Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Tl. 4A.
, unoR MKITIOIV. i
Darn, gruga.
itackert sells carpets.
Ed Rogers. Tony Faust ber.
School Supplies, Alexanders, J33 B'way.
I.w1a Cutler, funeral director. 'Phono f.
Weodrlng Undertaking company. Tel 3t.
W know w have the twt flour. Brno
li the name. Uartelt a- Mlllrr. 'Phone 3M.
C. C. li'aynca. funeral director and em
balmer. i'A bioadway.
Attend the millinery npenng at Sprhtk s.
Vrldsy and Saturday. September and .'6.
Pee our stove deportment. Over "00 hat
i atovea to ihooae from. Petersen
jr hnenlng Co.
Lost, on Fifth bv hrtween Kth and
Petersen ft Schoenlng. a child s bracelet,
with letter J. Itelurn 713 Fifth ave. Re
gard. Impaired vision I a If rent handicap In
life. Thanks In modern science, which haa
evolved methods for testlns: eyes. ' ascer
taining corrections and app.:ng the rem
ily, thlH handicap can be overcome. We
:it overcoming It dally for other. Let
us overcome It fur you. l.affert'1,
hr'iao a a v. Council P,lnffs.
John Morris, who was aent lo Mercy hos
iiat by the city authorities a few daya
. so. died yesterday afternoon. Morris, of
imm little la known beyond that he came
iicia from f'rovo. Utah, hnd been employed
In the kitchen of a Broadway restaurant.
He was ;it yearn of age Tne body waa
removed to Cutler's undertaking rooms.
Hev. Henry performed the mar
riage ceremony yesterday for William Han
nah and Honnle Stroebele, both of Oakland,
la. The bride w the naughter of John
Htrnrbele. woo served with llcv. Mr. Ie
l.onn In the union army. Luther K. Church
anl Kltimi Nickels, both of Omaha, were
also married yesterday by Rev. Mr. De Joe Pollfka, claiming to be 21 years of
bbjb and Kate JMbyl, who declared ahe
waa 18 yeare old, crossed the river from
Omaha yesterday afternoon and applied
at the office of the clerk of the district
court for a marriage license. Deputy Koy
Hardeaty. the expert on ages, decided the
couple looked loo young and the license
was refused.
Central chapter of tha Woman's Guild
of 8t. Paul a Episcopal church will meet
Monday afternoon at the home of Mra.
Ka ratow on South Sixth at root, promptly
at 3 o'clock. The meeting will adjourn at
ZM In order that the members may attend
the general meeting of all the chaptera
of the guild to he held at the home of Mrs.
T. N. Petersen on Fourth atreet. The regu
lar monthly meeting of the Woman a
auxiliary will be held Frldav afternoon at
tha noma of Mrs. Emmet Tlnley on Wil
low avenue.
Insists He Has Valid Contract for
Water Worki Construction.
lr. ag.i'.i'.st John t. holer. Ilemge Head
' hkhIusi Chicago A Korthwr stern Railway
i'nirMnv i 'penal).
1 Wednesday, October 7 Frank lliaglii
j asrtlnst Chicago, Oreat Western Railway
I i i.rui.n' et al. .lames Finney ssrainst Chl-
csio. .iriwaiiKM r n. 1 aui ttanway com
pany. 8aturd.iv. Hetolwr 10 J. W. Jacobs
agnlnst John . Woodward company.
Monday, iciiilir 12 M. I.. Marks against
Illinois Central itiillroad company (special).
Marrlaae Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday lo
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Luther K. Church. Omaha 27
Ltnnia Nickels, Oniahn 19
William Hannah, Oakland, la 20
Uonnle Strorhels. Oakland, la 18
Vica Presidents Named for the
Various Slates.
Tha following well known horticulturists
have been requested by the Natural Hortl
culturtl congress to act aa vice presidents
for their respective states at the big show
to be. held In thla city In December:
Arkansas Ernest Walker. Fayettevllle.
Colorado John F. Moore, Grand Junction.
Connecticut J. H. Hale South Glaston
bury. ..
Idaho J. H. Shawhan, Payette.
Illinois H. M. Dunlap. Bavoy.
Indiana John A. Burton. Orleans.
Kansas W. H. Underwood, Hutchinson.
Maryland Orlando Harrison, Berlin.
Massachusetts B. Cyrua Miller, Hayden
Vllle. Michigan R. It Sherwood. Watervilet.
Minnesota Roy Underwood, Lake City.
Montana W. I. Moody, Hamilton.
New Mexico Parker Berl, Roswe.ll.
New York T. D. McCarthy, Lockport.
Ohio i;. T. Cox. Rockford.
Oklahoma A. 8. Perry, Yukon.
Oregon K. H. Shepard, Hood River.
Pennsylvania Gabriel Helater, Harrls
burg. Texas E. W. Klrkpatrlck. McKinney.
Utah R. S. Northrop. Logan.
; Virginia R. T Graves, Staunton.
