16 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER '3. 1908. n n H u n n n n M n n n 1 1 p n n n n ti n u n u n n n n n n it n u n n M M ii Sri-"" Btiuafeia: n e 1 f 1 llVJUwoiyfmJi YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THESE SPECIAL SALES 50c Hosiery 25c Pr. Ladies' Black fancy Embroidered Lisle black and colored lace boot patterns, black cotton, double sole, heel and toe, v 121 alto split 1 ST soles at, Jr pair, Women's, Men', Boys' and Girls 55c Hosiery at 15c Pr. Fine Burwon lisle and cotton Hose, tan and black, fancy color and black, lisle thread and silk finish, tj worth up to 35c, at pair. il jr V n M M (1 n a 4 ri n n n i n n n n 13 11 n pi Women's Elbow Length KID GLOVES "Women's Long Kid Gloves in blacks and tans, fine quality, ev ery pair fitted, worth up to $4.00, $69 at pair Women's Short KID GLOVES In two clasp styles blacks, new shades of brown, tan, etc., and are worth up to $1.75 a pair, at CQo Qtt per pair ,wv Uv Women's Medium and lit ivy UNDERWEAR Vests and Pants, including Munsing and many other, styles, 3 special prices 19c -39c -49c Misses', Children's and Boys' Heavy UNDERWEAR. Vests, Pants and Drawers, medium and heavy weights, all sizes, 3 big ' specials, at ' J' I' WW iff ti ra p n n til I U FCRMERLY 5G0F1EU) i5iO DOTJGIAS ST. Formetcey:' nj:s(X)FiaD U IVclc&sotcJ HIGH-CLASS TAILORED SUITS IN THE NEWEST FALL FASHIONS ..At Very Special Prices.. All the pleasure and advantages unquestionably derived from an early choice, may be enjoyed to the fullest extent in this reli able cloak and suit house. Stunning New Tailored Suits at $25.00 - $29.75 First we call your attention to our wonderful collection of elegant, new tailored suits, at. ....... .$25.00 and $29.75 We can safely say you cannot find their equal no matter where you may look at $35.00 and $40.00 and you may rest assured that we know what we are about when we make such a statement; they are the result of our greatest effort to procure suits to sell at those prices that would serve us as an advertisement.. Every suit in this offering is perfectly tailored of finest fancy materials, plain worsteds and broadcloths in all the newest fashions. . Spec ially priced, at .' $25.00 and $29.75 Stylish New Tailored Suits, at $17.50 j New tailored suits made of all wool, plain or fancy ma- M mgQ terials, narly 200 to choose from; all are splendidly I tailored in the latest styles, very special, at " mm U I 9 I . T 1 Young Lien's hoes .... 15c 25c 39c BR ANDEIS BOSTON STORE Bana MEAT DEPARTMENT 1,000 Lega of Lamb, (choice), per Ib....-. 11 Roast Beof .(Boned and Rolled) pound 12Mt California Hams 8'6 From 7 to 8 P. M. Country Sausage, per lb 5 TEA AND COFFEE Omaha' Favorite Coffee. W. L. Masterman & Co's. Mocha Mix ture, 35c regular, 3 lbs. $1.00 Excelsior Blend 25 For Saturday's market Special 20 If you like GOOD COH'KK, buy Masternian's. CREAMERY Extra Creamery. 1-lb. pkg.28i Strictly Fresh Eggs 25 No. 1. Fancy Creamery. . . .25 Panr, Rllttr,n. . . Choice Dairy 23 15 DELICATESSEN Mrs. McKeon, who has Just re turned from Europe, has Intro duced the following dUhes her own way. Chicken Salad, per lb 50 Potato Salad,' per lb -20 Combination Salad, per lb. .30 Koast Beef, per lb 30 Sandwiches, each. 5 and 10 MARKET The Young Man of today knows .u . v. mmtD In a shoe. xl.19 WUKL ' tw Shoes must be of the very latest with all the new style llivuv f kinks worked out. For these swell young dressers