T1U; OMAHA DAILY BEE: TllLUSUAV. OCTOBER 1, 1908. MAIN-AND PRODUCE MARKET liquidation and Visible Supply Lower Valuer ' i HQ SIGN OF RECEIPTS rALLIKG wra Has Ba Moving. Freely tor nna Tim, hat la Slack "Aose- Poor Kaatera Demaod (all -a Flaare. ; OMAHA. Sept. So. 19" I ly. iidail'in arid the enormous amount of giAIn In Bight haa put valuta Inmor ami tr.er la little proape't for wheat receipt decreasing for soine lima tn come. Corn haa been moving freely for mm' !in, hut haa lightened rnnalderably. let lower tallies in wheat and nata and poor i-aterr demand -navs had a declining ef feci. '. Whet; opened wesk and showed a fur ther derltre Outing the early trading. I.aler buvii g developed and firmed the msrket. Caah wheat was only In fair de mar.rt. I Df'mtii'r wheat opened at 93o and ,.lrsed at 93c. v' , Com let art ad atrong and advanced with wheat on good buvlng bv profesalonol oper ators. Of fertnga, Were light and with light teceptg IllnS ewes alow and bid' went ssking.v Dererriber cum opened at -V and dost-d 'at 60V. Prtmtiv wheat .reolpta were 1 r,ii9l:-l1 and ahluinent wire sxi.nno bushels. iRS'nse receipts last year of 988. nw bushels sr-d shipments of A44.0OH bushels. orn receipts- were- XW.mO bushels , and ' Inirnnta were VM.VO bushels, saalnst re .lp'8 )st. rear of l.129.rKI bushels and htnmer,ts cf AM.Omt bushels. I'Nnni'M were l.f.Yi Ml. cf corn, lift f r.?M and wl-.eat and four euual to 460.0 M. ! . . T,herpool rlr.T V'l"1 lower on Wiieat r.v1 tirirhenae" I , '.d l.laher on cn:n. e'tioard 'err-.i tret r4.'00 bit or wheat kn for export, 'oral tange ,' options: i-l", Open. Hicli. ! Low. Close. Yes'y '-oat, I ' J I I rif!. f 1 ?-,y w-1 MV- J -t " i : v ! 1 ;:'....('.. 1 Tsv ?.. r i .(h v ts1 'H :. iT'V t,-., I 4jiy ' ', ''. y Otnahn Oraln Market, W:!M.n--Xo 2 hard, ii:!j'!M2-: N" '' l.aul. ::'s : So. t liafl. a 9'tr: So. 3 p. ins. S3ii;i."i'j; mi uai!o. SfW7 C(inf-u rjr; Nn. :l. No. 4. C- 7 1 t.. i-: "n grail". SA Tit'-: Nn. yel- hi- 'J (( .i :-"i I TV line. .'4 ' " y-!ij., 1 ,i W' 4i '4 r; .'.o. .. vi iiiii", i'i H HiEV No. - I. r Carl'iit flerr pi. Whifiil. f 24 ....:.... as; ' .n ' it'll. Iii'i (i.u. ...i.t Ill ul ' lilt VI. ) PltOVISKINS 'ess turn's nf I'ricca .he Trad I n a anil (losing en- rtworii ( i rnue. 1. 1 ;.i.i. rVi.. ;.n.-'t.i'!t)K i!j...a.iU Tor th: he u ii h , wiit.u.. ... I niai'Kcia ,ti. .i.l.esi iit'.mc iuik. wueat mai t w.l.;, ilootig Bplt.fB.emwiiig n.l gams . i , -. Vu!. 'l a. i iri evuiarl uhih .i..ii j.'Vci. ai.it i:o. sions-' in eguliir. ulKtltU e, . ins to a iveaknesa IK.., in"'.?' lit, . bf.HS. a siiaitc ..r'.i' i imi'. A r.iiuc,' tonu tie. velHtJl In .ui ,X,; i.nil of ill" f.isi half .iiu.r i . 'a iMi'ijig .iscv-epai tit tlic lesihng up: Ali.f S B'l" . tillAi'illUIH toe ICtlWl.lHliT r t. iy scnliiiieiii ,H1 Inclined to .favor .ha : AU'.oa.,.Al; JMInntao:a and lul..ii; Hni' a :tvil m cUtMSiiil fop cash l.i: v.. n iuige'v tevporslrjie for the I r ii.( ? ,c. thwesievn flour mills tvetc V. p,' d lo 1 ft.e botight i .it.slileraWlc cash :t Mi.-ii K'.n a::,i mivii ea troni t ie ,.', Is', claimed ti.s. I :i'''n off I:oti a.i . i'.ipis at linne lu:tucrs' deliveries i ad !:len off l:tnn l i 4. per ceni find linncH'.n.M anil i.i(iiuin n.i'.w h iici reae as me re :ria today Ci Yinnlpcg '.vera :: K'i i.enal, owK'g. :i was slid, to i'V .yitl'l "h'i it fcr Die T.HSt lew clays. T"!.a jr r-tv t:-T e;ci n mills were rep jtted i ii ., -ght ca:i v l e st at f . l.uu's and V-pu - , il aooi' ileinsnd from Onio il-'icnuil nns ipilei, hui sea I M '.'vaj'ads lali'-n fur fx- i;ttutr. Toe market rlised eV Tif wl-i.al ami flour were 'i bushels. Primary recelpla 1 '.i. coiiinprrd with iltl.t-M the j 1 i. .i..V'.a t vrar jiq;!. .nmuiriip. jtritl tTiVii retio'led ne ': i :i n i ijmp.in il with 1.2.11 last ; ci year ago. - 1 ci.rcnht r ilen' w'.it'h wns : 'Incline 'of 3c from the f l':e cla v. wa the feat. pro of i nn "ijrl'.'i The vr'ii! gf this cil V ro:.i lai niehi's . 's..;(ii on htiN'Ing hi- !e i.n lie day fie tii'ic dfopneil I ho'-t Iti'evest put h .. ...ch .i rt'wi fjffe.ings I'lvown vav1- Vv '-iiVief. ? :a cts'nied . n. b"s''-l.a ... . ;l .--,1 0n tiril'ate ''f i'-ii (r'" w.i"" 'till"ed 'T - r'-'ate- i.i:t of the (iv . ,.)V,. pf hv ; '""...W-ii t "nn-1 n' :i hicet ev .,'.' ?' ("''ill c. :n would le ' ' ' " "' i -K- or liti. ; i ..,!,-',. -,i', airii hv the " - .-.; "a ar ' ' TVs ..-.-'h p-' - rs ulsr, "ft ' Topii!' a t 'ii-. Local Till) "iliie receipts ' "arte, lifgher. -l.-nl -il,. loser to I.llt '.c C , A.. ',:'"tl e 0"fober perk S'.a. - I ll' II r- , -.':,-- .. revisions dtiring the ',- ' t liot n t'ie taller nan s.' " ' 'i.'i of lai'i bv packers -..' ,,.p,, , j anj rlhs al " 't comitu i weak. At the close ' ' ,"."i17l-i' .hlal'er to :li',i- lower. , r d receipt fop tomorrow: Wlvaf. " - '-n. 142 csrs: oats. 211 cars; hogs. '1 1 eart. Tnt UtdiHC futures taiiged as follows- tVlet ' U;n. j Hn. Low. Close. 1 T . I. I ii"., -41 I W ,,.(.. j - I V-'V 1 i;2'i ,&1.'- , Pt 1 VS 1 02' i I I ! 7i;i 1 7n i aii,,'jti-'i:s' til'iV'sl i 1 'ias.saa-1 --ii -r. Ti-jft-ci ' i 14 lu-.4 8..".mi. I i4:i! M'i OaL .--p:. 1 1 .-.v. .'.U Poi:;- .PI' Ht Jan.' n. in 4'4 411 V, 4IV, !, 4SI14j l4Mt I ui-i , C 1 A' f 14 14 6 14 ii 14 (ill 14 tHf 14 14 W 14 I 14 io bl4 7.. . I -I u J b"i lti 52' 16 (i2i, 16 H I 10 2 'i la it i 1" 2S I 10 2"i 1 I 111 31V 1 la I ID 25 I U) 171, 10 174 W 2a I w Jaiv S ,'l 7'L a o t 7 774 I 1 It ba I 1 1 Kept I .s ti 1 ' 7.S4tf . " 7.-S! . i :i '. ii t j h, i, 9 k-'S a2W M2V I 171.. Js. 9 ii 7,! 1 (7Tl i'H Xa t. ' Casu quotation were aa followa: Fl.Ol.'R Finn, .steady; winter patenta J4.U -l4.Ti; atraights, S.!M,4 fc,; i.,.,, w i8s; spring patenta. :. ;Vrn6.iiO; straights., l. "; bakera. 2.a.'4 .U WflKAT-.No. 2 aprlng. 104'rl: No S !en.S; No. ! led, WUscQfl.tti',. ' CORN No: Z.nac; Nil. 2yellow. ;i4p OATS-No. 1 4V; N S white. 4iijL riVK-No. !. 7o H AKI.ET-itond feeding, u'tlw ; fair hoi uniting. STbesV. to OKEDM-Flan,. No. I northweatei n. Prima timothy. 13 .40. II 2J. PnoVlfiloNB-Slioit tyTfiijKi iea jeoik. 14 i.ard. ner . It ribs, tier sides (loose!, bbl.. tJ4.b24i Ilia.. ll'.2?H. bhuil cleai aiur ibuxeji. 10.2wtbl.o. . , . Rocelpts. Shipments r , uuir (, ul . Yheat. bu ,..,'. .l'U.imi 'Corn, bu 2il.6i (lata, bu MVUm iu..kt 1 22. WW 4:.o 2.1'JH Parlev. bu -..,i l.il.-u On tba produce exchange toda he but ter market a ate,iy; craamerica. 204i-i:; dalr.ea 1x.' V:gga, . fcteady; at niaik. mmrm I'll! Ulltl. I O-ll ? riTStS ? pi line riria, JJV. Cheese-, airuna. I.tl4c . Faarta Market. r vni w aept-.w' ' 'RN 'taiwer; No. t '.low. N-?frM il. w. a -s 10 1 war , o. 3 hli, . Vn 4 a ' . ' ' " ' ' "TUgT . -ll.fi,, t. .. , . .HtHNeagolla 4.rala Market.' 3 nhli MiVtfMPtlUS' Hr, -.-..WK'l'. A llaipill.; fl.UV Inh-.- l.li. via 1 .(; Cah. No 1 hard. SlOfsa'e; N 1 northern. tl.ws'iS; No. 2 do ll.01Sr. No 1 I MSfH.-',. PR N" In bum, 9. siotf !.. Fiji H'R Firm: frst patent"-s-.-nnd do .(iB.: ursi -1ejr 81 4r?T JJ. second rtl llBt'53 K YORK nRYRR.tti MURKRT (tnoti 1a of taa Pa; arlaaa Ciaaialltla. VF.W TOPK. Fept. rLOtn,-Rer pt. .'.7.101 bbla : xtwrta. 