Washington M O. TlbWts, Wenatchle.
West Virginia 8. W. Moore, Elwell.
Wisconsin Frederick Dranefleld, Madison.
The regular weekly meeting of the organi
zation scheduled for last evening failed for
lack of a quorum.
fays He Haa Incurred Considerable
F.xpenae anil Indicates City Will
Hate l.airsnlt t'nlrsa Contract
la Submitted to Vote.
Fall term Western Iowa College It open.
Cnroll any day. Send for catalogue.
Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
September 26 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
John Bekins and wife to F. J. and
.1 sr. Mavis, lota S. 4 and 6. block
IW. Ferry add., w. d f
O. R. I .arson to Kate R. McOoe, lot
U. block K. Pierce's add., w. d
Elxeta Hendrix et al to the city of
Council Bluffs, part of lot 7. block
1. Street's add., w. d
Bertha M. Bhurnam and husband,
Frank W. Bristol, lot 7, block
McClelland, w. d
Henry Peterson and wife to Bertha B.
fihuman, same. w. d
Sarah B. B. Rohrer and husband to
Kgbert N. Crawford, lot 13. block ,
Beers' aubdlv., w. d
William Williams and wife to the city
of Council Bluffs, part lot 7, block 2.
Htreet's add., w. d
Al Rlche and wlte to Dante Florl, lot
16. block 7. Mayne a 1st add., w. d..
T. O. Turner and wife und Jsmea
Hunter and wife to Bentley Savings
hank, lot 3, block IX, Ber.tley. w. d.. 1
J. U Morrla and wife lo the city of
Council Bluffs, part lot II, block 3.
Mornlngaldn add., w. d
F. J. Uavt to J. F. Davis, lola 3. 4 und
5, block 36, Ferry add., w, d 1
Eleven transfers, total RIT7
Prisoner F.ludes Officers.
The sheriff's office received word yester
day afternoon that a man named Reming
ton, who Is wanted at Mitchell, 8. D.. to
answer a charge preferred against him by
a young woman of that place, had been
arrested at Walnut, this county. Remington
It was stated, refused to return to Dakota
without requisition unless he was granted
the privilege of marrying the young woman
h ia charged ta It It wronging, and thus aav
Inc prosecution. Word waa sent to Mitchell
of the arrest of Remington and the,alierirf
there replied that he would leave for Coun
cil Bluffs at once." Iter word was re
ceived from Walnut by Deputy Sheriff
Groeneweg that Remington had succeeded
In making his escape from William Brind
ey and O. W. Adams, who had hint In cti
tody, and who had atarUd to bring him 10
t '"linen Bluffs to place him in the county
Ju l. ll Is said that Remington made Ida
getaway title uking: a drink of water at
the depot. '
Water Main and Fire Hydrants.
The Wut.v cixiipuiiy has offered to put
up a good hi; hand guaranteeing that It
nlll put in nter mains and fire hydrants
ami put them in at once.
Klist word, T'i miles n:alns, S3 fire hy
diaiits. Second ward, l'j miles mains, 11 fire hydrants.
E. A. Wlckham, In a communication ad
dressed to the mayor and fl'jf -otinrll.
which he filed with the city clerk yester
day, declines to accept the return of the
certified check for Sl.l.OK) which he de
posited with the city at the lime he sub
mitted his bid for the construction of a
municipal water works system according
to the plans and specifications prepared by
the city engineer. Mr. Wlckham refuses
to recognize the action of the city council
In rejecting his bid r-fter having once ac
cepted It and after having instructed the
committee on water works, together with
the city engineer and city solicitor, to draw
up the contract with him. He Insists that
he has a contract with the city for the
construction of a water works plant, sub
ject only to the vote of the electors of the
city. He demands that the council take
the necessary steps to call a special elec
tion at which the contract with him csn
be submitted to the voters for their ap
proval or disapproval.
The letter, which will be presented to
the city council at Its meeting tomorrow
evening, follows:
Text of Letter.
Replying to your Inquiry for my reason
In rei using to accept 111a return of the cer
tified check deposited with my bid for the
construction ot the water works, 1 beg
Itiava to state that I claim the right to
contract for the building of the water
works, subject to the approval of the voters
of this city, and 1 do not wish to forfeit
any of my rights In the matter.
My understanding Is that the city council
acts as tile agent ot the city and has tiie
power to make a contract for the city. And
thla Is aa true with reference to the build
ing of the water works aa with reference
to any other bualnesa of the city, with the
exception that In the building of the water
works the contract must be paased upon
by the voters of the city, and their action
la final In the matter. If they approve It
the contract stands, hut If they disapprove
It, that Is an end to the matter.
You accepted my bid ana spread It upon
the records In a way to make It a binding
contract upon me. If 1 had refused to en
ter Into a formal contract prepared In ac
cordance with the plans and apeclflcatlons
on which my bid wss based, you would
have insisted upon claiming the forfeltute
of thla check. That was tha purpose of
requiring the deposit of a certified check
with the bid.
