Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Police Have a Chtie After Colored
Man Who Stabbed Companion.
ne My Crowd Waa Trying Jon
II Ira ana Mai KM la Manned nys
It Wn RrriiM If f.aagned
When the Other Last.
. .:er a hunt, which kfrt all the police
i .'iters In the city on the Jump for several
i..mra. Detective P. II. Hhlelda and Officer
lid Lowrry arreatei J. K. Reynolds, a
i . gro. Kim stabbed Charles Robert In a
:'iol hfill at Twenty-sixth and N s reel
tluturday a"te nocn -Tied ectlv !n makrg
Hie roil n tin of the rooms and f.aii occupied
by negroes dlacovered his man In company
v.-It h 'Alice JscHnn on Twenty-seventh
reel. The i.f tu er .t lnt,i I h h- I
... -. .... Itrrr,a wttn my business. I had manv of
"I'V!" -en. Il!.h ,ymp:om, of .y fev ,nj . "ror,
immediately placed both undr tntM, preicrpltno did not reach my cast and
charging the ncgifss with vagtancy. j 1 took several medicines which seemed to
At.ih Jili R ynolds made no d"n a! of the only afcgravius my esse, v-oitunately 1 In.
scabbing of Huberts, but Insisted that the'
gsng in tJie pool hall hsd been trying to
joo mm sad' get his money n a "crap
same. nrr ne iisu lort heavily Jloberts ;
Jeered li!m snd made him angry.
Roberts' story of the affair was con- i
sl.ierahly disconnected ss to the causes and
most of this was due to his fright. He '
believed that he had received a fstal stab.!
..... !
lie raid ins nrotners wire bad been In i
mint; -eay vnjwi 01 attention
Reynolds and a llltle liaj blood
aroused. He said Reynolds was known as a
very "hsd nigger." He. himself, had no
weapons and wss simply standing In the
pool ball watching tiie game. He Insd
vertently laughed at Reynold's anger and
this caused rteynolds to spring Ms knife.
It was a long clasp knife of dangerous I
sire Roberts Immediately tan out and up '
Hie s.ret. shouting for help. When he got '
u, Twenty-alxth and N Reynolds caught I
Mm and. visaing the knife on the side of i
his neck, he forced him to walk bsck to
Mm pool ball, ha soon as they were Ins'de
he delivered the slab, which struck his
victim between the eighth and ninth ribs, a ;
nveve notind which Med freely. In the
menntlme Mrs. Hanley, who lived across
he atrcct, seeing the knife and the row
opposite. seied a revolver and fired three
or four shots to attract the attention of
the police. This shooting frightened Rey
nolds from his purpose of finishing the Job.
He ran out the back door and hid on the
top of the roof of the building next to the
pool ball. He kept so close tinder cover
that the police hunted the whole district
over, searching fqr him. He finally slipped
Mown, but wss spotted by some of Roberts'
friends, who Immediately Informed Shields
where he went.
At the Jail, Dr. John Koutaky attended
Roberts, and said he hsd been saved, be
cause the knlfa veered between the two
ribs and did not penetrata deeply Into tha
abdomen. The bleeding was due to tha
superficial arteries. After his wound was
dressed he was able to go home.
Reynolds was charged with assult with
Intent to commit great bodily Injury.
The resort where tha shooting was done
is the same place where Detective 8. 8.
I'irummy was . shot by William Jones,
February IS.
Rashlagr Work on Beef Hoase.
Swift and Company announced with con
siderable satisfaction tha rapid progress
being made In tha construction of their
beef house. Tha building has been com
pleted fo the third story and the walls
have been raised (o, , the .height of tha
fourth. The building la absolutely fire
proof. The floor are all of re-lnforee4
concrete. This ivmkea it necessary that
the work should be completed before severe
freesing sets In. From present indications
this will be easily accomplished. The beef
killing beds and the hog-killlng floor will
be placed In this division of the plsnt, and
will greatly Increase the capacity. The new
division will be In operation by December 1.
Haar Men
have saved their cents in buying our
"8TKTSON" shoes at 16 a, pair. Some pay
others $3.50 and IS for shoes not having the
quality or style Cressy, The Shoeman.
Ptecl Shod I the name of the best shoes
made for boys and girl. Sold only by
Cressy. The Shoeman in South Omaha.
A Oreat Showing Our line of men'a 14
shoes. They look In style and quality like
most the other, fellow show at $5. Forty
styles to select from. Cressy. The Shoe ,
Msgls City Gossly.
