TIFE OMAHA DATLY REE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER .7, 190S. ABB1E RICE TELLS OF BABY Letter Bead at Insurance Heariif De relopi Entirely New Point. WOMAN FAILS TO SECURE BOND Cannot Oet Taoaeaad-nolla ".eearlty ' and Mut Rmiila let Jail a ' Wltatu In tho Davis Trial. 4. The Autumn Season is at hand the Woodland Elfs have brought forth the golden key to unlock the doors of Fall, and we signalize the arrival of the . new business season by holding a 8 m j -. m m m a tiv v F y J f lr&'f I feather J v f S ' "YOUR If 1ST t-X v ) "C - rrr'. ssssaai jMsaWWsCTsassaaaMMai wm . " 'eahaasajlliaaM ea.aaaaasWMMWeaMaifcaasr Ml iM w7Tb. tTeS41. w h.,A f V JJ Sm.m . .. i ' r Tfc r ri lit ' - ' If I f Vr?-V OM. tlZr T . str jysMf V; w M l mm, J . m Raw c 4 a. i wr ir - - - - r mmumm l is n saaaaaal a. v J -m -v . An Information formally charging Charles B. Davis with tha taarde of . rrederlok Bustla on the morning of Sep. ttmbn I wu filed la district court by County Attorney Sngllsa Trlday. Tha Information contains but caa eount, charg ing murder with "premeditated malice," and conforms oloeely to tha oomplalnt filed la pulleo court lomi tlma ego npoa which Sari waa hound over to tho dla trlot court. An effort hy Attorney T. J. Mahoney for Mn. Frederick Rustln, to uncover the Identity of a man who visited Mrs. Abhle Ttice. chief wltneM In the Ruatln shooting mysiery. when aha waa In Clarkaon hos pital for treatment laat February waa one of the principal featurea of the hearing raked by tho accident lnsursnce companies which waa held before Judge Sutton of the district court Friday morning. A letter written by Mrs. Rice to Dr. Rustln thank ing him for what ha had dona for her and making reference to her baby and her hus band waa read by Attorney Mahoney and Mrs. R1ce admitted writing the letter. The hearing waa devoid of sensation and wan exceedingly formal, all the question having been reduced to writing In ad vance. It waa held at the request of the thren accident Insurance companies In which Dr. Rustln carried policies In order to 'preserve the evidence In such shape that It could be used in case Mrs. Rustln started stult against the companies to collect the face of the policies'. diaries E. Davis, against wsiom the cliHrge of murdering, pr., Rustln has been made, was not present, though ho had been subpoenped to undergo an examina tion, n was by consent of R. W. Rrecken rldge, attorney for the Insurance com panies, that lis was absent. Don't Wait to Ksubarrase Him. '.'Mr. Davis Is under bond to appear in court and we ran get him when we want him." Bald Mr. Breckenrldge. "We have no desire to force a man who la charged with a capital offenae to appear and give evidence that may embarrass him In his ' trial. We will "not Insist on his being- here, probably, unUV after hla trial. Then It It should be necessary we can call him." W. B. Ourley, Davis' attorney, was pres ent, but took no part In the proceedings. A ' small audience, made up largely of woinen, listened Intently to the evidence. Tha first part of Mrs. Rice's evidence con cerned her coming to Omaha and her re lations with Dr. Rustln. "State whether or not at any time Dr. Rustln asked you to kill him or to put an end to hla Ufa or to help him to take It." "He asked me to kill him about a month before he died at hla office, which I didn't do. Then wa talked" about . it in his barn at hla residence, and he Insisted that I kill him, but I didn't. Ha asked me to shoot Mm In tha abdomen one night In his office." "Htnte whether or not the aald Dr. Fred erick Huatln at any time ever told you of any attempts which he had made upon his own life, and. If ao, atate the time and place and circumstances under which he tuutle such statement." Injected Typhoid Gcrsna. "He told me about Injecting typhoid germs about three years ago one time at the office shortly before he died. He aald something about 'trying to Inoculate him flf with lockjaw germs." The next question referred to conversa tions In which the doctor had told her about hla financial affairs and the payment of hla debts out of the Insurance money. "He spoke about his indebtedness,'' sa d Mrs. Rite. "He referred to a note at the bank which was due, of owing bills to doc tors here In town and of other small debta and he said he believed these debta could b paid with his insurance money." State whether or not you had any con versation with Dr. Rustln on or about Sep tember 1, 1908, of the purport or to the effect that he Intended to bring his life to an end or to cause It to be brought to an end with the assistance of any others than himself, and if so what waa said by either or both of you." "I. had a conversation with him atout September 1. He said he was to be ahot that night and some one bealdea hlmsalf was to do it In his office he pointed out a certain party that waa to do it. He aald this man would do It for certain poison with which to end his own