THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 100. Uf i. t. arch In hsttl 1 1 ii r through Ih founds end I'xik at Ilia Country Ctrru. thl mi tli ran I and f"0 pesnuts to the i.'Tliruit. . Fsgies fly on Balitriis). ami John f i tli 111 will tell Imw he did It ut at Seattle, New winxa hav been rleteO fcr the llitla and Ultra will be sm mighty high soaring. Carnival Chief Dumpsry and liia force of forty policemen hava maintained good older on tbe carnival grounds. Saturday night Is usually a had night on the grounds; I-t, Saturday . night. v.owver. hilarious celebrator . wer pl h.l up ax f.'t in their enthusiasm gut the liettar i.f l heir good Judgment and they were sn orted out of the ground Several parties I; id to be taken oit the turnstiles, and ih penalty will ha a close watch on them when they return. This means there will le l!ttle danger of an.tftne getting hurt r anyone annoyed by rude conduct. Onrn ll Chief Detnpscy wfll nut aland for It. 'I lia police ara ao numerous on the ground It la practically Impossible" for a disturber to g-t away wltll the good. Hut this clone surveillance by the pjllce ill not In the Imst interfere with the vnjojiix nt or riot of fun usual at H c urni val. It permits f un ' without any rough ly s or unseemly conduct. Everything Reata (annaf. Sunday wa a quiet day of reat on the carnival ground. The. Indiana with the California Jack show paraded up and down the grounds, covered with tiietr blankets, ii nd prepared and ate a feast In the open 'uteide their tent. They spent the balance uf I lie day Walking around town gaging nt the wonders wrought by tha hand of the white man. At the 1 la! I Country Circus the animals wre given a rest and the big alx ton ele ) linn t was allow 4 to lie down in the dust and disport himself like n kitten. He will not he curried until this morning. Some of the exhibitors put the finishing tnuc'urs on thi lr booths and prepared for a tin week. While the restaurant did a fair Vusinesa hy selling to the. exhibitor and l.j'i'i employes. GOMPERS FINISHES TESTIMONY ai (JsIt Tlmne lie Met Van I leas e Latter Didn't Want to Shake Haada. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2T.-Presldent Qoni pera of the American Federation of Labor tolay closed his testimony before Examiner Harper In the labor contempt proceedings with tha denial of a statement attributed to Broughton Brandenburg of New York to the effect that he ((jumpers) had at tempted to bribe Brandenburg rather than that ha (Brandenburg) had attempted to bribe Gompera. Mr. Oompers also Identi fied Mr. Brandenburg aa the nan who he said had been charged with manufacturing a letter from the late U rover Cleveland xtolllng Judge Taft as a presidential can liriate. Attorney Davenport, for the prosecution, questioned Mr. Oompers concerning his personal feeling toward James W. Van Cleave of the National Association of Man ufacturers which Mr. Oompers declared to be devoid of malice. He had met Mr. Van Cleave only once, and that while he spoke to him with cordiality. Mr. Van Cleave had appeared very reluctant to shake hands with htm. Mr. Oompers Insisted upon giv leg the details of his meeting In opposition to Mr. Iavenport's protest, who pro lonnced the proceeding as "unseemly." "Anything within the bounds of reason would he considered 'unseemly' by you," retorted Mr. Oompers shortly. MAKES WAY WITH HORSt'S TAIL Joke Played hy Voanar Woman Lands Towngc Mas) In Haada of Polio. A new stunt 1 not Interesting the po lks, t least the carnival force. Instead uf bodily removing some noble specimen of the equine tribe, the "horse thief" who was a: reiied on the carnival grounds Sat urday night merely carried away the vie ihle portion of a merry-go-round pony's spinal column. Sergeant ..Haye of the police force took a young man to the police atatlon from the King's highway last evening on com plaint of the proprietor of the nierry-go-round. who said the man had put the tall uf a "horse'" In hi pocket and walked away. II franftnlr. thfet th AM.-.c Af IVim Ipmililn I was found In the young man's pocket, but ! l.u ' UJ a 1 1 lnrtm.lA,1A It , 1 1 I The oung woman whom he was escorting cleared up matters somewhat by explain ing that she discovered the wooden beast's tail was loose, and put It In hi pocket a Joke, By using th various deparunenta of Th Bee War.t Ad Pages you get the best re sult at the lesst expense. MacIMarmld'a Case for Trial. MARSHALLTOWN.'t.. Sept. 27. (Spe cial. ) In' the assignment., of .'the first criminal rase 'of thb 'term 'la tbe dis trict i-ouTt fod,sy. the';us'agalnit Dr. Htuart B.'MacTHarmlil and ponalj A. John son, both-of Omaha, for-alleged infrac tion of, the' savings ba,rik,laa were set J for this and next week. MacDtarmld's case ' Is; fixed to be;tn my Saturday nd j .lohnsofi'vN-aoe la scheduled Tor Octobe 3. Both 'were arrested Snd'ttidl. ted for their ctUweeftlsa with th failure of the Green Mountain Having bank ' last ' Win ter, (it whtrh MacDIarmld wM president, snd Johuofl csshler. . ' MacDiasinld " was Indicted on four counts, which i-Kn4rrrJury and intseonduct in operating a. avln laak. Johnson was Indicted on three count. Their cases' wilt attract arid .attention here.' Both havr beta put on- bond for several mouth ; r ,i . k ' ( ,,Hlll TO K.VT. ill tarring- ea XU-SUtd rood. "Pvera)?year ago 1 waa actually starving rlt a Me girl, "yet dared not eat for fear of consequences. "I hd., suffered from Indlgeatlon from overwork,' trNigulsr meal and Improper food. untiVvgf lost my stomach became so weak- icou)d tat Scarcely any food without great dlstreoa. "Many kinds of food were tried. U with th aamo discouraging effects. I steadily lust health and strength until I was but a wreck f my former aelf. "Having heard of Grape-Nuts and its great merit. 