Now there is no such one-sided contract,
that you can refuse to make If you aee fit,
but that I cannot refuse to execute. I ad
mit that T entered Into this contract subject
to the action of the voters of the olty, be
cause that Is the law. And I also admit
that you might have refused mv bid In
the first Instance If you aaw fit to do ao.
But when you accepted It and made It a
matter of record, It was a contract be
tween the city and myself, and I had the
right to have this contract presented to
the voters of the city for their action.
The way your body has treated this mat
ter would Indicate that because the final
action of the voters Is neoessary, that
therefore you would have the right to. at
any time, withdraw from the agreement,
although I aearcely believe that vou would
Concede that I would have the 'right to
withdraw after your, acceptance of the
same. Aa I view it. I had equal rights
with the cltv by reason of your acceptance,
and I had the right to have you submit mv
cuntrsot to the voters: that, as I view It, Is
the purpose of the law.
Incars Considerable Expense.
You Invited bids on this work and I as
sume that you acted In perfect good faith
in the matter and Intended to let the woik
to the beat bidder, unless something out of
the ordinary should cause the rejection of
the bids. And 1 In turn went to consider
able expense to prepare a bid for this work,
which, in view of the estimate of the city
engineer, waa a fair one, and after ita ac
ceptance, hy your council I also made cer
tain Arrangements or contracts In expecta
tion of proceeding with this work.
Now it Is claimed that a non-resident en
gineer has stated to you that the water
Works could he built for less money than
the amount of my bid. and you made that
the excuse for your action In attempting
to withdraw from your previous acceptance
of my proositlon. I think it Is well known
to your body that the city engineer made
careful investigation and estimates of the
coat of this work before your advertise
ment for my hid. and there Is absolutely
nothing to show that his estimate was er
roneous, except the bare statement of the
other engineer rererred to.
Under the circumstances It seems to me
that the action of the council In attempt
ing now to refuse my bid Is a very unfair
proceeding toward me.
I think that the foregoing clearly ex
presses my reasons for refusing to accept
the return of the certified check whicli wss
deposited with the hid for the building of
the water works. I don't recognlxe the
right of the council to nullify their previous
acceptance of ray bid. and I respectfully
request that you luke proper action to pre
pare a formal contract In accordance with
your advertisement for hida and plans and
specifications for the work, snd that you
take proper steps to then submit the con
tract to the voters of this city for their sp
proval or disapproval, at a special election
to be called for that purpose.
Three Per Cent
Of the gross receipts of the Water com
pany would help some. The Water com
pany will pay this to the olty and will put
up a good big bond guaranteeing that the
company will do It at once.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, L4W.
Matters In District lonrt.
The cafe against the four small boys
charged with raiding I lie icebox at the St.
Joo linusH on South Main street was con
tinned Indefinitely In the juvenile division
of the dletrlct court yesterday. The boys
were placed upon their good behavior, with
Insli notions to report to Rev. Henry De
Long, probation officer. The aatna action
waa taken In the case of the Kee!,ne lad
charg.d hy T.ev. Do Long with being in
corrigible. '
A econd assignment of iaw cases for the
present term was made jeeterday by Judge
Thm-nrll as follows:
Mondav, September IS-The Pereaov A
I Moore Co.. agaln.t Harry A. Kiissrcn. TV.
I.. FUcluu ilson against John Vied, et al
ntuie 01 ion a iigainst ittve
Third ward, S"i miles mains, 23 fire hy. htate of Iowa against i. M. M( nurv.
epieinii..r ;s-John W. Hellwig
:; ants.
Poiuth .ird, It, miles mains, 18 rue hy-
fifth watd. C miles mains, 42 fire hy
Crn is.
. f.xth ward. 7 miles mains. K hydrants.
Four und a ha'.f miles of thla pipe is
se.nh of SlNteenth avenue, between Sixth
and Thirteenth streets.
We are the only laundry that are using
v. e Protex. Bluff City Lauprdry. 2J and
tl North Main St. 'Phones 314.
ag-.titi'l Diniel Hoft'inaii. n nl
Thursday. I A. Kirchgessner
against O. P. McKesson. Western Real
K.state Exchange el al against Frank A.
Kirday. October 3 George 8. Davis
against Wiliam Cottmire et al. Claim, es
tate of M. It. t'liristensen.
Saturday. Oitober 3 Mrs. J. V. Beam
atrainsi John Merged. Mrs. Annie Overt. in
against Omalia t Council Bluffs Street
Railway company.
Monday. Onctober 5-J. T Farthing
aguinst Alfalfa company 1 special 1.
Tueaday. Octolr 6 0 ide-Vien, trustee
against Fred Bot kemper. Ovldo Vien, trus-
Leap Year Pay and Harris-Macrae
Weddlnc the Features.
Mrs. H. J. Chambers, who devoted the
last month to ceramic art woik in Chl
cMgo. has returned home.
