
state fisheries at South Bend, arrived in
Omaha Monday morning with a carload of
fish which he placed in Cut-Off lake. Tho
consignment this year was one of the best
Mr. O'Brien has brought to Omaha for
some time, as the fish were all large and
of sufficient slse to care for themselves.
Most of them were six months or over
and had been reared in the big ponds at
the state fisheries with other fish, so
they were accustomed to looking after their
own protection.
The consignment consisted of 5.O0O fish
2,500 bass and 2,600 crapples. Mr. O'Brien
was met at the Burlington station by the
officers of the Omaha Rod and Gun club
with a special car of the Omaha St Council
Bluffs ' Street Railway company. The
twenty-five large pans of fish were taken
by the trolley car to the grounds of the
Omaha Rod and Gun club, where the fish
were - placed in the lake. Some of the
bass were six inches long and were beau
ties. , -
Mr. O'Brien thinks ha will hare another
load of fish thla fall for Omaha. When
the ponds are gone over there may be some
more fish at the fisheries . that . can . be
spared, and he also expects to get soma
larger fish at Gibson' rake, In Iowa.
The fish commissioner will leave Tues
day night for. the northwestern part of the
state with a carload, of fish for those
waters. He will take the car from Omaha
to Gretna, where it will be filled with fish
and taken to Valentine, with stops along
the way.
Word has also been received that the
United States ' government Intends to place
a large number of crapplea in Cut-Off lake
thla fall. Application was made two years
two for these fish and now comes the word
they are about ready for delivery.
Both the atate fish commissioner and
the United States government are pleased
with the efforts of -the'Omaba Rod and
Gun club to protect th fish in the lake.
The club hire a man to patrol th lake,
to confiscate all seins and to. arrest all
seiners. So persistent have been the ef
forts of the club that It is thought all
seining has been stopped.
New Voter Alans; th Nataraltsatloa
Host Flock Into th
Coart HasM.
.. Over 100 new voters hav been added to
the lists In Douglas county by the-naturalisation
process during th lat two weeks.
Th law provide voter taking out their
first paper within thirty day of an elec
tion cannot vote at that election and the
time during which prospective voter at
Ui fall election could tak out their paper
Matchleaa in Quality and Style
Matchless in Low Pricing. 1
The tremendous Suit business this ,
department ls now doing ls the log
ical result of a persistent, determined
endeavor to offer suit values that
Thousands of superb jnodels, each
a marvel of tailored elegance, forms
the most comprehensive and irresist
ible showing known to Omaha re
tailing. Every day some new, late idea
passes into stock. We keep in close
touch with the foremost New York
Ias ranlrllv flu thpv annpnr
Our twenty-five' dollar suits are ex
pressive of the smartest fashions.
The materials are rich broadcloths
and all-wool novelty fabrics. There
are scores of designs representing
every new style Innovation. Dlrec
tolre and empire coats, sheath and
coat skirts; sumptuous trimmings,
highest grade linings; suits that
look like $35.00 values, and priced
at that in many stores
Other superior values at S15.00,
$19.60 and $20.50.
Tuesday Sale of
House Slippers
The shoe buyer has Just cleaned up a big purchase of felt house slip
pers, fur trimmed Juliets and boudoir slippers at a phenomenal low
price. There are all sizes and colors, very best of styles, too; Cfin
good $2.00. value. A rare bargain OC
At same time we offer lot of felt and leather house slippers, in small
Blzea only (up to 4), our regular $1.25 kinds. If your size ls here,
buy them for 50
Bennett's Big Grocery
Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack. . . .SI. 60 and 60 Stamps
IJennett's Qolden Coffee, pound BSo and SO Stamp
Teas, assorted, pound 48o and 40 Stamps
Crackers, big assortment, rkit 10O and 10 Stanuis
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can 8o and 20 Green Stamps
Bennett's Capitol Kxtract 18o and 20 Green Stamps
j. M. t,riy June 1'eas, tnree cans sso
California Ollv Oil. bottle 3So and 10 Green Stamps
Beauty Asparagus, can ' 89o and 20 Green Stamps
Old Dutch Cleanser, large pkg BSo and 10 Green Stamps
Hex Lye. three cai.s 230 and 10 Green Stamps
Castile Toilet Soap, ten cakes ,.i)5o and 10 Green Stamps
Tea Garden Preserves, jar ...300 and 10 Green Stamps
Jell-O. assorted, 3 pkigs 850 and 10 Green Stamps
Galllard's Olive OH, bottle 35o and 20 Green Stamps
Southwell's Marmalade, Jar 80o and 10 Green Stamps
Wiggle Stick Bluing, six for sao and 10 Green Stamps
26c Grape Juice for
, .lSo Ginger Snaps, lb.