we select lines of shoes from the productions of makers, that spe- cialire in making smart bnoes ioi Young Men. . t ' All the choice leathers on straight and swing lasts, pointed or medium toes, single or double soles, button, lace or blucher cut. SMART CRISP STYLES $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. txb Bioiai. ICth and Douglas Streets. S OMAHA'I FUSE FOOD CXMTEH. ' Itltlnwiift n ...... vti r 4 - v- n 1 Open from 7 A. If . to T 7. Iff. f J Balnty Kaals at Xodarate Frlo. d d Saturday and all Dmt wok from 7 A. M. to F. M. ' 4 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Zest, per pkg .' 7c i 1 Navy Beans, per lb 5o " " T.m C . d i uio uuu auujiB, yer quart ioc s ThfflA nlfffa Onrronta frr Box Soap, 40 bars $1.00 1 J 12 bars Herbatel Soap for. . . .25c d ) Excellence Flour, per sack. .91.2.1 6-lb. sack Pancake Flour. '. . .2.1c d JOrape-Nuta, 3 pkgs. for .2,1c Wheat Berries, per pkg '5c 4 I Sand Hill Potatoes, bu. sack. . 8.1c " Italian Prunes, per basket. . . .20c 1 j Every Friday We Remind I J of Steel Shod Shoes Four bunches Lettuce for. .3c i s 4 Fresh Mushrooms, per lb 85c Radishes, per bunch lc Celery, 3 stalks for , ...10c RAZOR SALE $2.50 Vhlues All This Week 87c In the past four days, over 2 60 Customers have availed themselves of the chance of a good Razor for 87c. Remember, every one Is guaranteed in every respect. If you are not satisfied, you can bring the razor back and get one that will be satisfactory to you, or get your money back at your discretion. Ve are conducting this sale ourselves, therefore this guarantee Will be fully carried out. Do not miss thU sale If you need anything in the line of Shaving Materials, cut prices on everything. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. Fifteenth and Farnam Streets Johnson & Goodlett Co J iieauitM j Duller, jier lu ic MEAT SPECIALS I 1,000 lbs. fore quarters Pig Pork, 4 J 8 to 10 lb. average, per lb. 8Kc' 1,000 lbs. hind quarters Pig Pork, I 4 per lb llWcJ 1 600 lbs. Pork Shoulders, lb., Hcf k .100 lbs. fresh Pig Hams, lb. llHcf f 600 pairs choice Lamb Legs 12ac k'1,000 lbs. Swift's Breakfast Ba-f f con, per lb 14cl d 800 lbs. Oteo Picnic Hams, finest I trim, per lb c g From 8 to 10 P. M. we will sell ' 1 1,000 lbs. chol.ee Lamb Shoulder,! 11 AnW s s S jjgngrtney & Co 1 17th and Sou laa Um. 1 ' Fhon Soaflas S47 f I PrtvaU Exchange Connects All Dapti f CLOSED Monday, Pel. 5th ' HOLIDAY Megeath Stationery Co. Sixteenth and Farnam Streets Bee Want Ads-Business Boosters Those who hava been our customers for over twenty years know that we do Juet a. we .ay, and never fall to five better- Quality and the mot for your money. Here are a few nuln. baraaln. for Saturday: B1A9 Our fine home-made, JJg lour xoavee v WHIT. OAM--laver any ,e,n. the tesi c - the trade. Saturday, each.. .. rXAOHSS Fineat Colorado, 2QC "tie and Juicy, per baaket WXZT OTATOI Good else Jft and good quality, per peck.. SASSXirxa In tomato aauce. 