Miss Cherrle Wells entertained at a pic
nic supper at the club house at I.ake
Manawa, Tueeday evening. Covers were
laid for eighteen.
The musical department of the Council
Bluffs Women's clubs will give Its first
muaicale of this season, October 6, at the
Hovpe auditorium.
Valley camp. Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica gave a largely attended dance Wednes
day night In the club house of the West
Council Bluffs Improvement club.
The marriage of Miss Phoebe Judson to
Mr. Holland James Bonnell of Chicago, will
take place Wednesday evening at the homa
of the bride's mother. 9?9 Sixth avenue.
Mrs. F. C. Txiugee and Mrs. F. H.
Orcutt entertained at a kenalngton Friday
afternoon at the home of Mra. Orcutt on
Oakland avenue. The afternoon waa spent
socially and refreshments were served.
Miss Lucille McAtee entertained the T.
M. L. Juniors yesterday afternoon. The
prtxe In the club game was won by Miss
Mabel Van Brunt. The club will be en
tertained October 10 by Miss Ruth Oorham.
The marriage of Mr. E. A. Wlckham of
this rttv Bnd Miss Mary Catherine Farrell.
a former teacher In the public schools of
I Council Bluffs will take place Wednesday,
October 7 at tne nome ot tne onoe s par
ents In Mason City.
Mrs. Clarence Kinpkle of Glen avenue,
entertained the members of Queen Esther's
guild of the First Presbyterian church
Thursday afternoon. Following the busi
ness session a social time was enjoyed and
refreshments were served.
Mrs. H. S. Smllle entertained the G. O.
T C. club at her home on Flflh avenue,
Friday evening. The evening was spent
plsvlng high five, and at the cloee of the
game, refreshments were served. Mrs. W.
H. Moore of Chicago waa the guest of the
Miss Ethel Cook. 360 Sherman avenue,
entertained Thursday afternoon, In honor
of Miss Phoebe Judson. The affair was
In the nature of a tin shower. Supper was
served at the cloee of the afternoon, covera
being laid for 10 guests. Pink carnations
formed the decorations.
The Mercy Aid society met Tuesday
afternoon at St. Mary's Home, there being
a large attendance present. The afternoon
was anent in kenslngton work, after which
light refreshments were served. The club
will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. P. M. Egan, 725 Seventh avenue.
Mrs. Charles J. Sayles was hostesa to the
Wednesday Bridge club. Wednesday after
noon at her home, J10 Park avenue. Tne
afternoon waa spent In playing bridge,
there being four tablca uaed. The prise
for the high score waa awarded to Mra. V.
L Treynor. At the close of the game, light
refreshments were served.
Mian Nellie Benton gave a lunctieon yes
terday for Miss Marion Macrae. The dec
orations were In pink and white. Covers
were laid for the Misses Marion Macrae,
Mildred Metcalf, Margaret Knowles, Mar
garet Bttibbs, Madge Stephana, Mary Trout
man, Frances Richmond, Francea Moln
tyre, Lucile Besley, Kuth Wlckham, Flor
ence Oils, Theda Bereshelm and Edna
Miss Josephine Jennings entertained at a
kenalngton and "china shower" Wednesday
afternoon in honor of Miss Phoebe Judson
at her home, 81 North First street. The
rooms were prettily decorated with summer
flowers. The afternoon was pleasantly
spent in kenslngton work, after which light
refreshments were served, cov.ers being
laid for ten guests.
Miss Luc He McAtee entertained the N.
E. O. It. club Monday afternoon, at her
home on First avenue. The afternoon waa
spent at cards. Miss .lannette Greennnlelds
being awarded the first prize, and Miss
Eisle Tinley the second prise. Miss Mabel
Van Brunt was guest of the club. Re
freshments were seived at the close of
the game. The club will meet, October 6,
at the home of Miss Helen Menefee, 114
South Seventh street.
The first meeting Hits r.eason of the
local chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution was held Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Victor Hi
Bender, on Flflh avenue. The afternoon
waa spent In sewing together blue and
white rags that are to be uaed In making
rugs for the room at the Jennie Erimund
son Memorial hospital, which the chapter
la furnishing. There was a large attend
ance present. Light refreshments were
served during the afternoon.
The C. M. L. club was entertained
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
J. J. 11 im nes. 285 Tenth avenue. 'Itie after
noon waa pleasantly spent In playing cards,
the fust prize being awarded to Mrs.
George Hughes, and the second prise to
Miss Mullane, guest of the club. Light re
freshments were served at the cloee of the
game. The club will be entertained. Oc
tober 7, at the home of Mrs. Ueorge
Hughes. a2 Turley avenue.
Mrs. Roy Palmer gave a kenalngton snd
nttarellaneotiii shower at her home on Har
rison street, Friday afternoon for Mis.
Phoebe Judson. A course luncheon was
served, pink roses forming a pretty center
piece for the table. Mrs. Palmer was aa
aisled by Mrs. Beach and Mra. McCune.