7.M7 bbla : market teady; Minnesota patenta, ln.ar060; Min nesota, bakera. f4.21i4.Hi): winter patent. I4.'64.o; winter atralptlita. t.2n'f win ter extras. RS.air&S.W; winter low gradea. nf"b1 . Rve flour, ataadv; flr to good. Ma.M. -hotre to fancy, $4.Soa4 n. liuck whrat flour, firm at 13.25 to arrive. f 'URX! MiAI Stead v; fine white and yel low, (I.TStri.Bit; coarae, ll.B1.7U; kiln dried, J4.if.. BARLEY Quiet; malting, Milc, r. 1. f. Buffalo. ; RY K Dull; No. 2 wealern. 84c. f. o. b., New York. WTf BAT Receipt a. i6A0 bu.: export?. ITKIOIO bu. Ppot, firm: No. 1 red.- I1.I6S4' 1 OiS elevator and $l.(iji. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.12. f. o. b., afloat. No. 1 bard winter. II. f. o. b., afloat. I'onalderahle Irregularity waa displayed by wheat to. lay. At tlmea quite weak under liquidation It had aeveral aharp Tallica nn lighter reelpta, owing to a batter flour de mand and export rttmora, eloalng very aleadv at 'V ret aOvanre. September, 1'"H'61"I,'. DacembT. ll.oa,i4ji.o. rloaed l.nv. Mav. Il.g1.ft!i. rliaeri l.m -l I'ilRN-Recelpta. J.X btt. Hpot, firm; No. 2. h'ir to arrive. Ooilona wera generally firmer, with the wrat closing c hlglier. Peptr-mber, f9,'ii!'t'; December cloaed Tlic; Mav cl ined J3V'. OATB-Hecelpta. r,.ol bi. Spnl. ma'ket aleadv. Mixed, 2ti-a.lL' pounds. 6.V: natural white, IH'ftai potitula. KPtfiuik'; clipped white, S.ifi pounda. B6Valc. I1' EBD Irregular; apttng bran, $4. JO; middling. .'.i,j. lUV-r'Irm; ahlpping, 5fi6ic; good to thrice. 7uc. HOI'S vjulet ; aiate. common lo rliolca, 1W. 1KT14!-; 1W7. S7c; Pacific coast. SttUc; lfT. 41t 7r. MIDKH Quiet ; Rogota. lotiflUVi: Cen tral America. lo't&lH'i. PROVISIONS Reef, sfeadv; famllv. l.7fij 1 7. SO: niea.x, $ 1.1 n Oft-1 4 00 : heVf hams. 125. 000(1.(10; packet, tl K.0A4VK.0Q; city, exira India mm. $l'4.60 ft 25. On. irut meats i-teady: phVied hams. Iliftl2e. l ard, firm: wes ern. ll'.TftlO ); refined, 'iiii: :otitli:ent. 10.1": ciiiiipi-nnd, I7.:5i5.a. Pork, firm; family. f.l.oO; mesa, 1 t.27l7.5t; short clear. lf.6fJfr 11 ."ii. TAI.LOIV Firm; lountty (pailtRg" freei. 6'jirt'c; (."ottonseed oil, ateady; prime crude, Rl. 10 Steady: domestic, fair to extra. 3ft' Japan, nominal. P.l'T'l KK H irm; creamery, specials. L'' -Jc; extras. !: thirds, to firsts. 1ij24c; state dairy, common to finest, lMf.Me; pro pia. common to special. IS'ir'JVc. Ptl"!.1 RY Alive, firm: spring chicken. M'jc; fowls. 14c; lurkeya. 14c. Dreased, weak; ui stern apting chickens. lntHSc, towls. n'VclSc; spring turkeya, 1.V6J)c. ( ' HKK8 K Firm: state, full cream, spe cials. i:i'jiijl4,i.c; full cream, small colored or white, fancy. 13c; full cream, large col ored ( white, fancy, 1-1tr: full cream, good to prime, UQIVic: common to fair, 10'i UV-: slclma. 2ijjVto,c, BfiGP Flrnii state. Penaylvanla and nearby fancy selected, LJMJSOo: aanie. fair to choice. 'Xift'ic ; western flrata, 2l'QJJc; seconds, 2i(5'Jlc. WE4THF.H If .THE I.RAIV BELT Fair and fooler for Thursday, Kara the Prophet. OMAHA. Sept. 30. m. The weather continues cool In the eaat. Fieezlug weather la reported In the Ohio valley and froata occurred as far aouth as Kentucky. Temperaturea ape much higher In the central valleys Ihia manlng, hut an area .f high pressure, with ronler weather, hss appeared In the exunw northwest, and It will be cooler in thla vlclplty tonight and Thursday, with con tinued f.rir. A barometric disturbance over lies the upper hike region and light rains have lallen in the upper Mississippi val ! wince the last report and ralna continue In the upper lake region this morning. Umaha record or temperature ana pi- clpilstion compared with the enrrespond- ing day of tne last time years: latat. 1SW7. Wfl. M'liimiim lempr-ralure .i tt g rrclniiatlon 00 . J . .40 ,,,,.,.,,, for tofiav. a Atmtvtm. . JJcficirncy. In. precipitation since Matcii 1, ".Ki inha , . i Ufl icU ni .Vnoo'. tesfiondlng period . in . liWi, U.SH- Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 3.$, i.U I luches., . . , , , ' '. A" WEIiSH.MiOfial Foieoaater t.'ora aad H nrat Region Batletln. ' For lbs twenly-lo:ir hi.Uia ending at I a. m.. uiii rrteilUiun time W ednesitay, Bcp- OMAHA DISTRICT. lerapi- Jtatn.. Max. Altri. rail. S.giions. ' 3k y. Aanimiu. Neb w Auliiirn, Neh M 15ok n Bow, Neb, i t 'iifumht'S. ' Neh.. 1 Clear ( lear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Pi. cloudv Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear I't. cloudy .Clear Clear leal i 'lear Clear clear twelv-hour - 31 ru ,4'J as r; X't .! .') .) Culhertson, NeU.. SI ! r ii mom. Nib... ". 1 (Jr. Island, Neb.. 71 Hartn.gton, Neb. 70 ."HI .11 imaijngs, Neh llulrlnce. Neb.... M Si 41 ii.: 3-' lOakiiali , Neb.... 7' ."I 'Oitiaha. Neb I'l'ekutin'h, Neh., Alia, la i attoll la U'larliula. la Mblev, la....v... M M Hii hi ' dl IS .in .0,1 .HI .' for Sioux , C'i'y, la. 61 Minimum temperature period et.iilng at S a. Id. DISTRICT AVERAGI'iS No. of Stailoua. .... :H Ten;p. P.aln. Central. Cilll HBO. 111.. Mat!. - Uin. Indie. I A .IS .01 Colnmbua. 0 1' lies Moines, la 14 Intiianapol!a. 1 1 m I . 12 Kansua City. Mo.. 2 l.uilsville. U'y IK Minneapolis. Minn. 31 ( ima ha. NtV 1H s?t. l-ouia, Mo l:t hi ."iH :;4 XI ns :tx if, 4 ;s4 .i .ill .HI .00 .mi .12 . e FiecElng wenther Is if p. ii ted in the Ohio (valley this morning and 1'tosta occurred aa far south as Keniuckr. Th weather la warmer In the retiiral unil wustern portions I of the corn and wheal belt. Sole The corn and wheat region aarvlre ' for this season la discontinued -with this Issue. j 1, 19 9. I'he service will ha resumed April I.. A. WKL81I. Ixcl Forecaster. !t l.onla General Market. IOCIS, 8-pt. 30 WHF3AT Higher; No. i ted cash, tl.Oij'l.OKs; No. t Skc'&II.DIW; December, 1.00.; May. , nr. n . l .(. CORN Higher; track, No. 2 cash, 7Pc; No. 2 white, 7SC(i7i,c ; December, t2c; May, S3'tO. ' OATk-WVak; track. No. ! cash, He; No. 3 white. 61V: December, 4H'tc; May, &0V'. FLOl'R Market unchanged; red . winter patenta. S4.tti4i4.9i;; ex-tta fancy and straight, tl.M.u: clears. tl.Mi. PKF.D TIMOTHY 12.253.25. I'tiHNMEAL-I3.S0. BRAN I'ticliangeU: aatked, $l.(iiiil.61. HAY 1'nehanged; timolliy, prairie. M OCftll.fH). eaat track, IS.ioiSM.OO; IRON COTTON TIKS-I1.0O. HA GO I NO -Sc. HKMP TWINE 7c. PKO18IONS-Pork. lower: Jobbing. la.5i). Lard, higher: prime ateam. flO.fle'ij 10.15. Dry aalted meats iboxedl. firm; extra ahorts. . lU.'ii; clear rlba, lll.l,; ahort clears. 111.25. Bacon (boxed), firm; extrg short. 112 121,; clear rfbs. S12.00; ahort clears, I12.L.1,. POULTRY Finn; chickena. 10c; aprhigs. l"c: turkeya. 14c; ducks. 7'8V: geese, Sc. PVTTER Quiet; creameiy, . , JHo. EGOS Steady at 1V- case count. Receipts, shipments. lO.onri 14.OAO 7.mn i2 .000 5i ..! 110.0KJ 104.000 Flour. Wheat. Corn, Oats, bbla.. bu... hu bu Quotations at Kansas City, furnished by Logan Bryan. 112 board of Trade: Artie lea. I Open I High. I Low. Cloaa. Wheat liiH'ember Mav Corn December May 1 I I .. M,!aJi4;Miti,! ' i7a7,'ft, 1 I .. o9't! o9,' fiS'sioS'aaS I.Ueraaal Oral a alarket. LIYKRPOOL, Sept. V.