25C good 10c quality, 7 cana ptTrMS Blue, square baskets, solid and aweet, per ZiC baaket tAirTi: AH braae cheap JQC at 25c complete, each KXB BOAST-Beat . corn fed beef, per pound, 12Vo ana.... yOT BO AIT Lean and tender. per pouna .10c .71c Johnson & Goodlett Go. 20th and Lk Stft. Tboae WebsUx 1675. Independent, 1575. The Twentieth Century Faxmer A Lire ArKloral Paper. HOTELS. COMroT WITHOUT tXTRAVAOANCB." HOTEL WOODSTOCK W.43"-ST.Kffi'SNEWY0RS A 1.1 1 B NEW TWELVK flTOR FIRS ROOF TRANSIENT HOJTEt CUROPIAN KAN ml Moraad's School for Dancing 10 Bo. 18tn St. (Orel ton Snatlsute) will aior Saturday. October to Children. p. aa. BUga Bokool Olaaa, a p. an., ror terma aa Booklets TeU, Doug. 1041. fi H I ff i Wat VjTij-pl . T-arl-Vf Rooms with running water, T.m and of With ATH, 12 AND UP. SUITES, 5 AND up Write for particulars. WlRe for reservations, our expense. W. H. VALIOUETTE, Manaqir. Lio THE BERWICK. Rutland, vt. 5 - ir 5 2 til mumo AND IN . THI HEART OF 1HIN95 1 Because Saturday is the most convenient day of all days for the boy to come to our store . and we prepare for him in the kind of shoes he should wear and with salesmen' that krow how to fit boys' shoes. 1 here's an awful lot in get ting a correct fitting shoe for a growing, foot. Our specialty is a fine Rock Oak Sole Leather Sole and carefully selected calf up per known as "Our Steel Shad" made on a correct foot-form last, that brings comfort and wear. We guarantee one pair to outwear any two pair of other makes. ' Sizes 10 to 13 . .92.00 Sizes 11 to 2. . . .$2.25 Sizes 2 hi to 6M. .$2.50 iDrexel Shoe Co. 1419 FARNAM STREET AYa Bnster Brown bread Bjaaa:ju.ijiu-u).;.ijtM It goea farther becauae it Is better. One order will convince you of lta superior mer lta. For aale at all groeera. 5c U. P. Steam Bakiag Co, D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (ecattaar to Dr. VL U Kamaoelettt) BaTZABT BTATB TITM OfflM tiltA SevptSal. BRIO Call Promptly Anewered at All Kovra. HOTEL MARTINIQUE BROADWAY AND tSD 8TRFKT, UaaaLD SQVAfiE, H. T. CI IT. TUB MOST fTNTBAL LOCATION IN Kin lOKK. THK HlOHEifT CUSS OF 4COOM M ( DA TI Ohm . AT kJOLtAlM BATK.S. Pi eialMM 5lltSTAlJBATS BVR AB in- Iim' aiaa(aat aa St. (wait Betel. Sommer Bros. Expanants of Ooo4 Living i Saturday Spaclaia Walter Baker's Chocolate, f per pound OC Walter Baker's Cocoa, . half pound tins dtAQ Tliree packagea Quaker Oata, 25 C Quaker Wheat Berries, C. per package Shredded Wheat Blaculta, O. per package "'c Three large cana Pet Milk, -e . for Three small cana Pet Milk. Q Knox Gelatine, per Irto package wv Large Florida Crape Fruit, Qc Sommer. Bros. S8ta aad raraam Bts. XVBIBT OH " QJJ ai J Hart, Siiaffner&r,1arx.:.Suits ' Tho Dcst Roady-to-wcar Clothing f J J Produced, $10, $20, $22.50, $25, i) V K Z7.50 and $30 values, all at one price, choice ON SALE SATURDAY m II iF 0 la IV S TMB RELIABLK STORK All the odd lots and broken lines from our regular fall and winter 1908-09 stock of IL, S. & M. men's suits the greatest saving op portunity for clothes buyers offered any where; not a suit worth less than $18.00 and up to $30.00; best styles and colors, $15.00 We guarantee every suit perfect in fit, 'Jabrio and fashion and to give absolute satisfaction. It pays to buy that kind. To make this one of the most attractive and striking men's clothing sales ever held in Omaha we have taken nearly all our men's extra quality worsted suits that sell at $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 and offer them in one lot Saturday at $9-00 "We guarantee each and everv one of these suits equal to or better than any suit now on sale elsewhere at $20.00 or under. This is our position and absolute warantce or You can't afford to miss this sale. V $12.50 Oravenetto Coats $7.50 Big assortment for selection, all -v new tall goods. $15.00 Oravenette Coats $10.00 High class garments, in all sizes, matchless values. FREE A fine Daisy Air Rifle