'Ilit) guests were Mias Phoebe Judson, Miss
Flora. Judson. Mrs. George Judson, Miss
Maud Davis, Miss Josephine Jennings, Mies
tithe! Cook and Miss Nina Meyers.
Miss Nina Meyers entertained yesterday
afternoon, at her home on Park avenue,
complimentary to Miss Phoebe Judson.
Arier luncheon tile guests engaged In a
bridal guessing game, the prise being car
ried off hy Miss Flora Judson. The place
cards were In the form of red hearts, and
a color scheme of red was carried out In
the decorations of tlie rooms and lights.
Covera were laid for Miss Phoebe Jud
son, Ml?s Flora Jiutsnn. Miss Maud Davis,
Miss Josephine Jennings, Miss Georgia
Mitchell, Miss Virginia Mevers. Mrs. Kay
Beardsley and Mrs. liny Palmer.
Mr. Charles A. Baldwin and Miss Nellie
Clancy, both well known young people of
Uils city, were married Wedneadav after
noon, at ih icc toiy of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, Hev. John William Jones officiat
ing. Attending the young couple were Mr
and Mrs. Harry K. Baldwin and Miss
Baldwin of this oily, and Miss Nellie Skin
ner of Gordon. Neb., relatives of the bride
and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin left
Immediately after the ceremony for Colum
bus. Neb., where Mr. Baldwin Is employed
on a contract with the Union Pacific rail
road in the bridge department. They will
make ihcir home In this city.
Mrs. O. H. Lucas of Oakland avenue
gave, a family dinner Wednesday In honor
of the ninety. first anniversary of the
birthday of er mother. Mrs. Fiances GUIii
land. The inn -ni'-i o 11 gLirsis were Sena
tor Snirley ;i'hi:iKl snd familv of Glcn
Wood 'I lie birthday ake, with its niut ly
0110 lighted immainc candles, made an
attractive nd unique centerpiece for the
tutu.-. Mrs. Glllilland was a resident of
Mills county from is;,2 until four ears
ago. After the death of her husband, the
late Edward Glllillainl, sue came to Una
city lo make her home with her daughter
Mrs. Lucas. Mrs. Glililiand ia the last
siiiv:ng member of her immediate fmn
lly, r"he enjoys the distinct ion of having
lived to be one of the fifth generation, her
,r"' sirai Krancison now nt'iua- veur
Despite her age. Mrs. Gillilland is
preserved both mentally an, .,,s1-
aclive interest in all
250,000 Acres Choice Virgin Prairie Wheat Lands
in Saskatchewan to be Offered For Sale by the
Saskatoon 8z Western
. Land Co., Ltd.
at the City of Regina on
October 12-13-14-15-16-17
free Railroad Fares to Buyers!
a j Manitoba . ; A QUICK,.
!!!H.J ( 5 EASY TRIP
X "Vi CV. ' . FR0M ALL
vTsiS i points
X, j H DAI&A J 1
Wm j" Vj X " H I
vVimiTaV; S0UTH VoakqtA i ' k V. H (
! -OsiJ, ("A..''s
Here aes lands that are near rallrmaJt, nearly all wttblp ten
miles ol an up to date railroad, to be offered at auction. They
have beeo retailing at tiO to 115 per acre, but there are many .
tracts that would be bargains at 1 20. The Saskatoon A Western
L.DdCo .Ltil . prefer to mhohtmlm 250,000 acresol Its holdings In
th ft.arf eSeifea..wm,end will therefore offer for sale this
aumbor ol seres at this Important sale. Get ready to go shj.
Who knows but that some of these rich, fertile acres may b
yours on a low bid! Yon do not hare lo live on this land to get
the big bargain value. The market Is rising. These lands are
a big paying investment lor the city man as well as the farmer.
Make your plans to go now. Arrange your buiines so yon
can be In Kerlna October 12th, when The Saskatoon Wostern
Land Co.'s Sale starts. Or go to Regina and get on the land a
fete day preefoes re Ocfoter 12th. so as to get acquainted
with the ereat tract and determine what location you prefer.
So far at Is possible we wUl accom modate buyers by putting up
at any time any special quarter, halt or whole section. We
mnpply free maps ar every acre we own in thm Aearf af 5a.
isfciitam. It you desire more complete advance ioform.ition,
send to our Regies office lor
Large Map and 90-Page Book Free
Our map shows each and every section we own. It gives
you a true p-'ctare of our holdings. It shows Just how wc se
lected the me.t fmrtilm mnd bttt located acres available In the
entire Province of Saskatchewan. It shows how ideally the
lands are situate how near Rigina. how convenient to Win
nrpeg snd the grain and stock markets, and the excellent rail
road facilities. Fret-. Write for the map to The Saskatoon A
Western Land Co., Ltd., Regina. Saskatchewan. Canada.