-WI5i AT-8fK.I strong: No. 2 red western winter. Is lod" Futures, steady; December, 7s7Sd; Manh 7a S'sd. CORN-Spot, nulet; American mixed Ts 3d. Futures, quiet; October, asyd; De cember, as Slid. Mllisaakeo tirala Market. MIl.WAlKllS:. Sepu -WIH:,T llwlur; No. 1 northern 11 0?'- No 1 a . ''; Sepi 1vl',; Dec. 11. 1',, Mav IIW.- I K t . l. IU '- ! "AT" 47V .. , I H AHI,K V ea,1 , sainplv ttjtVli. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS .. 1 rricei are Practically Motionleis and Volume of Trading; Small. .' SUPPORT 0FFEBED ON DECLINES KtHfrf that faarerfal latervala Are - ' at Work Prefers la -the laa qao -laa-lrldaal Isaaea f- , feetett br Raman . - . NKW YORK, b'ept 30 The stock maf ket today gave evidence that It has pasaerl through all tha usual counter fluctuations which follow the culmination of a specu lative movement of any duration prices wara practically motionless and such slight mobility as waa shown was: du entirely to the shifting erforts of a cUsa of small room traders. There were no large operations perceptible and not sign of any outside Interest in the mat ket. The class of operators renponalble ."for the former speculative activity were pass ive or confined themselves to protective measuree against any effort-to depress prices. The stability of the market cor roborates a supposition that support, la offered on declines.. .This show of ata billty In Itself helps to keep pressure off the market and there -la no show of the aelllng of .atrial! Investment holdings, aueh aa waa a feature at the higher alti tudes to wlilch prices attained. While liquidation Is thus discouraged there is no aecumulatlon of stocks going on and the diminishing volume of the market is the consequence. The seml-xtagnatlon Is quite generally attributed, in the 77na!i clal district, to a desire to await the pass ing of the elections before taking a posi tion In the market. This market attitude Is partly a reflection of the commercial world, from which come reports of post ponements of ordeirs pending the election decision. The feeble currents In the dsv's frlce movement did not sweep the whole 1st at any time, but ran In eddies, af fecting only a few Blocks. These limited movements were brought about often by newa or rumors affecting onlv the Indi vidual stocks. The bresk In International Paper preferred had an unsettling effect and was first attributed to OamHge to the company's property In the forest flre. Later the reduction In the dividend fur nished a truer explanation. The reduc tion to a 2 per cent basis of the dividend from the 4 per cent baais maintained for two quartera compares with the . per cent basis maintained tin to nlno months ago. The epiande was suggestive of later revisions of opinion made necessary bv the extent of the effects of the financial crisis on htiaineja. The extraordinary abundance of the money supply waa signalised bv the easy rates for call loans on the eve of the quarterly settlements, which oil for something- like $160,000,000 In New York. Today'a rates of 1'4 to 2 per cent on call have not been equaled in the flrat week of October alnce 18H4. In London alBO discounts eased when It was seen that supplies were more than sufficient for the settlements. Some hardening effect in prices of securities In apite of the In tensely dull market and waa a natural consequence of this money position. A recent order for 1.000 freight cars placed by the Chicago aV Alton waa reported to have been duplicated by the exercise of an option secured when the first order' was placed. Thla report was made th Occasion for advancing the shares of that company and of a number of other small interests. The Goulds were affected by a relval of Hartiman control rumors. Canadian Pacific responded to assertions that its strike had been called off. The price of copper as higher tn London. It was disassociated factors which fitrnislied motive power for t he small swing of prices. Ronds were firm. Total salea, par value, 12.134.000. I'ntled States 2a. registered, advanced V per cent and the 4a, coupon. ' per cent, while the 2s. coupon, declined per cent on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sties. High. Low. Close Amalgamated copper 12.400 7.1 Amr. Car a f oundry SM So pfil Anwr. cjotton oil :o JS Aaier. Hid 4t Leathar. o'a 74 "a It Slli 101 ?A J n -54 . 10' 4- 101 v Amer. lea Rsrurlttaa ano Amr. LlnaaeO ' Iftil .it, Lororaotlra 300 ile pfii An,, amaltlng a Refining i;,ueO nil, 4( Id, 45 MS, S3', 84 en rM Ama. Sugar Raflning. .... Amer. Tobacco,' fd...., Amr. ' Wolu t ll-2', . l.'s VI HlVt 4ii AnaeonAa UiDlng .Co.... ,4' 7H 4.V 17 Atchlaon !.li)0 do Dfll. Atlantic Coast Mne... Baltimore Ohio Ll'iO 7' 'a ' i7'4 do otd Brooklya R. T. 1.4(H 47 4'4 44'i ranaihan Paillle t.iOD 177' 176H 177-is Central Mai her 24t do ptd MM i:antral of New .terser.... l(Kl 17 1K7T, I Ml htatpeake A Ohio ,.. l.'l"". 41114 40 84 i'kli-egu Ureat W'eatarn.... i.'KJt 7i 7' ' thlragu A N'orthweatera. 0 'fS 15'j Chicago. M. St. P l.eo M3i 1M C. C. C. St. 1. 0 5!H i . "i Colorado fuel aV Iron 94 't s', 34 Cotorailo Southern .1.... 4rtJ 44 S9 3 do lal pfd 1 44 (4 U4e do M pfd 1.W0 Mi 57S b Conaolldate.1 Uaa T.MO lit'a 14w 11; corn Produrta "IT1! Delaware aV Hudaon t'4 driver A Rio Urande ten IT 1. 2;t 27 do pfd niatlllera' Serurltlae 1.(00 Jl J' 3-A. Krle R.700 ) '2'k !V; do tat nfd do M ptd SI' General Kl-rlrii: "7 Ureal Northern ptd t.WW l.t'i I24i "Ha Creal Northern Ore cifa .. 2 nTS H7'a " Illinois Centrel VK 187 )S7 137s Interborough-Met 2 1", IDS l"Vi do pfd 1.40 31S V International Paper 2 4 8V V do ptd I.il 54S st, 61 I tmernetlonal Pump l.S-J 23'a 21'i Z-'i losa (Central Kanaaa City Southern.. do ptd !.oulallle Nashville IS14 7' 41 SOU liMia lo4i lll4i Minneapolis aV St. Loula... 2W 2(14 27i, at., St. P. a a. Ste. If l.seo 13,, Missouri Pacific 7110 MS Mlaeourl. K. aV T 1311 1-4 Hi, ti't't do pfd National Lead New York ( entral New York. O. ft W.. Norfolk aV Western... Norih American Nor. hem Pacific Pacitic Mail Pennsylvania Peoples Gaa P.. C, O. St. L.... Prefae4 Steel Car Pullman Palace Car... Railway Steel rvrtsg. Reading .3im 43 J. l7 KIS l 103V IM'i 103 40 I'a 400 I't 41 ll, l:i'4 4.40 13i4 lii H-n r.-'i', US ls '.-00 MS 4e 4 4 UNI l'j SIS Jl'.i i4 l.H 4 II 41 4(,SK VM l'.'S l!H,a Republic sieel 1 do pfd 100 7's Rock laland Co 1.4m) US do pfd 34 400 4IS Si. Ii. 8. F. Id pfd 2a St. Louie Southweetera left 1T'4 do ptd Sluae Sheffield S. I Southern Pacific S7.M0 1Bii do pfd 7o Its Souikoru Railway 31'4 da pfd Tenuceeee Copper I.e-X 401 't'eaaa A Pa. itlc Toledo. St. L. at VV -7 78' If, 40 : 17S i 1S 41S i. i'e 44.1 i-u; 117 ant , nt 40l Ml-, l' 31 do Dfd 4.4011 at SIS Valoa Pacific l.'oa !04S 17'a 1MS do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd w liw V. a. Steel 41 too . 