It's easy enough to say: "We'll
sell the best $3.60 woman's shoe
made," but It ls not so easy to
back up the assertion.
We are satisfied that we can
prove to you that we have the
best, and hundreds of women who
are wearing our $3.50 shoes will
verify the statement when we say
that , j
We sell the
best $3.50
Shoe Made
The leathers are selected stock
the shoemaklng perfect the
styles up to the moment and we
carry a full line of sizes and
widths, and can fit any foot.
Drexel Shoe Co.
war ran
wiiuc icein
If If 1 Usually cause a pleasure long
r to be remembered. They are
usually the result of the very closest
attention at the proper time. If you
have postponed this important duty,
you will be glad to know how we can
help you to "make good."
One reason you will likely commend
our operations we are firm believers
In work that makes patients bo well
batlsfled that no desire will enter their
minds that they could have done bet
ter at another dentist.
Coma In and get a few facts about
your teeth.
CROWNS, $5.00.
Taft's Dental Room
expired Saturday. All day and until late
at night foreigner seeking their papers
crowded the office of the district clerk, lo3
taking out their paper during the day.
The Daily Club
. -
Fifty Daily Newspaper
Circulation over 2,500,000
The fifty daily newspapers belonging to the
Daily Club combined. have a total circulation of
over Two and One-Half Million Copies per day.
They cover most of the United States from
Boston to San Francisco and from Chicago to
Houston, Texas.
On a reasonably large contract the rate for
advertising in these fifty daily newspapers is four
dollars 'and seventy-seven cents $4.77 per agate
line about three-sixteenths of a cent per line
per thousand circulation.
'And the circulation is just where you want
it and where it will do the most good.
If; you manufacture goods for general con
sumption, think this over and write us.
901 World Building
nr. a
It's All Over B
The Ak-8ar-Bn tVuMvltles. Now let's get down to busl
n. You need more, eilver, table ware, or the old clock
Jewelry line; spend a few minutes In our store. Look for t
uie (tcaiiic. r,-
Q W I INni V laurnlAf
It makes the toilet something- to b eft.
Joyed. It remove all stains and roughness,
prevent! prickly ht and chafing, and
leave th skin white; ot, healthy. In th
bath it bring a glow and eahilaratioa which
no common soap can equal, imparting the
rigor and 1 if sendoa of a mild Turkiak
-. Au. Gkocbm and Putiois. t
Advartls In
bp other drag kabtu ara psitllr eared tiy
HABITINa. For brpodermlo or Intern l u.l.
Beuiple trot to snr drug kshttar by
tomlt. Rufuler price t) N per bottle a TCv
Jroar drussut or br nail la plai wrapper.
Mall Order FiUed Ujr
Tuesday's Bargain Bulletin
The Twentieth Century Fanner
A Live Aajrtcmltvisml Payer.
Boys' School
Suits, 2 Pairs
Pants, to 55
Values, 53.50
120, 522.5 a .VK
Suits, at 59
See windows.
IAIn4mm I In JniiiainnM lnrr AlV'VjlV Ulf
wwiiiiui uiiUurvYuui, iiiuii biuii t
One of the largest eastern knitting mills, with an immense ')
surplus on hand and badly in need of ready cash, sold ns their,-
entire stock on hand. Over 10 car loads of Men's, Women's &nfi "
Children's Winter Underwear, at a price far below Cost of Produo- v
tion. Tlie first shipment has been received and will be placed on
sale luesday, offering to our customers Bargains without a par ?
allel in the history of Omaha merchandising. .. i!
Children's Underwear, all sites, extra
line quality gllk, fleeced, worth regu
larly to 50c a garment, 15, lf)
and 25c
25c Infant's All Wool Hose Silk heel
'and toe, all colors, on sale, pr.,
Infant's Lined Bonnets Silk embroid
ered, values to $1.60, on sale, each,
at 25e and 4ft
Infanta' Sacqnes. Sleeping Garment
and Right llobcs Values to 98c, on
sale at, choice !rs
Infants' Plnnine Blankets. Hnooue.