Joseph Parallk I reported Seriously ill In
'i. Joseph's hospital in Omaha.
A Urge number of friends attended the
itinera! of Mrs. Ellen O'Keeffe yesterday
Tlai anck talked of Intenriew with
Mrs. Astor
The October Delineator
It made Joe Ctnnoa Uke notice
I Better Saic than Sorry
During the fall festivities, when our capacity
is taxed to its utmost, it is important that
passengers on cars aR well as pedestrians on
the street exercise more than ordinary care
to avoid accident.
lo not attempt to Kt?t on or off moving cars,
and when crossing streets look out for the
Assist Us In Preventing Accidents.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Stroct Railway Company
mnrninn. She wa one of the South Omnha
Mrs. Pstome Potter was ttie anient of rel.
Stives In South Omaha yesterday.
The body of Mrs. K. B. Csrroll Is to be
tskn lo Urecnwood. Neh., today for burial.
J. M-rrimsn. K-l North Twenty-third
street, wss seriously hurt Thursday by fall-
rng err a warier
'rn "ho' 0, l1 (tlven under the auspices
season. The croquet luurnamftit Is yet to
oe uninueu.
Mlees Annie snd Ksle riemrr.lll hsve re.
turnod from a two months' visit In Pennsyl
vania and Maryland.
The receipts of csttl for the week Just
closed were 2 head; hogs. 24.SI4 hesd.
and sheep, 12Z.'3 head.
Money. Quick and ronfldentlsl service.
Pall and get our terms. Fidelity Chattel
I.oan Co.. 4i4 North Twenty-fourth street.
Herd "tryker and Grant Csngliey were
unable to plav off the tennis championship
yesterday afternoon on account of the rain.
John Long. J. Mahcr and A. Smith, who
were arrested for disturbing the peace of
the parkins- district Friday, were all fined
In polio court yesterday morning.
Cared Bar r sisiA Ce,t-
A. J. Xusbaum. Ratesv!!!. fn(j wrt,t.
"Latt yer I suffered for three months witli
7 """.p mil 11 tn-
alstsd upon having Foley's Honey and Tar
In tha ello-v package and it quickly cured
tr.e. Sly wife has since used Foley's Honey
ana Tar wnn the same aucuess. : AH drug
r'atrplataj the Fight.
Brooklyn F.agle.
The aggressive tone of Mr. Taft's speeches
H.lll . ...
' """" p"1 nT- iyn either upon
is fromi'"1"" "cicnsive, or win drive him to an
l mas!ou,hu"t of the radicalism that will still
i - in . . . .
further challenge the apprehension and af
filsjhl Judgment of the country. The
thoughtful Jurist Is 'playing the mischief
with the mercurial Bohemian, and the man
of Ohio who Insures confidence is destroy
ing the vogue nt the mm of Nebraska who
""Spires onijr-ihc reverse,
, .' '
", Ma.
.... , Ka""J" City Times.
' "'"''"""res In the case of Governor
Hasted! of Oklahoma are Just one more
rensTnder that Mr. Dryan with all his cxcel
Ifjiit qualities, la a wretchedly poor Judge
Of men. Himself, a public speaker of raro
gift, Bryan's Idea of a great man Is ono
who can make a rlp-snortlng speech.
A Nhootlnsr Scrape
with both parties wounded, demands Buck
len's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores,
burns or Injuries. ;5c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Kalahta of Pythias Will Celebrate
Wednesday as Their Day at
Wednesday has been set span ss Knlehta
of Pythlss uay for the Ak-8ar-Ben carnlva"
and every member of the order Is expected
vi.i vi k x-yinian Doom on the
King a highway.
rm. lJin .,oa of Pythian from
Omaha attended the district meeting at
remont last Tuedny evening and assisted
c"ndi'es " r"nlt 0n ,irty-"h
.PPi!.cUon" for membership in the Om
aha lodges are coming In with a rush under
the stimulus of the near approach of the
anniversary celebration on November 28
Ancient member who have been non-affill-ted
for year are hunting up their cards
and renewing their membership In the
lodge. In brief. Pythlsnlsrr. Is on the up
grade of renewed prosperity and some ac
live work will be doing In the order during
the coming season.
Ladles of the Grand Army.
The social season at the South Omaha
Country club closed with the Friday eve i
X2?Al?AnZt ,hv" bMt ""ndedVf he
f "-financial success. Cards dancln?
nd refreshments were the feature of the
evening Tlw circle will hold It nelt meet
ing Friday evening, October .
