Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Register Tuesday, Oct, 6
Booliis cpet Iron 8 a. n. to 9 p. m.
Register Tuesday, Oct. 6
Booths open from 8 1, tn. to 9 p. n.
Bulgaria Formally Proclaims
Independence of Saltan.
Clash Between Opposi,0. Ms Not
' Improbable.
France Taku Lead in Attempt
Prevent Conflict.
Anaoaarement by rmifta JwP
He Intends to An Bonl
, and Helstrovlna Caasee
Farther Alarm.
PARIS, Oct. 6. The Tsmp today pub
lishes a message from Vienna saying that
the Bulgarian army 1 marching toward the
frontier and that th Turks alio are mov
ing forward to the ancounter and Austria
Hungary ! mobilising two army corps.
No official confirmation had been re
cclved In Pari .up to o'clock thla even
ing ot ' the reported mobilization, of the
troupe by Turkey and Bulgaria. It la be
lieved here that Bulgaria will remain on
the defensive.
,'.'"' '
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 6. Bulgaria, a
tributary principality under the euaeralnty
of the aulun of Turkey, today proclaimed
Ita independence of Turkey.
Thla action wa taken at Tlrnovo by
Frlnes Ferdinand, who waa elected prince
of Bulgaria In 1887. The Bulgarian cabinet
wa present with the prince, having met
him yesterday at the frontier and Journeyed
with him to Tlrnovo. . The party reached
Tlrnovo last evening. :
Tlrnovo ia the ancient capital of the
kingdom of Bulgaria and It waa there In
the olden days that the kings of Bulgaria
were crowned.' ' '
Timer Uvci Net Wast War.
LONDON, Oct. S. Turkey Is not Inclined
toward' war with Bulgaria and Intimates
that It will call conference ot the powers
to consider the matter of Bulgaria's procla
mation of Independence.
Indications from' the other capitals of
Europe are that the power will Intervene
to prevent hostilities in the near east. All
the chancellories of Europe are busy today
with efforts to discover a modus vlvendl
which ' will result In the maintenance of
pescet '
Prance has' decided to act as mediator for
the purpose of preventing war .between
Turkey and Bulgaria, and M.PIchon, the
French minister of foreign affairs, la today
actively engaged In negotiations to this end
which he began a week ago. ) ,
Great Britain also has made mediatory
prop seals .tv .ahar gov eiSMwer.ta -of Turkey'
and Bulgaria." Germany, it la 'announced
tn Berlin, has associated Itself with these
proposals and will not counsel Turkey to
go to war.
The proclamation . of Bulgarian Inde
pendence has been Immediately preceded by
a conflict between Bulgaria and Turkey
concerning control of the Oriental railroad
In eastern Rumella. Bulgaria took pos
session of this line In September because
of a strike and started to operate It with
Its Military force. When the atrlke had
been settled Bulgaria refused to return
control to Turkey, j which action led to a
sharp conflict between the two states.
' Both Sides Make Ready.
In spite of the peaceful endeavora of the
powers concerned in this near eastern dif
ficulty, the military forces of both Turkey
and BulgarU are preparing for eventuali
ties. The Turkish army Is stronger nu
merically, but the Bulgarian army la In
a better oondltion of efficiency.
That all energies aro being bent towards
the maintenance- of peace la clear. The
foreign offices of Kb rope are keeping the
wires hot today In an effort to find a
baals of agreement aatiafactory to the pow
era chiefly concerned that shall take the
placa of the treaty of Berlin. This Austria
Hungary and Bulgaria have torn up and
.thrown into the.faoea of the signatories
of the Convention, which haa governed the
situation In th near east for the last thirty
year. .
The action taken today by Bulgaria and
Austria-Hungary la practically condemned
In ' all official and diplomatic, circles of
London, but at the same time the British
government is preparing to co-operate 1n
any purificatory step which may be de
cided upon by the power concerned. The
main l'ea Is the prevention of a warlike
outbreak. .