1 purchased a package, but with little hop that It would help me 1 was discouraged. 'I found It not only appetising but that 1 could et It aa I liked and that it satis fied th graving for food without causing dlitrea. and If 1 may use the expression "it filled th bill." "For months Grspo-Nuta wa my princi pal arttel of diet I felt from th very first that 1 had found th right way to health arul happiness, and my anticipa tions wer fully real teed. "With Ita continued use 1 regained my usukl hsjtn fcd atrangth. Today I am well and caa oat anything 1 Ilka, yet Orape-Nuts food forma a part of my bin of far." "There a fteaaon." Niui given by Postum Co, Battle Cre.k. Mich., Bead "Th Bond tu Well UU," In pkgs. Kier reil tbe abovo loiter? A aew une appear from time) to tint. Ttiey are g-nutn, trie, nd full of buuiaa lotcrt-k i PROPOSED GIFT TO THE STATE Gorernment May Tnrn Over Property of Indian School at Genoa. NEW PROBLEM FOR LEGISLATURE ftperaletlna as la I e thai (an Be Mania of tha Balldl las ainal Graaada hr . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. :;.(8ptclal. In thla day of fast multiplying stale institutions Ooernor Sheldon may have another to he disposed of by the next Icglslatuie. In hla message to the legislature he may include a recommendation for the disposal of the Oenoa Indian school, building and grounds by the slate. In oil probability the govern ment will turn the property over to the atute free of charge. Then the qutstiou of its use hy the state will come before the legislature. The government I giving up Its tndlsn school property throughout the country and the only one of the kind In Nebraska, that at Genoa, Nance county, may be turned over to the slate without price. Tho Increase In state Institutions and Stat departments has been somewhat rapid dur ing" the last ten years, but thus far there appear to be room for more. What shall he legislature do with the Genoa Indian school property? At the last session of the legislature there was a hill for the creation of an Institute for dipsomaniac and epilep tics. P itue talk of a division of the Home for the Friendless snd the hospital for crippled children, now maintained at t.ln-col-i. and a new deal for the Industrial School for Women was discussed, but no change was made. The dipsomaniacs which the atate has assumed control over, not withstanding the opposition of many mem bers' of tho legislature, are cared for only at the LhioMln hospital for ti e Insane. It has been argued that the epileptic patients at all of the Insane hospitals of the elate should he scsregated. There has been talk of a ststo hospital for consumptive wards of the Mate, but no action ha been taken. The farm land and the buildings at the government school t Genoa can be ued to good advantage by the atate If the legis lature will only decide what purpose the property Is best suited for. There appear to be plenty of Normal school property at Peru and Kearney and plenty of room for soldiers snd sailors at Grand Tsland and Milford. Towa has assumed rontrol of Its dipsomaniacs and Nebraska lias followed this example, and if tiie plan la tT he con tinued the Geno school property may be made useful for this purpose. Governor Sheldon ha received word from the general government that If the state hae any ue of the Genoa property It may have the same providing congress will pass a b'U making the donation. Governor Sheldon favors ad dltlonnl experiment stations of the staff farm, but Oenoa is considered to be too far east for thla purpose. Farmers Keek to Kade Flood. HI'MBOLIJT, Neb.. Sept. IT. (Speclal.) Farmers along the Nemaha valley ad jacent to thla city have started a move ment to straighten the channel of the Ne maha lietween Dawson and the Pawnee county line, following the example of their neighbor toward the east end of the county, who have auecesafully paseed through the miration period and are now letting the contract for the actual work. The numeroua flood of the spring and summer stimulated the sentiment here abouts and it only needed some one to make the start, and the promoters say they are getting the signature from the farmers as fast as they cn be Interviewed, no one showing opposition. It Is a most unusual condition, as ordinarily some have ob jection. The valley farmer gree that the crop losses this season would hve gone far toward putting in the ditch. Haaaboldt Hotel Changes. HI'M'BOIjDT, Neb., Sept. 27. (Special.) The Central hotel, Humboldt' second ho tlery, today passed under the control of Mrs. Fva J. Davison, who come from Falls City. Both the Central and the Park are owned by Dr. J. K Candy, who la ualng every effort to keep both running In grod shape. Mrs. Davison ha had many years experience In the boarding house business. West aide Location Wlas. DAVID CITT. Neb., Sept. 27.