4.v. .... IS a SH, MS 44'4 4ftS do prd I'uk Copper Va. -Oero, Chemical da ptd Webaah do pfd Weettnghouse Kle-lrlc Weaiera I Dion Wheeling at lat Brie a Ui'saiin Centisl 6.10 h liHS l"dS t.000 42 41S 4IS !.t0) 11 ' t' 1U7S1 tint ls 1HH ItS nun js fa TO 72S 1 TlS SOS M', ( , a joO ITS 7S -7S Ka-dteldend. Total ealee for the day. lat.loa share LeaaJoa Stock Market. LONDON. Sept. 30 American securities were higher during the early trading; today. At noon Anaconda and Reading allowed email fraetlonal loaaea, but the rest of the list ranged from 'e to above yeaterday'a New York eloalng. London closing atocks: rouaols. money.... ds sccouat Anaconda .... Alchlaon do pfd Baltimore at Ohio, renadlas Partite. . Cheaapesas at u. .. (nl ( O. W Chi.. Mil. at at. P lie Rwere Denver at Ria t. . do pfd grie do 1t ptd do 2d pfd Oraod Tmsk Illnoia Central LeHiiavtlte at N.... . eeA, M . K. at T. . . a.,-.. S. Y. Central . Norfolk at W. . do ptd . Ontario A W. . MS Pennsylvania . lil'. Rand Mlsee .. . 414, R-edlng 7'-Soul hers R . . LIS do ptd . .its .Ml'., . 74 a . 41 . ivs 7-. ''. . l'-j . ,;- Southern Pacific lots . :S I sioa Pacific. . iia-i do pfd . 10s I'. S. Steel... . 44 do ptd . M Wabash . l.'4 e pfd 14ISSpealab 4a... .l74Aaial. Copper. ...l. ... an ... I'. ...1U' ... IS ... 7 ... 1 ... IVi flLVKR Bar. quiet at 23Tsd per ounce. MONEY-ISl' per cent. Ilia rale of diatoum In tl,e open market for almrl hills ta I'e per cent: for three months' bills. IS per cent. Farelga FTaaaetal. LONDON", Sept. So Money was In goood demand on tha market today for the quar ter end and diacounta were easv. Tha atock exchange concluded the settlement without difficulty, but aoma Irregularity developed in certain aeeiona. Conanie yie ded to reallaatsona on tha iaaje of tlie Canadian loan of ti.wo-) at 314,",. but they rs-ivet d In the afternoon. Kgfftrs dropi-d esrlv bu' closed strong: home rills maintained (heir b.toyancy 011 the P'l.spn.. c ' reduced expenses, and copper ,iv r si of th Ijsses re '' 't riln Arit an secjrlt:ea pened better and lmproed on fair buy j... .... 1 .,,. -in Paeitie. The mar-V-t V. "r-il'd fair, l.stsr huslnese waa of modeiste dimensions at gener.sllv steady rtes on New York support. t'anaiVan Pa cific mnnopollr-d attention and advanced one point. The market finished quiet. BKRLIN, 9pt .ri. Prices on the Bourse today were firm. . ' PARIH. gepi.' 30. Prices on the bourse Inday were fitm,' ' .- '.- .sr trk Hearf Market. NEW YORK. Kept. SV.' MONEY On call, steady; lt48g per. cent,- u ling tale, 114 par cent: tlosing bid. per cent; offered at 1 per cent. - PRIMK MFiRCANTtLRj. P.:PF.R-4',94li per cent. ' . TIMK LOANS StAady arid mora active; alxty days. i'H Pr cent: ninety days, S per cent: six months. I't) per cent. STERLING KX 'HA NO K Weaker, with actual business in bankers' bllla at S4 M for slxtv dsv bills and at S4.K30 for demand. Cornmerclnl bills. I AiHfH M4. SILVF.R Bar. olAtc Mexican dollara, 45c. RONDS Government. Irregular; railroads, firm. - . ' '-' Closing quotations on New Tor It sxiDdg were aa follows: V. . rsf. 21. rag ... toss Japan 4S IMH t 8. ret. 3e. roup . .104 .tapes 4i. M series.. ts t'. . la, rag ..104141,. at N. unl. 4a ss ..t l aManhattan oos. g. 4s MS ..111 anas. Central 4a t ..123 do let lac I" .. i4 M. at St. L. 4a 7IS ,.1114 M.. K. at T. 4a t ..lli4 do Ida 4S .. SIS a. R.- R. of M. t. 4s II .. S.i4M. Y. ( antral SSa. . ! . .I'H'tN. J. renlral gen. is. 1 Jit . . 4 a.sonbera Plclfle 4s..lOi!i ..l0i do a n .. ''4 N. at W. ran. 4a . 7.s O. R. 1,. rfd. 4a 4S ..IMS Penn. ev. Ss 1'.. MS .. an Reading gea. 4a 'S ('.. R. Is. coup V. S. 4, reg P. S. 4a. roup... Am-r. Tobacco 4s. do Is Atchison gen. 4a. . do adjustment 4a do rr. 4a do cv. Sa.: Atlantic C. U 4a. B. at O. 4a do SSa Brooklyn R. T. 4e tO. of Oa. Ce do 1st tnc do 3d Inr 40 Republic of Cuba as. IMS C. O. (Sa 10? 'St. L. 4V 1. sf. e. s.Ml C. et A. IS' .. lti St. L. S r. fg. 4a ?4S , B. at Q new 4a. C. R. 1. A r. 4s... do t ol. s. ...:...'. . S St. I.. S tees con. 4e 74s .. 7IS'0Mhoard A. L. 4a. m .'. 70 Roiithern Pacific 4e.. St , illS , do 111 4a ass 4a 91V Rom gem Rv. f,e Ml . . 7i Tesaa A Partite lets. IKS ... n't T.. St. 1- VY. 4a.. 77H .. SI I nlon Psciric 4 103S ..100 do cv. 4a J .. 73'iT. R. Steel 2d Is IS". do rfd. 4a C. C. Rt. I.. .g. si nlo. lnd. oa Colo. Midland 4a Colo. A S. 4s P. H., rv. 4a.... O. A R. 0. 41.. .. Erter prior lien 4a. ft Watiaah tats '' 73 Weatera Md. 4e 71 do gen. 4a. Hncktn. Vallev 4Sa.10U W. A L. g. 4a 1 Inter-Met. 4'ta ass wis. Central 4s M Japan 4a eO j. . Bid. rEx-lntereat. "Aaked. Boston Storks and Boasts. ROSTOX, Sept. 30. -Call loans, lufi2 per cent: Time loana. istfl't; per cent. Cloaing quotations on stocks and bonds were as follows: . Atchison adj. da Atchiaon 4a Mea. Central 4a.. Atchiaon 1 .Atlantic 7S ? Bingham 2a 7ISCalumet At Heels ' 37Scentenalsl Ptt'jCopper Range 733 do pfd I Boat on A Albany. ..511 Daly West Boaton eV Maine l!4Sfranklln ..12-, aBoaton Klevated I.SxGranby ' Ion Fltchbtirg pfd :.. militate Roale -JS Mexican Central IS Mam. Mining S. Y.. N. II. 11. ...13a iftchlgau . .4 II Pare Mamuette. l) ' Mohawk II ronton Pacific IM'.aCoitsna c : A C 44 Amer; Arge. Chemical !7oid tiomlntoa 41S do pfd 9 , Osceola lot Amer. Pneu. Tubs,'.,. 4'4 Psfrol ... Amer. Busar 12eSQuincr H Amer. T. A T. . .y .li." Shannon 14S Amer. Wooln -.IS Tamaract ii do pfd...S s-l Trinity II Dominion I. A R ... 14H t'nlted Copper US Kdlsotl Rlec. Ilium. .3M , V. 8. Mining MS General Klertric ..,.111 d R. Oil I'Jk Maaa. Klectrlc . . 10 t'teh 4 .. e Vldsrlt- 1 4'i .. r,S 'Winona AS . .11 'i Wolverine tin do pfd liars. Oca I.nlted Trull ..... United Shoe Mach.. AS North Butte lis itS Butte Coalition 44S AUMraA .... 'IM4 Hit Calumat A Arliona .lW S Arlsona Commsreial.. 3IS (USOreene Ctnanes 1"S 74S Kx-divldend. do pfd f. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Atloties . .' Amalgamated Bid. zAsked. Risk crtariaara. OMAHA, Sept. 3t).r-Ppk clearings for to day were St.9K.30O.tS and for the corre sponding date last ysttr ILS7 4,236. 17. vVaol Martvct. BOSTON. Sept. 30. WOOL-The activity In the local wool market continues with good demand and firm prices. The domes tic market wool consumption Is reported to be greater than a year ago. Domestic prices ranged aa follows: Ohio and Penn sylvania fleece XX 32Kp33ot No. 1 washed, 34ffl5cj fine unwashed. 21-22c; fine unmer chantable, 24(3 26c; half blood combing, A SHc; three-elghla bloodi ASomWng, A Mc; ciuarter bloood combing, -A 25c; Delaina washed. 34(5Sdc; Detain unwtaahed, 28tS7c; Michigan, Wisconain, New York fleeces, fine unwashed, 20tilc; Delaine unwashed, fii0o; half-bkioU unwajitied. '25$e6c; three eights bloood tmwahvMl,.r A- 26o; quarter blood unwashed. 23- 24c: Kentucky, Indi ana and Missouri, three-eighths, 2Btft2lc ; quarter blodd, So-flUter- soon red values Tex as fine, 12 months, 50ft2c; from t to 8 months. 4oVt47c; fine fall. 42cip43e. LONDON, Sept. 30. Wool auction sales were continued today.