Preaels Joseph After Territory.
Ktts no less Interesting than the act of
Prince Ferdlnsnd I brought In the Vienna
dispatches to the effect that Austria-Hungary
has practically decided to annex the
occupied provinces of Bosnia and Herxe-
govlna. Emperor Francis Joseph has ad -
dressed an autograph etter to the heads of
all tlaus, In which he explain the neces
sity ef altering the political status of these
province. This communication la being de
livered today,
Price on th Bourses of Europs hav fal
len sharply on tlm two political develop
ment. ' ' '
Kevlaiea of Berlla Treaty.
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 6.-U la an
nouncd with authority today that Russia
probably will propose a congress of the
powtrs for a general revision of the Ber
lin treaty, Thl I an outcome of the proc
lamation of Bulgarian Independence. Russia
has reason to believe that the annexation
Of Bosnia and Heraegovlna by Austria
Hungary 1 Imminent.
Count Berchthold, the Austro-Hungarian
ambassador to Russia, who has been amay
On leave of absence, returned to this city
today and demanded an Immediate audi
ence of Emp ror Nlcholaa. It was ar
ranged that he should see his majesty to
piorrow. The emperor la cruising In the
gylf ef Flndlay. A naval yacht has been
placed St th dttpoeal of Count Berchthold.
Test of X.w Mlalstrr.
Convinced that Austria, backed by Ger
many, encouraged Bulgaria tn devlar its
Independence in order to strike a blow at
th Kalmll ministry and compromise the
ntw constitution.
' It Is not known what ateps Turkey will
take, but one impreaslon prevails that a
European conference will be held to con
ldr th whole question.
Advices obtained In an authoritative
eaarter of Sofia art to the effect that only
some of th powers supported the British
proposal for th settlement of the railroad
queetlon. This a apt of unanimity among
(Continued ou Second Tage.)
Taesilay, October 6, 110.
1908 OOdltElte- 190$
snf ,iavr tol Ma unr m
-r- r -r- 2 3
45 6 Z 8 9 10
11 12 IS 14 15 16 1Z
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 2Z 28 29S0S1
tki wiiraxa.
VICINITY Tuesday fair and cooler.
FOR NEBRASKA Tuesday fair, with
cooler in east portion.
FOR IOWA I nreaiemns;, wmi uuncia
In east central portions Tuesday; cooler in
west portion Tuesday.
Temperature at Omaha:
I a. m..
(a. m..
7 a. in..
8 a. m. .
9 a. m . .
10 a. m. .
11 a. tn..
12 m
1 p. m..
! p. m..
1 p. m..
4 p. m..
i p. m..
6 p. ni..
7 p. m..
8 p. m. .
9 p. m..
George W. Berge writes his declination
to run as the populist nominee for gov
ernor and places It In the hands of
Bryan's friend, A. S. Tlbbetts. age 1
Judge Taft begins two days' Invasion
of Missouri and is well received by the
laboring men of that state. Pag 1
Governor Hughe makes speech In Wis- j
consln In which he again declares tli
remedie of Mr. Bryan will be futile if
applied. Pag a
Extensive preparations are being made
for Hughes duy at Grand Island. Pag 3
Nebraska democrat are planning to
have Mr. Bryan deliver seventy speeches
In three days In the state. Pag a
Congressman Nicholas Long-worth ex
plains the origin of the story that he said
the president would again, be a candidate
for office. Paga 1
Bulgaria declares Itself Independent, and
while tlte powers are anxious to avoid
war, there seems little likelihood of doing
so. Pag 1
Incendiary fire in New York causes the
death of ten persons. Pag 2
It took a letter thirteen years to make
the trip from New York to Brooklyn.