Oar fcoo Is a storehouse ol Information on Western Canada
grain lands. Contains ninety pages, and many faithful photo
graphs of land, crops, norma, and features of Interest in the
heart of Saskatchewan. It lists all our property by quarter
sections. Free. Wo want to send It to you. Write for It to
The Saskatoon A Wqstero Land Co.'s office In Regina, Sas
katchewan, Canada
The Saskatoon & Western Land Cos Land
is Extra Choice Grain Land. You Get Title
From the . Crown An Indisputable Title
- The Saskatoon A Western Land Co.'s auction will be held
at Rmminm. Sathatcktwmn, Canada. Nowhtr efee. It will
be held In The Saskatchewan A Western Land Co.'s own pavilion-
nowhere else. It will be held October 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17.
Ktmambmr (Aoae efatet. Don't get there late. Be on hand
early. Dan'l hay, mndtr any efeenmsfance, af" anjene an'il
fee auction U an no matter what yoa near. The Saskatoon
A Western Land Co.'s land Is estra choice. Don't take some
body else's word that thev have land "just as good "
This land was especially selected Its title Is (rnm the
Crown. The terms of payment will be the fairest. You will be
dealing with a wealthy company that will always stand behind
every promise and give you the most liberal treatment you
can ask.
The company reserves the right to withdraw any of the
lands Irons sale.
10 of tha parcnaae price at lima of lalm. kalanca af roaa
tar firmt payment af S3. 00 par acre in tan day, rtmaindtr
in aigAr eauaf annual imtaltmantm, with intarttt at 4 par
rear. Survey faat of 10 aantt par acre, payable with latt
inetallmant and without interemt.
Upon a parcel being knocked down, the bidder shall Immedi
ately make the deposit of 10 per cent of the purchase price with
the Clerk of Sale. Otherwise the parcel rasy be put up again or
withdrawn from sale.
One Crop Will More than Pay for the Land
Every purchaser of 160 acres of more of The Saskatoon A
Western Land Co 'a land will have (be entire price of bis rail
road transportation paid hack to him Vnu buy vovr ticket on
the very low homeaeekers' rates sll the ro.uls give, and we pay
It back. That Is an Inducement lor you to com. re tha auttian
and to tor nam.
When purchasing yonr railroad ticket, get a regular railroad
receipt from the railroad agent showing the point from which
you start and the amount paid, also the name of the railroad
company, the date purchased and the signature of tlte agent.
Railroad Rates, Excursions, etc.
Special low rates to Regina will be given on exenrsion trains
over all leading roads of the Northwest on Tuesday. October 6.
Following are the schedules snd round-trip rates of the i
Chlcete, Mllwaskee A SI. fanl-Prom CAicege. fW VI: trains,
9 a. ra.. 6:30 p. ra lu.30 p. m. Milwaukee. IKj JV trains,
12 4 a.m. 11:10 sm.. 8S$p. m. Dubaaae. t H V trains!
7:A1 a. m., 12:01 p. m.. 1I:3S p. m. ttavonport, 1 16 23; trains,
3:15 p. m.. 10:10 p. m. Standard sleeper, 7.
Ckicafte A Nortk-Weat.ra-I'rom Chieara.T . train!. 9 a m.,
6: 15 p. m 10:15 p. m .Milwaukee, i 16 25: trains. 9:50 a. m ,
7-4,5 p. m. Omasa, $.17: trains. 7:i5 a m . :20 p in Dee
Maine: J15 25; train, 8:25 a m Council Bluff; 1 ft):
trains. H:05 a. m . 8:40 p. m Sieu Ci'tr. M .50; trains. 11:03
a. m . 11:10 p. ra.
Standard sleeper fiom all points except Des Moines. 7
Wisconsin Central - Prom Chitoao. ' 50. Milwaukee. TVi 25.
Burlisflen - From Chicago. !W 50 St. Laaie. 511 Peoria, H9.
Burlington, .,! H. Rock, III. . 1.16.25 Keokuk.
a. . $37 75. Hannibal. Mo.. H0 ,
Soe-Psclfie-Prom Chicago, fw VI; St. Paul, lifi.50. Milwau
kee. t5 50; Dee Moinr; i 15 25; Peoria, VJ, Cedar Rapid;
til: Madieon. Wie., J33.50.
Slmllsr rates will be given on sll other lines, anl wcariiwi.
lata will be takan on at all intermediate psi'afs along all linea.
Figure It out yourself. The average Saskatchewan yield la
Wheat, from 20 to 25 bushels per acre; Oats, from 30 to 45 bush
els per acre; Barley, from 20 to 30 bushels per acre -and ao on
. Be on hand at Regina (or the Great Land Auction, and remember, those who buy receive refund of their fare paid both to and from Regina,
no matter whether they hold homeseekera' excursion tickets or regular first-class return tickets. For further information, Hotels, etc.,
write only to The Saskatoon & Western Land Co., Ltd., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Make our office there your headquarters. '
The Saskatoon & Western Land C6.LtdXity.of,Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Visit of Taft Has Straightened Oat
the Political Kinks.