Grant Post Anniversary.
Dieted "foTt?" rv, b"" P'r'tlcally com
pleted for the anniversary celebration of
be held at Happy Hollow Country club
Thursday evening. October Tha affair
b;hr,"f'n",1 ,"" members of the post
snd their families and will embrace an
elaborate program of addrssea. banquet
ttng and miscellaneous anuial diversions
Ipwards of K acceptances have already
been received for the affair.
Fraternal I'nlon of America.
.Monoamin ixvdge No. Ill will omit Its
regular meeting next Wednesday evening
owing to the Ak-8sr-Ben parade being1
booked for the same evening.
Independent Order of Odd Fellose.
The first degree staff of North Star
Lodge INo. $ of Minneapolis, which was
competing for a prise lout week at the
Sovereign Grand lodge at Denver, will pass
through Omaha todsy on the wsv home.
It will confer the first degree, complete In
three parts, under the new ritual at Odd
Fellows' hall (Sunday) afternoon, at 6
m :
Fruits of Ben Franklin's Bequest
Made 118 Years Ago.
Italia Against t oranolsory Attend.
nee at Devotional F.merleea la
Paalle arnoolo Eaoea
tloaal ot.
Benjsniln Franklin's bequest of one thou
sand pounds sterling to the city of Boston
In 1T90, and held In trust for 11 years, until
It amounted to tm.Wl. has been devoted
to the erection, of a magnificent Industrial
school, the Franklin t nlon. in which the
young mechanic may be trained In practical
handicraft. Andrew Carnegie donated
tfO.cro a an endowment fund.
The new structure Is locsted in the geo
graphy al heart of the city. It Is a flve
atory building of steel and concrete, with
outer walls of Bedford stone and brick,
following the colonial style of Franklin
uy. Its length of lWt feet snd width of
1C4I feet give ample room for the compre
hensive courses of study to be undertaken.
The decorative feature have been well
chosen. Houdin' celebrated bust of Frank
lin greets one at the entrance. Carved bs
relifs protrylng the stspie product of
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania are sjr
mounted by the coat-of-arm of the Com
monwealth. Wrought-lron gates, the pro
duct of artist and artisan, are used effec
tively. A series of Illustrate Frank
lin's majiy chstaiterlstlcs, while several
of hi maxims, selected from "Poor Rich
ard's Almanac," are inscribed on panel
about the lobby.
The utilitarian features of the building
Include a lecture hall, with a gallery, of a
seating capacity of 1.0UC, laboratories for
every brsnrh of mechanics, thirteen claM
rooms, a library, etc., all equipped with the
latest devices. Instructors selected from
leading manufacturing industries will train
the pupils In the practical aide of mechani
cal drawing: machine detail. Which means
the taking Sfsrt and assembling of all
kinds of machinery; mechanism, or the
problems of pulleys, csms, gears, t-tc; arch
Itectuat drafting from the builder Tlew
point; shop formula snd Industrial arith
metic; practlcsl mathematics for carpen
ters and builders; Industrial chemistry,
with special reference to Important com
mercial products; steam engines nd boil
ers, dealing with their construction, nse,
snd heat generation; Industrial electricity;
and the common application of mechanical
principles. The courses are open Only to
those who are employed during the day.
To all such youths and adults, of the en
tire country, this splendid Institution and
the opportunities that It affords are avail
able by the payment of an insignificant
yesrly fee from M for residents to $12 for
The history of the bequest Is an Interest
ing story in Itself. Franklin followed the
precepts of his own wise saws and aphor
isms giving encouragement to virtue and
progress, recorded In his "Poor Richard'
Almanac," and which are familiar to every
schoolboy. Surely, he had In mind tils
famous maxim, "A penny saved I penny
earned," when, with charactertstlo humor,
he devised that the gift of 1.000 should be
saved and allowed to accumulate for 100
years. One thousand pound sterling was
then a fortune. He stated in hi will that
the principal and Interest at the end ef 100
years would probably amount to about tt&O..
000, of which 1600.000 wa then to be used
and the balance, about H65.000, allowed to
accumulate for another 1U0 years. He fig
ured that, at the end of the second KO
years the amount would be about 120,806.000.