Pag 1
Charles E. Hughes, governor of New
York, George L. Sheldon, governor of Ne
braska, and A. W. Jefferls, .republican
candidate for congress, will speak at the
Auditorium this evening. Pag 1
Rural mall carriers, holding meeting of
national association In Omaha, talk good
roads and may send resolutions to con
gress asking for some action. Pag 1
Committee of National Wool Growar'
association' will visit Oman Thursday to
look at sites hd receive" propositions
from business men for locating the asso
ciation warehouse in Omaha. Pag 10
Grand Jury for October term is drawn,
C. C. George of George & Co. made fore
man and Judge. . Sear delivers - a long
charge. Page 3
Electrical decorations for Ak-Sar-Ben
will remain in place for the National
Corn exposition and thousands of new
lights will be added, corn color being the
favorite shade. Page 9
Chances are good for Samson having a
neat balance on the credit side of the led
ger, regardless of the heavy expense to
which the governors went to entertain the
city's guests. . Pag B
Results of the ball games:
4-6 Philadelphia vs. Brooklyn S-l.
I New York vs. Boston 1.
Chicago vs. Detroit 1.
6-1 Cleveland vs. St. Louis S-S.
S Washington va. Philadelphia 0.
4 Boston va. New York 0,
Pag 9
Live stock market. Pag 7
Grain markets. . , Par 7
! 8tockn1 bonia.
Pag T
. Etrurla
. Columbia ..
' t'lfonla
. .Caledonia.
Kansas City Asks for a Greater Defer
eatlal a Against Omaha to
th Soatbeast.
KANSAS CITY, ISO., Oct. S. (Special
Telegram.) An Important cnnfeience,
which may result in a compromise In the
differential grain Yata complaint of Kan
sas City against various railroads, will be
held here tomorrow. Tho complaint of the
Kansae City grain dealers Is that tho rates
1 iven Omaha re so slightly higher than
those given Kansas City to St. Loul. Cairo,
Memphis, New Orleans arl Galveston as
to constitute In fsct discrimination against
Kansaa City
The men to be In the conference here to
moiraw are Theodonj Brent, assistant to
the third vice pretklcnt of the Chicago,
Rock Island A Pacific; E. B. Boyd, as
sistant to the third vice president of the
Gould lines; some traffic official of the
Chicago, Burlington A Quincy railroad, E.
J. McVann, secretary of the Grain ex
change of Omaha; J. C. Lincoln, transpor
tation commissioner vt St. Louis, and H.
G. Wilson, commissioner of the Kansas
City transportation bureau. The differ
ential case is set for hearing here before
on October iZ.
F.laht aapposea to' Be Dead and
Member lejared, Oae
NEW YORK. Oct. 6 -Eight persons are
believed to. hav been burned to death and
several were Injured, one 'atally. In a fire
In a crowded tenement house on Mulberry
street, between 1 and 2 o'clock this morn
ing. Several tenants Jumped from wlndowa
and fire escapes when flames cut oft their
The fire started on the first floor In
a dry goods store and spread rapidly.
There Is a fire escape on the front of
the building,' but It was of little use, as
the' fifty persons in the building lost their
heads and children, were thrown from the
windows to the street. Fortunately nearly
all ot the children were caught by persons
on the sidewalk. .
At 1:16 o'clock thia mornlrg the police re
ported eight persons dead In the fire. Four
bodies have been removed from the build
ing, those J taa one wuman and a
little girl ;
Rnral Mail Messengers Hold Sixth An
nual Conrcntion Here.
Delegates Come from All Quarters
and Several Bqaada Will Ask
for the Next National
The sixth annual convention of th Na
tional Rural Letter Carriers' association
will be held In Orraha, opening
morning and closing Friday room
ing, morning, afternoon and evening ses
sions to be held each day. Th sessions
of the convention will be held In the con
vention hall of Hotel Rome and the Rom
will be headquarters of the convention.
Th association Is composed ot mall car
riers on free delivery routes throughout the
country and delegates from the fou cor
ners of the United States arrived Monday,
the officers expecting a total attendance
during th week of between 1,000 and 1,600.