- The offerings num ber 13,711 bales. Fine wool waa in good de mand at unchanged prices, though large sumifics of cross bteda. scoured allpea ruled generally ten per cent below the July average price. - Americans brought fair lines of Newt Zaaland light combing. Wlthdiaw-ala were rather frequent. Fol lowing are the sales: New South Walea, 3.500 tnles; scoured. lOd-ffls S'id; greaay, S'ifijll'id. Queensland, 1.600 bales; scoured la ldiilB 9d; greaay. ftdfjlld. Victoria boo balea; scoured. SdCrfls greasy, 7'4d. South Australia; 60 balea. Capo of Good Hope and Natal win balea; scoured, 9drls Slid; greaay; B4jdj'lB Id. ST. IaH'IS. Sept. 30. Wool rirm : med ium grades, combing and clothing. Ki&SOc; light fie. 16-iJ'Vi; heavy fie, 11 12c; tub washed 2O0'27c. Matal Maurkat. . NF.VV YORK. Sept. 30. METALS There waa a sharp advance In the London tin market today, with spot cloaing at 134 2a 6d and futures at f IS"J 10a. Lo cally the market was firm -and higher. In sympathy with the Fnglish market, cloaing at S29.40C29.70. Copper ad vanced to 69 17a Sd for spot and 0 13a td for futures In London. Locally the market waa dull aund unchanged, with lake quoted at 1 13 37 Vj 13 2 4 ; electro lytic, Ili.l2413 S7H-; casting. S12.87V, 1-1.124. Lead advanced to 13 6s in London. Locally It was dull and un changed at S4.46tT4.50. Spelter was higher also at 119 lus In London, but the local market was dull and unchanged at 14.72' 3'4.i7. Tha Kngllah market for Iron was unchanged at 60a for atandaiu foun dry, but Cleveland warrants were a siiade higher at SI s4'jd The local marktt waa unchanged. No. 1 foundry. northern, Sid. 60tf 17.26: No. 2 northern, foundry, 616 0016.76: No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, $18.751 17.26. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 30. MKT A 1.8 Lead, dull at II. 32V Spelter, firm at 14.17 V Cotton alarket- NEW YORK. Sept. 30. COTTON-Fu. tu res opened steady; September, t.faic, bid; October, 8.94c; November. I. Vie. bid; De cember. 8.71c; January, 1.67c; March, S.t9o; May. 8.61c. Spot cotton closed unlet; middling up lands, 9.30c; middling gulf, 9.c; salea, 300 bales. . . GALVESTON. Tex.. S pt. 30.COTTO.V Steady; 7-lc. ST. I.OC1S, Sept. So. CCTTON-Markel unchanged: middling... iesc: aalea. -none; r celpta, 1.010 bales', hiuni''nis. 7S7 bales; stock. A till ha lea. - ... I NKW ORLHANS. Sepl. W.-iCOTTON- fcpot. quiet; low ordinary, 4c. jiomtnal; otdiliary, 6 9-1 tic. nomipal; good .ordinary. 7c; low middling. 6c; middling. 9c; good middling. 6-tc; middhng. 9 13-16e; fair, 10 7-ltk.-. nominal; aalea. 1.2UU bales; receipts, 9.617 baits; stock. k.:3 bales. -s . , 1 Cvaperairl Apples sad Urled Fralta. NEW YORK.. SepL 30 -EVAPORATED APPLKS-Qtiiet; fancy. 9SrW10Hc; choice, 7 ftfe: prime. 6i6sc;cfimmon to fait. 6&t)4tc.' DRIED FRL'IT Prunea ateatly on apol. with auotatlona ranalna from 4c to 13c fot- ! Califcir.ia, and from 6V to. 7V for I , . . . ! . .1 1 1 ui -wiii,. Ai'iicuia 1 1 , iwii utruiaiiu, witli choice quoted at I'.tioV. extra at &:c and fancy at 103 11c. Peaches are lull, with the market eaay In tone, choice being quoted at i'VUV,' extra choice at TV.iV and farcy at l4oAc. Raiaina are unchanged on spot, 1 With looae muacatel quotrd st, 4tPti'eC. choice to fancy seeded at Vftrlc. seedless at 4TstJtc and London layers at ll.Jaft.l.e. . - '- . . , Cafes Market. ' NKW YORK. Sept. ' CXlFKBri-rNl-turta cloeed ateady, net unchanged to i point higher; salea reported, . a ToO baga, including O iober at 6.i.",,io.0c: aacember. I doc; May and July.- SSOc. Stjoi, quiet; No. 7 Rio. V; No. 4 Santos. 6 V- Mild, dull; Cordova, 9 312V- . balathUrala Market. DPI. I 'TO?' ' He pi. JoLwilKAT-Xo northern. .SIOSi,: No. J.-do. 99S,: BenM. 11. P: 1 ".. "H'; May. SJ.taV,,. Oct., l.H; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Steady to Strong and Other Kinds Steady. K0GS DO NOT SELL QUITE SO WELL Literal Plerelpta of Bheea gag laaha, with Deaaaad Goad aa Prices Rtroager aa Praetlcally All Klada. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Sept. SO IhsJ. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Official Mondav 7.6A6 1.A43 21.109 Official Tuesday T.0W I.SOg r.b Estimate Wednesday ... S.600 6.2 26.000 Three days this week Psma days last week.., Same days t weeks ago Rama dava I weeks sao .23.2 ., 22.SM 11.733 11196 U.1A8 IS 229 U.A4A 77.SOS 92.IWO rS.sfO 9 471 n.49 60.67) .92. 699 .20.396 Same days weeks ago..M,S earns days last year.... 22.491 Tha following table shows tha reralpts f csttia. hogs and sheep st Itjuth Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 190 197. Inc Dec. Csttia 71.m .81 144.490 Hors 1.929 A0 Sheep l.sm. So4 Tha followinw tahle 1.901.74 27.916 1.410.S13 61. 4M ,ows tna arsrsg price of hogs at Soutii Omaha tor tha last sevurai days, with compartaons: Date. I a3. m7.ji,.t:.1H.19sl.llol: Sept. 20... I 79! 061 I III I 801 1 ? as sri 9 tVM T A Sept. ai... I 84 a 11 t sn I ;ii Sept. ... Sept. 28... Sept. 24... Sept. 26. .. Sept. 24) .. 8-pt. 27... Sept. 28... Sept. 29... SepL 99... t rsi 76S 7"4 S 14 6 3S a 76i 891 t 24 S 761 71 " 6 90 96 6 9f, 6 97 17 8 78 Ti I 6 19; 24 6 17 S KR 1 n 20 6 19 87 J 7 84 18 6 IS 6 74! ' 111 6 19, I 4 6 H 7 1 6 13' I 6i 7 71 7 24! 6 69 67 I 6 4ti! S 5AS.I 6 96 6 m Sunday. The official slock brought In foday by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r's. C. M. At 81. P 1 4 fWabaah 8 Missouri Pacific 6 '2 I Union Pacific 60 H 49 11 C. AV N. W east 3 .. I C. N. W west. ...133 17 11 C, St. P. M. at O.... 6 6 ('.. B. at Q. eaat.... 1 4 1 a C, B. At weat 143 14 30 1 C, R. I. At P.. eaat.... 4 S C. R. I. at P., west.. 1 .. llllnola Central 1 1 C. O. W .. 2 Total receipts 34s 78 98 It The disposition of tha day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tha num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 660 798 1.619 Swift and company 1,102 94 1.930 Cndahy Packing Co 726 1.456 l.KW Armour At Co 1.127 1.496 1,876 Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C 134 Schwartschlld At Suls'er.. 239 Vansant At Co Carey At Benton Lobman At Rothchlld. . W. I. Stephen 516 3iO 127 11 478 128 M 159 109 104 Hill AY Son F. P. Lewis Huston At Co J. B. Root At Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hubs Cudahy Broa. Co... Lay ton At Co MoCreary At Carey Sam Werthtmer .... H. F. Hamilton .... M. Hagerty A Co... Sullivan Bros Latimer Bros Smith AV P Other Buyers ....... Total 142 396 537 8K9 91 86 19 14 66 664 19.176 ,387 6,218 26,908 CATTLE Receipts of cattle wars Very liberal this morning, 264 cars being re ported in. This wss tha largest run of any day since Wednesday of leal week, when 351 cars were, received. The receipts con slated largely of feedera and cow stuff, with no very great number of be f ateert On sale. Packers were complaining of tha scarcity of desirable fat cattle, and the trade on anything good was active with prices steady to acrong as compared with yester day,,,. Pretty.. much all the good cattle In sight changed hands in very fair season In the morning. As high as 85. wss paid for rangers. The offerings of cornfeds were vary light It waa aailmated that there were 100 more cara of cows and heifere on saie. There was. however, a good buying de mand, and the market did not show any material change as compared with yester day, being generally quoted as about steady. Good feeders were sought -after this morning and tha beat command firm nrloee. aa high at 84.70 being paid for a bunch of choice rangers. There was a world of common to medium stocksrs and feeders, and while the demand seemed to be pretty good ss a matter of course, they did not move off quits so freely as the better grades. Still prices did not show much chsngei Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fen ateera, SM''flJ7.26; fair to good corn-fed ateere, So.aOaa.; common to fair corn-fed steets, 84.tu6.oO; good to choice range ateers 14.606.65; fair to good ranga steers. t4.t4Mf4.6o; common to fair range steers, 83. Hi (64.00; good to chrrlce cows and heifers, 63.30 3l"i ; fair to good rows and heifers, I2.t0 Ss.SO; common to fair cows and heifera, '.00fi2.0; good to choice atockers and feeders, S4.26fS4.65; fair to good atockers and feeders, S3.6tip4.26: common to fair atockers and feeders, 12. 