In making the bequest, he stated that It
was in recognition of financial aid given
by his Boston friends which enabled him
to begin business In Philadelphia, and
which was the foundation of his fortune
That young men in similar need might have
the advantage of a helping hand, and be
come "serviceable, to their country," he de
vised that from the date of it acceptance
small sums of the principal should, be
losned. at i percent Interest, to young mar
ried apprentices of Boston. The trustees
who were named by him were to be the
selectmen, with the three ministers of the
oldest Congregational, Episcopalian and
Presbyterian churches. The trust has been
administered all these years with Boston'
usual fidelity and success. In 1799 Boston
had a population of 1R.320. Today metropol
itan Boston, which Includes several closely
populated communities, hss a population of
more than 1,000,000.
Attempt to Compel Attendance
Devotional F.xerrlsea.
A ruling ha been made by the Depart
ment of Education of New Jersey that the
attendance of pupil at religious exercises In
public school must be entirely voluntarily.
This ruling Is the outcome of a six month'
controversy between Arthur Watt of River
Bflge, N. J., and the school board of River
side borough.
Mr. Watts, who ha hi opinion of relig
ious exercises and keeps his own counsel,
sends two daughters to the River Edge'
school. One Is 7 and the other U year old. I
When the board authorized opening exer
cise consisting of reading from the Bible
and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer Mr.
Watt obtained permission of the principal
for his children to remain In the classroom
while the exercise were going on In the
assembly room.
It Is said that the envy of the other chil
dren and the consequent growth of absen
teeism at prayer caused the practice of the
Watt children to be brought to the notice
of the board. Mr. Watts then had to face
the alternative of compulsory attendance
at the exercises or the exclusion of his
children from school.
Mr. Watt urged his case before the board
and the contest dragged on until the dos.
of the spring term. Meantime the children
had lost two weeks of school.
During vacation nothing waa dine, but
when River Edge school opened two weeks
ago Mr. Watt galn entered hi children
This time Instead of remaining In the as
sembly room they arranged to arrive ten
minutes late. The board, however, saw
through this strategy and notified Mr.
Watts that his children must come on time
or not at all.
Declaring that be would go to law If
necessary, Mr. Watt took the controversy
bfote Sta'e Superintendent C. J. Baxter
at Trenton, Pend ng the superintendent'
decision, Mr. Watts's children lost another
week and a half from school. Laot week
C. J. Baxter, state superintendent sent
this letter to H. Morris, secretary of the
River Kdgt- school board:
"After a careful consideration of the
action of your board (n the exclusion from
school of the children of Mr. Arthur Watts
because he refused to permit them to at
tend the opening- axerelsea of the school,
consisting of the reading of the Bible and
repeating of the Lard's Prayer; t am of the
opinion that the action of your board was
In violation of the constitutional right of
Mr. Watt.
"No person ran be compelled to attend
religious exen.'ises contrary to hi faith and
judgment. If he refuses to permit hi chil
dren to attend the opening exercises of the
school nis children must be marked
tardy and, they must be admitted to the
regular work of the schorl.
"Ths aftBilsnre of pupils t opening ex
errlses of the school. If such exrcle con
slst of reading the Hihle and repeating the
Lord s Prayer, must be entirely voluntary."
A asolrlons
Realnnlnar of
the fs
The Nebraska Military academy at IVn
coln began Its first week of sciiool lst
Monday in most giatlfylng manner. The
fact that another military si hool Is needed
and thst Its opening wss not Ill-timed is
shown by the large number of rsdet now
In attendance and by the quality of the
students, coming ss they do from many
of the best homes In Nehrasks, Iowa. Kan-
sas. Colorado and other neighboring states.
Both senior and Junior department are
taking up their work with good spirit. The
manusl training department is attracting
many students, the special commercial
courses share the Interest of tipper Hass-
men. while the foot ball field Is the ob
jective point Just now for old and young
alike when study hours are over. The
band will be organised next week tinder
direction of Prof. August Hsgenow. The
Olee club will begin work in the near
Each giade from fifth to twelfth Is well
represented. The courses of study In both
lower and upper schools follow closely
those adoptd by Nebrsska accredited
schools. More stress is laid on Indl'idusl
Instruction, however, thsn Is possible In
public schools, making It possible for slu-
denls to enter without serious Inconvenience
any lime during the year.
Religious services ate conducted every
Sunday, consisting of Sundsy school In the
morning and a music service with short ad
dress by a Lincoln pastor In the afternoon.