with each Boys' Suit purchased Saturday in our .Children's Clothing department. ..... i .FREE $3.50 buys a Boys' Knee Pants Suit, with two pairs of pants, one plain and one Knickerbocker, worth regularly $5.00. This special suit offer good for Saturday only. Suits come in all sizes 6 to 1G years. ft V Big Shoe Sale Saturday All of the items mentioned below are especially priced for quick selling. Bring the children in and notice the prices and conveniences of our Children's Department. Men's $3.00 and $3. B0 welt soles in box calf, vici kid and patent colt. . . . 1.98 Women's shoes and oxfordB, worth up to $3.50, moat all leathers. .... .$1.08' MlsseB' and children's school shoes, worth up to $1.75. tan or black. .. .$1.00 Closing out all the women's oxfords, former prices $1.50 and $1.75... .$1.00 Boys' youthB and little gents' school shoes, worth to $1.75, at $1.19 and 08c Children's shoes, worth 75c and $1.00, in red. tan or black, at 75c and.. 30c Agents for Stetson and Crossett shoes for men and the Queen Quality and Grover shoes for women. Mail Orders Filled on Abore Prices. Hayden's Stove Dept. The largest stove department in the west over OOO stovea on our sales room floor to select from. All of our stoves are guaranteed to be best material, perfect in workmanship, finish and operation. The Soverlgn Steel Range, has six 8 inch covers, high warming closet and 20-lnch square oven, combination wood and coal grate, made of heavy steel and asbestos lined and fully nickeled, all other dealers get $4 8.00 to $50.00 for this range; our price, at 924.08 Dandy Oak, with 13-inch fire pot, fully nickeled; all other dealers get $12.00 for this stove; our price 90.08 The Surprise Universal, a five cover steel cook stove, fully nickeled, single drop door, square 18-inch oven and extra top service; all other dealers get for a single stove $30.00; our price $15.95 Air-Tight Wood Heating Stoves, extra heavy steel; all other dealers get $4.50 for this stove; our price. .91.40 Hard coal Base Burners we carry them from $12.60 up. Just one-half the price of other dealers. Four hole, 8-inch covers, 18-lnch oven cast cook stoves, with draw hearth, pouch feed; all other dealers get $18 for this stove; our price 98.00 The Master Economy Something new a genuine soft coal base burner the only one on the market. Guaran teed to hold fire for 60 hours without replenishing the only stove that takes the place of a hard coal burner is provided with a 16-lnch fire pot. Van J cw. 1 ntAl.UJ. . U . , u.uubuujci; uitivcrau, timer UcSLcrB f who have stoves that pretend to ac compllsh what this stove does get $50 ior mem; our price fZO.Oo ?:;:.Try HAYDEN'S First Pays Children's School Shoes The Twentieth Century Farmer Oat Dollar Par Year. OUR school shoe specials are the talk of all who have used them. Special shoes made for girls' and boys' school wear of extra selection leather. Made on our stylish foot form lasts. The best shoes to be had at the price. Ac- $050 J$C)00 cording to sizes & ' : ' -' - : warn Buy the Best, When it is the Cheapest is a plan no person with good business proclivities can criticise. There fore the Central Market's appeal to you for patronage, is on strictly a business basis. Wc buy the best; we sell tlie cheapen. Hil Koast 10c All bone out Spring Chicken 130 Porterhouse Steak. . . .12l2C Legs of Lamb . . .11c THE CENTRAL MARKET 210 North 16th Street. Tel Douglaa 1796. v i Si CSBS3S&.