The delegates will come and go and It Is
expected that there will not be more than
too at any on meeting of the convention,
though the officers, members of the execu
tive committee and some of the delegates
will romaln throughout the entire conven
The discussion of good roads will b a
leading subject In the convention. President
Paul L. Lindsay of Tucker, Ge.. says , on
whole day will be given over to thl one
subject. The association may adopt a mem
orial to congress on this subject
To Doable Per Capita Tax.
Considerable discussion Is also expected
on the proposition to double th per capita
tax ot members of the association and the
payment of the expense of delegates, and
President Lindsay says that he look for a
fight on the floor of the convention. The
last convention decided to raise the p.-r
capita tax to SI and to pay the expenses of
delegates, but this has since met with con
siderable opposition and the sixth conven
tion will be asked to overrule th action of
the last meeting.
The convention will be called to order at
11 o'clock Tuesday morning. Addresses of
welcome will be delivered by Governor
Sheldon on behalf of the state and by
Mayor Dahlman on behalf of the city. H.
H. Wlndson, editor of the Rural Free De
liver News, will deliver the response to the
addressee of welcome. In the afternoon the
program calls for addresses by Senator
Brown, Senator Burkett, Congressman Hln-
shaw. Congressman Hitchcock, Postmaster
Thomas, Ashton C. ' Shallenberger and
George Washington Berge. Committees will
also be appointed at the afternoon sesalon.
Business of th Meetiaa.
Tuesday evening the real work i of th
convention will begin, the program for that
evening and the following three days being
aa follows: - '
7:30-rConventlon reassembles.
7:85 Report of credentials committee; del
egates seated.
7:45 Report of officer.
9:00 Adjournment.
8:0aVConveulkm oalled to order.
9:06 Report of State Secretaries club;
lime anowea eacn atate, tnree minutes.
12:00 OpenlnB question box.
1:00 Adjournment for lunch.
2:25 Convention reassembles.
3:30 Subject, "Good Roads," C. M.
Adams, president. Iowa association; E. R.
Maxey, Jersey vllle, lnd. .
6:30 Adjournment.
7:80 Convention reassembles.
7:35 Discussion of good roads.
9:00 Adjournment.
9:00 Convention called to order.
9:06 Report of standing committee.
9:46 Report of special committee.
11:16 Unfinished business.
11:45 New business.
12:15 Adjournment for lunch.
2:30 Convention reassembles.
2:. Closing of unfinished and new bust
6:00 Adjournment.
Some form of entertainment.
9:30 Convention called to order.
9:40 Election of officers.
11:15 Selection of place for next conven
tion. 12:30 Convention closed.
"The sole object of the National Rural
Letter Carrtert' association Is to exchange
Ideaa, and by discussion and the listening
to add. esses by men who know and who
have had experience to Increase the ef
ficiency of the men who carry Uncle Sam's
mail on the rural free delivery routes," said
President Lindsay. "We held our first
convention in Chicago In September, 1903,
and now have an association composed of
several thousand carriers. Rural free de
livery was started by the government as
en experiment some twelve years ago, but
three years ago It decided upon It as a
permanent branch of the mall service, and
we who are In the work f lrat hand are try
lngto Improve 'ourselves and the condi
tions under which we work."
Largteat from Indiana.
The largest delegation to arrive Monday
was that from Indiana with thirteen dele
gates, two of whom are women. Miss
Leona Funhouses of Yorktown, Inti.,
21 years of age, ha carried the mail over
a route twenty-seven and one-half miles
long for four years; and Mrs. Alice Condo
of Alexandria, lnd., haa driven the rural
mall wagon over a route twenty-five
miles long for six years. Miss Funkhouser,
a pretty blond, took up the work when her
father died In August, 19o4, and has since
supported her mother and several young
young brothers and slaters.