Colorado Sheriff, "Who la In Des
Moines, Expresses Belief Sher
cllffe Will Be Captured
Within Short Time.
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 27. (Special.) Taft's
visit to Iowa woko the state up In good
condition and made him hundreds of votes.
All along the route there was the greatest
enthusiasm and everswbere he spoke the
impression 'rrV left "aa wxcHlent. Poli
ticians are saying today that the majori
tiea for Taft will he nearly as large as
that for Roosevelt four years ago and for
McKlciley eight years ago, when thousands
of democrats voted for the republican
The political situation In Iowa has not
been the best up to thla time, although It
has never been in a serious condition.
That is to say, It has never been In a
condition but the proper kind of campaign
work would straighten out the kinks all
right. The proper kind of campaign work
was the bringing of Taft to the state. No
better action could have been taken. ThnOne is the
for president himself. Many politicians
remained In the city today, and the com
ments of all of them are favorable to tho
ticket this fall.
Governor Cummins left the party at this
place. He waa at his office tills forenoon
and this afternoon attended tho funeral of
Mra. John Briar, wife of his private secre
tary. He has promised to speak with Taft
In Lincoln, Neb., on September 30, and
again at Sedalla, Mo., on October 7.
White In Northeast.
Announcement waa made today from the
democratic headquarters of the dates of
Hon. Fred T. White, democratic candidate
for governor, down to October 13. For the
bulk of the lime till then Mr. White will
be in the northeastern part of the state In
the Third and Fourth congressional dis
tricts, appearing at practically every Im
portant place and most of the unimportant.
He will make two speeches each day.
Will t'aptore "hercllffe.
Sheriff Von Paul of Colorado came (o
Des Moines today to secure a requisition
for F. W. Evans, wanted for embezzlement,
and says that It is but a question of a short
time before Frank Shercllffe ia captured.
Von Paul Is sheriff of the county next
that In which Shercllffe escaped, and says
he knows every toot of the country and
that it is a poor place In which to hide.
He believes that Shercllffe will be readily
captu red.
Ilnbbard Make Present.
F.lhert Hubbard has presented the Iowa
historical department wllh two of his
manuscripts bound In the Roycroft style.
Custer Battle Field,1' and the
Mandpattera are all happy and pleus"' other his pssay on "Job." The hooka were
with the situation, as U ey claim the honor
of being the original Taft. men.
The progressives are more than pleased
wllh the plain slatement of Taft last nlKlit
that, on the whole, the revision of the
tariff must be a revision downward, and
that the Interests of the consumer muat ho
looked after as Jealously aa thoBe of th
producer and laborer.
The situation In Iowa has been such as
is always experienced before the opening
of the campaign. The campaign is opened
now, and opened right by the candidate
received by Curator Harlan today. The
first Is written in lead pencil on hotel
paper and was written during one of his
liaises I, earn I Question.
The Morgan hotel In thla city was raided
hy the police. Now the guests have
brought suit against Phillip Morgan, pro
prietor of the hotel, for damagea. Charles
E. Damon and wife were among those
arrested. They have brought suit against
Morgan on the ground that as guests of
the hotel they were degraded and damaged
by the arrest and publicity. Morgan has
filed an answer In which he claims that ha
Is not responsible for the arrest and so
should not be held for damages.
Stolen Rlna; Returned.
When Mrs. Williams of West Seventh
street opened her front door today she
found a diamond ring that had been stolen
from her a week ago. The ring was found
lying In the middle of the front porch.
Iowa News Notes.
CRESTON Dr. M. M. Ferry, one of
Chariton's oldest and best-known citizens
and secretary of the Chiiiitmi srhnol
hoard, in in a crltictrl condition from a
recent stroke of paralysis.
Iowa conference of the Methodist Eplnco
pul church meets here this week. About.
Hot) members and their wives will uttend
besides r lurne number of luymen who
are Interested In securing the minister
wanted in each respective church.
CRESTON A new time card bocs Inlo
effect on the Burlington today. Sever il
main lino trains are affected hy the
change., hut only a few minutes In ca' tt
case, with the exception of No. 16. the
faat mall east. This train arrives twenty-one
in I nu ten later than fornifilyi,
CRESTON A. Latimer Wilson of this
fdaee, breeder and importer of fancy
lorses, has received word Unit his Inu-e
on exhibition In the Interstate Live Stock
show, now in session Ht St. Joaeph, Al,,..
hail received some of lite highest awards
and in so doing were champions over the
country's heat.
MARSHAL! .TO V N Fred W. Curtis,
a former well known farmer of LaMoille,
and later a snh-carrlcr In the local postof
fice, was today arrested and bound over to
the grand Judy on a charge of desertion
filed by Mrs. Curtis. Later Curtis waa sur
rendered by his bondsmen, and habeas cor
pus proceedings have been begun hy his
OSCEOLA Dr. W. F. Sells of thin
place has been Indicted by the grand Jury
charged with attempted criminal iiMvault
on Miss Stella Hartman of Clearfield,
who claims Hie attempt was made lit the
hoHpltil of Dr. Sella while she was under
the influence of an anesthetic. The young
woman la prominently connected and the
nffalr has created a sensation In both
Osceola and Clearfield.