School tear starts Under Farorable
The affairs of Tabor college are moving
in the right direct! n and awak'n'ng a large
Interest among the citizen of the commu
nity. The opening address by Rev. Lucius
O. Blrd, pastor of the 8t. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church of Omaha, was
very Inspiring. His topic was "The Pioneer
Spirit." the spirit which is unsatisfied, but
not dissatisfied. As applied to the student
he Illustrated how the pioneer spirit leads
to vigorous Independent action and to the
accomplishment of great things in life.
The Tabor High school attended the
opening exercise In a body, and the audi
ence composed of college students, teacher,
high school students and cltlxen made It
an inspiring one to address.
The new faculty Is very enthusiastic and
loyal In their work In directing the stu
dents along the path of higher education.
The enrollment show decided lnereMe,
the freshman class being four times as
large as that of a yesr ago. Nebraska,
North Dakota. Wisconsin and Missouri are
well represented In tha student body.
The reception given by the Young
Women' Christian association on Thursday
evening was attended by all the young
women and the women In the families of
the faculty. It was a very enjoyable oc
casion. The Invitations by the girls show
that the enrollment of young women in
the college has incressed 60 per cent over
tbat Of one year age.
The Toung Men' Christian association
reception occurred the same evening and
wa attended by a larger number of young
men tnan ever oeiore..
The board of trustees gave on Monday
night. September 2l'. a reception to the
fsculty. giving a special Invitation to peo
ple of the town nd community to come
and meet the new member. It proved to be
one of the largest, and most enjoyable re
ception ever given. In. Tabor.
Arrsngements are ,now being made for an
educational conference of the ministers of
the three western assoefatlons in Towa to
be held In Tabor during the last week In
The college Is getting In closer touch with
Its natural constituency and srouslng
greater Interest In the good work being
done here.
Substantial additions have been made to
the membership of all the College students
except thst of the seniors, and several old
students have returned, who were elsewhere
last year.
A systemstlc advertising and student
canvass campaign was carried on during
the summer, resulting In a decided Increase
In the number of students. Careful work
la being done In all department and each
ha been materially Strengthened.
New teachers of proved ability have been
added to the faculty and there Is an active
upward movement throughout tho whole
A Larger Enrollment Than In Any
Previous Year.
The acsdemy opened Wednesday the 18th,
at which time most of the students were
present. The school open this year with
larger percentage of old boy than at
ny other time In the history of the school.
The new boys were all classified and
work begun the day after the opening,
so that all classes will be running smoothly
thin week.
The mechanical drawing room ha been
changed from the basement of Kearney
hall to the first floor Qf the same building.
This will give a larger floor space and a
much lighter room for the students in that
branch. Mr. McBnchmn of Muskegon,
Mich., ha charge of the manusl training
department, succeeding Mr. Nevison. who
left laat year owing to ill health.
Miss Josephine Anderson from Illinois,
Is taking the place- of Mr. Streeter, who
1 with her daughter, Mr. Huntington, in
Chic go.
Just previous to tho opening of the school.
reception was tendered the people of
Kearney, at which time the grounds and
buildings were lighted and ready for In
spection. A large number of Invited guests
were present and saw the new fireproof
building. Cochran hall, for the first time.
The foot ball seaion will not open until
the 10th of October. There will be a num
ber of outside games snd the prospects for
good strong team to represent the acad
emy are very good. There will be a first
team, for the outside games, and two
teams, one of Owl and the other Antler,
which will play a regular series of games
on the school gratmds. This has the ad
vantage of getting more boys out for regu
lar exercise, and also giving a number of
No Change
Dr. Price's Delicious Flavorinj
Extract have always been hon
estly labeled; no change was nec
essary since the enactment of the
National Pure Food Law, either
as to label or their manufacture.
They have had for nearly half a
century the patronage of the intel
llfent housewives of this country
csdet who are not large enough to riV
foot ball on the first team chance to
have some real end lively .foot ball. These
games between the two clubs will stir up
slmost as much Interest as the out-of-town
gamee, and will probably be quite as ex
rest ares of Ibe Opening Day Addi
tion to too Teaching Force,
Brown university. Providence, R. I., began
its 145th yesr on Wednesday, September 'it.
During the summer the carpenters, plumb
ers, painter and cleaners have been at
work, and the various buildings were ready
for the opening day.
Although It is too soon to give any ac
curate figures, the new class promises to
be a large one, containing some men who
have made fine records at School, both In
scholarship and athletics.
Six members of the faculty will be abroad
this year. Profs. Wilson. Bronson, Slocum
and Jonas enjoying their sabbatic yesr.
while Prof. Richardson and Mr. Hunklns
will have special leave of absence.