766. 60; stock leedera, 12.60 433.J4. BEEF STEERS. Ke. Av. pt. N. 4v. Pr. 11A A M I '07 31 tl. .ui ;i WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 10 cows 850 t 80 t cows 1066 8 35 8 01 2 8) S bO 4 16 5 tit 8 26 2 16 S 16 8 16 8 7A 4 U6 ' i0 cows... 13 cows... 4 cslves.. 14 leeJets 812 8b 150 864 3 10 29 cows 843 2 ) .8 heifers... 616 6 25 4 cslves... 22.1 3 .Il 112 steers.. .1162 8 76 8 fetders.. 998 8 76 19 cowa 962 3 06 86 feedera.. 9ta5 8 2-1 18 heifera... Hi 3 05 II cowa I 4 In 11 feeders.. 12 8 96 3n feeders.. 760 Zi feeders.. 1"40 18 feeders.. 990 10 cows 993 18 COWS 1016 cows MS it steers.. ..13 4 7 feeders.. K'W . Habcock Nab. 2 40 )8 cowa. B. Mo; an Neh. 26 cows.. .1078 . G. .1118 . o2 912 S 76 Is sleets. . 4 feeders 4 46 42 feeoers.. lit 4 (r 5 8 to 34 cowa 932 4. C. Shepherd Nb. 18 cows SSO 8 16 N. A. Herring Neb. I 21 feedera.. 1191 4 43 I oocar Cramer Neb. ' l3tos 'J71 3 15 2 tows 87 2 St 1 H. Hou9hs.11 Neb. ! 19 feeders . 1237 4 20 2 feid;ri. .1237 186 K. R. Cherry Neb. ) 23 cows !oH6 3 13 S feeders. .US8 9 fUers..l377 4 70 John Lister Neb. 4 70 7 calves... ;f7 8 2a 3 calves... 86-i 26 feeders. .1126 4 16 ' Stows U9 3 71 8 (4 J. M . Gentry Neb. SO he fers... 4) s lb ;'4 feeders.. 990 8 U0 SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 COM.. 3 steers. 2 a:eera. S7 1196 t2"i list 9R9 2 lo 4 HI 4 10 4 XI :t 36 3 (o 4 hi 6 40 4 10 4 on 2 AO 5 2i 4 40 X 2.. 8 10 8 46 4 4.1 3 411 i 60 5 LA 8 24. 4 16 4 2b 4 60 3 lo 4 Ail 4 10 It steers.. 13 cows... 12 leeders i steers.. 9 cows... 3 cows... t cows. .. Ai leaders 36 cows... 1 cows... ..U66 ..loso ..1123 ..U12 .. 8f2 .. 900 .. 9,0 ..1064 ..1044 ..1071 4 i'i 8 60 4 16 8 6 8 81 8 00 8 W 4 Z6 3 60 8 80 2 60 3 96 8 36 ! 66 8 4e 4 A) a 50 s 00 3 to 8 iO 3 l 3 it 8 46 4 at 2 to 2 III 2 4o t 00 4 60 8 60 8 76 too 3 D 3 So j 7 ateers. I li cows.. 0 cowa. ..H40 3 ateers. ...1278 2 steers 6 ateera .1340 .11x0 .1:68 19 ateera.. 8 cowa 8 teedets. .1016 .lt1S S bulls lif Blockers. 766 1 11 sleets.. .1-1,4 S Blockers. 13j 4 rows Sum 3 cows 1013 4 feeders. .1100 2 feeders.. lfeS 9 coos 910 7 fe-dets.. '2 8 l.eifers... ill, i Blockers. 510 i cows 4) I i. ( OK S 1-4I J a federe..li&0 , 3 feedera.. Ala 1 2 ceifers... 676 j 4 oa... I 8 cAlves., I It feeders ts2 31 . 972 , 921 . 6 leedtra., 8.0 1 cows. .. 4 cows... t fecials. 8 cows... 85 i 28 faaoeis. . 915 .11144 I 2 ateera.. 1 16 cowa... .1416 . 9M ,12'tf 4 feedera 4 cos...' 7A a cowa 642 South Dakota. 8 ateera.. ..1213 4 ateera. ...117 2 feeders.. 6u0 I'l cslves... 218 16 feeders. .lvll J. A. 24 siears.. ..1233 Hale, 6 ( t steers.. ..1073 II feeders.. 662 86 Steers . ..1 10 It steers.. ..I0M 4 4J 4 10 4 4 AO 1 steer louO Robinson, At cows...., ,1 l3 4 steers... .11 76 4 15 81 cows 946 3 26 ' Patn At 7 at acre... .1164 4 20 6 ateera. ...1114 4 to 18 atoers,... 111-2 1(6 Si" kles S. D. 74 cosrs.... 4 cows.... 8,0 a.-s. n. 8 tows... 16 steers.. 7 cows... it Steers.. . Titf .laid . t .1183 3 64 4 8 ti 4 06 8 cows 1040 8 60 F. Kensa-S. D. t steers. ...119 4 36 It cows... 3 cows 666 2 36 lit 8 It Paiu AV Araotd-S. D. 10 feeders.. 1180 4 its t cows 141 7 cows 914 2 74) 24 s eers. ...I4 It steers.. ..llMf 4 16 t steers.. ..1934 S 16 4 4-1 4 tr I 88 t 441 13 tteeri... 137 I 46 ...1044) WYOMING f eewa. ... 99t) g feeders. .104 It Steers.. ..1A;9 7 Cows 1171 4 cowa....l'il2 t bulla lVti It feeders., sot 14 cost 1118 8 heifers... -' 8 SA 4 40 5 an 6 ;a 3 Ti I 7o 4 in 8 76 8 76 4 It I rt. 8 s Nasn 8 90 9 " 4 Oil 14 feeders.. 1 I Ai 4 40 4 4rt 8 S 8 A 5 76 8 61 S 90 4 XI 4 00 8 in 8 feedera. .1027 4 feed era.. 11M 6 cowa leM 19 eawa Ill I bull .!0 3 cow 1 . . . , tl rows..., 12 feeders. IH feeders. 2 feeders. 114X1 970 1011 1014 79 9 steers.. 74 feeders 8 cows... .1137 . 790 ,110s) D. .1018 . 9 . IN,! Wvomlog. 8 cowa 1'47 21 rows 819 17 feeders., ,'M 8 rows 1f24 8 Steers.. IS feeders 9 feeders 3 60 3 4 oo 8 60 8 steers.. ,.1076 27 feeders.. 804 J. P. 3 cows 926 4 cows 1176 t feeders.. 798 8 90 4 "0 Sullivan 8 75 Wyoming 7 steers.. 1075 4 &0 8 on 4 K 3 no 8 86 4 60 8 60 8 60 9 Ml S 75 3 76 I CO 4 06 4 76 4 60 3 cows 12 steers... t etws.... 6 rows.... 2 steers... 9 feeders. 11 caws.... Wyoming. t cows.... loon 1J , 87 fciO 1290 1U76 100 8 cows... 8 cowa. .. 2 feedera 44 feedera C7 feedera .lival .1078 . 91 .1075 . 943 .1. Dolling .1180 3 80 16 rows. 1074 t 00 7 feeders. 1210 4 80 H. King, Wyoming. 983 I gA 9 cowa... 18 heifers.. 988 J 26 28 feeders.. 1000 4 40 Charles Smith wra. .1058 4 60 7 cows... . 841 2 76 81 feeders. 14) COWS.... 987 I 0 T. C Reck Wvo. 7.40 4 26 4 cows. . . A. W. Bristol Wto. 24 feeders. .1043 8 76 JS feeders.. 1183 4 26 99 feeders. .1041 4 t 5 TO 7 Steers.. ..1092 4 00 13 steers.. ..1149 3 tl 17 steers. ...1030 J. A. Johns Wyo. It feeders.. 798 4 26 Rlchsrdson Wyo. 8 66 Scows 1026 H. D. 12 cows If 81 3 (0 8 86 I 15 1 25 SSO 8 86 8 10 t (to 2 60 H. A. Andrwws W.vo. JO cows. ..1046 8 66 34 steer. ...1304 7 steers. ...1210 8 16 1 Sle-r 1230 C. MeCurdv, t'olarsdo. S 9il . 1 cow 800 3 86 1 steer 60A 8 69 ! steers.... 890 8 26 4 steers.... 637 MoRoberts. Colorado. 8 00 3 bulls 1210 8 60 1 cow 780 8 COWS..., t heifers. 1 better.., 4 steers. .. 878 , s?o 810 478 William 18 mixed... 93 10 cows 762 H04Tv There Is a good deat of sameness about tha hog market these day a. Every day the market stsrts out slow and dull, with some of the best losds, such ss ship pers especially want, selling flrat, with lees desirable kinds slow and dragging through out. That la the way it was this morning srid ths way It haa been moat every other morning for aoma time back. The early aalea of the best hogs were around to lower, but other kinds were tAflOc lower, and It waa very late before buyers really got down to business on that kind and a good deal Jaler before anything like a clearance waa effected. Aa has bean pointed out seversl times In these columns, buyers are discriminating very clooely In tha matter of quality, and anything that falls short of their Ideas aa to what ought to conatl lute good killing hogs are very slow sellers st current prloea. Representative ssles: I rows. 19 cewa. Kb. hi. tk. Pr. No. Av. tk. Pr. 141 176 111 4 41 II 3SA 4S 11 U tri io 4,s ti wt ite a to i 141 IM 4 .'4 11 av sot 4 g so n. m 10 lis II ..Ill 1I gal v: Ul ISO II 74 317 12s 00 h 157 (0 1,1 sa 94 no 1 ,;i, ,'i .. .ti - A :m 40 M rt 40 g a , 4 1M to ; 71 2 SI I '""i, tl 140 4 4,1 i 241 190 tVi 3.1 Ill ... A3 il 9KI l'.t) US I' ti2 ... I ,'iA 74 "II .40 Ha 0 4A o T 24 44l 4 A4 l TH SO A AA II atMl 40 a 4 200 130 g AA II 92A ... A 2 Ill V) t AA AA 3!l 40 A A 101 ... 