MAR81IA1.LTOWN V. D. Tolel'. who
has been In Jail since July for the murder
of George V. Davis t lie killing being th,.
climax of the Iowa Central shop strike
was today Indicted for manslaughter by the
grand jury, which made liu finul report.
Edward Henry who is held In Jail on ih
charge of killing Mathias Skein waa alsi
Indicted for manslaughter. Four Indict
ments against saloons for breaking tba
mulct law were returned, as were more
than a dozen ol lifts, including one sgajnst
Paul Radlorf, for arson, for the burning
of I lie V. S. Gile barn and all ot Its con
tents several weeks ago.
Ilanareroaa SorHTery
In the abdominal region Is prevented by
the use of Dr. King's New Life PUIS, the
painless purifier. 21c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Governor of Mew- York to Include Ne
braska In Western Itinerary.
CHICAGO. Sept. IT.-GoVernor Hughes of
New York probably will' he In Chicago
Stlnday, October I, and speak , on moral
Issues before the Sunday Evening club. The
governor leaves New York tomorrow for a
flying trip through Indiana. Ohio, Michi
gan, West Virginia and Maryland. '
Other dates decided on 4n . Governor
Hughes' Trananilaslnslppt tour Include;
October R. St. Paul. Minn.:' October ,
Omaha. Neb.; October 7, Grand Island,
Neb.; Ortober 8, Wichita, Kan., He will
probably tipenk at Kansas. City and St.
Louis, probably on' October S and 10, re
spectively, although the latter two dates
have not been definitely fixed. ,
To Dissolve the I nlon
of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and
cure biliousness and malaria, take Electric
Bitters. Guaranteed. fyH. For sale hy
Benton Drug Co.
Mnfl ear-Old Danirernusly Hnrt and
May Die.
BOONE. Is.. Sept. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Edward Burns, a 9-year-old lad,
enroute to the district fair, was pounced
upon by a gHiig of young men supposed to
he high school boys and brutally assaulted.
The lad is in a critical condition. He was
taken home and a doctor called. He may
be fatally Injured. So far aa known he had
iloiie tirilhitiir to nrnvnlce the MMSAillt fh
i guilty boys are not known. Tha public Is
greatly aroused.
Twenty Tear of Hcnorraaful afusiaraa.
No eooneettoa with tha flras ailing there aalv The Clark Mertgage Cv
a XV. r. llALfcX. Mgr.
'BOTH TiiOXLa &U7.
ally, and takes
cuireiu events.
The leading evert In the younger society
circles Inst week waa the "Leap Year"
party given Tuesday evening at ihe home
of Miss Florence Lougee on Oakland ave
nue, by Miss Lougee and Miss Florence
Canning. The house was prettilv decorated
with goldenrod. The evening waa spent In
Iap Year games, and a daintv course
luncheon wss served. The guests wer
Misses: Etta Halrd. Via Arnold, Maraarlle Mary Chapman. Marlon Tilton.
Frances Richmond. Edna Orcutt, Hum
Hsrl. era Sounders. Lnrjr Spooner. fiylva
Harvey. Mnrgarlte Keellpe. Florence Otis.
Therest Kirrel. Florence Txvugee. Florence
fanning. Messrs: Howard Pitler Kenneih
I Harmon. George Phelps. Sidney Powell of
I I'mal a. Roy Gordon, llsrrv Cooper, ErmMn
P'lvdcr. Mr. t'aniel. Mr. Cu'chenn. Adam
rvnn:s Miacner. Kolnn litis Theivtore RL-
Jo n Mavn. Vre( Msjue. Tnomss Haivey
i. n a Jehu L'
The Same
I Wasaassjranrs .sji si Wliai-sa mm mm m WPW I 1 1 inWWisanrssJBWSMrsy
I 11 J w.-ia l,.hHf.( 'fctM.i, TI .Uil I r liilf mi m.
Words of Praise have ever prevailed in advertising copy
Tliftt a producer should wax enthusiastic over his own wares it J
rniman. Rut- it's; the nra!ti et tfi rrmnmr trial -i -- '
and it is to & discriminating and critical public that "BlttpP
refers you. , "'
It is safe to say that no product, of any kind, eniovs.a.
more enviable reputation than does this same Blatz Deer of ;-J
Milwaukee in markets where it is offered.
Its self-evident honesty of purpose, purity, brilliancy, body
and every other attribute that goes to make a perfect beer are?
ever in evidence.
Cultivate the "Blatz Sign Habit" Watch for the name ask
for any of these brands, whether on draught or bottled: Wiener.
Private Stock, Export, Muenchener.
802-10 Douglas Strert, Corner 8tli. l'hono Douglas 6002, Omaha, Neb.
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