The most notable addition Ij the teaching
force this year will he Prof. S. C. Mitchell
of Richmond college, who takes the work
of Prof. Wilson In social science, and a part
of Prof. MacDonstd's work In history. Trof.
Mitchell hixs Just been elected president of
the I'ntverslty of South Carolina, hut doe
not enter on the office until the autumn
of 19M.
Prof. Hamilton C. MacDougsl of Welles
ley college will conduct courses In music,
coming to Providence two days in each
week for this purpose.
A. M. LaMeslee, who hss been teaching st
West Point, come to Brown a Instructor
In romsnoe langusges, snd F. J. A. Neef
comes from the Cnlverslty of Chicago to
give Instruction in Oerman. Two new In
structors have been appointed In mathe
matics R. C. Archibald, who has been
teaching st Acadja college, and N. J.
I.ennes, who has been teschlng at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Henry B. Browne returns t the university
as instructor in civil engineering.
The corporation of t lie university has ap
pointed a committee to consider plans for
celebrating the liOth anniversary of the
founding of the university. This anniver
sary will occur In 1914. The committee Is
ss follows: Rowland O. Hsrsrd, Henry N.
King, 8. O. Metcalf, William MacDonald
and Wslter O. Everett.
The architects of the proposed John Hv
library have now finished the detailed
drawings and It Is expected that the found
ation of the building will be laid this fall.
steps for Protection of Physical Wei- !
faro of Fapll.
In the July number of the North Amer
ican Review, William H. Allen, secretary
of the Bureau of Municipal Research,
enumerates ten steps for the protection
nd physical welfare of srhool children,
which constitutes program that I Im
mediately practical In all states.
1. A thorough physical examination of
all children of all schools, public paro
chial and private.
i. Notification of pa.rents and family
physicians as to children needs. That
ten of thousands of records of defects
piled up st health headquarters do not
help children has been conclusively proved
In New York.
3. "Follow tip'' notices with visits to in
form and persuade parent to correct de
fect and to remove their causes.
4. Enforcement of existing laws and se
curing proper authority, where this is
now lacking, to compel obstinate parents
to lake necessary steps.
5. ' Periodic re-examlnation of school
children during school life.
6. Physical examination of children
when applying for work certificates.
7. Use of Information gained regarding
physical effects of bad living conditions
to secure enforcement of health and tene
ment law-3, restriction of hours of labor,
control of dangerous trades, prevention of
child labor.
8. Bchool buildings and school curricu
lum should be so constructed and so man
aged that they cannot themselves either
produce or aggravate physical defect.
9. The effect of chool environment and
school requirements upon the child Should
be constantly studied. .Teachers should
be examined and re-examined for their
vitality, which exercises an Important In
fluence upon that of the pupil.
10. Hygiene should he so taught that
children will learn their health right
and how to maintain them.
Iowa, Colleae, Grlnnell.
On Wednesday, September lfi. occurred the
formal opening of tho sixty-second yesr
of Iowa college. At the chapel service
President Main welcomed the student, botn
old and new, and then Introduced the
spesker of the morning, Rev. Osborn of
Burlington. la. Ife spoke In an Interesting
and helpful way on the enlargement of
life, bringing out especially the three great
principles of will-power, humanity and re
ligion. With but few exceptions, the faculty of
last year remains Intact, snd with such
a corps of teachers, the classroom work
of the year cannot fall to be successful.
The usual opening receptions have all
taken place. The young women of the
college became acquaint d with each other
at the Young Women's Christian associa
tion reception, the young men at the
Young Men'a Christian uaoclatlon recep
tion, while both faculty and students met
together for the first time in a social way
In the general reception, under the direc
tion of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion and the Young Women's Christian
The year 1H08- i to be art exceptionally
Interesting one musically. The School of
Music has &n excelt-ut recital coui
planned; Prof. Scheve Is to give a series of
organ recitals, the Oratorio society will
gite Handel' "Messiah" fur the holiday
concert. Grlf'a "Olaf Trygvasson" some
time during March and will be asalaled
during the May festival by the Theodore
Thomas orchestra under the direction of
Mr. Frederick Stock.
In many respects the prospects for a good
foot ball team for 190 are bright. First of
n'. the los fl m last ear' team ars few,
and to fill these vacancies there Is con
siderable he tvy msfetial w hich should de
velop as the season progresses. A schedule
of nine games has been srrangtd. five of
which are to be played In Orlnncll.
A great deal of regret has been fell
among returning students over the an
nouncement cf the resignation of M. II.