"I don't think It very remarkable, this
work I am doing," aald Miss Funkhouser,
who Is a delegate for the third time to a
national convention. "I would much rather
carry mall than teach school, and teaching
school Is about the only work a young
woman In the rural districts of the Hoosltr
state can do to support herself and those
dependent upon her. I have had no re
markable experiences, the people on my
route are nice to me, even though they do
not get mall every day, and being a mail
carrier I get a chance to attend theas con
ventions, where 1 always have a good
Mrs. Condo is carrying mall over a route
where five male cariiera In two years failed
on account of the bad roada. Mrs. Condo
rays tliut her perseverance was tougher
than the roads and that she won in the
fight with all manner ef obstacles which
confronted her. She will be a leading
speaker when 'the subject of good roads
coints up fur discussion in th convention.
The other members of the lnd ana UeUgi
tWn are: Frey of Peudleton, chair
man of the exocutive committee; Bruce
Kalhbun. Orland, Addison Scott. Fairmont;
John Grimes, Earn wood; James H. Working;,
Anderson; Charles Ware. Greentown;
George Maxwell, Bortland; Corwln G. Over
heUer, Bentonvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Babcock
and George B. Robblna, Rochester; R. B.
(Continued on Second Page.)
1 -
From th St Louis Times.
Time to So Both. Tuesday Night,
When New Yorker Comes.
Governor Sheldon and A. W. Jefferls
Will Sireak and State and
County Officials Will Be
Charles Evans Hughes, governor of New
York, will speak at the Auditorium Tues
day evening, but on account of Tuesday
being registration day he will not be In
troduced until 9 o'clock, the hour the regis
tration booths close. This will give an
opportunity to all men who will no have
the time to register during the day to
visit one of the fifty-four registration
booths In the evening and regtster and still
get to the Auditorium in time to hear the
governor of the Empire state speak.
nnvrrnor Huahes' original Itinerary
called for arrival In Omaha early In the
evening, but members of the committee ap-
pralaed him of the fact that Tuesday Is
registration day and for that reason he
will make ono more stop during the day
and reach Omaha at 8:30 In the evening,
coming from Missouri Val.ey In the special
The governor will be Introduced at 9
o'clock, but the big political meeting will
begin at 8 o'clock, Governor Sheldon to
precede the New York executive. A. "W.
Jefferls, nominee for congress, will be
the flri speaker. Governor Sheldon to
come next and Governor Hughes last.
Muslo will be furnished by Finn Greater
Omaha Union band and all state, county
and city candldatea will have seata on the
stage, as well as the accredited delegates
to the national conventlpr. of the Nutlonal
Rural Letter Carriers association, which
begins its session Tuesday morning.
Governor Hughes will be met at Missouri
Valley by Frank Crawford, county chair
man; Myron L. Learned and Isadore
Ztegler, members Of the state committee;
Howard W. Baldrlge. chairman of the
reception committee; John C. Wharton,
treasurer of the state committee, and Post
master B. F. Thomas.
Governor Hughes will spend Tuesday
night In Omaha, leaving Wednesday morn
ing at 7:30.
If you want to vote at the coming election, and at the Omaha or South Omaha primaries next spring, you must register
this fall. No former registration will avail. The registrars will sit on Tuesday, O tober 1. at the following places from s
o'clock a. m. until 9 o'clock p. m., and all voter who did not register on th day of th primary election In September should
register today.
City of Omaha.
1st Dlst 1203 8. 6th.
Id Dlst 801 Pacific.
Sd Dlst 170J ri. 10th.
4th Dlst 919 Bancroft.
1st I'lst M'ii 8. 'SHU.
td Dlst 2023 Vinton.
Id Dist 15il Vinton.
4th Dlst 1704 Vinton.
6th DIM 5204 8. 16lh.
1st Dlst 161 Webster,
td Dlst 118 8. l'h.
Id Dlst 113 N. 16th.
4th Dlst 410 8. IJth.