-(Speclal Telegram.) Tha popular vote on location of the new gymnasium and library In David Cty resulted In a victory for the west side of the square. Out of 3,100 vote cast S.T44 wer for this location. Nebraska Mens .totes. M'COOK The first examination of ap plicants for carriers for the McCook pout office waa held here today, aixteen person appealing to take -the same. Individuals coming trom Iowa and Colorado for the purpose. City delivery will toe established In this city November 15 with three carrier. M'COOK 1'nlted State Senator Norri Brown delivered an able and eloquent po litical address In this city laat night be fore a large Slid appreciative audience. It was a brilliant and masterful effort, the first of the campaign In this city, and waa received with much satisfaction by re publican, who were greatly pleased with our Junior senator's presentation of re publican doctrine and recital of republican accomplishments. RKPl'BLICAN CITY Thl section of the country waa visited laat night and thla morning by a big rain. . NKHHASKA CITT-Waiter C. Rockwell and Mias Laura Alber of ' Avoca. wi united in marriage today In' th German Lutheran church in North Branch precinct, in the presence of a Urge number of friends. The contracting partlea are lead era uf society In that part of th county and well-io-do. They will lake trip couth and return heme next month. NFBRASKA CITV-Mary Carlon ha filed a suit in the district court against iter husband. Carl Carlson, charging de Cvrlioii and nonaupport. 8h sets up . in ner petition that ttiey were marrieu on May 10. 1WJ, snd that the defendant re luted to pay the marrlkg licenee fee and kit her shortly after the marriage. , NKBIIASKA CITY Hairy Frayer. an employe of the Morton-Grrgaon Packing company, had hie right leg broken, Satur day, by the kick of a horse. A son of lOmK'h Rue l ell last evening and broke botl) arms. NEBRASKA CITY-The members of Klin Camp, No. . Woodmen of th World, held unveiling ceremonies at Wyuka cemetery today. Die ceremony was very Imposing and a number of monuments were unveiled snd seversl prominent speakers were pres ent and delivered addresses. NEBRASKA CITY-Thia city Is suffer ing from an ice famine and the he men have given notice that they will be a.ble to supply Ice. but a short time longer, be esuse they cannot purchase it anywhere. They have been shipping In Ice for some time. The crop which they harvested last winter waa small. NKHRA8KA CITY The Chrlatlan Scien tist are laving a foundation for their new church at ti e corner of Twelfth etreet and First avenue. It will be one of the finest church edifices in the city when completed. HI'MBOlJT Mr. Etta CUrk. who died st her new home in Corvallis. Ore., was brought back to thla city for burial. In terment being at the cemetery near Kalem. She wa a daughter of Mr. Ann Baoon of Nlma City, o member of one of the pioneer families of southeastern Nebracka and left but a few years ago for the weal ern home. She left a husband and several small children. Death vaine suddenlv, shs being found dead In bed when lh family roue for 1 1 . morning. GIBBON Over an inch of rain fell here yesterday afternoon snd last n'ght, break ing the lung dry aped snd putting every body In good spirits once more. GIBBON The old Normal college bci I ki ln ia a thing of the past. Tha last of (lie ffia!i.m waa rmotd- Vri,tw l oi l lurubvr Is Uetng d(n-'rj ut i, nyoo desiring It. The ground la now teadv for excavating for the. new modern awhool building. Bhl will he opened. October , and work commenced as soon mm possible. The old Presbyterian church Is alau being torn liown and wilt he replaced by a fine cement block church, modern In every way. C. A. Merct-r Is making the blocks. At the Theaters aadellle at the Orphean. King Ak-far-Bcn XIV. Samson, hi chamberlain, all his subject nd those who com to trd the King's highway, could visit the Oipheuiu theater this week and feel well repaid for their trouble. A special Ak-Sar-Ben bill has been prepared for Or pheum patrons for the week and there Is not a poor number In it, all of the per formers being "stars" in their lino. Th bill opens Willi a novelty act of a new sort. J.i k Connelly and Miss Mar garet Wehh furnishing entertainment for half an hour. Mr. Connelly personates famous composer of music. Illustrates on the piano dime novel tsle. accompanies Mis Webb In n variety of fun, and close by throwing all -the stsge effects in dire confusion by the use of unseen threads. Closely following this act, William II. Thompson, in old favorite in Omaha, ap pears In an act entitled ' For love's Sweet Pake." Mr. Thompuon wa last seen in Omaha with Anne Russell In "A lioyal Family," anj when he made hla first ap pearance at the Orpheum Sunday was greeted with a round of applause. A depth of pathos Is shown In "For Love Sweet Sake." a play In which Thomas It. Ince Is associated Willi Mr. Thompson. Leon T. Roger, "the human orchestra." furnishes another novilly act. By whist ling or humming he imitates the music of the 'cello, the trombone, the piccolo and a number of other instrument. Another mu sical number is furnihed by Alf Grant and Kthel Iloag. Mr. Grant, however, fur nishing more monologue than music, and funny monologue at that Itallen mid Hayes tire (he clog dancers for the week and they present some new steps and seem never to tire, their act he. ing long. Trick bicycle riding by the Baader-Lavelle trio makes the spectators hold Ihclr breath while witnessing some of their startling feats, as I also the case wltli the Patty Frank troupe of Vienna gymnasia, who do some rxp-rt tumbling. LAW KF()H(H1IKT MStiDRD ner. Conler Say Obedience to Law Will Be 1 alversal In Heaven. "The Coming of the Kingdom of God on Karth" was the theme of the Sunday morning sermon by Rev. J. XV. Conley at the First Baptist church. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will he done in earth os it Is in heaven" was taken as the text of a sermon In which Dr. Conley analyaed the various theories of the coming of the kingdom of God on earth. "I fear the Lord prayer Is too often repeated without thought of its mean ing," said Dr. Conley. "Some think they have outgrown the Lord s prayer, but the real trouble with them is that they have not grown up to It. The coming of the kingdom ia seen by faith for It Is the work of faith to have visions. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. The prophets of old were not visionary men, but were men who had visions. "Thy kingdom come In earth Is not a vision of something in the future, but something which will happen on this erth, when the will of the Lord will be done voluntarily on earth. We Insist th need of the hour In America today is an enforcement of the law. The present campaign centers around the need of law enforcement. Law have to be enforced, for there are law breakers and moral de geneates on all side. The moral laws In heaven operate as smoothly as the physical law, because there all Is har mony. v "When heaven la reached on earth there will be universal obedience of law and there will be no dark places of paganism. When heaven comes to earth the swords will then In truth be beaten Into plow- hares. Can our great cities exist with out slums of iniquity? Can the selfish ness of man be ao eradicated that the kingdom of God will be here In town, or must w elook for an endless growth of decsy? "We believe faith is the substance of things hoped for and we believe It be cause of the life of Jesus Christ and be cause of the love and power of Ood and the present power of the Holy Gmwt. If we did not believe these things our live would be those of desolation." "I.OVB" III SOl'M) BVSIF.S POL1CT Her. V. T. Boas S.y. Thl. ,. In Evident Evorr Day. "When I was a boy I got the Impreaslon that rllglon was a kind of artificial sen. timent that might or might not have a Place In a man'a life according to hla deatre. I believed In the law of gravity the law of the tides., the law of tho winus, me lawa of nature; but I did not eee any law or order la religion. 1 thought It was a sentiment. It was only in later year that I realised that there wa law and order and necessity In re ligious thing really a in material thing." Thla was the opening sentence of an addres by Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, D. D at the Young Men Christian association on 8unday pn the subject of "Love" the love that cornea with religious teachings and rellgloua life. "There i one principle, one word, one law I wish to apeak of tht will apply to the many aides of human relationship and that I love," said the apeaker. "Thla I true to uch n extent that It has been well said: 'Love is the fulfilling of the law.1" The speaker then briefly showed tha value of love and courteay In busl neaa, social, domestic and public life. "So In all departments of life we ar finding that lov 1 th beat policy. It ia better to have the good will of China commercially than to have Its hate. It would hay been cheaper to have bought all the alavea than ,to have fought the south. Our courta are finding that mercy I better than Judgment. Turkey ha found tht liberty and fraternity la bet ter than hate, suspicion and tyranny." OKLAHOMA THIEVES ARE BUSY Two llaadred and Klarht Horace Stolen In Two Week I Hecord. Ml'SKOGEE. Okl.. Bept. IT.-Hors thieve hav carried on their depredations In all part of Oklahoma recently to an extent not equalled since the frontier day, according to a statement Issued here to day by B. B. Ramsey, sheriff of Muskogee county. Sheriff Ramsey says that within th last two weeks he ha received reports of 3 horses stolen In different part of the date. "It la evident," said hs."tha organised gang of thieve, tempted by the prevailing lilgli price of horse, ar com mitting th depredation, but ao far we have been unable to run the thieve down. ' HealOv klaney filter the Impurttlaa frost th blood, and unl they do thl. gocl health ia Impossible. Foley' kidney cur make ound kidney and will poaltlvely cure all form of kidney and bladder dis eases. It (trtnathens th whol system. Ail druggists . By ualng tha various department of Th Be Want Ad Pe you get the boat re- J suits at th least expense. JAMES CARLANl) NOT GUILTY Man Charred with Murder of John Sanderson Acquitted. VERDICT CAUSES GREAT SURPRISE Jadae Hosteller, In DUcharglnai Jory, Has a ftrlevona Mistake Has Been Made Stain on White Robe of Jostlce. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Sept. i',. (Spe cial Telegram.) A most unusual ond dramatic seen took place In dlstilct court here last night when the Jury in the case Of .lames Carland, charged witli the murder of John Sanderson March :'S. brought In a verdict of acquittal after being out thirty-six hours. Judge Hos teller whs almost dumbfounded with sur prise and in a voice of surpreabcd emo tion addressed the Jury, In part, fol lows: "Gentlemen, you arc dlscnarge.i from the further consideration of tlili case. Goodbye; I bellev. however, that as Judge of this court and as a con servator of the law It is my solemn duty to say that I believe a ino-t grievous mistake has been made. ' I "believe tha evidence In this case Justified beyond a doubt the conviction of the defendnnt of murder Ih the first degree. I believe the evidence of onie fifteen reputable of Broken Bow who were eye.