Douglass, librarian of Iowa college, to take
effect October 1. Mr. Douglass has ac
cepted a similar position In the t'niversity
of Oregon,, Ore. Nothing definite
has be n derided as to his successor.
Educational IVotea.
The staff of aehool nurses, as they are
called, in the New York schools, now num
bers over fifty. The first nurse wa ap
pointed Juat four years ago.
Miss Ruth Carrel hss Just been sppolnte.l
resistant ptofessor in the department of
birtologv of the Michigan State Agri-e'lltn-nl
college, front which she was arad
US'ml Iset June. Miss Margaret A. Cross,
profeaio' of education st toe Sonl'1 .
-orob roll-go of Tulsne unlversltv. New Or
tears. I at chares of Ihe work 'n psvc'iol.
' and education at the summer school of
For the f'at time In oiibl'c school hlstnrv
course of aaewomanshlp. deaigned for
tetsU are leoarin)nt s'oree. Will be Ineor
porsted tl-'s esr in the eurrVu''i. of the
eotnr h th -ii la for rc- '- v.w
Yolk City, shch opened Ui !' 'ida
Collc C3
Lincoln. Nebraska
An educational home for boys whore mind and body
are equally developed. Ideal location just outside the city;
large, well-equipped buildings; forty acres of campus, drill
and athletic ground?.
Strong faculty he.Gd by Colonel Cleorr R. nurnctt. retireJ
U. S. Army officer, late superintendent of niee'g Military' Academy
and one of the best-known military school educators tu the country.
Junior department for boys under twelve.
Bpoelal attention given to each pupil: his personality Is studied,
his class assignment is adapted to his special needs and changed as
often as his attainments demand. Through tho military training
he learns obedience, neatness, puntuality, regular habits, and re
spect for authority and law. The object of. the school is to develop
the good In boys and lo resraln the evil; to equip them physically,
morally and educationally for the best citizenship. -
For information address
2 H. 1. HAYWAim, Superintendent, ltox 13. Lincoln. Neb.
m Vil'j Ufice 3!!-!t 'Security Mutual (forn -rl 11 i,v) IV. c!r. -i t! . ' nilll
Information concerning the advantages, rates, extent
of curriculum and other data about tho best schools
and colleges can be obtained from the
School and College Information
Bureau of The Omaha Bee
All information absolutely fre and Impartial. Cata
logue of any particular school cheerfully furnished
upon request.
laT'WITtif TPTf
A 0 TLT us about
iliIDl a school
We will send you cata
logues and school infor
mation of any kind which
you cannot obtain so
easily in any other way.
This service is abso
lutely free. No charge
now or at any other
time. The following
classes of schools are
included in this offer:
A College, Universities
B School (or Young Ladies
C -Boys', Military
I Music, Art, Oratory
E Professional
F TechnicaljTrade
G Business, Telegrsph, Normal
H Kindergarten, Nurse
I Correspondence
Educational Information Bureau
IS Lonn-bould Bulldlao. St. Louis. Mo.
S27 I'Utn. Avenue. New York. Room UM
Vsbraska City, Wtb.
Today 5.7(7 graduates In fine positions
Free use of Text Book.
We have very flna teachers.
One months tuition free to those who
enroll within ten days.
Bend postal for enrollment blank and
Whan you kaow wa to do auppos
yon do It-
The YVolcott School for Girls
Denver, Colorado.
A mile above sea level In a climate
which hss no superior.
Boarding and Day School cf high
est class. Diploma admits to leading
tsstern Colleges for young woin.-u.
Special advantage In music. In
ooor and outdoor gymnastics.
night. The centrsl clsss in this course will
assemble in srhool No. 27, Kurly-scconii
street, near Third avenue.
Oenrge W. Walts, who had been fur
nearly half a century one of the prominent
educators in norlliern Ohio, recently died
in Cleveland st the age of 72. lie vaa
graduated from Amherat college in 161,
and at once went to the vtesiein i:-snve
He waa for many years supeiiiiii.ilent of
schools in Ashtsbula, and for rlgl'tcn yeara
was at the head of the sellouts In Ooerlin.
Joseph French Johnson. de:i?i of the
school of commerce, account aut finance
of New York university, ,s a iie
clal one-year couise in f'r.iiice. tu he given
In the evenings of ti.e coming academic
year. The course la des'gned me-1 i tie
needa of bank ant) brokerage clerks win.
desire to broaden their traini.17.