Ith Tlt 08 8 18th.
1st Dlst 1(18 Davenport.
M Dlst 432 S. llth.
11 Dlst 718 S. ltth.
4th Dlst Sis B. 20th.
ttli Mat illOl Davsnnnrt.
The Paramount Issue
i t
Charges Read to Board and Taking!
of Testimony Postponed
for Day.
MANILA, Oct. 8. The court-martial ap
pointed to pans on the charges against
Lieutenant Frank ' T. Evana met today
aboard the battleship Vermont. The
charges and specifications were read and
the court adjourned until tomorrow when
the taking of testimony will be begun. The
court Is composed of Captain Beaton
Bchroeder, Judge advocate; Captains W.
P. Patter, T. B. Howard, Lieutenant Com
manders W. C. Bartollet. H. C. Scales,
I M. Nulton, W. C. Cole, Lieutenants J.
H. Holden and L. C. Palmer.
Major Williams of the marine corps Is
prosecuting officer and the defence Is lu
the hands of Captain Harding and Lieu
tenant Kayser.
Attorney General Orders Salt of
Western Roads Plaeed Ahead of
All Other Litigation.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 6.-James R. Gray, clerk
of the United States circuit court, today
received a communication from Attorney
General Bonaparte, asking that the Injunc
tion suit filed by flftyflve western and
southwestern railroads to restrain the In
terstate Commerce commission from en
forcing an order reducing live atock rates
on shipments from the southwest to Chi
cago, St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Jo
seph be advanced on the docket ahead of
all other litigation. The attorney general
also asked that the papers 1n the case
be sent as soon as possible to Judges Van
deventer, Hook and Adams.
Thirteen Year Taken by Letter to
Travel Across Bridge from
NEW YORK. Oct. 6. Thomas F. Davis,
a roofing cpntractor, upon receiving a let
ter at his home In Brooklyn, made a hur
ried trip to Manhattan, turning over In his
mlr.d the prospects of fat profits from a
very pronilsina bid for work made In the
letter. When he arrived at an office In a
downtown building he asked if he could
see the bidder whose r.amo signed the let
tor. "He has been dead for thirteen years." a
clerk replied.
Inspection of the envelope showed that
tho letter had been mailed August S, 1894.
Tuesday, October
1st Dlst 3S04 Bh'rm'n Av
2d l'ist 225 Sherman Av
id Dlst 2601 tbarnj
Sherman Ave.
4th Dlst 1S4 Sherman
Sth Dlst 1188 N. 16th.
1st Dist 2107 N. 24th,
td Dint 108 N. 24th. .
Id Dlst 2004 N. 28th.
4th Dlst 2121 Military
lat Dlat 2719 Leavenw'th
td Dlst 1507 Park Ave.
Id Dlst 1338 Park Ave.
4th Dlst 2106 8. 23d
(barn, rear).
1st Dlst 1104 N. 14th.
2d DUt 109 Cuming.
Id Dlst 1104 Cass.
4th DUt 1416 Cuiulng.
1st Dlst 2679 Cuming.
2d Dlst 8227 Cuming.
8d Dlst 33u4 Davenport
4th Dim til 8. 8th
Sth Dlst 1914 Farnara.
1st Dial 1011 8. 10th.
td Dist 1621 Leavenw'th.
Id Dlst 2121 leavenw'th.
4th Dist 1480 t2 lth.
Sth DIM 144 8. !tb.
1st I '1st 4046 Hamilton.
Id . Dlst J2 Far nam
td Dlst 1420 Leavenw'th.
4th Dist 70S 8. I7th.
1st Itsl 4411 N. 24th.
2d Dlst 4624 Ames Av.
Id Dlst 101 1 Corby
(barn, rear).
4th D.UI-1909 N. 24th.
Declines to Rnn as the Populist
Nominee for Governor.