-witnest s to the sceno Instead of the unccrroborar d evidence of the defendant himself. A the crime remains unpunished, th.? white robe of Justice has the blood stains of a victim upon Its folds. God pity Koclety when trembling men refuse to do their duty and enforce the law." Here the Judge, overcome with indignation, com pletely broke down. The verdict is a startling .-ui prise to the people of Broken Bow. TAFT IN ST. PAUL (Continued from First Page.) ltlr, In schools. In business and other wise, to a subordinate government of the I'nltcd tats. In whlcii, under our system, the church must be entirely separate from the stnte. It seemed Impossible to find any one with sufficient authority In the Islands to effect a proper settlement of these mat ters and It was proposed to send an agent cf tho government to the head of the Roman Catholic church to secure some au thoritative action and agency by which the result desired could be obtained. The president and Mr. Root were anxious to bring this about, but they hesitated, reluc tant to arouse any sectional feelings against a course which seemed to recog nize the head of the Roman Catholic church ns one with whom we could have diplomatic relutlons, something contrary to the precedents In our government since Ha be ginning. Accordingly they ' consulted the ministers of meat of the leading Protestant churches, explained the difficulties arising and the necessity for the action proposed and procured from them assurances that they would stand by the government In tak ing the very common sense course the American course of dealing with the man who had the authority to act. and I was designated as the agent of the government. I went to Rome and effected a general understanding a to what wa to be done and waa prepared when the apotollc dele gate came to the Philippines to close with him, after a great deal of negotiation, tho contracts of the etthmcnt which, I do not think it too much (TV say, brought about a result which ws Just both to the church and to the people of tho Islands and the government of the United States. I venturo to think that but for the spirit of tolerance, both on the part Of the Protectant denomi natlnna and the Roman Catholic church that now prevail in this country, uch a result could not have been obtained. It Is due to the spirit of Christian tolerance and it Is a condition In which we should all rejoice. 'Now the Young Men's Christian as sociation, with no denomination distinc tion, has done much to contribute to the spread of thl spirit of tolerance and It Is to be commended, becaus It ha done so." Good Work In Panama. Referring to his experience on the Isth mus of Pnam-. Mr. Tft said: "There we hd to Introduce 35,000 people into a trip, fifty mile long and ten mllea wide. In a series of seventeen towns, or these 33.0UO, perhaps lo.OCO were Americana and Ht.000 tropical negroes and Spaniard and Greeks, a community In which vice would be triumphant in a month unless some thing radical was used to stop It. We or ganised club and put In charge graduate of Young Men' Christian association. Four of these are very large and are doing most excellent work on the Isthmus, and will now have to be fcdded to by three or four more. I have .been In them and have seen their work; and I cannot speak too highly of the real' good they are doing. They are a full Justification for the ex penditures which' thl secretary of war and the commission have ; authorised In build ing the bulldlnga .anA , paying the young men . who are carylnf on thl work. In addition to that we jay and employ a many a ten or a don minister of var ious denominations end furnlah them churches, because we:ffnd that the Incul cation of a moral, religious tone among the people and the maintenance of higher standard of living by . the presence of churches and auch Younug Men's Chris tian club aa hava been established, make men ateadler, make them more effective tn their work for the government, and a a mere business proposition. Justifies th expenditure of the money devoted to the construction of the Canal for the purpose of farthering and making more certain that construction." Jadge'a Voter Improve. At the conclusion of his speech, Judge Taft . held a reception, meeting, among other, about eighty St. Paul ministers of all denominations. Quentln Roosevelt, the president's son, wss In the audience. He is Just getting back from a hunting trip In the northwest. Mr. Taft took him In hi automobile over4 to the West hotel In thl city. I Mr. Taft apeech at the Fowler Metho ilist Episcopal church Was on foreign mis sions. Judge Taft will leave here at I o'clock tomorrow for North Dakota. His princi pal meeting In that atate will be at Fargo, tomorrow night. Hi voice is considerably Improved. nlcld Follows llenroof. .MARPHALLTOWN, Ia.. Sept. 27. (Bn. clal.) Frank Canders. aged ii. of Rock Rapids. Ia., committed suicide lam night by drinking carbolic add at hi home five mile northeast of Rock Rapids. It la said that the young man had been in a poker gam In Rock Rapida and had loat all of hla money. Hla mother unit to town and found him In th game and took hint home with her. reprimanding him on th way for his misconduct. He grew sullen and morose, and on arriving horn he left hi mother to car for th team and went into tips granary, whr he drank the acid that killed him a abort tlm later. Hla acreama of pain at tracted tha family, but he waa dead b fr a physician rould arrtv. 