life. He said ha was to be ahot near hla home some tlma afUrwsrd. This waa a near aa anyone at the hear ing 'came to referring; to Charles E. Davla. Opposed te Salelde. Dr. Rustln did not want to commit sul cldt," said the witness In response to an other question. "Ho wanted hla death ac complished in such a manner It would not be suicide, ao that Ills family would get the' Insurance. I had a conversation with htm In which he aald a certain party that wanted to end hla own Ufa would shoot him In the abdomen near big home In the West Farnam district" H Mahoney, for Mrs. Rustln, aubmltted Jong list, of questions In croaa-axaml na tion, which he read to the wltneea one by one. Like the questions In chief, they were all written. They went Into Mrs. Rice's history before she met Dr. Rustln In some detail and many of them were aimed at her character. Mrs. Rica anawered them all with apparent frankness. Bhe admitted he had lived under a number of names and that she could' not remember them all. Referlng to a previous answer. In which she aald Dr. Ruatln had given her a check for 1500, Mr. Mahoney asked: "When did Dr. Rusiin first begin giving you checks?" "The only check I received was the one for 1600 he gave me a few days before he died." "How often and when did he give you money T" "He gave me money In small amounts When I asked for it." VUlt If early Every Day. "During July and August how often did you visit Dr. Rustln's officer" "Nearly every day, I guess." "Were you ever accompanied by a mala frtendf "No." "In August, 19U8, during the absence of Mrs. Rustln, did you take dinner at the Ruatln home la company with a bartender posing aa your husband T' "I did." "Cld you not. about September 1. find he had no funda with which to pay this check?" "1 only knew what he told me about having uo funda in the bank." Mrs. Rioe admitted getting small amounts of money from Dr. Ruatln. "Did you leaxa he had lnsuraaoe money enough to pay hla debts?" "DM you learn thia before or after get- Unf this chaca for SMOr "I knew It ' for some time." Nn. Rtee ahe of Baby. Mr. Mahoney then read a letter (row mmmmmm ra n Ml Id eirafsra ' ... - l I i. L We request the people of - Omaha and vicinity to Join with us today in ceieDraung an important, event In the history of this business enterprise. We promise to make It an occasion long to be remembereda pleasant affair for every person who attends. We have arranged a fall opening celebration which will serve as a fitting expression of our grateful appreciation ol the generous patronage you have given us. Splendid Music Beautiful Souvenirs-Handsome Decorations We have Dlanned for vour entertainment and we want vou to be with us we want you to see this store in gala at tire -specially arranged and decorated for this brilliant affair. We want you to get one of these handsome souvenirs and we want you to enjoy the rare musical treat that Is to be given by these well known and popular music makers of Omaha. Again we say to you BE WITH US TODAY m You've Helped Us Score A Brilliant Success You've favored us with a volume of business that far exceeded our greatest expectations. You have shown us that you appreciate the fact that we brought you lower prices than were ever known in Omaha before we came; that we brought you bet ter and more generous credit service than was ever given to the people of this progressive city before the opening of. this store. Even during the recent months, while other stores were complaining of bus iness depression, you have kept us more than busy. For your demonstration of appreciation we thank " you. Permit us to express our thanks to you IN PERSON TODAY. Grand Concert MeaeaaaBaeaaaeaaaaiaaaBaaaeaaaaaaeHeeaaBnBaMBBsaaaM By Fairbrother Band Forenoon -- Afternoon and Evening Special Program, Including All the Popular Airs of the Day. Also Classic Selections of note. A RARE MUSICAL TREAT IS PROMISED. i IVToy A Monument of Progessiveness and Enterprise It stands as one. of the leading retail establishments of Omaha; an enterprise that is a credit to this metropolitan city. As we consider our brilliant success in the spast and contemplate an even greater success in the future, we are naturally filled with a feeling of gratitude to the people of Omaha who have made this success possible. With this grateful feeling dominating our actions we have determined to make this fall opening one of the most rousing celebrations ever held in the history of this great business enterprise. SOUyENIRS Every lady who rails at this store tomorrow between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 M., 2 and B p. m. and 7 and 9 p. m., will receive a very handsome souvenir. This souvenir Is a very beautiful footed preserve and bon bon dih. It is made of brilliant pressed cut glass In a beautiful press-cut pattern. It's a large dish measuring 6 M Inches long and over 4 inches wide. Permit us to present you with one tomorrow. FALL OPENING "SPEC! A! One of the most attractive features of this Fall Opening celebration will be a vigorous campaign of price cutting. We re going to mark everything on display at prices that are bound to astonish and amaze every caller. We're determined to . break all past bargain records. If you have a single want in the line of homefurrdshings supply it TODAY. If it's a home outfit you certainly ought to take advantage of extensive reductions made during this extraordinary trade event. I .'Zir-rt A ISsf- Oak Heaters, heavy castings, durable nickel trim- Qfl med. Big heater. Bargain price Brass Ded Special, a very pleasing de sign and most substantial bed, heavi ly lacquered and guaran- teed for 10 years tha biggest bargain In ' Omaha, price flchso Large Steel Range Complete with high warming closet, have six 8-lnch holes, large oven and elegant nickel trimmings special price for this sale 261? vy. SPLENDID SOO Brussels Bat's. Hlxe 27x54 Inches. Most bekutlful patterns. Very durable rugs. (Spec- " .89 ially priced 600 Heavy Yelvet Burs. Slie 27x64 Inches. High pue rugs. The handsomeat patterns 0.85 of the present season.... 460 Beautiful Beveralble Beogal Bufs. The most wonderful val ues ever offered. Sire yf-BS 4x9 feet 105 Bandsome Brussels Burs. Hlxe 8x11 feet. They 11 e9 are weil worth 120.00.. HUG VALUES 780 Bereralble Benral Bars, In size Uxl2, worth fully double our special sale price. T.So Choice of the lot - 600 Eaavy Brussels Burs. 8lse 6x feet. 1-Irmly woveu and very durable. Tiemen- dous values 600 Heavy Wlltoa Velvet Bugs. Hlxe tix9 feet. Most beautiful patterns, trice about 0-89 half value " 100 Heavy Velvet Bugs. Size 9x12 feet. Kxtra high pile, all new fall patterns, XG'" jaWnfii 31 KfTTTkV. "7 "3 1 V' Kitchen Cabinet, com plete with drawers, bins and sliding bread board, made in walnut finish. Large and roomy cupboard a cabinet that cannot be duplicated In Oma ha at the price 3)68 Large Base Burner, of elaborate de sign, hot air flues, automatic feed, large coal magazine, , at 21Z! 1414-141S-141S DOUGLAS ST. ar- Iron Beds, with handsome decora Uona. All sues and colors, very tlsttc, well constructed, beds heavily enameled, Bale price, at 2 15 -r., , , , -r. , , ' ' . Mrs. lilee to lr. Rustln. In which refer, enve is made of her baby and her husband. This li-tler had never been Introduced be fore, and It was the first Intimation that Mrs. Rico had a child.' The letter, wnlch alra. Rice admitted aha wrote. Is as fol lows: OMAHA, Neb.. April 7. 19u8.-rear Lr. Rustln: I want to thank you for your kindneea to ane. The operation has proved very successful and I am feeling much better than I have felt for two jtcara. My baby la doins nicely and urowlng rr fast. My husband Joins me In send ing hla best rcsarda. Wishing you sutcves tn, sincerely A. KtOJC in all your undertaklncs, I vours. MRS. I In one corner of the letter are the words, "Polly, 4 o'clock." Mr. Mahoney then went into detail aa to statements alleged to have been made by Mrs. Rice to the police and to re porters, In which aha stated aha did not believe Tr. Rustla killed himself. Bhe said she could not remember just what she did say to the reporters. "When you were in Clarkaon hospital there was one man besides Dr. Ruatin wba visited you frequently, was there not?" asked Mr. Mahoney. "Yes." . "Hid lie send you flowers?" "Yis." "What waa his true name and where did ha live?" "I don't know hla laat name, but his first came waa Jess. I had known hlro for sometime. I think be lived at the Her Grand." "Did you represent to .the nureee that he wtis your uncle?" "I did." At the close of the hearing Mrs. Rice said she did not think she would be able to give the bond of H.OtO required of her by the police court. Unless she furnishes tht bond she will havs to remain In JalL "t am not a mother, never was, and that talk between Dr. Rustln and me about my baby was all a Juke," aald Mrs. Rice down at the oity Jail after tier appearanoe In district oourt. "We used to have Ut aa a Joke between ua. That's all there Is to that." MILITARY TOURNEY FOR KING Sew Krai ere Saga-eeted by Popularity of Second Cavalry aad Sis teeath Htilural. In view of success and enthusiasm created by the presence of the Second United States cavalry and Sixteenth United States Infan try In the big daylight parade of Tuesday, tha Ak-Ser-Bea Board of Governors bas de cided to take up the matter of a grand military tournament la Omaha ct year, ' j during, and In connection with tho Ak-Sur- I Hen festival. These aii'at tournaments have h..n 1.1,1 r. . a, . , Z with about J.Sl'O t roups of Hie tegular arin:a. n.,l.,n...l . . . .. . . : Tf ' ! i idling. i neae inciuueu ail orancnea . of the service, artillery, tsvalry, infantry, atgnal and engineer corpa. The officers at the Department of lliaaourl headauartera look with much ti on the plan and are confident that It could be made a great auccesa at Omaha. f I Ivor " I Boost you business with Bee Want Ada f