6i', 17 SN VKI 17',, f 40 IMS " 941 ... AtS A 313 AO S MS J ... 4A7S l n ... tfvi ' at 1. 111 ... 70 4 141 AO 4 fVS .. I'- ... 70 AI 34A HI 4 40 AI II ... (7 A 114 4 04 Mi ... (74 JM ... An DO tli AO TA Shfcfci'P The official count of sheep re ceipts yesterday and day before showed grand total for the two days of 62,808 hesd. On top of this there was another big ru-t today. Still, there did not appear to be any too many to supply the requirements of the market. The trad yesterday and the day before Was so active that everything In sight wss cleaned up by midday or very soon aftet'. The demand started out equally good thla morning, wiLh the. feeling gea ersJly strong and the trade opened just aa soon aa there was anything ready to be shown. Ths quality, of ths lambs on sata today was somewhat better than yesterday, ths proportion of killers being Isrger. As pack ers all seem to want good lambs, th mar ket on that kind opened very early and It did not take packers very long to clean up tiie rrrur desirable of th offerings. Several loads of good lambs sold up to 66.15, which looked anywhere from atrong to lOfJfUo higher than yesterday. The market on tat lambs, to ssy the least, was in a 9000:, orH healthy And aatlafactory condition as com' nared with vaaterdav. Fat sheep were In equally good demand and they, too, sold very readily at prlcea that were atrong to 10e higher, and In some cases possibly aa much aa itc higher than yesterday. As waa the case with fat lambs the demand wss very good and practically everything In sight was soon disposed of. The attendance of country buyers was sgaln very large this morning and feeding sheep and Iambs wara free aellera at good firm prices. Buyers took the offerings as fsst as they could be made ready to be ahown and by midday the moat of the re celpta had been diapoaed of. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. 5,(Ktt,.26; fair to 5 nod lambs, 14.806.00; feeding lambs, 14.00 '4.80; good to choice light yearlings, 14 00 (84.30; good to choice heavy yearlings, 83.90 (04.16; feeding yearlings. 88.76434.00; good tn choice weithere. SA.754HOO; fair lo good wether. S3.60a58.76; feeding wether. S8.4U& 8.76; good to choice ewes. S3.1vttt.iiu; fail to good ewea. 82.90436.30; feeding ewea. 8200 &2.15: culla and bucka, l.Ofj2.50. , Representative aalea: No. Av. Pr. 50 4 00 101 t 75 53 4 40 99 2 76 113 3 40 KM 3 86 99 2 all 97 2 Ml 64 4 Hi 60 4 oil 87 4 90 58 4 40 60 3 25 lit) 3 40 61 4 7b 61 4 76 4f, 4 OH 60 4 30 0 4 73 69 4 76 list 3 60 94 3 60 n 4 60 44 4 10 60 4 76 60 4 00 96 3 to 49 4 16 lol i no 101 3 ) 1 lot 8 to 40 3 60 , A2 3 66 97 3 55 . 99 3 65 95 3 ai 52 4 25 58 4 25 , 52 4 10 89 3 70 K 4 35 98 2 M 4 Aft 86 2 26 1"" 3 43 96 3 73 i 4 45 59 4 40 .78 3 80 69 4 40 127 3 90 69 3 76 90 3 73 7" 4 a 97 3 60 87 4 5 38 3 75 61 4 2 91 40 : 1 1-4 3 Ait (-1 4 60 i 63 4 : 94 26 64 2 i l I'd 3 60 AA 2 65 64 4 uo 7 A ti llf 4 00 72 4 76 64 4 tl 67 4 :ti 6' 3 ) 4 61 6'' A 2A ') 3 ) 110 4 01 1'6 3 60 IP 3 f J) 117 3 60 Hit :! h6 HV . g. 104 3 b 9 I 7j 71 4 HO 4 61 49 4 14 4 ' 4 in 4'l 3 26 69 4 ke 46 3 I 872- Utah 140 Utah 85) Utah 194 Utah 4 Utah 36 Utah 17 t;taii 12 Utah 101 Utah too Utah 438 Utah 346 Utah 60 Utah 84 Utah lamus, readers, culla wea lambs, feedera ewes, feeders ewea ewea ewes, ewes, lamba, lambs, lamba lambs lamba, feed 1 s feeders feeders feeders. , feeders feeders, culls. ewes 43 Wyoming lis) Wyoming 92 Wyoming AS Wyoming K3 Wyoming 313 Wyoming f41 Wyoming 190 Wyoming 340 Wyoming 198 Wyoming 60 Wyoming ? Wyoming 64 Wyoming 9p3 Wyoming 180 Wyoming lwl Wyoming 93 Wyoming 47 Wyoming lamba, lamba, lamba, lambs, lambs, lamba, ewea ewea lamba, lamba, lamba, lamba. feedeis., feeders., feeders. . feeders. . feeders., feedeis. : feeders., feeders., feedera.. feeders.. ewea lambs, feedera wethena wethera wethers lambs, feeders 221 Nevada yearlings. Sol Nevada wethera, 271 Nevada wethera, 6 Nevada wet hers, 630 Wyoming lambs, lo Wyoming lambs, 269 Wyoming lambs. leeders. . . feedera feedet s. . . . feeders. . . . feeders feeders..,.. feeders. m wyo. lambs, reeders. cutis.. 190 Wyoming lamba, readers 177 Wyoming ewes, feeders 191 Idaho lamba. feedera 174 Wyoming ewea, feedera 1179 Colorado ewea 670 Utah ewes snd wethers 749 Utah lamba, feedera 704 Utah lambs, feeders 290 I'Un lambs, feeders, cull.. 822 ('tali lamba. feeders 276 Wyoming ewes snd wethers. 6 Utah larnbs, feeders, culla... 64 Utah ewea. breeders 107 Idaho lamba, feedera 51 Idaho ewes , Sfri Idaho lamba. feedera 169 Wyo. lamba, feedera. culls.. 1004 Wyoming lamb, feeder... 443 Wyoming ewea. feedera 136 Wyoming ewes 419 Wyoming lambs, feedeis 633 South Dakota lamba, feedera 447 South Dakota ewea, feedera. 182 South Dakota ewea. feedera. 21 Wyoming ewea 237 Wyoming ewes, feedera 260 Wyoming lambs, feede:a i64 Wyoming lamba 39 Wyoming wether 478 Ulali lambs 238 Utah lamba 361 Utah lamb, feeder iit) Utah lambs, feeder culla 913 Utah lamba r':sj Utah lamba. feedera 260 Utah lambs, feeder culla 21 Utah yearlings 87 Utah ewes 118 Utah ewea 33 Vtah ewea 4ki Utah ewea. feedera 61 Utah wes, feeders 249 Utah ewea, feeder 98 Utah ewe, feeder cull 446 Idaho lamba 1048 Idaho lamba, feeiiera 98 Idaho lainba, feeder culla lis) Idahs lamhi, feeder culla 81 Idaho lambs, feeder culls luta Wyoming lamba. feedera Its) Womirg lamba. feeder aulls 43 Wvomlng wethers 1 1" I i 64 Wyoming ewes .. .. ..1 IfO 3 ?A 264 Wyoming ewes, feedeis n ; Aft 9 Wyoming ewes, feede-e 1 I an il Idaho ewea. il 74 1 on 87 Nevada lamba ...1 , ? - 4 6 96 Nevada yearlings A2 3 to H Nevada yearlings, fe,1rs 83 3 to 4 Wyoming and we. here. 104 t In 313 Wyoming lambs, feedeis (9 4 60 CHICAGO liMl-rnfTtTt k' ' M lllkRT tattle anal Hstge Steady heep Tea lo Twentr-flse t eals Higher, e CHICAGO, Sept. SO.-CATTLK-Rccelpts. 16.000 head; market st entry ; ateers. I' (OU 7.78: rows. S3. 26115 26; . heifera. SS (XtH.a.i; bulla. 8.Rdn .50; calves, 8.150418.60; stockera and feeders. 1 : 8054.30. HOG.x-R-,'eip!a. I9.0HO . head; market aleadv; choice heavy ahlpping. S7.AHn7.10; butcher. 87.OetJ7.10; light mixed. aWfAJO;' choice light, 8ti.30rtVN: packing. t4Atj.si; pigs. U614j.I8; bulk of sales. SAIvi "A 8HEF.P AND LA MRS Receipts. 28 Ala head; market loo to 26c higher; sheep, S3 i 4 0; Iambs. 4 tAVfi j 80; yesrlings, 83.S54J4.3. Kaaaaa City Lire Rteek Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. SO CATTLK Re ceipts. 16.000 head, including 1,000 south erns; market ateady to strong: choice, ex port and dressed beef ateera, 8.fjP4jrr.44): fair t good, t4.S56 76; western atesre. SS 36 lJtO; atockers and feeders. S2.764i-4.9i); southern steers. S3 fJo434.6: southern cowa. SJ.2tWfJ3.25: native roai, llrvvfrAoO; naflvw heifera. SC.wnft.OO; bulls, 83.601. 7t; calves, M.764J8.7R. HOGS-Receipta. 16.000 head; market Wet lower; top. W fr'H; bulk of sales. 4 TiortA.80; hesvy, 36.754!4)82U: packers and butchers, SO.tWit 90; lights. A.22HJfi-j 66; pigs. U.00QHV. 8HKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. lA.onO head; market 10c. to 16c higher; lambs? 