'Boost your buais'ss with Ba Want Ads. Tomorrow the Doors will be Open to the Newest, Most Modern and Best Place to Dine in Omaha Tolf Hanson's Cafe 16th Street, Between Farnam and Harney Tho Finest French and German Cooking Perfect Service Snowy N apery Ideal Equipment The thousands who have admired its artistic exterior will be charmed with its perfect inner appointment. NOW IN READINESS TO SERVE 500 PERSONS MODERATE PRICES PREVAIL The Only Building in Omaha Designed. Built and Equipped Exclusively for a Restaurant FORMAL OPENING WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER BRYAN WRITES ROOSEVELT Nebraskan Makes Further Defense of Governor Haskell. SAYS EVIDENCE NOT CONCLUSIVE tiorrrnor lliighm la nrfrrrcd to as Crltlf anil Sot a lonstrnctlre Ptaieantan as Trust Are Against Him. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sent. ZT.-Defendln; hls knowirdge of UOvernor Haskell against the charges which have been brought against him, until the charge can be ex amined in tome court where partisanship does not bias, William Jennings Bryan, democratic candidate for president, on his way from Madison to thl city today gave out fur publication hi reply to President Roosevelt's recent letter In response to his telegram on the subject. Mr. Bryan speaks of the election of Mr. Haskell as the governor of Oklahoma and says: "The constitution wss adopted and Governor Haskell was elected In spite of the efforts of your administration and In spite of the speech made in Oklahoma by Mr. Taft." Mr. Bryan charge among other things that the 8leel trust, "with your express consent," purchased one of the largest rivals and thus obtained control of more than 60 per cent of the total output. He asks the president If he will Insist "that In permitting this, you showed less favor to the monopolistic corporation than I do In opposing It." Mr. Brynn abruptly charges that Gov ernor Hughes, quoted hy President Roose velt as having - "riddled the democratic trust remedy," was himself the bene ficiary of the trusts and cites the cam paign contribution to the Hughe election fund two years ago. Among these are J. p. Morgan, John P. Rockefeller. Andrew Car negie and William Kelson Cromwell. Mr. Bryan ssys that a th president quotes Governor Hughes he takes It for granted thst Judge Taft has not expressed himself Satisfactorily on the trust question. Text of Brxaa's Letter. Tht letter of Mr. Bryan is In part as follows: MILWAUKEE, Sept. 26, I9r.-Hon. Theo dore Roosevelt. President of the 1'nlted States, Washington, U. C Dear Blr: While I have not yet received your letter and shall not until 1 reach home next week I have read a copy of It In the press, and beg lenve to submit the following reply: Mr. Haskell, having voluntarily resigned from the committee that he might bo mora free to" prosecute those who have brought charge against him. I, need not discuss the question of his guilt or innocence further thn to sy that the public service he has rendered snd the vote of confidence he has received from the people of his state ought to protect him from condemnation until th charge can be examined In some court where partisanship does not bias and where campaign exigencies do not compel pre judgment. I would not deem It necessary to address you further, but for the fact that vou selxe upon the charges and attempt to make political capital out of them. Tou even charge that my connection with Mr. Haskell's selection s member of the resolutions committee and aa treasurer of the commute raises a Question as to my sincerity a an opponent of trusts and monopolies. As in individual bnd as the candidate of my party. I resent the charge and renel th Insinuation. I have been In nubile l'fe for eighteen years and I have been sufficiently conspicuous to make my conduct a matter of public Interest. I have psssed through ' wo political campaigns In which party feeling rsn high and eDithet wa exchanged. I hav no hesitstlon In saylna that vou cannot find sn act. a word or a hoiisht of mine to Justify your psrtl pmr rhsrae. I hsd never been Informed of any charge that had been made against Mr. Haskell connecting him with the standard Oil cora- fiany or with any other trut. I hsd known 1 1 m' as a leader In the constitutional con vention of Oklahoma hnd had known him as one of tha men principally responsible for that excellent const Union since adapted by a majority of over lOO.ofiO. 70.000 of which wits furnished by the republicans. I hsd known of his election to the governshlp of that great young state by a majority of some ),000. I had known that the constitu tion wa adopted and that Oavernor Haskell wa elected In spite of th effort of your administration. In spite of the pcha tnd In Oklahoma by Mr. Taft. Kaiaw Xotklaax of Salt. I could hav no knowledge of th suit to which you refer when he was appointed chairman of th resolutions commute of th democratic national convention, be cause the suit was begun while he wa at Denver and a a matter of fact I did not know anything of the nature of the suit until after he wa made treasurer of the national committee. You present an Indictment against our platform declaration on the trust qu.