Booties, Etc. Worth to 60c, on sale
at, choice 10c
Ladies' Vests and Pants. In whita or
grey, winter welghtB, all sizes, values
to 98c a garment, on sale at If),
39 and 50t
Ladies' Combination Suit Worth to
2.50, in four great lots at 3f)S
49S 75 and ...98
Ladies' Combination Suits Worth to
$1.00, grey or white, silk taped, all
sues 394 and 49
Misses' and Children's I'nlpa' Salts
Regular 50c values, at .. 25
Men's Shirts or Drawer- Extra heavy
fleece, regular values to $1.00. on
sale at .35 and 45
8:80 to 0:80, Children's Undomeajs
.Heavy quality, worth 25c a garment,
&t uk.;.io
0:30 to 10:80, Men's and Boys' Over
; nils With or without bib, worth to
$1.00 a pair, all sizes, at.' 29
10.SO to 11:80, Men's or Ladles' Hose
Worth 26c, heavy quality, blacks,
blues, greys, etc, at 10c
10:80 to 11:30 Ladies' Union Salts
Silk fleeced, pink or white, silk taped.
$1.50 values , , . ... .59
Extra Specials for TueGcSay;
I . S" ; Af a!': t . J"
In Our Famous Domestic Room
From 0 to 0:30 A. M. One case of 6c
bleached muslin, 30-in. wide, fine
finish. 10 yard limit, at, yard. .2W
From 10 to 10:30 A. M. One case of
36-in. sllkollne, regular 12 He grade,
only 10 yards to a customer, at. .5
From 2 to. 2:80 P. M One case ol
10c shaker flannel, fine quality, 10
yard limit, at, yard .....494
From 3 to 8:80 P. M. One case white
sheetings, 1.2 and 8 yds. wide,
unbleached, worth from 18c to 25c
a yard, 10 yard limit, at, yard, OH
Blanket Sale in Our Famous Domestic
From 0:30 to 10 A. M. One case of
extra heavy blankets, fine cotton,
called Dakota, each, single ...25
Per pair . . . .A
From 10.30 to 11 A. M. Extra larae
heavy cotton blankets. Frankfort,
regular price $1.75 per pair; two pair
to a customer at, a pair T5
From 2:80 to 8 P. M On case fine
wool blankets, tegular prica- $2.75:
two pairs to a customer, ner pair,
t 3V. . -81.48
From 8:80 to 4:30 P. M. One case of
strictly all wool plaid blankets, reg
ular price ls $6.50 a pair; two pairs
limit, at, pair,;:. $3.49
Two Hour Sales in Our
High Grade Linen Department Tuesday
1 Tom y rui au a. m. ou dozen
Devonshire hemmed Huck
Towels, extra large size, heavy
and absorbent, 19c values; for
this sale, each ....1 7 C
From 2 Till 3 P. M 25 bolts of
pure Linen Toweling, 19 inches
wide, full bleached, with color
ed border, regular 15c value -for
this sale, yard. . . . ; .7V2C
Tuesday is Bargain Day
In Our Great Cloak Department
Silk Nets and Waists, that sold at $3,
will go at choice .$1.50
110.00 and 812.50 Cravenette Coats
All newest styles, broken lots, on sale
at, choice $5.00
infants' silk Bonnets 50c values, at. "
choice lO
Infants' Flannelette Pinning Blankets
50c values 19
Infants' Booties, in all cojorg; 39c val
ues at
700 new Suits, 1,500 Skirts, 1,000 Ladies' Coats and over 1,100 Child
ren's CoatB Just received by express from our New York buyer again com
pletes our lines which were very much depleted by the past ten days' tre
mendous selling.
Extra Special for Tuesday in Groceries
On account of the bad weather Monday it was impossible' for all 'our cus
tomers to do their trading so we have decided to continue this big feale
Tuesday in Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Fresh Vegetables. Frulta and
Extra fancy No. 1 Freestone Peaches, per crate t T!W
Extra fancy Clingstone Peaches, per crate 65
Green Tomatoes for Canning W-bu. basket green tomatoes .......... lr1
-bu. basket Green Peppers , . .,.,.. 25
Grape-Nuts, per pkg .......;...; .....S
Mail Orders Filled Except in Cass of Hour Sales
jit v-j
To Each and Every Person '.' ' , i
m ... .-TWO CENTS ; M v. '
0' Political Platform Book m
" i.VjsM,
' . coauioiag the plsifonas 'J 1
ol, sod much tcctiMte and interedint . t j
J -informstion concerning, the five priii- '
Ir.&'A f1 Pl political part let whote prejiden- ' f.'5if
Z'ys lisl cndtdses sre now in llie field. , , j
''''; I soosiss: jT'iV'' '
union pacifio j
City Ticket Oloo. 134 rarnsm t. jfitti li
'''Nsw Vhoass, sU, PouT. !. A3S31. tj'iT ' -
ar-A-: '?w. . t -tr--'..t ( ii
'mi! V
"v;. : 'Ti
1 . l: K
Noon Day Lunch... 50c
It's the Best Lunch In Omaha .
Grill Room - HOTEL ROME
lOth nfid Jackson Sts.