84. SA 40; ewes and yearlings, 83.605r.90; west ern yearlings. 87o4.00; weetern sheep. W.2Gff3.90; Blockers and feeders, SS.OP-JKOft. St. Leafs Llvei RtoeK Market. ST. IiOUIS. Sent. .-CATTT.E-rtctp4a 4,000head. Including 860 Toxans; native steedy lo 15c lower; Tezwna 10o- higher: native shipping and ex pore ateera ft-Ofa) 87.26; dressed beef and butchers steeorw I2.76df88.0rt; ateera tinder 1.000 pmindetA.no Ajto.OO; Blockers and feeders, SS.0O4jt4.OO: rows and heifera, .alS6.90: catnners, 83 00 4tt; bulla, 82.70-34 .26; calves. S4 WSJJ87.00; Texas snd Indian ateers. S17iV85'. cowa and heifers tl.60Hft4.OO. HOGSRecelpts, 8.400; 10c lower. Pigs and lights 13 6i(),40; packers, A604J.7; butchers and bet heavy. 990434)7.00. SHEEP AND UAMBS Rooetpla, 2.2A ieii:stedV: natlne- muttons. (N.flntfWAIS: lambs. 85.SrittJ95.ftO: fills and bucks, 3.Jfy 14.00; stockere, S10tW3.76. 91. Joseph Llva Slssett Maurkat. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 80. CATTLE Receipts. 2.000 head, market atrong to lOo hlgher; steer. K0rsrj?.s5; cows and heifers. S2.2f4faj .86; calvee. SllOOttO.SS. HOOA-'Reoalpts. 6.600 head; market alow and steady to weak; , top, 86 90i bulk of sales. S8.6ofyt.75. SHEEP AND tAMBS-Rcelpts. 2.00H head; market' strong to lOo higher; lambs. S.504y6.26. Sloas Oty I,e Steele Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia Sept. SO. (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts. i.ioo head; market loo lower: beeves, 84.6O7J7.00- grass cows, 82.60E941.76: feeders. .76(ff4.o0; cslves and yearlings, 82.26(93.60. HOGS Receipts. 4,500 "head; market 100 lower; range, 8R.25JJ45.75; bulk, Sg.tfifla.tii, IKiek la Slatht. r Receripta of llva stock st the six princi pal western market yeslerdsy: Cattle Hogs Sheep Bouin iimana ....... Sioux City '.;., St. Joaepn . ....... Kansas (Mty , St. Louis Chlcsgo 6,200 4,600 6.600 18. OX) 4x400 M.000 Total ; ..1.. ....49.700 7,IV 64,3t OMAHA OB-fRraAt. MARKETS. Joadltlosj at Tr-A.4te a4 (aVaotattosis oai 9tala mm Faaoy rrostaoa. TBTJTTER Creamery. No.' 1 delivered ta retail trade In carton,' 23c: No. T, tn H-lh. tub, 22V; No. 1, la 80-Ib. tubs. 33o; No. L In 0-lb. tub. 2(Hc; No. 3. In S0-)b. tube. Ke; No. f, in 1-Ib. cartons. Slei No. t ls csrload lots, 21V; No. 2. In oarload tots. 194JP19V; country, fanoy, tubs, 17e; tsoja mon. io EGOS--Fresh candled. 18o par doaan. ' CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cream. twins 1444a vonn AmirlMi a Im J60; favorite. 8 In lioop, 15 V; daisies. So In k,,i . 1R1Z. n-A m .v. b.M, 1 , . . "wwe, 'np-, ... .)., i-m,, ,imi vaee, atasi half, case, 1JA; hall1 donen bricks. 144. Ka quotation ou Swiss nor llmbergtr anUI after October. SU JAR Coarae granulated, 1.60c; fins granulated. 6. 10c; oubea, t.toc; powdered. t60o per lb. BEEF CUTS No. 1 rib, 17V; No. S rib. 11V; No. 8 rib. ic; No. 1 loin. SOc; No. 8 loin, 12c; No. S loin, 8Vl No. 1 chuck, SV; No. 2 chuck, 41ick. No. S chuck. 4c; NoT t round. 8Vi No. 2 round. 7c; No. 8 round. CV; No. 1 plate, tVi Ne. a plate, 4V; Ko. 3 plate, 8V. DRESSED POLIiTRT-dquabs. ISM psr doren. VEOETA FILES Celary. SaTJohlgan. per Joje 86a Beans, new wax and spring, one third bu basket, 81.00; navy, per bu,. No. 1. 82.70; lima, IV per lo. Cabbage. 3a per lb. PoUtoes, new. per bu Si.W. Tomatosa. par 4-baaket crat. SOc. Watermelons. 24 SAW. Cantalopea, California. 82.6063.00 per erst. AApuiagus. per do., joe. Cueum bars, per dos., 60c. Onlona, Bermuda, II. a per crate; lexaa yellow. i.36 par crabs. Mushroom, cultivated, par lb., 0c. Let tuce, par dor.., 86c. Peppers, soutbern, SI per crte. FRESH FRUITS Apple. S2.7etM.0t per bu. box. Lemons. S4.60tl6.0C, orangea. 4,0 tio.OO. Baaanaa, 4o par lb. Flume, 61.86 par 4-basket crate. Peach. CalUoraU. I3to rir box; Texas, 4-baake; crai. ar,o, ar. 11. W per 4-baakel craia. Blaekber- ria. 84.00 par crate. Ataapberrt. 94 00 Pr crat. (Jherrlea, 83.36. Curiam. 82.00 par crat. Oooaaberriea. I2.4M per ctat. LIVE POULTRY Hana, c; springs. UVJ rooateia. 6c; ducks, young, 9c; old. 7V getae. to; turkeya. . 14c; pigeons, etc par doaen; squsbs, 82.00 par 4 oxen. DRIED FRUITS Raisins, loos MuscataL IV; fancy aeedid, 1-1 b. cartou. 10c. Cur taot. unuleaned. 6V; cleaned, ta, carton, to per !b. Prune. 4044oc per. sack; 7 V par lb prloota, S6-I0. oox.es. to par lb. Peache.a .'hllfomia choice, tu; fanoy boxes, llo per .b. Peat s. California. 11c. Dates. Persian, IV. Figs, layers, choice. ltH-jc Citron. IsVruuo. Lemon peel, lie. Oraage peel. 13c. 1 , FISH Halibut, to; trout. i4; ptckerel. lie; pike, 14o, bullheads, skinned and dressed, Uo; while perch, tc; white bass, 17c; black boss, 26c; crsppios. 16c; whlta "'flab., Uot red snapper, 14c; flounders. 13c; maokeral, 17c; codfish, fresh froxen, ljc; shad roe, Atoj melts, 13c; fiog lsgs, 46o; green sea turU mast. 35c; catfish, lto; eel, per lb., Ite. HIDES-Ouotatlons by J. . Smith 4 Oat Oreen salted No. 1. 10c; No. li. 9c; bull hide. No. 1. 6c; No. 1. 7c; horse Hideo. 8760; sheep pelia. Ste to 81.10; dry pelts, lias to 12o per lb.; dry flint butcher hides. Ilex dry fallen hides. Jlc; dry sallatt hldaa. to. 250,000. ACRES CHOICE CANADA LANDS AT AUCTION Will Be Oflcrfd by tbe Siskatoei I Wes!eri Liad Ct., Lid. At the City f -Bog-la a, PrarlBet af Sag. bacbewaa, Ooteber 19, 19, 14, 19, 19, IT. rraa ttallroad rare to Bnyare. Here la your chanre la g tha pick af rich vusig aakatkewan prairie right in the h;art ot las Canada wheat bell. At auction arts: yu 40 set have ts live as it la gal tbe ttargala ialu. Tliis -aai tract will ka offend for aale at aucc.ee In our pavilion In the city of Beglna, October 1-11-14-14-14-17. Make plane la go and OO. Be oa the ground a few deya before tbe aala sat aeixt ihs location you prerer. Hemeeeetera ex euraiks ra'ea ery low will be given tor Cxt 4 from all points ss all leadiug reals af the VI esc Me sill pay back the entire round I rip (are of el, purrhareie of ! aerea or more. end for oar Large Map. and 90-Pare Book Free I I he map etieaa everv aactlan we 'own bow Bear tbfy are ta Reglna. how convenient ts Winolpeg aad the grata an aio, k marketa, Tha book g,vaa you actual photographa of lands, crape and home, free. WrUe tor hook aa4 .anew to Tna gaakaleoa A Western Land Co., i,.-!.. Ksglna, Bakucbeaa. Canada. Trma: &e ot the sort base pr:ee et Uie time af aala, balance of regular firat pa -me at ai 81 n sip In tan dais: reaasmder Is a'g it etpiel laaiall mentaslth ta,a-eat at 4. Sum;- ea of In un par ac.-a aea).la vllh la.t Initailment auK without, m erest, (pon a panel beieg kao ked dowa tna bidder shall immediately make a Aepoalt ot 1f, with the Clerk af Sale. 0;bais ibe parcel mav be put us again or lihd:sn from aale lbs torn panv reaerrae the r. ta withdraw aa of tae ianrta from aale Tnaaa leads hsia bees reislhng at 110 te 1:4 aa acre. All are aeer railroads, rte crop wikl wiiw , sea par (ar yaur purchase. Oat market rep aril see figure ti aut yeur.e!f. This ta veur ifiia-e. .Teste to tba atbrftea THE tAJkATOON a WlAI'gRS LAhg. OO., U.. I g ,m a. causa. i.tnin .. 3.100 .. 2.000 ..16,000 . 4..000 ..11.000