Wonld Not Trust Him to File Does
melt Himself, but Was riaeed
In Hands ot One of the
Bryan Lenders.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 6. (Special.) George
W. Berge ha quit. The Idol of the popu
lists has acceded to the demanda of Mr.
Bryan' Tom Allen and has filed his. de
clination of the populist nomination with
the democratic state committee, or
rather with A. 8. Tlbbetts. The com
nslttee took no chances and would not
even permit the populist nominee to file
his papers with the secretary of state.
The paper have not yet reached that of
Mr. Berge made a fight for the demo
cratic and populist nominations and he
secured the latter. A soon as this be
came known he was ordered to withdraw.
Notwithstanding he received a larger per
cent of the popullut votes than Shallen
berger did of the democratic vote, there
waa no talk of Shallenberger declining
the democratic nomination.
As a matter of fact, Shallenberger,
Mayor Dahlman, Tom Allen and other
close intimates of Mr. Bryan had tho
cards stacked on Berge from the very
first. (They did not want him nominated
for governor, and there was no chance of
his nomination at the handa of the demo
crats, even If he had received a majority
Of the combined democratlo and populist
votes. Bryan' schemers saw to that.
Here 1 how It was done.
Shallenberger filed both as a populist
and a democrat Mayor Dahlman filed
only as a democrat. Theae schemers
knew that the democratic nomination
would go either to Shallenberger or to
Dahlman. Now had Dahlman received a
larger democratic vote than Shallenberger,
he would not have withdrawn, evtn
thouaii Berge's combined democratlo and
populist vote waa larger than the Dahl
man vole. Dahlman would simply have
said he did not run as a populist and
Ui ere for It would not be fair to compare
the Berge combined vote with his demo
cratic vote. Shallenberger filed both as
(Continued on Third Page.)
6, 1908.
City of Booth Omaha.
1st Dlst 541 N. 20th.
2(1 Dist J N. 24th.
1st D'.t 189 8. 20th.
Z Diet 109 N. 24th.
1st Dlst Broad well It
Rich Coal Yd., Wash
ington St. A H. R Ave.
Sd Dlst W. side M. E. ,
Sunday school, 1 4 th &
U 8ts.
1st Dlt 212 N. iitft.
2d Dlst 3017 Q.
1st Dlst 810 N 27th.
td Dlst Lenagh Bldg.,
tllh A L.
lat DUt 1214 N. 24th.
2d Dial 411 N. tllh.
Republican Candidate Begins Twer
Dars' Tour of State.
Speech Made to Working-men from
Steps of Stock Exchange.
Stock Yards Meeting Followed by
Address at Opera House.
Stopa Are Made Earlier In the Day
at Kansas City, Leavenworth and
Atchison Speeches Made
la Rain.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct., S. The real Taft
Invasion of Missouri began today at noon
here. The candidate will speak constantly
In the state until tomorrow night, conclud
ing then with a demonstration at St. Louis.
The first Missouri audience waa composed
almost entirely of voters, men who work In
the stock yards at St. Joseph, where Mr.
Taft spoke In the rain from the steps of
the Stock exchange. He was presented by
President John Donovan Of the exchange.
who said he did not appear under false
pretenses. He was, he added, a democrat,
but he knew Judge, Taft to be a thorough.
American In every partlculur and to hav
. clean record ot achievements. "And
hould he be elected president ' there la
nothing I would not feel It a privilege to
do for him."
This speech was received with cheer by
the men, who not only filled the street In
front of the exchange, but stood on the
low roof of the stock yard opposite, Re
plying to Mr. Donovan, Mr. Taft thanked
him for his courtesy and frankness, and
'The word democrat I an historical de
scription. It doe not mean that a man
who Is a democrat will always vote the
ticket of his party."
Friend, Not Enemy of Labor.
A Is his usual custom to labor audiences.