-etlon, but you do not refer to all th planks and do not deal Justly witli two, to which you do refer. Our piatfurm declares In favor of the vigoroua enforcement of the criminal law against "guilty trust magnates snd of ficials." Your platform does not contain any auch demand. Will you say that your platform la betier than ours In that re spect? Our platform demands that corpora tions beyond a certain sis be coniielled to sell at th same price in all parts of th oountry, due allowance being made for th cost of transportation. Will you deny that this I In the interest of th consumer and 1n the Interest of the smaller competi tors? W present a plan under which no corporation will be permitted to control more thau half of the total product. It haa been stated that the Hteel company, with your express consent, purchased one of Its largest rival and obtained control of mora than 6v per rent of tha total out- fut. Will you insisct that in permitting hi, yon howed less fsvor to th monopo listic corporations than i do In opposing them? ays Traats Ar Atpaiasl Hla. Tou aay: "Let ua rpt that no law-ds-fylcg corporation haa any other reason to fear from you eave what It will Buffer in th roral pralyis of business, etc." Referring to the last part of tha seutenc first. I might queatlnn your ability to act aa an expert on panic preventative, sine you nsw Lav on ua your hauls, but aa u your charge that do law -defying corpora tion ha reason to fear the direct effect of the anti-trust remedies which I favor, per mit m to auggest that your testimony on this subject is not conclusive. Tou ar a witness, to be sure, but your interest In the result of the election must b taken Into consideration in weighing your testi mony. There is better evidence. The trust tnsgnstes know their own interests and they are supporting Judge Taft. Not one of the trust magnates helped to secure my nomination, while it Is a matter of "com mon notoriety ' that they ivere. conspicuous In the republican convention and it is equally a mutter of "common notoriety" thst they are supporting your party In this csmpaign. If you will name a single of ficial connected with "a lw-dcfylng cor porsiloii," mnnnpnly or trust, wha has de clared or will declare" that he Is supporting me. I will publicly warn hltn that 1 will en. force Hgalnst him tbe present criminal law and will enwirco against i:m also the laws demanded In the democratic plstform as soon ns these laws can be enacted. -Moral lollft of a(loa. In conclusion you say you ask support for Mr. Taft "because he stands for the moral uplift of the nation, because hla deeds have made good his words and because the poli cies to which he ts committed are of tm measureable consequence alike to the honor id the Interests of tin whole American people." I dare tn compare my efforts for the moral uplift of the nation with his. my deeds with his deeds and the policies to which I am commit led with the policies which he Is committed and more than that 1 msy sssume that he will follow In your footsteps, I dare to compare my Ideal of the presidenccy with his. I do not regard It as proper for the president to use his prestige his Influence or his patronage to aid one member of his party as against another who aspire to office and I regard it as it violation of the obligation that the presi dent owe to the" whole people to use an office that belongs to the whole people as a party asset fur thp advancement of a per sonal friend and a political protege. Be lieving that the president should not he tempted to use that power for his own ad vantageand It is equally repugant to the spirit nt our Institutions that he should use it for any one else's advantage 1 tried to secure an amendment to the constitution limiting the president to a single term and I have announced In three campaigns that If elected I would not be a candidate for renominstlon. I believe that the occupant of so high an office, with such enormous power at hi commsnd should le absolutely frre to' devote himself unselfishly to his country's welfare and I am sanguine enough to believe that if entrusted with power I would be able to make my admin istration SJ successful that the members of my , party could, without intereference from rue select the one most worthy to carry on the work "begun by me-so successful tha' the administration would speak for Itself and that It would not be necessary for me to defend It hi bulletin or pronunclamentos. I think I could In this wsy give to the members of the opposite party, as well a to the members of my own party a "square deal." Very truly yours, W. J. BRYAN. MASS MEETING IN LONDON Three Honored Thoasand rersoas l'rotest Against Passage of Licensing Bill. I)N1XN. Sept. 27.