Chicago is to hsve the highest School
building in the 1'nited !Si a i i will be
fourteen stories l lgh and will li..ue a new
variety of school. The echiwl ia to he mi
adapted importation by I'n.-i.leiu 8ri, midl
and Superintendent Cooley from the f:.Un-r-lsnd.
hut th buildina tlint K tu ,c dis
tinctively anil typically a Cli'i-ago product.
It vll be a cnnuiieu-iHl high school and
be built In 110 on the eitr- nf i' . .trip,.
school, Harrison meet and l'l moi'i',
Th lv Pnre eooej nmti vim t.nvs.
W are pleased to artif-u:-, "o!y'
Honey and Pino Tar for cot;:!:, colds an I
lung troubles Is not affected by the Na
tional Pur Food and Drug law as It con
tains no opiates or other Vsrmful drugs,
snd w recommend It ss a ssfj remedy fjr
cul'.drca and adults. AI; drugg.i.
The direct route
A atralght Una I the hrrtest dlstanes
between two points. Why rot taach your
Tha complete keyboard. Smith Pre
mier. Is th WOBU'I SSS9 TTTM
Free employment bureau
Stenographers are furnished lo business
men without charge .o . school. ktsoa
grapher or employer.
Write for particulars.
He Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.
M. O. KOWatATf, gg-r.
Omsk, stab.
cosxsaroirDZiroz ccxoo& or
Illustrated Music
Omaha classes personally supervised
i... i;A. CMiia Mnnilv and Thurff-
Omaha classes personally supervised
it Miss Kills. Mondays and Thur
ivs at 203-4-6 Old Hrandela Bldg.
MUSIC BY MAIL. Less than 10
cents a oay. .
A full coursa in muslo given by this
Method and whether a finished per
former on th plsno, or a beginner,
you can not help but be benefited by
taking One of these Illustrated music
courses. This method will be found to
be of tha greatest assle.nce to tnosa
who may b taking other muslo In
struction. Effa Ellis Illustrated Music
203-4-5 Old Braudels Bldg.
Next Term Hegln Sept. 21.
Under the combined Influence of serious
work. Christian courtesy, and 'youthful
merry-making th student of this Hoard
ing and Day school for young women and
iti is grow into a tiaypy appreciation of tha
ueauiy and uiynuy oi wiiuirsomo, social re
lationships. Btuuenls holding certificates
!-t,iritr lii full tha entrance renulrninu
1 it a atandard stale university ara admitted
' without examination to junior year of col-
legists course. Certificate In collegs-prs-paiatory
course admits to Vassar, Wsllaa
iey, Smith, Mount Hoiyoke, University cf
Nebraska, University of Wisconsin and
University of Chicago. Exceptional advan
tages in muflc, an and domestlo science.
Wall equipped gymnasium, and out-door
sports. Students mothered sympathetically.
For illustrate! Yesr-Uook addraas Ml
Macrae, principal. Omaha.
Kearney Military Academy
A hoy's pn.gietiB depend upon hi com
fort and the Interest he take In hi work
and study.
W first ii ake our boys comfortable,
then make their work Interesting, piovl.1
heulthy outdoor sports and social func
tions. Our discipline and training tend to build
charjeter. create habits of obedience.
Punctuality, neatness and a sous of
i reaponsihllity.
Thorough instruction; healthful loca
tion; largo gymnasium; modern, fireproof
hulldlng. wrlto today for illustrated
KAMT X. BVSSKLIh Head Mastsr,
Kearney, Ksbraaka.
Teaths all branches engineering; itu-
KlenU enroll any time; machinery in
oik ration; day and night session; no
vacation. Flnlay bldg.. 10th and In
utana Ave., Kansas City, MUsourt.
In the public school becauie he grasp
Ideal slow ly. fluch children learn readily
under individual Instruction, In uousea
arranged especially for thetn. We edu
cate mentally; develop physically; train
. oclally and provide medical car. Writ
for Illustrated, catalogue.
lit VOWBZ.X. a O H O O X
Veluru K. fox til. M. !. KID OAK. IOWA
l f :r gji kit. oni ;! 04 priDabMii)r i
Hr.. i,u'.i.ra tiiiv uf fcianimrlug.
Mr apcl4iy I vote u4 ipMc. fH klt
Xbcri tau tu rur Mj aiathot ta th M mo I to tb arl4. K (aihir la U fmrt
tir. tVrlt at or lor MUcmLA1.
J. IV in. Pr , iiiMttat la 9mm