Mr. Taft analysed the labor situation with
reference to the two parties. He referred
briefly to his own labor record, and again
declared himself to be the frlond and not
tho enemy of labor. What he said waa
cheered, but there wa noticeable on the '
edges of the crowd whero his voice did not
reach, straggling cheer for Bryan.
St. Joseph presented a series of oppor
tunities for the candidate to be heard. The
stock yards' meeting waa followed In a few
minute by a halt at the shop of th Bur
lington road, and to several hundred work
men Mr. Taft again reviewed his labor
record briefly, while the men stood In th
drlsiling rain and listened.
Five minute v.mor era re devoted te ' the
crowd which greeted- th oandlaU at tho
station, where h was presented 8y the '
station master. Automobile wert then
taken for "the -Tootle opera house, where
was assembled an audience which filled
the place. An extended Industrial speech
was here delivered by Mr. Taft, after
which the party Joined the train at the
Francis street station, and here an enthus
iastic adieu was Joined In by th crowd.
Nearly two hour were devoted to St.
Joseph by the candidate.
Two Dare In Mlsaoarl.
KANSAS CITY, Kan., Oct. S.-Wlth a
parting word to Kansas, at meetings here
,at Leavenworth and at Atchison, William
H. Taft crossed over Into Missouri for two
days of campaigning, after which h will
go to Chicago to end hi Western trip
His dy of rest In Kansas City, Mo., was
decidedly more , strenuous than waa x
pecter; nevertheless, th candidate this
morning pronounced himself fit for the
work on hand.
In Missouri tcday Mr. Taft will speak
in St. Joseph, Maryivllle, ChlUloothe, and
Brookflald, with a meeting tonight at
Tho first meeting, that at Kansas City,
Kan., was added to the schedule yesterday
at the earnest demand of th resident of
that city, which lies directly across th
river from th Missouri town of the same
name. The trip across the river waa made
by the candidate In n automobile. HI
speech was delivered from th steps of the
public library, and despite th early hour,
the crowd was even to large for the voice
of the speaker to cover. After the meet
ing, the train was taken and th regular
itinerary begun.
Bveeeh tn Rain,
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. Oct. t. William
H. Taft stood for five minutes In a drench
ing rain this morning and spoke to fully
I. ono men, most of them laboring men.
Every factory In the city closed down to
give the employe a chance to hear the
candidate. Mr. Taft confined his remarks
almost exclusively to explaining his view
on the labor question. He said that hi
action in the Injunction cases needed no de
fense, aa he simply enforced existing laws.
He was greeted with deafening cheers at
this declaration. There were not a dosen
umbrellas In the crowd, yet not a man left
until 11. e candidal had fin shed Speaking.
Mr. Taft wore a ralnooat and soft felt
hat pulled down over hi eyes, and before
he flnlxhed speaking water wa trickling
down his hat and face In stream At the
close of his remarks there wa a rush of
worklngn.en in overall to ihak handa with
him, many of the men following hi train
out Into the yards. He showed no aversion
to their grease-tialned hands. Several hun
dred old s i!dl rs from th home were pres
ent In the crowd. Cyru Leland joined th
party here.
Taft ttatae of Liberty.
ATCHISON. Kan., Oct, k-The Kansas
crowds and enthusiasm of Saturday were
strikingly recalled by the three meetings
In that stale this morning. Th Kansas
City, Kan., gathering was hilarious and
jolly throughout. Three bands dispensed
muslo two made up of white men and one
negro organization. Because the crowd
could not see the candidate on the library
steps, he was requested to mount a pe
destal whereon a statu 1 shortly to be
"He looks like the statue of liberty to
me," shouted a worktngman.
"I am for ths greatest possible liberty
to every individual," said Mr. Taft. He
was cheered again and again. As bis audi
ence was largely made up of laboring men,
Mr. Taft began by referring to the claim
of Gompera that Bryan would get the la
boring vote. -
"No. no," came cries from a number of
volets. "He won't get the labor vote of
this place."
This InUrrupttvn was excluded by tj