-Of the gret demon atrationa held In Hyde Fark in recent years, that of today, to protest against the licens ing bill, was by far the largest, but It lacked the enthusiasm which was mani fested at the other gatherings, particu larly that of the suffragettes. Th crowd today wa estimated at 300,000, filling the open space, which stretched from Hyde Park corner to the marble arch. They came to thla section In four teen processions and In counties small groups, from all the nearby counties and all parts of the rnetroplls. Close to 200 special trains brought in those from the outside districts, who numbered fully 60,000, and who joined In the various pro cessions, which ware accompanied by 100 band. Ninety speakers declaimed against the bill at different central points for an hour or more, and at a bugle call a resolution condemning the bill was proposed arttl car ried with a great outburst of cheering. BABCOCK COMPANY ANCHORS Nebraska Power Promoters File Articles of Incorporation la Delaware. A certificate of Incorporation was granted to the Nebraska Power company by the atate of Delaware, Saturday. The capitalisation of the company Is fixed at 112,000.000. The purpose ate to con struct, acquire, own and operate hydro, electric power plants, together with every thing whatsoever pertaining there to. Tha Incorporators of the company are H. B. Babcock. Columbus, Neb.; W. J. Mc Kachron, Omaha; and Harry W. Davis. Wilmington. Del. Tha Corporation Trust company of America I named aa th agent in charge of the principal office of the company In Delaware. Marsballtowo Bowling; Association. MAR8HA1.LTOWN. la., Sept. 27. (Spe cial.) The second annual aeason of the Marshalltown Howling association will open on October 1. Either eight or ten teams will make up th aaaoclatlon, which haa elected th following officers: President, t'harlea Ullck; vie president. Dr. C. A. Colllson: aecretary and treas urer, J. F. Tailett. The schedule of gamea will be Issued In a day or two. Country Club Tkrae ! l.w-So. MrdliUB-B. Kicasr I Corliss-Coon ""ataa. . CollOfS 2-25c Rstaia Their Stylo i Boccos fully Combat Laundry Strain At Best furnisher STATE CAMPAIGN WARMS UP Senator Burkett Drawing Good Crowds in First District. PEOPLE COME OUT IN THE RAIN rolnts Oot Part Taft Ho Had In Work of ItnoseTelt Administra tion ana III Fitness to Contlnaa It. TECL'MSEH, " Nb Sept. r.-(SpeclA Telegram.) A large crowd greeted United States Senator Burkett here Saturday notwithstanding the rainstorm. Th ena tor spoke on both national and atate Issues and paid glowing tribute to Judge Taft and Governor Sheldon. In speaking of what might seem an apathetic condition In poli tic he aald It waa more Imaginary than real. Senator Burkett discussed at sormi length tho new legislation that congress has enacted and the great work of President Roosevelt and th Important part that Sec retary Taft ha played In it all. ' Ie said that the fundamental Idea of thla pro gressive legislation had been thoroughly es tablished by President Roosevelt, but that It needed th5 hand of Secretary Taft to tarry' it to successful and effective ends. The speaker was loudly and frequently ap plauded and his address elicited many com pliments. Taft t'lob at Beatrice Meet. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 37.-(Specil.) A meeting of the Taft club was held last evening. W. H. Kllpatrick tendered his resignation a president for th reason that he is away from tha city a good share of the time, but the club would not accept hla resignation. Upon motion of Fulton Jack three new vice president wer elected to assist the president at the meeting.' They are 8. C. Smith, Fulton Jack and t. S. Dalbey. The officer and the executive oommJttee of the Taft club will meet Monday at 10 o'clock, when arrangement will be made for the meeting of Judge Tft, who will r rlve In Beatrice at :!) Thursday morning. It I planned to erect a platform near the Burlington depot and to decorate the city with national color in honor of the distin guished visitor. An effort will be made to have tho factories, business houses ami achools dose during the brief tay of the presidential party In order that all may be able to hear the speaker. By using th various departmenta of Th-.-Bee Want Ad Pagas you get the beat re sult at th least expense. FLEET IS NEARING MANILA Battleships In Wireless Commoalca tloa with 7.amhonasa Monday . ' Mornlngr. MANILA, Sept. 88. The Zaboanga wire less ststlon was in touch with the At lantic battleship fleet at t o'clock (Mon day) morning. The location of the fleet waa not revealed. APIA. Samoa. 8ept. 21. Via Auckland, New Zealand, Sept. 27. Several vesaela of the American Pacific fleet. Including the crulaer Tennessee, the flagship oC the ec and division, In command of Rear Admiral Sebree and the Washington, the Whipple and the Hopkins, have arrived here, tho residents of Apia giving the Americana a hearty greeting. i sl Take I.Jf glass upon aruinjj in tbe morning and enjoy good health all day It U The Best Natural Laxative Water FOR CONSTIPATION FOOD FOR Weak and nervous rata who find tlistr power t NFIfVFC work and yuuthfui vigor '--"' sons as a rssult uf over work or mental exertion should tsk iRAT 8 NE.HVE FOOD PIIXS. The Will Hkak you cat and slsep -and nan sgsln. St Bos j 8 be 1-60 by mat I. UBBtAK a suoomrMi oaua co co. 1 Vh and Oodga Btrest OWL DIDO UOatrAsrr Cor. ltn an Harney St. Caaba. STtfc. (tag 'raoa. Iap?nt A-14M. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE ' Mat. Svary Say. tilsi I very Xtgat StlS BIO AK-SAJK-BEsT BO.Ii , Mr.W. Jt. Thompson a Co.. 1'ntty frank Troupe. Alf. tJrant and Fthel Iloag, Hl ln Hayes. Basder-ba Veils Trio. 1.i, T. Kog. Jack Connelly. aa4 Margaret Webb, and Kinndrome. rmicxa los, uc, to. N